Mr J Lawrence agreed with the for- mer speakers. The report ofcommittee at County Council clearly showed that separation would be beneï¬cial to the County, and a large saving > would be effected yearly. Mr David Boyle, of Vaughan, was satisï¬ed the interests of the County would be better served if separation was teenred. After the agitation last winter a" committee was appotnted by the County Couneil to secure statistics on the matter, regarding the connection be- ‘tween the City and Countyï¬md report. nt June session, Through some wire- pulling the report was not sent in until November, and the County was thereby. to a certain extent, hood-winked. If the County oï¬icialswere living in the County, they would undetstand the wants of ratepayers in the County much better, and business would be much more satisfactorily attended to. Mr C. C. Robinson, ofAunora, said if North York was allowed to sececde the whore Burden‘of taxation for new buildings, etc., would fall upon East and West York. If" there is any secess- ion let it be the Whole County. It. would be very unwise to allow the Court House to remain in Toronto, as in former years the city had used our courts, at a. great expense to the County, and the same thing would happen again. The matter should be made a test question at, Munici- yal Eitâ€"«tiohs, and only men who would slit-k up to: our interests should he elet‘tei. Mr Chas Chumberlin referred to Tor- onto asking the County to assume the responsibility for the whole cost of the new buildings, some $300,000, and wait for Toronto to pay their share, twoâ€" thirds, in twenty years. He thought this very unreasonable, and the ratepayâ€" ers would be unwise to agree to it. York must. either build in Toronto or separate. If Toronto cannot raise her share of the amount certainly York should not do it. The farmers of York were called away In harvest time to atâ€" tend to city cases and were kept four weeks. It' a separation was effected the whole Court business could be got over in a few days. "Mr John Duncan, of Markham, thought the County Council would al- ways resemble a small Parliament, as long as they met in Totonto, in the matter of heavy expenditure The peo- ple of Peel had saved money by separa- tion and had built theix own buildings. It Would be better to foxm a new County of all north of the townline of Etobicoke, York and Scai'boro, if the southern part of the County would not go with them, than to build in Toronto. The County property in Toronto would erect suitable buildings in any part of County. The expenses of the County Connell were becoming heavier every year. It‘as has been stated, York reâ€" quired County Buildings three times as extensive as some other Counties the expense would be very great, probably reach $1,000,000. The matter should be well discussed befoxe the new Count House scheme was entered upon. The chairman regretted that the members for East and West York were not present. as he understood they would be. He thought a separation would be of great benefit to'the County. Action should be taken immediately. If the agitation in the North Riding for a division of' the Countv succeeded, the East :ind West Ridmgs would be sziddl- ‘ed with the cost. of new buildings in Toronto This would prove a heavy burden. As we announced last week, a meet- ing was held on Tuesday evening last. in the Grand Central Hall, in this v11- lage, to discuss the question of separat- ing the County of York from the City of Toronto. There was a very fair at- tendance, some of our most prominent ratepayers being present. Mr \Vm Trench, ex-Reeve, was called to the chair, and on motion Mr D T Fairbairn was appointed Secretary. ACCOUNTSâ€"Parties indebted to this oï¬icc for advertising, job work, and subscriptions, will confer a favor by paying the ~same. SHALL YORK MANAGE I'rs OWN AFFAIRS. 3 The courts have decided that refusing to take nmx/spnpers or periodicals from the post oiï¬ce, or removing and lanving them uncalled for, is prinm facie evidence of intentional fraud. THURSDAY. .NOV†2?, .1880 1. Any person who takes a nper remflnrly from apost mince; whether dime ed in his name or number’s. or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsi! R5 for payment. 2. If a person orders his paper discontinued he must pity all arrears, 01 the publishers mav cou- tinuo to send it until pavment ls made, nnil then collect the Whole amount whether the paper is taken (1 om the 011100 01' not Toronto Grey and Bruce Railwayâ€"XV S Tayloz: HIGHMDNB HILL PEST DPPIUE Aiming South, East and West (as above) at 7:00 NB.