Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 27 Jan 1881, p. 2

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ON DIT_ that Chancellor Sprunge of the Court of Chancery and Mi Justice Gwynne of the Court of Appeal, are to change places, that Vice~Chancellor Proudfout will be appointed to the va- cancy ou' thc Court of Appeal, caused by the death of Chief Justice Moss, and Mr. Johq Hoskin, Q. 0., will take the place oftlie Vice Chancellor. The Houston and Texas, 505 miles: 10,240 per Mile. The Gulf. Colorado and Santa Fe, 45 miles,received 110,000 acres to the mile The Texas and Paci- ‘fic, from Shrieveport to Sand'iego, 1,515 miles, received from the United States Government 9,520,000 acres of land, and from Texas, 18,000,000 acres or in all 18,|65 acres to the mile. The International 0" Great’Northern Road, 500 miles, received 5,000,000, acres of land or 10.000, acres per mile free from taxation for 25 years. As she Pacific Railway terms are ex~ citing considerable discussion, a friend has handed in the following communiâ€" cation, showing the cost of some roads in the States, far in excess of the Synâ€" dicate terms :â€" The Burlington, Missouri and Neâ€" braska. 2,462.208 acres for 239 miles or 10,302 acres per mile. The New Orleans and Mobile.3,000.000 acres for 1-41 miles, or 21,376 acres per mile, and $2:500,€}00 cash. for each mad. - Mr John Minnes, of Newmarket, has lost his stables by fire. A man like â€"that would do almost anyâ€" thing. That is what the editor of the op- position sheet tells the gentlemen, who dare say he called the Syndicate voters “roughs,” at the meeting held here on the 11th inst. That man says it is an “absolute falsehood” to say that he callâ€" ed the voters roughs, and then he calls us some fearful names, because we rebuked him for using such ungentlemanly lanâ€" guage. Now we do not wish to return abuse for abuse. 'We will not abuse him, no matter what he says in his wild fury, and uncontrollable rage. But there is no denying the tact that he did call the gentlemen roughs who voted against the amendment.and who were in sympathy with the Government and in favor of the Syndicate, He said these voters were only a lot of roughs. It may be as he very meanly says, by way of excuse, that he did not mean it. It may be he did not know eXaetly what he was saying Such may be the case, but it is very improbable. How are we to believe this man when he shows such a daring disregard for the truth. We are sorry to see him do so. His own party are ashamed ot'his actions in this Way, but still he persists in doing so. He knows, and there is no use In saying otherwise, that he was guilty, and conâ€" scious of the fact, that he was not writ- ing the truth when he said the assertion was an absolute falsehood. The Markâ€" ham Economist last week tool: him to task for telling a. lie. The Aurora Barealis‘ this week. as will be seen by the article in another column, says he is guilty of deliberate falsehoods on two occasions; and yet this man poses before the public as a really good man, and calls the Herald Oflice everything low and vile. Well, the people in this villâ€"l age and neighborhood canj-udge between the two. The leading men of this vill- age know that we stated what was true ‘when we said our excitable friend called ‘the Conservative voters roughs, and yet -he deliberately writes he never said so. '1'er Music-X cvmmy. N J. Grand Jm'v has recommended the re-eatabiishmenn 01' the whipping post for Wifeâ€"boaters. IRIGHMIJNII HILL POST DI'PIGE Going Souwth, Wesfi and East, includ- ing Maple, Thornhin. Toronto. Markham, &c., Going North ACC’O UN 'l'S.-â€"-Parties indebted to this aficc for advertising, job work, and subscriptions, will confer a favor by paying the same. Going South, East and West (as above). at 7:00 N.B.â€"Regiatered Letters must be handed in at least. Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Richmond Hill Post Oflice, M. TEEFY May 19th 1880. Postmaster Noticeâ€"Wm Monkmun Grain Crusherâ€"J 01m Wice Notice to Mothers Best to the suffererâ€"Brown’s Penucea “ABSOLUTE FALSEHOODS” :POS’I‘ OFFICE NOTICE THURSDAY. JAN. 27, 1880 No. 34; Whole No. 1178; Volume 23; Until lugflher notice, Mam will be closed at the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS We Wt]: 59mm. Cost of Rallways. Richrnond Hill. Ont. MORNING EVENING AS FOLLOWS E30 Courtney says he would like to orâ€" range a sculling match with Haulan for the next 4th of July, no money to be staked He says when money is wager- ed charges of selling out will be made bv the losing side. He desires to make the mat: for the purpose of testing who is the “best man.” The Canada Temperance Act has gone into operation in * Westmorland County, N. B. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 96th.â€"Auction Sale offarm stock. implements, etc.~, the property of Mr Robt Monkman. at Lot 36, 52nd Con. Markham Terms, Fowls, Grain, Hay and sums of $20 and under, cash ;0ver that, nine months credit. b‘ M Brown, Auct. Sale at 1 o’clock. See bills. Parties getting their Sale Bills prim. ed at this oflice, will receive a notice free of charge,froru the time the bills are printed until, the dav of sale. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16, ~ Credit Sa‘e ofFarm Stock and Implements, the pro-â€" perly (IfJolm Galloway. at Lot no IO. rear nf'3rd Con Markham, Beef cattle and $1 0 and under cash, over that 8 months credil ; 8 per cent put annum allowed for cash. FRIDAY, Feb, 4.â€"â€"-Credit Sale of Farm Stock. Implements, etc, at front of Lm N0 10. 41h Con Vaughan, the propeny of Mr B Musselman. Sale to commence at I0 o’clock liinner at noon. Hay, 0am. Cordwucd and sums of $8 and under cash, over thatfl momhs’ credit. S Eckardr, Auct. . Fleighing parties from Toronto to difi‘emnt points on Yonge- street have recently become very populay and fashionable with the res1dents of the Queen City. These parties are gener ally organized by the employees or manâ€" agers of some manufacturing firm. On Friday night last the enployees of R McCleary & Co, cigar makers, had a ball at- the Lorne Hall, in this village. ()ver fifty couple were present, and the “light fantastic" was handled in the most approved manner. Supper was provided in the Palmer House, and was everythlng that could be desired. The bill of'fare was large, varied and tony. The tobaceonists left for home about four, having made “a night of it.” THE,BREWERS. On Tuesday night the employer's in Copeland’s Brewery, had a ball at the Robin Hood, in this village. A large and happy party were present. Prof. Collins, ofThornhill, played his little game in the music line. in his accustomâ€" ed excellent style. The Supper was splendid, and heartily enjoyed,â€"and Frank's suppers always are. Danc- ing was reduced to a fine art, and the Old Masters were no where. The party departed about four. The Aurora BOREALIS says :â€" In last weeks issue of the Richmond Hill LIBERAL there was a paragraph relating to Mr; Charles Chamberlin of. that village. We shall non quote it, be- cause it was couched in language which ‘ was unfit for publication, and which no: journal, having a claim to respectability, would allow to appear in its columnsl For low, unvarnished Billingsgate and 1 “smut,” it outdid anything we ever saw. We congratulate Mr. Chamberlin on ‘ being abused by ihe LIBERAL as it is; about as great a- compliment as he could‘ get from it. The language is worthy of the man who talks oi decency 1n journal- 1 ism, and then disgraces his pages with, such foul and loathsome words, and; such disgusting metaphors as appeared; in the "' local” in question ; and it is worthy also of the man who has on twor occasions at least in o1de1 to sneak out! of a controversy With this paper, penned' deliberate falsehoods and upon convict-- ion thereof, backed down with the reâ€" mark that he would‘ abandon further discussion. ‘ 'Sale ut'l o’clock; No reserve, llie proprietor is giving up farming. \S E‘ckmdt, Auct. The Treasurers report for the past year shows that the Societies are in a prosperous condition, which is greatly owing to the careful and skillful man“ agement of the oflicers. 'l he Township Treasurer has a balance on hand of $330, and the Treasure. for the West Riding of York has a balance of $636. 85 A union between the two boards has again been formed The Township Board pays the County Board $60 to assist the Spring Fair. The proceeds of all the tickets sold during the year will be equally divided. At the Fall Fairs each Society pavs oneâ€"half of ex- penses and prize money, and the County Society receives two-fifths of gate and ground money. At the annual meeting of the West York Ag. Society, held at ‘Vnodbridge on the 19th inst, the following Officers were elected for the ensuing year: Plesidcnt Wm Far;r Viceâ€"Presiâ€" dent. Ephralm Whitmore; Treasurer, N C Wallace, M P , Secxetary, J Rea- man.Di1ectors, N C Wallace ; Jacob Smith ; J ileaman : Chas Porter ; Thos Smith ; Wm Shunk ; D Longhowe ,- J'uCOb Luhmer; Michael Reaman. Audi- tors, D J Grant M P, and Geo. Elliott. The Treasurer and recretary are in both meetings appointed by the newly elected Board of Directors, after the annual meeting: was adjourned. President, John Abel}; 1st Viceâ€" President, J P Bull ; 2nd Viceâ€"Presi- dent, Jacob Burkholder. Treasurer, T F Wallace; Secretary, J. Reaman. Directors, T