Going South, West and East, includ- ing Maple, Thomhill. Toronto. Markham, &c., «2 Going North ESESHMWB HILL PEST; ï¬ning South, Ea’st and West (as above) at 7:00 = N.B.â€"Regiate’red Letters must; be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Richmond Hill Post Oï¬ice, M. TEEFY May 19th1830. ' Postmaster School Booksâ€"HéRALD S'tore Gleaming Outâ€"Reynold's & Newton E’OST OFFICE NOTICE AC 0 0 UN 'l'S.â€"Parties {ndébted to this oï¬cefor advertising, job work, and subscriptions, will confer a favor by payinq the same. No. 36; Whole No. 1180;.- Volume 23- THURSDAY, FEB. '10, 1881, Some of our County Councillors have very peculiar ideas of their duties. They seem to think that the Council is a House of Commons, on a small scale, and that it is the duty of the members to discuss political questions, and cen- sure or approve of the course pursued by the Dominion Government as they deem‘ proper. If that is What they are elected for let it be clearly understood. The less Welhave of such seenes as took place on. Fi'iday last,’ the better for the count: 37 MriVVinéhester, ‘Reeve of 'Brockton, introduced a motion which, in effect, ccnsures the Dominion Government for accepting the terms of the C B R Syn: . dieate, and requests the Government to open the whole business again for comâ€" petition. ILMr Winchester had not been certain that the Syndicate bargain would have been condemned by 0the Council, he would not have brought the matter- upg‘ If he had any doubtg what- ever, as to the action of the Council, he would not‘ have brought the motion ’forâ€" wa1d.Hc knew when he made the motion, that a majority of the Council were strong Reformers, who would conâ€" dcmnï¬tt‘h-‘é Government every chance they got. and on almost any question that. could be brought forward, These Rizfoimers were not ~elected because they were Beformers. They Were elect- ed to attend to County matters, because of personal popularity, expe1ience in 'f‘mulnicipal aiiairs, or because better men ‘did not think it worth while to run against some of them. Even where a slight political feeling was introduced, no particular issue or question was at etake, and in no sense whatever, can it he said that these men at the County Comicil_,r‘epresent the opinion of the ratepayersot‘ York, regarding the Synâ€"' dicate terms. The real truth of the ,‘matter is that Mr Winchester 18 desir- ous of distinguishing himself a, little and thought the Syndicate motion offerâ€" ed too good an opportunity to be lost. Some of his friends, not desirous of taking a prominent part themselves, persuaded him to make a little cheap glory for himSelf', and make some capital ior the Opposition. Mr Winchester is anxious ,1919088 use. patriot but his real motives are 'too apparent. :v‘We contend that as a County Council it is‘none of their business what the Dominion Parliament does. As rate~ payers and citizens they have full liberty of action and speech, to stump the coun- try’asoft'en and whenever they please, and condemn the Government on every question.. .But as County Councillors political questions dealt with by the Dominion Parliament is out of their jurisdictiOn. If this‘sort of thing goes on, th’eCounty Council will degenerate into a~meretrainiog school for blatent politicians, "and the real business and welfare of- the County will be neglected -"-and suiier thereby. Let our County Councillors attend to their own business, and if they have any time to spare, hire a hall, and harangue against the Gov- ‘b'rnment'at. their own expense. ‘Cnt‘il further notice, Mails will be closed at the The. inquest. on the Sheppard children, who die 5111911611 10 have been killed by 111011 mother at Whilevale recemly was concluded 011 Saturdav. Thej me brought in 11 v1 r‘dict that the childmn came to their dewh at the hands of some person unâ€" known. The coroner refused to lake Mrs. Sl1eppard’s..-statement 2111 evidence.‘ On ~\Ionday. 3131. Jam. Mrs Sheppard died 115161» suffuxing great pain.’1‘he report thht she and her husband were in Ihe habit ofquauelling is demed. ‘ A man 'n‘ame'd McConnell who worked on a farm owned by a mam named Elgies at I‘lglin‘rton was found frozen m' deathoue UiZ'hl last week nem the farm house. Mr. Augustus Barwick, an insmance agent of Newmmket, buns: n bloodvessel on Thursday morning and died in half an hour. Deceased h: .01 only been warned three months to the e ldest daughter of Rev '1‘. P. Hodwe, of HoHand Landintr. The employees of Messrs Taylor J: Wilw so'n, cigar manufacturers, held' their 11111-- teenth annual sleigzhiunr party on Fuday "niwht last \ 'Ihe objecliye point was Long 5 hotel Tho1rnhill, whe1é a ve1y happy time was spent. ‘ CAREFUL BREEDING..