Since introducing the Cash System and Reducing Prices, our ééfle 113% largely increased, and will doubtless continue to do so, as we éif'o determined to keep our stockwell assorted, and sell at the “WES? CASH PMGB Richmond Hill, Oct. 14th. 1880. Richmond Hill, Dec 16. 1880 For the Mflï¬on. ESSENCES AN D EXTRACTS Prepared. & sold by H Sanderson & Son SHOES. GENUINE. FTC, GOOD AND FRESH Drugs, Toilet Articles, Prescriptions care- fully compounded. , I AEOTHECARY’S HALL A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. Remember the place, L Large Assortmert of First Class Groceries at EXtraor- Every Department full of new and seasonable Fall and Winter Gooas Corner Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill They have also on hand ng a large stock of DECIDED succe é. Wï¬w An inspection of Goods and Prices is earnestly solicited CHRISTMAS- NEW DEPARTURE Herbs Fresh. and this Year’s Growth. Reynolds 66 Newton. Oftha Finest Flavor and Quality. dinary Low Prices, ISAAC CROSBY. AT THE Maw . HWS E Chemicals, Perfumery, Ix Ormcn lucuuoxp HILL, 17mm 10 DAYS or EACH Mox'nx, TE RS; Attorney 5. Soï¬aitors- in- Clumcew etc 64 Adelaide street. East, (opposite the Court House). Toronto. Jns Bethune Q C N W Hoyles, {W ‘1‘ - Smmmix DENTKST. has . - romo‘vod to 57 King street Emst, Toronto, over H. A}. C Blznchford’s new shoe store Best miueml teeth inserted in u. manner to suit each patient. erticulm‘ attention given to the preservation and mmhticlx of the natural seer-11‘ carefully avoing 21.1 unnecessary pain.- A. W SL’AULDING. bpsAssistanc BurriH‘t-ers, AttorneyMLt-Luw, Soliciturs-in- Chanceify, Conveytuwers, etc. Oflices-1mperiul Bunk Buï¬dings, \Vcnington street, Toronto. THOMASJSERGUSON. (3.0. JOHN Bun. Wm. SETON Goxmnx, GEO. F. SHIPLEY Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bought and sold, or rented. Insurance ei‘fected,&c. &c. MAPLE, Oflicial Assignee, Real Estate Agent, aucex‘, Broker, &c., 650., Bethune, Moss.†«Fariconln‘idge AND HOYLES, Nitrous Oxide Gas ndminiato‘red for harmless extraction of teeth. Thankful or the flavors of the past the years xr a,y still be cnnsultad in any branch of the pro fossion, as follows: Richmond Hill... . 9&1: 6: 24th of each month (u‘t P111111 er B 01139.) Aurora. Jst, 8th, 16th, and 22m] (10 Newmm‘léet . ..... 211d (\0 Sbouï¬visle . ...... .18th do Markham. ...... . dc Victoria Square do Thornhfll ...... do Maple ...... do Woodbridge ...... do Kleiubur" . 1. do I‘Iobletmao ...... do Anasbl1atics,usN1t1ous Ox1de. etc. used when ordered and none but the best; nmterml used Box. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderham .................. Vice-President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Flatt, M.P., Wm. Gooder ham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Ron. D. L Mncpheraon, Senator. Parties desu'ous of borrowing MONEY, can be supplied at. a moderate rules on freehold or personal security. Appiy to J. J. COSGROV E. OFFICEâ€"Victoria. Chambers, 9 Victoria. street Toronto. ‘ NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, _V I8 &. 20 Klng Street, West, Toronto. Attorney, Sulicimr, i‘éouiry, 629., MONEY To Lomï¬. Room 20. UNION LoAx BUILwNGS. Nos. 28 and 30 Toronto Street, TORONTO. Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Tom} Assets, 33,000,000 Saving; Bank Money recewed on deposit. and interes payable half yearly or compounded. Fergu‘ï¬on, Bain,~ Gordon 6:. Employ, Sce our reduced loan table. For further information apply at at the Ofllces the Comnanv. Walter S. Lee. Manager “my Ta L011 Money to Lem} at Low Rates, IBOU L'l-BFNC’~& EV AT T. B ARRIS- TER‘qf A ï¬tnrn RTE, S(uï¬nii' nhnm-v MIMYLJIHMYJ BARRIST RES, «5:0 11 large or small sums (not. less than $400) on Mortgage or landechropertv only. Transactions Strictly Conï¬dential. Mortgages Bought. VVrESTERN' CANABA LOAN AND SAVTNGR HOMDANV Richmond Hill Nov. 18th, 1880. W . Cg removed t 7 Per Cent R. B. 0113M. B. and First; Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C.P. S. Ontario. L S A. L.. EnglanrMLate of London England Surgeon, Etc... 13' Ofï¬ce Hours. 8 to 10, 1 to 2,‘ and 6 to s‘ RICHMOND KILL, ON'l‘., Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. J ames Langstnflf. Richmond Hill, October 16th 1879. an ything else. Capital not required; we will start. you. $512 per day at home made by the industrious Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now- is the t me. Costlv outï¬t and calms free. Addiesa rum & Co. Auguste.Maine. “ can make money luster at work 101‘ us than at. ALinm) BOULTBE A J. ELLIOT LANGSTAFF, M. D. Nov. -4th. ’80. WIL 11AM H. BES ‘, IiAIilIIS'L‘l-Eli, JAMES .. GORMLEY, Ofï¬cesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto '?.0.>Box “0 ABA BRANCH Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS' Am) SAVINGS COMPANY. MONEY ’1’0 L OAN. Apply to DR. ORR, MAPLE P. O. BOX 2527. J - K- PALEBNBRIDGE C. C Moss. W C Falcouhridga W Barwick, A BAyiesworth W J. Fnz‘mxzs. 33mm. gummy. @9th 3mm. C. ADAMS, L.D.S., WM. Woms I‘I'mm Richmond Hill Convey 18TH 1880; Parties desirous of obtaining We‘ve a stock of A 1 blankets, So come along and do not fail, 0! flmnels too for shirts ; To bring with you your wool ; And for your wives and daughters For which we‘ll pay you well in trade, We’ve winceys to make skirts. Or else with cash in full. Having leased the Richmond Hill Wéélen Mills, formerly leased to Mr '1: McNelly, we are-now pm. pared to carry on the business, and guarantee general sntlsfaction. To see us at our mill, Where the ver y best of woolen abode; Are made with care amt skill. W§ WHITTERS, Cglne all youjolly faxmers, HARDING, SHNNINE,mAmfrAnruaINa,‘ 8. MG EARPET wnAvmé' Woodbridge and Richmond llill Woolen Mills. AT RICHMOND HILL AND WOODSRIDGE. Cheaper than the Cheapest; Manager for Richmond Hill Branch. Richmond Hill, June Kim. 1880. Jast South of The HiUh Sehool Richmond Hill, Dec} .,thb 1880. ..1_,;;..,hyh. Would do well 130 call, The Old Stand, to View the Stock on hand, UNION FOREVER. DO NOT FORGET BEFORE PURCHAsmé ELSEWHERE Done to Ordef. AT THE We’ve tweeds for suits for man and boys, We‘ve yum to use for hose ; XVe've twins and fancy coveflids, In fact What o’er you choose. 52w See our stock, â€'11le J. F. MeINTOSH é: SON ..vr. Prop . ETIN SHOP! STOVE PIPES PUT UP Mr Norman Toronto, Oct. 10th, 1870. DEAR SIP «About 11111110 \(‘lLIB ago I [11‘ } :1 :11 11 ladder about twelvu foo: across £11 9 bumistar ol the stairs, 11.1111 W115; 1.1111911 11, 1'11 130.111, 5.111111. \1'11ic 1 tium 1 1111 v9 s111fr11311 '10 mo 1111111 in my b11611 11nd $1113, :111<1;.;re11t weaknus 1:1111‘1111154 me {111 11 11111.1» , 111111 got v01) 11 tile (1 until 1 used your Elec- tric Belt and Insoles, WI 1111'; V1.1d me V11 11111011. ‘11)1113 truly. JOHN OVJSN5.1L)5 Yonge St. The Appliance? 