Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Dec 1880, p. 2

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MBRMOND HILL PEST EITHER Going South. West and East, includ- ing Maple, '1‘hornhi11.Toronto‘q .. Markham &c., “ "r 33 Going North “ ‘ ‘ “ Going South, East and West (as above) at 7:00 N.B.â€"Registered Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Richmond Hill Post Office, M. TEEFY Ta‘flflwmggg . I w; Postmaster; _.,‘ 1. Any arson who takes 9.8319; regularly from a. post 0 (:8, whether direc In his name or another 8. or whethex he has subscribed or not. is responsible for payment. i u 3. The conga have decided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the oat oflice, or removing and leaving them unca led for, is pain} jwie evidence of intentional fraud. 2. If a penbn 'uidéthis‘papex qipcontixmed he must pay all arrears, or the? 'pifiélisherfmayi con- tinue to send it untilpayme'ntjsfima e, and mqn collect the whoie amount; whether wipe?- is taken from'm oflice or not. POST ,AOFEFFLHQTIQE “ / “4.143“; n: L ACCObNTS â€"â€"Partzes indebted to this ofiice for advertising job work, and subscrg'ptiqm, "if/till," .. confer _a favor; by paying the same. ,. dward Blake addressed a“ meeting of the fiel’oi‘incrs 6f West. York? in Toronto, on Tuesday of last week, and gave them some very good advice Whatever fanciful theories Blake may, have about political questions, his head is certainly level rewarding the way in which} electoysyehopld -'work.. for the suc- ,: oess of their party. lie counselled the Reformers to organize for the geneml elections 11.: 1883, and stated that they .ahould asceritam every year that ‘all their friends were enrolled who were entitled to be so, and that the names of all opponents put on unlawfullywere ex- :punged. The required thorough work in every riding, and a system of minor V'oomm1tteesmeQuamted with the circumâ€" staneesf 61‘ the electors 1n their own dis- *trict, t6 rep‘oit‘io central ‘cOmm1t‘tees, whose meetings should be held at certain intervals. The party should endeavor to win back and not repel those who, pcrchmcegmamhavet differed 111' the East in regard to men or, some particular question. To repel is to loseâ€"to win Isaak 115115th resulted in a double gain. Until lumber notice, Mails will be closed at. the :Avc .mln $310 supports either" party mereiy because lié has alwa§s done so,‘ and not because he 19 in thorough symâ€" ;:§§‘¢lifwvitsli tliéi‘ptihexples of}; the: party? or its leaders, is nolzeredil. 30, file parry-,1: Afié M‘s Blake; statedyrdiscussion in Quiet. meetings amongst. themselves, of the public affairs of the day, "‘wfis far "'more like-lam educate the electors. aright, than public meetings in the head of an electiog‘. The general“ elections appear far enough 01?, but our friends should always be thoroughly organized and prepared. Th‘e'e remarks are sound and sensible ‘a'na‘hre among the many sensible reâ€" marks coming from the ganie gentleman The advice given rl‘d our Reform fiiends' will also apply “with equal force .to the (Jonservamfes,t Admin is .deserving of no credit whofistl‘gk‘sflfo his party only as long as he can“ use ib‘,’ 01 because 'of' mere partyism; but-boil) phfli‘es depend for success upon the intelligent support of the people who believe that. eitheg party takes the right View bf cei-tain Questions. flos’p el Hymns and sacred songs, by Buss 8p Sankély, for Huh; here. -- ,. -' i AaSfimAndrevvrBixfiiEr at ‘Uxb‘rlcivo, on Tuesday of last week, was; well at- tended. The north wing of McGuires old factory, Uxbridge, took fire last week. Mr Churchill who occupied it, will lose about $8. No further loss, thanks to the firemen. A RsMAIIKAsI.s PICTURE. éPrdhabLy the most remarkable picture of the age is ‘CHRIST LEAVIsG rm: PRIFTORII'M.” now on exhibition In the Dore Gallery. London, England. It was begun immediately before .the Opening of the Franco~PrussitIn war, and during the horrors of the siege and Commune. was kept folded up and buried in a place of security, uninjured by shot and shell. For several years it has been on exhibItion in London, and has attracted univershl attention. being“ considered the prinCI‘M-l; femur/e ofll the; éondeItul Dore Gallery y. The canvas measures 40 feet by thirty, on which ate painted some one hun- dred and seventy distinct figures, the central one being Jesus leIIving Pilate’ s Judgement Ball for the place 10f crucifixion 'lhe scene as depicted