â€"That much of the success unendin'g cattle raising depends upâ€" on selecting good stock to breed from is ‘zimply p19ved by the followmg :â€"Mr Junies B‘e1gdsou, of Milliken, Iaisedn' a heif~ e1 sewed by a thorough- -bred Durham, whose dam was an Ayrshire, and at, two Eta†of" age he sold it to M1- Malian, butch. ,Arcade, 'luromo, {01 $97, the animal weirrhing IuLO pounds. Notwuhsluuding Mr F'euzuson' s calelul ieeding, such weight 11nd quality could not have been obtained without cane in breedinï¬'. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS None of Their Business. We 311ml: @2ng The Whitevale Tragedy. Rlchmond Hlll. Ont. MORNING EVENlNG AS FOLLOWS -\\‘ WINE" Woodbridze, Feb. 8th, 188I. Big Sleigh Drive on Tuesday, In imt., to Weston and back, by the scholars of the Public Schools. The thermometer was only about 15 °below zero, but the child-- reg; did not care about the cold, and early in‘the morning you could see thorn wend-l ing their way in droves to the Schoolrbom, ‘ to wait the arrival of the sleigha, which‘ came at the appointed time. and in a few‘ minutes after about ten sleighs were ï¬lled up with children. Off they went to Wes- ton. arriving there ahout 11 o'clock. They stopped about 2 hours, had lunch and a good warm at Ruseel’s Hotel, where the kind host. and hostess did all in their power to make the children and the friends which went along "Happy.†They got back to Woodbridge about 2.30, and drove to the Orange Hall, where tables were laid and ï¬lled with the best things the ladies of Woodbridge could provide. The Orange County lodge of West York was held on laluesday Isl inst†at Weston, and was well attended. After the usual County business was transacted, the follow- ing officers were elected for (he ensuing year: â€"N C Wallace, M. P, W. C. M. Henry Welsh. D CM; James Harkins, Chap gain . Wm Gregory y, Sect ; R '1' Wall- ace, Treas- ,John Wright, D DC; Wm Douglas, Lecturer. The Grand Lodge meets next weeks in St Marys. Don’t hear of any more anti-Syndicate meetings just now, guess they got tired of them. They had a lively lime in County Council the other day, condemning the Syndicate. Of course they don’t bring politicsinlo County Council matters. But it seems they had a straight parfy vote. There is a great deal of sickness around our_!ow_n just now. but. not many deaths. The Curling season has just go: nicely started here. Two Rinks were out from Toronto on Monday. and gave the Wood- bxidger’s a lesson on .what they called the "Shuper up,†or "m turn.†but I would call it a good “Supper up Boys,†and don‘t you forget it, and pay "Dun Chaim†well for it. I think the winding up paj‘t IS the principal knack in curling. A Sleighing pally went from here to Bolton on Monday evgning. The January thaw came this year in February. The wobdbndge Agricliuurkl Works were closed down for a couple of days last week. “The Bmler busted" as usual. ' Business brisk}, good ‘éleighing and every- thing a. hUmming. From our own correspondent] At the Annual Meeting of North York' County Orange Lodge held in the Orange Hall, Lloydtown, on Feb. 1st, 1881, the following brethem were elect-- ed ofï¬cers for the ensuing yeat, viz :â€" Bro Joseph Hollingshead,‘ County Mast- ;Bro James Sloan, D C M; Bro J Irwin, C Chap. ;Bro T McDonald C Secty ;Bro John Gould, C Treas; Bro me Cowper C D C; Bro James Shear- down 0 Lecturer ; Bro Geo Robinson A 0 Lect. The next meeting ofthe above Ledge will he held in the Orange Hall, Nobleton, ï¬rst. Tuesday in ‘Feb. 1882. Mr Joseph Holiin gshemLQ M New: York, leaves for St Marys on Monday to attend the approaching Session of the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge Ontario West. In an Aurora store window can be seen a splendid life size oil painting of the late Dr Rupert. of Maple. It was executed by Mr W. Jackson, an Aurora artist and reflects great. credit upon him. Mr Isaacs has purchased the St. George’s Hotel in Schomberg. He act- ed the past of mine host at that hostlery for a lengthened period, and now that he has bought, we may look for still better accommodation, if that is possible. On Monday morning, 3131: ult , about two o’clock, ï¬re was discovered in a small tenement on the Bosanko estate, ‘Aurora. The building was occupied by a couple of young men, who followed the calling of broomâ€"makers. The ï¬re is supposed to have originated from a defective ï¬ne. The Ioss,â€"including adjoining stablesâ€"is some-where in the neighborhood of $150. There was a man â€"John Black by nameâ€"working at Marsh’s mill, down in Vaughan. His arm, by some means, came in contact with one of the trim- ming saws, fearfully tearing and laceratâ€" ing the flesh above the elbow. He was very fortunate, however, in not having any of the large arteries severed. The Doctor says it will be three months be-- fore he can do anything. This is un-- fortunate for him, as he is a married man, and