Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 16 Dec 1880, p. 2

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We had hoped that the magnitude and importance of' the questions which are now ofi'ering'thcmselves for consider- ation would have met with at least cour- teous and intelligent consideration from the local representatives of a great poli tioal party in the metropolitan Riding “of West York. Dr McConnell and his confreres have rudely dissipated that pleasure by making it manifest that they are unable to discriminate between vulgar vituperation and rational arguâ€" mentatiom- Mr Blake, whose reply was gentlemanly and moderate, must have been disquieted by r the exhibition to which he and Mr Mowat had been in» yited and Mr Mowat, susceptible to flattery. as B is supposed to he, must have felt indignant when he made the discovery that he had been invited to be present on the occasion of presenting the address to Mr Blake in order that he might be permitted to hear Mr Blake eulogizc’d for having condescend- ed to “allow his mantle to fall on the shoulders of the Hon. b. \Iowat."â€" Durham Chronicle. 1. Anygersonh who takes 5. er regularly from a. post 0 ca, wk ether direc egin ' name or another 5, or whether he has subscribed or not, is :esponsible 10): payment. 3. The courts have Aecidcd that. refusing to take newspapers or eriodicals from the oat oflice. .or removing an leaving them uncn led for, is prima. facie evidence of intentional fraud. ACCOUNTSâ€"Parties indebted to this afice for aohcrtising, job work, and pubscriptions, will confer a fawor by paying the same. I. NUH‘MIIND HILL POST omen Being Sou-Lb West and East, includ- ing xapie, Thornki‘ll. Toronto. Markham, 620.. Going North 2. If n. person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all wears, or the publishers may con- tinue to send it until payment is made, and then collect the whole mount, whether the paper is taken from the oflice ‘or not. LA W CONCERNING NEWSPAPERS POST OFFICE NOTICE fiolng South, East and West (as above) at 7:00 N.B.â€"â€"Registered Letters‘ must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Richmond Hill Post Oflice, M. TEEFY May 19th 1880. I’oatmaster West York Reform Asgociaâ€" I tion. Christmas Cheerâ€"Beynold's & Newton Xmas Goodsâ€"HERALD Store The Reform Association of West York has availed itself of lhe opportunâ€" ity of meeting to furbish up its organiâ€" zation, to congratulate Mr Blake on his elevation to the political leadership of his party vice the. Honorable Alex Mac- kenzie deposed. It improved the opâ€" portunity by indulging in scurrilous de- famation of the leaders of the party to whom has been entrusted the manage- ment of the public aifairs of the Domin- lon. The manner in which it appears to have been done would have been ofl'ensive to a less pretentious aspirant for public fame than is Mr Blake. THURSDAY. 131330., 16, 1880. Parliament has been opened in due form. and the great question of the ratlway will soon be absorbing the attention oi'our legis- lators. The speech from the throne point- ed out that Parliament had been summoned before the usual period so that no time would be lost in deciding its policy with re- spect to that enterprise. It may be taken for granted that the agreement entered into between the Government and the Syndicate will be ratified 'by Parliament, the majority at. the back of the leader being great and compact. In anticipation of this, Mr Geo. Stephens has gone to the old country to make arrangements for bringing ottt large numbers of immigrants to take up ‘ land along the route of the railway. It is rid-- mitted on all hands that if the railway must be built at all. the best way to build it is by means of an incorporated company, who ”will construct it and operate it. rather than by the direct action > of the Government. As for the terms, they are probably the best that could be made. for Sir John Mac- donald could have "'0 object in making a millionaire of Mr Donald A Smith. for iii-- stance, who deserted him at the time of the Pacific scandal.-â€"TELEGRAM. How To Do BUSINEss.-â€"Do you sell cheaply ? let- the public know it. Have you anything special to dispose of ?