by the renowned” t 's’tlais one that can never be fofiegs publishers of the Montreal Winner; glam had this picture faithfully reproduced for the benefit of their subscribers Every subscriber to that paper who. in renewing his own subscription, sends that of another person not now subscriber, Is entitled to at copy of the picture, and the new subscrIber gets one as wellâ€"each paytng but. $1.10, the astral. pIic'e fifthis excellent aper. The» picl'tIIb" Is nnl'y' shbplied to: dttb cribers to‘ the WITNsss, who, if they do not get the second subscriber, may have the picture by sending 25 cents in addition in the ordinary subscription of $1.10. ilfiaw ADVERISEMENTS We, flow W gibxalfl; 1 ’ A? Richmond Hill. Ont. True; Enough}! MORNING EVENING AS FOLLOWS ‘1 7:30 at‘ 7:30 On motion the treasurer was instructed to pay {be following uccoums; â€" Wheeler Bros. plank for Div 47, $3 00; Thos 01ml: building bride elc.. between lots IO and II, Zud’Con ,fifdl-g Simon Reesor, plank for Div 57, $2 80; Daniel Quanlz. 686 feet lumber for culvert, Div 18, $6. 86 L Van- zant, 300 ft plank for culvert, Div GI, $2 10; J85 Trpan, dilching on 5th Con, $17; Thou Hastings, cedar for culverts, 7tli Con. $I.;60 Thoa Clark, lumber and re- {filhfi‘ki‘hg bridge, lot l3. 3mq(‘011.$115 ;) 1H Mel at- White's Bole], Umonville, on Saturday 27th uh. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting npproved._ Markham Township Council. Hopper, 309',“ cedar; repairing culverts, 1 =4") Con, Di'v “20.3312, Corson 8; Son, printing 1500 receipts. and 500 bills to ‘ contractors, $1L50 ; C Heise, teaming plank lDd putting it on bridge, 8th Con, $10.60 ; various accounts for repairing piletdrivor. 828:4! ;., Jobneslmith, repairing road shovel, Div 24, $3 ; Speight dc Son, 2:612 ft. plank, for bridges. $26,]2 ; Peter Pike, gravelling, Con 9, $48 ; For sheep killed and injured bv dogs, John Smith $5; J Smith, sr. 313,33; Gravel Accounts, Right, Co}. 3§ yds‘ Div 9, 65 yds Div 10, 46 ‘yds Div 2.r$l4.60 ;VA‘darii He‘nriékg 22 yds, \‘D‘w r3."sz:2o~;‘Mr Hostter.’35 yds, div 23. £3.50 ; E Francis 41 yds div 30. $410; 0 Stark 260 yds. div 53, $20.80. Geo Jenn- in , repairing culvert, Con 6. $3;:f,Wm Hfiget, 50 vds gravel, and 130 ft. plank, div‘ 25. $6.25 ; The Reeve for W Whiteoak an indigent, $3 ; Wm Rolph, sheep killed by dogs, $29.33; E Barker, plank, repair-1 ing hill end bridge, 'div 10, $16.43; Jonas Miller, building stone breakwater. Con 8, 3and miliii’gfupprouck to bridge, Dickson's . hill, $2[.5U: N Harrington, repairing bridge, Con 7, and damage to land by change in creek course, $3.25 ; J Pipher, [changing creek course, $75 ; P Wideman, 200 ft plank, cedar posts; and repairing [cuIVert,,8th con’,‘ $2275. t‘ . _S Sullivan, repairing culvert, Con 7.‘ $3. The'Treasnrer was instructed to refund the following amounts, errors in assess-- ment, JJarvis, C Hilts, S Homer and E Leathers. for dogs, $1 each. 'lhe Tr'easurei was instructed to pay to -the.,onder of. MI Roesor $5 42, one third of "amdunt spent in inuk’rng ditch on e'ast town line. Pickering paying 0116- -third, and the residents the other third. ; 'Oh‘l‘imétioh $7,:‘pér;m,ovnthlwaqgrauted for relEf otLJosephus Slover. . u" The TIeIsfircr was ordered to pay Wm Gardiner for dliving piles on 5th Con, $60, when work Was completed, ‘ ._. ilh&Reeve w'as instrucfed to Sign petition {enaboliliofi 01 market fegs, . and forward 'samwo Local Legrslaturé .. A ._ The 'Cler'k' Was instructed to ”take legal action to compel J Wilkinson to pay con- tract price for building railing and culvert. over his mill race at Butlonville. POLLING PLACE, RETURNING OFFICER , Div. l-Jl‘hornhill \Vm B Wilson Zâ€"Vjetmin. Square J Mchvgue fiâ€"{Unionviup . J Stephenson 4â€"Casbel Jim Bowman bâ€"Boxgmve J Mchffrey Gâ€"Mongolia Walter Miller The Treasurer was paid $12 as commiss- ion RE bills_ due from Whilcburcb for small pox patients, and Jar revising by- lmva. He was illsiiucted to [my S Wilson $80 for a roudvmy on 211d Can. 011. deed being execur ed satisfactorily. Fl Jennings was appointed commissioner to look after gravel pit on Lot ‘24, 4th Con. The following were appointed pulling places, and relurninw oflicexs for municipal elections. At the *Fr‘anlfilin' House‘ fire,’ on Emh'firsd'a‘y;a‘.str¢a,m.0f water was - kept plh'yihg’o'n the South/'ehd, and to this is due -;the,=safety{9£ the ”able, and ,,sheds. "Tf‘v‘t‘h'e'y “had bg'da aim-mam " «aura? have haga cgnflagration such as it