Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 20 Jan 1881, p. 2

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Ir the course of his address to the 'grand jury at Barrie the other day, ‘ivJudge Gowan referred to the resuscita- tion of trade and the general prosperity becoming more apparent, instancing, in ‘particular, the immense sums of money I‘being expended in the lumbering dis- trict, and the vast benefits derived by the people generally from. the supplies of our vast forests. The grand jury in ' their reply also referred to the fact that the financial depression had given place (to an opposite condition of affairs, and “that trade and manufacturers were 'going ahead, while public and private expenditures were on a sound basis. Public confidence has been restored, the spirit of worthy enterprise, in varâ€" ious shapes, is alive, and the substantiâ€" ‘-al prosperity of the whole country is (once more rssuredr The only danger is that the improved condition of afi'airs ‘may give rise to an unhealthy spirit of speculation that may bring about dis- haste‘r. ”from: OFFICE NOTIOEEENGLJSH éHURcH SOCIAL. "Going South, VVesb and East, includ- ing Maple, Thomhil]. Toronto. ‘ Ma.rklm1n,&c. °qung North On the fourth page of this issue will be found a map of the Canada Pacific Railway, and a table showing the cost oftne difl'crent routes and schemes by ‘which it is proposed to build the road. We also send out :1 Supplement this ”week, to every subscriber, the full size of the York Herald, containing Sir Charles Tupper’s speech in explanation and defence of the Syndicate scheme- lWe ask our readers to give the speech *and map a careful perusal and study, and we think they will see that the scheme cannot fail to benefit old Canada 'as well as the great North West, and 'that it is not the great evil and curse "which its opponents state. VBIGHMUNB HILL PDST DI'I'IBE The Markham Economist says :â€" “The Richmond Hill LIBERAL says the meeting at Thornhill on "' Thursday, 30th ulL., unanimously condemned the terms of the Syndicate bargain. A newspaper ’should always aim to give its readers the truth as far as possible, whether it. is in acâ€" rco‘rdance with its sympathies or not, and ”from what we can learn from parties present 2the above is not, the truth. The meeling "broke up in an uproar. no resolutions being carried by either side. Going South, East and West (as above) at 7:00 Eliâ€"Registered Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Richmond Hill Post 011300, M. TEEFY May 19th 1880. Postgnmster To Rentâ€"1351111 McCufl‘rev ,Fire Insuranceâ€"D C O’Brien. The Immix Plasterâ€"s c smith ACCOUNTS â€"Parties indebted to this office for advertising,job work and subscnptions, will coal/”c7 a favor by payivlq the same.. THURSDAY. JAN. 20, 1880. We are informed that after the present ‘session of the Dominion Parliament there will be some important changes in the Cabinet. Among the rest it is pretty cerâ€" tain that the Hon. John O’Conner will reâ€" ‘tire. Senator Frank Smith has been spoken of as his successor, but he does not care to leave his business in order to go to Ottawa. Mr. John O’Donnhoe is more likely to be the man. Mr O’Donohoe used to be a Reformer, and represented East Toronto at Ottawa in the Reform Interest. He went over to the Tories with a large number of fellow Reformers, on the question of the tariff, taking the ground *that if the tarili‘ could be fashioned in such -a way as to produce revenue and protect native industry at. the same time, that was ’the proper way :0 fashion it.â€"-Telegram. A handsome illustrated book" 'entitled “The Life of Edward Banlan” has just been issued by Richard K. Fox. publisher, New York. The work is embellished with portraitsof the great, lanadian oatsmau and some of his most noted competitors. as ‘well as illustrations ofsome of the famous “sowing matches in which he has taken part. "The story of his life is told in an interesting mannerflhe most salient features being his aquatic achievements,both as an amaleur and professional, Every one of the matchâ€" es in which he has taken part are described in detail. In addition to his life are short “biographical sketches of oarsmen who have tcontended with him for boating honors. No admirer of native pluck and physical manhood should fail to secure the history of a man who has done so much to make Canadians proud of their country as the home of physieal 'wonders. The work will be mailed on receipt of 28c.,hy the publish- er, Richard K.Fox. 183 William street, New York. No. 33: PUBLIC SCHOOL Tmcams.