Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 18 Nov 1880, p. 2

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BIBHMIJNI] HILL POST OPPIBE Going South: West and East minclmb ing Maple, .Thomhill. Toronto. v Markham, &c. ., Going North » Gold South,Eafi m'Jd Westum above) at 7:00 N.) .â€"1{egiabe1ted.Le.t-ters must. be handed in at least. Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Richmond Hill Post Office, M. ’l‘EEFY an 19th 1880. Postmaster LA W CONCERNING NEWSPAPERS , 1. Any person who takes a. 1m 91' regularly from a. post office, whether directe in his nalme or another’n. or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsil 10 for payment. L 2. If a. person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all arrears, or the publishers may con- tinue to send it until payment is made, and then collect the Whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. .' 3. The courts' have decided that refusing to take newspapers or Reriodicnls from the ost‘ oflice, or removing an leaving them uncn led for, is prima. facie evidence of intentional fraud. .f’OST OFFICE NOTICE Rewardâ€"~14 H Knefler. The talk of the townâ€"Reynolds & Newton. Money to Loanâ€"J K Fulconbridge Note Lostâ€"R Smutenburgh Purse Lostâ€"R Stoutenburgh metedn‘ucffiu & Whitehgnd. _ T H U RSDAY. NOV., 18,, 7 ACCO UNT‘S.â€"â€"‘Paftics indebted to this’ofiicc for adiertisiwg, job dork, (ind subscriptions, will coilfi’r a fabor by paying the same. Now that it has been decided to build a new Court House, it is not out ‘of place to have the question of County Senaration discussed at the enming municipal elections. The County Coun- cil appear to be strongly in favor of erecting a suitable building iti the city. If the city would hear a fair, share of the cost, there would not be so much reason for agitating in favor ofa separa- tion from. the city. But it appears that the city authorities are inchned. to shirk the share they should justly pay, and instead of raising twoétliirds, $200,000, they want the County to raise thewhole $300,000, and trust to the city repaying twoâ€"thirds in twenty years or so, or perhaps never repaying it, whichlis ,far more likely,â€"judging from the way in which the County has been treated in times past. About a year ago an 'agi- tation was aroused in favor of separaâ€" tion, and amongst those who joined the ranks of the separationists, and spoke strongly 1n favor of separatlon were some ‘ of the most prominent and influential men in Aurora, and inany leading men in this newhbm hood Messrs. I) Boyle, R Marsh, J Duncan, W Trench, and others. In Thornhill and neighborhood the. leading men were strongly in favor of separation, and had there been sufli- eient time, the huestion would have as- sumed much better shape than it. did, But the expressmns of the large deputa- tation which waited on the Attorney-- General in January, ‘clearly showed how public feeling was leanrng. If the rate- payers ever intend to do anything in the matter, now1s the best time to bestir themselves. \V 1th a $300,000 Court House in Toronto the County is bound to the city forever. If there is no action , taken in the matter of separation, those who are agitating for the secession of North York will have a much easier battle to fight, and will doubtless succeed in their design of splitting the County into two insignificient Counties, instead of leaving it the leading and greatest County 1n the Province. Let this ques- be agitated at least, and ascertain the feelings of the ratepayers, when the facts have been placed before them. The duestion should be a leading one at the Municipal elections, although there is very little doubt but that the majority of the representatives in the County Council would favor separation from the city in preference to the secession of the northern part of the County. “’0 notice by posters that a mass meeting is called for Tuesday evening, 23rd inst, in the Grand Central Hall, Richmond Hill, and: Mr Wm Trench will take the chain.