Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Dec 1880, p. 2

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RIEHMBND HILL POST. DITIEE Going South, West and East, includâ€" ing Maple, Thornhill; Toronto. A‘Im‘kh 11m, «$0., Going North Going South, East and West (as above) at 7:00 N.B.â€"â€"~Registered Letters must be hm‘xded in at least Fifteen Minutes stiflier thzui the above menti ned hours for closing. ‘ Richmond Hill Oat: Office, M. TEEFY Mav m1; 1880. Postmaster LA W CONCERNING NE WSI’APERS I. Any person who takes a paper regularly 1' row 9. post office, whether directed in his name ur gnother’s, ‘or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment 2. If a. person orders his paper discontinued he must pity [1.11 arrears, or the publishers may con- tinue to send it until payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is baken from the 011100 or not 3 The cnurts have decided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the )ost oflicc, 01'- removing and leaving them unca. led for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. Cheap Boots and Shoes~Mrs S Gamble Farm for Saleâ€"J G Bernard Mufl‘ Foundâ€" Sanderson & son‘s POST OFFICE NLYHCE ACCO UN 'I'S.â€"Parties indebted to this ofiicc for advm‘tisz’wg, job work, and subscriptions, will confer a favor by paying the same. THURSDAY. DEC., it must be apparent to‘every one in- terested in the question of the Separaâ€" tion of the County of York from the City of Toronto that there is no time to lose, if success is to he won. The quesâ€" tion of separation is a great and momen- tous one, not to be discussed and Settled of? hand. There is work to do, and plenty of it, it those-who profess to be anxious that separation should take place, ever expect to see it. The quesâ€" tion is one of such magnitude, that it requires considerable effort to even arouse anything like general enthusiasm, but. let the ratepayers of the whole County once thoroughly realize the benefit to be derived frem a separation, and the object is achieved. Like a large boulder, which requires an imâ€" mense force to even move it up a slight- ly inclined plane to the brow of a hill; when the slight ascent is gained, there is no trouble in pushing the boulder down. A start is all that is needed, and this movement. will gather such: force as it proceeds as to carry all bei'ore ‘ it, and astonish even those now sanguine ‘ot"success, by the rapidity with which the desire for the scheme shall become general. But the movement will not start itself, nor will some unseen and mysterious power do the starting bus- mess. The leading ratepayers of the County must be willing,r to take off their coats, square themselves, and shove against the Wheel with all the force and energy which nature has supplied them. Surely there are men in the County who will not sit idly down and allow York to be split into two small and weak counties,two mere carrica‘tures of the great, influential and prosperous county now called York,â€"the leading County in the Dominion. Surely there are men who will not allow East and “Test York to be saddled with the whole cost of new County Buildings ; who through mere lack of energy, will per- mit North York to cut itself loose, and run a whole staff of County ofiicials and keep up County Buildings which are neither necessary or desirable. Tutil further notice, Mails will be closed at the mm.‘ KW? 5’34 5""! 5.1??? 37:51 ww'vm'xwmm :rmm-smmfimmw 3.1:, . EMAIL» “if The ratepayers of East and" West York, and those in the North who favor a separation of the whole County, must recollect that a. separation from ’l‘orOnto is the only check to secession, is the only move which will head ofia division of u division of the County, and 'prevent an increase in taxation for all time, as none will deny that. York can be govern- ed cl:eaper,.and more efficiently than by cutting it in tw0.There is too much split i’ng up now throughout the country, it is time a halt was made. The expendi- ture for municipal government. is large enough, and too large Let us see it'wc can not reduce it, and benefit ourselves thereby in every way. The united circulation of the Montreal WITNESS publications is by far larger than those of anv other publishing house in Canada. They are as follows 2â€"DA11A’ WTTNESS. 