F Wallace, A T Orth, J Ackrow, A Barker, J McIntosh, W Capncr. D J Grant, M D, J Wilkinson. M D, Geo. Wallace. Auditors, Geo. Elliott and Thompson Porter. The annual meeung of Vaughan Ag. Society, was held at Woodbridge on the 13th inst, and the followmg officers were elected for the ensuing year : Sleighing Party and Ball. “Deliberate Falsehofids." Cigar Makers and Brewers. Agncultural Societies. WEST YORK-AND VAUGHAN. Auctlon Sales. From our own correspondent ] Nobleton, January, 19th, 1881. L O. L. DISTRICT OF KING â€"â€"The annual district meeting of King District was held 1n the Orange Hal] Village of 1=.Lloydtown 0n 'I‘uesdziry last when the fol‘owing brethern were elected oficers 1er the year 1881, viz: â€"Bro. Joseph 1l‘oliingshead ‘V. V] . of'L. O. L. 415, re elected Worshipful District Master ; Bro. James Sheardown, P. M. ’590, 1Depuly District Master; Bro. James 1Sloan. W. M. 736, Dist. Chap; Bro. .1 Dr. Byers, 590 Dist. Secretary; Bro. John Gould, 736, reelected Dist. fTreas; Bro. Dr. Maliafiy, D. M. “5, , Dist. Dir. 'Cer. ; Bro. W. Cowper 590, i and Bro. Robert Robinson 590, District I Lcéturers. The next place of meeting will be In the Orange Hal}, Nobleton. Ammx. MEETINGâ€"The following are 11m officers elected for the Sloufi'vilie Association for Apprehensinn and Pros- eculion of Felons for the current yew: J.J‘ Rae, Pres; J. Don 'herty, Vice-Pres; T. Dongall. 860.; P Widemuu. Treas; Com- milmeâ€"Phiilip Mackle‘n. Jns J«.lmslone. RKnill.J Hoover. \V. Mnsun, Wllliam Smnmerville, Wm Brown, Jus. O’Brien, 8. Burkholder. Hotel, Markham. on Tuesday, Feb. 15:. The diction of officers wiil take place at I o’clock. The dinner will be served at 3 o’clock, p.511. The Chlb extend a cordial invitation to the ladies. and hope that the gentlemen will not neglect to fetch their Wives and daughters with them, The East Riding of York and Markham Agricultural Societles’ Treusmer’s state- ment Ior 1880 shows a balance on hand of $126 78, uguinstabaluuce of $146,“ for 1879, a decrease of $19.93. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP AG'I, SOCIETY.â€"1At the annual meeting held at, Uninnvflle, on Thursday lust, the following ofiicers. were elected: John Gormley. Pres.: F. B. Hemmingwuy. Vice-Pres; W, Brailhwaile, Sec.-'l‘reus,; Directors~Anthony Forster. Wm. Lunmer, W. L.Slulls, \V.H.l.und3x J. Padget, D. Eakin, Jae. anrie, James Ferguson; Auditorsâ€"Jus. heimrdl, lien. Fenwick. ANXUAL DINXER â€"-'I‘he annual meeting and dinner in connection \vnh lhe Markham meer’s Club will be huld an Wellinglon Hole], Markham. on Tuesday, Feb. 15:. Mr. James. seconded by Mr. Forster. moved that the Treasurer pav for the use of each polling bomb $3 and to each cons- table attending same, $1.50, for holding the municipal elections for the current year. Mr. Reesnr, seconded by Mr. Williamson moved that the sum of $1.50 per Week be granted for the maintenance 01" Wm Wlnteu oak, an indigen person, during: the pleasure of this Council. and that the Treasurer pay the same on order of Councillor Forster. smd grant to commence from the lat day of Jam, 1881. Mr. Forster, seconded by Mr. William- son, moved that when this Council ndjonrns it, stands adjourned until Saturday, 20th of February, next. Mr. James, seconded by Mr. lessor. moved that the Reeve. W. Gohn, John Badgerow, W. Welsh, and the moverbe and are hereby appointed Commissioners for the improvement of the_ hi“ at Pomona Mills, 0‘.) condition that the parties interest- ed give toward the improvement of said hill to the autumn of at least $50 in labor and material. Mr_Fm-ster, I seconded by Mr. James. moved that {he 'I‘wasurer pay Carson and son the sum 0f$18.77 for uomiuazion by laws. bullets, 010., for the municipal elect- iona MI Reesor asked leave m introducea by -law to appoint audnoxs and assessors Leave given. 0n moliun the blanks were filled as follows : Audiloxsâ€"F K. Reesnr and John Barnes. Assessors-I). Sn-iuklm-v East; Thos. Thomson, West. Bro. Dr. Stevenson, W. M.; Bro. H. Kennedy S. W.; Bro. E. Y. Godfrey, J W.; Bro. Joseph Smelser, Chap, Bro Isaac Smelser, Treas; Bro. James Cherry, Secty.; Bro W. J. Wright, S. Deacon ; Bro. \V. R, Capnnr, J. Deacon; Bro W Pringle, S Steward ; Bro John Rcbinson, J Steward ; Bro Archibald Campbell, I Tyler; Bro Jacob Lelia-- skei. 0 Tyler. T here is Valso talk of another store be- ing opened sho1tly, if so things will be lively Mr.James. seconded by Mr. Williamson, moved that the Treasurer pny T. Clark. on order, the sum of $6 per month for the sup- port of John and Jane Emerson, destitute persons. said amoum payable during: the pleasure (If this Council, and to be computâ€" ed from the ISI ofJun. 