On Saturday Willie Gooch and his friend and schoolmate, Richard Cassels. went out to the Humber to spend the day shooting. About three o’clock in the afternoon, having got tired of the sport, they were returning along the Great West- ern Railway track. Near the Humber River railway bridge is a small building used as a station, and here the lads intend- ed to await. the arrival ofthe suburban train to take them back to Parkdale. Gooch had entered the building. and his compan- ion followmg him had reached the door when he stumbled and his gun struck the side of the door and exploded, discharging the contents into Gooch’s left knee. The charge entered at the back of the knee. and the joint and lower part of the thigh were terribly shattered, the main artery of the limb being also severed. The sufferer was then taken to his home in Parkdale. Immediate amputation was deemed necess- ary, The loss of blood and the‘ shock. however. had been so great that the unfortunate boy never rallied, but rapidly sanlt and died about a. half an hour afterwards. The deceased was about 16 years of age, and had been amendinw Upper Canada College prior to the acc1dent He was son of Mr R. N. Gooeh, of the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and was very well known and a general favom- ite in Parï¬daie. Richard Cassela,. the companion of deceased and the unintention- al cause of the accident, is a son of MLR S. Casseis, ofthis city, and is also a pupil at the Upper Canada College. 7 Members present.â€"Messrs. Cook, Nat- tress. Reaman, agd Mal‘loy. The above Council met in like Town Hall, Vellore, on Tuesday, the 8th inst., at ten o’clock. 'I‘lie minuteé of previoï¬s meqting were read and on motion approved. The following petitibns were presentâ€" ed :â€" From E. B. Harris, and sixteen others, asking aid for Mrs. Sinclairti’ndigent. _ From David Elder, and thirteen others, asking for aid for Dugald McInnis. ‘From cerlain ratepayers of Wondhridge, asking the Council to grant aid to the Mechanics Institute to enable them to draw the Government Grant. BHOOTXNG OF WILLXE GOOCH, OF PARKDALE. A communication from Wm. Grice, asking that he be permitted to (In statute Iabor on the established town line road allowance. in the ï¬rst concession of Vaughan. That the Treasurer be and is hereby au- thorized to pay the following, amounts for charitable purposes. viz :â€" To John Keys. twelve weeks board and lodging ior Mrs. Owens, . . . $18 00 Dr. Wilkinson. medical attendance on Miss Ann Wain. ............. 3 00 Dr. Wilkinsom medical attendance on M. McElhiuney, ............ 8 00 James J. Eldér, for Dugald Mcâ€" Innia, ....................... 5 00 E. B. Harris. for Mrs. Sinclair. on condition that she goes to Orâ€" angeville, ..................... 8 00 -Carried. Moved by Mr. Malloy, seconded by Mr. NattreSu, Moved by Mr. Reaman, seconded by Mr. Cook, Tbat the Treasurer is hereby nuthoriz ed to pay the following road accounts. the same havmg been certiï¬ed as correct by the Commissioners in their respective districts:â€" ToJ. D. Hardy for two hundred and ninety feet of plank, ........ S 2 90 To T. S. Raith repairing two road shoVels, ..................... 2 00 To CLH. Andrews repairing two road shovels. .................. 1 30 DISTRICT x0. 3. To Noble Watson. three hundred and seventy one feet of plank, . . . . To John Abel, for repairs to bridge. To Vaughan Road 00. for use of bridzg at Wallace’s dam, ........ 