13.300; WEEKLY W’XTNL‘SS, 28, 300 ; NORTHERN NESSEXGER, 59.000 ; Aurora, GOOâ€"in all lOl‘,500. Now estimat- in}: the population of Canada at 4,500,000, and five souls' to a family, there are 900, 000 families in the Dominion. from which it will be seen that one of- those W'tTNtt‘ss publicationsâ€"if no two Weretaken in the same familyâ€"would be sent to one out of (“VGIy nine families in the Dominion, includ- ing all races and religions, and, besides. leave a good fraction over to cover the foreign circulation. The publishers of the WITNESS are not satisfied with this wondet- ful success, and at‘e'entleavoring to increase their proportion of subscribers by some certainly very attractive inducements, which can be explained to those interested by every subscriber of the Montreal WEEK- t.\' Wm 5‘s or NottTHmtx Mttsernt-‘n. May 19th 1880. [751w ‘e‘gurk NEW ADVERISEMENTS No Time To Lose. Richmond Hill MORNING EVENING A s FOLLOWS 3'3an l Ont. 1880. «no 7 ‘ It seems Judge‘MacKenzier- pocketed ‘32000 in fees for probate, in the case of the death of the lat. Wm Cawthra, of'I Toronto. in same Counties in Canada l the fee: bring the Sheriff’s salary in theI neighborhood of several thousand in ex- L. cess of wheat the public have any idea”) the officials get. This fee system is n relic of the old and Corrupt system of favoritism and patronage. It is out of place in this country, at this time, and should be wiped out. If there is any fees to be paid let the Government, ic the whole people, have the benefit of them. not one or two favored individuals Payment of fees to Judges and officials should be abolished. Here is a work for one of 0m political parties, a work {which would do some good . Who will have the. courage to take it up. Courâ€" age is required, as many good friends on both sides ofpolities will kick hard agaimt a move to deprive them of their vested rights; 7 CONCERT AND DEBATEâ€"A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Mechanics Institute was held on Tues,- day evening last. Present, MI'W Storev, President, and Messrs I Crosby. \V Trencth Boyle, A Moodie, R E Law, and D T Fairb'airn. . Minutes of last meeting read and apâ€"t proved. A report was read, showing that MissL llewison and Miss 8 Storey, the youngla dies appointed to canvass for members, had sold 39 tickets an increase over last year. The Secretary had also sold several tickets. Several copies of the address given by the Presi dent of the Aesociation of Mechanics Institutes of Ontario, at the last annual meeting were received, and distributed among the Directors. A copy of the annual report of' the association was also received. It was decided to hold :1 Concert in the Masonic Hall, on the evening of Christmas Day, in aid of the Institute, and Messrs Storey, Crosby, Swilzer, and Fairhairn were appointed a committee to make the necessary arâ€" rangements. It was also decided to hold a debate on Tuesday evening the 21st inst in the Dining Hall, on the subject. “Resolved that works of Fiction are detrimental to the Interests of Society.” The Debaters forthc affirmative are Mr John Duncan, leader ; and Messrs Harrison, Switzer, Carscaddeu, and Storey. Negative, Mr D T Fairbairn, leader; and Messrs Crosby. Boyle, J Sanderson, and Trench. The public are c01dially invited to attend. Ad- mission free. CONFIRMATION SERVICESâ€"The con- firmation services in connection with the R 0 Church, Thornhtll, of which the Rev Father McGiulev is Pastor, were held on Sunday last. His Grace, Archbishop Lynch of Toronto conducted the beautiful and impressive services, and expressed himself well pleased with the way in which the candidates, some} sixty young men and women, Were proâ€"l pared for confirmation. He also spokel in the highest terms of the hmutil'ul manse, erected mainly through the energy and persev'eience of the pastor. This manse is built of brick, pleasantly Sltuatcd on Colborne street, facing Yonge‘, and has a neat veranda and venetian blinds, making it one of the finest buildings of this kind north of Toronto. The contractors were Mr Kelly, of Headford. and Mr Martin of Thornhill. The painting and graining was done by Mr Beecher of Markham. The buildings refliects great credit on the contractors. 