has to depend on his work for a livelihood. On the ï¬rst day of March next the‘ Queen's Hotel again changes hands, M r. Richard Wells being the purchaser. Messrs. Graham Bros. have carried on the business for several years past, durâ€" ing which time they have gained the esteem of all classes of the community. By maintaining strict decorum about the premises, and paying strict attention to the wants of the travelling public, the house has gained an enviable reputation. Ill health, however, of one of the ï¬rm, has compelled the change. From the new proprietor,â€" Mr Wells+great things are expected. He is universally respected by those who know him. He has been a resident of the place for a number of years, has served in the Council for several terms, and is a shrewd business man,and should make a live, go ahead hotel-keeper. The buildâ€" ing is now admitted to be one of the best north of the city, yet it will be thorough- ly overhauled and remodelled to suit the t tastes of the new proprietor. Mr' Wells bears a Provincial reputation as a- horse- dealer, and we see no cause why he should not make his mark as mine host of the Queen’s, LONDON, Feb. 5.â€"Carlyle died at half- past eight this morning without a struggle in his 86th year. From ï¬ve last evening until death he was unconscious, respiration extremely feeble, and the heart’s actio'n barely perceptible. He suffered no pain during the last thirty-six hours. His niece was with him to the last. He will be buried in the churchyard of his birth-place, Eccle-- fechau, Dumfx'iesshire. Gleanings From the Borealis. (From our own Correspondent) WOODBRIDGE. NOBLETON. AURORA HUMMER. If there is any time in a man and! woman’s life, .when the congratulations of their friends seem particulariy ï¬tting l and appropriate, it is after some ï¬fty ‘ years ‘of honored, useful and happy‘ wedded life. We like the old custom of remembering such interesting occa- sions by celebrating the “Golden Wed- ding.†No more pleasant scene can be witnessed than an aged and loved father and mother, surrounded by their deâ€" cendantsfâ€"some just venturing out on life's voyage, others. arrived at the dig’ mty and beauty of' a noble manhood and womanhood,â€"consoious of having the deep respect and warm aï¬eotion of their friends and acquaintances, and of having done some good in the world. Mr and Mrs Wm Duncan. of the 3rd Concession West York, celebrated the ï¬ftieth anniversary of their wedding on Thursday last. All of their descend-- ants numbering over 40. and friends and relations to the whole number of seven; ty or eighty, were present. A very large number of handsome, useful and valuâ€" able gifts were presented, amounting in value to over $400. Amongst the pre- sents were a phaeton and a rocking chair of antibue design. The following laddress from their sons and daughters was read :â€" Rusrsurun Pmsx'rs :â€"We, in company with our friends, meet. here tc-day to offer you our congratulations on this the ï¬ftieth anniversary of your wedding. A greet privilege enjoyed by few families, is accord- ed to us by an all-wise Providence, who has vouchsnfed to prolong your lives to old age, honored and respected by your children, friends and acquaintances. Hav- ing commenced to establish a home where you now reside, While the coumrv was yet a. wilderness, by your energy, industry and frugality you have not alone attained that. object. but have succeeded in providing it lhandscme apportionment to each of your lchildren, who feel that the debt they owe to kind parents cannot be cancelled. but lwould offer these articles and this testimoni- al as a. slight acknowledgement. May the 70 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duncan :â€" Deity who has spared, guided and prosper- ed you heretofore, in his mercy condeScend to still further lengthen your days, and grant that, in xhe future your life, as in the pasl, may proveu blessing to yourselves and your children. ... ,. n He came it; this; countiy in 1820, and settled in the Township of York on the present homestead. in 1827, when: he with his beloved wile, who was born in the same township, has since resided. Mr Wm Duncan replied in a. few well- chosen and appropriate rema1ks. 1A.... 1 Mr Duncan is the father of Mr Henry Duncan, Reeve of York township,and of Mr John Duncan, of this village. The Board of education for the village of Richmond Hill met in the Council Chamb» er, Lorne Hall. Feb 2nd. M inutes of last meetihg mad and con-- ï¬rmed. 