Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 10 Mar 1881, p. 3

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HoLLown’s PrLLs.-â€"For the cure of debility, bile, liver and stomach complaints this insppreciable medicine is so well- kuown in every part of the world, and the cures performed by its use are so wonder». ful, that it now stands pre-eminent above all other medicines, more particular for the cure of bilious and liver complaints. dropsv, disorders ofthe stomach, and debilitated constitution. In these diseases the beneâ€" ficial effects of the Pills are so permanent that the whole system is renewed, the organs of digestion strengthened, and a free respiration promoted. They expel from the secretive organs and circulation the morbid matter which produces pain. inflammation, fever, debility. and physical decayâ€"thus annihilating, by their purifyâ€" ing properties, the virulence of the most painful and devastating disease. Mr. Forster, seconded by Mr. James. moved that the committee do now rise and report the accounts asfinally audited. and that the Treasurer be and is hereby author- ized to get 200 copies primed. Mr. Williamson. seconded by Mr. James. moved that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to have one of the road scrapers made by S. H. McKitrick, of Orangevilie, sent to [he Unionville station, T. & N.R.R . usasample. on terms mentioned in his circulari“ ' The Council adjourned until Saturday: April 16th, next. 7 _ ____ , , V ,_ WW “.mw “we, mu“ m vex?l rootand fibre, thus effecting a. PERMANENT cure, and preventing a recurrence of the dread me, ady. This is no humbug, but. a. POSITIVE and RELIABLE CURE without. sickness, debility or evil results to the patient ; and all ufilicted with the loathsome disease of Cancer are s urged to try this never-failing, PER incerely MANENT remedy. The Plaster, with full particulars for its application, will be sent to any address on receipt of Si x Dollars addressed (registered letter) to On motion of Mr. James, seconded by Mr, Forster, the Council went into Committee of the Whole (0 audit the Trensurer’ 5 accounts for 1880, Mr. Wil-- liamson m the chair. :3?th hi; [310119 highest; rate Editor of flue paper Mr. James. seconded by Mr. Forster, moved that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay on the order of the Reeve the sum of $20 to John Harmon. in com-- penlalion for injux‘ies su-zlained by his wife travelling upon an unguarded embankment between 10tsl5 and [6, in the 7th con. Mr Williamson, seconded by Mr- games. mowd that the sum of $1. 50 per week be granted lot the maintenance of Miss M. B1ickwood, she being an indigent with two small childlen, said grant to be pamble on order ui the Reeve and to date flora the fist day of Februmy, to continue during the pleasule of thin Council. My. Williamson, secunded by Mr. James, moved that the sum of$75 be granted for Ibo. purgose uf‘currying out Ihe agreenmm made with lhe tnwnship nf Whimhurch last year. for draining and graveiling nn ”H“ mwniine between Whitchurch and Mark-- ham, said amount being granted inst year and not. expended : the committee nppoinln ed last year to act in conjunction h’iLh the committee from Whiichurch m be commissioners in expending the same, Whilachutch having granted a similar amofmt. Mr. Forster, secox'xded Whyâ€"v-VliIITLEJQQI-es, moved that the grant for the support of Sarah June Dunn be and is heredy rescind~ ed, she aving moved out. of the municipality. Mr. Williamson. seconded by Mr. Forster. moved that the sum of $1428 be paid to the order of W.‘ H. Ratclifi‘, f0r1680 feet. of 3-inch plank used f)r replanking bridge on side-line between lots 15 and 16, in the 5th concession, Road Div. No. 32. MP. Forster, seconded by Mr. William-- eon, "moved that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay to the ordu of David Sleeper 25c per week in addition to the sun) of50c per week already granted for the support of Mrs. Riddle. MI. James.secm1ded by Mr. Williamson, moved. 