never ex- perienced before. The loss is ; on the Franklin'Houseland;gh'all;5H:_ Hall; a.wn- er, $2, OUQTâ€"Uinsured for $1400 ; W H Hall wa’é'inéiji‘ed for} $1,050 . _,on “stock and contents, apo'rtlon’lof‘,‘ whiehfwcre 'siaved‘ the company allofivipg ll‘lmu$800. The fire was hardly ‘quenéhed' ere Mr Hall had decided upon re-bnilding, and that at once. HA staff" Of laborers are now at wouk clearing "up the debris and l‘4getting-tliings-into shape for the Work- men. The new hotel will be of brick', 50x70 feet, and either two or three slorys high, with an iron roof and a frontage of about 36 feet in height. The plans are not yet completed, but {the genera-ledimensions will be about as E above, Mri Hallexpeots to have it all. completed hy"hԤlgruary,_ " ‘ - Mr Rainer threshed 375 bushels of oats in an hour and twenty minutes, at, 'the r'ate of“ 9 812 bushels per day of ten hours, and the Economist man sziw the business done _.Thc oats yielded‘ 85 bushels to the acre, and the straw good. 5 N “ v' James Dopgherty; Esq., is in the field for Reeve flo'r Stoufiyille It. is expected that'W‘ui B‘ Saunders or J J Rae will opposehlm. ~ - The brass band wear head lights when they promenade. ‘ . ..Wm Brown, school teacher, 4111 Con Whitchurch, died on Tuesday of list week. He was teaching on Monday. 5»; Alot of boys were hauled up last week, for distuib‘ihg a_ singing school. il‘hbf- “Mia-mu! idis'm‘issed Mr C C Robinson defended them. - 2,000 cords of wood piled in the station yard for locomotives, has be'en used since spring, and that is not the’ Iwentieth part ofwhat is used on the road. 800 registered lettexs received at the post oflicea auring last. 3 months, and 700 sent. out. v‘v v ‘ ’ZThe telep bone between Roche a'fid Co’s stores in Aurora and Newmarkét has proved a success. - '1‘ W Hanford delivered his lectuié' on “Richard Cobden and his times” onWednesday evening. He handled his subject well, ‘ , ’M-ré Q C Rabidsq 11 was made the 511,535 ci‘p iérit’ of a 'véiy: hafld~ome~ present by Oak Ridges English Church, as an ac- knnwledgemem of 1191 services as mgmn- ist. Council meefs at call of Reeve. Gleanimgs From the Borealis. Cleaned fmm 17% Economist. Markham , Items. AURORA. RETURNING OFFICER \Vm B Wilson J Mchvgue J Stephenson Jae Bowman J Mchfirey Walter Miller ‘ New Cutter for Sale, also a silk um- ;breila lost. See Adv’t. W What are Trumps ?â€"In the municiâ€" pal deal, at the coming Vaughan Town~ ship election, the knave of hearts will not prove to be the right bowe‘r ; that Card is missing from the pack. “ 2‘ HIGH SCHOOL EXAM.-â€"The public examination of the High School will be held on Friday afternoon, Dec. 17th beginiiing at 1.15 p.111 The person who stole the ,geese from. Mr H Snudcrson’s yard the other night‘ is known, and if value is not received for them. will be prosecuted. ~People_’own~ ing poultry, etc., qhould keep on the lookout. for-such characters. SELECT ASSEMBLY â€"About twenty five couple WGIQ present at the last Assembly of the Sons of the Heather, held 111 the Lorne Hall, Fnday 3rd inst, and a pleasant evening was enjoyed. An assembly will be held at Aurora 011 Fri- day eveninv next 10th inst. A meeting of the County Separation Committee, Was held in C C Robinson’s ofiice, Aurora on Saturday evening last. GénSidernble business was done. \ speak- .ers were chosen to stump the County, wind it is expected public meetings will commence next week. THORNBILL SALE.-â€"-A monthly cat:- tle falr w‘i‘ll be held at Long’s Hotel, Thornhill, on the afternoon of the first Wednesday In every month, after Rich- mond Hill fair, the first one taking "place on Wednesday, Jan 5th, 1881. Ab numâ€" ber of cattle, horses and implements have already been entered for sale. Salem E ckhardt, Auct. Wm Long, Sec. The Aurora Borealis lays the lash most unmercifully on the Banner last week. and in making the assertion that the Banner man penned a deliberate untrutl), it brings ilie signat- ure of Jolm T Bond, S E Phillips and Jolm Field, to back its assertion. FIRE COMPANY â€"The Briuade were out. for prnctice on Friday eveninu- last, after practice a meeting was held, uhd on motion of Mr A Mannie seconded by Mr W Pugsley, the thanks of the Biigade W018 (endered ‘0 Mr C Dunâ€" cumb for his kindness and liberaliLy in providing the Supper recently partaken of by the company. The young folks of Stoufiville had 11 leap year party on Friday evening, and it proved a grand success about sixty being present. The ladies issued the invitations and paid for the hall and music, and the supper was provided bv the boys. ‘onsidering leap year only comes‘ once in foin‘, it. is a wonder that 'there nrenot more leap year parties around [he country. WEmnTs AND MEAUSRES â€"-â€"Mr D. Kinnec, Inspector of “ eighls and Measutea,w'1911ed our town this week arid we wei‘e pleased to learn ot the .ggpcml satisfaction manifested towards him 1n the d1scharve 01' Ins dunes. MI Kinnee proves. hxmself to be 1110111113.:th acquainted with his business, also ‘is sociabie, accommodating and win give any information required.