80 00 â€"â€"Carried. Moved By Mr. Reaman, Iecouded by My: Mullpy, _ That the Treasurer is hereby authorized to ay the following accounts for Printing an Stationery :â€" To J. A. Stewart for printing and a ream of paper, . . . . â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Cook, Reaman, That ihe Treasurer be hereby authorized to pay Richard Seager, for one sheep killed by dog 01 dogs. $4 00. â€"-Car_ri_ed._ That. the report of the Auditors of the Treasurer’ 5 account for 1880, he received and adopted by this Council and that the Clerk is hereby instructed to have ï¬ve hundred copies primed in the usual manner, r0 be divided among the several Councillors for distribution.-â€"Carried. WMo‘vé'c'i EynMr. Rennr'nén, seconded by Mr. N9}tressL Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr Regman, That Wm. Mellish be and is hereby appointed Road Commissioner, in District No.1, instead of Peter Bassingthwaile, who refused to act for 1881, and that the seal of this corporation be attached to this resolutionâ€"Carried. VVVMorvréd by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Mayo» _ That the Clerk is hereby instructed Lo notify Mr. John Ash, of the township King, to remove 1he obstruction he phas caused on concession road in the rear of lot number thirty-ï¬re. in the ihird con- cession ofVaughan, forthwith, otherwise action will be taken against him in default of not. complying with this notice.â€"Car- ried. H Moved by Mr. Malloy, seconded by Mr. Nattress. A That the Treasurer is hereby authorized to invest $1,000 of Clergy Reserve Fund in mortgage at six per cent. per annum, for four years; and that the seal ofthis cor- poration be ait'tached thereto.-â€"Carried. \‘u .r . Moved by Mr. Reaman, seconded by Mr. Cook, That the Clerk be empowered to sell the 01d safe on the best terms possible, and this resolution be his authority for doing the same.~â€"Carried. The Council then adjourned, to meet on April 12m, 1881 HYMENEAL.â€"-On Wednesday evening last, 16th inst“ at the residence of Mr. J. Chap man. a short distance east of Woburn. Mr. William H Fawcett, youngest son of Mr. W. A. Fawcett, and Miss Susannah Mr. Chapman’s eldest daughter, were united in Wedlock by the Rev. J W Annis, B. A. Over one hundred friends and relatives were present. The marriage eeremuny concluded, a christening took place, the parents of the child being Mrï¬nd Mrs. T. Fawcett, of York townline. The way was then led to another room, where a truly magniï¬cent bridal supper was waiting, to which ample justice was done, when singing and other amusements and pleasantries were indulged in to the heart‘s content. Vaughan Council. Fatal Accident. DETRICT NO. seconded by Mr. ..... $700 3 71 18 00 J. BROWN has on hand the Largest Stock of Clover, Timothy, Flax Seed and all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, selected from the most reliable ï¬rms in Canada. We cannot and will not be undersold. All kinds of Farm Produce falcon in exchange for Goods‘ Ourmotto is “Small Proï¬ts, a'nd Quick Returns,†Goods Delivered. In Boots am} @hwgi SPRING 8' BEN E}; Prizes RELIEVE AND CURE. Spinal Complaints, General and Nervous Debilily, Rhenmmigm, Gout. Nm‘vnn vaer, Kidneys, Lungs, Throat and Chesi Complaints, Neurnlgin, Bronclntis Incipient