-Regintered Letters must be handed in at least, Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. » Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce, M. TEEFY Going South, \Vest and East, inc-lud- ing Maple, Thoruhill. Toronto. Murkhxuu, 630., Going North LA W CONCERNING NEWSPAPERS POST OFFICE NOTICE Untilfurhher notice, Mails will be closed at the The Movement Started Again. [We marl: gimm. I fly May 19th 1880‘ NEW ADVERISEMENTS Richmond Hill, Ont. SEPARATION. MORNING. EVENING AS FOLLOWS M. TEEFY Postmaster :30 How To Do BUSINESSâ€"DO you sell cheaply ? let- the public know it. Have you anything special to dispose of ?~â€"- tell the people about it. Expecting to work ~-up ‘trade without advertising is like trying to run a locomotive without steam; Advertise now. The Court House committee reported having sold a portion of the County old gaol property for $20,000. The balance was valued at $2,400. Mr Jackson tried hard to have a motion passed to xhe eifeet that in caée North York separates from the County the basis of payment for the erection of a Court. House in the City of Toronto he re adjusted equitably to suit. the altered arrangements. It was lost. A resolution of xegret and condolence " re gardin" the late Joseph Fleury was; passed.. I r A bylaw was carried, making the election of Warden by ballot. instead of‘ open voting. A by-law was carried cou- ï¬rming a by-luw of the township of Vaughan. conveyingacertain road al- lowance to Levi Snider. The whole buildings and 50 acres of laud would not cost over $15,000. The average weekly cost. per capita, of the inmates 01' several Homes visited was from 600. to $1.20, a sum much less than that now paid by villages and townships in York, without the comforts ofa Home. The report of the committee ap'pointwL ed to adiiee a scheme for the mainten- ance of the destitute poor was read. The committee had visited several Industri- al Homes in other counties. and found that inmates could be cared for comfort- ably and humanely at much less cost than local municipalities could hope to secure. * Thursday, Nov. 18th, 1880. The Committee appointed to make enquiry and collect satisï¬es regarding the expense of the administration of justice and other matters uï¬ecting the City of Toronto and County of York, reported. The report showed that a large proportion of the cases trled at the York Courts were city cases, and that the County furnished a considerably larger share of' juror-s than the crty. “We entirely agree with the Rich-â€" mond Hill people that it is highly deâ€" sirable that the City and the County should be separated. It would be a saving of expense and would put an end to the continual d1sputes and wranghnn which are taking pmcc between Toronto and York. It would make the County independent and master of its own con- cerns, and would materially lessen the amount ot' litigation for which we have 'to pay. If not stopped now, we also believe that the Newmarketers mll in- tallibly succeed in their efforts. It is therefore most important that all should join with heart and soul in helping Rich- mond Hill in its work. The opinion of the body of' the ratepayers is almost sure to be ascertained by push ing the agitation. Those of the Auroraâ€" ites who approve of County Senaration can go into the matter with the energy mspired by conviction. Full and fair discussion is the best, and in fact -the only way of waking up the people on the matter. Let our village fathers show, if they can, that there is some good stuff in them. Let them put their shoulder to the wheel; and try and do something for the place, which has elected them to positions of trust. beyond seeing that side walks are laid down, and street, lamps, lighted or not, as it may happen.†The Aurora Bareah's goes in strongly in favor of the Separation Movement. In noticing that a meeting was announcâ€" ed to take plaoe at Richmond Hill last Tuesday, to discuss this subject, it says :â€" Tli(ittiliill: F JD Smith Newtonbrook ; D Boyle Vaughan ; J Duncan and R Matsh, Markham: W “tench, J Brown. J Law- rence. C Duncumb, I Crosby, C Chambeh lin, W Atkinson and D '1‘ Fairbatrn. Richâ€" mond Hill ; C C Robinson, M B Faughner, and S Ashton, Amora - and W Wallace, Etobicoke, be a Central Committee to ar- iange f0| holding pulil ic meetings. and otherwise agitate the (jU"52llOIl of County Separation throughout the County. and that this Committee have power to add to their number. The Committee will meet at Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, 30th inst.. at Io’clock, sharp, for the purpose of arranging for pub Iic meeting, circulating petitions, etc. 1f thoroughly agitated there is no doubt senqrafjot} “(091d can? by a large majority. Mr Seth Ashton, of Anrora, was In favor of separation, but. was not prepared to speak at length. He preferred seeing a new Court House anywhere in the County to havmg it in Toronto. Mr D T Faitbnirn, said that at a series of meetings held last wintet, they met with but trifling); opposition to the scheme of separation. 