LEADING HARNESS MANUI'AUTURER IN THE UUUNTY UP YORK Yonge Street, Richmond Hill‘ SADDLE AND HARNESS EMPORIUM. 1880, W O O L l 1880, UNION FOREVER! Womlhritlg anal Richmond lllll Woolen Mills. \Vo‘ve a stock of A 1 lnlxmkuts, So coma 211011;: and do not m1, of flunnels too 14w shirts ; To bring: \\ 1th you your W001 ; And for your wives 211111 daughters For which wv'll yuy you well in trade, \Ve’ve winceys ,0 111111111 skirts. Or else with cash in full. Having leased the Richmond Hill \Vnolen l\Iil]s,f01nlc1‘1V leased to M1 T McNelly, we are now 1710- ' pared to cm ry 011 the business, uud guarantee genenLl satisfaction. To soc lis infant mill, Whore the very best of woolen goods Arc mzLdo with mm: and 5 ill. 10 1111 you jglly 'fn. EARBINE, SPINNING, MANUPMTURINEE, 8; RAG CARPET WEAVINE AT RICHMOND .HILL AND WOODSRIDGE. W WHITTERS, "V'M'émager for Richmond Hill Branch. Richmond Hill, .Jhne 16111. 1880. FINE , HARNESS A SPECIALTY. Satisfaction Guaranteed. A Call NEW H. B. DEWSBURY, [3" Dealer in Saddles, Collars, Trunks, \Vhips, 6w B EFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE Done to Order RICHMOND HILL, ONT. TI~I E ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Group, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every - affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, “ It does not dry up acough, and leave the cause beh1'nd, as 13 the case 101th most preparations, but loosens 1t, cleanses the lungs and allay 51m- tatlon, thus removing the cause of complaint. " DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles bearing a. similar name. Be sure you get DR. WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with the signature of “I. BUTTS " on the wrapper. 50 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. Pre- pared by SETH W. FOWLE & Soxs, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. A Protected Solution of the Protoxido of Iron. Is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deï¬ciency can be supplied by the use of the PERU VIAN SYRUP. It cures a “ thousand ills " simply by TONING UP, INVIGOBATING, and VITALIZING the system. The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, Nervous Aï¬ections, Female Complaints, And all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or accompanied by debility, or a. low state of the system. CAUTION.â€"Be sure you get the “PE- RUVIAN SYRU ." Sold by druggists garner.- ally. Pamphlets sent free to any address by SETH W. FOWLE & Sons, Proprietors, 86 Ear- rison Avenue, Roston, Mass. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: So coma 91011;: and do not fail, Tu bring “1th you your W001 ; For which wv'll yuy you well in trade, Or else with cash in full. VVv‘vn twucds for Suits for men and boys, \Ve've yarn to use for hose ; \Vo’ve twins and fancy covcrlids, In fact what o’er you Choose. See our stock, CONSUMPTION. J, F. McINTOSH 82 SON nYI‘.‘ including Solicited. Prop . U TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chnncery etc.. 61 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bought, and sold, or rented. Insurance efl‘ected,&c. &c. Barristers, Attorneys-atanw, Solicitors~in- Chancery, Conveyancers,etc. Oflicesâ€"Imperiul Bunk Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAm. WM. SETON GORDON, GEO. F. SHIPLEY Ofllciul Aasiguee, Real Estate Agent, Convey- uncer, Broker, &c., &c., OFFICE â€"Victoriu Chambers, 0 Victoria street T01 onto. OULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS- ’I‘ERSA Attnrn nvn‘ R()1initnrnâ€"in.(‘,h nnnm-v Attorney, Solicitor, Noiory, &c., Money to Land at Low Rates, IN OFFICE RICHMOND Hum, FIRST 10 DAYS 01:- Emn MONTH, Jas Bethune Q C. 0 Moss, W C Falconbridge N W Hoyles, W Burwick, A BAyleswm‘th W J. FRANKS. Ferguson. Bain, Gordon at, Shlpley, MAPLE, ....... Vw'roqu SQUAJH (W ‘ V 0 SURGEON DEXTIST, hm; removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. & C. Bluchfard’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a, Hummer to suit each putiont. P'trticulm‘ attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth carefully Iwoing all unnecessary pain. A. \V SPAULDING. LDsAssistuut. (utl’:L11x1e1‘ Honsv) Aurora, 151;, Sch, 16th, and 22ml (10 Newmmket, ...... ‘. 