- MessrsA Boultbee, M. P. N. C. Wallace M. P. GBadgerow, M P. P.. and]? Patterson, M. P. 9., are ex- pected to att.cnd The pics and cons will be discussed, and 1t will be decided what action will be taken. Until Iurther notice, Mails will be closed at the Hanlan is again victorious. having bealoq Tric‘kett very easily, on Monday last by thre'e bout lengths, on the Thames, London, Eng. He is now the champion of the world. Hundreds of thousands of dollars ‘were won by Torâ€" ontonians: Gooderhamis reported to have won 830, 000. Hanlan Wlll have a grand receplioo on his ‘arziival’ home about Christmas. He is undoubted- ly the best oarsmau in the W01ld and has only to row againsi time, ufitil his fecordis complete. The Stellerton Mine, N. 8'. took .fire émd has been burning fiercely for severâ€" al days. Many miners were killed. Steam pumps are pouring millions of {mllons of water down the shafts. COUNTY SEPARATION. May 19th 1880‘ am: 2m gamut NEW ADVERISEMENTS Richrfiav’aa Hm. oht. MORNING EVENING AS FOLLOWS ‘Xr‘ 1880. Parliament is expected to assemble on the 9th of Dec”, when part1culars of the bargain made with the Canada Pacific Railway Syndicate will be laid before1 the House. Meanwhile some of the Re- form papers very unwiselyi make all kindsot statements regarding the barwain and then proceed to argue that the terms they have manufactured to suit their own purpose. are likely to ruin the country. It would be much better to ‘say nothing about what the terms are l until they know something of what they are writing about. The chances are that. the Dominion will not be knocked into aeocked hat exactly next month, or for that matter, for a few months lyet. Keep cool, gentlemen, especially I our bucolic friend across the way. The champion “local” stealer of the County. the Richmond Hill LIBERAL was kind enough to devote a little over a column to the Aurora Bouums and YonK HERALD in its issue of two weeks ago. It commences with a "communicat1o11” evi-- dnntly written in the office. and finishes by af‘comment” on the communication. All! this outburst is due to the fact that we ‘ drew the attennon of our, contemporarv to its confirmed custom ofclipping from other papers without giving: them credit {01 the items We are glndto obsetve, that our remarks appear to be doing some good, as during the last couple of issues it actually credited several of its exchanges With what it got from them. This 15 the first time in our recollection that it has (lone such a thing, except on very occasional instances; The gentlemen who writes the “comment." in quest1on (whose style we think we recoâ€" gnize) says he dtd not consider our temarlrs worthy oi a passing notice. To show how ‘ sincere he 1s in thi 5 statement, he goes on to notice them for about hnlfa column ex- clusive of the so-called correspondence He also says'he would prei'er passing a miserable insinuation‘that the HERALD is illegally published without notice and then immediately states with the utmost venom 111th he ptetends are facts in tegmd to the publication of that joutnal. The LIBERAL never asked us to point out where he had copied from us Without giving credit. As .a‘matter of fact it has done this so often that 1t would fill up our paper pretty well to give all the instances. The Newmarlret Em rebuked the LIBERAL for exactly the same thing some weeks ago and crossed it out of its exchange list. T he remarks made me having an effect at all event; for the LIBERAL man is improving in this 1espect 1t noes so farm fact this time as to etedil a correspondent with a letter which we have no satin}; was written in the LIBERAL office. This friend Lines“. is going a little‘further than Was