'Jhe lending men of the County were in furor of it, and had so expressed themselves, but seemed unwdling to talte a. prominent part. in the agitation. These men should be induced to come out. Work was necessary to accomplish anything, and it, was useless to-expcct success unless our most prominent and influential men were induced ‘to tnlte up the question. From SlfltiSliCS which had been prepared and used last winter, of the expenses incurred under dtï¬'eren't. departments in a number of Counties, it was clearly shown that York’s expenses were too high. This was owing to its connection with Toronto. At the coming municipal elections in the County. every political or merely local issue should be dropped, and alljoin in electing men who would not hesitate to not, against the city and for the interests of the County. He suggested that n committee of the pro- minent men be appointed to deal with ‘ the matter, organize and hold meetings through out the County. He wished to strongly im- press upon those present that the time for notion was very short. lfthe present ngi- tation was allowed to drop without anything being done, the erection of new County Butldings in_'l‘oronto would he decided up- on. nnd further protest. rendered useless. The suggestionlhus made was carried out. Mr I) Boyle moved, suconded by M r. Ashtor', That, Mesnrs W Keith and \V Long, York County Council. (Continued from last week.) OTHER OPINIONS. Nov.19th, 1880 They are great on Pigeon shooting Iat M 1-1rkl1 1.1111 R Wilson of that village Hind D Beldam of Highland Creek, hzid isome sport the other day. $15 a side, (ground trap 21 ymds rise,15 birds lapiece. Beldnm shot 7 Wilmn 8. W ; H Hall and W Neelaud had a 53 match 1 10 birds apiece; Neeland killed 3. Hall l2 W H Marr and J s Wilson shot a 5 bird match \Vilson killed 3 and Marr , .2. The shooting took place on a ï¬eld belonging to M1 J Robinson. '1 Mouthâ€"organs for sale at the HERALD atom. Hall of Markham, and Kirklmm of angrove, were announced to row on Mnnday last, 22nd inst, for $20 a alde on Milne’s pond. His ticket was No 2858. l] 0 Thompson, of Unionville. and Mr McMuIlen of Yorkville, County Constables, neglected to do their duty, and are to appear before Judge McKenâ€" z1e. Mr S Barry. 5L, drew a gold, watch at St. Michael's Bazaar,- rcceutly held. His ticket was No 2858. The Clerk stated that 1: would be necessary to meet before the 13111 of December, so as to allow further time for Mr Daniels to return the 1011 if necessary. On motion the Council adjourned to meet on Monday, 13th Dec. The Bylï¬v vi‘ns read a ï¬rst, secdnd and third time, and on motion passed. Conn Reddï¬t introduced Byâ€"law No 81, appointing; the new Council Ghana-- her as 'he place for holding the next enâ€" suing municipalvelcction for the Village. J A Stewart, printing G Trench, cleaning hose, fore caretaker was appointed. 1.50. N Stevenson carting clay for tanks 2.00 J Jewitt, work on tanks, * 1.50 W. Bricknell, work for Corporation 4.78 R Archer, do do do 1.50 Jns. Powell, plowing ditches, cm, 7.00 John Brown. nails. elc., .95 W m. Trench. doubletrees, iron ' posts, etc. $49.00 D Boyle, lumber, 10,776, at 69 per thousand 96.98 On motion of Coun Duncumb,second- ed by Coun Reddict, the accounts were ordered to be paid. The Doctor then drew up a stateâ€" ment. as follows ;-â€" Councillors Redditt, Pugsley and Crosby slated that. if the case was argued zwainst the By- law, and Jordan defeat-â€" ed the Council would pay his costs etc. but- if he had noted wrongly or exceeded l11s dutxeq in taking the cow they would not pay his costs. They also said that. the Doctor had stated he would not attack the By law. This question was argued pro and Con For an hour or so, and it was decided to take no action if the Byâ€"luws or the Council were not attacked in the suit: Nog22nd, 1880. I have no intention in my suit with Richard Jordan to attack anv of' ihe Bylaws of' the village of Richmond HillI I promise nothing more or 1055. (Signed) James Lungstafl. Some dispute arose as to whether Jordan was appointed pound-keeper by By-law while Dr Langstuï¬ was in the Council, and as to whether he was apâ€" pointed Impounding ofï¬cer as well as pound keeper. The Doctor stated thathe had no desireto proceed agninstthe by-Iaw. He had gone to Jordan and offered to dlopthemattcr but when Jordan rc- fused,l1e was also determined to pitch in too, and get damages. The Clerk read the writ which stated that the pound keeper was not duly nmhorized by law to destra'm or seize, did maliciously and without reasonable and proper cause destrain and seize one cow, the said enw being thereby de- creased in value. Damages was placed The Clérk road the Byâ€"Iaw N0 54, which stated that Jordan was appointed both Pound-keepr and Impounding ofli- oer. F The D0010): said it was not against the By-law, but against Jordan. Council met on Monday evening. 