RELIEVE AND CURE. Splual Complamts,Genera1 and Nervous Debility Rheumatism, Gout Nervousness leer, Kidneys, Lu11rrs,T111(»at and Chest k ompluims, Neumlgiu 1310110111113 Incxp1e11t Pa1§lys1s Asthma. Sciancu 8111111113 Consumphon Sleeplessness, Colds, Indmesnon, “Spumamnhoea. 810’, The proprietor of this establishment, having had many years experience, and studiad closely the science in its application to curative purposes, feels conï¬dent that: in presenting this ACME ELEC- TRIC APPLIANCES to the miblic, he is supplying them with the best instrument of their kind now known to the science,â€"â€"instruments that will do their work well if used in accordance with urinted directions given with each appliance, and would warn the public against all cheap imita- ï¬ion of his goons. The Appliances are made in all sizes and slmpes for the diflerent parts of the body, and range in price from $1.00 to $5.00 for small Bands, and from $5.00 to $15.00 for Waist Belts See Cimlars which are mailed free to all applicants Remember the address, A NORMAN, No 4 Queen-street East, Toronto, Ont. N Bâ€"Electl‘ic Bath. Sulphur Baths, Vapour, Herbal, Mercurial and cold Baths always ready for Ladies and Gentleman Feb 18111 ‘80 I have iully tried and most carefully tested and seen used your Curative Insoles and Bands, and believe this to be one of the best forms of administering Electritity, now known to be one of such valuable importance for the relief of Rheumatism and Neuralgiu affections. I most cherfully re- cpmmend their use to all sufferers of these complaints. 0 B Hull, M D, 20 Gear-Howell Place The FIRE ‘P‘HQOFQJ Mr Norman ASK. FOR NORMAN’S 1 ELECTRIC APPLIANa ES AND YOU WILL BE SAFE AGAINST [MPOEITIOI‘L TESTI MONIAIS. A ‘7-.‘_._._ n_~ n u.“ I Inuviilnlvu A Norman, an., Inqersnll, August. 1879 Dear Sir,â€".’â€"I suffered for four years from which Dr Davies of Chicago, am; other eminent phyâ€" sicians called rheumatism of the bowels, which they tried in vain to cure ; but I am thankful to say your applieuxces have entirely removed the pain. I recommend all sutferers to try them. Yours truly Peter Dowing 13111311“er 7111'an A v“ 'rwf7n nv n7 . Mr Norman .lUlULâ€"ILU uuu Jul)†1013. Dear Sinâ€"About three years ago I fell from a ladder about twelve feet across the, bunister ’of the agnirsmnd was taken up for dead, sumo which time I have suffered severe pains in my back and side, and great weakness, unï¬tting me for business, and gdt very httle ease unml I used your Electric Belt and 11.180108, which relieved me Very much. Yours trulv, J 01111 Ovens, 125 Yongc-st IN BOOTS AND SHOES m: TAKEï¬ TEE LEAD Gmwflm $2; @M‘Wy At the Exhibitions lust year. They have an A 3t stock in Blankets, ShirtingsM'incoys, Twecds Yarns, etc., at Woodbridge and. ï¬ichmomï¬ Eili. Prizes By The Dazen! SU PE R i 0 R G0 D . WOOLEN MILLS Splendm Siam i KEPT BY NUBMAN’S IT. NOTHING LIKE New Goods Coming All The Time. Electricity the Life Fluid. MCINTOSH & SON’ AND QUICK RETURNS. 0E GOODS, GOING CHEAP AT HEADS THE LIST FOR KEEPS THE BEST STOCK 0F RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. ESTABLISHED 1874. HENRI] BUHMIVE APPLIANEES. TO BE PURCHASED IN THE STOCK OF INJURY. ISAAC CROSBY. Toronto, Oct 10th,1879 aqross the bgnister of the Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 1874. TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chancery etc., 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. 