, inent made by ' um NOTICE ‘ 'Cntil further notice, Mails will be closed at the l lllï¬lillllllllll HILL Ear llrrlllr‘ A B FOLLO\VS MORNING Going: South, West and East, includ- _l‘josrié-~ on? E , in iug Maple, Thornhill. Toronto. Markham, &c., at 3:;50 , Going. North . , at not) 1 '- l E v t. N l N r: l {icing South, East and ’West (as above) at 7:th l ‘N.B.â€"Registcred Letters must be handed in . at least; Fifteen Minutes earlier than the: above mentioned hours for cloning. I licllmond Hill Post Ollice, _ May 19th1sso. Postmaster 1 nwavzsw I L A W CONCERNING NE ll'SI’APERS 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from a post ofï¬ce. whether directed in his name or anotlier‘s. or whether ho has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. 2. If aperson orders his paper discontinued he must pay all arrears, or the publishers may con- tinue to send it until payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the oflice or not. 3 The courts have decided that refusing to take lieu spupors or periodicals from the post otï¬cc, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is primu facio evidence of intentional fraud. N EW ADVERESEMENTS __»o A House and Lot For Saleâ€"Robert Williamson â€Noticeâ€"W Monkman Chancery Saleâ€"Jr. W. Taylor Music Lessonsâ€"Miss Nicholls WW bills (illicit: Elgttntllt. Richmond Hill. Ont. THURSDAY. DEC. 30, 1880. .ACCOUNTS.â€"Pq7ties indebted to ihis oï¬icc for advertising, job work, and Subscript-ions, will can. or a facor by paying the same. Good for Canada. .. The manufacture of locomotives in Canada has now become quite an exten- sive business. Previous to the adoption of a National Policy most of the engines used 0n Canadian lailways were built in the United States, and the works of the Canadian Engine (30., at Kingston, were in anything but a prosperous conâ€" dition. But matters are different now, if we may judge from the remarks ofthc Kingston Daily News, which says :â€"â€" "The Canada Engine Works have enough work on hand now to employ 200 men all summer. contracts, they have received a large order from the Northern 'lailway- re- ducinp,r sixteen engines to narrow guage’. .This necessitates a great. deal of changâ€" ing. Six of the engines have to be ï¬nish- cd by the ï¬rst of May. At present there are 1‘25 men cmplnvcd, but more are wanted, a great difficulty being exper- ienced ill getting: machinists. Wages from $1.75 to $185 per day. Oh, ye Grits, just think of it. A real live Canadian institution so flourishing that ,lliere is actually adiï¬iculty in getting workmen to supply‘lthe demand.' The f‘party†will have to wake up and do something besides issuing stupid and sipid ‘manifesto abortions.’â€"-Gllclph Herald. ‘ Paciï¬c Railway Meeting. Sir Charles Tuppcr addressed the; electors ofToronlo at the ct. Lawrence , Hall on the 29th inst, upon the Syndi- cate agreement. Mayor Bcaty in the Chair, prominent men of bothm'sidcs of politics were prvsent. He was warmly greeted. He combatcd Mr Blake's ob jcctions, cxplaixiingtlzat the cry about going back on the National Policy was raised in ignorance of the present state of the tariff. He said that the part of the Syndicate agreement permitting the entrance duty free of steel rails about which so much clamor had been made was simply a statement. of existing facts. Under the tariff at present, steel rails were admitted duty free. A calculation was shown of the value of spikes alld bolts also admitted free, which showed the amount of the duty which would be thrown off upon them, amounted to only a few thousand dollars. With reference to the Monopoly cry. the Ellin- istcr pointed out that for eyery square mile given by the Syndicate an alternate square mile vvas retained dy the Govern- ment, and that so long as the Syndicate lands continued unoccupied, those to whom the alternate Government; lands might be sold, would have the free use of the. adjacent Syndicate sections of As to the exemption of rich prairie. the road from taxatiljn it was the practâ€" ice at the present time not to tax the Grand Trunk‘ and other roads to any "citeht, and" the Gov‘crlluicnt‘ms simply carrying