'Present, Rev. Isaac Campbell, Messrs. Brown. Teefy, Boyle, Switzer. Crosby and qugan. Th9 Sect’y i}; the chair. Moved by Mr Teefy, seconded by Mr Switzer, (hm Robert Mmsh, Esq. bere- elected chaixmau for the eusuimr y.em -â€"â€" Carried. Mr. Boyle was then requested to act as chin-man, protgtp. It. was m'oved by Mr' Brown by Mr. Teefy, that Mr. J. A. E apgoimedï¬ecrgtiryr:Cfn‘ried. D On motion of ME. Teefy, seconded by Mr Campbell. Isaac Crosby was appointed Treasurer. A communication from Mits Marsh. re-- questing the Board to procure a calcuIator for her school was read, and on motion of Mr Teety, seconded by Mr. Campbell, Mr. Trench was instructed to procure the same. A further report from Mr Fotberingham in regard to the standing of the public Schools was read and discussed. Moved by Mr Crosby, seconded by Mr Swilzenthat Messrs 'leefy, Tmnch and Brown are hereby appointed a. committee of management of school ploperty.â€"â€" Carried. A communication from the department of Education, enclosing an extract of re-- port by Inspector Marling. on the state of the High School at his last visit was read and on motion of Rev. Mr Campbell, sec- ended by Mr Crosby. the communication and report were laid over for consideration at the next. meelilw ofthe Board. DEAR SIR.-â€" Permit me through your valuable columns to correct; an error which appeared in your issue of the 3rd inst, in regard to a “chip and tie surprise party.†Now, the only "cap and tie party†that I have heard of in the village, was held at my place, and it was certainly the very reverse of anything approaching a row, and the only parties that could refer to it. as such, must have been of the “lower ten†order, whose only reason was their not being invited. The above letter refers to a remark mude'by our “VVoodbridge correspondâ€" ent,â€1ast. week. There is nothing in our correspondent’ 9 letter which indicates thatthc row mentioned took place at Mr Allan’s. [ED. HERALD] Woodbridge, Feb. 4th, 1881. To {he Editor at the Herald. A Walkermn lady. wife ofa leading mer- chant there. who is forty-three years old, and has been married†twenty-three years, presented her liege lord with her ï¬rsv baby, a few days ago. After that. who need despni r. 0 Michael Davitt, Land Leagner, was arâ€" rested in Dublin on Thursday under his ticket of leave. The ofl'ence for which he was convicted was committed in connection with the Manchester murder some years ago. Davitt’s Iieket-ofâ€"leave was cancelled in consequence of his inflammatory la'nâ€" guage, which the authorities believed might. Iead to a; breach of the law. It is not expected that he will be detained after oxder has been restored in Ireland.. ME. AND MRS. WM. DUNCAN. Interesting Letters. Golden Wedding. School Board. Yours Respectfully, DAVID ALI. seconded Switzer be Dominoes and Ma‘pka,‘ for sales“. the HERALD Book Storé. IIOUSEWARMiNG'er-On Friday evenâ€"ing last a number of thefriends of Mr and Mrs J Bry.den,of Elgin Mil}, 0râ€" gaujzed asurprise party, and spent a. very pleasant evenin'gal: their residence. W. Y. LIB..- 0011. MEETING. â€"A meeting of ti e West York Liberal Con- servative Assdciation will be held at, Eagle’sHall, Weston on Thursday, Feb.17th 1881 at two o’.clock p. m. N. C. Wallace, Esq. M P. will be present.- A large attendance 1s request- ed. PROSPERING.‘-llVe are pleased to bear that businegs is humming at the Elgin Mills Tannery just now. The hands are working overâ€"time, until 9 p. m., we are informed. This is an in- dication of good times. S. S. CoNVEN'IfION.â€"The Annual Convention of: East and West York Sabbath Schools, ,will be held in the Methodist Church. in this village, on VVed-nesday and Thursday, the 16th and 17th inst. ’ SONS 0F Tammmmmâ€"The Teston 8.0? T. celebrhte their ninth anniversary on Monday next“, 14th inst. An unâ€" usually good programme is promised. Any frier'irlsfromjhis village will be wel- comed. *‘v See bills. A Negr‘o Brass ’Band and Minstrel Troop, from lil‘oronto, will give an enter- tainment in the Grand Central Opera House, in this" village, on Wednesday evening next, 16th inst. E. Y. L113. CON. ASSOCIATION.â€" The Annual Meeting of “16 Liberal ConservatiVe Association of East York will be held at Man’s Hotel. Markham Village, on Wednesday 23rd Feb , 1881, at 1 o’clock p.“ In. All friends of proâ€" gress and oélgiie integrity of the Empire are invited to'be present. made, and rhe whole company sat- down to an elegan't.‘ wedding dinner. We wish I,the vo‘pngw‘le a long and happy life. ' ENGLISH CHURCH SOCIAL.