22nd inst. Present, the Reeve, Dr. Langstafl‘, Councillors Crosby, Duneumb Pugsley and Redditt, Minutes of last meeting read, and approved. , ASSESSMENT CORRECTIONS. Mr Peter Duclaw complained that he had been assessed for a bitch, instead of adog. Mr A McLaughlin also comâ€" plained of the same mistake being made on his assessment. The Clerk stated that Mr Jordan had had cnclosad a writ served upon him with his communication. and asked him to read it. After the writ had been read Coun Crosby thought the writ. Muted that Dr Lungstufl was entering an action agamst the By-law. Conn Reddirt {bought the wit show- ed that lhe Doctor intended to proceed against the Council. ,, The Doctor stated that Jordan had my been, Vl'cranpointed . On motioh of Cour) Crosby, seconded by Conn Redditt, the Clerk was 1n~ siructcd to send a By law according to request. at $40 On motion by Coun Pugsley, second- ed by Uoun Crosby, the Treasurer was instructed to refund $1 apiece to the complainants, A let-tér was read from Macdonald and Paterson, Barristers, etc.. Toronto, asking for a copy of Byâ€"law No. 40, as amended by By-lnw N0 55, relating to pound and pound keepels. > THE POUND SUIT. A letter was read from R Jordan, stating that as Dr Langstaï¬ had enter- ed‘ an action against him for destraingng a cow on the ground that he was not a properly appointed ofï¬cer he looked to the Council to take what action they saw ï¬t, in supporiing himas an ofï¬cer of the Corporation. Cleaned from the Economist. Markham Items Village Council. THE JORDAN CASE. ACCOUNTS. ' .40 The Aurora Borealis man does not, have all the good things given. He may blow about his wine and venison, but when he gets such a feed of Oysters as we had on Thursday night, such things as w 8; v will loose ‘ their attractions. We’ve cat oystersrof all kinds, at all hours, on all sorts of occasions, and served up in all different. ways, but the Moore& Brady Célebrated Baltimore Deep Sea Oysters'cap everything. Great big, luscious bivalves, Yum. Reynolds k Newton have a fresh stock on hand. The Bradford Witness in an article on sums due by subscribers, says it is very unsatisfactor to be dunning for amounts due for t. ie paper. “7e certain- ly agree with the remarks and more especially is this to be deprecated in :i press that silpports a party when the members of that party as a rule, think it. beneath their dignity to pay for the paper that supports them on the politic- 31 questions of the dev. Some plan must be come to whereby all amounts, when the time has expired for which they have paid for, if not renewed, then the paper should cease to be.- sent. This is the plan. adopted in the cities, and why not the same be attempted in the coun~ trv. S. S. ANNIVERSARY.â€"-Thc Victoria Square Methodist Sabbath School will hold their anniversarv on Christmas Eve. The Hymns to be sung on that occasion are primed, and the scholars are now learning; them. Bills with par- ticula1s will be issued shortly The Dedication of 1he new Ghuich will take place on Sunday, Jan. 211d, 1881. PRIVATE ASSEMBLY.â€"Tlle Assembly held by the Sons of the Heather, at the Lorne Hall, on Friday evening last was well attended, over tlnrty couple being presen t. Several young ladies :mdgentle- men from Aurora drove down. The music by Messrs,» (lollins, Laird and Powell was excellent. Refreshments were served in Mr Palmer’s best. style. A most enjoyable evemng was spent. The Aurora Quadrille class hold a private assembly on Friday evening next THE TIMEâ€"There is considerable dilfrrrcnce in the village time. The town bell is :1 good many minutes ahead of the school bell. “You must be :1 very fast people upthere,†estranger remark- ed the other day, when he heard the bell linging fully 20 minutes ahead. llow 15 it HIGH SCHOOL GRANTSâ€"The follow- ing are the grants paid by the Legislaâ€" ture to the High' Fchnnls of' the County nf‘York fur the last half" year ;â€"- Richmond Hill ........ $319725 Markham................ 304 8'8 Newmarket ....................... 