out this principle. The speech was a clear and able exposition of the Government policy lasting over three hours. _- The following resolutions were passed as follows :~ ' Resolved, that the national faithis pledged to the early construction on Canadian soil, of the Canada Pacific Hallway, from the Pacific to connect. wllll the chsting railway system of Canada. llcsolvcd that the mode of constructâ€"l , ing the Canada Pacific Railway by the agencyofa company, has been again and again ratiï¬ed by Parliament, under" the leadership of both parties, and will he more conducive to the interests of the country, than its construction as a Government. work. Resolved that having heard the ex- planations of Sir Charles Tupper, this meeting heartily approves of the arrange- thc Government with the Syndicate fur the building of the Ilailway. â€"-â€"u-_..-.-_. Parties gottillfr their Sale liills print . t. I‘ul‘clgu Dina: .locll-l, h. .4. .,:.-.13L,~.t..= store. Green window blinds for sale at HERALD Store. M-TEEFY l, and J. II. Sanderson. Besides other , the I Municipal Elections. The follwing are the Nominations which took place Monday, December the 27th.â€" RICHMOND HILLâ€"For Reeve, Wm. Trench was elected by acelanlation.. For the Council there will be considerâ€" I able of a contest, as no less than seven ,l candidates were nominated, viz; ON. Duncumb. T. J. Dobson, Henry Hopp- er, A. Moodie W. l’ugsley, 3.,Redditt, . YORK.â€"â€"In this township the present Reeve, Mr Duncan, is nominated for re- ‘ ‘elcction, and is opposed by Mr, A. \Vill-l son, late Clerk; Mr. Dollcry, for 1st ,Deputy, is also opposcd,-â€"thc other members, viz ,- Messrs. Watson, Hamil- ton and Gibb wore elected by acclama‘ tion. 1 . l ETOBICOKE.â€"Mr. Canning for Reeve, ,and Mr. Evans for Deputy have been ireâ€"elected. The old Councillors were; lalso re-elcctcdâ€"all by acclamation. , VAUGHAN,â€"â€"llcevc, Mr. 'l‘hos. Porâ€" ‘ter, . formerly a DeputyRecvc. was. elected by acclamation, as was also M r Wm. Cook, for lst. Deputyâ€"~Bccvc, in place of Mr Card. For 2nd Deputy-- Mr Isaac Nattress is being opposed by Mr W'm Farr, while Mr I) Keaman v'vas reelected 3rd Deputyâ€"Reeve withâ€" out opposition, Two gentlemen are pro- ‘poscd for the Council, Alex Milloy and D Kinucc. ' , YORKVII.LE.â€"â€"â€"In this village the present Reeve, Mr. “'ickson has decidâ€" cd not. to offer for reelection. Mr Gibson 1st Deputy, was proposed for Reeve, and is being opposed by John I’arby. If this is the same Mr. Darby who want- t ed to be Superintendent. of York Roads. his nomination is simply a burlesque. lIl‘or lst Deputy, 1111. B. Saunders, who now occupies a seat in Council, is a candidate ; and is being opposed by Mr. J. C, Daniels. For 2nd Deputy. Mr. Oswald F. Foster is in nomination, and is opposed by Mr..Wnlter Walker. For I the CouncilLGcorue Vair, Thos, L lewâ€" tart, T. A. Hastings and Samuel Young / ,are candidates. ‘Worthy of Imitation. 87 St. Peter Street, Montreal, Xmas ’80. , T0 the lncn of , Tun Donllllou Boixr Co., TORONTO DEAR Sms,~Another year is near a close, after near eighteen months of pre- paration for the work and of work in manufacturing. Many who commenced .in l879 still remain, and I am glad to \be able to say it, for I hate to part with any man who conscientiously pérforms his duty ; such men feel interested in their work, and I feel interested in them A few changes have taken placu, and one must, painful accident has resulted in the death of one of your associates. All such accidents are produced by either neglect or carelessness in someâ€"â€" 'thing that should have been done or avoided, and I regret to say, from inâ€" formation had that to carelessness by poor Nicholls. himself his death was chargeable. It caused me great. pain, and should have been a. terrible warning ,to all, to be exceedingly careful in all things, thoughtful in respect to what you have to do, prompt in entering upon ' and energetic in doing it, doing all things conscientiously. with self as your Mentor’requirinz you to do for all. : others as you would like all others to do i by you . Oarslncll day, but that ambition must be bounded