5’ Amman Bowman?“ W11. Wears Dun. “-GE‘L‘IéiEZLV'lctofiuEimmber}:gV'icubgi'ia-véifggg Toronto ijristers, Attorznywatâ€"Luw, Solicitbrs-i'n: Chancery. Couvuvuncers, etc, Ofï¬cesâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings. “Ellington-street, Toronto HOMAS FERGUSON, QC. , Joux RAIN WM SETON Gonnox, GEO 14‘ SHIPLEY. Oflicial Aasignee, Real Estate Agent, Convey- aucar, Broker, &c., &c., Jas Bethune; Q C N W Hoyles, Money to Lend at Low Rates, Mortgages bought and sold Farms bought am} » hi, or {911mg 1}1suru;1ce effected, &c., 660., Yourselves by making money when n goldt-n chance i1: nflored, thereby always Iccvping poverty from your door Those who always take udvan~ age of the good chances of hulking money that are offorvd. generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty “'0 want. many mm, womon, boys and girls to Wny'k for us right in Hmir own locali- ties The business “111me more than ten times ordinary wages We 1'1 *nish an expensive outï¬t and 1111 that you mmd frag N0 one who engages fails to make money very rapidly You can do- vote. your whole time 1'0 the Work, or only your spam moment‘s F1111infurl'xmhion and all thuti nee<led.sentf1'pe Address, #311me & Co, Portâ€" land, Maine can makv money fusfpr at work for us, than at anything also Guyn‘ml not rrq'xirml ; we will stun you $1.7 1101' any made at home by the industrious Men. women, boy“. and gi! i wanted everywhere tu work for us Now is the time Costly outfit and terms free Address TRUE & Co, Angua Amine WILLIAM H. BEST, BARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, Notary, ‘ &c. &c., MONEY T0 LOAN, R0031 20, UNION LOAN BUILDINGS Fergu§on. 83in, Gord‘on ac; Shlpley, OULTBEE & EVAI‘T, BARRY“- TERS. Attornavs Solicitorsâ€"immmmun-w No. 28, and 30, Toronto Street TORONTO. l8 & 20 King Street. West, Toronto (at l’ulmer House» Aurora, lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Ncwmm‘ket, ...... Shouï¬vill Mark h :m') . . V'umrm Square ...... 'l‘hornhill ...... Maple ...... VVuodbridge ...... Kk‘jnburg . Noblctml Map] 0 ............ ‘ A do VVomlbridge do Kleinburg do l\' Oblatun tn ' do Anusthvtios, m: Ni mus 0mm». etc. , uscd'whon ordered and none but the host mat ' 11 aged Thankful for the fa vars of the past years n’ uy still be consulted in [my hymwh of tha pro fessiun, as follows : Richmond Hill“ 9th & 24th of each month BARRISTEP MS 850 Bethune “ass, £411 '1»: image AND BOYLDS, Nitrous Oxide Gas; ‘ ' ' SURGEON DEN'UST. 1111!: removed to 87 K1112y SUDOt East, T0101110,0vc1 H.111 (3.8111(111011111 new shoe store Bast 11111161111] 10 111 1011 111 u. manner to suit each 1m (mt. P'uh'cnl attention f’iVOIl to the 111011111111 r03;111.111m1 of 1.110111111111111 teeth 11) nvoidiuqml unnecessmy pain. A. \Y SPAULDI (1.11115 \s '11. MAPLI‘. DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST IN Ormcm RICHMOND HILL. FIRST 10 DAYS or EACH MOXTH, Puriins do 0115 01' borrowing MONEY can be supplied nbmmiewte m tcs (m iwehnld or perâ€" sonal maturity. Apply to Nov 4th ’80 TQ LQAN. DIRECTdnsâ€"Smnuol Plutt, M P, Wm Gander 1mm, (Jo'o W Lewis, Thus H Lewis, Thos H Lee Hon I) L I\ acphorson, Sumter ‘Capitnl, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 10ml Assets, ,000,000 . Soc our 1‘ inced 10an table For further infur- mutioo mm; L the “(faces of the Company Loan and Savings Company ' OfliCGSvNo 7, Churchstrcct‘ Toron‘m HON G130 \V ALLAN, Sexmtonl’rcsidont GEORGE GOODRRHAMM .fViccâ€"President Mm ey zecohed on deposit, md interest payable hui. yearly or compounded. of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Assistant to Dr. James Langsmtf. lichmond Hill. October 101,11. 