111111 11121110 111 .1 sues 11nd 51111111115 €111 me diffs; 3111. pans of the body, 111111 mugs in prior £10111 s1 00 L11 $5.00fo1 31111111131111115, and 110111 145.0610 $14E1 001‘01 \11111513clts. See Circulars, which ls 111ile1‘1froce to 1111 :1111111ca11ts. Remember the nddwss N: Elecpfic 1‘ “1 A. No 11.13;, N11 4 Que treï¬t Yh‘st. Toronto, Ont 114 11111111 Bnflls,Vu3l1cur, H6312 1,):0111c1111al111-1‘d 011111 15111113 always ready fox Ladies and (mm 1:11.011 Cheap Stoves 1111,1131YBHSPQILIIUIICS (11111 studied 010801)" The proprietor of .1111»; (1:111:11‘ 1'3 .1121<1111‘.'11111vi11;( 11." '11 (1111 1]11t111 1110.1 1111111; this ACME. the schâ€"1110011111114 211111111 1 1,11 11111111111 11111111 ELECTRIC AI‘I‘LL\I\'( S 1011 11111111? hr. 1‘» "1,1111 1111111111'11‘111'1110119011 111str11111cnt of their kipd now known 111 L110. . . : . , ‘1 \1111 111 1111.61 wort; we‘d if 1111011 in 11ccordtmce Wit-h 111111111311 (111130110115 givou . , ‘ '.1 1.11:, and “ould 11.11111 the public against 1111 cheap imitn» tion of 11111115 gondxs. ASK FOR NORMANS 15111:)(2‘1‘310 AI’PLEAFCES z\\1') ‘10U WILL BE SAFE ."Y‘ IMPORI'I‘IUN TEMQNIALS. Mr. NormML I ll'we {uhy 1.11211 H1141 1m“ '1 care ï¬x} and believe t1: 1’00 he om). 01' 1;: Dust. fOI'Z‘llï¬ of mlmihir; V nllmble 111117 tamer: for the 11 “‘(W‘ of Rnoumm‘ 7:11L711‘].N‘3 command tlrv 1.150 to all suflcr 1'5 01‘ those 001 plain ' (est-(ad and sze<~11"::cd 1:01:1- 111, Elm-r15, umlgic 1;,1'1'4 C :5 12111 Tin and Copper Ware, Stove Pipes, Stove Furniture, cm, etc., on hand Custom Work promptly attended to, of tin and galvanized non a. specialty. Call and mm c. MASON. :m, A Norman Esq" .. V Tum-WWII, August. 1870. D1" AIL bu: ~A Sllfff“ ‘(1 fl 7‘ fnm Y ' \ haw D1- Dm'ias of Chicago. and other eminent whyâ€" Eicinna culled aheumzu, u m' ’n ‘. \v. «211 t , w: tried in VII/iii L“) can) ; but 1 mm thankfut to 81L" yum appliauucs have entmfly rvnmuzd the 1mm. 1 resonnneud :Lll suï¬ehms to try them " jam: 1]}, PETER Dov» Rgch'mond, Hill August 18th,1880 U - BUILDER, Sherwood. 4th 0011. Vuughau. S; ecial lttthntiun "iven to Stair I: Euudin 5;, Punctunl attention will be givcu to lel Olderb Address Maple P. 0. , BELIEVE Ali“ (Inn Spinal 70mp1aimm General and Nervous â€nobility, qumalism. Gout. Nervonéness Liver, Kidney. I‘mngH. Tin-mu and Chest Cmuph 'ms. Neuralgiu, Bronchitis. Incipient anly Asllmm, Sciatica, Sprums. Consnnmtion, Slomï¬ï¬ssnuu. (,‘uHs. ludi‘ ï¬liun. Spermutm'rhrm:1. 350., This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found iterth of Toronto. E vcrything is managed in Firsbcluss Style. r Snmple Room £01 (laminar- ciul Travellers. Good Stabliim and attentive hostlcr. Terms $1 per day. 1’1 octor's- Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South, at 7.35 2:. m, 1 p m 4.15 11111. and 7.15 1) m. The Robin Hood Hotel, RICHMOND HILL ON'IL Ff‘énk COSg'rove, Prop. J' Palmer, Preamp Excellent {Locommod ntion for the Public. Goo stumbling and attontivo hostlor. KEFFE R, CONTRACTOR A ND I BUILDETL Sherwood. 4th 0011. mehxm. THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, And Stoves Pipes for Sale. EVE TROUGHING,’ ES I' ABLISIiED 1874: FFHMFF’S FFFFFFU CUFFFF‘FE FPFHFFFEFS RICHMWND HILL. 9111111 111111111 TO ORDER . LPC‘“" City the Life Fluid 1.111 " AND KE’CI‘ALGIA ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF ,_ Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Group, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES. ° “ It does not dry up acough, and. leave the muse behind, as is the case «1- ï¬t most prepm ations, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays 1MP mtion, flws removing» 11w cause of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles bearing a similar: name. Be sure you get D11. WIS’l‘AR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with t1 no signature of “ I. BUTTS? on the wrapper. 50 Cents and “,1. 