1881. The Royal Scarlet Chapter of the District of King met in the Orange Hall Nobleton, on Friday evening lust, for the transaction of business, after which the following Qfl'icers were elected for the year 15481 â€"â€"Kt. Companiun, Sir Joseph Hollingshead W.0 ..;.0 Kt. Comp ,Sir James Sloan E0 0.0 ;Kt. Comp. Sir Thos. Gould 011gp;.KL Comp, Sir James Chelry (‘.S ;.Kt Comp. Sir James Sheardown, 0. Trans; Kt. Comp, Sir \V. Cowper J. H.; Kt. Comp. Sir Tlms. Fry 0. 1-1.; Kt. Comp. Sir George Hollmgshead, H. K. A. The L. O. L. ofthc Cbunty of North York meets in the Orange Hall, Lloydâ€" town. on the lst. Feb, 1881, f'm the election of' officers. The meeting ml] take place at the hour of 2 o’clock pm. Mr Hughes has opened a new store in the village of Nobleton. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Pursuant to statute the members elect of the Council of the Township of Markham met at thte’n Hall. Unimwille, on Monâ€" day the 1711) inst. The Clerk in the Chair. The following members subscribed to the declaration of qualification of ofiice, viz:â€" Wm. Enliin Reeve 5 B F Reesm, Ist Depuly- -Reeve; David James 2! (1 De put;â€" Reeve; Thomas Williamson 3nd De} puny- {";ee\e Anthony Bouslel Councillor 'Ilie Reeve took the chaii. Rnbertson Lodge, A. F. & A. M.. G. R; C. No: 262, Nobleton . The followâ€" ing: brethern were installed ofiicers for the year 1881 viz :â€" The above Lodge meets in the Orange Hall. Nobleton, on the \Vednesâ€" day on or before full moon in each month. A petition was presetfled by Mr. James from Geo? Vuuhorn and Ichtv others. ask- ing aid for Mr. and Mrs. Emerson. Applications to be appointed assessors were received from D. Strickler, E. Ecli- m-dL and Thos. Thompson; Cleaned from the Ecmwmist. Markham Items NOBLE-TON. Yours 8w. AULINUS. MAsoNle.â€"On Monday eveningr last, D l) G M Bro Saunders, of Yo kville visited Richmond Lodge, A 1“ 8:, A M. Amongst the brethren who accompanied him from Toronto, Yorkville, Yorlq7 and 'l‘hornhill, were Bro .T Blucliwood, P M nC Dunning, W M, and several mem - bers of Ashler lodge; Bro J Brydcn, S W, Rehoboam lodge ; Bros J Fisher, P M ; G Vair, 1’ M, and several others from York lodge. There were alseu number of visitors from neighboring leges presentto receive the Deputy-- District, among Whom were Bro A Cook, 1" M, and F Smelser, P M, Vaurgh-m' lodge. After business the brethren aejourned to the lower hall, where refreshmepts were provided, and about fifty sa'l down. The spread was gotten up in Mr Lymhurner’s best stvle, and was creditable to him and the lodge.“ All present thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and a really pleasant even- ing was spent. The usual toasts were proposed and responded to in a particu- lary happy manner. The D D G M, highly complimented the ‘V M of Rich- mond lodge, Bro Reynolds, upon the pi esnerous condition, and the thorough and efficient working of the lodge. All the brethren spoke very highly of Rich- mond Lodge, and the pleasure they de- rived from the visit. The visitors de- parted from here for home in good time. S. Pinaibre, in this Vvillage last More". The Toronto Mail, Globe and Telegram Speak very highly of' this performance in the Royal Opera House. The play is considered an interesting one, and this company appear to know how to do just- ice t0.1t. The charmingr Mrs Cooper,who took the part of' ”Little Buttercup,” at her first appearance, is praier for the excellent manner 1n which she takes the part'oi Serpnlette. ’] he chimes are sung by a large company of peasants, village girls, etc. Our readers may rely upon witnessing! good acting, and hear- ing good singing. The second night of their noting.r in Toronto was attended by His Honor the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs Robinson. The Company, being: a local amateur organization, that has contributed‘alarge portion of its re- ceipts to local charities, is deserving of support, apart from the merit of its per f'ormunccs was vivid. The singing of Miss Spray};- nnd the piano performances of' Prof. Pingle and Miss Nicholls were we” run dared. At the close of the lecture a vote of thanks was moved by Mr ‘Kess, seconded by Mr R Marsh. The pro- ceeds amounted to about $70. 011111125 01‘ NORMANDY. â€"’l‘he Torâ€" onto Opexa ()0szan will produce this beaunf'ul new opera at theGrand Cumin] Halon I‘liday cvenimr,Feb.4th,1981. This Is the company which gave H. M. Division Court hem on Tuesday last. Not much business, but someinterest- ing cases_ ' ’ A select Social Assembly will take place at the Grand Centradl Hall, on Wednesday evening Feb.2 . PRESBYTERIAWOCIAI..â€"TheI Pres- byterizln Social last Tuesday awning was quite a sucuess. especially the lecture delivered by the Rev Mr Gilmv. on "Rome and its surroundings." The manner and style of deliva was pleas- ing in the extreme, and it made one feel as ifhe would like to witness the different places and objects so well dls‘ cribed by the Rev’d gentleman. The closmg part~ wherein he gave :1. discrip tion of the battle of Waterloo, as wit neszed at Brussels, on his way home, Rev. Mr. Patterson preaches in St. Mary’ s Church in this village, on Sunâ€" day next. Dominoes and Masks, for sale at the HERALD Book Store. The Winter Horse Races take place on Wilcox’s Lake, about; five miles nnrth of this village. just back of Curtyis_I-Intel, on Feb. 9th &10th. Goud purses are foered, and the sport will be fine, V “IMPROVEMENT.â€"â€"-Our worthy postâ€" master has made a decided improvement in the internal ufiairs (mf'the nfliee. The 01d letter boxes whlch have done‘ duty In Her Majesty’s Service for about 21 score of'yenrs, have been removed, and much larger boxes substituted. This indicales a large increase in the P. 0. business, no dupbt, somewhat owing t0 the increase in our subicnption list. The County Council niet on Monday last. Mr Akins, Reeve of' Markham Towziship, was elected Warden. . Min. mes next week THE “k’nooanss.i’;â€"Dlr James VVidc- man has started a paper at Rat Portage called the Progress. It is a good paper, and according to ,1he proprietor’s anâ€" nouncement, is published daily and weekly. 'J‘IIE 'i’fitE.â€"â€"‘”T?Yc Band Carnival on Friday evening: next. at the Skating Rink, will be very largely attended,, at least such are the indications. The ice has been in good condition for the past week. and large crowds have been pre» sent. If'any one desires to assist the Band, now is the time, by attending (he Carniml. Agood timeand heaps of fun is guaranteed. ENGLISH CHURCH SOCIAL.â€" The ladies ot‘Trinity Church Thoruhili, inâ€" tend holdin-r a Socialin Victoria Hall, on Thursday evening Feb, 3rd. A chorus of amateurs wiil be present from Toronto. and local performers will also assist. Tea served fw-‘nx 6 pm. Pro» ceeds for church fund, A pleasant: evening anticipated. All are invited. TEMPERANCE MEETING. â€" The Tliornliill Temperance Club meets on Sutuldzyl Jan. 29th. The meefing will be addwssed by Mr Bevxs Mrs. Dillâ€" worth, Mrs Jolmstone and others. Music by the Glee, Club. All are invited. A sccx'al in cqnncctmn with the Presbyterian Church will be held this (Thursday) evening, at the residence of Dr James Lnngstafi'. LOCAL ITEMS. The annual convention of the Dairyâ€"l Samuel Brown men 8 Association of Western Ontario 18 10‘, Licensed Auctionee1 for You: County, solicits he held' 111 Stratfo: ‘d on the 2nd 3rd and pmtronagé 11nd friendlyinfluence Rates Hanson- 4111 0! leb. . when scientific and pracncal able flit; Victoria Squaw addlesses will be delivered by gentlemen convewant with the theory and pmctice of N J Armstrong, dairying. Mr. Chas. E Chadwick, of Ingersql, is §ecretary 0f the association. ‘ Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended'on the shortest: notice, and at. reasonable rates Address. Nobleton. P O Mr Chadband has opened a photo- graph. gallery in this village. He does good work. Call and see SIR â€"The Attorney-General of Vaugh- an has rushed to the rescue oi" his friend whom you so carefully designate by the term “across the way. ” After reading his 1etter which is si<rned “X,” you will at once pcrceiveyour ei‘i'0i arid I expect you to huiiibly apologize for daring to i'ouse the latent energies of this Adâ€" mirable Ciiehton. But seriously, Mr Editor, I hope the’ Attorney-General Will not often take on so. If he cannot write more sensibly, people will surely bejustified- in questioning his ability to hold the ofiice of Attorneyâ€"General. If he must write and abuse the HERALD or perish let him try and do so in a reasonable and intelligent mannei. There is iiotllint' particular in the letter but. roughness, ther'e is no particular point He flutters the Editor across the way. and that. is about all, besides abuse. it is not, worthy of further criticism. The article is suspiciously like that of the Wiiter ofthe article abusing Mr Cham- berlin which appeared in the sheet “acres 8 the way’ a few weeks ago. LIBERAL Richmond Hill, Jun. 9.6m, 1881. To fire Editor at the Herald. SIR. v A communication appears in the "moralH sheet of Just week over the signature of X, [harping considerable over the Word principle. Now sir, I once heard oi' :1 gentleman who had an idea of putchusing an old property. but for the purpose ot'gettiny this property at a depreciated yaiue obtained footing theitin, and set to work to deface the some as much as possible. “ ouid X consider this person amun of plin- cipie. Again, another gentleman had a tremendous {all from Grace: he was even on Qorno occasions Ilikened unto Judas who betrayed his master. Would X consider this party :1 111311) of princiâ€" pic. I pause for :1 reply, as I have 'a few more shots in the locker. ' Yours Sac , IIOLLOWAY’S OInTMENT AND PILLS. â€"~Mueh Watclxl'ulness must be exercised- at the present time. and the earliest eviâ€" dences of illâ€"health must he immediately checked, or a slight illness may resultin a serious malady. Relaxed and sore throat, diphtheria, quinsey, coughs, chronic cough, bronchitis, and most other pulmonary afle'ctious will be reâ€" lieved by rubbiugr this coollngz Ointment into the skin as near as practical to the seat of mischief. This treatment so si ple and affective, is admirably adapt- ed for the removal of these diseases dur- inf;r infancy and youth. Old asthmatic mvalids will derive marvellous relief fi'omthe use of' llolloway’s remedies, which have brought round many such sufferersand reâ€"estublished health after every other means had signally failed. We regret to learn of the death of the brother of Mr J Gibson, Reeve of Yorkville,-at Bufi'alo‘ Grain Crushing at Lot 34, 3rd con. Markham. See advt. Good machine- Bun stone. The next annual meeting of the Fire Company will be held on Friday oven- ing, Feb 4th We have to ackno'wledgt receipt of boys magazine called the Union Jack. Wholesale‘dealers, the' Toronto News Co. WEDDING PARTYâ€"“lb is not good for man to live alone,” says the Book of Books, and the young men of this neighborhood appear to be deeply in -- pressed with the wisdom contained in these remarks, as can be seen by the many marriage notices found in our columns from week to week, “Happy will be the bride on whom the sun shines,” is the old saying, and there is reason to believe that it will prove true in this particular case. On Tuesday last, at the residence of the bride’s mother Mrs] Storey , the Rev I Camp bell joined together as man and wife: Mr John Dryden and Miss Sarah Storey After the ceremony tho charming bride, the slightly nervous and happy husband, and the pleasant looking,r guests, sat down t'oan elegant repast’ The newly married couple left on the eveningr train for their wedding trip. \Ve wish ‘ them a long, pleasant and useful life, and ad- vise our young men and women to‘ follow such a good example. The cake was delicious. Thanks. MISSIONARY MEETING.â€"â€"A mission- my nieetinrr in connection with the Presbyteiian (‘huich W111 be held on Monday evvninrr next. 3lst inst. The Rev Dr Fraser, late missionary in Formosa, and tlie’Rev Mr Cameleon, of Maple will address the meeting. AH are invited. To the Editor of file Harald Mr \V. G Falconbridge, of Toronto. has receiized advice that the remains of the late Chief Justice Moss, his brother inâ€"law, will be conveyed from Havre to New York by the steamer Ferdinand dc Lesseps, which sailed from the iormer p01t on Satmddy Mrs and Miss Moss and ‘11 Charles Mo: 5 will probably sail {10m England by an euxly steame1. The jury could not. agree in the Markham shooting case, tried at. the Oyer and Torminer court iast week. They were d‘i‘acharged but the prisoner Heath has been detained. Geo Mackay was acquitted on the charge of assaultâ€" inf: Helper M’iLheson of Whitehurch on the 12th of Oct.l:1st. The evidence against him was not strong. Interesting Letters. LOCAL ITEMS. AVAST THERE I Licensed‘ Auctioncr for York County. Ordes promptlv amended to. Rates reasonable. Put- ronage solicited. Address, King, P O Licensed Auctioneer for York Patronage soli- cited. Rates moderate Address Aurora. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Address, Teston,P O Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Sales promptly attended Goods sold on consignment. Unionville, P O U' BUILDER Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan. S1. 00ml atthntion given to St nir Building, Punchuul attention will be gix en ’09 all orders. Address Maple P 0. Aro you distu1bed at night and broken of V0111 rest by 11 si< k child suffer 111;; 11nd Ciying “ ith the cxcnwinting pain of cutting teeth ? If so g0 {'11) once (11111 got 11 bottle of MRS. WINSLOW‘ s sooT!I-_ ING SYRUP, It will relieve the poor little s11ffe1 ~ er immediatelyâ€"(lepend upon in; them is no mistake about 1‘0. Them is not a. 1110111101 on earth W110 111 s evei used it, Who will not- tell vou at once that it W111 regulate the bowels and give rest to the mothel um! relief and health to the child, (01161 Ming like magic. It 15 perfectly safe to use 111 1111 cases, and pleasant tolthe taste, and‘ is the prescliptinn of one of the oldest (1111‘ best; female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere at 25 cents 21 bottle.- Weather cold and godd sleighiuz. The thermometer marked 12 below zero on Tuesday morning. the coldest we have had it. here this season, but no wind. On Friday, afternoon. 14th inst, quite an excitement was caused by the alarm of fire The drying house in connectioh with Mr. Abell’s Agricultural Works caught fire by some means, and was soon In a blaze in the inside. It, was filled with laws, spokes. .hul)=. etc It is a brick building, nhnut 50 feet from his main shop. All hands were soon at work, forming a line to the river. and a steadv stream of Water was poured on the burning material on the inside which burned fiercely for about, an hour or more. Mr Abell has a fire pump capable of throw- ing :1 large quantity of water. but no hose was to he found, and very few pails, untill some were brought from thp stores in the village. The loss Ihelieve did not amount to much. We have a waxy pom fire biixrade in cm town but there' is talk of starting a company at an earls date. MOTHERS ! MOTHERS !! MOTHERS! I !‘ The syndicate terms for building the C P B, have been accepted by the H “use of Commons, and t-he GOVGX'QH ment. sustained bv a maiority of 86 KEFFER, CONTRACTOR A ND ' BUILDER. Sherwoofi 4th (1mm Vaughan- The Rev; E. P. Hammond has held seven meetings at Newmarket since Saturday evening. The deepest interest is manifested, and a number profs: s 10 have been converted. m A constable at Montreal is said to have declined to arrest a man for bent~ ingz his wife, giving‘as a reason that a husband had :1 right to yunish his Wife, and he often beat his. That officer is a fit subject for the whippingpost. The Sunday School in connection with the C M. Church, had their annual Sleigh drive on Saturda'v. About six loads left here in the morning and drove to W eston, and returned in' the afternoon. where they assembled in the Temperance Hall, and and satisfied tho‘inner man with the good things- providpd‘ by friends of the Sunday School children. which were not had to digest :tfter their cold drive. Ono long} upset, coming htound the corner at qulinco Bros Store, about 30 children and adults were scattered around the road, but; none seriously hurt, MI John Ahell has been laid upfor some days with 51011 [1093. but am happy to say is around as usual again. Business 13 good and exre1yt11ir1wl1umm1ng HUMMER. 'l‘he lhereummelur markefi 20 degrees below zero. on Monday. Big: snow 51mm on Friday last" Good sleighing now, and everything humming. The so much tallied of Concert to raise money to wipe ofl'the debt: on the Presby- terian Church in this village, eume of? on Thursday evening lust. 201h inst, in the Orange Hull. Previous to that evening there were over 4L0 tickets sold. The nightwsmnltthat could be desired. and the sleitgliing was splendid. By 7.30 the hall was ernwded to the doors, by u very respectable nudience, which were very much dissnppnintod at the very poor ntl‘uir which it. turned out to be. Mr J W liengnnqh was the principal uctor, assisted by Prof. Will Wnlmsley, Miss Spanner, pinnist, and Miss Corlett, Soprano. which were in no “‘35 equal to our 10ml talent. Dr Grant was to be chairman. and giveJhe opening Mldrt‘SS.l)ut he was too l)tiS_V gather- inyin the bauhees nt the door. or he thought he ths not qualified for the posnion lwi'me such :1 large audience. He got Mr lfengnngh to net in his place. much In the (listippui‘ tinent (If the crowd. The tickets were only 50 cents each, or .me dollar for twr». just as you lllied‘ "Which Loctor?” whv 2 nf "Imorse." A Nissimu: nay Mevnting in conneclion wil11(111ist(‘1‘.1111ch wi1|)e l1eId in 1110 011111ge 111111 (111 ”(411110511115' evening, 26111, 11181., 11! which sev111‘111 Rev aenilemen will 1111114111101111'95895. 16V V 1’ 1“01d, pastor. ()[1pusiliou~1\1101111 111111â€" Syndicale meel~ i115: wi11 'Je he1d 111 \V vslflxl nexfi Thursday nfiernoon, at W1HC11 Ihe Giils intend send- ing 11011111 A. and his government. higher thun Gi11‘ny‘s Kile "11c wish them 5110-â€" ce 8 0'1: (21* 111111 11 while 11 u wilil hear some (1119 say. \1‘11e1ois MIS Shider now. Well 1 110111 klmw. 11111 some one said they met Mr C111d and M 1's Snider, 111m and arm on Ade111ide-sl1'eel the othm- dayâ€"111111, is in Torontoâ€"as we have 110 Adchiide-stree! here. Card is 1111111111] here once 11nd 11 while 11nd Snider after him. VA deputation (m beimlt'nftlhe Ontario and Pacific Junction Railway Company waitedpn AttorneyGeneral M owat Fri- day and urged the [190058in of having: the cpnstmction of' the line proceeded with 513 quickly its posstble Mrfilowat promised to act promptly. Another S S party was here on Tuesday from Thistleton. which seemed to enjoy tlwmselves very well. gummmm’ @mulfi. Woodlnidge, Jan. 20th, TSSI. (From our own Correspondentr WOODBRIDGE. Salem Eckardt, DaQiel Kinnee, J as C Stokes Woodbridge, Jan. 25111, 1881 F Button 25:} W Human equal for relieving pain, both internal and ex» ternal. It cures Pain in the Side, Bank or Bowels Sore ThroatRh enmatism, Toothache. Lumbago, und any kind of a. Pain or ache. “It W111 most, surely quicken the Blood and been], as its acting power is wonderful." “Brown's Household Pena- dem," being acknowledged as the great Pain Ito-- liever, and of double the strength of any other Elixir or Liniment in the world, should be in every family handy for use when wanted, “as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains 9nd Aches of all kinds" and is for sale by all pruggxsts at Zié‘ents whom.“ Patent applied for; The Improved English Belt Truss. Without the violent pressure of' springs or the great annoyance of under straps.. Both are dispensed with. Testimonials can be seen at this office J. T. PEARCE. Inventor and. Manufacturer;. Richmondvatreet, Richmond Hill. 1 2 Rest and Comfort to the fluttering; 0n Sunday,23rr1 inst, the wlfio of Mr. Johm Duncan, Richmond Hill, of n. 8011. Ah the residence of the bride 3 mother: on tho' ‘ 25th inst, by the Rev I Campbell, John Hilaom Br} don (70811th second laughter of Mrs J. Stoley, all 01 Richmond Hill. Richmond Strbet, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Jan. 19th, 1‘881'. : ' â€"â€"tfâ€"oâ€"- At Victoria, Square, on Sunday, 23rd mat, the‘ Wife of Mr David Hopper. . The funeral ’took place at Victoria Square on Tuesday last, and waslargew ly aflten'd‘edi. At Richmond Hill, on M omi‘uy, 24th inst, flit Ismt son of Mr John Duncan Barley, 78 Outs, 36 Yeas 63 Rye 80 Dressed Hows. her 100 Tbs 6 50 Beef hind quarters, per 100 Hus Ex 50 Mutton, by the queue, p81 10011113... 6 00 Chickens pe1 pair .. 35 Ducks, per b1 ace 55 (3:30:18 each ........ 50 Turkeys, each 0 50 Butter,1b rolls .. 20 large rolls“ ()0 tub dairy” 20 Eggsdrcsh, dcz .. 20 Potatoes, per bag 40 Arlples per barrel 1 00 Onions, per bag . 1 '25 Tomatoes, per bush. 00 Turnips, per bag .. /0 25 Carrots, per bag . 40 Beotsmer bug .. bo I’m‘snips, per bag. 65 Hay pentcn...‘ 8 ()0 Straw per, ton. 6 00 “”0171 Her 11). ONE OR THREE YEARS.. D. G. O’BRIEN, The undersigned offers to rent on reasonable~ 11011115, 11 eomformble frame house and 2 acres of" land, 011 Lot. No 48, rear con. L of Vaughan. There are good stables and other outbuildings on the: premises. also a, good supply of water. For particulars apply to JOHN MCC'AFFREY, Patterson, Ont. mu INSURANEE COMPANY ! TOR ON'I‘O: THURSDAY, Jan 27,1881- PRICES AT mmnms' WAGGONS Wheat fall, new,pe1' 1311511.,“ Spring do Barley, do . Outs, Peas Richmond Hi11,Dec. 80th, 1850‘ Kitahen, Stable and \Voodshed. Hard and Soft Water. Also an Orclnml of about 50 choice Fruit Trees. Terms Easy. For further particulars apply on the premises, or 1)) letter to TRUSS‘ TO. HEAL RUPTURE The advertisement cautioning parties not to! purchase the note held against me by George' Sbcphcna,wns inserted by me, while under a.- wr 1g impression remu-dipgjho smpe: Th; waiter is now amicably sefitled, and my fault can be attached to Mr Stephens, neither has he acted. at [L11 unfairly: WM . MONKMAN Richmond Hill, J an» Z’tb, 1881‘ HOUSE 86 LOT. toC 3 AMEES. MORE OR LESS, MISS NICHOLLS,‘ Frontng on Yonge Street The undersignod‘hus purclihsed u Grain Crush-r 01‘, with n Burr Stone, and is prepared to crush: grain every FOR SALE 11 Wishes to inform the public, that she is prepared to give IJESSONS I-N MUSIC. Richmond Hill‘ Dec. 3011:. 1880. lm4W“ TO RENT L Grain Crusher. 'I‘UESDVAY AND FRIDAY.. HOUSE w LOT FOR SALE ! l Mile North of Richmond Hlli. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at Lot 34 3rd Con. Markham Mmkhnm Jm1.25th,18$]. itt 125 BOOKS [)RAIN TILE, OF THE BEST « QUALITY AT “BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PENACEA" has no. LOW Rates and Prompt Payment cf Losses. Policies issued for Being part of Lot No 51, on the \Vest side of Yonge Street, Elam: fittnertmmmw. In Good Order. Been! used in THE MARKETS. GOOD FRAME HOUSE, S. LIBRARY; Pun-iculurs by applying to HEMINGVVAY, Librarian. 01" T. HUNTER, Supt. Buttohville; 1‘50 BERT WILLIAMSON. Richmond Hill, ROI 1 Hill, Dec. 80th, 1880. 4w lillt NGTigE 1 CHEAP. THOS NIGHTINGALE’S, Ym‘kvile DEATH. The Lot contains BIRTH. MARRPED JOHN WICE, $ 1 08- $1 1! .. 1 10' 1 18‘ . 78 1 my .. 36 37 AGENT. 31 6'5 7 oo‘ 6 5|) 6 so so 65 so 50‘ 1‘ 50‘ 3i!

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