2nd do Stmlf’f\'ino.. . do Markham ...... .. dc Victoria Square do Thornhill ..... do Mupln ..... d0 \Vnndhridge ...... d0 Kleinburgn do Noblmmn do Annsthnï¬ics, us Nxtrons Omdo. etc. ., used when oxdclod and none but the best material used Nos. 28 and 30 Toronto Street, TORONTO. Thankful or the fzwnra of the past the years niuy still be consulted in any brunch of the pro fessiun, us fullmvs: Richmond Hill. . 9th 6-: 24th of each month can Hume 17101105 [aster at work mr us tlmn M anythingelse. sziml not required; we will start you. ‘2 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the tiuw. Costlv outï¬t and terms free. Address Tums & 00,. Augusta. Muine. This House is one of the Boat Hotels to ho found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in FiratCluss Style. Sample Room for Commer- cinl Travellers. Good Smbllnn and attentive lmstlnr. Terms, $1 pm‘ (lay. Proctur's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains guing North and South, at 7.35 u. 11), I p m 4.15 9 m, and 7.15 I) m. I8 do 20 King Street, West, Toronto. Outï¬t 59111; free to the who wish to «1115111211111 the most pleasant and proï¬table busmess known. Every- thing new. Capital not required. Wu Will {111111511 3 011 0ve13‘th1m; $10 a day and upwards is ensil3 11111110 without 51113 3115; mvuy f1 0111 home (1391* 111"]113. No 115k whatever. M1111y new workers wanted at once. Many are making fmtuues 111 the bnsiucsm Lndica make as much {15111611 and 301111ghb03s 11nd g1rls make great 11113'.N0011e who is willing to work fails to make more 111011113 03' cry (1113! than can be made in 11 Week at 11113' ordinary (:111plo3‘1ne11t. Those who engage at 01100 will 111111 11. short mud m fortune. Address H HALLETT (is 00., Portland, Maine. RICHMOND BILL, ONT., Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. James Lnngstuï¬. Richmond Hill, October 16th 1879. THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, The Robin Hood Hotel, Excellent accommodation for the Public. G00 stauling and attentive hostler. Bethune, Moss. Falconbridge AND HOYLES, BARRIS'I ERS, &c J Palmer. Prop A. IL, EngluuMLato of London England Surgeon, 1‘1th ’ Ofllco Hours. 8 to 10, 1 to ‘2, and 6 to S. RICHMOND HILL ON'I‘.. Frank Cosgt-ove, Prop. Outï¬t furnished free, with full instructions for conducting the most proï¬table business that may one can engage in. The business is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, that anyone can In nke great arufits from the very start. No one can fail who 13 willing to work. Women are as successful as as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Mzmy have made ut the business over one hun- dred dollars in u single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are surpris- ed at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great proï¬t. You do not have to invest capital in it. We take {L11 the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnishedjree. Address TRUE IS: Co, Augusta, Maine. W. rem 0V0 R. B. 0113M. B. tmd First. Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L S TO LET ! The premises recently occupied by the HERALD Ofl‘lco. For further information, apply to Kic‘ï¬niohd Hill {Oct 17th 1880'. ALFï¬ED BOULTBJm. WM. Wom‘s Ev‘um J. ELLIOT LANGSTAFF, M. D. WILLIAM H. BEST, BARRISTER, NORTH. OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, .TADIES GORMLEY, MONEY 'ro LOAN. BOOM 20. UNION LOAN BUILDINGS. aim may. ? .0 330); N0 1\~B 1\- Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS P. O. Box 2527. igluliml. ilmm. Emu. ORR. MAPLE c. ADAMS, L.D.S., MR. A'. LAW." 18TH 25'1‘11 {Also Stalidnery, Fancy Goodg; etc Drugs, Toilet Articles, FURNITURE Prepared & sold by H Sanderson 85 Sons Richmond Hill, Oct. 14th. 1880. Since introducing the Cash System and Reducing Prices, our sales have largely increased, and will doubtless continue to do so, as we are determined to keep our stock well assorted, and sell at the ES? dASH P “ICES THE NEW DEPARTURE ESSENCES AND EXTRACTS SPICES. GENUINE. FTC, GOOD" AND FRESH GEHHEBAHPP IIERALD STORE Richmond Hill, Oct 3rd. 1880 Large Assortmert of First Class Groceries at Extraor- dinary Low Prices. An inspection of Goods and Prices is earnestly solicited Every Departmént full of new and seasonnble Fall and Winter Goods