-â€"â€" iell the people about it. Expecting to work up trade without advertising is like trylng to run a locomotive without steam. Advertise new. Saturday, Dec. }8th-â€"-Credit sale of Farm Stock and implements, at the resi- dence of late 1) McDougall, ’J‘homhill, Sale at 12: o’clock, $10 and under cash. over that amount. 10 months credit: 7 per cent 05:, for cash. 5 Eckaxdt, Auch. Parties getting their. Sale Bills print ed at this office, will receive a notice free of cliarge,irom the time. the bills are printed until the day of sale. Until huther notice. Mails will be closed at the May 19th 1880. mm imam imam. NEW ADVERISEM ENTS The Great Question. Auctlon Sales“ Richmond Hill. Ont. MORNING EVENING AB FOLLOWS -\\‘ NOTICE_â€"The Canada Advertising ‘Agency, No. 29 King at. West, Town-- to‘is authorized to receive Advertiseâ€" ments for this Paper. W. W. BUTCHER, EMuna; ' It was with quegtionablc the Reformcrs of West York the following paragraph into dress to Mr Blake :â€" The heterogeneonsly constructed and impelfectly- -nonrished Cabinet of lhe late John Sunfield Macdonald soon felt your irresistible force, crumbled into in signifiance, fell into distrug. and was disposed of in the oblivion of intrigue from whence it sprunv. The Toronto World, an independâ€" ent Liberal daily, saws :- John Sanfield Macdongld was no Con- servative, he called himself a Reformer, his brothers are all prominent members of that party, and as time passes on Reformers more and more use John Sandfield Macdonald as their measure of economical rectitude in provincial afl'airs. We are no apologists of JOhn Snndfield’s unconstitutional policy in dealing with the railway uid question, but even in this matter it could perhaps be urged in extenuation that he would have distributed it in the best interests of the province. Moved by Cnun Redditt, see by Coun Pugsley, that. James Daniels, the collector of taxes lor the village of Richmond Hill shall have the time extended for returning his collector’s roll, and the taxes collected for the current year, until Monday, the twenty-seventh day of December, upon which date he shall make a complete re-- turn of his collector’ 8 roll and taxes, to the Treasurer ; and that the village Treasurer is hereby instructed to take no action against the said collector or sureties ; and that the seal of the corporation be attached to this resolution.~â€"Uar’ried. Tue Council adiourned to meet. on the 29th inst. Pursuant to adjournment, the Councrl met, on Dec. 13th' Present Councillors Pugsley and Redditt. As there was not a quorum the clerk was instructed to call a meeting {or Tuesday evening. Dec. 14th, 1880. Pursuant to adjournment and call by order of Councillors Pugsley and Redditt, the Council met. Members present. Messrs Crosby. Pugsley and Redditt. At 8.15 p. m., in the absence of the Reeve, Councillor Redditt moved, seconded by Mr Pugsley, that Councillor Crosby take the chair. Curried. Minutes of foxmer meeting read and ap-- proved. The following accounts were read. Wm Harrison, leather bag $4.00 Chas. Mason. stove ac. &c. “.80 Canada Rubber Co, [.42 Village Trans, sundry disbursements 15.59 Do do postage - 7.5I Reeve’s orders in aid of three tramps ALE-0 Moved by Coun Pugaley. sec Uy Coun Redditt, that the Treas is hereby instructed to pay the foregoring apeounts. Carried. A commumcmion daled 8H1 Dec., from Mr Keefler, asking for remission of dog tax. was read. With the sleek-going chill plough, the fall work has been pretty well push: ed. Fall wheat looks well and is ready for a coating of snow. ‘ The thermome- ter is about zero, and we have plenty of good keen ice for skating and curling. \Vith good shelter for cattle, and plenty of dry beech and maple, or even coal at $5 per ton, the thrifty farmer! feel tolerably well contented, notwithst~ audiug their disposition to grumble at high tariif. Mr Thos Hardmg, one of our best farmers. has just finished a barn, thh stone cellars, and all the most approved conveniences for the profitable feeding of stock. He has erected one of the best barns, if not the best. one, in the township ofScarboro. The steam thresher is still on bum, cleaning up the remains of season’s crop, which is not so large was at one time expected, but, on whole 16 a good average. The aspirants for municipal honors are beginning to l'eel their way. With so many serious questions to attend to, it would be Well for the electors to be on the move also. . On Saturday afternoon last, the vill- age of Nobleton was the scene of a Pedestrian contest. There ‘was not quite as many people present as lined the banks of the Thames. at the Hanlan- 'J‘riekett contest, but there was. I believe quite as much excitement. The course Was from the Village of Nobleton to the line dividing: the townships of King and Vaughan, 1;}- miles, and return ; making the distance to be travelled 2% miles. There was four entries for the purse, v1z..