81000 has already been raised towards paying for this building The popular pastor and his congreoation may well feel pleased with the result of their united efforts. Fathcr McGinley idesires to return his sincere thanks to l his numerous friends of other de- nominations Wh0,without any solicita- tation whatever, contributed largely in some ranging from five to twentyâ€"five dollars The Municipal Council of 1119. township of Vaughan met at the Town Hull on Tues- day the SM) of Nov. at 10 a. m. The Reeve in 1119 chair. Members pre- sent, Messrs Cmd, Naltress, {enmam and Lahmer. ed Communications were received. Un monon $2 assessed to Mr Davis for dog tax was refunded. and also Ihe taxes on 5; acre of land assessed to Mr Hamilton. on Lo}, No 31. I Con. The assessment of John Riley was leduced from $500 to $300. Lot 3], Isl, Con. W & J Naughlon were refunded $l‘dog lax. The Treasurer was ordered to pay Hart & Rawlinson, manuels, etc. $8 ; Patterson «h 1310, Freight 0n pile drivers, $9. John bminll. pile drivers. crah, etc, $170. Dunâ€" can McIntyre, cleaning town Hull, $6 ; Hobt Craig, work (n) town hall $l00, and $4 as balance of contract when committee certifies that. the work is completed ; b‘hnnk & Bros, work on town hull per contract. $95.65, and $8 for extras. Also the follow- ing tor charitable purposes ,â€"Gen Bone, $2 : Mr Card for Mrs Gray, 37 -. Dr Orr, attendance on Mrs liosson and R Leggatt $25. Also the following 10nd accounts, certiâ€" fied by (ommixsionels- , To work 011 [mm- line of Kinwaud Vaughan 2nd 1111d31-d Com, $290 25, 0110- l-mlf to J C Stokes, King. $4413, 1233; N0 2 S SmiIh, plank. 010.; $3 3:3; No' .3, AMcDonnld, (10,342.52; No" .1 A Dicemun, wo1k on bill $7; No 3 R Kinnee. $25 ; l\'() .'3. J While. plank, etc” ‘54.); No 31! W Patterson, work on town-line, $8.50 ;‘No 3, J Hardy, plank, elm, $30 50. '1 he Reeve was instructed to Sign the petition in the Ontario Legislature to have market fees abolished, and the clerk to send the petition to the member for West York. On motion of Mr Reaman, seconded by MP‘Caid; itwcs decided not to take any action regarding the communication from MrKeefler. asking that township printingbe given by lender. The Counci! adjourned uniil Tuesday, Nth Minutes of last meeting read and approv Thornhfll R. 0. Church. Mechanics’ Institute. ms! PAYING FEES. Vaughan Council id to Mr Davis for 4111:1130 Ihe taxes ed to Mr Hamilton. The assessment of '*“ *wiamfilWTEfmmfifilimz‘mFWMmemhflw (meanings from the ERA.) Newmarket became a town on VVedâ€" ncsday last. Mr Bowden fell from his bread Van the other day, and injured himself so that he was confined to the house for several davs. The Newmarkct Base Ball Club challenge their "country cousins,” who ever they are to play a match on Dec. 4th, for the sum of $50 a side. Mr Silas Lundy left Newmarket somewhat uneXpectcdiy to his friends, for the far West. Over 100 horses were offered for sale at the Royal Hotel one day last week, but only three Were bought. A public meeting was held at. Rich- mond Hill on Tuesday evening the 23rd ult.,r in the interests of separatingjhe County from the City for Judicial pur- poses. Almost every sound and logical argument used on the occasion applied with more force and truth in favor of North York separation, than for the larger morement. Indeed. the agitation of those urging the Richmond Hill‘ movement is simply intended as a counterpoise to the more important and reasonable propOSition of North York independence. Had it not. been for this the silvery notes of Riehmond Hill's professor on the “harp of a thousand strings" would never have been heard' on the occasions-Agitation is his delight Let. the Committee come to Newmarket with their publlc meeting ;We’ll give them a show and possibly some inforâ€" mation. The Era has the following regarding the Separation Movement.