“Prepared & Sold ’by H Sanderson & SOn:s ESbLNCLb' " AN 1). 'ESJX’I‘I'iAC'i‘r; a: or ' the†D mm. Mugs-f TQilQlHArticleS, Richmond Hill, Deb 16. 1880 SPICES.""';"G'ENUINE‘ FTC, -GOOD AND FRESH ' Since introducing the Cash System and Reducing Prices, our sale havg largely increased, and will. doubtless continue. to do 50,113 we are determined to keep our stock well assorted, and sell at the “LOWESTCASH PHEB‘ES Richmond Hill, Oct. 14th. 1880. E m - PRWE THE NEW DEPARTURE Large Assortmert of First Class Groceries at Extraor- dinary Low Prices, An inspection of Goods and Prices is earnestly solicited Corner Yonge and-L Centre Street East, Richmond Hill ' ., e: - iTheybave also on hand ï¬m .0. large stock of P1 'escriptions care- Remember the place, Call' Solicited .~ satismétidï¬ â€˜ " Guarantéed. Every Department full 0f new and seasonable Fall and Winter Goods DECIDED SUCCE S. CHRISTMAS Herbs Fresli, and this Year’s Growth. Reynolds 80 Newton; 01' ihe'Fineat Flavor and Quality ISAAC CROSBY. AT THE fully compounded . APOTHECARY’S HALL Chemicals, Perfumery, Nitrous Oxide Gm administered for harmless extraction of teeth. [Hm ‘ ‘ - 815110.on DENTIST lms ‘ removed to 87 king street East Tmonto over H. & C. Blnchfmd s new shoe stm 0 Best minelul teeth inserted in 11 111111111erto smt euchputmnt.1‘ uwticulm attention given to the preselvwbimi {ind reuulzutimn of the 1111mm] teeth cmefulh tuning 1111 unnecessary pui11.A.\V SP AULDING. LDR issismnt ‘ (ut Pulmr‘r Urmso) Aurorm lst, 3th, 10th, and ï¬nd do Ne\vmm)mt,. ’2m1 (10 Stouflfvillu, ...... ' do M m‘kh am ...... . (1c Victoria Square H (10 Thornhill ............ a do Maple do Wondbridge ............ do Iileiuburg , do Nobleton ...... $0131 do Annstlmtms, us Bltmus Oxide; 0150:, used “'1 ordered 1mm} noun but the best.11mtm‘inl used IN OFFnL RICHMOM) HxLL, FIRST 10 DAYS 017 EACH MON 11, Thankful 01 the fnvma of the past the vean n‘ 113' still be consult» 1 in any branch of the pro fession, '11:; {011mm Richmond. HilL. Dbh & 24th of such month IL 13.011, M†3.4de First Silxcr Medalist I'nixersit) of ï¬gment!) M C. P. S. Ontarino L S A. IJ., lnghmd Late of London England Surgeon, Etc., [at Oflflca Hours, 8 to 10, 1 to 2, and 6 to S‘ ‘ RICHMOND , HILL, ONT., Gaaduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. 7 . .~’_ Assistant toâ€"Dr.‘Ja.mes Langsmï¬. Richmond Hill, Oétober 10th 1879. can make money [aster at; work tor us than um anything else. Capital not required; we will stmt you.; $12 per day. at home made by the . industrious. Men, women, boys and. girls wanted éverywhero to work for us. Nowis the time. 'C‘ostlv outï¬ti‘mnd _terz’na ’free'. Address TRUE & Co. Auxustra.Mmu_x_e. Nos. 28 and 30 Toronto Street, ‘ TORONTO. Jas Bethune Q C N W Hoyles. Attorney, Sulicilor, Nozzlry 626., v NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, I8 «BL 20 King Street, West, Toronto. TERS Atmrnm s Sulicit01s-' --1n -Ch1u1ccr_V etc 64 Adelaide stl bet East, (opposite the Court House) Toronto. Bethunp, Moss, .Falcunbridge AND. ~ HOYLES, . Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bought and sold, or rented. Insurance eflected,&c. dkc. W . rem (“'0 Oflici'ul Assigueo, Real Estate Agent, 0 uncer, Broker, &c., (‘50., Barristers, Attorneys‘ntvLuw, Solicitors-in- Chuncory, Conveymmers,ebc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Imperial Bunk Buildings, \Veliington street, Toronto. OFFICE â€",V ictoriu Chambers 9 Victoria street Toronto BARRIS'IERS, &0 THOMAS FERGUSON, 9.0 WM. SETON GORDON, Ferguson, Bain, Gordon at. Shiplev, Money "to Lend at Low Rates, 130ULTBEI‘ &EVATT. BARRIS- 'FT‘nq Affnrnx Inc Q1 11"I1n1'hma 111.1111“ Money To LOAN Pmiies desnous oi bm'mwing MONEY can be supp plied at a moderate Iales 0n freehold 01 pelsonal secmity. Appiy to J. J. COSGROV E, Capital, $1,000,000; Resewe' Fund, $360,000 Toth Asseté,33.000,000 ‘ “ ‘ ’ Saving? B'a-nik“ Bc‘e our reduced loan table. For further information apply at at the Ofï¬cer; the Comnnnv. Walter S. Lee; Manager 11 large or small sums (not: less than $400) on Mortgage or lauded plopertv only. Transactions Strictly Conï¬dential. ' Mortgages Bought. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. l Ofï¬cesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderhum .................. Vice-President DIRECTbRS~Su1nuel Flatt M.P.’ Wm Gooder 1mm, Geo. W'. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Macphersou, Senator Money received on deposit, and ‘interes payable half yearly or compounded. MflNBYLflflNHY! Richmond Hill Nov. 18th, 1880‘ J. ELLIOT LANGSTAFF, M. D. 7 Per Cent ALFiix-jb Boui’mnn. WM. Won'rs EVA-mt WESTERN CANADA .LoA; AND HAVTNPH nmwvva ' VVIL’LIA M II. ' BEST, 1) zXRRIS'l‘EIi, Nov. 4th, ’80. JAE-\IES GORDILEY, MONEY 'ro LOAN. 110031 20. 1;»:on LOAN BUILDINGH Or A Roamsou. SURGEON DENTIS DR. ORR, 'MAPLE‘ BRANCH Apply to MONEY T0 LOAN. P. O. Box 2527. Ejlcflimi. J - K- PALGBNBRIBEB C. C Moss, \V G Fulconbridge \VBm‘wick, A BAylesworth W J. FIKANKS. flaunt grim; Elma}; c. ADA MS, L.D.S., Richmond Hill JOHN Inn (3120. F. SH do do ed when SHIPLEY ouvey 18TH 39776119 apér ‘ 13h an i "the; Che apggg Parties desirous of obtaining IiERALD We’ve a stock (if A 1 blag: étsï¬ _ So cqme along and do not fail, '1 Ofyflntmaels to’olfor shh‘t ; .†5-5 - " ‘ - †Té‘bring'wit‘h‘ you your wool ; And for your wives and dqnghtqerrs- . ,.. - For .which we'll pay you‘well in trade, - We've winceya to make skn‘ts. ' _ ‘ , 0: else with c‘aahin full. Having leased the Richmond Hill Wéolen Mllls,‘formerly len‘séd to Mr Elj_Mchlly, we are now pre. pared topmy on the business} and guarantee gen'eml satxsfacnon. W5? WHITTERS, ' Manager for Richmond Hill Branch. Richmond Hill, June 16th. 1880. 1880, AT RICHMOND ,,_____, __. To see us at our 11111], Where the very best of v'vooleil goods, Am made with care and skill. NANNINI, SPINNINE, .MANNIANTNNINII,1'&-NAII EARPBT WEAVINE' Come all youljolly fugue“, Woodbridge', and pliiehmo'n'd Illill Woolen Mills. L{i.ch.mggg_,§g1}, Dec. 16m, 1.880. Would do well to. call The Old Sta"11d,'10‘Viewihe‘SIo’gk {infha‘uij WOGL' UNION FOREVER I? Just South of ThggHigh. 88110.0]. BEFORE Doné to NET FORGET AT THE Order. HILL AND 'WOODBRIDC'E. PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. So cpme along and do not fail, †TO'bring'wit‘h‘ you your wool ; For .which wefll pay you‘well in trade, , 0: else with cashin full. We've tweeds for suits for men and boys, ' We’ve yarn to use for hose ; We’ve (wills and fancy coverlids, ' ‘In fact what e’qr you choose. See our stock, J. F. McINTOSH & SON "VT.