-â€"â€"Thc 1 Social held in the Victoria Hall, Thorn- ihill, on Thni‘sdav evening last, in con-- nection with {he Episcopal Church, was fairly attended. The refreshments pro- vided were appetizing and well appreci- ated. The programme proved decidedâ€" .ly interesting. the. dialogues proved very amusing. The extremely cold weath er prevented many from this village and elsewhere, who were desirious of attend- ing, from being present. The proceeds were about $35. The Toronto-Opera Company grave “The Chimes of Normandy†on Friday evening last‘ in the Grand Central Hall. Every one present was highly pleased with the pqrf'ormauce, and all were sorry that the hall was not packed, as the. Opera certainly deserved a full mouse. ‘ “TEDDING BELLs. -â€"Quite a flutter of excitement was meated amongst the ladies of King. by the mmxiagc, on the 2nd inst, of a young lady whose many attraetions of mind’ and person rendered here general favorite. The Rev Mr Thornley performed the cereâ€" mony ani in a few moments, Miss Harriet. Thomas became Mrs Daniel G Stone, and the happy eonple were reâ€" ceiving the warm congratulations of their many friends present. A numâ€" ber of valuable and useful presents were Sons OF THE HEATHERâ€"A Select Social Assembly will be held in the Lorne Hall on Friday evening, Feb 18th. me the success which has at.â€"- tended these gatherings 1n the past and the manner in which they have been managed, the commilgee can conï¬dently anticipate a very pleasant. and successful evening. Fixstclass music has been engaged, ana an Oyster Supper will be provided UNION Commaâ€"The Concert in the MasonicHall, on Wednesday evenâ€" ing next, 16th inst, is likely to be the best. oflered to the public this season. The talent is exclusively Toronto, and, we understand, ofa high order, for Amateurs†Hon. 0‘ F. Fraser, Dr. Widdiï¬eld M.P. P., Geo. Badgerow, M. P. P , Viceâ€"Chancellor Mulock and other prominent gentlemen will be presâ€" ent. For further particulars see bills, and then put. in an appearance at the concert. A Social Assembly will beheld after the Concert. PLOWMANS’ ASSOCIATION -â€" The second Annual Meeting of the Vaughan Plowman’ 3 Association will he held at Sherwood on Saturday. Feb 26th, at 1 0 e lock. Election of officers and other important business. Every one who takes an interest in the success oi the Association is invited to attend. We me pleased to hear that under the able management of the officers the Society is flou1ishing The plowing match last year was a._ decided success, and the members are‘ to be congratulated upon having men like Mr Lahmer and Mr Robinson as President and Secretary. 'J'hese gentlemen have worked well and earnestly on behalf of the association, and we hope that the present year will witness increasing prosperity. HoLLoWAY’s OINTMENT AND PILLS. ‘ ~The most effectual cure for Gout and RheumatiSm.â€"A frequent cause of these complaints is the inflammatory state of the blood, attended with bad di. gestion, lassitude, and great debility, showing: the want of a proper circulation ofthe fluid, and that the impurity of the blood gieatly aggravates these disâ€" ordels. Hoilo‘élay’ 8 Bills are of so puri- fying a nature that a few doses taken in time are an‘ effectual preventative against Gout ami- Rheumatism, but any one who has an attack of either should use Hollo- way’s Ointment also, the powerful proâ€" perties of ‘which,’ combined with the effects of the Pills. ensure a certain cure. ' Th'e Ointment should be rubbed into the parts affected at least twice a day, after "they“ have been sufï¬ciently fomented with Warm water to open the pores to facilitate the introduction of the Ointment to the glands. Loom; j’TEMS. Valentines for the million for sale at the Herald Store. Call ‘before buying elsewhere . A skating Carniéal will be held at Springhill, on Thursday 17th inst. Albums for sale at the HERALD store Call and see. A horse buyer is announced to be at Palmer’s Hotel. to day, buying heavy horses. ‘ WOOD WANTED.-â€"-Parties desir-- cm; of liquidating their indebtedness to this oflice can honestly do so by bring» iug along some dry hard wood. OAK RIDGEs.â€"â€"A Social in connectâ€" ion with the English Church, will be held at. Mr Curtis, Oak Ridges, on Tuesday evening; 15th inst. All are invited and will be welcomed. An accident occurred on the Inter-- colonial last Friday, by which the en- gineer was killed, and the ï¬reman badly hurt. The rails spread and the train left the track. There was a large num- ber of passengers ' on board. COUNTY L. O. L.-â€"The County Lodge of East York, met at. Markham Orange Hall, on Tuesday,‘Feb 151: 1881, when the following ofï¬cers were elected for the ensuing year 2â€"â€" C. M.â€"â€"â€"B‘ro. Wm. Pogue; C D M Bro James Leslie ; 0 Chap. Bro R B “’31!- ace ; 0 Sec Bro Chas E Sheppard ; C Treas Bro Joseph Sutton ; 0 Lect. Bro J C Steele ; C D C Bro Robt Nicholâ€"- SOY]. The Fire Brigade met on Friday, 4th inst. Reports of Committees were heard, and a committee appointed to secure in- formation regarding a ï¬remun’s equip- ment. The meeting adjourned until Friday, 18th inst, at 7:30 p.111. Imâ€" portant business. OYSTER SOCIALâ€"The U M Church Ladies Aid Society had an Oyster Soeiai in the Lorne Hall on Tuesday evening last, given by Mrs Wm. Trench. The weather was very unpieasant but the attendance was very good, over twenty persons from Yorkville being present. The Oysteis weie luscious. and the othe1 eatables conespondingiv delicinus. Plcceeds amounted to about 340 Had the weather been ï¬ne thexe would have been nearly $75 taken in. The Band added considerably to the pleacule of the evening. MONTHLY SALE.