â€" 1"“ Get your information ready. “We are coming, Fader Ablut'n.” Eckardt’smonthly sale on the 8th inst. R McMahon out off three fingers with a cutting: box last week. The boat race between Hall and Kirk- lmm postponed ; unfavorable Weather; money drawn. Rob: Hamilton had some flour, pota- tames,:md pork stulen on Saturday night, 20th ult. Pickering Ag. Society, sued C Lyude for 3‘31 awarded to him for prizes in ’79 The suit was b1oughn because def‘end. ant. was not a member that year Plain- tiifs “ere non suited as theil rules were not published; Mr C Faucett. of Scarboro, paid the tax collector $1 for dog tax, for which he was not assessed, but had a dog all the same. Nothing but rlght. and there is no need to praise him for 5!“)ng ex truordinary honesty, as the Economist does. The D D G M Saunders will pay officxal visits to’ We f‘ol‘owing lodges, viz :â€" On Friday, the 3rd inst, the Rising Sun LodgeAurom. R.W.Re\'&BroCW Patterson, is to deliver a lecture on Free Musonury. It is expected a large number from surrounding lodges will put in an appearance on this occasion.» ()n inday 10th inst he purposes visiting York, at the vlectmn of ofl'iceis. lie W1“ vimt hIa1khain n1 Junua.y. On “1014111 inst. ,11e gees to Vaughan lodge 'l he D. D G, M. has been paying official visits all over his D1stricLIIe has been received cxexywhcte 1n grand style We are "lad to see that the right man appears to be in the right place. (3117 the the 15th inst, ' to Humbe; lodge- On the 16th inst, he w'i‘il visit Patâ€"" terson Lodge, Thgynhill. WILBY’s FACTORY BURNED.â€"â€"The woollen factory of Wilby‘s & 00., at Weston, was burned to the ground on Tuesday morning lust. ‘ How TO DO BUSINESSâ€"DO you sen cheaply ? let the public know it. Have you anything special to dispose of ?â€"- tell the people about it. Expecting: to work up trade without advertising is like'trymg to run a locomotive without steam. Advertise now. The meeting of the Ontario Legisâ€" lature is called for Thursday, January 13th. 1881. On Saturday 27th ult, the wife of Mr J Kama carpenter, of u 501]. LAME“:â€" HAIGJI ~ 011 Ihe 17lh u]!.. by lhe {14v James (J Epynmur. :11 Ihe Metho- dist parsonage, Markham Viilngv. M r Martin Ranger, 10 Miss Elizz‘xbelh M Huizh. bolh of Markham. ESTENâ€" Wunmn â€" On Ihe 20111 inst”. at St Luke’s church, Toronln. l)_v 11m Rev J. Laugh-y. M. A.. Mr John Palmer Eslen, eldest son of James Hutchinson Eslen. Esq. of Osgoode Hall. Burrismrmhlaw. to Edith Rosa, third daughler of Ike late Frederick Webbor, Esql. Solicitor, of Trowbxidge, England. Unqummâ€"McNmAm.â€"â€"()n Wednesday, the 2ith inst at All Saint sChmch Smith- my by ‘110 Rev I when Molphy, Ml Gemge Unquhan ofSnulhIov. to Miss Annie Mc- Namam,101n1e11y of the town 0t Newmm- lieL. THOMPSONâ€"GARDINER.â€"On Monday. 15111 November, at the Iésidence of the bride’s father, bv the Rev Goo Leech, Smufi'wlle. Mr Chas Thompson. Machinist, of Newmnr- ket. to Miss l4 lizahelh G eldest daughtex of Mi lhomas Gmdinel, ofthe township of Whirehuich. MCDERMO'JT -â€"LAFIAMM‘E.-â€"-At All Samts’ Church, Slralhroy, on Wednesday, the 25th uh. by Rev Faiher Molphy, B. D. Ml M McDermoIt, of Paris, Um. to Miss Mary A LaFlamme, of Strulhroy. BEM‘LEY.â€"Iu Newmm'ket. on. the 24th uh, John UF11L19y7‘M. D., in his (33nd year. Cleaned from the Ecénomin'. NEVQ’MARKE‘ 1. News of the Cfiaft. Markham Items- DEATH. IEIIETI-I . MARRIED Alady’h mufi" found; Who lost it. See Adv’t- NEARLY COMPLETED.â€"The' outside Work is all completed on the Presbyteriâ€" an Church, with the exception of the spire. SEATING.â€"â€"Mr Wm Trench bus ‘36â€"” cured the contract for seating the new C. M. Church. We are pleased to hear that the contract has been given to one of our home men. ’ SCHOOL INSchTioN.â€"Mr D Fotherl ingham; Public School Inspector, visited‘ Richmond Hill Schools ofu Monday and Tuesday last, and put. the pupils through their facings. He seemed quite satisfied with the standing of the schools. NOTICE â€"The Canada Advertising Agency, N0 29 King at. West, Town-- to. is authorized to receive Advertiseâ€"- ments for tlus Paper. W. W. BUTCHER; Manager. FIXED [Inâ€"The Robin Hood Illu- mina'lor has been re-painled-, re-lettered; and generally fixed up and improved. by the mums; artistic band of MrRolphus‘ Archer. FARM Fol! SALLâ€"«LOL56, lst Con. Vaughan, is ofi-"ered for sale. Any one' wishing a good farm of 100 acres, should‘ apply to the owner, or to Nelson Phyler Richmond Hill; See advertisement in another coiu‘mu . CHURCH Commaâ€"The Presbyâ€" terian Church intena having 3 Concert soon,â€"â€"in a week or two. Look om for particulars. HAULING TIMBER.