302 4G Westun ........................... â€394 57 Richmond Hili stands ahead as usual PERSONAL.â€"-E\Ir Kidd, nf' Listowell, was married on Saturday last to Miss Jennie Wilson, formerly of' this viiinqe. Mr Kidd and his bride, who were visit- ing their friends and relatives in this village for a few days this week. left for Listowell on Tuesday last. We wish than; hqppié' . an open Lodge on \Vednesday evenin" Inst '1 he attendance “as not very large Mr T Pierce was a whole programme in himself. giving n numbel of xcpitzuimxs and songs The Glee Club also contri- bu [Cd to the entertainment TENDERS.~â€"The HERALD ofï¬ce was awarded the tender for all the printing for the Button ville Sabbath School. The HERALD ofï¬ce is the phme to get your printing done in good style at my sonablc rates. SNn\\'.â€"-l\7incer appears to have set in solid enough. Sleighing‘ has cmn- menccd. The Inspector has issued his notices requiring all side walks to be cleared ofl’ snow immediately, if not can- sideralnly sooner. That settles it ; winter has come to stay. Division Court on Wednesday next. Dec lst FINE STOCK.-â€"Bl‘0Wn has a fresh stock of Boots and Shoes. Something vely neat and stylish. See new adver- tisement in a few days. Buttonville Sabbath School anniverâ€" sary will be held on the evening of Christmas Day. Bill with particulars wxllbeissued in a few weeks. The hymns are printed, and the scholars are now practising them for the occasion. CoNTRACT.â€"The contract for plaster- ing the new Presbyierian and C. M. Churches, was given to Mr 0 Chamber- ]in, who is also the contrucmr for the brickwork of the Melhodisl Church. NOTICE -â€"The Canada Advertising Agency, N . 29 King St. West, Tamw- authorized to receive Advertiseâ€" ments for Hus Paper. W. W. BUTCHER, Manager. FUNERALnâ€"Thg funeral of the late Mr Glover took place on Monday last, and was large attended. DIPTHERIA.-â€"â€"There is another case of dlptheria reponed in the village, M: Piper’s little boy being very ill. Parties getting their Sale Bills print.- ed at this oï¬ice, will receive a notice free of clmrge,frorn the time the bills are printed until the day of sale. We understand Mr Atkinson contem- plates using gas light before longin his residence, instead of coal oil, borne other villagers also contemplate using:r this kind of light. THE POUND CASEâ€"It will be seen by the report of the village Council in another Column, that there was :1 lively time over the Pound La'vauit. The trouble was settled by the Dnctor ngxee- ing not to attack the village By’laws. BENEDICTED.â€"~Mr James Wiley, who was snjourneying in Uncle Samuel’s Dominions for the lad; few months, sur- pxiscd his f'i'ietidsrb'y Returning home to this village, last week, for a short visit, accompanied by a blooming bride. OPEN TEMPLEâ€"The I O G T held LOCAL ITEMS. 31.9% 304 8'8 302 46 9.94 57 Pens do Rye (In Dressed Hemmer 1001115 Beef, 111m. (11101501; 1101' 100 lbs 1 MutLon IN the cmcuse per 100 Tbs ChiokonR per pair 1 Dm: ks per 111' 11.00 Geese, much ...... 'J."u1kcvs, ouch Butte1,1brolls 1111' go 1‘ 1 tub (11111 V Eggs, fresh, (10x Potatoes, per 175;; AI-plcs per barrel Onions, per bag . Tomatoes, 1101' bush. Turni )5, per bag .. Cunn 1201' 1mg Beets per bag Pursnips, per bu Huy )191',t011.,,. Straw per, t0) Wool per 1b.. OTI CE is hereby given that the Toronto Grey 11nd Bruce Railway (lmnpmny will apply 10 the Legislature of the Province of On- turio at its‘next Session, for on not to amend the several meta relating to the said Company ; and for power to creole u proferonco issue of Bonds or Debenture Stock :10 re-nrrunge their Bonded Debt ; to authorize them to enter into and com- plete rm agreement with the Grand Trunk Rail- way Company of Cuna do, or with {my other Railway Company, for the working of their line of Railway ; to conï¬rm and declare valid all or any Byâ€"lmvs voted upon, or to be voted upon by the Ratepayers of any Municipality, portion of a TownshipMnnicipality, or Municipalities grant- ing aid to the Toronto Grey and Bruce Builwuy Company, provided such ,By-laws lmve been carried by a. majority of the votes cast thereon ; and for other purposes. Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Company. w. Sutherland- Taylor. Secretary and Treasurer Dated at Toronto this 22nd day of Nov 1880 t6.1 ’EOIioN'l‘t')’ THURSDAY, Nov 25, PRICES A'l' FARMERS' WAG Wheat. £11.11, newmcr bush N Sprin g do ,. Barley, (10 Outs, uo Pens do DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST nru rvmv A m The happy and handsome couple left Markham by the 5.10 train. UM)1£1m'o<m~SELLERâ€"«On the 27th ulh, at the rosidmme of the bride's father, by the Rm" Malcolm McGillivnty, M A., Mr R Underwood. 