Why should civil servants be exemptl from municipal taxation on their salaries '3 This has never yet been answered. The: men who axe in leceiptof these salmies paid to them revulmly, who eveiy year me :11 lowed holidays. who are only asked to ‘ wo1k shorthou1s. and who have many pIi-j vileges lhat ordinary mortals know nothing} of, me the persons to whom the goveinment‘ see ï¬t to glam another privilege in the shape of exemption. If they cannot be} made to pay municipal taxes the B1ockxillel Recorder suggests that :1 pollâ€" tax be intro- duced. I<or our part, we would much [110% $0 see the exemption law swepz oil the staluie book, and eye1y man placed on an equal footing. Has removed his shop to next door south of Dr Ln‘ngstnfls, nem‘ly opposite the 01d stand, whom he is prepared to do all kinds of work in ï¬rst class style Hits this sufferer (and there are tnaxy such‘)ever heard of HOLLOWAYï¬ Pius AND ()ix’rMEN'r?â€"or. havtng heard of those remedies, does he despise the testimony of tthousands, ny, we may say mil'ions, as to vthose remedies" elliciency? What we say to men in the position we have supposed is rthisâ€"~delay no longerâ€"Time is ; but, Time, with you, may soon be no more. Delay then. say we. no longer; dulav may be death. Alittle attention. a little ordinarv precaution and observance ofthe rules it hich noc )mpany “Holloway’s Remedies †will re- store any sufferer, in any climate, to health, :strength. and happiness. Can we say more? If more is needed, let. the reader refer to the worldwide-spread testimonials 'in favor of the “Pills and Ointment†WlllCll have made Professor Holloway/’3 name known as a benefactor to the human race, from the mouths of the Ganges in the east, to the sources of the Mismssippi in the west : from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Sydnty Harbour. _ And to the doubler we say, as is said with regard to the monument of the grand old architect. “ If testimony is wh it you requireâ€"look around you.†But to the tictual sufercr we repeat what we have be- gun withâ€"Time isâ€"and Time may be no mateâ€"The Irvim’te. Horse shoeing done an $I a. set for Cash and 40 cents for removes. The glorious oracle of the Brazen Head / l “so often quoted, and so little attended to. “Taking things in time! †is so; proverbially mentioned as to be almost al trite remark. But what is “ in time? â€t A man meets a. friend casually, who seems ‘ desperately ill, and naturally asks him. “‘ What on earth is the matter with yon?»-i what are you sulfering from ?†" Oh. ‘ nothing pm'tiouiar,†replies the invalid, " I’ have lost my appetite, :35 do not. sleep well at night, and of course I look poorly.†' And they part: the friendly inqulrer shah-j xng his head. and muttering to himself not very cheerful prophecies as to his friend’s condition. The fact. of the case is simply this. videlicet : that the invalid so addressed is in want of proper treatment, ; his liver is out of order and will not perform its pro- per functions; consequently his stomach speedily beeomes disordered, anj alternate' cold shiverings and feverishness supply the llace ofthe natural secretions with which, 5 (luring a. tranquil sleep. a healthy skin X‘L- j emits a healthy body. AND HORSE SHOER‘ Geo STEPHENS NEARLY FATAL CONSEQUENCES.-Ab0ut a week ago some young men, said to be Volunteers, were indulging in a little rifle shooting, on the South Bank of Mm-sdcn’s Pond. The locality is a dangerous One‘ foruny such practice, as a bullet. passed through the clothes ofa little child of Mr. Sculley’s and was imbedded in the wall of the house. The child was sitting in the door and was no scared and shocked as to cause it to full over. It was it narrow oscapeâ€"â€"tlie ball passing within an inch of the child’s leg. Let this be awarning.