15 9 Western Canada SAVENG’S BANK BRANCEI R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. S A L, England (Late Of London, England) Surgeon, Etc. ki-foflicc Hours. 8 to 10, 1 to 2.111111 6 to 8. J. BLLIIT LANï¬STAPP, M. D. 3mdnnto of Toronto Univel’sity, and Member JAMES GORDILEY, QUALJTY m‘ OR’l‘II OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, ‘w A LTER 8 LEE, P. 0, B Or A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA IEBNEY Y MONEY 1' ’0 L011 N. gaww 4" P. O. Box 2527. DR. ORR, MAPLE, Gas ndminisLeI-Pd for harmless extraction of teeth. 'IHOS NIGIITING ALE’ S, Y orliv Ila RHCHMOND HILL, 0) v (a ADAMS, L.D.S - SI Harm DENTIST. 11x C. C Moss, W C Fï¬lconbridge W' Bnrwick, A B Ayleswm‘th W J. FRANBS. J J CGSGROVE, gamma, ï¬lmy. EC NO. 454. ‘ 4 W! 9th & 24th of each month Richmond Hill fMEnager. do 18TH Goderich, Ont Richmond HillwAugust 6th ‘1880.t t MGNAIR FARM. RIGHMUND HILL The Farm is a good one in every particular, everything being very complete. Terms Easy. Apply to MR. JAMES GORMLEY, Toronto. or to of Ladies and Gents felt good,, Overshoes, Rubbers. etc.. and has also on hand all kinds of Home-made work and repairing executed at. shortest notice. FANNING MILL FOR SALE. MRS. S;~‘GAMBLE. Richmond Hill, Dec. 2nd, 1880. m3 This House is one of the Best Hotels to 110 found north of Toronto. Everything is managed 111 First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cinl Travellers Good Stabling and attentive hostlers. T811115, #1331 p61 day. Proctm’ 1: Bus leaves this Hotel to connect VV ith 1111 the N 1’» R Trains {Ioiuy No1th and South wt 8.15 a, 111.1 11 111 5.3011. 111, and 7. 15 p 111. Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good stubling and attentive hustler. There is ï¬rst»clnss Burns, Stables and other out- buildings, with CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES The undersigned Wishes to intimate lo the public that she has received Whlch she is prepared to dispose of Mn Farm for Sale 1i CON- 2 OF VAUGHAN. The Robin Hood Hotel, RICHMOND HILL ONT. Frank Cosg‘r‘ove, Prop. .26“ Palmer, Pr THE PALMER HOU‘é-‘E. RICHMOND HILL, â€A, Fresh 51:00:32.1 Uuu uwuuumuu 01 we gm MIR PLASTER will druw the Cancer out. in a. few days, with it very root and ï¬bre, thus "fleeting a. PERMAN' INT cure, and preventing a, recurrence of the dread malady: This is no humbu" b. but a. POSITIVE and RELIABLE CURE Without sickness, debility or evil results to the patient ; and all nfllinted with the loathsome disease of Cancer urged to try this never-failing, PERMANENT rem edy. are sincerely application, will be sent to any The Plaster, with full particulars for its address on reccipm of Six Dollxu’s addressed (registered letter) to COATICOOK, P. Q.,Cmmdn,. If’l‘hc highest references given as to respectability and standing when required, including the Editor of this puonr. “my Winter Stock This Farm is on the east-half of Lot No. 25 A FINE NEW RESIDENCE, One application of the IM Mix MACHINE AND HAND-MADE WORK Reasonable; Proï¬t, MR. JAMES MGNAIR, CURE FOR CANCER! mm (MIME 0f Ready Made Clothing, Ladies & Gents Caps. And General Dry Goods, FOR CASH OR PRODU DE. ANY PRECE I Without the MASTER. 