â€"A number of our enterprlsmg citizens have made arrange- ments for holding an Auction Sale at the Palmer House, in this village, on the 1st Wednesday of every month at noon. The ï¬rst sale will take place on the 2nd of March. Bills with particul- ars. and catalogues of the animals, articles, etc for sale will he issued. Parties having cattle, horses, farm stock of any kind, implements or any other articles can inform the secretary, Wm Trench. Mr Robert Marsh has been appointed President. S. Eclmrdt, Auct This is a movement that should be supâ€" ported and encouraged. Grip’a Almanac for sale here." SKATING CARNIVAL.â€"â€"Thc fourth Fancy Dress Carnival of the Season, will be held on the Richmond Hill Covered Skating,r Rink, on Tuesday evening: next, 15th inst, commencing at 7 o’clock The Band will be in attend’ ance. AdmissiOn,â€"Menxhers, 10 cents; nonmembers. 2'0 cents ; Members in Costume free ; nonâ€"members in costume 10 cents. None but. those in costume allowed on the ice until after 9 o’clock. The weather is somewhat unfavorable for skating just now, unless the skater is fond ol‘a bath every time he falls. Before Tuesday the ice may be in splendid condition.. We are informed that, a large number of costumes will be brought from Toronto, if a guarsntee is given that six will be hired, on , that evening. These desirious of getting a costume should mention it to Mr Gilroy. A New Swansâ€"Some of the mostl enterprising property owners on the east‘ side of Yonge Street, between Markham‘ and Centre streets, are anxious to have Church Street continued through to the sideline. This would give two fronts to the property owned by Messrs Jenkins, Moodie, Morgan, Trench, Mrs. Nicholls, Mr Chamberlin, M1s Pollock. J. Duncim Carr and O Duneumb The value of their lots would be greatly increased The projected street will take a. strip containing about l§~ acres off the west side of Mr J Palmer’s farm. On Friday evening last, a number of those interested In the scheme inter-- viewed Mr Palmer. He will give the land required for the street for $200. This was considered Very reasonable and a committee was appointed to take the necessary steps to have the street opened. The whole village wul gain by this as well as the parties intelested. The land In the future will be assessed high or, building lots will be offered for sale, and this will make about the ï¬nest street for residences 1n the village. We hope the scheme will be carried out as soon as possible. =(Continued from last. week.) ‘ Thursday. Jan. 29th. After considerable discussion about In- dustrial Homes, Mr Springer, M P P for Waterloo was heard. He spoke very high- ly in favor of these institutions. On motion a Special Committee was appointed to select a site, and report at June Session. Friday, Jan. 28th,. The new Court House question was dis- cussed. and a by-law passed, appointing Messrs Speight, Rowen, Duncan. Jackson, Stokes, Richardson. Saunders. Mat‘riet, Porter, and the Warden, a committee to provide suitable Court House accommo-- dation for the County. and to co-operate with the city council in purchasing: a site, receiving plans, etc., for a new Court. House. Council adjourned until Tuesday. Tuesday Feb 1315‘ LOCAL ITEMS. A number of communications were read, Tne County Engineer was instructed to York County Gouncfl. prepare plans fof a poor house, not to exâ€" ceed $10,000. , ‘ Friday, Feb. 4th, 1881; A number of communications were read. ges committee was read. o The grant to cut down a. hill on King and 'i ecumselh town line, was not recom- mended. i The grant to build a bridae over the Humber River on the Scallatt Road was allowed. The remaining clauses referred to an amendment of By-law No 325, of the town-i ship of Etobicolre, respecting the position ! of John_Leary concerningr statute labour. l and noticing that the municxpalities have agreed on a basis for the performance ofi statute labour ; recommending v the _ appro- priation of the sum of $300 to repair the approach to the bridge over the river Humber on the Albion Road ; recommend- ing the appropriation of$100 for repair-- ingthe upproacnes to the bridges over the Etohicoke River on the Lake Shore Road, 'on condition that the county of Peel grant ; an equal amount. Report adopted. The Report of Eqimlizntion Assessment Committee was read :â€" The report sets out that in examining and comparing the assessments for the preceding years, they find a falling off in the number of acres assessed in the town- ships named :â€"Elobic0ke 18 acres, Scarlmm’ 73, East Gwillimbury 300, King 150. Vaughan 33; and an increase in Markham of 500. They have used great care and their best judgement in equaliz- ing the several municipalities, and in so doing have added to the personal prop'erty such sums that w111 compensate for non-- assessment or mistake in footmg of 101315 in assessment rolls. Gmxn TOTALS. Fbllowing are totals under the various heading: :â€" Assessed value of lands....... .