â€"-Era A LETTER. from Mr. J. Lewis reached us :attern three week’s troublous voyage-â€" owing to mis-directionâ€"pointing out a typographical error in our statement re- garding the price for which he Sold his farm. The figures should have been $6,900 instead of $5,900. Our only reason for publishing these sales of real estate is to show the decline, vice versa, of property under the present Government. In this case we unfortunately,through the insertion of it wrong ï¬gure, mode the decline appear $l,500 instead of $500. We cheerfully rectify the error. In the meantime we hope the Richmond Hill Liberal will he a little more “liberal †in its comments on the heinous offence nfpulflishing such items until it has pulled the bez‘m out of its own eye.â€"â€"â€"N. Y. Reformer. ' SPRING SP ENG “Time Is. Time Was. Tlme Shall Be No More.†11-0 Emmiâ€"$275 bfl‘ered in prizes zit the Driving Park Track in Newmarket, on the 24th. The Newmarket cheese factory is about to be reopened by Mr.John.1"h111ipa. REMGVED 2 General lilacksmith. BLACKSMITH SHOP. N EWMARKET. ARRIVING EMTIWL Particulars next week: GOODS AT THE I! I'm 5 $11 IME»ULR. 4. g, CAUTIONâ€"l have no Agent in the [United 181atos,1101 are my Medicines soid Lhe1e l’mchasms simuid theiefme look to the label on the Pots and boxes. If the i address is not 533, Oxford Street, London I they are sputioiis. ‘ B 00d. They L“. as u o digs,» ivo orgun's, cl‘cunso STOMACH AND BOWELS, This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishable fame throughout the \Vorld for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. increuso the secretory powers of the Livonbmcc the norvous s stem. and throw into the Circum- tion the unrest Eluumnts for sustaining and repairing the frame. Rurify, rggumte um] {mpypyc the quality 9;? the Will be found invnlunb‘v $11 (wary 1101150130ch in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours, Coughs, Sore Thrall/cs, Bronchitis, and all disordâ€" ers of the Throat and Ghost, 11% also Gout, _,1L11911- mutism. Scrof 111a and other kind of skin diseases Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishmem, and sold (Lt 1.4. 15:1,, 23. M, 4s. 64., 115.. 21mm 335 OuchBox nnd Pot, and in Cmth at 36 cent». 90 cvnts, and $51.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are gisterctl 111 Ottawa, and also at \thingtrm. Signed '1‘] 533, Oxford street, London 533, OXFORD STREET LONDON, Assessmeï¬ts of $51 at the death of a. member of the ussocmtlou. W. J. BULL, Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that hv their use alone they haue been lestmed to health and shenrrth, after every othex means had proved unsuccessful. Agent for Canadian Muml Aid Association “Life The sum of nnV person of sound mind zmd body between the ages of 18 and 00, For $5,000 “to $10,000 Worth their W'eight in Gold I ! BAD LEGS, OLD \VOUNDS. COLDS, Newtonbronk, P. (_ Nowtonbrook Fob. 23rd 1881. 52wâ€"1y P. Mutual «S: Reminima mange FIRE INSURANCE CO’S. This House is one of the Best Hotels (0 he found north of Toronto. Everything ix‘ 111mm god in First Class Shyle. Smmfle llnmn for (Tommmn ciul vaellm Good Shading and virantivo hustlers. Terms, $1 per «1 I’l'ucbtu' 5. Bus loaves this Hotel to connect with all tho, N 1’» 1L Trains going North and South. at 8.15 [L m. 1 p 111 5.30 a, 111 and 7. 1:â€: D 111, The Automatic Pencil for Sale at the HERALD Store. THE YORK HOUSE! FAIRBANK. R: W ' 115011, Prop. Every Accommodation. Fairbank, April 28th, 1381. INSURANQE! THE,_ PALMER HOLES J Palnmer. 