ill like terms, without limit as to munll'y, ,addilion lo havi lug the “best oarsman," the . character of“hest workmquâ€"a proud title. the aim - and as the the title referred to is ,qualily of the goods must be the key to reâ€" mon. and I wish all to feel speually inter- bcsL advantage. by as large a production as promptly on hand, not abscnting yourselves lime ; by carefully placnll; your tools and the machines. ill a perfect. state to ensure bolls will sometimes prejudice a’ whole tools and dies, may annoy your fellowâ€" lurc. with knowledge of neglect (in what results) that It-urncstly beg your attention but that your memory may not be burden-'- lilllclligcucc may work them into system, . l key or cigars. but some of you are unmarri’ ‘,you the cigars I do not doubt. my goodl most lusting comfort, I send you each .1va ffacllon I fuel ill giving them, with my best. ll.!ltl'}' and lcnlpel‘atc New Your, enjoying .w'...‘ LOCAL iTEMs. . ' Diaries and Almanacs for sale here. Messrs chfy and Trench, were reâ€"l elected to serve on the School Board. CAUTION,â€"-â€"~Tlie public are cautioned by Mr W Monkman against buying a certain note. See the advertisement. WEEK. or PRAYERâ€"Prayer Meetings will be held every ev’g next week in the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches altcrllatly, commencing: in the Presbyâ€" terian Church on Monday evening. Music LEssoxs,â€" Miss Nicholls announces by advertisement this week, something that will interest. all lovers of music. FOR Satinâ€"As will be seen by ad- vertisement in another column. Mr Robt. \Villia‘mson offers a house and lot for sale, being, part of lot 51, at Elgin Mills. The place is a very desirable one, and will be sold on easy terms. AURORA; Assnnm.r.-Tlle Social Assembly held at Aurora on the evening, 'of the 24th ult., was very largely attend; cd, about eighty couple being present; Several of the young folks went. up from this village, and say everything was lovely. ' ENGLISH CHURCH SOCIALâ€"A Social in connection with the English Church of this village will be held on Thursday, Jan. 13th, at the residence of Mr Thus. Palmer Bills with particulars will be issued shortly. ‘ As announced in our last; issue. it was not our intention to publish a paper for Dec.. 30th., but. a number of adver-' tisements rendered it necessary to do so. Mr Hendrick, of Headford, had two hivcs of bees destroyed a short time ago by some person or'pcrsons unknown. He is willing to pay ten dollars for such information as will convict the parties who done the deed. THORNHILL Assmlnl.r.â€"â€"Abou titty couple attended the social assembly held at Mr A Collin’s, on Wednesday even- ing. A number were present from Tor- onto, Illalverli. Richmoiid Hill‘iln'd else- where. The music was good, the "light fantasticâ€7 was tripped in stipcrior style, and the supper was simply immense. Suni>liiSE.I’AnTi'.~â€"A number of young: people from Richmond Hill and Thornhill formed a surprise party and visited Mr T. Ludl'ord and bride at Unionvillc, on Tuesday evening. 28th inst. A very pleasant evening was Spent, and every person Seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. 'l‘UEFDAY,’ Jan. 11th.â€"â€"â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, etc, the property of Mr Joseph Harrison, at Lot No 10, on the rear (aid of the 5th Con of Township of Vaughan. Terms, for fat cattle, sheep, and all sums of $10 and under, Cash; over that 11 month’s credit. "Salc~ at 12 o’clock“ N ,J. Armstrong, Aunt.“ ., AGAIN Succussi-‘Unâ€"The Brethren Unions 8., beg again respectfully to thank the public for their very liberal patronage in attending their 9th Anni versary on Xmas evening;- and beg again publicly to tender the heartful thanks of the Committee to those who so kindly and nobly same to their assistanCe, and for the very able and cflicicnl manner ill which they acted their several parts. The entertainment. being a perfect sucâ€" cess, a crowded house, and many a happy smiling face. The Committee may also congratulate themselves on their ï¬nancial success. Surely God has blessed their feeble efforts in the 8.8. workâ€"Com. A Chancery Sale ofthe west half of lot 6, and the southâ€"west. quarter of lot 7, in the 4th con. of VVhitchurch, will take place at, the Commercial â€Hotel, Victoria Square, at 2 p.ln.,on Saturday, Jan lblh. The advertiselncnt,\vith full particulars, will be found in another column 'l his is a good opportunity for any one desirous of investing in real estate. THE SYNDICATE,â€"A Mass meeting: of the electors of East and West York, ' will be held at the Grand Central Hotel. Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, Jan. lllh, 1881, at 2 p. m., to consider the pro- posed agrcemcnt with the Syndicate for the construction of the Canada Paciï¬c Railway. The question is one of the most important ever submitted to a. Canadian Parliament, and all classes are cordially invited to attend the meeting. Free discussion under proper restrictions will be allowed. WOODBRlDGE. (From our 0sz Correspondent) The Holiday Season has fairly set in and of course lots ofsports are the princi- pal fcature ofthc times. Christmas day was rather quiet, there being no sleigh- ing, as what is generally looked for at that time of the ycal‘,There 'as Service in the English Church in the morning, when a very good Congregation asscm~ bled,the largest that Was there for years, and the Church presented a ï¬ne appearâ€" a ncc, being: nicely decorated for the ocâ€" . casion. In the afternoou the Woodbridge Brass Band played through the streets of the village for a couple of hours, play- ing; their best selections,‘which was very good, much to the pleasure of the many people who were waiting for something of the kind to liven them up, Very little drinking; was done in our village on that day compared with previous years and at 7 o’clock all the Hotels closed their doors and a very quiet night was the re- sult, On Monday night the Orange Hall was ï¬lled to the doors, being the Anniâ€" versary of the Xmas Tree for the Child- ren of the Sunday school of the English Churchand a very pleasant cloning, was Toronto is an ambitious city, very lcntcrprisinfz. If not the most cuterpris ,ing, it certainly has the best ;of modern times, and I would like to be able to say the best Bolt. Factory of the by a less ambitious relative lclmâ€"llie best Bolt Factory ill the Dominion, producing the best. One year more of (:OllSCanllOUS effort. and Toronto will have earned. ill , the character also for producing‘the "best lBolls,†and with that must follow the , Thus far. money has not accrued to the Dominion Bolt Company, success being: ‘ 3 lthe sure passport of a workman, so the, spec-t from the public, and success the ' issue. Our interests are therefore in com- ested in the factory ; that you each and all study how to make everything tell to the you can make each machine yield ill the most economical manner ; by being always without good cause and nolicc given 3 by avoiding all waste of material, waste of dies where you can instantly ï¬nd them, and by keeping all such tools and dies, as "the bcst†results in quality as well as, quantity. One had bolt or one bad lot, of make : so waste of tune by want of promplness. or by searching for misplaced, workmen. create disorder and losses as well as rlisappnintmcnt, in (execution it is there- some. workmen may call little thlngs. that quitnoflcn alfold lhc key to unfortunate llOlllBJlULl cls herein which I desire to impress on your thoughts ; they are rules. ml with long detailed rules, they are made. i lgcncral, and made in such form lhal your and your sense of right be governed by ,thc Mentor's win. It being Christmas, I wish you to color it. Ithought of sending you each a lul- lcd,and will no doubt. help lo cut some Solhcr’s Christmas dinner, while if I send ' l wishes for your comfort will end ill smoke ;‘ so having.r regard for what will afford your lsuils of underclolhing, that with care will ; surely afford you like comfort to the satis- wishes. and hope that you will all have al lncrl-v but temperate. Christmas, with a :ll. llliwn‘s \‘llul- own households. and ' _,.. .lvd :.