$27,189,997: 00 Equalized “ “ 1‘6le est-at . 29,964,492 00 Assessed “ “ personal income.... 1,410,295 00 Equalized “ “ “ " 2,021,528 00 Total equalized value of real,personal, and income......,.... ....................._sg$1,986,020 00 There are given also the number of p01"- sons assessed in the Imvnships as [4.148 ; the number of acres assessed, 543.808; the number of persons. 46,465 ; number of cattle. 28,611 ; ofsheep. 28,874; of hogs. H.957; ofhorses, 19,336 g of dogs, 44400. The report was adopted. A vnmion was made by Mr i, Winchester. Ravve of Brocklon, condemning the ratiâ€" ï¬cntion ol'lhe C P K. Syndicate bargain, and asking that. tenders be received for the work. Considerable discussion ensued, and lhe mmlnn was ï¬nally carried. TUESDAY. March 81h, ESLâ€"Cram Sa'e of'Fm-m Siock, Implemems, etc., at Lox No. 6, 2nd Con Markham, the property oerJumes McGowan. Sale without, re> serve as the propriezor has sold his farm. Terms, Outs. Beef Cattle and sums of $10 and under Cash! over ï¬lm! 8 months†credit on furnishing approved joint notes. Sula at II o’clock, Lunch m noon. S Eckurdt Auct. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16. Credit Sale anzum Stock and Implements, the proâ€"‘ perly ofJolm Galluway. a! Lot no IO. rear of 3m} Con Markham, Beef cattle and $10 and under cash, over then 8 muuths credit;. 8 yer cent per annum allowed for cash Sale at 1 o'clock. No reserve, the proprietor is giving up fur-min“. S. Eckmdt, Auct. The report of the Roads and Bridâ€" Puriies getting their Sale Bills privy}. ed at this oï¬ice, will receive a notice free of charge, from the time. the bills are printed until the dav of sale. is so easy to learn, and our instructions are "so simple and plain that anyone can make great proï¬ts from the very start. No one can fail who is willing to work Women are as successful as men Boys and girls can earn large sums Many- have made u-t the business over one hundred doll‘ art: in a single week Nothing like it ever known before All who engage am surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able io make money You can engage in this business during your spare time at great proï¬t You do not have to invest capital in it We take all risk Those who need remly money, should writo to us at once All furnished free Address TRUE 8:. Co, Augusta, Maine About 75 acres cleared, Balance,Hurdwood Bush. Farm for Sale For further particulars apply to 01 to Nelson Playtet, Lot 55,00n1, Vaughan Richmond Hill, P 0. 1113*01'122: Outï¬t sent free to those who Wish to" engage in the most pleasant and proï¬table business known Everyâ€" thing new Capital not required. We will furnish youeverybhing $10 a. flay 5nd. upwards is easily made Without staymg away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new Workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at; the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys: and girls make great pay. No one who is Willing to work fails to make more money everyday than can he made in a. week at any ordinary employment. Those whm engage at once will ï¬nd a short road to fortune Address H HALLETT 8; 00. Portland. Maine. equal for relieving 1min, both internal and ex- l ternal. It cures Pain in the Side, Back or Bowels l Sore Throatltheumntism, Toothache. Lumbagp, ‘ and any kind of a. Pain or ache. “It W111 most ‘ surely quicken the Blood and heal, us its acting power is wonderful." â€Brown’s Hou sehold Pena- cea," being acknowled ed as the great Pain Re- liever, and of double 1: e strength of any other Elixir or Linimout in the World, should be in_ every family handy for use when wanted, “as it ) really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps ' in the Stomach. and Pains andAches of all kinds" and is for sale by all Druggiata at 25 cents ubot‘tle. Rest and Comfort to the Suï¬â€˜erlng. John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell Esq.,‘ Hon. SenatorMcMaster A. M. Smifh, Esq. JamesMetcalfe, Esq. . Rev. Enoch Wood, D D 30 per cent of premiums returned in proï¬ts Loans made to Church Trustees, at a low rate of interest . Semi for prospectus. A W Lauder, Assurance Soc’y Of London England. Alderman McArthur, M. P, Chan" man, W W Baynes,Esq.F I A,Secreta.ry Reserve Fund ........ $5,000,000 ‘ Annual Income ...... 1,400,000 Invested in Canada. . . 