1h:1t the ’1 reasu1e1 be and 1s hereby authorized to 1etai11 the sum of $23 50, as plOVldl-‘d 111 chap. 36 sec. 26; “”50, intituled "A11 .Actto provide tax the legistration ofbixths, manmues and deaths. . Mr Forster, seconded by Mr William- 5611, moved that the Treasurer he and is hemby authorized to pay “over Hawkins 1‘ road overseer of Dir. D10. 59.1he sum of ' $3, _ being f01 lumber used for bridges undl cu‘lverla in his division ; payable to 1116‘ order uf‘ the mover. ; ' COMMUNICATIONS. One from the township of Whitchurch, sayingvthat a grant uf'$75 had. been made for repairs on‘townline, on condition that Markham Council grant a like amount. One in refelencev to iron road scrapers. PETITION. 'By Mr. James, from W. H. Lundy and 20 minus, asking that a weekly grant be made to James Morrison, an aged man who reSides near Buttonville, and who Is in destitute mrcumsnances. Mr. James, secum’ed by Mr. Forster, moved, that a grant of $3 per momh be made to James Morrison, an aged and désxilule person, said amount payable dur-« ing the pleasure of [1115 Council; Thomas Thomson, commissioner. Council met a: White’s Hall, Unionville on Saturday, Feb 26. Members all present_ ewepting Mr Reesm 5 the Reeve in the chair. At meetings resolutions went contrariwise' to , What we meant, Except when tickets to the true were issuedâ€" ~ then we passed a. few. And when our Leader, Edward Blake, at “ticket" meetings rose and spoke, 'And roused the country’s blood and ire, with burning Words of Patriot fire, Behold 1 next night Sir Topper come, and OPEN meetings hailed his name, He twisted things at such a rate that people lov- ed the Syndicate. Sir William threw within thebreach :1. Syndicate he'd formed to teach The country What a hollow quirk the bargain was. It wouldn’t work. And Parliament refused to hear his proposition t â€"thoughtit queer, That seven candidates-all Gritsâ€"who'd been ' defeated, used their wits . To sufier for their country's sake, just when it suited Mr Blake. In tact Sir John with roguish grin most slangily pronounced it “thin.” Then when the great division came, their huge majority the same Remained intact. Thev wouldn’t rut' and dis- appointed us in that. Indeed my faith begins to shake ; the people do not seem to take Much stock in Opposition views, and that is why ,. I’ve got the blues. One application of the IM M iX We thought to put them on the rack, to get the countrv at our back. , Petitions to the veopIe went ; they wouldn't sign them worth a sent. ng‘e hundred thousand voters might have help- “ ed the “Party" in the fight. We only asked of them to signâ€"a mean ten thou- sand toed the line. A Liberal’s Lament. F mm Grip. Was ever there a. more comrlete, disastrous route, or .dire defeat, Than Tup er and his Tory crew has lately put the “ arity" through ? ' Markham Township Council. CURE FOR CANCER! COATICOOK, P. Q. Canada. 53:51; references given as to respectability and standing when required, including DEIDH)‘ A Positive and Permanent Without the use IMMIX PLASTER. PLASTE R will dmw the Cancer out' m 1L few days, with s. 0. SMITH, i“ This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commorv cial Travellers. Good Stabling and attentive hostlers. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8.l5 IL m. 1 p m 5.30 a. m, and 7.15 p m. The Robin Hood Hotel, Ontfit sent free to those who Wish to engage in the most pleasant and profitable business known Every- thing new Capital not required. We will furnish you everything, $10 (L day and upwards is easily m ado without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes m, the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is, Willing towork fails to make more money every day than can be made in a. Week at any ordinary employment. Those Who engage at once will find a short road to fortune Addreas H HALLETT & Co. Portland. Maine- J Palmer, Prop, THE PALMER HOUS RICHMOND HILL, RICHMOND HILL ONT.. Frank Cosgrove, Prop. OTICE is hereby given that maps and plans of the lands through which the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway is to pass in the town- ship of Vaughan, in the County of York, for the purpose of lessening the curves, reducing the grades and otherwise improving the said Rail- way, covering its course and erection and of the land intended to be passed over, also books of reference for said Railway. required by tho Rail- way Act of Ontario have been examined and cor- tified as required bV the said Act. and copies thereof have been duly deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Peace in and for the County of York, and in the oflice of the Provincial Socre~ (nary for the Province of Ontario, and one copy has been delivered to the Toronto Grey and Bruco Iguilwuy Company. 