- 18:80, Prop . ._ _._‘ - .._. ._ 0.5.. The Appliances “.16 made 111 all sizes and shapes for the 1tfere11t1mrts of the body y. and range m, price £10111 $1 01) to $5. 00 {111 91111111 Bands, and from $5. 00 to $15. 00 {01 Waist Belts. See Circulars, which is miled flee to all applicants. Remember the address - - A. Nommx No. 4 Queen sheet East Toronto 0111; N.B .~E10(:t '10 B 1511; 141111111111 Baths, Vapour, Herbal, Meucmiul 11.11:! Hut and Cold Baths always ready for Ladies and Ganthmun ' Feb 131,11 '.50 A Norman, Esq†‘ I ""n Ingera‘oll, August, 1879. DEAR SIH,#L suffered for f our youi‘s from wlmt Dr Davies of Chicago, and other eminent 11y" sicinns called rlmunmï¬mn (if the bowels, which they tried iuvnlu to cure ; but I mu tlmnkfu to» my yuur appliaucus lmvo entirely rammed the pain. I recommend all sufferers to try them. . Yours truly, PETER DonG.. RHEUMATISM ‘AND NEURALGIA. Mr. Norman, - . ' Toronto, Nov. 28rd, 1374",. I have fully tried zuul most cm~nfnlly tested and soon used your Curativc Insoles and Bumls,. and believe this to he one of the host forms of administering Electricity, new known to be of- such‘ valuable in'lportimce for the relief of Rheumatism and Neuralgic affections. 1 most cherfully reâ€" commend their use to all sufferers of those cmnplaints. C B HALL. M. D. 20 Omar-Howell. Place.. I NJUllY M1: Norman, - , - ~ .» " ' *' ' ' Toronto, Oct: HM); 1879'.“j DEAR Sm.â€"About three years ago I fell from a, ladder about twelve feet across :the Number of the stuirs,-zuul was taken up for (lend, since which time I have sutforad severe pain in my back and side, and grout weakness, unï¬ttving me for business, and got. very little ease until 1 used your- Elecâ€" tric Beltungl Insoles, which relieved me vqrxmuch. Yours truly, Jomï¬ QVENQ. 1‘25 Yonge St. A Norman, E The proprietor of this est-uh]is]mmnt,'ï¬uving hnd nmny years experience, and studied closely! the science in its upplic ion to curntivé purposes. feels conï¬dent that in presenting this ACM )2 ELECTRIC APPLIANCES t0 the public, he is supplying them with the best instrument of their kind now known to the scieuce,â€"â€"instruments that will do their wnrk Well if used in accordance with printed directions given with each appliance, and would warn the public against all ‘chenp imitn-r timi of all his goods. ASK FOR. NORMANS ELECTRIC APPLiANCES AND YOU WILL BE SAFE: AGAINST IMPOSITION. TESTIMONIALS. _ _, . .m RELIEVE AED CL'm-z. Spmal Complaints, nmuernl and Nervous Debilily, Rheumatism, Gout. N'ervgmsnesï¬x Liver, Kidney. Lungs, Throat and Chest Complaints. Neuralgia. Bronchitis. _1ncipicm Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Sprams. Consumplibn, Sleunlessnesz. Colds. Indigestion. Spermamrrhosa. &C., U. BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan. Special ntthntiun given to Stair l3uildiug. Puncbuul attention will be given to LL11 orders. Address Maple I’. 0. TIN?