850,000, Death clalms paid. . . . 7,500,000 TORONTQ REFERENCES. Being West Half of Lot 56,111 the ï¬rst Con. of Vuughan,eonta1ning “BROW'N’S HOUSEHOLD PENACEA†has no 100 ACRES Auctlon Sales. THE STAR LIFE GOOD SOIL, Sec. &Treas. for Canada. Victoria Chambers, Toronto Feb.1‘.th 1880. Outï¬t furnished free, with full instructions for conducting the most proï¬table business that may one can engage in. The business . G. BERNARD, Parkdzuh. ._V_.__ ._ _._V_.._, __ ___._ 1 SPEOULEâ€"ELLISâ€"In Toronto, on the 11th of January, 1881, at; the residence of the bride’s mother, by the Rev Canon Osler, of York Mills. John H Sproule, of Toronto, to Henrietta, only daughterof the late Henry B Ellis, Esq.. of Irloydtown. 1011 Wednesday. 2nd inst, at the I". M. Chum King, by the Rev. W Thornley, Mr Daniel Stung, oyf York, to Hmiot, seventh daughter of. Mr Richard Thomas, of King ROSEâ€"MCCONKEYâ€"A‘b the residence of the bride’ s Lather on the 2nd inst†by the Rev John Brown and t_he Rev E W Panton. John 0, second} son of John Rose, Esq., to Cathaiine (L, joun est daughter of Wm McConkey, Esq., all of Brad 0rd Barley, do 78 Oats, , a0 36 Peas do . 63 Rye do ...... S4 Dressed Hogs. 'oer 100 1153.. 7 25 Beef, hind quarters, per 100 Tbs 5 50 Mutton, by the carcass, per 100 tbs 6 00 Chickens, per pair. 45 Ducks, per bluce 55 Geese,ea.ch... 60‘ ‘Turkeys, each 0 90 Butter, 1b r0113 20 large ml 00 tub dairy... 20 Eggs, fresh, doz 30 Potatoes, per bag . 40 ‘Anples per barrel 1 50 Onions, per bag .. 1 25 Tomatoes, per bush. 00 l'l‘urnips, per bag. 0 25 Carrots, per bag . 40 Beebs,per bag ..... 50 Pursnips, per bag 55 Hay penton ...... 8 00 Straw per, tan 6 00 ,VVool Der 1b.... THURSDAY, Feb 10, 188}. mucus A’J.‘ Jummms’ wuaeoxs Wheat; full, new ,per bush“ Spring do. Barley, do . For Sale or Trade !’ One Horse-Tread Power, Cutting Box. I' and Belts. And one IMPBRTBD BEESTBR WHITE BEAR Thoruhill, Feb. 3rd, 1881. FZEM INSUMME â€COMPANY 1 Richmond Hill, Jan. 19th, 1881 ONE OR TIâ€"IREE YEARS D.C. O’BRIEN. MISS NI‘CHOLLS, KEFFER, CONTRACTOR AND - t BUILDER. Sherwood. 4th Con. Vaughan. Wishes to inform ‘the public, that she is prepared to give LESSONS 1N MUSIC. Richmond Hm. Dec. 3mm 1880. Im4w MOTHERS! MOTHERS H MOTHERS! X I’ Are you disturbed at night and broken of your' rest by a. sick child suffering and oryin with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? I so, go at once and get a. bottle of MRS. wmsnow‘s soo'm» ING SYRUP, It will relieve the poor little Buffet- er immediatelyâ€"depend upon it ; there is no‘ mistake ab out it. There is not a mother on earth. who has ever used it, who will not tell you at. once that it Wlu regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is peï¬ectly safe. to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, an is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold evervwhere at 25 cents a. bottle. Worth their IVeight in Gold !.~ I: urif V, regulate and improyo the quality of the loo . They assist the digestive organs, cleanse Pills & Ointment This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishabl'e famo- throughout the World for the alleviation. and cure of most. diseases ‘ to which. humanity is heir. increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brace the nervous system, and throw into the circulnm tion the purest Elements for sustaining and. repairing the frame. , Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that. by their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after e‘i’ery other means had proved unsuccessful. Coughs, Sore Throuts, Bronchitis, and all disord-- era of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin diseases- Manufactured only at Profess‘J or Holloway’s Establishment, Low-Rates and Prompt Payment cf Losses. ' Policies issued for and sold at In. 14d" 23. 9a., 4!. 6a., 115., 22, and 853 each Box and Pot, and in Canada. at 36 pants, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. CAUTIONâ€"l have no Agent in the United States, nor are my Medicines sold; them. Purchasers shuuld therefore look to the label on [he Pots and Boxes If the address is not 533. Oxford Street, London they are spurious. 533, OXFORD STREET LONDON, will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours, The Trade Marks of my said Medicines axe rev~ gistered 111 Ottawa, and also at Washington. :3, Signed ‘THOMAS HOLLOWAY 538, Oxford street, London; BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS. COLDS, 312w ï¬dmtmmem. THE MARKETS. STOMACH AND BOWELS, V' Will Trade for Bay or Wood. |FfHE~~0INTMENTj| TOROvN’I‘O.‘ Apply to Amman. Richm ond street, Richmond Hill; MARRIED W. LONG, Jan. 5th 1881. $107 311$ .. 110 1 1° . 7s 10 .. 36 33 Thornhfll’. Wt-O 0 90‘ 20 00 20 30 40 1 50 1 25 0 25 40 50 â€"tf-o-- 14 00 6 a" 7 25 70 1 50 3!) 50 .2 00 1 50 00‘ 050