â€"Thos Carr, Jacob Gould, John Hollingzshead and Robert Weller. At 3.01 o’clock, the conteStants were got off well together. In a very short time Carr got well to the front, and before one quarter the distance had been travelled, Carr had a lead of about 5 rodL At the huli' he was still leading by about the same distance, which he maintained to the last 1} mile, when Gould commenced creeping up. About 10 or 12 rods from the winning post Gould spurted and shot past Carr, ap- parently as fresh as when he started. Carr stopped as soon as Gould got the lead. being about 8 rods behind when Gould reached the Winning post. Time 17 minutes. PEDESTBIAN CONTEST, Go As You PLEASE. I. From our own Correspondent.) From our own correspondent.) Village Council. Questionable. MILLIKEN. NOBLETON. M. TEEFY, Clerk PAULINUs, SUETONIUS. taste that introduced their ud~ the the as the Debate in the Mechanics’ Institutepn Tuesday evening, 2131: inst. TEMPEBANCE.â€"Mr McMurray‘ de- livered a good address on the temperance question last Friday evening, in the Temperance Hall. The audience was not. very large. Mr J T Marquis, late of London‘, Eng, did not draw a very large crowd at. the Entertainment, on Saturday even- ing. Those who were present. say his programme deserved a larger audience. Tenders received up to the 23rd inst. for completion of the new Presbyterian Church. See bills. ENTERPRISEâ€"Saturday’s edition of the Daily Globe contained 20 pages, or 120 columns of print,-the largest. news paper ever published in the Dominion. The spirit of enterprise is not dead yet, in this old journal. Brown has his store chuck full of the very best. kind of boots and shoen and crockery. luChristmas candies none can touch him, as will be seen on calling at. his store, or reading his new advertise. men; next. week. TEORNHILL SAULâ€"A monthly cut- tle fair will be held at, Long’s Hotel, Thorubill, 0n the afternoon of the first lVednesday in every month, after Rich- mond Hill fair, the first one. taking place on Wednesday, Jan 5th, 188]. A numâ€" ber of cattle, horses and implements have already been entered for sale. Salem Eckhardt, Auct. Wm Long, Sec. MERRY CHRISTMAS â€"_â€"The friends of the Buttonville Sabbath School intend holding their annual anniversary on the eveninwof Saturday, Dec 25th, Christi mas Pay. Tea selved from 4 to 6 o’clock after which an entertainment will be given in the church, consisting of' singâ€" ing, Recitations and Dialogues by the School children Tickets. tea and cnler tainmem, 25 cents; entertainment 15 cents ; children under 12 years, to both 15 cents. Proceeds for benefit of school BAND CONCERTâ€"The concert at Woodhridge on Tuesday evening. was just fairly attended. the unpleasant evening, no doubt, prevented many per- sons from going. Some of the perform- ers Were not present, but those who put in an appearance rendered their selec tions very well. After the Concert :1 Quadrille Band was in attendance, and dancing was kept up for a few hours. Altogether a very pleasant evening was enjoyed. ' PUBLIC Samoan-The Examination in the Public School will .commence in the Highest Division, on Monday after- noon, the 20th inst., when a silver medal and several prizes will be awarded io pupils for general proficiency. 0n Tues- day the exam. will be held in the lower departments, :1 prize to be given in each department. BELSHAZZAB.