¢Stct1071 Times , SABBATH SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY.â€"â€"â€"l The ninth Anniversary of Zion E Lutheran Church,4th Con Vaughan, will be held on Xmas evening. Dec. 25th The entertainment will eonaist of'b ‘innâ€" ing, Addresses and Dialogues by the School. Several amateurs are expected from adistancc. Parties desirieua of placing gifts forldistribntion for their children or friends, will‘ please leave them if) the hands of the committee not later than 6 o’clock the same evening Messrg Oster E. Storm. H Keffer. Bn‘n‘s‘mz'ZAn‘CoNCE'nn.â€",-Our Metho- dist friends have" made 'arraneements with th'e‘EglingtonChoral‘ Society, to give the Oratorio of"Belshazzar m the Masonic Hall, in this village,onTuesduy, evening next, 14th inst. TheEzlington village band will also aesist. in their 'usual excellent style, in ending to the attractions of In interesting programme. The scenery and Incidents illustrate the taking of Babyion by the Medea and Persians, and the death of Belshazzar. '1 he plot between the captive Jews and Cyrus; the great feast; the hand writ- ing on the well; Daniels interpretation and'tlie victory of. Cyrus, are rendered in solos, duetts tries, quartettes reci- tations, etc. It is pionounced to be even more interesting than the Oratorio of Queen Esther which proved such a great- success under Prof. Ward’s mane agerpént, ‘ 4 MII‘S'ive'et Sixféen," “Nora,” h»Wi'd<'$-wer” “Bachelor“ and others are discussing “Marriages on Small' Incomes" in the Uxbpid'ge Jaurnah “Sweet sixteen” Tsu'yg of“W 8’" '” , BAND CONCERT.â€"A Concert under the ausfjices of (he Wondbridge Brass Band, Will takefplace in tlie Orange Hall, in that village, on the evening of Tuesday, Dec., l4th, in aid of the Band Fu‘nd," * Amangst. the names on Ithe programme are Mr! Mackie, Mrs A Willson Mr Edwards Mr Agar and Mr Neilly of Woodbriclg. , Mrs T Por~- tgr of Clairville; Mr James Reynolds, ,9? Richmond Hill: Mr Galfivnn, of Patterson and Mr Mcrp by of Toronto - The Richmond Hill CQmet Band are €also announced to give ~a,Solo Duetts, Trim; and Quartettes. This Concert promises to be one of the best this seaâ€" son The attendance will no doubt be large, with the excellent progiammc an :nQunccd.. ., ' Do y0u1'-think,' “W. S. ” that we girls 'czinnog do Without such men as you ? r I pity your concei-gt if that. is your though} You are verv nice to help us pass away an hour or two, when. we are amu'sed‘ with your atteritidris,‘ and smile at your conceits. Just like many more of your sex, always fancying your company is 1nd1spennable.~Some- time you, "itr'e cer'tainiy' a great acquisi- tion and convenience, but more frequent.- ly the reverse, and it is much more onâ€" jnynbic when you are absent. LOCAL ITEMS. :iciâ€" ENTRANCE EXAM.â€"Tb_e entrance wn~ examination for the Richmond Hill will School will be conducted in the High bhht ‘ School building on Tuesday and Wedâ€" x‘ nesday, Dec. 21st and 220d, beginning blie" at. 9 o’clock each day. l1 be“ ‘J MagshallLQELondon, Eng., gives 7gb}, to enterp’ainmenl of readings and reci- agio‘nsfia tlie'Gi-and Central Hall, on Saturday evening: next. Tickets 25 cents. Children under 12, 15 cents. Children attending School admitted free. VELOPEQâ€"i‘Ve were informed last week, that John 'L Card, ‘ 13: Deputy Reeve of'VVaughan, and about 45 years of age, had Sloped with a Mrs Levi Snider, leaving a sickly Wife and eight children in an almost destitute condition, but did-nofleare to publish the news un- til further information was secured. It now appears that it is only too true. It is said that he secured about 815,000 of lSnider’s money before leaving, and also borrowed a considerable sum from friends. Mrs Snider took her two children with her. It is suspected that the the guilty creatures have gone to Chicago. )4 A grey horse, aged, strayed. See Adv’t. SKATING.