necessary ; but petlmps you are trying to make up for the faults of making people believe you w1ote what in tact you stole from others. by trying to palm oi'fas a "communication” what 111 reality 15 an editotial comment on your own petty latcencies. The following is the reply of the Aurora Boreal'is to the very abusive and untruthful article which appeared in a late issue of the Liberal. The Aurora man can count one ahead, so far. Two new Ministers, Messrs. Mousâ€" seau and Citron have been sworn in to fill vacancies,â€"-and following this have come certain changes in portfolios. Hon Mr Mosseau takes the Presidency of the Council; Hon Mr Caron, Minister oi" Militia ; Sir . lex. Campbell, Postâ€" Master-General ; Hon John O'Connor. Secretary of State; Hon Mr Aikins, Minister of Inland Revenue. The other members of the Cabinet retain the posi tions heretofore held‘ by each. Writs for elections in the constituencies which Messrs Mosseau and Caron represented, have been issued; and the nomination fixed for the 20th inst. THURSDAY, Dcc., 2nd.â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, etc., the property of Mr David Eyér, at Lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham. Sale at 10 o‘clock. $7 and under, and potatoes, cash ; 11 months on all sums over. S. Eckardt, Auct. TUESDAY. Nov. 23rd.-â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implemenls, etc , at Lot 2], Finche’ s corners, Yonge stmet. the pro-- petty of MI Chas. Dewsbury. Sale at. 1 o clock. $5 and undex cash, over that 3 months’ credit. A House and Lot will also be sold. Terms made known on day of sale. S. Eckardt, Auct. See bills. Parties getting their Sale Bills print.- cd at this office, will receive a notice free of cliargc,fr0m the time the bills are printed until the day of sale. M 1' “’11) Cann, of this place, went to the front some time ago for the purpose of buying sheep. He took with him $300, and returned last week, havingy purchased 18 Southdown sheep from Mr Marsh, of Richmond Hill. The total amount cf money left, when Mr Cann arrived in Huntsville, was $4 58, he having spent. the whole less expenses7 in buying 18 seeep. Mr Cann has been very wise in his judgement in gelling Southdowns. This breed of sheep is better adapted for this country. Where the land is hilly and rocky, over whirl) considerable travelling must be done by the sheep in order to get a meal, in is useless to try and make a profit out. of the heavy breeds, such as the Cotswolds, Leicester‘s, and. Lineolns. Huntsville Forester. HYMENIALwâ€"Ah Christ Church, on the 9rl1 inst, the marriage of Mr G M Sherwood, of the filllitia Pepartment, with Miss Isabella Janet; Russell, of the Crown Timber office, was solemnized in the presence of a large circle of friends, by His Lordship the Bishop of Ontario, assisted .by Ven. Archdeacon Lauder. The groomsmen were Chief Sherwood, and Mi- R Devlin, and the bridesmaids Miss Mary and Thelesa Lussell The hride wore a cream colored satin amt, white veil, a wreath of orange blos- soms, and the bridesmaids blue trimmed with cardmal. The happy couple left by the morning train for Quebec amid the warm eonnratulations of their many lriends.â€" Citizen. Dominion Parliameut. Auction Sales. ON HIS EAR. Councillor Hartman ‘sold 9. Durham B1111, weighing 2,095 lbs, for the Engâ€" Ii‘sh market. Grahain Bros, of Queen’s Hotel, reâ€" ceived the diploma. for best mare ail; _1he Tororno Exhibition. The Borealis man is a foi‘tunate felu 10W. He mééeived - an invitation “last week, to lay in a stock of wood, all‘ ready cut. He was presented with a h‘bttle 0f Elderberry Wine,.and is‘now wai'tihg for a nice buunch of venison from Mus- koka. The Social Assembly in the Mechan- ics Hall. on Friday evening last, was well attended. Several young folks went up from this village in Mr Proctor's bus. There was about sixty