Paralysis, Asthmn, Sciahcn, Sprains, Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, lndigestmn, Spermntmrhoea, Aid, u The proprietor of this establishment, having had many years oxw‘i‘icncu, mud s’mdicd closely the science in its application to curative purposes, fools conï¬dent that, in presenting this ACME HINGâ€" TRlC APPLIANCES to the public, 110 is supplying them will the best i1 strmnenb of ihm'r kind now known to the science,~instruments that will do their work well if used in accordance with printed directions given with each appliance, and would warn the public against all cheap imim‘ t-ion of his gooua. ASK FOR. NORMAN’S ELECTRIC APPLIANK’ES AND YOU WlLL BE SAFE AGAINST IMPUSITION. TESTIMONIAIS. _.~.11 A .V m“; 1 o-vn A Norman, Esq., Dear Sinâ€"I suffered for four years from which Dr Davies of Chicago siciana called rheumatism of the bowels, which they tried in vain to 01 say your rmpplixmces have entirely removed the pain. I recommend all Yours truly Mr Norman Toronto, A 0v. Zara, 1m ,1. I have fully tried and most carefully tested and seen used your Cumtive Insoles and Bunda and believe this to be one of the best forms of administering Electritiby, now known to be one of such valuable importance for the relief of Rheum utism and Neuralgiu uffectinns. I most clmrfully 1- oommend their use to all sufferers of these complaints. 0 B Hull, M D, 20 Cuerâ€""iowoll Place INJURY. Mr Norman Toronto, Oct 10th, 1870. Dear Sinâ€"About three years ago I fell from a ladder about twelve feet across the lnmistm- of the stairsmmd was taken up £01: dead, smce which time I have suffered severe pains in my buck and side. and great weakness, unflttmg me for business, and got very httle euso uuul I used your l-llcctr , Belt and Insoles, which Idlim‘a} me Very much. Yours trulv, John Ovens, J25 Yongc-st The Appliances are made in all sizes and slmpos for the different parts of the body, and range in price from $1.00 to $5. for small Bands, mm from $5.00 to $15.00 for Waist Bolts Sec Cirulm‘s which are mailed free to all applicants Remember the address, A NORMAN, No 4 Queen-street East, Toronto, Ont. N Bâ€"Electric Baths, Sulphur Baths. Yummy. Herbal, Mercurial and cold Baths always ready for Ladies and Gentlemen Feb 18th ‘80 ESTABLISHED 1874. ‘ NURMAN’S ELECTED EUHATNE ’APPLMNEES. ‘I‘QRW mmwm: a W’I‘b !. 4 Jigsaw. mum- WWWWWWMWM iWF'ï¬it N971! P.G-.S£§§ New Goods Comingr All The Time. Groceries, Flour and Feed, MCIN'EQSH «a; @3363 Electricity the Life Fluid. EEAUTIFUL ' nag-memmmmu HEADS THE LIST FOR KEEPS THE BEST STOCK 0F Particulars . next week. TO BE PURCHASED IN RHEUMXï¬Sï¬ Kim NEURALGIA‘ GOGDS AT THE Inn-u- Inqorsoll, August, 1879 avies of Chicago, and other eminent phyâ€" riod in vain to cure ; but I mu thankful to I recommend all sufferers to try them. Putcr Dowing Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 1874‘ (31‘ V011§11GSS Parties desirous of borrowing MONEY can be suppliwl utmoflemte rates on freehold or per- sonal an mity. Apply to NOV 4th ’30 Oï¬â€˜lc csâ€"No 7, Church- street, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Sens" tor, Prcsidouh (him-(3150001)}; mm: ‘ V ice-President Dr momzâ€"F‘mmunlP1n$1;,1\°1 P, Wm Gooder- 1, Hon \\ Lu'vis, ’Jhos H mwis, Thus H Leo, Jun D L Mnephurson, Senator (‘prnL mxmnnn; Reuarvo Fund, $300,000 To LL Assets, $37(){ID,000 Mmmy received 01'] deposit, and interest payable hu‘if year’iy or compounded. “A? 3??? (£13 Em: our reduced 1mm table For further infor- mu‘m‘oo null} an the 0111093 of the Company Sm ., 3mm. Hours 8 to 10,1 to 2 and G to 8‘ Graduate of '1‘0101110 0ft he (‘Mlcgo 01" Pl‘ A» mtuntto m. Riflnuqudi'i11.