â€"â€"Mr John Powell has taken a contract 10 haul several thousand feet oftimber, from Gibson’s bush, just north of this village, to 'l‘or- onto, and deliver it on the Bay. at $50 per thousand square feet. The timber will be shipped to Montreal. DOMINION ALLIA‘NCE.-â€"1\Ir Thos Mc- Murrny, an agent of the Alliance, will addgess a meeting: on ”the suppression of the Liquor Traffic," in‘ the Temper- ance Hull. Richmond Hill. on Friday evening Dec, 10th. Admission free Sollection at, close. AssmfiBLY.â€"â€"The Quadrillc Class at Aurora was well attended on Friday cvcnirw last over 60 couple being pieâ€" Svnt. aA numbei of youn" ladies and gentlemen went up from this villawe; and say tliev had a splendid time. A Private Assembly will be held in the Lorne Hall, in this village, on Friday evening next. MARKET FEESâ€"Petitions to the Legislative Assembly praying (but an act be passed abolishing market fees, on Fuimers Produce are beinu circulat- ed all though the Province. There is one in this nt-itvhborhood which has. xeâ€" Ceived the siwlmture of all the leading farmers. “’9 are informed 1h .mions me being numerously sig’nfla . ‘1- the country. BELSHAZZARâ€"i'l‘he Eglingt‘on Choral Troupe intend giving an exhibition of the cantata “BelShuzzar’s Feast," some time this month, about the 14th pro- bahly, in the Masonic Hall», in this vill- age. The cxhilfiilion will, be for the benefil ol' the C. M. Church. It. is very highly spoken of‘, and no doubt will draw a crowded house. I’arliculars will be given before long. SKATING.â€"Mr Gilroy has made arâ€" rangements to build a covered skating rink,100x42,-on the Fair Ground. It will be in operation in a few weeks. We are also informed that Mr Wm Powell, in, has leased Wilson’s pond, and inâ€" tends running a skating-rink on it dur- ing the Winter. The ice is in good con- dition. This will aflbrd the villagers plenty of harmless amusement. and good exercise and recremion. \Ve expect the rinks will be well patronized. LADIES’ AID SOCIAL.-â€"The Secial held in the Dining,r Room of the Masonic Hall, on Tuesday evening last, was fairly attended. The Social was a sort. of appleâ€"sauce one,â€"apple sauce of superior qualitv, and of different kinds, and other refreshments, being supplied in plenty. Several young ladies assisted in making the proceedings interesting by singing and playing. Mr W Arnold grave a recitation entitled the “The dream of Eugene Arnim,” in good style. The next, Social will be given by Mrs Storey and Harrison, on Tuesday evening 24th inst. It will be of a somewhat. novel nature. Town Bell on time again , all correct. A GOOD SERMON â€"The Rev. Mr. Pickering delivered a good sermon on Sunday evening lust, on the text “What is your life.” He dwelt particularly on the life of young,r men pointing out, in the earnest and impress- ive of onewho has been there himself. the temptations and sins which should be resisted. ‘He dwelt with the everyâ€" day realities of life, as well as the spiritual requirements, and there were not many in the congregation who did not feel that the advice was timely and good, and should be accepted and acted upon. Sermons of this kind are not too common, and cannot fail to be produc- tive of good. Boommo AHEADâ€"The contractorl is rushing work at the C. M. Church. Things are Beginning to assume ship~ slniape inside The window glass is alll ;thc slating is finished; brick work is nfinished with the exception of the tower ; the flooring-is nearly completed; so is the the gallery, minister’s platform and choir gallery. It; will soon be ready. for seating. The furnaces are being put in, and one is already completed. A few days of fine, balmy weather would complete the brick work. The archi? tectur’al ornaments, which have been de- signated, “crosses” have a very attract- ive appearance, and add considerably to the beauty and imposing appearance of this handsome church. 