couple present. A very pleasant evening was spent,â€"so we are informed. ’ Mr Daniel Kinnee, the genial Inspec- tor of we eights and measures has been following: up his nvocation in town this week. F1011] the general expressions heard among: our business men We are of opinion that they should p1 efu- his pay- lng this section 1111 annual visit in preâ€" ieronce to the money grabbers who hu-ve been here in the past. Mr McDermott, of Penville was hunt- ing a man who passed through Aurora last week. after stealing his horse and burning the barn and contents. The thiefsold the horse in Toronto and re-- turned to Bradford, followed by Mr R Wells and others of Aurora. LATER The horse was found and the thief arrested. He acknowledged being guilty. Two gentlemen were shooting pigeon-S for the championship of the County, in Aurora, last week. A man who hung around the fence bagged more pigeons than was shot. ’We have some good shots in this town, who may have some- thing to say about “)8 championship. The Council, Clerk and Treasurer of Aurora waited on MrsJ Fleury last week, and presented an addless of con- dolence, as a memorial of lhe esteem in which hex late husband was held. Mr H Fleury, on behalf of his mother re-- plied. The skaéing rink is to be enlarged to 120x421 feet. The R. C. Churéli is to have a bell weighing some 850 pounds, cast at the Cincinnati Bell Foundry. The right side of' S T Peckham beâ€" came paraliZed on I‘riday. He is slowly recovering A P Flanagan, of the Mansion House, Sharon, is erecting :1 35ft square hotel on the corner 01' Main and Huron streets Newmarket. ' Mr Wm Rowen, Reeve 01" “rest Gwillimbury, will not stand next election He intends spending next summer in the Western States. A tombstone, erected to the memory of Mrs David Pinkerton, Lloydtown Engiish Church, was destroyed the other night. The other day a boy named Wilkinâ€" son, 6th Con. of ‘Whilchurch. fooled with a'revolver out“ he got :1 bullet in his 10g, Dr HUMer used cholnroform, took out the bullet. Go on playing with these things boys,~â€"d0n’t be frightened in the Yeastâ€"until you get hurt.‘ \Ir Donald Sutherland is seriously ill. not likely to recover. Mr N Petrson also dangerously ill. ' LATER. 1 Mr Sutherland is dead. PUBLIC SenooL TEACHERS EXAMIN- ATION. â€"'J‘ he following candidures sucâ€" cessfully passed the late profession :11 ex- aminotion held by the Board of Examin- ets of P S rl‘eochers from the Model Schools of the County of York, and are entitled to receive third-class certificates. From Model School, Newmarket, Misses Barns, Cody, Cook, ' Fydell, Moore‘ Watson. White; and Messrs. Brodie, Clarke, Cole Hall, Hollingshead, Hull, Suigeon, and Tracy. From Yorkville Model Schoolâ€"Misses Anderson, Balm- er, Bell, Bolster, Brewer, Christie, Frost er, Heslop, Hicks, Johnston, James, Kirk. Lonorgan, MacGregor, McCarter, McKim. Nasmith. Robertson, Spence, 'l‘rucio ; and Messrs. daltner, Clary, Douglas, Ellerby, Gray, Heslop,” Smith and Watson. Of' the number who went up for examination from Ncwmarket 1 school, one-half were plucked. A special meeting of the York County ‘ Council was held on Tuesday afternoon1 at the Court HouSc, .Vlr Stokes, the Warden, in the chair. There were present besides, Messrs. Baker, Canning, Duncan, Eakins, Evans, Dollery, Gib- son, Gibb, Gray, Hambly, Hamilton. I1win, Jackson, Jamieson, James, T. Iloyd Lundy. Long Ma1ritt Nattrass, Patterson Rowen Reesor, Reid, Richâ€" ardson, Remnan, Stokes, ipcight Saun- derle G Stephenson, Sprague, Secor, Thorne. Wickson, Williamson, Watson, Yule. The only business transacted was the passing of a. byâ€"law authorizing the the issue of debentures to the extent of $18,000 to pay for the maintenance ot' the York roads. The Council then ad- journed. At an informal meeting subse- quently held, it was decided to visit Hamilton on Wednesday for the purpose ofinspecting the goal, court house and other public huilrlinws of the county of \\ entworth. NOTICE â€"-â€"The Canada Advertising Agency, No. 29 King St. West, Town-- authorized to receive Advertiseâ€" ments for tlus Paper. W. W. BUTCHER, Muhagcr. Gleam'ngs From the Borcalis; York County Councfl. (Gleaminga from the ERA.) NEVVMARKET- AURORA Private Social Aésembly at the Lorne Hall, on Friday evening next. Money at 7-per cent. See Falconâ€" bridge’s adVertisement. SELECT ASSEMBLY.