0f Scm‘horo, tn Isubellu, second daughter of Robt Seller, Esq, of the same place. COOK howm N~At the residence of the blide- ;'.n(mm Vn m1) on the 7th just. by the km W 1’mcy,1\h Henn Cook to \h Dimm Rowdan “idow of the 111m Jns '1} mv,den of Bulluntruc, ’lownship of Whitchmch. hmmcw~B0WMAN.-â€"At Foglc Cotmgv, Almirn, 01.1 the mini inst“, by the Rev Mr Rumlifl. the Rev Mr Retldick, or Victorin‘, County of Norfolk, to Agnes Marin. Bowman, daughter of the late John Bowman. THURSDAY. Dvc., 2nd.~â€"Credit. Sale of Farm Stnclc, Implements. elc.. the property of' Mr David Eyer, at Lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham. Sale at 10 o’clock. $7 and under, and potatoes, cash ; 11 months on all sums over. S. Eckurdt. A not. The Aurora Sohoola are not in‘ a sutis uctory condition. The Brn-cull's in :1 good article 5:135 the salaries of the female teachers should be raised ; a monthly statement showing the standing“r of the scholars, placed in their parents hands. and that compulsory education should be stringentlv enforced. . At Richmond Hill, on Saturday Nov. 20th,Mr Thus Glover, aged years. Mr W H Perran, 0f the Federal Bank has been distinguishing Limself' at football. in .1 mutch betwecn Tlinity College and Toronto ’Vursity. London, Nov. 20.â€"Laycock the Aus- tralian, won the ï¬nal heat of the Inter- national Regatta to-day7 carrying 011' ï¬rst prize, £500 ; Ross, second, £300 ; Hosmer, third,£100 ; and Smith, fourth £ 40, The epizootic is now pretty prevalent in this lucflily, all the hurses in Lepper’s vael'y Mable sufl'eriniz to a greater or less degree. None of the cubes, however appear very serious. Ross got the best of the start but was almost immediately passed by Smith, who however, retained the advantage only for a very short distance, Ross again passing: him and apparently lead- ing easily before Hammersmith Bridge Was reached. inycock and Hosmer had both passed the bridge six lengths in the rear of the three others who were at that time on a level, Ross if anything, having the advantage. At the Doves Ross qu‘ickened his pace and gained about a length from Hosmer, who was also spur-ting, and left. Laveock half a length behind. After passing the Corn- er Laycock drew up and overhauled Hosmer and Ross. It was a magniï¬â€" cent race to Elliott, above which a, foul occurred. Laycock passed Barne’s bridge three lengths in front of the others. The attendance was large and and the water quite still. Laycoelz's victory, which is enthusiastically receiv- ed, is attributed to his superior con- dition. Annual Supper of'Aurora Fire Briâ€" gade,‘was held on Wednesday, 24th inst, That follow that edits the “Banner" Hates the smell of u fragrant Havana. But; H. mm: nmkes him sick So awfully quick That he cun't eat, much more than old Tanner. Old Loms Arnold, 1iv1ng near Bond's Lake, broke his leg a Few days ago. A nmvement is on foot to have him sent 10 Toronto. Being very inï¬rm, it is doubt- ful if he recovers, The [Somalis had a lam and Trickctt after race, svcurcd from the Enterprising. We are welcome another Mzukumite to Aurora, in the person of Mr F Button. It is rumoured that Ross was not very anxious to win, in order to get on a favorable match wixh Trickv‘tt. Laycock Wins First Prize. Elm: ï¬dvvrtimtmm. GIcanings From the Borealis. QUALITY AT TH E M A RK HTS Auctlon Sales. THOS NIGHTINGALE'G AURORA DEATH. MARRIED picture of Hanâ€" rhe‘v mwed the World, doubtless. , 18m. “‘AGGUNS $ 1 10 1 It) 80 Yorkvile O IN) S 50 ZR 0|) ] 8 20 40 I ()0 5 ()0 03 37 f: N) 05 41) 00 1‘3, no 10 (39: no G ()0 0 [‘0 .w‘mm‘m 1m†‘ ' ‘x‘fflm’t 00 (10 JD ï¬t) 0%. 00 H0 £1 A pig answering this was seen [Lt Duncumb's Camera, on Suturduy, 6th inst. Any person returning; pig to the undermgned will receive a reward of $54. Ur BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan. Special ntthntiou given to Stair Building, Puncbuul attention will bu given to all orders. Address anle P. O. I Outï¬t furnished free, with full" instructions for conducting the most proï¬table business ï¬hztt {my one can engage in. The business is so easy $0 learn, and our instr‘uctions are so 1 simple and p1uin,tlmt anyone can make great ; proï¬ts from the very strut. No one can fail who i is willing to work. Women are as successful as as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. l Many have made at the business over one hun- dred‘ (10$!an in 11. single week. Nothing like it ‘ ever known before. All who engage are surpri8< ed at the ease and mpidity with which they are I able to make money. You can engage in this ' business during your spare time at great proï¬t. ! You do not have to invest capital in it. We take 1 all the risk. Those who need ready money, should writs to us at once. A11 furnished free. Address 1 Tmm 5; Co, Augustm Maine. - strayed from Lot 21, 4th 0011., of Vaughan about three weeks ago, smooth hair, long tili], rmnid ems Vaughan, Nov. 8th, 1880. PM NBAYEE Richmond, mu August 18th, 1880‘ KEFFE R, ()ON TRACTOR A ND ' BUILDER. Sherwnnfl 4th Cnn V'n‘ndhnn of tin and galvanized iron (I. specialty. Chili {and sue his snow-k. C. MASON-o Stove Pipes, Stove Furniture, etc., etc., on hunt Custom work promptly attended to, JOHN LOVELL & SON, PUBLISHERS Montrenfl, August; 1880 Ynllrsolves by milking money “hm IL golden . chance is o ' rm], thvn-hy nlvzqs keeping; pnyci'ty from your dam: Those who lll‘l‘flf.$ mlm lllejll . ’mge of the good chances fur muking money tlmt xn‘c offl‘rud. gwimully lmuoum \x‘enl'lly, While those whu do not imprm‘ : such (ill-l! 1mm; remain in pawn-fly. “"1; \leo mnny nmu, ‘rVOIHOH, boys and girls to war]; fur m: right in their own lm‘nli» was, The business will pm more than ten times ordinary Wages. Wu furnish lLll cr‘pmxsivo outï¬t and 21,11 thut you 119ml, true... Nu one xvhcwngages Jails to 111mm mom-x VOS‘)’ rupidLy. You, tun (In- vote your whnlc timn tn ll 1c \\‘ml3,,_ or billv your spare nmn’mnts. Full iaï¬muution mad all that is n exlerl, sent free. Address 82mm}; & 00., Portland. M mine. Containing the latest nnd most mtthon (195 criptions of nvcr T5304) (,‘itics, Towns and Villages in the I‘mviiicr‘s of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotin. New Brnnswu ,Newfmmdlund. Prince Edward Island, Muuiml‘m, British Columbia, and the North West Tbnuitnxies, mad uthei! genoruil infor- mation. drawn from ofliciiu]; sources, 11's to the names. Ioculjt) taut. (aim, of over 1,300 Lukas and Rivers , l, ubha 051’wa VS, showing the prox- imitv of the Rni‘h'nnsfl Stn‘ti‘on nnd Sea inko and For . , to t1‘;€"(:')§i€f}‘ 'L‘owns. Villzbgns, etc†in the SUVBI‘HI I’i'ox'mces, Wallis ’l‘iLble will 1m found in- valuable» :- and. u. neat Colored Map (11' the Dam» ininn of Canada. Edited by 1’. A. 01:05]“, assist- ed by IL camps of writers. Subscribers names rc- spectfnflw Kifllt‘itcd. Agents “muted. l’mx -PAYABLE ON “iamvimi‘. S'NWE PIPES PUT UP Tin and Copper Ware. A unit? in fnvnr of tho undersigned fur $43.50 drxm‘n by Fl‘llJlL'ii Bnynton. A11 Inn'flus m'o cun- tiouerl against llcgocjuting the sauna, TIN SHOP! WELL DONEâ€"«During the past fall \/‘.r Simeon Lemon, of Popular Lo‘dge, King Township, has attended eight fairs and won 103 prizes, 6.") being ï¬rst, 34 seconds and 4 thirds, carrying off a total of $237 in prizes ; when we recol~ lcct this is all on sheep and cattle it is very good for North York. Thornhill, )iov. 16th, 1840‘ 0 DE PUBLL 1.0V] LL 1x JANUARY, 1582 GAmETEEJEL 01' British North America. Petrolia Advertiser.â€"â€"â€"â€At a meeting: of the Council ofa neighboring town, a few evenings ago, one of the Councillors brought in an account for coal oil, which he was ordered to purchase for the use of the town, and for which he charged 30 cents per Imperial gallon. Another Councillor, whose Grit proclivities far exceed his judgement. in loud language commenced to abuse the N. P. as being the cause of this high price. He found himself sadly undeceived when Counâ€" cillor No 1. referred him back to the good (2*) old days of the Mackenzie reign when coal oil was 40 cents per wine gallon, 21 difference of 18 cents per im- perial gallon in favor of the consumer, more than it was then. 20,000 Bushels of Oats, For which the highest cash price will be paid, at the "Pomona: Mills†’l‘horuhill. NOTE LOST 1%.. M. S’l‘O'UTENBURGH 'ictm‘in. Sqnnrc, Nov 18th 1880. LOST A PURSE Wheat £6 Oats 50 000 Bushels of' F:1ll& 9 Spring \that. Cheap Stoves 0n Yongn stroct, bctwaen Richmond Hill and the ï¬rst, toll-gum south, containing about >510 uml 1L pramia'sory note. A rewurd will be given. R. STOUTENBURGH. Victoria. Square, Nov. 18th, 1880‘ Am} Stoves Pipes for 83%. EVE TROUGHINGT ERISTING AND BHBPPING McFall & Whitehead, WANTED ! EECIIWDND HILL. .A. VV BITE I’IG (Gleunings from tho ERA.) NEVVMARKET. $4. RE WARD. A SPECIALTY. TO ORDER . JESSE A RCIII BALD In nking go) do n thvrvb y Prwerty Outï¬t“ sent free to the who wish to: engage in the most pleasant and} pmï¬tulfle busmess known. Everv~~ thing new. Capital not required. We will furnish you. everything; $10 a day and upwards is 011 +1in made with out Hmying away from home over night. No risk Whaitever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men and young boys and girls make great; 