\- things? limiting l‘lws l. 2‘- .uj..:‘.k I â€"â€" : Gospel Hymns and sacred songs, by' mm & Sankcy, for sale here. 1 . was spent. ' East York. was present, and made Mr Boullbee M. P. for a NC _ l‘lll‘ \Vl-sl ‘z'lll'k. was also I'll-n-cl'llmrlllp .«u, tilllu‘lldilnl. of Sunday School to which there are nearly 200 children belonginv. Sloighing good, and business brisk. Kllllnlllt‘ address for the occasihn. \w _. ....c.s.... .1 interesting ' "Letters. To the Editor of the Herald.i Sm,â€"I notice in your issue of 23rd Dec under the head of Woodbridge News. a reference from your correspondent there, ill regard to a concert held under the auspices ofthe Canada Methodist Church. lam lit a loss to ï¬nd where your cor- , respondent received his information. I had the good fortune to be present. and to hear the greatest musical treat ever given in ‘Joodbridge by, the Bloor St Methodist Choir, offllolonlo.“ I prely state a fact. when I say,‘ (hat the 0 Heart" met. with \lhe entire approval of the audience as could be seen by the frequent and hearty apâ€" plause given them. and they vote of thanks tendered them before they left.‘ The Choir lconsisted of 42 voices composed of the. ‘Ieadl'ng musical talent. of Toronto. includ- insr such well-known persons as Mrs- Calde- cott, Mrs. James. Mrs H .Blighl, Miss Buddy and Mr Warrington. ,aud gentlemen are too well-known to the " public lor me to occu’oy any of your uhlc space ill a discrlpliou of them. They acquitted themselves as well as usual lust Philharmonic Concert The programme, ed at the Toronto. in fact, or ill olilzvicinity. _ were so. w'cll applcciatemlhat he was en- cored three limes as wele also the soloists who took part ill lhé’fprogl'amme. The conductor had once ., during the Concert to refer to the ungenllelnanly conduct of a. gang; uf_"l'oil;_rlls at thereon!" of the gallery, the noise made by"‘1hnse'fclmraclels was more suited for an Asyluml'than a public Hall. The concert kiss a success financial- ly and otherWlse, and the choir have been pressed to return at an earlydate. Yours truly, ‘ ' JUSTlCE & Thorn. Woodhhidgc. December 27th,.1880. 543.le illumltlr-‘tulults. 3531:0st .9 w LOT Eon"sALEl Being part of Lot No 51, on the West side of You'ge Street, I Mlle North of Richmond Hill. The Lot contains tlll Lass. 3 . Atllllls. nails 1.7 j . ' Fronting on Yonge étrect. GOODy FRAME ‘BOUSE. Kitchen, Stable and Tl’oodshed. Hard and Soft \Vat '. Also an Orchard 30f about no choice Fruit. Trees. Terms Easy. Eor further- particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to ROBERT WILLIAMSON. Richmond Hill, P. 0. lichmond Hill, Dec. 30th, 1881. 4W llllt‘.‘ Miss Nic‘HoLLs, Wishes to inform the public, that she is prepared to give LESS()NS IN BlUSIC. lichmond Iiill, Dec. 30th, ISSI. .lm4w. _NOTIOEI ..I’ua:ties are hereby cautioned against negotiating a note drawn b e, in favor of MR‘ GE012'GL EPHENS. ’for the sum of $80, payable in October next, Vulucgnot being received. .. w. MONK-MAN, Markham, Dec. 30th,1880 , The undersigned wishes to intimate to the public‘thut she has received A Freak}. Stock! of Ladies and Genls felt goods. chrshoes. Rubbers, etc., and has also on hand all kinds of ~ .2 ' " MACHINE AND j all-MADE worn: which she is prepllréd: to dispose of at a Reasonable Proï¬t. Hand-math; work aildfrcpairiug executed at shortest notice. , ‘ Fanning Mi 1 FOR SALE. ,3: OS. S. GAMBLE. Richmond Hill, 172%. .ml, 1886. m3. Chancery Sale makâ€" IN CHANCERY, McCausland vs Lloyd. Pursuant to the decree and ï¬nal order of sale made in this cause, there will he sold by Public Auction, with the approbation of Thomas Wurdluw Taylor, Esq, Master in Ordinary, by Mr J Brown. Auctioneer, at. the Coirlmcrcial Hotel in the Village of Victoria Square, at two o’clock in the afternoon of Saturday,tlic ï¬fteenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. the following valuable property, namely :â€"â€"the west half of lot six and the south west quarter of lot seven in the 4th Conces- sion of the Township of Whit/church, containing l'ly admcnsurement 150acres; ubouthO acres of the said lot are cleared, and the remainder cov- ered with beech, maple, nine. cedar and hem- lock; there is an orchard on the property con- sisting of about 3 acres. composed of