-â€"A select soaial assembly WilF- be held at Long’s Hoke], Thornhil], on Wednesday evening, Dec. let: ‘ Prof Collin’s Quadrille Band will be in attendance. Dancing to commence at 830. A pleasant time may be antici- 'patcd. Complaints haVe reached us that some of of our subscribers do not receive their papers until Monday, when they should get them on Friday. We trust that this hint will will be sufiicient, as we mail our papers In time for Thursday evening’s mall. DIPTIIERIA.â€"'l‘here are one or two cases of diptheriain the village, we are informed. On Monday evening last, a young girl, daughter of Mr Theodore Reid. died from lhe effects of the disease Mr Skeelo’s young daughter died this morning, and Mr C Chamberlin has a child ill from the same cause. Five cars of a freight train going north on Sundav n‘f‘tcrnoon last, on the Toronto an'd'Nippising railway, got off We lrnck about 430 between Markham and Stoufivi‘lle. Both afternoon passeng- er_trains were detained five hours in consequence. In reference to an untruthful article regarding two dollars, in last week’s sheet published across the way, we have only to sav the money came in a regis- tered letter, addressed to the HERALD, containing no reference to any previous li:1bility,:1nd stated expressly it was for the HERAI D. it has been said it was aiolce on the part of the W1iter.It would be 11.4 wéll i\'0r him not to try the joke on again. e obelieve we would have been fullv justified in giving the gentleman what he asked for, and reâ€" 111iu1ng the money GOING FOR Tnnu. â€"â€"A Welland ncwpnpg1 pfiipngtgg has recently been lonkinv over his subscription list â€"â€"zmd all them miscrzihle shrivelled- up specimens of humanity, who, during: the past few years, have ordered l’ostmusters to roâ€" turn their papers marked “refused," “left the place,” or “time expired,” with from two weeks to six months subscripâ€" tion still unpaid, he plnc-- Cd in Court ;:1nd the Judge gnvejudge- ment against the defaulters in every case with costsâ€"the cost. in some instances, amounting to the price of four years’ paper. “’9 have received a communication from “\V D,:’ commenting: on the urticle which appeared in the sheet, published between the two hutels, over the siigna ture of “Truth", In this communication our extremely moral t'riend is pitched in- to in a manner culatcd to arouse even the latent censcxence of a BarryLyndcn, and taken severely to task for conductâ€" ing a “sheet Which is a sad rtflectinn upon the boasted intelligence and civil- ization of' the nineteenth centurv.” We don’t. think the man is worthv of so much notice in the columns of this jour- nal. If our correspondent, has any desire in thin re to reply to the articles publish- ed in that sheet, he must be very brief. CHARGES AGAINST THE SHERIFF OF YORK.â€"â€"A discharged emp'oyce from the sheriff’s (thee makes some serious charges against Sherilf larvis. ofTomn- to, in connection with the fees received and the sulartes’ot‘constnblc and bailiffs. He says that Mr Jarvis'hus been in the habit of drawing,r fmm the country treasurer 31,50 per day for each officer 11nd then only payinrr them $1 per day, pocketing the bglzmee. The discharged ofliccr :1lso says that Mr Jarvis has, while the court is in session, enrolled his own servants as constables, and after keeping them standing about. the court for :1 l'evv hours sends them home and then draws from the treasury full pay. He also alleges that Mr Jarvis has been in the habit of using court constables as domestic servants. Mr Jarvis has de- nied these charges. Division Couri on Wednesday next. WALKING MATCH.