()ctu'm 1 111:1w1 Va 11%" 111111137 171m: vumoa, 1101's mm, girlt; l0 1"111‘c 1:,» 114 11g11t1111hc11‘ 0\"11 Inn-[111» tint: '1 I111 busiuc VS W1111v:1._.' 111010 than ten A nnq orr1i1nz1‘yw1gns \‘7101111111111411 expons 1V0 outï¬t. ml 111] 111211, ynu 119011 free No one who cngagns 1‘ 11310113111) 111mm \‘013‘1‘1‘1dl Yum 01111 (10- vote _\ 0111‘ \xholu 11111." 1:,» (115‘ “'01“ (11' onlv your sp- m: 11101110111: j<111111xforumtion and 1111 that 15 19111011. 11f. £100 Addrcss, S’"IN.S ON & CO, Fort- 11Lnd. Mame Jas Bethune. Q C. C Moss, W C Falconbridgo N W Hoyies, “T Bm‘wick, A B Ayleswnrth XV J. FRANKSA “» "'3'ng 3&1":th a NORTH OF soowmxn (2H mums, E3 (9; 29 King Street. WestyToronto. Mammy, Scaï¬â€˜Ã©m / ï¬zc. $.59 Fergumn, Plain, Gordan & Shipioy; 'ty-TuLw, Solicitors-in- ‘llzm , Atmn'nq†(11121710 Cmn‘m'xm pm, ( cpsihuporml hm]: 15m kings. \Va‘ lgtonâ€"stl'uet, Toronto s1:,Q.C. Jmm RAIN GEO F murmur. HOMAS I ]t(11 , WM SICTON (jmumx, No. 2.8, and. 3:), Toronto Street TORONTO. Ofï¬cml Assig Talk) Money to Land at Low Rates, 3mm.†nm‘s 1m - 111 snld I“ nuns boug'ht mm sum, or 1‘ " U‘ ‘ o Gilcomd rte. , (Mn, OF'Lv‘iCjfl,» 'wtorm L‘ m 111L019 UV7iGLOI'iiL- 5 met Housx Am liichm (wt 1} Aurora, Nowmufl _ Stmï¬Tvillo ]\,’T~ ‘khmn. Victoria Square 'J‘humlhill .. anlu ‘ \‘Cx m: H 71‘ Elvin] ru- g . N 0bk‘iirm Nth, 111111 221111 do do do (16 Vil:1mi.1 Squm‘o . do 'J‘hm‘nhill ...... do ' 1111:), ..... . do \‘CHUIHH‘ \ (10 E 0111111111; do N 01311â€. (111 do Anustl . ., 113011 whe 01 derud 111181 111mg but L110 bent 111: Ltc 1111 used. "ii-$9 removed tn NT Tm‘onh) ()Vor'iI "‘ 1. ’Ifmhfu; Hugh min ml {450W inserc 0d 1 mohpmt / . P-utieuliu' atte presm‘ hm :Lud mgumtjon 0! enmn‘u'flx' :xvoidinsjr all unnem SP ['1 LIN. G. Li)? .F\ Sistmxt QOULTBE “IE & EVIRTT. BARRIS IN OFFICE RICHMOND HmL, FIRST 10 DAYS 01“ ‘IACH MONTH, MAPLE Nitrous Oxide Gm; administered for harmless extraction of teeth. can make money faster {Lt work for us, than E uthin" o , Capital not lequi1ed;w0 “ill ,tzu’u )011 1‘2 p01 (111) made at home by 111v industn'uus 111:,11 V omen, boys and $1115 “antcd ovmymh who won; for us NOW 15513110 time Onstly out "It and terms free Addmss '1qu dc 01>,A11r'11st11, Maine WILKIAM ~11. BEST, B A RBI :4; '1‘ E 1-1, 4 1 {ERMN TILE, OF THE BEST » QUALITY AT Loan and swings Company WALTER S LEE.- JADIEFDS GOREILIEX", 011M. IL and First Silver Medalist, ity of '1'01‘011to,1\f. C. I). S. Ontario. L S lxgrlmul (Late 05 London, England) JU‘ PJOEFEE’ T0 LOAN, ROOM 150, LOAN BUILDINGS 1:11 for the favors of the past years L11 1w consulted in any branch of the pro , 114112110sz : md Mill ., \hmvr Hm Am , 8:11, 16th, mu 22:1‘1 do , 211d (10 . 9th & 21th of each month steam Canada, .md‘ï¬'EY Y WW Ma ng mg WWW oï¬rtv ._ Wmé . 0. Box No. AGA- WWWï¬ï¬‚AEK Riam'arï¬ BOULTBE ms. ORR, MAPLE, MONEY T0 LOAN. RHCIIMO ND HILL, 0 Ur A EEOEMNSOM. SURGEON Dummy, AURORA 41103, Run] I‘ wear, Bro]; tum Agent, Convoy- mc†6m, utflflllL‘VR, Snlicitm‘Sâ€"iu-(JImummy flu: shoot 1] ast, (opposite the Court; €£§§mmg§ J J CGSGROVE, mos NIGHTIEGALE’S, 7 c. ADAMS, L.D.S LOAN. ' Sumnum DEN'I‘IST, has Wed tn 87 King Street East, 1. ihmfllfmu’l‘: new 541100 stove, inserted in u nmnuer to sui icnlm‘ attention given to the xuflmtjon of the nnuvrrd ‘neef‘! all unnecessary pain. A. \u’ nivorsity, and Member icians and Surgeons. mum; 1 :mgsmfl". 