8Dated. this Se§éiiiEg£ifi any of February, A. D‘ 1 81. Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good stabling and attentive hostler. Newtonbro’ok, P. O. Newt011brook,'Feb. 23rd, 1881, 52w-1y Tol'onto Grey and Bruce Railway Company- Assessments of $1 at the death of a member of the association. * W. J. BULL, $11 INSURES 1mm INSURANCE co's. Agent for Canadian Mutal Aid As’sociution “Life." The sum of anv porssn of sound mind and body between the ages of 18 and Go, For $5,000 to $10,000 ’ Coughs, Sore Tin-oats, Bronchitis, and all disord- ers of the Throat; and Chest, as 11,130 Grout, Rheu- «matism. Scrofula and other kind of skin diseases P. Mutual & Dominion Grange The Trade Mhrks of my said Medicines are re- gistered 111 Ottawa, and also at 'Washington, Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533, Oxford street, London. INSURANCE! 533, OXFORD STREET LONDON, and sold at 15. 1gd., 25. 9a., 45‘ 6d., 115.. 22, and 33s each Box and Pot, and in Canada. at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in the United Sialcs, nm are my Medicines sold Illeio. Purclmsers sbuuld theiefme look to the him! on the Pots and Boxes. If the address IS not 533 0x101d Sheet, London lhey :er spurious LOSS BY FIRE will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours, Manufactured only at Profess- or Holloway’s Establishment, the p urify, regulate and improye the quality of the £1 00d. They assist the digestive organs, cleanae Thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they haue been restored to~health and strength, after‘ every other means had proved unsuccessful. increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brace the nervous system, and throw into the circula- tion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed 'for itself an imperishable fame throughout the “rorld for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS. COLDS, Pills & flintment the Knife, Worth their Weight in Gold! ! AFFECTED BY Walter .1- Bull, Newtonbrodk, IN ‘ STOMACIâ€"I AND BOWELS, lullâ€"“V @th @mmw. W. Sutherland Taylor. Secretary and Treasurer Toronto Grey & Bruce Railway. ‘1 w, AGAINST Jan. 5th 1881‘ the “31%?ng /&%EEE&E§S 9 We make a special style of Organ In large quantities. and are therefore able to ofl’er lhem at exceptionally favorable rates Mason & Hamlin Organs of all leading styles in stock. I43 YONG-E STREET, TORONTO, or Wessel, Nickel 813 ‘Gross, GENTLEM‘EN,â€"The action supplied by us to you is the same as We furnish t6 Maui‘s A Weber find other first class New Yo'rk Piano Makers, and is in no way inferior bo,our usual Que “fork-[7,. ‘ Yours very raspectfully, WESSEL, NICKEL, 5; GROSS. Payments arranged to suit the convenience of purchasers and spread over a term of years. For full particulars write to ' R, s. WILLIAMS, Fully warranted in every respect; pqual in point of tone, finu ' High Priced American Instruments. MESSRS. R. S. 'W ILLT‘AMS & SONS. TORONTO :â€" a: V r“; * ‘ 'r .» G A NS I PIANUS ! PIANOS I Prescriptidns mum consumed. Agent Dominion Telegraph 00. Richmond Hill. MEWS! MEGS I DRUGS! BERLIN 'WflflLS, TflYS RN]! "FANEY-kflllflllfil Herald Book and Fancy Store, 1881. F Y iii;;;;IJ w A N T, Qhunnr GTThhT Tnn R. S. WILLIAMS &; SON’ AT- THE HERALD STORE. Are made by experienced New York Workman, from the very South of the School Buildings. Also on hand Essences, Extracts, Spices, Toilet Articles, Chemlcles, Perfumes, FRESH. PURE AND GOOD- Agent for Harper’s Bazaar Patterns. CERTIFICATE FROM SCHOOL Manufacturers of Piano Forte Actions. PIANOS 2 226 DUNDAS STREET, LONDON H. SANnnnsiN e. West 46th street and 10th AVenue, New York, Feb. 6th 1880. SUPPLIES fimsh and durability to the 1881. Richmond Hill, Officesâ€"No 7, Church-street, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Senatorftesidcnt GEORGE GOODERHAM ..................... Vice-President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Flatt, M P; Wm Gooder- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thos H Lewis, Thos H Lee, Hon D L Macpherson, Senator Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund. $360,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 See our reduced loan table For further infor- nmtioo apply at the oifices of tbs Company Parties desirous of borrowing MONEY cm; ,be supplied at moderate m tea on freehold or per- sonal sucurihy. Apply to Nov 4th '80 Yourselves by making money when :1 golden chance is offered, thereby always keeping poverty from your door Those who always tuk'u advan- uge of the good chances of making m way that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those Who do not improve such chames remain in poverty We Want many men, women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own locali- ties The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages We furnish an expensive outfit and all that you need free No one who engages mile to make money very rapidly You can de- vote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments Full information and all that is needed. sent free Address. S'rmson & 00, Port- lend, Maine can make money faster at work for us, than ‘ at anything else capital not. required ; we Will‘start you $12 per day made at home by the industrious Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us Now is the time Costly outfit and terms free Address TRUE a Go, Augusta, Maine DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST QUALITY AT Money received on deposit, and interest payable half yearly or compounded. .1) TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chancery etc..64_Adulaide street East, (opposite the Court Home), Toronto. ALFRED Bow/man's. WM. Worm HYATT. Western Canada TO LOAN. SAVING’S BANK BRANCH u, .4 “nun-“Am; uncut/Wu, wvn, mm, OU‘FW FICE ,â€"Victoriu Chambers, 9Victoria- street. Toronto BOULTBEE & EVAI‘T. BARRIS- TERRA Attm'nnvn, RnlinflnranJ'thm-mnru Money to Land at Low Rates, Mortgages bought and sold Farms bought 'und sold, or rented Insurance effected, .&c.,_ &c., nnnrnn van-Jug, n. . --.. Bufi‘isbers, Attorneys-at-an, VSolicrit'cifsr-i‘n: Chancery. Conveyancers, etc, Ofl’lcesâ€"Imperial Bunk Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto HoMAs FERGUSON, Q.C. J om: _ RAIN WM BETON GORDON, GEO F SHIPLEY. Oflicial Assignee, Real Estate Agent, Convey- amour, Broker, 550., &c., No. 28, and 30, Toronto Street TORONTO. - WILLIAM H. BEST, BARRISTEB. Attorney, Solicitor, Notary, kc. &C., noun? T0 LOAN. MO)! 20. {mmx mm“ rnmnman Fergggpn. Blgln. Gorggn aA‘Shlplgy, Jns Bethune, Q C‘ N W Hoyles. la a 20 Klng Street. West, Toronto. of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. James Langstafi. Richmond Hill, October 16th, 1879 BARRISTER‘S,&C' J. ELI-101' LANGSTAI'P, M. 1). Graduate of Toronto Univerlity, and Member AL, England (Late of London. Enthnd) Surgeon, Etc. ns-otrme Hours, 8 to 10, 1 to 2, and 6 to SJ Bethune, Moss, Falconbridgc AND BOYLES, V". w- _..--...... -.,_...v, vvvu, uwu orderodfiund fione but the best material 113034 (at PalmerrVHWqusei- Aurora, lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmnrket do Stoufiville do Markham. .. . do Victoria Square ...... do Thomhill ........... . (10 Maple ........... . do Woodbm’dge ...... do Kleinburg ...... do Nobleton ' 30th do Anasthancs, as NLifi-bus égfqe, et_c.,_u_ud vghen -.a..--.1 __; _A_,, . n mny'still be oonhfiitéa'in any bi‘unch of the 1;; tension, as follows : Richmond Hill... . 9th 6: 24th of each month R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. E. Ontario. LV 8 (m V V 0 SURGEON Dunner hm removed to 81 King street East, Toronto, over H. a: C. Blmhtord's new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth carefully avoiding all unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. LDB Assistant. ' « MAPLE Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for harmless extraction 01 teeth. IN OFFIcE RICHMOND HILL, Fm" 10 DAYS or EACH MONTH, The. km! for the favors of . the . pugs“ yen-s -.... n 1.- _~___.uA; ,-,, , JAMES GORMLEY, Loan and‘Savlngs Company QUAIJT‘Y AT WALTER S LEE.- V. 0. Box “0. ABA. NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, MONEY T0 LOAN. MONEY ! mww on. ORR, MAPLE, Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. P. O. Box 2527. RUCHMOND HILL, 0 TKOS NIGHTINGALE s, Yorkvile may. flaw. J J CGSGROVE, C. 0 Moss, W C Falconbridge W Bamick, A B Ayleswnrth W J. Fianna. genial, C: ADAM_S, L.D.S., Richmond Hill Manager. making golden thereby poverty .18'1‘11 I have hilly hied and most carefully tested and seen used your Cul ative Insoles and Baluds and believe this to be one of the beat forms of administering Eleotriniby, now known to be one of such valuable importance for the relief of Rheumatism and Neural "19. affections. I most cherfully re- commend their use to all sufferers of these complaints - C B Hall, M D. 2Q Omar-Howell Place INJURY Mr Norman Toronigo, Oct 10611, 1379. Dear Sinâ€"About three years ago I fell from a ladder about: twelve feet across the hamster of the stairs.and was taken up for dead, smce W ich time I have‘sufl‘qred severe pains‘in my back and side. and great weakness, unflttipg me for bu mess, and got very httl’e ease untll I used". your Electric Belt and Insoles, which relleved me very much. Yours trulv, John Ovemsl 125 Yonge-st. The Appliances are made in all sizes and shapes for tha different parts of thia body, and range in price from $1.00 to $5.00 for small Bands, and from $5.00 to 315.00 for \Vaiat Belts See Cixulars. which are mailed free to [L11 applicants . ' Remember the address, A N OEMAN. No 4 Queen-street East, Tovont-o, Ont, . N B~Electrxc Baths, Sulphur Baths‘ Vapour, Herbal, Mercurial and cold mum always ready for. Ladies and Gentleman . Feb 18th '80 l J The proprietor'of this establishment, having had many years experience, and studied closely the science in its application to curative purposes, feels confident that in presenting this ACME‘ELEC-' TRIO APPLIANCES to the hublic, he is supplying them With the best instrument of their kind‘ now known to the scionce,â€"â€"instruments that will do their work Well if used in accorda‘nce with printed directions given with each appliance, and would warn the public against all cheap imita- tion of his goons. ASK FOR NORMAMS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND YOU WILL BE SAFE ‘ AGAINST IMPOSITION. -' m ,, TESTIMONIAIS. _ __ _ , , Mr Norman RELIEVE um CURE. Spinal Complaints, General and Nervous Debiiixy, Rheumatism, Gout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Throat and Chest Complaints, Nedralgia. Bronchitis Incipient Paralysis. Asthma. Sciatica, Sprains. Consumption, ” Sleeplessuess, Colds, Indigestion. Spermulorrhoea. &c’, A Norman, Esq., . A Inqersoll, August, 1879‘ Dem- S'r,~I suffered for four years from which Dr Davies of Chicago, and other eminent phy- sicians culled rheumatism of the bowels, which they tried in vain 'to cure ; but. I [my thankful to say your appliances have entirely removed the pain. I recommend all sufferers to try them. ‘ Yours truly ' Peter Dowing RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. At the Exhibitions last yeah. They have an A 1 stock in Blankets, Shh‘tings;Wlnceya, Tweods, Yarns, etc., at Woodbridge' and Richmond Hill? Prizes By The Dozen! SUPERIOR GOODS Z?" The FIRE PROOF.“ WOOLEN SMALL PROFITséi KEPT BY BRQWN, IS sammflm Iwflmwmwm TAKES THE LEAD. Groceries & Poultry SpimdM ESTABLISHED 1874. NURMAN’S ELECTRU CUHMIVE‘ APPLIANCES: IN BOOTS AND SHOES HE P. G. S fl VAGE NOTHING LIKE IT. MGINTOSH & SON’ New Goods Coming All The Time. Electricity the Life Fluid. CALL \A N D SEE, AND QUICK RETURNS. OF GOODS, GOING CHEAP AT HEADS THE LIST FOR KEEPS THE BEST STOCK 0F TO BE PURCHASED IN THE STOCK 0F NTO. ISAAC CROSBY. Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 1874.

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