â€"â€"A walking match was held at the Lorne Hall on Saturday evening last. The attendance was very good. Theifirst walk was between '1‘. W. Eek. of Aurora, and five amateurs, {'or a distance of five miles. One or two of the amateurs. especially Stewart and Con walked very squarely, but the others broke into running. On the fourth mile Calvin Eek took the floor and made good time. These venuer men walked like machines, fair heel and toe. T W Eek conifileted his fifth mile under 41 minutes. Young Calvin will unâ€" donbtedlv make a very fast walker. The two Eeks were in regular walking‘ ecstumes, shoes, trunks and guruseys. The next walk was that of'Mdlle Louisa ‘Armaindo, the champion lady walker of the world, who was to beat the best pre- vious record of 5 mllcs in 50 minutes She was verv neatly dressed in tights, with a short kilt, and jacket with short sleeves, made entirely of blue cloth. When the word was given she ’started oflr at a good paec,â€"-a long swing,r 1ing gait. This was kept up during the Whole 5 miles, except when an occasion- al spurt was made. Forty times around the Hall was one mile, and after the first three miles had been walked, Louisa appeared to be completely tired out. T W Eek accompanied her for about three miles of the walk. he spectators considered this to be the lprettiest walking of the evening. square heel and toe,-and not the slightest reâ€" semblance to a run. The first mile was made in‘SJf), and the last in 9.30, the whole five being accomplished somewhat under 48 minutes. The audience were loud in their applause. The Band music .appeared to have a qurckening effect .upon the walkers, When the Band played “Yankee Doodle,” Mdllc Louise made the best time of the evening. It is Mr Eek’s intention to give an exhibi- tion some evening for the benefit of the Band Fund, whenever it is considered advisable, and a medal will be given to | the best amateur. LOCAL ITEMS. Read Reynold s & Newton’s new ad- vertisementy and find out what is the talk of the town. Wheat and oatswnnted, 70,00?) bush- els, at the Pomona Mills, Thoruhill. See advertisement. RECOVERED â€"â€"We are pleased to notice that Mr Bob: Ly mburner, has recove1ed from his 1eceng illness and 18 able to attend to business again. FUNERALs.â€"The funeral of Mr D Wlialen, who died on Sunday evening last, after a few day’s illness, from dronsy, tool: place on Tuesday last, and was largely amended. The remains were interred in 'I‘lmrnhill R C Cemetery. The funeral of Mr T Reid's daughter, took place on Wednesday, and was large- ly attended. The remains were interred in the Presbyterian Cemetery in tlns village. The funerai of Mr John Arnold’s infant daughter, took place on Satuxday last, and was largely attended. The re- mains we1e buried in the Presbyterian cemetery. How To Do BUSINEss.-â€" Do you sell cheaply ? let- tlic public know it. Have you anything special to dispose of' ?â€"-â€" tell the people about. it. Expecting to work up trade without advertising is like trying: to run a locomotive without .steam. Advenise now. BURGLARY.-â€"Sometime on Saturday night or Sunday morning;r lost. the HER- ALD OFFICE was entered through a win- dow and some few dollars worth of writ- ing paper. confectionery, and fancy goods stolen. The tvpe and presses in the printing office were not disturbed. The party is no stronger, at least circum- stances point that way. XX'nATHmUEY HOS’TT‘. FT] ‘R â€"B3 the 1‘1 017 A (‘1 Gomae (TLmIIm J 11111110111111, son (11 Co]. W'cnthmly of()ft:.