â€"The follow- ing is a. list of the candidates who were suc cessful at the third-class professional exam- inauons held at Yorkville and Newmarket recently;â€"Misses Harrington, Buchan, ()xeau- Dallas, Davidson, Doherty, Hogg, Kerr, Kennedy, King, Lawson, Logan, J‘hnzx, Peterkin, Reason, Saunders, Slur- .mf‘n, “um, ‘ . wu'v‘x“ 7‘ “Mina" Bi?- V p; S1 Brow/m {fin/yum g H Until further notice, Mails will be closed at the CANADA PROSPERING. Minn; Mum.“- ates, Elancy, finsbu M x 1‘5 2:20) " ,1 1w 17m» Wm 33mm. The Pacific Railway. New ADVERISEMENTS Richmond Hill. Ont. Not the Truth. Whole No. 311‘??? ; MORNING EVENING AS FOLLOWS Volume 23. The Ontario Legislature was opened Finn-5:11:41! as: with the usual formalities, wnhs mnmbmrmor'a than the usual mundanc“ o! the ornside nublic. In [he ms. 'J- 4:12? :.:9 Mien ‘5w::>>.;:t- -C" ovem- :1 ”mm dinner at ‘umeuz 7:30 7:30 Richmond Hill has become noted for Church Socials, and judging from the large attendance at each of these inter- esting ev,ents the people are very zealous in promoting Church Building. Our Methodist friends have thoroughly established a reputation for getting up Socials and managing them in a peculiar- ly successful style, but the manner in which the large number of persons, young and old, appeared to enjoy them- selves at the Social given by Mrs T. Palmer and Mrs J. Brown, at the resiâ€" dence of Thos. Palmer, Esq.. on Thursâ€" day eveninglast, shows that the ladies of the English Church have not, through want of practice, lost any of their acâ€" customed skill and proficiency in superâ€" intending these gatherings. The at- tendance of visitors was very large, the whole house was filled, and with vocal and instrumental music, carpet balls, parlor nine pins, authors and other inâ€" teresting games, the time was pleasantly spent. The appetizing refreshments were worthy of the reputation of our amiable and competent hostesses, who certainly did not allow any want of cx~ ‘ertion on their part, to interfere with l the enjoyment of the guests. Scarboro, York, Thornhill, Markham, Newton- l brook, V aughan and Richmond Hill l were all represented, and had the weather been more pleasant, the attend- ance of friends from a distance would have been much greater. A contest for a threeâ€"storey cake, between Miss Emma Shanklin, of Thornhill, and Miss Jessie Nicholle, of Richmond Hill, creat- ed considerable interest and was decided ed by a total mm of 145; leaving Miss Nieholls with a mafiority of 7. Every person present was highly deâ€" lighted with the social, and such unâ€" doubted success should prevent our friends from allowing such a ‘great length of time to intervene between entertainments of this kind, under their auspices. The proceeds, amounting to $50 were devoted to St. Mary’s Church. DEAR SIR.-â€"â€"As the people of Richâ€" mond Hill are so interested in every kind of' entertainment, they will be pleased to hear of a waxy happy one which took place in our section of the Country. ANOTHER RIVER T0 Cnoss.â€"Somehow the City Council appears to take supreme delight in Violating its obligations and promises to the county. A dilapidated sidewalk on Kingston road. put. down by the city, costthe County a lawâ€"suit, and some damages last year. This led the Co. Council to order its engineer to take up said sidewalk unless the city would give a bond ofindemnity. The Committee on walks promised this bond; but when the matter was brought up last week. it was ruled out. and no action taken. As a result the County will now have to insist upon the nuisance being removed from its pro- perty. There must. be no mincing matters in this case: one law-suit with its attend- ant costs and damages is quite sufficient for the County to stand for the benefit of Toronto. Everytime the County comes in contact with the City, there seems a deep "river to cross,” before getting it adjustedâ€"ERA. The people of Oak Ridges congre- gation. wishing to testify in some sub- stantial way the esteem entertained for their clergyman, the Rev. C H Patter-- son,vof Aurora, agreed upon surprising that gentleman with a. visit on the even- ing of the 13th inst. Although the night was not pleasant, a large number turned out, and about 8 o’clock reached the parsonage, which was soon filled with happy faces. and a large assort» ment of those things so necessary in housekeeping, which would have made even Dr Tanner smile. Afler remainâ€" ing here for some time, the whole party were invited by Mr Faughner to his residence, whose spacious walls Were more suitable for a large party, where they were met by a large number of Aurora friends ICE AND Fnosw PREVENT THE RACE NEW YORK. JAN. 17,â€"THE EVENIKG ’1‘ ELF'GRAM 3 special cable says the Hanlun race is posiponed on account of the state of [he nver, which as