00 a. Bottle.. Pre- pare d by SETH W. Fowm & Sous, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. A Protected. Solution of the Protoxide of Iron; Is as easily fligested, and assimilated with the blood as me simplest food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity'of Iron, the deï¬ciency can be supplied by the use of the PERU VIAN SYRUP. It cures a “ thousand ills †simply by Tonum Ur, INVIGORATING, and VITAsziNG the system. . The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every part of the body, repairing damageï¬ and waste, searching out morbid secretions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed npon. This is the secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in euripg ‘ Dyspepsia, Liver Compizmt Bails,- Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, Nervous Afieciions, Female Complaints, And all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood or accompanied by debility, or a low state of the system. A CAUTION.â€"Bc sure you get the “PE- RU VJAN S YEUP.†Sold by druggists gener.,._ ally. Pampth-ts sent free to any address by SETH-W. Fowu: 6; Sons, Proprietors, 86 Han risen Avenue, Boston, Mass. Hus removed his shop ta next doorsouth of Dr.« Lungsmï¬â€™s, nearly oyposii e the old‘stnnd, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in ï¬rstâ€" cluss style. ‘ Geo. STEPHENQ AND HORSE SHOERS Horse shoeing done aï¬iil a set for Cash: and 40 cents for removes. OTI CE is hereby given that the Toronto Gro and Bruce Railway Company will apply (0 t m Legixlature of the Province of On- turio at its next Session, for an act to amend the several acts relating to the said Company ; and for powor to create :1. preference issue of Bonds or Debenturo Stock; to ro-urmnge their Bonded Debt ; to authorize them to enter into and com- plete an ugreomenb with {3110 Grand Trunk Rail- way Company of Canada,- or with any other Railway Company, for the working of their line of Railway ; to conï¬rm and declare valid all or any By-lmvs voted upon, or to be voted upon by the lintepiiycrï¬ of unv Municipality, portion of n. Township,l\l‘uniuipnlity, or Municipalities grant- ing aid to the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Iiompxmy. provided each Bylaws have been carried by n. majority of the votes cast. thereon ; and for other purposes. Outï¬t furnished free, with full instructions for conducting the, most proï¬table business that any ' one mm engage in. The business is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple u1;<1p1ui11,thzzt anyone can make. great proï¬ts from the very start Noonc can fail who is willing to work. \Vomen are as successfel as 215 men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many have made at the business over one hun- dred (101111175 in n. singlo Week. Nothing like it: evoflmown before. All who engage are surpris» ed at the ease und rapidity with which they are able to mulie money. You can enguge in this- business during your spare time at gram proï¬t; You do not. have to invest capital in it. \Vo take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnished. free. Address ’i‘nL & Cu, Augusta, Muine. Dated at Toronto this 20ml day of Nov. 1880. 6.“ Toronto Grey W Bruce Railway Gsnmany â€â€"a> 04:33â€"â€" -â€"-» BLACKSMITM’ ‘ $HOP. General Blaréksrnith, CONSUMPTION. '1‘4:1‘ont.:v.Nov. 23rd, 1874, ed jrmu‘ inmtivu Insolus and Bands, .1, Elm-t $57, now known to be. of such 3.15410 inflections. I most; chm-fully re- (J 5 HALL, M. D. 30 erâ€"Howcll Place. W. Sutherland Taylor. , Secretary and Treasurer. includjn‘g I)“; 131211 ’80.