\\11 01111111111 111111Ltnic100hniu Hostettm 111111y11te1 01" the lute D1 Hostettcr of Toronto. MomusiB “mum. â€"At T1in1tvChnrch 1119111101111 011 the 101]1111st.,111't1rRev II (1m 1101 T11- - cunlhom. M1. S. B. “1 1115 Mc1chn11t. 1101111911, tn Kute 1,11111111cldost daughter of Mr G A. Barnard, late of Hit-1111101111 H111. On the 0th inFt, M Christ's Church, Ottawa, by 12? n Rt 120v tht Lmd Bibimpui Ontario n?- sisted by the \‘(mâ€"‘smbh Archdeacon of mm- \m. (lemma M((‘uul (Mesh son of the Into Hon Honn Slunumd to Isabella, third daughter of A J 1:115:01), Esq. ., F1HZZIahâ€"PE(‘KIL\M â€"At the resiJence of Ihe bride’s father, by Rev Dr Cnvnn m" Tux-unto, nu 11w l0!!! inst, . ’wv Wm Frizzwll, i’nslor of Presbytmian church In Miss Fruncm E. youngest daughter of Sreplmn T Peckham, Esq. b“ of Newnmrkm., BARV‘ICKAHODGPIr-On the 11th inst, by Rev. W E Fnrstm‘, mssistwl by Rev. H'B Owen, and A \V Sprngge, utb‘hriat‘s Church, Holland Luau]- ing. Mr Augustus Bul‘wick, 0f Newmnrkeh to 1198 Emjlv E Hodge. second drumhter of 11h11.u11d]20v. ’J‘ P Hodge, Incumbent of Christ's Church, Hollnnd Landin". Purse and note lost. See adivertise’t At. Richmond Hill, Nov. 18th, Maud, only daughter of Mr A. L. Shade, aged 5 years, :5 months 111K126 days. At Richmond Hill, Nov 14th, 111‘]? “’hulen, aged 59 years Cnov ~11) 11.11911; G“ 1111111111111' on 1110 9th inst. Emmy 11. 1 10116, the beloved \11fe of \11' (111118 Crane, 111;o11'11yeu)5, 8 months and 18 111131 Olc‘VIS. â€"Il1 PM 110111111, of ()1 usumpfiou. on 1110 1:81:11 1111, 151111111 111111011120,11010161111111) of “'m. H OH fish 3' our (111101 nf'u. Albums for sale at; the HERALD store Call and see. Harper's Bazaar Patterns Agency at the HERALDoifice A large supply on hand. Barley, ‘ H do Outs, do Pens do {ye do ...... 1,)rcssm1 Hogsmm‘ 100 Tbs hoof, hind quarters, per 100 lbs Mutton, by the ”House, per 100} Chi ckons, par puir Ducks,perbrz e Heesu, each ......... Turkeys, each Butter, 11') r0113 large rolls tub dairy Eggs,fresh, doz Potatoes, 1101' bug . A I mlcs per bun-01 Onions, pox bug Tonmtocs, per bush ’l‘m‘nips, per bug (Tm-rots, per bag Beets, per bug Pm‘snips. per bag ]IHV per, 1,011.“, Straw per, to) \Vuol per 11).. THURSDAY, Nov 18, 1880. mums A'l‘ FAmqus' \VAGGUNS Wheat full, Dumper bush. 1 0 Spring (10 ‘ 1 l Barley, do .. 1 Outs, do . .‘ l Pens do ‘ A note in ftwm 0f the undol Signed for $43. 50 druwn by Iqrmcis 150V11t0n.A1] pmties n.1'e cau- ti 0111 d against, nugocint1x1gthe 5111119 ' R. M. STOU TENBURGH‘ NGTE LOST Victoria Square. Nov 18th 1880 MWEYLflIfiEY! In large or small sums (not less than $3400) on Mortgage or landed propertv only. Transactions Strictly Confidential. Mortgages Bought Richmond Hill Nov. 18th, 1880 LOST A PURSE _ 1L STOUTENBURGH Victoria. Square, Nov. 18th, 1880. ? Cen'fi On Yongc street, between Richmond Hill and the that toll- gate south conmininv about $16 and a. promissmy 110te.A reward will be given. 1) . BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan. Special atthntion given to Stair Building., Punctua] attention will be given to all orders. Address Maple P. 0. B KEFFER, CONTRACTOR AND ' BUILDER. Sherwood. 4th Con. Vaughan. FM‘1'1'.â€"\\‘1xrn,â€"Un the “MI inst, by E'dw Danirl Prosser. at. his rewdeuce Quwnsville. Mr Henry Sennelt. seonnd son of Tlms Sennett. Esq . In Miss Fnsun, dnuglm’r nf‘ 11m late John Winch. Esq” all of the towushxp of LOCAL TEMS. Fnsun, dnuglw’r Winch. Esq” all 01 Numb Gwillimbury TH E M A RKETS. Apply to TOIiON'E")? J - K- I'ALGBNBRIBEE DE¢X1‘H. MARRIED 87 0 00 l) m) 0 00 per 100.1115... S 1 06 1 10 70 34 ; up; 0 HO 4“ 1 (>0 1 25 (10 4U {)0 5U 75 20 00 '20 50 GO If) 00 10 00 (IO (is 88 G 50 (I “U 0 00 44') 00 (50 08 24 (70 21 00 3!) 