'ositive and I’erxnanent PLASTER V‘ in dluw the Cancer out. in a. few day s, with use of the Knife, and sold at 13.1w2s.9d.,4s.6d.,115.,22 and 333 each Box and Pat, and in Canada. at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1. 50 cents, and the larger- sizes in proyortion. .3 the increase the secretory powers of the Liverzbrmw the nervous system, and throw into the cll‘e111n~ tion the pure“: Element-s for sustaining and repairing the frame. will he found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours, (rmghs, Som Thmnts, Bronchitis, and all diwrd- (rs of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, ll um- 1111161ï¬1n,Sc1ofula:nnd other kind of skin disc xscs The Trade Marks of my saidMedicines are re~ 31556196. 111 Ottawa, and also ah'Washingtou. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533, Oxford street, London; )urify, regulate and improye the quality of me 3100a. They assist the digestive organs, cleanse L‘L _ Manufactured only at Profess- or Holloway’s Establishment, 533, OXFORD STREET LONDON, CAUTonâ€"l have no Agent' in the United States, nor are my Medicines- sold there. Purchasers shuuld therefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address )8 not 533 Oxfmd Street, London the;l are spurious. This incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishable fame throughout the Vv'orld for the alleviation and cure of most, diseases to which humanity is heir. Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that by their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. WES & Gintment BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS. CULDS, Worth their ZVeight in Gold! ! C. SMITH, STOMACH AND BOWELS, | TH‘E‘OINTMENT’H Jun. 5th 1881., BERLIN WflflLS, TflYS HM]? FANCY" Gflflflï¬f Hérald. Back and. Fancy Stor'ev IMMEDIATELY†. Prescriptions CAREFUMLY Compounded. Agent Dominion Telegraph Co. Richmond H111 iF DRUGS! mugs: was?! I43 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, or We make a special style of Organ in large quantities. and are therefore able to offer them at. exceptionally favorable rates. Mason 6; Hamlin Organs of all leading styles in stock. Payments arranged to suit the convenience of pnrcham rs and spread over a term of’ years. For full particulars write to R, S. WILLIAMS, new xorK, r'eu. b'th‘lBBm Massns. R. S. WILLIAMS 5; Soxs. Tonomo :â€" GENTLEHEN.â€"â€"The action supplied by us to you is the same as we furnish to Messrs A Weber and other ï¬rst class New York Piano Makers, and in in no way inferior to our usual ï¬ne work Yours vary respectfully, _ WESSEL, N1UKEL, «S; GROSS. Wessel,†Nickel 80 Gross, Emma? W&%Eï¬Â£ï¬Â£ys .92 1881. Fully warranted in every respect; equal ix. point of tone, ï¬msb and durability to the High Priced American Instruments. ORGANS!‘ 0mm 5: I a: PIANOS l PIANOS Z AT. THE HERAEï¬-‘ STORE;- South of the Schoo’l Bu R. S. WILLIAMS & SON’S PIANOS 2 Are made by experienced New Ymk Workmen, from the very Essences, Extracts, Spices, Toilet Articles, Chomicles FRESH. PURE AND GOOD Agent for Harpef’s'Bazaar Patterns. SCHOOL SUPPLIES ‘ CERTIFICATE FROM Manufacturers of Piano Fox-ie Actions‘ 226 DUNDAS STREET. LONDON‘ iildings; Also on hand g. SANnnnsiN s. ans, V» est; 45th street and 10th Avenue New York, Feb. 6th 1880‘ Rich-mend "Hilly ‘, Perfumes, 188].