10:11, 1579 ï¬rms; New? XV 1U. \VORTS TVATT‘ way: t 11:11 {Lavsm ,: more}; flmt 19 wealthy \"11110 11 chm w; 191. {1.111 Richmond Hill Malnager. Yorkvil a making gnmm thou- \r 1 0Y0) by ,18TII CERTIFICATE FROM Nickel «4%: Gross, Fully wzmanted 1n eve1y 1espect; equal in point of tone. ï¬msh and durability to the High P1ic1d American Instruments. Kori: l‘imfo A .Ll‘ Mussns. R. S‘ WILLIAMS & SONS, TORONTO :â€"~ â€" Thu muting c ‘ '1‘03' us $031711 is We make a special style of Organ in large quantities. and are therefore able to offer them an exceptionally favorable rates. Mason & Hamlin Organs of all leading styles in stock, Payments arranged to suit the convenience of purchasers and spread over a. term of years. For full particulars write to -E STREETS TORONTO, or mm armrzmzrmttsx .5!“ 111x '1‘ 01110 and 111ev011t111g IL recurrence of the dread 3 111161111 LEAH] F (J 71“?) “112110111, SialmeSS debility loufhsomc di S0 of (Emma 1110 sincerely 21111111111. 701‘ “1th full pun-151112115 for its x Dollars :Ldaressod' (registered letter) to “1â€] “1'1 ,1 var}; 1‘00 .1 and 1' 11111111111 [DES , ' ‘ llt to 111‘ 1111 M1 1111:1131]; V e, ‘1111S, am- 1‘ 1L W’I-I‘HL 11111 _1111):1;;:1) L :L 1‘0 111111; 111I1111~tw1 “'1 '11 1 fXVE 1\ 1" 10111( \ 1311131 var}; 1171)., 1}; Rd NW thus m 111111111}.~ [L11 3 1:) 11111111111): or evil 1 , 111tstnl1111p11‘i1 z urged t1) (wry this 1‘ ‘1' 11: n . . . _ . COATXCOOK, P. Q.,Cmmdn. » . 1‘9 fhlgzhn“ references given {L5 to respectnbxhty and stundmg when required, including 11‘ ‘ tma aver. Premflpï¬iana mammw Gompounded. Agent Dominion Telegraph Co, Richmond Hill One application of 1110 “W Wflix PLASTER will draw Hm Herald Book; and Fancy Store, SURE E‘GR GANCER! @Mmkfl “5517“?sz WWW 3% £27; IMWEK Pkï¬gTER AT WEEK EE7§ERAED STQRE. Are made by experienced New York Workman, from the very . Si». WELEEAEEB‘E’: £5 SGN’S South of the School Bu sen" \q, Extmnï¬s, Epic , Toilet F:E{E%}I. PURE AND SCHOOL Agent for Harper’s Bazaar Patterns. Without. the use of the Knife, Manufacmrers of Piano Forte Actions Piï¬mm’ï¬ï¬‚ .! mama-3mm Positive and Pemmanent by us to you is the same as rm furnish to Messrs A W'eber and 31's, and is in no wzw inferior to our usual ï¬ne work Yours very rcspcuti‘ully, ‘ WESSEL, 'I‘HCKEL, & GROSS. 226 DUNDAS STREET, LONDON s 0. SMITH, ildings. Also on hand. \Vcst 45th street and 10th Avenue, New York, Feb CL‘ 1 1880 SUPPLIES 1%, SANBEï¬ï¬ï¬‚N 8» SW5, Cancer out 1'11 IL few days, with it GOOD- ms‘ 'nrfum E88}. Richmond Hill, the INï¬URANG'EE’? LOSS BY FIRE!» AFFECTED BY Waite! J- Bull, Newmnbrbok, IN . P. Mumal 6?; Ben fl'miqm Grange ‘ Canadian Nut $11 Xï¬TEï¬'KJLHEs Assessments of 1%] mt ï¬rhe death of a member cf the association. W. J. BULL, mw person hf sound mind and body between tho ages 01' 18 and <30, ‘ For $5,000 to $10,000 Newtanbrook, Feb. 23m, 1881 Richmond Street, Rich'mond Hill Richmond Hill, Jinn. 10th, 1881. â€"tfâ€"oâ€"‘ ONE OR TEIIKIEE ‘IEARS Has 1emoved his qhop to next door south of Dr megsmffs nomly nmmsitc the 01% stand, where he is prepmed to do all kinds of W01k in ï¬rst class stym Geo. STEPHENS AND HORSE SHOER‘ Horse shoeing ".uue at $1 a set for Cash and 40 cents for removes. 