â€"The covered Skating Rink on the Fair Ground is going ahead rapidly. Every reason to expect an opening before Christmas. Over $i00 has been raised alxeady by subscription for tickets. ZION CHURCH ANNIVERSARY.â€"The Sunday School Anniversary of Mouut Zion Church. will be held on New Year’s Eve. The entertainment will consist of Singing, Dialogues and Reciâ€" tations. Proceeds for benefit of’School. ACCIDENTiéâ€"On Funday evening last while driving from Thornhill, the Rev. Mr Campbell was thrown out of' his buggy, and Sustained someiniuries,f'r0m which, we are, pleased to learn, he has almost entirely recovered. The accident was caused bv the horse becoming startl- ed and turning a corner abruptly. so we are informed, » ,Mr Campbell held on to the animal; and no damage was . done to the bugg ‘. MONEY ORDERSâ€"“76 have received some ciiculms‘i'rom H J Luff, Slough Bucks Eng. showingthut the cost oi' money 01de1s f1om Canada to England is much greater than from the United Stites to the mother country This seems- very, unreasonable, and must. tell against the country, especially in the matter of eminrntion. We hope the newspaperswill so direct the attention of the antho1ities to the matter, that, the injustice will be remedied. MERRY CHRISTMARâ€"The friends of the ,Buttonville Sabbath School intend holding their annual anniversary on the evening of Saturday. Doc.‘ 2,5th (‘hlistâ€" mas Pay. Tea served from 4 to (5 o’clock after which gm entcnainment will be given in {he Ehurch, consisting of sing:â€" inq, Rocking-ions and Dialogues by the Schoolchildren Tickets, tea and enter tainment,‘ 25 cents; entertainment 15 cents ; children under [2 years, to both 15 cents. Proceeds for benefit. of school Tho Libeial is rvettinnr more than it bargiined for when it pitched into the Aurora Bmealls so fieicely and unjustly. The Auima paper last week published a letter from the foreman of the Liberal office, stating that, he wrote a communiâ€" cation in the Liberal oflice, which ap- peared in that sheet, with the editor‘s consent. and proving thereby that 'the editor was writing an untruth when he said “the Librral does not smog) so low as to either perpetrate or allow such a thing.” That can only be called a dis- graceful and untruthful assertion, which the editor thounht he was safe in makin" as thegfoxemanc would not betray him. The rather treacherous conduct of his foreman is no justification or excuse for such' cond 119:9. RIcniIoNâ€"fi HILL ELECTIONâ€"DIP Wm Trench will likely go in by accla- mation for Reeve, as there does not ap- pear to be any desire to oppose him. The old Council, with one exception, are gaing'to' stand, and we see no reason why they should be condemned. They have prover] as good a Council as the village evcrhad,â€"not extravagant, yet not afraid to, spend money when it was deemed necessary. We understand Coun- cillor Crosby does not. intend to contest the Reevesh'ip or stand for the Council. “’hile there is no me better qualified by experience and knowledne of muni- cip all matters, to fill a seat. at the Counâ€" cilp Board his retirement will give an opportunity for some new candidates to try their handy. The names of Messrs John Sanderson and A Moodie, are men'tionedgr'b'ut we have not yet heard definitely of their intentions. I’UMPKINâ€"PIEâ€"SOCIAL.â€"'I‘he Social held by the, G M Church Ladies Aid on Tuesday last, in the dinning room of the Masonic Hall, was given by Mrs J Storey and Mrs H Dewsbury. The attendance was very large. exceeding that at tiny former one held in this hall. The ladies as is usual on these occasions, seemed des1rious of doing everythmg that could possibly contribute to the amusement and pleasure of their guests, who on their part, appeared to thorough- ly enjoy themselves. The tables were covered with all kinds of alluring ediâ€" bles, and teaand coffee of the most de- ‘licious ”flavor were supplied in plenty. The pumpkin pies formed a conspicuous l feature and were duly appreciated. The table’s ere nicely decorated with a large and beautiful flower wreath made in the Shape ofa horse sl 00 and bearing the inscription “luck. ” This style of decoration, which greatly enhanced the l attractive appearance of the tables, is we l were informed by the ladies, quite the l rage at fashionable gatherings and socials til] New York A large pumpkin and l squash, nicely wreathed with tissue pap- ‘er, were placed .at. each end of the tables Vocal and instrumental music, was supâ€" plied by, the young ladies and gentlemen The next social will be held on Tuesday leveniug. 