apples, phuns,cherries, grapes and pears; the soil is (I. clay loam, and in a. fair state of cultivation. There will ï¬rst be offered for.s_ale the east 7:) nor es of the west half of>lot No. six, and the south west quarter of lot No. Beyen containing 125 acres more or less, subject in a. reserved bid, and in case the bill for the said parcel will not reach the reserved bid, the remaining 25 acres will be offered, and in case the said two parcels do not roach the respecliV‘c reserved bids on the same, , the whole will be put np‘en blocâ€0nthe ï¬rst par- cel there are 2 frame houses; one is a one-storey frame house with suitable outliouses in good state of repair, consisting of, barn,shed, stables, drivingâ€"house, pig-pen and slaughter-house. The premises are at present occupied by one Thomas Armstrong whose tenancy cxpircd in November last, and a small one-storey frame house occu- pied by one Adam Shirk as amonthly tenant at tho rate of fourteen dollars per year. On the second parcel. there is a. dwelling house one» storey high with hai‘n,.driving~house and stable in a good state of repair. at present occupied by the defendant, Sophia Drillingcr, and also a small oneâ€"storey frame house in the occupation of one Thomas Cook. The property is well- fenced, and well-waterch There are two wells and two never falling streams. The said farm is situated in a good farming neighborhood, and is about 7.1,- miles from the village of Aurora, and about 8 miles’from the village of Stouï¬villc ac~ ccssible thereto by good country roads. Those Hillnges offer a fair market for the sale of pro- use. The property will be offered for sale subject to a. reserve bid ï¬xed by the Master. Theï¬mrchaser at time of sale to pay a deposit of ten per cent of his purchase money to the Vendors' Solicitors, and "sufï¬cient with the do- posit to make one-third of the purchase money in one month thereafter without interest, and the balance to be secured on the property by mortgage payable at the expiration of ï¬ve years with interest thereon at seven per centum payâ€" able half-yearly. ’ ' ' In other respects the terms and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of the Court of Chancery. For further particulars apply to Messrs. . Morphy, Winchester & Morphy, Toronto and , Newmurket; and William Mulock, Esquire. l Toronto. - ' ~ . Dated 14th day of December, A.D, 1880. t T W TAYLOR. MORPHY WINCHESTER &MORPHY, . Vendors, Solicitors, * Toronto and Newmurkct. chmu‘ses comprised some of those render Tomatoes, per b'ush lil'shcluss. and the talent such as has never Parsnips. 1301' bib" been before arr’aved upon a platform here Straw per, to Mr. Punshon’s readings Wool ner 1b.. CHEAP BOOTS? & SHOES BIRTH. On the 27 th inst. Mrs. W. H. Glass, of a son. MARRIED Bo rLEâ€"SPnAGGEâ€"At the residenceof Alexand- er Marsh, Esq., uncle of the bride, on the 29th December.1880, by the Rev. Isaac Campbell ,. John N.. son ofDavid Boyle, Esq., Richmond H311. to Marian M., daughter of John C. Spragge, Esq of Owen Sound. m " s. TORON’I‘Or THURSDAY, Dec 30,1889: mucus AT FARMEBB' mesons When-Hall, new,per bush. ...s 1.05 31 08‘ Spring do . 1 10 1 14 Barley, do . 7 ‘1 0:? Oats; (.10 .34 30 Peas do 6:} 63 do 89 87 Dressed Hocsmer 100 lb 6 00 6 25 Beef, hind quarters, per 5 4 50 5, 00 Mutton, by the carcass, per 100 lb 0 00 o 00 Chickens, per pair 30 as Ducks, per brace 55 65 Geese, each ......... 50 ï¬t) , , , Turkeys, each I 90 l .15 . Ihcse ladies Butter,1brolls .20 23. large rolls 00 00 tub dairy... .20 21 WNW Eggs, fresh, am 20 2g Potatoes, per bag .. 40 5.3 The Apples per liarrcl . 1192 I :53 ' 1’s, 1.. 0mm per ag 00 06 ' Turnips per bag 0 25 30‘ 1:; Carrots: per bag ï¬t} 0 33 W B .ts r ha a 69 ’pe g 55 060 H er, ten. 8 00 12 50 my D 6 00 7 so 30 31 NEW CUTTER! FOR sitâ€"Lil. A ï¬rst-class article, NEVER BEEN USE]? lAtfar , LESS THAN COST. [Credit given if required. To be seen at IREYNOD’S 85 NEWTON‘S. to whom application is to be made. Also dropped from a conveyance on Friday the 26111 Nov. last, a dark green Silk Umbrella. , ill this village. between Palmer’s Hotel and the English Church. The finder will be H E V‘V A EKDED by leaving it at Reybold’s (b Newton’s. Richmond Hill. Dec. Slh, 1880. ‘llItâ€"‘w W '7 s. Mni‘lr "Found. CHRISTMAS l, . .