1)&_V.NO one who is willing to work fails to make mom money eve1y 111w than 01111 he made- in 1L woe-k at any ordixiary 011119303 meat Those who engage at once 11111 ï¬nd 11 short mud to fortune. Adah ess H HALLET‘I‘ A): 00., Portland, Mai-us. Seminal ’Wezavk- 11055,Sper'muton- 1mm, lmpotency, {Lnd all dis owners that follow as 11. sequence of 891‘! Ax Abuse as loss of 1-: Memory Univvr r snl Lussjtudn Aim flaking} 15min in ' (2112:: Buck, Dimness of Vision, Premature old age, and mnnyntlmr diseases that Yew] tn insanity (30117 sumptiou and a pmemmtnru grave. LL Full. pm"- ticu1um in our: Pamphlet which we desire to send free by mai‘f tr; ever} one. Thu Speciï¬c \Iewhcmo 13 sold by all Dinggist. ' ' pmlmg‘g or $1); packages fox 5 THE GRAY MEDICINE Co, Tolonto, 0m., C‘zmm‘ NB.â€"'I‘ho demnndsof our busiuosé have my: cessitutcd our removing to 'I‘umnto, to which place please address all future commumcmtwnw u-Er'Snld in Richmond Hill by all druflgists, and everywhere in Canada mud the Unitec} Stubea wholesnlmmd remi} drugzisfs Gospel Hymns and sacred songs, by Bliss 8; Sankey,‘~.for sale hum HE GREATEST WONDER OF EIODERN 'I‘T‘ME S. The Pills puriiy the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Fem ales. GRAY'S Speciï¬er Medicine !‘ TRADE MARK. TJmeMIJng-TRADE MARK; V - lishï¬umvdy 131111 N unfailingcmefor The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Budlmgs,01d Wounds Sores 11nd Ulcers on? how- even 1011;; shmdi11g.1‘0r B1011chitis,D1ptho1i_n, Coughs Colds, Gout,I’he11111utis111,u,nd wil S Diseases it has no equal BEWARE OF Thia House is one of the 13mm I‘Eobs-ls to be {011ml north of [i‘omzx‘tuu JGvnrything iama‘nnged in 1' LCIuss H 10. Sample Rumn fmu'Uommcrâ€"~ ciul Truvellc (’mwd; Summing mad attentive, 11053911301: 'J‘cn $1 1701‘ (11 ' l’l'nntnr's Bus lemmas this How} to ('omwct winh 1L1] the N R R Trains going 1 Ruth {LIME Sm‘mht,.t\,b 7.35111‘ 1n.,.1 p 111 4.1.5 )3 1n, zmd 7.15 1) m,_ The Robin: Hood Hotel, RICHMOND. 11m ON’l‘.. Frank Gosgt'ove, Prop. I donot Mdmv my medicine to be 501% in (my part of the United States. I hzwe Dw- agents there. My medicines are rally made by; me at ’ {‘3, Oxford Struct. London 1111th books of (Iircctionaafï¬xed to the spurâ€" ious mukcis u cautinnwurniug the Publfq against being docoï¬wfl by counterfwita. Do netbe misled by ihis u-udmcious trick, 2le they are the counter- feits they probend to denounce. I most amnestly appeal to that sense 0! justice Which‘ 1 feml 5111 e I 11111.); ventsmc 1111011 asking f1 0m 1111 1101101111 71L 119101011an 1195281: 1110 and the Pub- lic us {:11 :15 may he in their power, in dianoun {11g this lmmefu] Fraud. The Trade Marks of thwe Medicine-a are Yen's tpred in ()tmwu. 1101100,:sz one throughout the: Bribish Poss Hsious, whn may keep the Americana Countm‘feits for 52110, will be. prosecuted 553 Oxford Street, London, Jun 1 1571) HRH rmnovod h ‘ hop #0 nnxt door south of Dr. Luluxxtnï¬‚ï¬ .umuly a] pmitv tho old stunt] where- hu is 12: upeurcd to do 11.11! kinds of wmk in ï¬rst (lass htVlC. I most respectfully take leave to call; the nt- mnt-ion of the Public generally to the fuck, that certain Houses in New York are sending m many purl's of the globe SPURIOUS IMITATIONS of my Pills zmd ()intmcnt. These frauds hem: on their labels; some address in New York. These counterfeits are pluchnsed by (mprinciâ€" plcd Vendors an oneJnLlf the price of my rinsuud Uintment, and are sold to you (LS my genuine Medicines Each Pat and Box of the Genuine Medicines hears the British Govevmment Stmnpnv‘jth. the words “ lithOWAY’S PILLS AND ()Immmrrr LONDON," ongb‘m’ed t11c1‘6011.. On the label} is tho address, .3, OXFORD Summn‘, LONDON, where alone they are thufactur ' Hollowny‘s Pills and: Omtments bearing any other address um com“ terfelts Horse shqein: done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 cents for rvnmws. '1“ 19 1“".111! is: n Hood 0110 in every particular" muything, htAinH \ r) uon‘mleto. 1013111115: Ensy.‘ Apply Lo MR. JAMESGOHMLEY, Tamnlu). 01‘ to: Geo. STEPHENS Ext-011mm accommodation for the Public. Goo stubliug and attentive hostlor. AND HORSE SHOERQ MISS CAMPBELL, Farm for Sale 3 THE†PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, ‘ J I’almor,’ Prop Rich; 110311 Hi1], August 0th, 1580 MENAIR FARM. BIEKMHND HILL CON- 2 OF V AU G HAN. There is ï¬nst-cluss Burns, Stable-,5 and other out« buildings, with NEW ‘EORK C(DEINTERFEITS. This 142511111 IS on the cast-half of Lot No. A {WE NEW BESIBENEE. Piano, Organ, etc, Sept leth‘ £880 REMQVEDWE MODERN TIME S BLACKSMH’H SHOP“. (Q‘rexnerml 131:101;snxit11, MB. JAMES MCMFR, Lessong on the 10dcrich, Ont. {181). t f