5m (i F) flees Splendid Value in Ladies 82 Gents Gloves, Mits, Hats &Caps, PA N10 PRICES ‘ Wheat & OatsNOTE LOST I 20,000 Bushcls of Cats, For which the highpst cash price will be paid at the “P01110111: Mills" Thom-1min. STRMW. Buslaels of Fall & 50900 Spring \Vlu-at. A REWARD will lm paid for such inFm- mnlion as will lead m the conviction of Iliu “Ml." who vntered the prennsvs of the» HERALD, (luring the hours of Saturday night or Sunday morning last. A pig answex mg flux: was Seen at Duncumb’s Corners, on Futulduv 61h inst. Any pelsou mwetuming pi" to the uixdermgned will receive a reward or $4. 'uughun, Nov. 8th, 1880. Strm‘ed flom Lot 21 4th Con., of Vaughan about thrpc weoksn.r 40, A ‘7V Iâ€"l ITE PIG. smooth hair, lopg will, round ours. . N. 11. KEEFLER, Richmond Hill Nov 17th, 1880. John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esm, Hon. SenntorMcMnster A. M. Smith, Esq. James Metallic, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. D Thornhill. Nov. 10th, 18‘ Assurance Soc’y Of London En gum [1. Alderman McArthur, M. P,‘ Chair man, I)RAIN TlL'E, OF THE BEST nu A 1' NW A 'v‘ 30 per cent of premiums returned in profits Loans made to Church Trustees, at a low rate of interest . Send for prospectus. 7 Gospel Hymns and sacred sows, by Bliss & Sankey, for sale here. ERISTING ANB GHUPPING McFall & Whitehead, Richmond 11i}1,N(iv. 18”], 1880. EYNOLD’S W Baynes.Esq,F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund ........ $55,000,000 Annual Income ...... 1.400.000 Invested in Canada . . . 850.000 Death clmms paitL . . . 7,500,000 TORONTO REFERENCES. THE fi'fi'fifi LIFE Overcoats. Ulsters. Tweed Suits, 8:0, REWARD! Extra Va} He in QUALITY AT WANTED ! 0111 Stock ()fC groceries Complete, and Plices Right. A W Lauder, $4 RE WARD. Sec. dcTreus. for Canada. Victoria Chambers, Toronto. Feb. 12th 1880. A SPECIALTY. THOS NIGHTINGALE'S, Yorkvile JESSE ARCHIBALD w, in Tweed, Flannel 8; Cotton Shirtinga. Dress Goodsin all Shades at .130 OF TIE-IE LARGE STOCK OF 8c NEWTON’ l Containing; the latest and m ost authentic (ll‘fi ' criptinns of over 7,500 Cities, Towns and Villages: l in the Provim-us ()S‘ Ontario, Quebec, Nova. Scotin. ' New Brunsw 21;, Newfoundland. Prince Edward 1 Island, Manitoba, British Calumbiu, and tho Nurth \Ve‘st 'I‘crritm‘ies, and other general inforâ€" mation. (ml '11 from ofl'u‘inl sources, as to the HIIUIQH. It lity, extent, etc... of over INN! Lakes ‘ and Rive .3 ; 2!. Table of Routes, slmwimg the prox- imity of the Rnilmud Hmtimm, 21ml Sen Imlie nud , Ports, tn the (litica, Towns, Villages, etc., in the several Provinces, (this Tnble will be found in- valuable) ‘ mu] a nva'r, Colored Mup of the Don)- ininn 01’ Canada. Edited by P. A. CROFBY, [Insistâ€" ed by n, corps of writers. Snbficribwsnumcs re- l specbfully 5011 "find. Agents wanted. y PRICE ‘ ‘PAYADLE 0N CELIan. l A note of hand, signed by Harper Matheson 11f:wnr of Wm. Manson. for “365 and dated Oct, 30 1975 endowed by the late Dr Rupert 0 Maple A11plutiosmocunaoned against nego- tiuting fur this mutt. ‘V M. M ORTSON . GAZETEER. (if British "North America IN PRESSâ€"T0 BE PsBLISHED‘IN J KNUABY. 1582’ LOV ELL'S JOHN LOVELL & SON, Puxmsmma Montreal. August 1880 Victoria squarefict. 20th, 1580‘ mcmwm HILL. T IN S H O P. I of tin rmd galvanized iron :1. specialty. Call and menisscocl" C. MASON“ STM'E PIPES PUT UP Tin and Copper Ware, Richmond, Hill August 18th, 1880‘ Valuable Farm 1 Cheap Stoves Qtove Pipes, vae Furniture, etc, 2110., on hand Custom work promptly attended to, Do You Know loutuiniug 100 Acres, more or loss ; Good Brick House ; Frame Burns ; well watered ; nenr Schoolk House and Church, and one-half mile from the- villuge of Heudford. Cheap for Cash and easy terms on credit. F01 pmticulnrs apply to C. Duncumb Richmond» Hill: or to M Shunks,Kettleby P. 0. Richmond HillSept. 29th,, 1880. Must be Sold! Lot N0 18, 3111 Con. Markham, And Stoves Pipes for Sale. “flow flzlvvrtimwntfi. EVE TROUGHING, IS FOR SALE, AND THAT THIS TO ORDER. 111 -w,

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