13- BUIme,Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan. Special utthntinu given to Stair JSuiIding; Punctnul attelztliog will be given to, all orders. 2153111553 Mimic P. 0 ï¬gsnmw My Alderman McArthur, M. 1?, Chair man; John McDonald. Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esq., Hon. SenatorMcMaster A. M. Smith, Esq. _ James Metcalfc, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. D' 30 per cent of premiums returned in proï¬ts Loans made to Church Trustees, at a 10W mte of interest . Sand for prospectus. LOW Rates and Prompt Payment cf Losses Policies issued for Worth their â€Weight in Gold! I Pï¬is $5 Iintmeut This Incomparable Medicine has secur. ed for itself an imperishable fame throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. ~ purify, regulate and improye the quality of the Blood. They assist the digestive organs, cleuï¬se the increase the wwrotory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous em, and H11 ow inbn the circula- tion the pm (1 Elements for sustaining and. repairing the frzmie. Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that by their use alone they haue been restored- to health and strength, after every othes.y means had proved unsuccessful. will be found invaluable in ovary Household ill the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours, Coughs, Sore Throata. Bronchitis, and {L11 disord- ers of, tho Throat and Clnmt, 11.5 also Gout, Rheu- nmtism. Scrofula. and of her kind of skin diseases Manufactured only at Profess- or Holloway’s Establishment, 533, OXFORD STREET LONDON, and sold at ls. 1m, 251. 96.1., 43. Gd., 113., 22, and 335 each Box and Pot, and in Canada. {Lt 36 cents, 90 cents, and $51.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in the United States, nor are my Medicines soldi there. Purchasers should therefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes: If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London they are spurious. The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are red, gistered 1n Ottawa, and also at Washington. Signed THOMAS HOLLVOWAX" 533, Oxford street, London; .u ELI. mm BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS.‘ COLDS, Outï¬t; sent free to those who Wish to. engage in tin: most: pleasant and proï¬table business known Every»; thing now Capital not required, We will furnish you everything; $10 :1. day and upwards is easily made without staying away. from home over night. No risk Whatever; Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the luminess. Ladies make {15 much. as men, and young boys and girls make great} ptLy. N0 0110 who is willing towork fails to make, more money every day than can be made in a; week at; (my ordinary employment. Those whq engage at once V211 ï¬nd a short road to fortune Address H HALI â€FT (9; Co. Pox-Hand. Maine “ REWQVED E STOMACH AND BOWELS, KEFFER CONTRACTOR AND Reserve Fund ........ $8,000,000 Annual Incnme ...... 1,400.000 Invested in Canada .. 850,000 Death clmms paid.. .. 7,500,000 TORONTO Rm-m‘mxcns. “THE $TAR Lm‘E COMPANY ! General Illacksznith. BLACKSMHTH SHOP. A W Lauder, Baynes, 1â€"3qu I A Secretary mm: 1\,’; mm (‘E C0†Soc. &Trcus. for Canada. Victoria Chambers, Toronto. Feb. 12th 1880. Of London Enghand‘ AGAINST D. C. O’BRIEN, Newtonbrook, P. O. C. J: Qmmjbgl, Esq., id Association “Life." Sun. 5th 18812 52w-1v AGENT: