Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 3 Feb 1881, p. 3

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fl Luv Flulll lowL Ul um: ustauuanment, nuv science in its a plication to curative pul‘po TRIO APPLIA CES to the nubli now known to the science.â€"-instr nrinted directions tion of his goous‘ mg had many years experience, and studied closely the sea, feels confident that in presenting this ACME ELEC- 0, he is supplying them with the best instrument of their kind umentsthat will do their work well if u sad in accordance with given with each appliance, and would warn the public against all cheap imita- Mr Norman 7 V __ - __ ‘. . , v uuu u vvuu, 1‘0 longs-st The Appliances are made in all sizes end. shapes for the different arts of the body, and range in price from $1.00 to $5.00 for small Bands. and from $5.00 to $15.00 or Waist Belts See Cirnlgra which are mailed free to all applicants , . . . _ . Remember the address, . A NORMAN: Nb 4 Q'deehihlléaet Eqs£.,'1fotohte. Ont. N Bâ€"Electric Baths, Sulphur Butha,.Vapoux-. Herbal, Mercurial and cold Baths always ready for Ladies und'Gentleman ' Feb 18th. ’80 Mr Norman nu uuuuuu Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 1874. I have iully tried and most carefully tested and seen used your Curative Insoles and Bands, and believe this to be one of the best. forms of administering Electritity, now known to be one of such valuable importance for the relief of Rheumatism and Neurulgiu affections. I most cherfully re- commend their use to [L11 sufierers of these complaints. 0 B Hal]. M D. 20 Cast-Howell vlnna Spinal Complaints, General and Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Gout. Nervousness, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs. Throat and C'hestt omplnints, Neuruigia. Bronchuis Incipient Pul‘absis. Aslhma. Sciatica, Spruins. Cnnsumption, Sleeplessness, Colds. Indigestion, Spermnlorrhnea, &c’, v - _ -J . w. The proprietor of this establishment, having had science in its a plication to curative purposes, feel TRIO APPLIA CES to the public. be is Sllnnh'iha A yormgn, E'aqq ASK FOR NORMAN’S ELECTRIC APPLIAN\ ES AND AGAINST mpmn‘mm. A W rmnn Fun, ‘ TESTIMONIALS- The FIRE PROOF. Dear sinâ€"I suffered for four years from which Dr Davies of Chico nicians culled rheumatism of the bowels, which they tried in vain to say your appliances have entirely removed the pain. I recommend Yours truly RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. “‘- \Ynm‘n n TAKES Groceries & Poultry Splendéd Stock ! ESTABLISHED 1874. NDBMAN’S HENRI] UUHATIVE APPUANEES. KEPT BY TORr UBM'EUBE QRUGEREES IN BOOTS AND SHOES, HE NOTHING. . LIKE IT. “El‘ggyriqipy the Life Fluid. New Goods Coming All The Time. CALI.- .A ND SEE, AND QUICK RETURNS. . G. SA VAGE 0F GOODS, GOING CHEAP AT KEEPS THE BEST __STOCK 0F PRECES ! TO BE PURCHASED IN BROWN, THE STOCK OF RELIEVE AND CURE. which Dr Davie§ of Chipugo! ”3; Anna. «L .... L“: INJURY. avies of Chicago, and other 'emifien-fi: pflfiyi- ried in vain to cure ; but, I am thankful to I recommend an sufierers to tl‘yAthe‘m. ISA AC CROSBY. L affections. I most cherfull}; “isâ€"- B Hall, M D. 20 Caer-Howell Place YOU WILL BE SAFE ngpgyo, pct. 10th, 1879‘ Ingggsoll, Aqgust, 17879 Péter Drawing Has removed his shop to next door south of Dr_ Langstufis, nearly opposite the old stand, Where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in first.: glass-atryla‘ - ‘ Horse-shoeihg ao'ne at' $1 a gud 40 cents for removes. AND HORSE SHOER‘ at. anything else Czipiml not required ; we will start you $12 per day made at home by the industrious Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us Now is the time Costly outfit and terms free Address TRUE Jr Go, Augusta, Maine - u can make‘dmney faster at work for us, than Geo. STEPHENS See our reguced lonn’tuble For further infor- mation apply at. the offices of the Company Loan and Savings Company Officesâ€"No 7, Church-street, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Senator,Pxesideuc GEORGE Goommmm ..................... Vice-President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel mm. M 1". Wm Gooder- hum, Geo W Lewis, Thos H Lewis, ’l‘hos H Lee, Hon D L Macphe‘rson, Senator . Capital $1(I00,5000 Reserve Fund; Total Assets, 953, 000, 000 Money received on deposit, and payable halfyearly or compounded Parties desirous of harrowing MONEY can be supplied at moderate in tea on freehold or per- son :11 security. Apply to Western Canada SAVING’S BANK BRANCH (at Palmer House) Aurora, lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmmket, ...... do Stoufiville.. do Markham ..... dc Victoria Square do Thornhill do Map 10 ...... do Wondbridge ...... - do Kleinburg. . do Nobleton .................. 30th do Anasthntics, as Nitrous Oxide, etc used when ordered and none but the best, matax ml used may still be consulted in any branch; of ithé 71507 tession, as follows: Richmond Hill... . 9th & 24th of each month TO LOAN. Nov 4th ‘80 MPLE um V V - SURGEON DENTIST. has " removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. & C. Blachford's new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit each patient. I‘mrticulm' attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth carefully avoiding a.“ nn‘necessmy 1min. A. W on . 7v? “V‘vn .- “t. IN Orncr. lechoxD HILL, Fmaw 10 Bus or EACH MONTH. SPAULhI'NG'. LD§Aséiétiix§€ Nitrous Oxide Gus administered for harmless extraction of teeth. U TEES, Attorneys. Solicitors-in-Chnncery etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Con“ Hquse), Toronto. 0FFICE,â€"V'ictotria.rélié.;fili)re:1:s:gi’iél&i;$§éé£ Toronto > OULTBEE & EVATT HARRIS 'I‘ERS Attn‘nnxe gnliI-vfn‘e. 1'“. F! 1m . omcial Assigneo, Real Estate Agent, Convey. ancer, Broker, 610., 6a)., Money to Lend at Low Rates; Mortgages bought and sold Farms bought and sold, or [gated Insurance effected. &c., &c., Bafi‘iatera, Attorneys-at-Luw, rSolicitbra-iili Chancery. Convevancers. etc. Officesâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto HOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. Jonx BAIN WM Enron GORDON, GEO F SmPLEY. W. ‘1 ram (wad Fgrgygon. Bgln. Gordian a Shipley, Thankful for the favors of Jan Bethune, Q C‘ N W Hoyles, _W1L1.IAM H. BEST, BARRISTER, Attorney, Soliciwr, Notary, &c. &_c., MONEY T0 LOAN, BOOM 20. UNI-3N LOAN BUILDINGS No 28, and 30, Toronto Street TORONTO. nnc'HMOND LIIILL! 6km. :3 ’. Graduate of Toronto University, and Memlier " of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. ‘ Assistant to Dr. James Langsmfi. Richmond Hill, October 16th, 1879 Is a 20 King Street. West, Toronto. BARRISTERS,&C- Bethune, Moss, Falconbridge AND HOYLES, R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. 82 ‘Ontario. L. 8 AL, England (Late Of london, England) Surgeon. Etc. Eoflico Hours, 8 to 10,1 1:012, and 6 to 8. - Audits!) BOULTBEE. WM. Won-rs DVATT. REMOVED ! .mmr, LANGSTAEI', M. n. WALTER 3 LEE, J’AMES GORJSILEY General Blacksmith, BLACKSMITH SHOP. 13:0. BOX NO.‘ 464. NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, JIONEYI 1’0 LOAN. Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA MONEY ! WWW. DR. ORR, MAPLE, P. O. Box 2527. fittnmg. %%%2%% J J CGSGROVE, C. C Moss, W C Falconbridgo W Bmwick, A B Ayleswm :11 W J. mexs. flaunt, . ADAMS, L.D.S. the _ 11!”th yours Richmond Hill‘ sét fér Chili Manager. interest $300,000 .1811: ~143’Yoivé‘fi‘zslwrififi'r‘;’Tb'Ron'ro', 'or Payments alranged to’ suit the convenience of years. For full parrio‘ulura‘ wife to We make a special styleof Organ in large quantities. ‘ lhem ntexgeptipually favorubie rates. I-Masou & Hamlin in stock. .. . us ‘ ' new xorx, u‘eb. 6th 1830 MESSRS. I}. S; WILLIAMS & SONS. Tounx'm :4â€" , ’ ' to you is the same as we furnish to M GENTLEMEN.â€"The nctxonlsupphed by us ‘ . ‘ f _- t um fin 1 5 “low York Pumo Makers, mm IR 111 no thy m euor 0 our us other first c as "A" ' ' Yours vary respectfully, essrs A Weber 11116 a work WESSEL, NICKEL, «E GROSS Wessel,.-N1ckel & Gross EENESflg -’- ‘Mfiawfififlfifig! Fully warranted in ev'ery Fespect ; equal in point of mm" 5!. a 300M FOR FRESH STOCK. TAKING STOCK ! REYNOLDS & And having considefably more of certain goods‘ than they have any determined to R. S.“ WILLIAMS & SON’ Arc-I made bf experienced New York Workmen, from RUSH THEM OFF HAVE GOT THROUGH Must get them put of the way, to make CERTIFICATE FROM Manufacturers of Piano Fm-le Actions Is not coming just yet, but espect; equal in point of tone, finxslx and durability to the High Priced American Instruments. PIANOS 226 DUNDAS STREET, LONDON West 45th at: eat and 10th Avenue New York, F eb. 6th 1830. purchasers and spread over a term of i. and are therefore able to offer in Organs of all leading styles the very use for. are and ‘Avg‘A‘MVA, L . isrThe higheat references given as to respectability and standing when requiwd Editor cf tins paper. ~ _ , fl. ____-...,. a... .. - in?“ .u Iruu Alumnuug‘a uu'nm wimoun Sickness, dob’lfi'y or evil results to the patient, ; and all afflicted With the loathsome disease of Cancer are sincerelv urged '60' try this never-failing, PERMANENT remedy. The Plaster, with full particulars for it’s application, will be sent to any address on receipt of Six Dollars addressed (registered letter) to u ....u,, Imus uuuuuus u rnnmnmnn L‘ aura, and preventing Ema}. his is no humbug. but. u‘1.’0§_1_T_IV_E @ch RELIABLE CURE A‘- n..:1 van;“£n ;,. u... “AuAuL , H, T HE IMMIX PLASTER. At the Exhibitions last year. They have an A 1 stock in Blankets, SliiriiugsM’incevs, Twecds Yarns, etc, at Woodbridge and Richmond Hill. Prizes By Prescriptions CAREFULLY Compounded. DRUGS! DRUGS I, DRUGS! SUPERIOR I Z Agent Dominion Telegraph Co. Richmond H-i-li WOOLEN MILLS Outfit sent free to those who wish to engage in the most pleasant nnd profitable business known Every- thing new Capital not. required. We will furnish you everything $10 a. (lay and npwnrds is easily made without. stuying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make 118 much as men, and young boys und girls make great pay. No one who is willing to work fails to make more money everyday than can be made in u. Week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will find 1L short road to fortune Address H HALLnTT & 00. Portland. Maine. 1881. For further particulars apply to About 7‘ Or to Farm for Sale CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in the United States, nor ale mv Medicines sold them. Purchase-rs shutlld theretore look to the Libel on the Pots and Boxes. Ifthe address IS not 533 0xtmd Sheet, London lhey are spunious. The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are re- gistered 111 Ottawa, and also at Washington. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533, Oxford street, London. and sold at 13. 15d” 23. 9d,, 113.611., 113., 22. and 339 each Box and Pot, and in Canada. at. 36 cents, 90 cents, and 3.1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. Manufactured only at Profess- or Holloway’s Establishment, 533, OXFORD STREET LONDON, Coughs, Soto Threats. Bronchitis, and all disord- ers of the Throat and Chest. as also Gout, Rheu- matism, Scroiulu and other kind of skin diseases increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brace me nervous system, and throw into the circula. tiou the purest, Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. Thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours, the imrify, regulate and improyo the quality of the flood. They assist the digestive organs. cleanse A \A Pills & Ointment This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishable fame throughoutthe World for the alleviation and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir. BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS. COLDS, Being West Half of Lot 56, in the first Con. of Vaughan, containing Worth their Weight in Gold I ! STOMACH AND BOWELS, 100 AC RES CURE FOR CANCER ! 75 acres cleared, 1)alnnco,Hurdwood Bush. GOOD SOIL, Essences. Extracts, Spices, Toilet Articles, Chemiclea, Perfumes FRESH. PURE AND G 001) G. BERNARD, Parkdale. MCINTOSH & SON’S A Positive and Pertnanent Without the use Jan. 5th 1861‘ HEADS THE LIST FOR s. 0. SMITH, ' Ymirsolves by making money when :1. golden chance is offered, thereby always keeping poverty from your duor Those who always take ndvam age of the good chances of making money that are ofl‘ered, generally become wealthy, While those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty we want inzm ' men, Women. boys: and girls to work for us rig t in their own localiâ€" ties The business will pay morebhan ten times ordinary wages We furnish an expensive outfit and all that you need free No one who engages fails to make money very rapidly You can (10» vote your whole time to the work. or only your spare moments Full information and all letis needed. sent free Address, STINSON & 00, Port- land, Maine The Dozen I DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST QUALITY AT FANNING- MILL FOR SALE MPS QGAMBL}. Richmond Hill, Dec. 2nd, 1880. m3 Home-made work and repairing executed at shortest notice. which she is prepared to dispose of Mn of Ladies and Gents felt good, ()vershnes, Rubbezs. etc” and has also on hand ail kinds of the Knlfo, The undersigned Wishes to intimate to the public that she has received Outfit furnished free, with full instructions for conducting tho most profitable business that any one can engage in. The business is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain that anyone can make grout profit-a from the very start. No one czm fail who is willing to work Women are uajuccessful as men Boys and girls can earn large sums Many have made at; the business over one hundred doll- ars in a single week Nothing like it ever known before All who engage are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money You can engage in this business during your spare time at grant profit. You do not lnwo to invest capital in it. We take all risk Those who need ready money, should writo to us at once All furnished free Address TRUE do ()0, Augusta, Maine CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES Goderieh, Ont. Richmond Hill. August 6th 1880.t f ,A Fresh. Stock: The Farm is a Hood one in every particular, everything being very complete. Terms Easy. Apply to MR. JAMES GORMLEY, Toronto. 01‘ to Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good scalding and attentive hostlcr. MGNAIR FARM. RIGHMHND HILL- There is first-class Barns. Stables and other out« buildings, with CON - 2 OF VAUGHAN. This House in one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Clam Style. Sample Room for Commer: cial Travellers. Good Stubling and uttcntive hostlers. Terms. $1 per day. Proctor's Bus loaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South at 8.15 a m. 1 p m 5.30 a, m, and 7. 157 p m. Farm for Sale Y' The Robin Hood Hotel, RICHMOND HlLL ONT.. Flank Cosg‘r'ove, Prop. J” Palmer, Prop. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, g: SANDERSDN & sums, This Farm is on the eastihulf of Lot No. 25 A HNE NEW RESIDENEE, Reasonable Profit, MACHINE AND HAND-MADE WORK MR. JAMES McNAIR, CoA’mcooK, P. Q., Canndm THOS NIGHTIgGgLE's, - ““4. \AALKIU ’withmit , denim an v.1 n- m 1881. Yorkvile including 1113 of the; 'glr'chd with if;

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