'Ihere is no danger of these ornaments having a wicked or contaminatm‘g influence over the congregation. LOCAL ITEMS. The Parkdale Gazette .pommences a new volume to- day, being the fifth year of its existence. Anything in the Boot h‘hd Shoe line may be found at Gamblc’s. Prig'es reasoudble. Redd the advertisement, and can and inspect the stock. ‘ CATTLE FAIR. â€"T,.he fair, on Wed- nesday was not very large. Prices for animals of all kinds were lonkino up, and coilsiderabie stock was sold, our villagc‘ Butchers, as usuai, taking a fair share. The Toronto World has been enhrgcd and is n0w a good sized lively daily. We notiCe it does not hail its enlarge- ment with the puff and blow for which the Telegram has become famous. The World is succeeding, and it de- Serves success. ZION CHURCH ANNIVERSARY.â€"~The Sunday School Anniversary of Mount Zion Church, will be held on New Year's Eve. The entertainment will consist of Singing, Dialogues and Reciâ€" tations. Proceeds for benefit of School. Tickets 25 cents. Children under 12, 15 cents. C] admitted free. COI‘JR'I‘râ€"The Division Court on VVednesdny last was very largely attend- ed, the oldest inhabitant never having seen a larger crowd on a similar occas- sion. A great many cases were on tl e docket Two or three cases took up the grea‘tér part of the day, and about a dozen Were thrown over to the 7th of Jun.,to which date the court atljourned. The LangstaffJordan case was again thrown out-Jâ€" another non suit. SPARRING SCHOOL.-â€"â€"-A span-mg exâ€" hibition was given in the Court. Room, on Wednesday evening last. A number ol'yonng men had on the gloves, and took a lesson in the art. of selfâ€"defence. Messrs Corkery and Ar'kens were gener- ally allowed to possess‘the most science. It is i’ntended' to teach a class, if ten or twelve pupils are obtained. The terms are very reasonable, and no bet‘ter op- portunity could be rlfinded those dcâ€" siroufi of learning the “manly art” as it is called. THURSDAY. Dom, 2nd.â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements. etc., the property of” Mr David Eyer, at Lot ‘25, 2nd ‘Cnn. Markham. Sale at 10 o’clock. $7 and under, and pomtoes, cash'; 11 months on all sums over. S. Eckardt, Auct. Parties getting their Sale ‘Bills print. ed at this oflice, will receive a notice free otcharge,.from the time the bills are printed until the day of sale. Rye do Dressed Hammer 100 I‘bs.. Beef, hind quarters, per ‘100 lbs Mutton, by me carcass, per 100 lbs... Chickens, per pair Ducks, per brace Geese, each .......... Turkey's, each . Butter, 1b rolls large r0115. tub dairy. Eggs, fresh, doz . Potatoes, per bag AL-ples per barrel . Onions, per bag Tomatoes, per bush Turnips, per bag Carrots, per bag Beets, per bag .. Pursuips, per lmg. Hay Danton ..... Straw per, ton \Vuol Der 1b... THURSDAY, D9012, 1880. muons AT FARMEBS’ w .muuns Wheat. full, new,per bush Spring do Barley. ' do . Lady’s Muff Found. On Yonge Sheet. heluw Richmond Hill. Any person calling at SnndPranh if: Snns’ Drug Store. Cain secure ihe mufi'hy proving propeny and paying for Ibis advertisement. The undersigned wishes to inlimale m the public that she has received A Fresh Stock! of LudiPs and Gents felt goods. Overshoes. Rubbers, etc., and has also on hand all kinds of CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES Farm for Sale which she 15 prepared to dispose of at a About 75 acres cleared. Balance Hardwood Bush. GOOD SOIL. For further particulars apply to Hand-made work and repairing execuled at shortest notice. CUTTEJk FOR SALE. MRS. S. GAMKLE. NELSON PLAYTER, Lgt N0. 55, 0021.1 Richmond Hill, Dec. 2nd, 1880. 1113. DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST m vm‘v AW‘ Being \Vest Half of Lot 56, in the first Con Vaughan, containing MACHINE AND HAND-MADE WORK 31cm SNmtis-‘mmm. LOCAL TENLS. Or to TH E MA RKETS. Auctmn Sales. Reasonable Profit. 100 ACRES. QUALITY AT Children at tending School J. G. BERNARD, Parkdale. TO,R()N ’l‘f)’ CUIOS NIGHTINGAL S, leu’ile Vuughan,Richmond Hill, P. 0_ m3* ~or12t 'm‘zrmw: .ui‘. 37.5.1113?” '51! 1 10 $1 45 75 20 [)0 ‘22 22 40 I 00 1"?) 