†s ‘H‘b PLJI This House is one of the Best Hotqls to be found north of Tordnto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stnbling 'xmd attentive hustler. Terms, $1 «per day. ' Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with 11.11 the N R R Trains going North and South, at 7.35 a m, l p In 415 p m. and 7.15 v m. ' Excellent accommodation for the Public. G00 stubling and attentive hostler. And StoVes Pipes for Sal-e; STOVE PIPES PUT l Stove Pipes, Stove Furniture etc. etc, on hand Custom Work promptly attended to, of tin and galvanized iron n. spécialty. Call and see his stock. 0. MASO N. The Robin Hood Hotel, RICHMOND HILL 0NT.. Frank Cosgr-ove, Prop. Tin and Copper Ware, KEFFER, CONTRACTOR A ND ' BUILDER.Slum-worm 41th (inn me‘hnn Richmond, Hill August 18th, 1880. RICHMOND HILL, .7 Palmer, Prop Cheap Stoves THE PALMER HOUSE, EVE TROUG H ING, ESTABLISHED 1874 NUHMAN’S ELEETRU EUHATIVE imfwl @Mflgï¬. RICH-MM!)- ‘ 11th T0 0 R-D E R} Electricit the Life Fluid. ’hig nahflflishnwnt 11H nm In n1 m um \mm-u n" “and nnnn UP tario at its next 9 on, for an act to ‘ amend the several acts relating to the said Company ; and for power to create a prelo‘renoe issue of Bonds or Debenture Stock ; to re-urmnge their Bonded Debt ; to authorize them to enter into and com- plete an agreement with tho Grand Trunk Rail- way Company of Canada, or with any other Railway Company, for the working of their line of Railway ; to conï¬rm and declare valid all or any By-laws voted upon. or to be voted upon by the Ratepayers of any Municipality, {)ortion of a Township,Municipality, or Municipa itles grant- ing aid to the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Company, provided such By-laws have been carried by a majority of the votes cast thereon 5‘ and for other purposes. A '. "' Dated at Torbuto this 22nd day otNov. 1889., flit» Haaremovec!‘ his shop to ueï¬txdoptisou'th-of‘Dr. Langatnï¬'s, nearly. orpgsito the .gld‘stand, where he‘is preparedifo‘do mummy 'of' wm‘k- in flr‘st- class atvyats.~ . .' - ' ' EUHATIVE ' AP‘PU’ANE‘ES‘ H‘orsb shoeihlgï¬bn‘é ui’$1’h'5§6t‘ fbr (1331i, and 40'cems for removes. NOTICE is hereby given that the Toronto: Greg and Bruce Railway Company will 1y to t e Legisluï¬uro of the Province of On- ...... 4. 4m -MMH: n“. AND ~ HORSE; :SHOER‘: ed at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great proï¬t You do not have to invest capital in it. \Ve take 8.11 the riak."1‘hosé'W'ho need ready money. should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address TRUE 6; Co, Augusta, Maine. GeasmanNss Toronto Grey W Bruce Railway Company. . is so emy to learn, and our instructions are so ;imp1e and plain,thnt anyone can make great proï¬ts from the ~very start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women are he successfel as as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many have made at the business over one hun- dred dollars in a sin 19 week. Nothing like it eyer‘k‘nown before. ll‘who engage‘aye . gurpris- REMOVED I General: Hiwcflsmaï¬fh‘; BLAGKSMHW SHOP.» W. Sutherland Taylor, Secretary and Treasurer. Outï¬t furnished free, with full instructions for conducting the most proï¬table business that any one mm engage in. The business