Call Solicited Satisfaction ' Guaranteed. Remember the place, Corner Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill They have also on hand h a large stock of IECIDED succe s. mmmaw FROM TORONTO. RE: mum Prescriptions care- SCHOOL BOOKS ! Large And Fresh Stocks Constantly Arriving. Herbs Fresh, and this Year’s Growth. Oflhe Finest Flavor and Quality. ISAAC CROSBY. AT THE AT THE AND fully compounded. APOTHECARY'S HALL Chemicals, Perfumery, P G SAVAGE I most respectfully take leave to call the at- mention of the Public generally to the fact that, certain Houses in New York are sending “0 many parts of the globe SPURIOUS IMITATIONS of my Pills and Ointment. These frauds bent on their labels some address in New York. In the books of directions afï¬xed to the spur- ious nmkeis a. cantirmmnming the Public against being deceived by counterfeits. Do not be misled bv this audacious trick, as they are the counter- feits they pretend to denounce. I most earnestly appeal to that sense of justice which I feel sure [may venture upon asking from all honorable persons, to assist me, and the Pub lic, as far as may lie in their power, in deuoun fng this shameful qud. I donot allow my madicine to be sold in any part of the United States. I have no agents there. My medicines are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street. London These counterfeits are purchased by unprinci- pied Vendors at one-half the price of my rifle and Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines banrs the British Government Stump, with the words "HOLLOWAY'H PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon. 0n the label in the address, 538, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where alone they are Manufactured. The Ointment 18 the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long standing For Bronchitis, Diptherin, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. } BEWARE OF ‘ NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS. Ointments bearing any other mldreés urn coun‘ terfeits The Pills purity the Blood correct all disorders of the Liver Stqmach, Kidneys and Bowelï¬, and are invaluable 111 all complaints incidental to Females. The Trade Mmks of these Medicine}: are rep“. is taxed 111 Ottawa. Hence any one throughout the British Possessions. who 111 my keep the American Counterfeits for sale, “ill be prosecuted 5.33 Oxion} Street, London, THE GREATEST WONDER (514‘ LIOD‘ERN TIMES, FEW 1W Cheapest and Best Paper mi America): And the FARM ANNUAL for 188] Hus remo~red his shop to next door south of Dr. Lungstuï¬'s, nam‘ly opposite the Old Hand, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in ï¬rst- class style. Yourselves by making money when a golden chance is offered, thereby always keeping poverty from your door. Those who always take advan- tage of the guod chances for making money that are oflered, genemlly become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty. We wuut many men, women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own locali- ties. The business will pay more than ten‘ times ordinary Wages. We furnish an cxpensiï¬o outï¬t and all thut you need, iree. No one who engages 4uils to make mmmv very rapidly. You can de- vote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full infor’nmtion and all that is needed, sent free. Address STINBON d: 00., Portland, Maine. Tm: MAIL is in the hunt rank ofjournnlism, and ahead of its rivals in Canada. It iii the best, mitten, Ihe spiceisf, the new 5195! and most influenï¬al paper in She Dominion.‘ It is a credit [0 Canadian enterpriseâ€"Iiiamplon Conservator. ‘ We have a few Farm Annunls for 1880 on hand. These Annuals contain m'nré practir' cal Agriculture infnrmmiou Ihan any lhree dollar subscription Earth Book in the lua‘rket,‘ uudwe will: give them FREE to every new subscriber sent in as long as they lust. But‘ â€v .._, , J Farm Annnul fur 18%â€. which will be published early next year. Therefore, new subscribers whose names are sent in immediately will recei'l'e RELIEVE AED CURE. > Spinal Compiuintï¬, Generui and Nervous Debiliiï¬, lih‘eun‘iatién‘i. Gout. Nervousxieéi Liver, Kidney. Lungs, Throat and Chest