- "1 J. BROWN, ihieturning thanks to the Public for the very liberal patronage they have: extended to him during the past, would respectfully call their attention to his Large Stock of‘Boots Overshoes and Rubbers. :1 Fresh lot of , Groceries Suitable» For llllristmas. Correlating of choice Sugars, Teas. Raisins, lurranls, Spices, rigs. Lemon Peel, Oysters . and Canned Fruit. The manager STOCK or central ' Consisting of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Fowls, in fact everything you want you can ga’ cheap for cash at. J. BROWN’S. Flour and Feed on hand. Goods delivered in the day time.‘ 7 Lady On Yonge Street, below Richmond I‘ll. Any pclsoll calling at Sanderson (f7‘Sons’ Drug. Store. can secure the mulflw proving properly and paying for this allveltiscluent Tasman LIFE «,3 Of London Englzfnd, Assurance ,Soc’y Amalgam Museum», in. fl: Chan: W W BaynesJflsqI' VI A,Secr‘etaryl Reserve Fund amounts AllnLlal,,lncnlne l . 1400 000 '3‘. .7’ 850.000 lvlvcswd ill (.‘an 7,500,000 Dealh clulnis fl. Tonoï¬l’o :ZKEFEREECES. .. C. J. Campbell, Esq., A. M. Smith, Esq. Ber. Enoch Wood, D. D 30 per cent of premiums rdhrned in proï¬ts Loans made to Church rustces, at a low rate of interest. Se dfor prospectus. A \V Lauder, Sec. &Treas. for Canada. Victoria Chambers, Toronto. Feb. ].‘.’th 1880. .3, John McDonald {Est}. Hon. Senator McMaster James Metcalfn, 'Eso. IL. Albums for sale at. the HERALD store Call and sec. IN PRESSâ€"T0 BE PUBLISHED IN JANUARY, 1882 L O V E L L ’S , GAZETEER. 'th British North America. Containing the latest and most: authentic des , criptions of over 7,500 Cities, Towns and Villages - in tho Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, British Columbia, and the North West Territories. and other general infor~ mation, drawn from oflicial sources, as to the names, locality, extent, etc‘., of over l,800 Lakes and Rivers; a Table of Roptos. showing the prox- , imity of the Railroad Stations, and Sea. Lake and Ports, to the Cities, Towns, Villages. etc, in the several Provinces, (this Table will be found in- valuable) : and a neat Colored Map of the Dem- inion of Canada. Edited by P. A. Cnosnr, assist- ed by a corps of writers. Subscribers names reâ€" spectfully solIcited.‘ Agents wanted. PRICE Sillâ€"PAYABLE ox L‘nmvnmr. JOHN LOVELL a‘z‘ SON, Pumamms. Montreal; August 1880 gcfool Books For Sale, Cheap, at the ‘Herald Stere. lAlsd “I“ Station- ery, Fancy Gouda, etc,etc. gitairlinerâ€""dilute Daniel annee, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York sohcrts your patronage and friendly influence. Address, Toston, P O Jas C Stokes Licensed Auctioner for York County. promptly attended to. Rates reasonable. ronage solicited. Address. King. P 0 IE Button .Licensed Auctioneer for York Patronage soli- cited. Rates moderate Address Aurora Ordes Pat- Salem Eckardt.“ Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Sales promptly attended Goods sold on consignment. Unionville, P 0 Samuel Brown . Arrivih'g.’ FROM » TORONTO. Large And Fresh Stocks constantly Richmond um, Oct 3rd. 1880 a, .SAVAGEWW‘r WANTED l Wheat 80 Oats 50.00 ' _.â€"â€"-_->Cs 20,000 Bushels of Oats. For which the highest cash price will be paid. at‘ the “PomonaMills†Thornhill. - lllllsrlllll ANll illilll’PINli . . A SPECIALTY. . , ‘ McFall & Whitehead-.3 Thornhill. Nov. 16th, 1880. ‘ E always keeping poverty from your door. Those who always take advan: Bushels of Fall 8!» Spring \Vheat. i2â€"ws Yourselvos by making! money when a. golden chance is oï¬erod. thereby of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and I The Pills purity the Blood, correct all disorder ‘ are invaluable in all complaints incidental to, Females. tago off thedgcod chaï¬cesbfor making money that The Ointmentis the only reliable remedy for l are 0 ere ’ genera y ecome wealthy, while . . . , ‘ i t . W t , (Evy-er 110“sz tilinlliglngi; {Pr 131'021911103. Bilitlhfiifl» l 1313231: To wofkTiii-l iiifid'gliltxiif Itlheifoblifiil '10:ng .ougis, OLS, on, tieuma ism,an u. .3 in ' , l ‘ _ ~' ' ‘ Diseases it has no equal. tics I‘he buSiiiess N111 pay more than ten times OF and all that you need, tree. No one who engages? Y 1 4aitls to luck: nliotnev vterygapidlly. You can do? ' ‘ _. ~ l yo 0 'ourw o e ime o ewor :, or on] ur' NEW YORK Clllll'l‘llllllllll‘h. l ’ ‘ y y" Imost respectfully take leave to call the at' .13 needed, sent free. Address STINSON & CO". tention of the Public generally to the fact, that ; Portland. Mame V Partsof the globe SPURIOUS IMITATIONS oi" "M'â€" _“â€" ' ngy Pillgb alnd Ointment. These frauds bear on I F l t eir a e 8 some address in New York. 1 a f sale I donot allow my medicine to be sold in any , rm .Or there. My medicines are only made by me at 5.38, Oxford Street. London In the books of directions afï¬xed to the spur- . . Vaughan. containing being deceived by counterieits. Do not be misled l . ' by this audacious trick, as they are the counter- 3 10° ACRES $91“ they pretend to denounce. About 75 acres cleared. Balance Hardwood:- Rlctlivendors at one~hlalf the price of my l’illsand , in meat, and are so a to you as in enuiuel mum, y g . _ GOOD SOIL. vvllllich l feel sure I may venture upon asking from For further gusting? xiipply to ’ n. ionorahlo persons, to assist; me, and the Pub ‘ " . . t ' lic, as far'as may lie in their power, in denoun I {NARD’ ,Pnrkdale. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines NELSON PLAYTER. LOf N0» 55.0021-1i bears the British Government Stamp,with the ‘ . . words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT Vaughannichmond H'n- P.0', 1113* -orl2t Bad Logs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers ofdiow- ‘ those Who do not improve such chances, remain ordinary wages. \Ve furnish an expensive outï¬t? B E W A RE spare moments. Full information and all that" certain Houses in New York are sending to many : part of the United States. I have no agents l Being West Half of Lot 56, in the ï¬rst Con. ions malceis a cautionnvarniug the Public against 1 Those counterfeits are purchased by unprinci- Bush. I most. earnestly appeal to that sense of justice fng this Shameful Fraud. 0’ to LONDON,†engraved thereon. Oh the label is the address, 533, Oxronn STREET, LONDON, wherel alone they are Manufactured; ' ‘ DRAIN TtLE, OF THE BEST . Holloway’s Pills and f t(,,)irif.te.r_x:en'ts bearing any other address are coun- vi‘mm'ry AT er 1 s. The Trade Marks of these Medicines are reel: THOS NIGHTINGALE'S, tercd in Ottawa. Hence, any one throughout the , Yorkvila . . British Possessions, who may keep the American I ___~*_":;___*-______.. _. ' Counter-felts for sale, will be prosecuted 5.53 Oxford Street. London, . Jan 1 187B 1 I l Into the premises of the undersigned, Lot No. 12, 4th Gen. Vaughan, I GREY HORSE. AGED. , The owner is requested to prove properv' ty, pay expenses,aud lake the animal away. W. SHUN K. proï¬table business known. Every- thing new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything $10 a. day and upwards is easily made without staying away Farm for Sale l __ *u. .__.~._ MilNAIR FARM. BIGHMElND HILL- __._.«»0 a», This Farm is on the east-half of Lot No. 25 CON - 2 OF VAUGHAN. There is ï¬rst-class Barns, Stables and other out« buildings, with ,llthIE. Outï¬t sent tree to the who wish to: engage in the most pleasant and, lllNE NEW HES The Farm is a. good one in every particular, Licensed Auctioneer for York County, solicits patronage and friendlyinfluence. Rates reason-' able. Address Victoria Square N J Armstrong, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest notice, and at reasonable rates Address, Nobleton,1’ 0 from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes atdthe busilness. Ladies make as much ‘ as men, an young. oys an girls make ,great' “In. JANIES RICNAIR, pay. No one who is willing to work failsto make _ _ more money everyday than can be made in or, Godench, Ont. . week at any ordinary employment. Those who . 4 engage at once will ï¬nd a shortroad to fort no Richmond Hill. August 6th, 1880. M 1 Address H‘EALLETT a; 00.. Portland, Madam“ ' everything being very com leto. Eerms Easy. Apply to MR. JAMES GOR EY, Toronto. or to