111th inst, after the BeIShazzar Conant. LOCAL TEMS. On Monday, Mr Arch Foga], broke one of his arms, while loading horses on the cars. (Gleanings from the EBA.) Flags were floating all day on Dec. lat in commemoration of Newmarket’ being made a Town. The inauguration proper takes place on New Year’s Day. Deer, elk, moose, reindeer or cariboo, from 15: Oct. to 15m Dec. Grouse, pheasants, prairie fowl or partridge, frog) lst Sept. to 3lst Dec. According to the law passed at the last. session of the Legislature the follow- ing game are now in season 2- ‘ VVooacbck from listâ€"August Dec. Water fowl. known as mallard, grey duck, black duck, wood or summer ducks, from 15th August to 315: Dec. Hares from lst Sept. to 28th of Feb- ruary‘ Snipe from 15th August. to Dec. Saturday, Dec. lBthâ€"Credit sale of Farm Stock and implements, at the resi- dence oflate D McDougall. 'l‘hornhill, Sale at 12 o'clock, $10 and under cash, over that amount 10 months credit. 7 per cent off for cash. S Eckaxdt, Auct. Other ducks, swans or geese, from 15th August. to 30th April. Parties getting their Sale Bills print. ed at this office, will receive a notice free of charge, from the time the bills are printed until the day of sale. NOTICE â€"The Canada Advertising Agency, No. 29 King St. West, Town-- authorized to receive AdverIi-eâ€" ments for tlns Paper. W. \V. BUTCHER, Manager. Barley, do Outs, no Posts do Rye do Dressed Hoaamcr 100 lbs,. Beethindquartermper 100 The; . Mutton, by the carcass per 100 lbs Chickens, per pair . ., Ducks; per brace Geese, each ......... Turkeys, each . Butter, 1b rolls largo rolls. tub dairy. Eggs.frcsh, (loz. .. Potatoes, per bag .. A r-ples per bud-rel . Onions, pel’ bug Toumtous, per bush 'l'umips, per bag Carrots, per bag Beets,1)cr bag Pursnips, per bag. Hay per,t0n..... Straw per, ton \Vool Der 1b... TORON'1‘()y- THURSDAY, Dec 9, 1380. muons A'I‘ mummm' WAuGuNS Wheat. fall, new,per bush 9% 1 1 Spring do l J Barley, do . 1 Outs, no Posts do NEW CUTTER! At fur I€EYNOD'S & NEWTON’S, Io whom application) is to be made. Also dropped fxmn a cnnveyuncu on Friday the 12(th Nov. last, 11 dark green by leaving it at Reyhold's d: Newton’s Richmond Hill. Dec. Slh, 1880. “'1 Credit gwen ifre-quiled. To be seen at Lady’s Mufi‘ Found. The owner is requested to prove proper- ty, pay expenseslaud take xlxe animal away. in this village, between Palmer’s Hotel and the English Church. 'l‘bc tinder will be S 'I' RAYED I ()n Yonge Street, lxclnw Richmond Hill. Any person calling at Sanderson (f: Sons’ Drug Store. can SPCUI'B Ihe mufl‘hy proving propeuy and paying for lhis advertisement. The undersigned Wishes to intimate to the public that she has received A Fresh Stock! of Ladies and Gems felt goods. Overshoes. Rubbers, etc., and has also on hand all kinds of CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES For further particulars apply to About 75 acres cleared Bush. I GREY HORSE, AGED. Hand-made work and repairing executed at shortest nmice. Farm far Sale which sheis prepared to dispose of at a DRAIN TlLELOF THE BEST QUALITY AT CUTTER FOR SALE. MRS. S. GAMBLE. Richmond Hill, Dec. 2nd, 1880. m3. Or to NELSON PLAYTER, Lot No. 55, 0011.1 A)! Being West; Half of Lot 56 in the first Con Vaughan containing A first-class m-ticlp, LESS THAN COST. IMO the pi'emises of the undersigned, )r N0. 12. 4111 Con. Vaughan, MACHINE AND HAND-MADE WORK REWA RDED 5am: fatlvvrtifimutnm. TH E M A RKE‘TS. Reasonable Profit. 100 ACRES, QUALITY AT Game in Season. Silk Umbrella. NEVER BEEN USED NEWMARKET. Auc‘mon ales. GOOD SOIL. J. G. BERNARD, Parkdale. FO R SA LE- “12303 NIGETINGALE'S, Yorkvila Vaughan, Richmond Hill, P. O. 1313* -0112t Balance Hardwood W. SHUNK. $1 10 $1 110 I 4 50 O 00 ‘25 G t0 21) 40 1 00 1 25 DO of) 80 U0 50 DU 4;) 3lst Blah [IIIâ€"w 1 1;: o 75 50 30 .’)U 60 70 50 s 50 31 15 20 36 ()0 2; 2.: LOST A PURSE Victorin. Square, Nov. 18th, 1880‘ Wheat & Oats On Yonge street, between Richmond Hill and the first toll- gate south, containing about $16 and a. promissory note‘ A reward will be given. R. STOUTENBURGH. 