â€"This Oratorio was given in the Masonic Hall on Tuesday evening, by the Eg‘lington Choral“ Socie- ty. The audience was not very large there being abouta $35 house. The weather was not, very favorable and other entertainments in the neighborâ€" hood drew many persons away. The programme did not give the satisfaction anticipated, alihough several persons acquitted themselVes very creditably. The audience expected something, as good or better than Ward’s “Queen Esther,” and were dissappointed when the singers did not appear in costume. Entertainments of this kind fall rather flat without suitable costume. Several performers had severe colds, which pre- vented them from doingjustiee to their selections. At the conclusion of the Oratorio, refreshments were served in dining hall for the performers, and a vote of thanks tendered the Society. Proceeds for the Organ Fund of the U. M. Church. BOUNCED.-TWO liquor detectives visit- ed this village on Tuesday night last, but their business becoming known they were compelled to seek safety by leav- ing the place in considerable haste One was rather roughly handled by some young: men. They took the over- land route for Toronto, and did not stop for refreshments. A farmer living a short distance below the Hill, found these gentleman making good headway. when he was returning home, about 11 o'clock. One man faded away into the night. and the other attempted to hide, but the Granger threatened him with arrest, if he did not tell his name and business. He tried running, and our rural friend gave him points, and then beat him at his own game. After being collared, he stated that he took the farmer for some Hill man. and was afraid he would be killed. The "farmer cautioned to leave Yonge street, or the Hill men might lynch him, and on being released, he settled down to a lively run for the End of M urkuam. It is likely he is running yet. COUNTY SEPARATION.â€"~The Central Committee met at Aurora on Friday evening last, and made arrangements for holding mass meetings throughout the County as follows :â€"â€"Aurora, Town Hall, Thursday, Dec. 16th. 1880 ; Springhill, Hogan's Hall, Saturday, Dec 18th; Richmond Hill, Grand Central Hall, Monday, Dec. 20th ; Thornhill, Long’s Hotel, Tuesday, Dec. 21st. ; Maple, Masonic Hall. Dec. 22nd ; Vicr- toria Square, lleaslip’s Hotel, Dec. 23rd. Messrs D Boyle, Vaughan ; \Vru Trench, Richmond Hill ; J Duncan, Markham: Jas Beith, Thornhill; R Marsh, Markham ; C. C. Robinson, Aurora, and others from different sec-- tions of the County, Will address , the meetings, and lay facts and figures beâ€" fore the ratepayers, showing that the County is not satisfactorily dealt with, and that immediate action is necesssry to prevent being saddled with the cost of very expensive buildings in Toronto. The ratepayers will thus have an oppor- tunity of considering the advisability of separating the whole County from Tor onto, for judicial purposes. LOCAL TEMS. PRIVATE ASSEMBLY.-â€"The Sons of the Heather will hold theig select private Assembly, on Friday evenfing next. 'The‘annual meeting for election of School Trustees will be held in the Council Chamber, on Wednesday, 29th inst. at noon. ' . Mrs Snider returned home on Saturn dav last, so it. is said. 1nd demes any compliclty with Cardflthl is rumoured that the latter has beengrmurdered, but no particulars have beéfi heard. HIGH SCHOOL Ex5iu. -â€"The public examination of the H School will be heid on Friday afternoon, Dec.17th, beginning at].15 p m. Reynold s & Néwton have just receiv- ed a very large stock of Xmas goods, of every kind, style and price. You should see them or you may be soxry for it. They buy to suit. every taste in style and price. .‘ The Cash System must be paying, as Crosby appears to be doing In rushing business. He is always laying in fresh supplies. and the stock must go someâ€" where. There’s where you can get things out fine. SABBATH SCHOOL AlfimvanY.â€"â€" The ninth Anniversary of Zion E Lutheran Church, 4th Con Vaughan, will be held on Xmas evening, Dec. 25th The entertainment will consist of Singâ€"- ing, Addresses and Dialogues by the School. Several amateurs are expected from adistancc. Parties desirious of placing gifts for distribution for their children or friends, will please leave them in the hands of the committee. not later than 6 o’clock the same evening; Messrs J Oster. E. Storm, H Kefi'er. P G Savage still keeps at work filling up he store with the very best kinds of furniture. He has some particularly nice articles at cheap prices. His last. car load is From a Napanee firm. Gro- ceries, em. up to the mark,as usual. New Adv’t next week. ENTRANCE EXAM.â€"The entrance examination for the Ricnmond Hill School will be conducted in the High School building: on Tuesday and Wedâ€" nesday+Dec. 9.15m andNZQxid, beginning at. 9 o'clock each day. ZION CHURCH ANNIVERSARY.â€"Tlle Sunday School Anniversary of Mount Zion Church. will be held on New Year’s Eve» The entertainment will consist of Singing, Dialogues and Reciâ€" tations. Proceeds for benefit. of School. Tickets 25 cents. Children under 12, 15 cents. Children amending School admitted free. RABBITS on CATS.â€"Have we retum- ed to the barberâ€"nus age of' witchcraft, or how is it ? A young man took two fine-looking rabbits from here to Toronto tne‘other day, in a bag. but on his ar- rival in the Queen City, he found one of the ariimals mysteliousiy Emmed imo a good- matured specimui of the domestic cat. He is not yet certain whether he was the victim of a conspiracy of mortals or spirits or witches. MAsoNfc. -â€"-At the last rr‘gmluf communi{ cation nl Vaughan Lodge A b 6; A M. No 54 held in the Masonic Hall. Maple, on 'lnesday evening 14th inst , lhe following ufiicers were elec ed for xhe ensuingr yeur :- Bro. L. Richmdsnn, W M.: A KPHbfiafi. ; A Carley, JW ; N Shank, Sec. ; '1‘ S leilh, Trens; D Kinnve. Chap ; J C< nsins, Tyler. R W Bro B Saunders, D D G M paid an official \‘wit. and several bxelheru from neighboring lodgrs. were also presenl Al'ler business w; s transacted, refreshments Were served in Ihe lower ball. After jus- Ii(:e had been done to the spread, theuxsuui Masonic Lonsls were drunk in a happy manner. In remarkable efforts to gain new sub» scribers, many publishers seem entirely to overlook those already on their lists. To add many names to their list of sub- scribers they ofler'veiy great induce-â€" ments, by which they cheanen the paper to those who do not now subscribe for it, while for every one gained, perhaps one or more old subscribers drop off. and take other paper whose inducements to new subscribers sound equally attrac- tive. These publishers in their struggle after a large subscription list lose at one end what they gain at the other, and at the same time depreciate the price of their paper. The Montreal WITNEss is not one of these. Its special endeavor seems to be to increase the value of the paper, so as to make it a necessity, and any very special inducement to new sub scribers is made through their old ones, so that the old subscribers gets equal advantage. The special offer this year is the presentation of the celebrated pic- ture, "CHRIST LEAVING THE PRIETOR. Inn,” to evr-ry old subscriber to the WEEKLY ‘VITNESS who sends a new subscriber with his own, and the new subscriber gets a copy as well. If the names are sent- independently of each other, 25 centrsaiu addition to the price of the paper is charged for the picture, or $1.35 in all. By such means as these bencfitting both old and new subâ€" scriber, the ll’eekly Witness and Nor- Ihem Messenger have enjoyed ueonstant- ly increasing subscription list, until t0â€" ,Qether with the Daily Witness, it mun-v bers over one hundred thousand. The first annual supper of. tho em ployees of the Toronto Reaper and Mower Company, came ofon' Tuesday evening in the American Hotel, Toronto About one. hundred and fifty gentlemen assembled at the social boa-rd. Mr Lee the genmal Manager, presided, and Mr Blake dischaiged the duties of vice chairman. The Chairman in the course of his remarks stated that the establi'hment had been in eXIStence four years. Dur- ing the filst year 500 machines were turned out; the second, 1500 the third, 2000 ; and the fourth year, 3, 500, and arrangements were being made to supply the increasing demand hr in- creasing the number of machines made. In order the better to do so, the comâ€" pany were about to increase the accom- odation by adding additional buildings. Every thing passed off in a most genlal and social mannen - LOCAL ITEMS. Machinists’ Reâ€"Union. MARTIN.â€"At R1chmond H111. on the 15th Dec., the wife of Mr Joseph Martin, of a son. SCAN WELLâ€"We advise intending buyers to scan well our advertising columns before making their purchases, in order that. they may be thoroughly posted as to where they can get the best bargains. DUNCUMB--REIDâ€"Ou Dec 13th, at the Metro» politau Church, by the Rev Dr Potts, John Dun numb to Mrs Sarah Reid, both of Toronto DEATH. At Richmond Hill on the 15th inst. infant, son of Mr Joseph Marlin. Barley, 85 Oats, 35 Peas 65 Eye 87 Dressed Hosts. ner 100 lbs” 6 00 Beef hindq urn-tens, per 100 ms 450 Mutton by qthe curcnse per 100 tbs,“ o 00 ChiCkena, per pair 25 Ducks, per brace 50 Geeso, ......... 45 Turkeys, each 76 Butter, lb rolls .. 20 large rolls 00 tub dairy 20 Eggs,fresl1, (102 20 Potatoes, per bag . 40 Avples per barrel 1 00 Onions, per bag , 1 '25 Tomatoes, per bush. 00 Turnips, per bag .. 0 25 Carrots, per bag . 40 Beets, per bag ..... 50 Parsnips. per bag 60 Hay 1381319011.... 8 00 Stmw per, ton. 7 00 Wool Der 1b.. 30 Gospe! Hymns and sacred songs, by Bliss & Saukey, for sale here. THURSDAY, Dec 18,1880. muons AT FARMEBS' WAGGONS Wheat fall. new,per bush .. Spring ddo a . Barley, Hand-made work and repairing executed at. shortest notice. Fanmng Mil FOR SALE. REYNOD S 85 NEVV'I‘ON’S. lo Wham application is to be made. Also dropped from 11 conveyance on F1iday‘ the 26111 Nov. last, a da1k green NEW CUTTER! The undersigned wishes to imimale to the public that, she has received of Ladies and Gents felt goods. Overslxoes. Rubbers. etc., and has also on hand all kinds of CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES At far‘ A Fresh. Stock! which She Is prepared to dispose of at a by leaving it at, Reyhuld's (f: Newton’s Richmond Hiil. Dec. 8th. 1880. ‘1 Lady’s Muff Found. U0 BUILDER, Sherwood 4th Con. Vauuhun. Special atthntion given to Stair Building, Punctual attention will be given tq mu ordexs. Address Maple P. 0. MRS. S. GAMBLE. Richmond Hill, Dec. 20d, 1880. m3. Credit gwen if roquined. To be seen at in this village, between Palmer’s Hole] and the English Cbuxch. Thu finder will be 0n Yonge Street, helnw Richmond Hill. Anv pexsrm calling m Sundvraon (f: Sons’ Dvufr Store .‘O: m secure the muffin; proving prlomny and paying for lhia advertisement. The owner is requester] to prove proper- ty, pay expm)ses,aud lake the animal away. OTIICE is hereby given that the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Company will apply to the Legislature of the Province of On- tario at its next Session, for an act to amend the several acts relating to the said Company ; and for power to create a preference issue of Bonds or Debenture Stock ; to reâ€"u rrange their Bonded Debt ; to authorize them to enter into and com- plete an agreement with the Grand Trunk Rail- way Company of Canada, or Wi th any other Railway Company, for the working of their line of Railway ; to confirm and declare valid all or any By-laws voted upon, or to be voted upon by the Ratepayers of any Municipality, portion of a Towuship,Municipality, or Municipalities grant- in};r aid to the Tmonto Grey and Bruce Railway Company, provided such By Jews hm 0 been carriee by a. majority of the votes cast thereon , and for other purposes. W. Sutherland Taylor. Secretary and Treasurer. Dated at Toronto this 22nd day of Nov. 1880. (Sit Hus removed his shop to next, door south of Dr. Langatafif’s, nearly orposito the old stand, where he is pre fired to (10 11.11 kinda of work in first- clasa sty a» ' Horse shoeing done at $1 a set fox Cash, and Laid-ems for iemoves. S T RAYEE) I In") the premises of the undersigned, Lot Nu. I2. 4H1 Con. Vaughan, I GREY HORSE AGED. AND . HORSE SHOER‘ MISS CAMPBELL, KEFFER,CONTRAC'1‘OR AND 0 BUILDER. Sherwood. 4th Con. Vmwhan. Geo. STEPHENS Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Company. MACEINE AND HAND-MADE WORK A first-class articlp, LESS TIâ€"IAN COST, RE'W A RDED 31m: Sixlvvrtisu‘mumtfi. Piano, Organ, etc., 8.9 t l6th I880 REMOVED E Reasonable Profit. THE MARKETS. General Blacksmith, BLACKSMITH SHOP. Silk Umbrella. NEVER BEEN USED FOR ‘ SALE- Lessons on the TORONTO: BIRTH. MARRIED W. SHUNK. 3 1 05 $1 )0 . 1 10 l ‘20 . 85 1 05 .. 35 36 i'HIl-w 175 060 650 21 Richmond Hill, Dec 16. 1880 Wheat & Oats For the Million. 20,000 Bushcls of Oats, For which the highest cash price will be 1mm at the “Pomona Mills" Tlmrnhill. 50,000 Thornhill. Nov. 16th, 1880 Farm for Sale About 75 acres cleared. Balance Hardwood Bush. GOOD SOIL. For further particulars apply to Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Address, Teston, 1’ O Licensed Auctioneer for York County. solicits patronage and friendly influence. Bates ransom able. Address Victoria. Square Outfit sent free to the who Wish to engage in the most pleasant and profitable busmess known. Every- thing new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything $10 a day and upwards is easily )1] arle without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Lndics‘make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great Day. No one who is willing to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in a. week at any ordinary eniployment. Those who engage at once will finds. short road to fortune. Address H HALHETT ($7 00.. Poxtlauq. Maine. Licensed Auctioner for York County. Ordes promptlv attended to. Rates reasonable. Put- ronage solicited. Address. King. 1’ O Licensed Auctioneer for York Patronage soli- cited. Rates moderate Address Aurora ' Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Sales promptly attended Goods sold on consignment. Unionville, P O Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, Sales attended on the shortest notice, and at reasonable mtes Address, Nobleton, P 0 NELSON PLAYTER, Lot No. 55, Con.1 [)11AIN TlLE, OF THE BEST nYYAYY'I‘v Arr Being West Half of Lot 56 in the first Con Vaughan. containing gumwmfi’ @mflfi. ERISTINE AND GHBPPING Or to McFall & Whitehead, QUALITY AT 100 ACRES, WANTED ! J. G. BERNARD, Parkdale. Salem Eckardt, Samuel Brown N J Armstrong, Daniel Kinnee, Jas c Stokes A SPECIALTY. THOS NIGHTIgGALp's, Vaughan. Richmond Hill, P. o. 1133* -or12t F Button CHRISTMAS ’ Bushels of Fall & Spring W'heat. Reynolds 86 Newton, Yorkvile i2â€"ws HE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIMES. The Pins purity the Blood, correct all disorder of the Liver. Stomach, Kidneys and Bowols, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. . The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of howâ€" ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptherin.” Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin- Disenses it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS. The Farm is a. flood one in every particular. everything being very comJlete. Eerma Easy. Apply to ME. JAMES GORM EY. Toronto. or to I most respectfully take leave to call the at- nention 01 the Public generally to the fact, that celmin Houses in New York nré sending 00 many pmfs of the globe SPURIOUS IMI’I‘ATIONS of‘ my Pills and Ointment. These frauds bear on their labels some address ‘in New York. Idonot allow my medicine to be sold in any part of the United States. I have no agents‘ there. My medicines are only made by me at: 5&3, Oxford Streej. Pondpn In th boo s of directions affixed to the spur-- inns makeis a caution warning the Pnhlicugainst, being deceived by connterteita. Do not be misled bv .this audacious trick, as they are the counter. feits they pretend to denounce. These counterfeita are purchased by unprincim pled Vendors at one-half the price of my Pills and Ointment. and are sold to you as my genuinu Medicines I moat earnestly appeal to that sense a! justice» which I feel sure I may venture upon asking from, all honorable persons, to assist me, and the Pub- lic, as far as may lie in their power, in denouu fng this shameful Fraud. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp,with the, words “ HOLLOWAY s PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon On the label' 13 tha address, 533 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where alone they are Manufactured. T a Trade Marks of these Medicines are repis tax-ed in Ottawa. Hence, any one bhrou bout the British Possessions, who may keep the mericun Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted 553 Oxforg Stag-eat»L London, MGNAIR FARM. RIGHMOND KILL Bichmogd Hill. August. 6th, 1380. Hollowmy’a Pills and Ointments bearing any other address an coun‘ terfeits Farm for Sale ! )ON- 2 OF VAUGHAN . There is first-class Barns, Stables and other out.- buildinge, with This Farm is on the east-half of Lot No. 25‘ AEINE NEW HESIDENCE. MODERN TIMES MR. JAM ES McNAIR, Jnnl 1879 Goderich, Ont“5 380. k!

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