far as Morlluke in cnvered with floating masses of snow and ice. II is freezing hmd. Huge blocks are piled against Putney Bridgei The referee will postpone the race today until lhe weather and river pe1mit. It1s hardly propable that the race will take plat: 9. this week. Mr Faughner’s talent for making every person feel at home is wonderfully developed, the effect of which was soon felt as one and all went in for every kind of amusement. It would have done you good to see old men forget their years. and youth aspire to man- hood ; and also to have seen the sump- tuous repast provided bv mine host and hostess, whicn no doubt was as fully appreciated by others as myself. Our bodily feast was followed by a feast for the mind in able speeches by the Rev. C H Patterson, the Church Wardens and others, in which thanks were given to Mr Faughner for the part he had taken in makmg our visit. to Aurora so pleasant to all, which was responded to by that gentleman in his happy style, expressing the hope that we. may have. many similar meetings, tending as they must to a feeling of friendship and unity between the two congregations, and also that feeling of love and sympathy so essential between a minister and his peopleI which was Ihe sincere wish of your correspondent as he left with the rest, in the wee hours of the morning. Respectfully Yours, Oak Ridges English Church Surprise Party HG L'g‘ ' SIIYLook. Oak Ridges, Jan. 18th,1881. AT MR- THOS. PALMER'S. HANLAN AND LAYCOCK. From our own correspondentj Skating is all the rage in this village just now, and if a person wants to be anybody, they must learn how to skate. Accordingly nearly every person In the village, large and small, old and young, have invested in some kind of skates, and can be seen in crowds wending their way to the rink, either in the afternoon or evening, several tlmes a week. This remarkable unanimity of public opinion in this direction is rather to be eom~ mended. as the village would certainly be somewhat dull without the rink, where good healthful exercise is afierded in a pleasant, amusing and interesting manner. The Carnival on Friday evening last. was a decided success in every Way. There was a large crowd of spectators, and about seventy-five persons appeared in costume, and made up a very pretty scene, as they glided by the grand stand in the beautiful and attractive garb of a Spanish Lady, Summer. Little Butterâ€" cup, Quakeress, Mary Queen of Scots, Gipsy, Fairy Queen, etc., etc. The costumes Worn by the ladies were all good, and it "would be a very diflicult undertaking to pick out what the audience considered the best ; Mr John Patterson had decidedly the best cos- tume worn by any of the sterner sex, and MrJohn Coulter came next. Nearly every nation under the sun had some aspiring representative, who in many many cases, and especially amongst the ladies, exceeded in point of personal ap- pearance, gracefulness and attractive manner the people of the particular country or peculiar sect and denomin- ation which they represented. Aftett the masqueraders had the ice to themselves for about an hour, the "great unWashed,” 0r rather unmasked; were allowed to mingle with them. and masks were removed. Considerable amusement was caused by the revela-- tions made when the features were un- masked, many of the costumes defying detection. The village Band added greatly to the pleasure of the evening by their excellent selections- NAME Mies Sarah Coulter " Meg ie Sanderson “ Sets. Storey " Jennie Ness " Mny Storey “ Ethel Palmer " Helena. Wiley “ Susan Proctor “ Jessie Nicholle “ Jessie Harris " Josie Wiley “ Nellie Harrie “ Lizzie Durham " Mary Proctor " Nellie Turnbull " Mabel Keefler " Aggie Coulter " Flore. do " Ade Smith “ Frenk'l‘rench “ Lizzie Brown “ Lizzie Powell “ Fannie Brown " Florence Powell Mrs R Phillips Mr Wm Sanderson “ g granch “ en'y " Wm Cook ” Alex Coulcer “ John Ness " John Patterson " 0 Sterling “ J Roe " J a Sanderson '_.' J ‘olllns “ C Soules " John McClain “ Fred Quentz " Leroy Conger “ John McLein " Bertie Savage “ Charlie Powell " C Baetow “ B Brown " 0 Brown " G McLein “ Wm Watson “ Theodore Law “ C Duucumb " Wm Atkinson " Charlie Pelmdr u u u u u u u n n Wm Bell John Coulter' Henry Laird Wm Palmer 0 E Ru ert H A Nic olls . T W Ness Fred Rupert F Marsh Master Alfred Davis M u u u I. u n J tunes Skeele J tunes Proctor Welter Palm er Alfred Wright Charlie Storey Joseph Keefler Harry Lymburner F Bastow goldlier Ix or as 116 'e c Bakerq gr Gentleman Clown Country Swell %ster of Churit; oldier Squire Hnwkins Anthony Canny: Mr Tom Thuml Country Swell Sergeant. J Mc( House Painter Zouuve Marquis of L0) House Painter Sancho Panza. Slimeâ€"Steps are being taken to test this county on Ihe question of adopting the Canada Temperance Act. Will you be so kind as to state whether the Act has been adopted by any portion of Ontario, how it works. if ils proVisionE can be satisfactorily carried out and the penalties enforced, and if the Act is received favorably or otherâ€" wise by the Temperance community. Jan. Rogers. J. P. of Eversley met with a very peculiar misfortune a short lime ago. while attending some members of his family who were down with diphtheria, the disease was in some way communicated to a small sore on one of his hands. At one time it was feared amputation must be resorted to, but a change for the better has since taken place. HoLLown’s OINTMENT AKD PILLS.â€" Dangerous Chest Complaintsâ€"The 'en- umerution of these diseases is scarcely necessary, as, unfortunately, most English- men know them to their cost. Coughs, common colds, influenza, bronchitis, asthma. pleurisv, inflammation of the lungs, and even consumption in its early stages, are best treated by rubbing Hollowuy's Ointment upon the chest, and upon the buck between the shoulders. 1t penetrates internally, checks the cold shiverings, relieves the over-gorged lungs, gradually removes the oppression from the chest; and restores the obstructed respiration, hither- to so distressingly disagreeable and highly dangerous. In treating this class of diseases. Holloway’s Pills should always be taken while using his Ointment: they purify the blood, promote perspiration, and allay dangerous irritations. The following is a full list. of those who appeared in costume» and the char- acter represebted. Lunerburg County. N. Scolia, Jan. l3lh ’81 Probably some of our readers who take considerable interes‘ in the cause, could furnish the information desired.â€" (ED. THE HERALD.) There are now forty hands employed in Wilkinson 85 Co's. foundry, and Ibe works are kept running uutll about midnight to get out the large amount of goods required for the comminsz season. We are glad to see Della Waite back in Aurora again. Horsemen say that MI, Waite’s young mare and Della make the finest carriage team in the Dominion. To the Editor of the Herald. The Scott Act in Ontario. SKATING CARNIVAL. Gleam'ngs From the Borealis. AURORA Policeman Fish Wife Yankee Gentleman goldlier h ur as 116 'e 0 Baker q gr Gentleman Clown Country Swell %ster of Charity oldier Squire Hnwkins Anthony Canova Mr Tom Thumb Country Swell Sergeant. J McCaffimy House Painter Zouuve M_urquil3_0£ Lorne CHARACTER. N‘nu thkeress Little Buttercup Summer Swiss Shnpherdess Mary Queen of Scots Cook of 1750 Gypsy Dommo Bessie Lacey Winter Mrs Tom Thumb Country Cousins Summer American Girl Highland Lassie Fairy Queen Lady of 18th century Milk Maid Nun Stars and Stripes Red, White a: Blue Nun Red White 65 Blue \Vomun in \Vhito Quaker Guard )hiunmuh Blue Jacket Sarmbo Sir Charles Napier Bufioon Butler Soldier Jockey Lacrosse Player Voluntder Sailor Bo‘y Soldier Gentlemen Negro Old Brigade Fireman Commercial Travel'r Americian Indian Sailor Minister frurk The next sitting of the Divisionl Court for this district. will be held on Tuesday, 25111 of January. ‘ A lnrrre number of people on Sunday turned Yonge- -stree!, between Eglinglou and Yorkville, into a race course. â€"To RENT. â€"A comfortable house and 2 acfes of land, in Vaughan. See- adâ€" vertieemenc. 'The minutes of the village Council are interesting this week. PRESBYTERIAN SOCIALâ€"A Social in connection with, the Presbyterian Church will take place in the Masonic llall, Richmond Hill, on Friday, Jan- uary 2lst, 1881. Tea will be served from film 8 o’clock, P. M., after which a lecture will be delivered by the Rev. A Gilray, on ”Rome and its surround-â€" ings.” Laura E. Newton has kindly consented to give some of her excellent readings. Appropriate muslc will be furnished by the Choir. Tickets 25 cents children 15 cents. All are cor- dislly invited. This lecture will prove very interesting, and Is alone worthy of a crowded house. It includes a graphic descrxption of Rome’s scenery, size and capacity of its noted edifices. its cata- combs.,form of worship, &c, which is de- picted 111,3 very distinct manner, mak- ing one almost think he is really there beholding for himself. We hope to see our Presbyterian friends well patronized. They deserve to meet with success, and know how to ensure it, as far ,as has within the control of ordinary mor- te s. BAND CARNIVALâ€"Those of our readers who have attended the Skating Rink‘this winter have noticed how great- ly the presence of the Band increases the pleasure of skating. The band boys have given their services free of charge for two nights during lhe week, and will continue to do so all through the season. This is very kind of them, and they are all decent fellows, who have got music down to a fine point. As the funds are not too high, and as .some new instru- mcnls and clothes would add to their proficiency and appearance, they have decided to hold a. grand Masquerade Ball and Carnival at. the rink, on Friday evening, 28th inst. It is expected to be a grand affair, the leading one of the whole season. About one hundred masqueraders are anticipated, and the costumes will be tony. Quite a number 0t Toronto costumes will be worn. It is not necessary to recommend every one to go and assist the band. They are sure of a good crowd. For particulars see bills. A number of communications held over until next week. Interesting letters from VVoodbridge and Nobleton received too lute for this issue. Ovr correspond- ents will greatlyoblige bysending in their leuers as early 1n the week as possxble. LIVERY -â€"Mr Alfred Proctor of this village, has started a livery stable in Aurora, and has got some splendid rigs, so the customers say. We wish Al suc- cess. _. WnisT-BRoKnu.-Mrs Crawford Ross while working at the Grand Central Hotel, on Tuesday morning, slipped on the ice” the kitchen dour, and broke her wrist. The injury is healing. MISSIONARY M EETINGS.-â€"Tl1 e annu- al Missionary Mectmgs in connection with the Church of England, were held at Thornhill on Monday evening last, and at Richmond Hill on Tuesday even- ing. ‘ Both meetings were largely at» tended. Excellent addresses were de- livered=by the Revs. Messrs Tremayne, Lewis, Patterson, and Messrs McKenzie and Jehn Brown. The addresses were interspersed with choice selecâ€" tion from the choir. 'Vrcronm SQUARE C. M. CHURCH. â€"The services and festivities in conâ€" nection with the dedication of the new Methodist Church at Victoria Square on Thursday, Sunday, and onday were attended by a very large “umber of people, the programme announced in our last. issue was successfully carried out. A large sum of money was raised and the Methodists of Victoria Square have the pleasure of knowing that they possess one of the tinest churches, in Canada, to be found outside of large towns. BURGLARY,â€"Some time belween 10 o’clock of Sunday night and 5 on Mon- day morning, a burglar effected an en- trance into the Grand Central Hotel; by bur-ting open a basement door at the ,back of‘the house. He ransacked the house from bottom to top, helped him- self to liquors, cigars, etc. Nearly every bedâ€"room in the house was visited. The proprietor’s, Mr Chas. Chamberlin, room was entered and 34-50 taken out of his pants pocket, a pair of overshoes, socks and some other trifling articles were removed. The burglar was track- ed for a short distance- He went south down Yonge-street, but. has not been heard of since. FOR. SALE,-â€"â€"As will be seen by ad- vertisement in another column. Mr Roht. Williamson offers a house and lot for sale, being art of lot 51, at Elgin Mills. The pace is a. very desirable one, and will be sold on easy terms. WWO call the especial attention of those afflicted with Cancer to the ad- vertisement in our columns ofthe Immix Plaster, which is pronounced. on unâ€" doubted authority, a positive and permanentcure for that dreadful malady. . This ‘ boon to the afilicted cannot be too widely known. Richmond Hiil. C C Robluson ,of Aurora, and others addressed the meeting in favor of Separation. A strong feeling of opposition to a division of the County appears to be prevailing amengst the electors. A Ieparatlon of the whole County is considered much preferable. COUNTY SEPARATIONâ€"A meeting was held at. March’s School House, Whitphurch on Saturday evening last, Messrs D Ttaig‘bairn, C Duncumb, of. LOCAL ITEMS. December. ‘29. 1880. Pursuant to adjournment the Council met. The reeve in the chair. Council- lors present, Messrs Duncumb. Redditt and Pugsley. Minutes of 14th Dec., read and approved. The Clerk read an account. from James Morrisonof Toronto, dated 10th Dec., for 1 hose connection $300, which was ordered‘ to be paid. chx’s FLORAL Gamaâ€"0f the many Guides and seed Plant Catalogues sent out by our Seeds- men and Nurserymen, and that are doing IO much to inform the people and beautify and enâ€" rich our country, none are so beau. iiul none so instructive as Vlcx's FLORAL GUIDE Its paper is the choicest, its illustrations handsome. and given by the hundred while its Colmed plate is 21. am This work although costing but 10 cents, is andsome enou§h for a Gift Book, or a place on the parlor tab 9 Publishdd by JAMES Vick, Bockester,N Y Parties getting their Sale Bills print ed at this oflice, will receive a notice free of charge, from the time the bills are printed until the day of sale. The Clerk stated to the Council that the Tax Collector had returned his roll and taxes, and reported that he was un- able to collect; one dollar for a dog assessed to James Brownlee, as he does not reside in the village It. was moved by Mr. Redditt, seconded by Mr. Dun- cumb that the Treasurer is y'hereby 1n. structcd to cancel the assessmen. on James Brownlee’s dogâ€"carried. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 96th. â€"Auction Sale of farm stock implements, etc. the property of Mr Robt Moukman. at Lot. :6, 2nd Con. Markham. Terms, Fowls, Grain, Hay and sums of am and under, cash ; over that, nine months credit. S M Brown, Aunt. Sale at 1 o’clock. See bills. L. O. L.â€"The district of Markham L. O. L. held its annual meeting in the Orange Hall, Brown’s Corners. on Tues- day, when after the usual routine business the following officers were elected for the current venr: --Bro. J. C. Steel re-elected W. D. M. ;BroU. E. Sheppard, D. Chap. ; Bro Wm. Po gue, D. Treas.; Bro. John Forster, Dis. Sec. , B10.Wurren Tomlin- son D. V. of C. The Treasurer was instructed to pay F. Cosgrove’a amount due to him for rent of Court Room to 3Ist inst ; also for ringing of bell for the current vear; John Palmer for rent of Council Cham- ber to 8151: inst.; and James Brownlee balance of wages. FRIDAY, Feb, 4.â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock. Implements, etc., at front of Lot No. IO. 4111 Con Vaughan, the property of Mr B Musselman. Sale to commence at [0 o’clock. Dinner at noon. Hay, Oats, Cordwocd and sums of $8 and under cash, o'ver that 9 months’ credit. S Eckardt, Auct. Moved by Mr. Beddit, seconded by Mr. Sanderson. that. James BrOWnlee is hereby re appointed Caretaker of the Fire Engine, &c., and that his salary be at the rate of $36 for services for this yearnâ€"carried. Moved by Mr. Reddit, seconded by W. Pugsley. that. the Treasurer is here'- by authorized and instructed to deposit the proceeds of two debentures now matured in the Bank of Montreal until otherwise disposed of by this Council. â€"carried. w'Iv‘he aoénéllgéjourlied to meet in the Council Chamber on Monday the 14th of February at 8 p. m. ___ ...._‘ 17th January 1881 .. Pursuant to the statute the members elected to compose and form the Muni- Olpnl Council of the Corporation of the village of Richmond Hill for the year 1881, Viz, Reeve, -â€"‘Willium Trench ; Councillors,-â€"â€"Wm l’ugsley, BenReddit, U Duncumeohu H. Sanderson, met. in the Council Chamber, in Palmer’s Brick Block, at. eleven o’clock, A. M., and having severally made and sub~ scribed their declaration of qualification and of oflice, took their seats. The Reeve in the chair. The Clerk read n communication from D. ' C. O’Brien, offering his ser- vices ns Assessor for 3‘25. ‘ The Clerk was instructed to have 100 notices of meeting, in usual form, print- ed on postal cgrds. Mr. Reddit asked leave to introduce By. Law NO. 82 to appoint a High School Trustee, two Auditors an Assessor, &c. Leave was granted and the Byâ€"Law was read a first. and second time. The names of the following persons were inserted in the By-Luw for the following officers, Viz â€"â€"High School Trustee, Joseph A. E. Switzer; Audit- ors, Messrs' P. Crosby and J. K. Falâ€" conbridge; Assessor, J. W. Elliot, ,- lnspector, William Brickncll ; Fence Viewers : '1‘. J. Dobson J. Freek and D. Hopkins; Pound Keeper, Richard Jordan Mr. Beddit moved, seconded by Mr. Pugsley, (hat the treasurer is hereby in- structed to pay James Brownlee’s ac- count but that. Méssra. Kerr &Co’s ac- count be not. paid as this Council is not- responsible to themLâ€"carried. Moved by Mr. Duneumb, seconded by Mr. Sanderson that the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to pay on charitable account $2.50, per month during the winter months and $2.00 per month duringthe summer months to Pockeridge Dancey and Elite Martin n'nda like monthly allowance to be handed to Messrs. Pugsley and Sander- son to provide necessaries for Duke Hardy.aâ€" carried. The Byâ€"Law was read a third tlme, and passed. The following standing committees were appointed, viz., Drafting By-Laws, Messrs. Sanderson, Duncumb and Redditt; Finance and assessment, The Reeve= Messrs. Pugsley and Sanderson ; Streets and Sidewalks. all the members of the Council : Fire and Water, Messrs. Redditt, Sanderson and Dun- cumb. The Clerk read the following accounts from James Brownlee for sundries for Fire Engine, $1.91. 3 Kerr, Atkins and Bull RE Langstafi‘, V's Jordan, 10.00.; Gleaned from the Economist. Auctl‘on Sales. Village Council. Markham Items. M. TEEFY, Clerk. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY! Richmond Hill, Jan. 19th, 1881 Slagâ€"My attention was called to an arttcle in the Liberal of last week, under the above heading. The article is a malicious slander, and the writer made use of language too indecent to appear in any newspaper. I feel con" Vinced there is not another Editor in the country, who would stoop so. low as to venthis spite in such language, I therefore decline to answer such vulgar abuse and slander, and have placed the casein the hands of my Solicitor, in- structing him to enter a criminal action against the writer. For the future I decline to reply to any abuse from the same source. Thanking you for your space. Richmond Hill, Jun. 20th, 1881 To fhe Editor at the Herald. The undersigned offers to rent on reasonable terms, a. comfortable frame house and 2 acres of land, on Lot No 48, rear con. 1, of Vaughan. There are good stables and other outbuildings on the premises. also a. good supply of water. For particulars apply to JOHN MCCAFFREY, Patterson, Ont. ONE OR THREE YEARS. DRAIN TILE, OF THE BEST QUALITY A'I‘ Barley, do 78 Outs, do 36 Peas do 63 Rye do 80 Dressed Housman- 100 the ......... . 6 50 Beef, hind quarters, per 100 its 6 00 Mutton, by the carcase, per 100 lbs... 6 00 Chickens, per pair ...... . 35 Ducks, per brace . 55 Geese, each. . .. 50 Turkeys, each a 0 50 Butter, lbrolls 20 large roll . 00 tub dairy. 20 Eggs, fresh, doz . 20 Potatoes, per bag .. 40 Ar-ples per barrel .. 1 00 Omens. per bag 1 25 Tomatoes, per bush. 00 Turnips, per bag 0 25 Carrots, per bag 40 Beets, per bag 50 Parsnips. per bag. 55 Hay per,t0n..... 8 00 Straw per, ton 6 00 Wool net 11)“. 30 Mr John Abell started his new Exâ€" tract Mill last week, and intends emâ€" ploying a great many hands, both small and great to run the new enterprise, which will add greatly‘to the business ofthe village. There is also another extract mill here owned by Mr Mackie, which has been running for some weeks, but is now closed down on account of some dispute about water power. I think it will soon be remedied, and all will be humming again. HOUSE & LOT. A complimentary farewell supper was given to Mr. Simon Beanie, at the Wellington hotel. Friday evening. At 9 o’clock that evening about one hundred of Mr. Beutlie’s lriends sat down to one of the best suppers ever gotten up at the Wellington. and there have been many and good spreads m-epared there before All took the opportunity to compliment Mr. Beanie on being one of the first and the. largest. importe.‘ of Short- horns and Clydesdales into this country. and one who has done a great deal in open- ing up a market for our surplus beef cattle and carringe horses in England-ECONOMIST At Richmond Hill on the 13th inst, the wife of Mr Moses Vunderburg, of a. son. TO RENT ! CONSOI'ATION FOR THE SUFFERING There is no httle consolation iu the thought that, however the imposter may floulish for the season, he cannot long commute to delude mankind. How many men contrive to acquire a brief and flashy reputation. and then Sink into disrepute and oblivion! We confess that years ago, when we first heard ofthe universal celebr- itv of Professor HOLLOWAY. we distrusted his lofty claims. and nrrogated to ourselves a superiorin ofdiscernment which would. not'allow him to entrup our judgment. Most heartily do we beg his pardon for the unjust Imputation. A careful study of The human blood is not a mere fluid coursmw thIouoh the veins and arteries and partaking of the mere qualities of other fluids. Itisâ€"stattlintz as the state- ment may appear â€"ALIVI“. . It is, in plain words, "THE LIFE OF MAN.” All phrsiologicnl diseases, such as indigestion, deutnged kidneys liveI. heart lungs, stomach all impure secretions in the body, and a large majority of epidemic and endemic dIsea°es have their elimin .01 at least thctr exciting cause. In the impure state of the blood. Cleanse that and keep it cleansed, and no sickness can prostrate, 01- even :Issail the sy‘stem. This splendid dtscovery hns given a lustre to Homown’s name transcending the re. nown of heroes and statesmen. We do not wonder at the gteal fume he has acquired in Europe. Asta. AfIicn and Australiaâ€" N. Y. SUNDAY TIMES. THURSDAY, Jan 20,1881. PRICES AT mmuuns’ WAGGUNE Wheat fall, new,per bush .. Spring do .. Barley, do Outs, uo Peas do .. Most heartily do we beg his pardon for tlze unjust imputation. A careful study of his system convinced us that we were mis- taken, and that the world. to do him justice should immediately, as it. undoubtedly will hereafter, rank him foremost. amongst its benefactors. Low Rates and Prompt; Payment cf Losses‘ Policies issued for THE' RECORD OF A TRIUMPH! Elm advertimwnm. SUPPER T0 SIMON BEATTIE. “Charlev’s Chailenge.” QUALITY AT THE MARKETS. (From our own Correspondent) I remain Yours &c. NEW EXTRACT MILLS. WOODBRIDGE. TORON ’1‘0: AGENTA Richmond Street, Richmond Hill‘ 'IIHOS NIGHTlfiGéLg‘S, BIRTH. D. C. O’BRIEN, CHAS. CHAMBEMJN. Yorkvile 11mm. $ 1 08 $1 11 .. 1 .10 l 17 . 78 1 00 .. 3G 37 n 63 67 80 83 650 7 00 25 40 50 â€"-tfâ€"oâ€"- '14 00 7 50 31 050 6 5|) 6 50 65 60 1 50 Licensed Auctioneer for York County. lolleiw patronage and friendly influence. Rate! romnd' able. Address Victoria Square Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest notice, and “7' reasonable rates Address, Nobleton, P O FOR SALE 1. Licensed Auctioner for York Conn . Onion» promptlv attended to. Rate! reusona 19. Pat- ronage solicited. Address. King, P 0 Licensed Auctioneer for York Patronage lollw cited. Rates moderate Address Aurora. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Ontario and Peel. Sales promptly attended Goods sold on consignment. Unionvflle, P 0 Licensed Auctioneer tor the County 0 York solicits your patronage and friendly i uenco. Address, Teston,P 0 S. S. LIBRARY. Parliculars by applying to F. B. HEMINGWAY, Librarian, of to C. T. HUNTER, Supt. Buttonville: John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Cum?J ell, Esq... Hon. SermtorMcMaster A. M. Smit , Esq. J tunes Motcalfa, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. D‘ I 30 per cent of premiums returned in profits Loans made to Church Trustees, at a. low rate 0! interest... Send for prospectus. 125 BOOKS CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES JJ . BUItmER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan. Syenml mtlmtion given to Stair Building. Elmctun‘! _utt§n&iog will be given to all orders- Address Mame P. 0 The undersigned wishes to intimate 10- the public that she has received A. Fresh Stock! Has removed his shop to next door south of Dr. Lnngstafl a, nearly orposite the 01d stand where he 15 prepm ed to do all kmds of work in first- oluss stale. Wishes to inform the public, that she ii- prepared to give LESSONé IN MUSIC. Richmond Hi1]. Dec. 30th. 1880. Im4W’ Yourselvos by making money when a golden chance is offered, thereby always keeping poverty from your door‘ Those Who always take when- tinge of the good chances for making money that are ofiered, genemlly become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many men, women, bo I» and girls to work for us right in their own loan iâ€"~ ties. The business will pay more than ten times; ordinary wages. ‘Ve furnish an expensive outfit} and all that you need, iree. No one who engages 4uils to make monev very rapidly. You can do- vote your whole time to the work, or only your spa-re moments. Full information and all thus is needed, sent free. Address STmsoN & 00., Portland. Maine of Ladies and Gents felt goods. Overshoes. Rubbers. etc., and has also on hand all kinds of which she is prepared to dispose of at a Hand-made work and repairing executed at shortest notice. Fannmg M111 FOR SALE-. MRS. S. GAMBLE. Richmond Hill, Dec. 2nd, 1880. m3: MISS N ICHOLLS, Geo. STEPHENS AND HORSE SHOER; Horse shoeing done at $1 :1 set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. Patent Implied for. The- Impmved Engllaht Belt, Truss. Without. the violent pressure of springs or the great. annoyance of under straps; Both are dispensed with. Testimonials can be seen at‘thia office J. T. PEARCE. Inventor and Manufacturer-,3 Richmond-street, Richmond Hill. i 2 Assurance. Soc'y Of London England. Alderman McArthur, M. P, Chair man, W W Baynes,Esq.I-' I A,Secretary' Richmond Hi11,Dec. 301511. 18110. Kitchen, St able and Woodshed. Hard and 801% Water. Also an Orchard of about 50 choice Fruit Trees. Terms Easy. For further particulars apply on the premises. or 1)) letter to Fronting on Yon ge Street HOUSE (13 LOT 3 ACRES, MORE 0R LESS, I Mile North of Richmond run»; TRUSS TO HE AL RUPTURE FOR SALE ! ‘ gammmw’ (Emmi. Being part of Lot. No 5], on the We!“ side of Yonge Street, MACHINE AND HANDMADE WORK REMOVED! Reserve Fund ........ $5,000,000 Annual Income ...... 1,400,000 Invested in Canada. . . 850,000 Death claxms paid. . . . 7,500,000 TORONTO Rmmsxcns. KEFFER, CONTRACTOR AND THE ZTAR LIFE In Good Order. Been used in Reasonable Profit. A W Lauder, General Blacksmith, BLACKSMITH SHOP. GOOD FRAME HOUSE. ROBERT WILLIAMSON. . Richmond Hm, P. o’,‘ Salem Eckgrdt, Sec. &Treu.s. for Canada. Victoria. Chambers, Toronto. Feb. 12th 1880. Samuel Brown N J Armstrong, Daniel Kinnee, CHEAP. Jas 0 Stoke: The Lot contains F Buttqn (W 11119.

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