20,000 Bushels of Oats, Bushels of Fall & 50,000 Spring ‘Vheat. For which the highest cash price will be paid‘ at the “Pomona Mills" Thornhill. Thornhiu , Nov. 16th, 1880‘ 0T1 CE is hereby given that the Toronto , Grey fl-Ild Bruce Rnilwny Company will imply to the Legislature of the Province of ()n- tni‘io at, its next Session, for an net to mnend the several acts relating to the fluid Company ; nnd for power to create e‘preference issue of Bonds (Ir Debenture Stock; to re-armnge their Bonded Debt ; t authorize them to enter into and comâ€" plete m agreement. with the Grand Trunk Rnil~ way Company of Canada, or with [my other Railway Company, for the working of their line of Railway ; to confirm and declare valid all or nny By-luws voted upon, or to be voted upon by the Ratepayers of any Municipality, portion of an. 'I‘ownship,I\Iunicipulity, 0r Municipalities grant- ing aid to the Toronto Grey and Bruno Railway Company, provided such By-lzm‘s have been carried by a majority of the votes cast thereon ; and for other purposes. Dated at Toronto this 22nd day of Nov. 1880. mt Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Company. Licensed Auctionom fol the Count} of 301k solicits ynul putlonage 11nd f1'1endly influence. Add1esn,Teston, 1’ 0 Licensed Auctioner for York County. 01119:“ promptlv attended to‘ Emma reasonable. 1’th- ruuuge solicited. Address, King, 1’ 0 _Licenscd Auctioneer for York Patronage SOIL cxted. Bates moderate Adth 5 Aurora Licensed Auctioneer for York County. solicits patronage and friendly influence. Hams runsow able. Address Victoria. Square Licensed Auctioneer for file Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Sales promptly attended Goods sold on consignment. Unionvillo, P 0 Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, Su‘los attended on the shortest notice, and at reasonable rates Address, NoMctun, P O A note in favor of the undersigned f1 r $43.50, dmwu by Francis Boynttm. All parties are cut» (cloned against negociating the same. R. M . STOUTENBURGH Victoria. Square, Nov 18th 1880‘ NOTE LUST Ix Pumaâ€"«To BE PUBLISHED IN JANUARY. 1882 L O V E L L ’S Containing the latest and most authentic dos criptions of over 7,500 Cities, Towns Imfl Villugcs in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova. Semis. New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, British Columbia, and the North \Vest Territories. and other gexierul infor- mation, drawn from official sources, ILH to the namemloculity, extent, etc., of over 1,1500 Lakes and Rivers ; H Table of Routes, showingthe prox- imity of tho Ruilroud Stations, and Sea. Luke and Ports, to the Cities, Towns. Villages, etc., in the several Provinces, mus Table will he fmmd in- valuable” and a 11mm Colored M up of the Doni- iuion of Canada. Edited by 1’. ‘A. CROSBY, assist- ed by u corps of writers. Subscribcrsuuxuos re- spectfully BolIcibed; Agents wanted. PRICE ‘$3â€"'PAYABLE 0N :‘ELIvEnY. JOHN LOVELL 65 SON, PUBLISHERS. Montreal. August 1880 John McDonald, Esq. Hon . Senator MGM (15th James Metculfe, Esq. GAZETEER. Of British North America. Assurance Sac’y Of London England. Alderman McArthur, M. P, Chair man, W W Baynes.Esq_F I A,Secretary 30 per cent of premiums returned in profits Loans made to Chur Trustees, at 11. low rate of interest . and for prospectus. thing new.Cu.p1’tnl not required. We will furnish you everything $10 [1 (my and upwards 15 easily made without stm 111g 111111} from home over night No risk “hutever. Many new Workers wanted at once Many are making fortunes atthe business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girls make grout pay. No one who is willing to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in a. week at any m‘dinmy employment. Those who engage at once will find a short mud to fortune. Address H- HALLE’I‘T dz 00., Portland, Maine. Outfit sent f1' ee to the who wish to engage in the most pleasant; and profitable bumness known. Every- MGNAIR FARM. RIGHMUND HILL CON- '2 OF VAUGHAN. Farm for Sale! There 13 first-class Barnes, Stables and other out- buildings, with The Farm is a. flood one in every particular, over ything being verv complete. Ee1ms Easy. Applyy to MR. JAMESGORMLIEY- Toronto. or to Richmond Hill; August 6th 1880‘ BRISTINE AND EHDPPING Smiimm’ Qmflfi This Farm is on thé oust-half of Lot No. 25 McFall 85 Whitehead, A EINE NEW RESIDENCE. WANTED ! Reserve Fund ........ $9,000,006 Annual Income ...... 1.400000 Invested in Canada. . . 850.000 Death clmms puid. . . . 7,500,000 TORONTO {m'xmmzcxs THE STAR LIFE A VV Lauder, MR. JAMES MCNAIR; ._._._.