Gnn‘iplaiï¬la‘. Nejuralgia, Bronchitis} Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Sprums, Consumption; SleenlessneSI, Cnlds, Indigestion. Spermatnnrhoea. &c., “vavaavnv v-v â€"â€"â€"v â€" â€"-__-_v . _ ‘ H, H The proprietor of this estublisliment,‘l’mving Lind mujly yam-3' experience, and Studied .close1'3 the science in its application to curative pufp'oses, feels conï¬dent that in presenting this ACM] ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to the public, he is supplying themjvitll the best instrument of thei ' kind now known to the sclence,â€"instru1nents that will do theirjmxk well if used in accoxdtmce wit]. printed directions given with each appliance, and would warn“ the public against 1111 cheap imituv tinn of all his goods, ASK FOR. NURMAN’S ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND YOU WILL BE SAFE- AGAINST IM’T’QSITIGN. TESTIMONIALS. AND HORSE SHOER; Home shoeing done at $1 n set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. We will prpsehp every subscriber m the WEEKLY MAIL for 1881, wixh the Canad'itin’ Geo. STEPHENS {1% w ;‘ ‘ij A i’ A Norman, Esq,, ‘ . ‘. ,, J ingotsoll’, Aï¬guét, 1879'. ‘ . DEAR Sunâ€"I su flared for four years from What Dr Davies of Chxcngo, and other emin‘ent , hf.» aiciuns culled rheumatism of the bowels, which they tried invaiu to cure ; but: I am thankfu at say your appliances have entirely removed the pain. I recommend u.11 sulferers to try them. ‘7»...‘,. L-..I.. Dwrrn hnwnfn The WEEKL Y MAILfor 15 Mont/23, 5 ALL ~ Fog The FA HM ANNUAL for 1880 REMOVED ! DE; MODERN TIME S General Illncksulith, ESTABLISHED 1874 NURMAN’S ELEETBU EUHATIVE BLACKSMITH SHOP. WE WILL DO MORE 2’ ONE D-OLLAR .' Jun 1 15'7“ Electricity the Life Fluid; :his establishment, having had many years: exlgerience, Hollpjvay's Pills and Address. THE' MAIL, TbrOntd’; Tl] THE BN1] M" 1831!? XEUESJEXAY,‘ making golden thereby poverty â€"THE- TRADEMARK. "Tho‘GreILtEng-TRADE MARK.’ __ . hshRempdy is an ‘ ‘ unfailing cure for Seminal Wenku‘ ness,Spermatorr- hen, Impotency, ' and all diseases ‘ that follow as . a sequence of self ï¬buseï¬s loss of 33‘ g.“ Iomory, Univer - . snl Lnssitude,A-fter Takmg' pain in the , Back, Dimness of Viaion, Premature old nge, nndf munyother diseases that. lead to inï¬rmity con-'. snmption and [L promuturggmve. LS†Full pur- ticulurs in our anphl’et which we desire to send free by mail to every one. ~ .V The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold' by all Druggist» at 5| pOl‘ puckugo, or six packages fol $5, or} will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing, THE GRAY MEDICINE Co, Soc our reduced 10ml table For further information apply at at thé Oï¬iceE1 the Comuanv. Walter S. Lee. Manager ‘ HON. GEO. W. ALLAN,Sex1mtor President._ George Gooderhum ...... ‘ ............ Vice Presidenu; < DIRECTORS~SAmuelP1uthM..P.\Vm.Goodex ham, Geo. W. L'éwis, T1108. 11'. Lee, H011. D. L Mdcphersou, Senator ‘ GRAY’S ‘ Speciï¬c; .Megdicine‘! Tomnto, Ont, (3911811181 , NB:â€"-Thndemnnds of our business hiwe ne- cessitated our removing to Toronto, to which [11110311101180 address (111‘ future communications Money" ToLflAN Parties demrous of borroWing MONEY ‘ 98" be supplied at amoderale Hates on: freehold or personal séculily. Apply to ,-il J“ COQGROVE, Capital, $1, 000000; Reserve Fund, $360, 000 Total Assets $0,000 (100 Money received on deposit, uni interes’ pavuble half yearly or compounded. L‘Q'Sohl in Richmond Hill by all th‘uugists, and everywhere in Cumum and the United States wholesulmmd retail drunLEistgs The Farm iï¬ a. stood one‘ in every particulnr,‘ everything being very. complete. Eerms Easy. Apply to MR. JAMESGORMLEY. Toronto. or to Savmg 8‘ Bank 4 BRANCH CON- 20F VAUGHAN. There is ï¬rst- class Barns, Stables and other out» buildings, with MISS CAMPBELL; MENAIR FARM. RICHMOND HILL: Biclimon‘d mu. August 6th, 1880. Farm for Sale !’7 W ESTERN CANADA L '0 A D? AND SAVINGS COMPANY. BURATIVE APPLIANCES â€"â€"-4-> p<â€"â€"â€" 3 This Farm‘ is on the omit-138.1! of Lot No. 25, xomns, 111..- L; . i [88], A HN;E;,NEW RESIBENEE. Nov. 4h], ’30: Piano, Organ, eta, Sept I6'th. [880 . ‘ AND'SAVINGS COMPANY. Oï¬ceaâ€"No. 70 Church street, Thronto MR. JAMES MGNAIR, HONEYâ€"277130 L-es‘sons on the "gammy. PETER "D'owm‘a Richmond ' Hill. Goderich, 0"!) '5‘. 880. t r ‘AM