00 8 50 00 1 Toronto:- 23 3f) 8 8 25 I_)0 40 (it) 3b 50 60 up,” w my .0 m .H __ H, V tux'io at its next Session, for an act to amend the seVeml acts-relating to the stud Company ; and for power to create a. preference issue of Bonds or Debenture Stuck ; to re-un'ange their Bonded Debt ; to authorize them to enter into and com- plete an agreement with the Grand Trunk Buil- szy Company of Canada, or with any other Railway Company, for the workingof their line of Railway ;'to confirm and declare valid all or any By‘laws voted upon, or to be voted upon by the Ratepayers of anv Municipality, portion of u. Township,Municipulity, or Municipalities grant- ing oiddm the Toronto Grey [11111 Bruce Railway Company, provided such Bylaws have been carried by a. majority of the votes cast thereon ; and for other purposes. W. Sutherland Taylor. Secretnry and Treasurer. 'o'r'IpE is hereby givmi that the Toronto‘ Grcy_and Bruce Railway Company will apply tqthé ngjsmt'ure inf the Province of On- ,,L A; ______ 1LL,‘ Dated at Toronto this 22nd day of Nov. 1880. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Address, Teston, 1’ 0 Licensed Anctioner for York County. Ordes promptlv attended to. Ra es reasonable. Put- ronnge solicited. Address, fling. P O Licensed Auctioneer tor York Patronage soli- cited. Rates moderate Address Aurora. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Sales promptly attended Goods sold on consignment. Unionville, P 0 Licensed Auctioneer for York County, solicits patronage and friendlyinfluence. Rates reason- able. Address chbonu. Square Licensed Auctioncerfor the County of York, Sales attended on the shortest notice, and at. reasonable mtes Address, Nobletuu, P O LOST A PURSE On Yonge street bctw gen Richmond Hill and the first. toiiâ€" gate south, cqnmining about $16 and u. pr'ouiissoiy note. A lawmd will be given. . R. STOUTENBURGH. Victoria Square, Nov. 18th, 1880‘ Wheat 86 Oats 20.000 Bushels ot’Oats, Busllels of Fall & 509000 Spring Wheat. For “hich the highest cash price will he pnid. ut the “Pomona. Mills” Tlmruhill. Thoruhill. Nov. 1611), 1850‘ NOTE LOST A note in favor of the undersigned for $548. 50, drawn by Francis Boynton. All parties are cau- tioned uguixxsc nogociuting the same. R. M. STOUTENBURGH Victoria. Square, Nov 18th 1880. PM STMYEB gmmmm’ @mflfi. strayed from Lot. 21, 4th C011,, of Vaughan about three weeks ago, A pig answering this was seen at Duncnmb‘s )uruers, on Mt urdny, 6th inst. Any pm‘son returning pig to the undersxgued will receive a. reward of $4. smooth )mif, Ioug tgil round cum Vnu 1mm, Nov. 8th, 1880‘ Farm for Sale! MGNAIR FARM. BIGHMDND HILL CON- 2 OF VAUG HAN. There is first-class Burns, Stables and other out- buildings, with The Farm is n. flood one in every particular, cvervthing being vely complete. E arms Easy. Apply to MR JAMESGORMLEY 'l‘omnto. or to Godcrich, Ont, Richmond Hill. August 6th, 1880. t f John McDonald, Esq. Hon. SenatorMcMuster James Metcalfe, Esq . Assurance 3M Of London England. Alderman McArthur, M. P, Chair man, W W Baynes.Esq.F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund ....... $E.()00,000 Annual Income ...... 1.400.000 Invested in Canada . . . 850.000 Deull) clalms paid. . . . 7,500,000 TORONTO hmnnmzmcs. 30 per cent of premiums returned in profits Loans nmde to Chu ~ -1 Trustees, at a low rate 01 interest . ml for prospectus. thing new. Capital not required; We will furnish you everything $10 a day and upwards is easily made without staying away from home over night. No risk Whatever. Many new workers wantud at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay; No one who is willing to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in u. wepk at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will find a. short road to fortune. Address H HALLETT & 00., Portland, Maine. Outfit sent free to the who Wish to engage in the most pleasant and profitable busmess known. Evorvâ€" Gas/pal Hymns and sacred' songs, byi, Albums for sale at the HEPALD store Bliss (“x' Sankey1 for sale here. Call and see, This Farmis outhe cast-half of Lot No. 25 AEINE NEW RESIDENCE. ERISTINII AND GHOPPINE McFall & Whitehead moâ€"z Griw and Brfice Railway Company. WANTED I THE STAR LIFE MR. JAMES McNAIR, A W Lauder, A V’VHI’I‘E ‘PIG. Salem Eckardt, Daniel Klnnee, Samuel Brown N J Armstrong, Jas O Stokes- $4 RE WARD. Sec. (SrTreth. for Canada. Victoria. Chambers, Toronto Feb. 12th 1880. A SPECIALTY. F Button JESSE ARCIIIBALD. C. J. Campbell, Esq., A. M. Smith, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. D Mammflmumm n large or small sums (not less than $400) on Mortgage or landed. propertv only. Transactions Strictly Confidentlafl ’ Mortgages Bought. Richmond Hill Nov. 18th, 1880‘ Money To LOAN \Parfies destrous of borrowing MONEY, can be supplied at a moderate rams or» freehold or personal security. Apply to J. J. COSGROVEr 7 Per Cent HON. Gran. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. GeorgexGooderham .................. Viceâ€"President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plath, M1)“ Wm. Geode! 1mm, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mncpherson, Senator. Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $300,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 Money recewed on depnsil, and Interns payable hall yearly or compoundcdr ‘VESTERN CANADA LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Saving’s Bank BRANCH See our reduced 102m table. Fur further information apply at at the Oifices the Conmunv. Walter S. Lee. Manager In OFFICE RICHMOND HILL, FIRST 10 DAYS OF EACH MONTH, BIAI‘LE, .. 18TH Nitrous Oxxde (ms administered for harmless extraction of teeth. (m ‘ V - Smilmox Du 'ns'r, has removed to: 87 King street East, Tm-Qnto, over H. a; C. Blagchford‘s new shoe store Best, mineral teeth insoxfimd in n. manner to suit each patient. I‘xrticulur"attention given to the pres rvutioxx and regulation of the natural teeth cm‘elully m‘oing all unnecessary pain. A. \V SPAULDING. LD§A '§t1Lnt Thankful or the favors of the past the yam-a Ir ay still be consulted in any branch of the pro maximum; {allows ,- immum 'Hm .. 9th 1;: 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Auro111, 18t,8th,16th,nn(12211d do Ncwnmrket, ...... 2.1111 do Stouffville.. . ...... do Markham ...... ..... dc Victoria Square .. (to Thornhill ...... 5' ‘ do Maple ............ . . (10 VVooxlbridge ...... do Kleinhurg . do Nubluton do Anustlmfichs Int) 0. 13 Oxide etc.nsodwhe11 ordmed and none but the best 111uto1iul used can 111ch money taster utwork for us than at anything else. Cuviml not nvquirnd; we. wil] smut ynu. ‘ $12 per day at home, made by the indusm‘iuus. M611, women. boys and girls wanted everywhere to Work for us. Now is the time. Costlv ,butfit and terms free. Address TRUE 65 Co. Angusm.1\luiuc. W. X'OIDOVE TENS, Attorneys, Solicitorsdn- Jhnncer)’ etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the (lomfi House). Toronto. Beliume, Muss. ‘Fa‘letm‘ln'idgc AND BOYLES, Jas Bethune Q C‘ N W Hoylos, NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, l8 & 20 King Street, West, Toronto. Banister; Ado Ineys- (Lt- LLLW, Solic'turs- in- Clmncmy, (Ionveymxcers eto.0fl‘1cesâ€"Imporiul Bunk Buildings, Wellington street Toronto. THOMAS FLRGUSOX, Q.C. JOHN BARN. W11.Sm:ox GORDON, GEO. F. SHIPLEY BOULTBEE & EVAT’I‘. HARRISâ€" TIvIRS. Attornevs. Solicitorsdnlthnncerv BARRIS'I ERS, &0 zattomey, Saliciwr, Nozau'y, 850., Ferguson, Bain, Gordon &. Shipley, Nov. 4th, ’80. Nos. 28 and 30 Toronto Street, TORONTO. Official Assignoe. Real Estate Agent, Cemvey- uncer, Broker, &c., &c., l‘IOl'tgages bought and sold. Farms bought and sold, or rented. Insurance eflccted,&c. &c. Money to Lend at Low Rates, RICHMOND BILL, 0mm, Graduate of Toronto University,'a.11'd Member of the College of Plquiéiuns and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. J tunes Langstafi. Richmond Hill, October 16th 1879. ()FFICE,aVictoriu Chambers, 9 Victoria street Toronto. R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist, Un‘iVersity- of Toronto, M. C. 1’. S. Ontario. L. S A. L: Englgmd (Late of London England L3“ Ofllco HOME, 8 to 10, 1 to 2, and 6 to 8‘ Surgeon, Eta, Ale'Iim) BO‘ULTDEE. WM. WORTS IivA-r'r‘ .1. ELLIOT LANGSTAFF’,» M. D. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Officesâ€"Na. 70 Church sheet, Toronto WILLIAM H. BEST, B11.RRIS'.L‘EI{ , J'AMES GORMLEY, V .0 (Box “0 AK) ix MONEY T0 LOAN. noon 20. UNION LOAN BUILDINGS‘ Apply to MONEY T0 LOAN. Dr A ROBINSON- SURGEON DEN VTIS J - Kâ€" PALEDNBBIIIEE DR- ORR; MAPLE. Quiz-1m. P. O. "Box 2527. Qrutal. C). (J Moss, \V (.1 Fulconbridge W Barwick, A BAyleswm'th W J. FILANKS. ' fijmwal. 5mm. C. ADAMS, L.D.S., Richmond Hill. 18TH

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