>o <1 W. Sutherland Taylor, Secretary and Treasure ‘ Salem Eckardt, Samuel Brown Sec. &Treun. for Canada. Victoria. Chambers, Toronto Feb. 12th 1880. Daniel Kinnee, N J As-mstrong, A SPECIALTY. J as C Stokes F Button .J. Cmnpbell, Esq., . M. Smith, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, 1). D C A Goderich, Out. 880. t I i2â€"ws N OFFICE RICHMQND HILL, Fms'rllo DAYS A EACH MONTH, _\.r MAPLE, Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for harmless extraction of teeth. (m ‘ V o SURGEON DENTIST, has â€" removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. & C. Blachford’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a mhnner to suit" each patient. P‘u‘ticulm‘ attention given to the» preservation and re ulution of the natural teeth carefully uvoing 3.1 unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. LDgAssistunt. Thankful or the favors of the past the years 11' my still he consulted in any branch of the pro fermion, as follows : Richmond 11111.... 9th 6; 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, lat, 81:11, 16th, and 22nd , dn Newnmrketru.” (10 Sbouffville.. . ...... do Markham ...... _. . (10 Victoria Square d0 Thomhill ............ (10 Maple ............ do \Voodbridge ...... do Kleinbnrg . ,. do Nobleton ...... do Annsthnticsms tons Oxide, etc., used. when ordered and none but the best material used W. remove A. L.. England (Late of LOndon England Surgeon, 1'9th Liv Office Hours. 8 to 10, 1 to 2, and 6 to 8‘ of the College of Physicians and Surgeonl Assistant to Dr.Jmues Imngsmfi.” " Richmond Hm, October mm 157'). ’ Graduate of Toronto University, and Member Barristers, Attorneys-avLmv, Solicitors-in- Chzmcery, (kmvoymlcers, etc. Otlimsâ€"Imperiul Bunk Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, (2.0. JOHN :BAIN. WM. Smox Gummx, (91-10. E. SHIPLI‘JY R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist, Universiiy of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L S Ferguson, Bain, Gordon 81. Shipley, Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bought. and Hold, or rented. Insurance effected,&c.’ &c. Official Assigncp. Real Estate Agent, Convey“ zuwel', Broker, 5.30., &c., I) TEES, Attorneys, SolicitorRâ€"inâ€"Chnncery etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. Money to Lend at 0FFICE,â€"Vict0riu Chambers, 9 Victoria street Toronto. Bethune, “ms. Falwnbridge AND UHOYLES Jun Bethune Q C. 0 Moss, V] C Falconbridge N W Hoylos, ' W Burwick, A BAylesworth W J . FRANKS. NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, I8 &. 20 King Street, West, Toronto. Box. GEO. \V. ALLAN, Senator, President. Gem g0 Goodeflmm .................. V ice-Plesidont DmECTons~Sumuel Plath M..,I’ Wm. Gooder 1mm, Geo. \V. Lewis, Thus. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Milcphm son, Selmtm. BARRISI ERS, 850 Money Ta MAN Ste 0111'3‘m1uced 1mm table. For 1111 the: information apply at at the Oflices: the Cmnmmx. Walter S Lee. Manager Attorney, Solisiior, Noiary, Capital, $1,000,000; Tom] Assets, $3,000,000 Money recmved on deposit, nni intereE payable hall yearly or compounded. anything else. Capital not required; we will Stud-t you. $12 per day M. home made' by th& industrious. Men, women, boys and girls. Wanted everywhere to Wonk for us. NoW'is the time. Costlv outfit u.nd‘terms free. Address TRUE & Co. Augustqutiine. '. u can make money meter at work tor us than ah BOULTBEE & EVA’I‘T. HARRIS- 'I‘T‘.R S. A than) aw: Rn] initnrfiâ€"inâ€"(Yh nnnm'v Nos. 28 and 30 Toronto Street. TORONTO. Parties desn-ous of borrowing MONEY, mm be supplied at amofierulc rates on: freehold or personal security. Apply to Savings Bank 11 large or small sums (not, less than $400) on Mortgage or landed propertv only. Transactions ‘Strictly. Confidential-. Mortgages Bought. Albums fond-lo :éfi théHERALD store; Call and S66. WE MMMY! MMNEY!‘ 7 Per Cent J. ELLIOT LANGSTAFF, M. D. Richmond Hill Nov. 18th, 1880‘ ALFRED 130111411311} WIL JAM H. BEST, Nov. 4th. ’80. JQXDIIL‘S GORBIIJEY, ’ESTERN CANADA L O A N' AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Oflices-â€"I\‘o. 70 Church street, Toronto. MONEY T0 LOAN. 1100M 20. UNION LOAN )LUILDINGS‘ Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS‘ BRANCH DR- ORR. MAPLE RICHMOND HILL, 0NT., Apply to MONEY T0 LOAN. IEAARRISTIEIE, P. 0. Box 2527. £31211;an J- K- I'ALGBNBRIDEE; flmtm. J. J. COSGROV Er gih'vumg. gflmul. c. ADAMS, L.D.js., Reservé Fund,_ $350,000 \Vnr. Worms EVA Richmond Hill Low Rates,) 18in

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