1333013, LOSS BY FIRE, Waiter .1- Euâ€, Newtonbrook, RICHMOND HILL, @iwm (mam AFFECTED BY AGAINST THOMAS HOLLO\VAY Jun. 5th 1881 No House in Canada can show 33 ï¬ne an assortment of patterns. No House in Canada can compare with our prices. lVo invite the. inspection of the Public, and know that from our p sition as Cash Buyers, and our thorough knowledge of the Carpet 'i‘i’a‘cle, no House on this Continent can give the Public the same value. Waaéï¬ï¬‚ége m ï¬ichmnnd Em. lVe have opened this season the Largest, Most Complete, and Finest Stock of Best Quality Brussels and Tapestry Car- pets ever imported. Our patterns are all new and elegant, and a large number of them are designed expressly for our- selves. All cut and Frizes, By The Damn! $%5® EU $20900 $@@ @q T@ $3 650 At the Exhibibimxs last year. ‘x'tu‘ns, u at .‘ 'ZE‘Q $15M® Phaetons, Buggies, Waggons. etc , built in a substantial, neat and workmanlike manner The most skilled mechanics are only employed. In mmmmn magma: mam ELAEKSMITIIINï¬ & wannwnnx UNDERTAKING- Outï¬t sent free to those who msu to 01);;qu in the most pleasant and proï¬table business known Every- thing new Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. $10 IL day and upwards is easily made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes 11.1, the business. Ladies make us much (is men, and young boy ‘Lhd girls make ‘ ‘ r ~1,L__ Prescriptions MEREFULLY Compounded no NW, mu. _, V b v aâ€, , v pay. No one who is willing to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in a. week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will ï¬nd a short road to fortune Address H HALLETT 6; Co. Portland, Maine : ». ï¬TEWTONBIï¬OOK. BRANCHES Z 3“ Agent Dominion Telegraph 00. Richmond Hill E88}. We have now in stoc I the ï¬nest assonment of First- (lass Ready- Made Clothing ever shown in Canada efl 33’ Co m pany. IN ALL GUI-DEN GRIFFIN, KING STREET EAST, TflRflNTfl. FRESH PURE MEN’S SPRING OVERCOATS; made in the best manner by ï¬rst-class competent workmen, and quite equal to ordered clothmg: MEN’S WORSTED SUITS: ‘ssencos. Extract-s, Spices, Toilet Articles, Chemicles, Perfumes1 MCINTGSH & SGNE M!) N’ S TWEE D SUITS: Ra H. WILSQN’S HEADS THE LIST FOR This Establishmom lukes the Lead They have an A 1 stock in Blankets, Shh-tings; can an u‘ke money faster at work for us, than at anything else Capital not required ; we will start you $12 per day made at home by he industrious Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us Now is the time Costly outï¬t and terms free Address TRUE ck Co, Augusta, Maine BRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST (“â€1er AW‘ QUALITY AT H. SANBEHSDN 8; SflNE, AND GOOD- constantly kept on hand THOS NIGHTINGALE’S, Furnished on the shml est notice, and most. reasonable terms. FUN ERALS 1881. ;\’Vinccysl Yorkvile Tweeds We cannot and will not be undersold. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods‘ Our motto is “Small Proï¬ts. and Quick Returns," Goods Delivered. J. BROWN has on hand the Largest Stock of Clover, Timothy, Flax Seed and all kinds of Fieid and Garden Seeds. selected from the most reliable ï¬rms in Canada. â€T w 3?: IMMIX PL&$?ER. very 1001'. and ï¬b1e,thus 1111 (20’51111Y 11, PERMANENT cure. and preventing {L lecurrence of the dread 1n11111dv.Th1‘s is no humbug, but 11 POSITIVE and RELIABLE CURE without sickness, debility or evil 1 csults to the patient , 11nd 1111 afflicted with the loathsomw dism so of Cancer are si11cere_ly urged .11) try this Lover- failing, PERMANENT “mostly. T110 1’111ster,with £1111 particulars for its application \1111 be sent to any address on receipt of_ Six 130111111; addressed (1eg1-steredletter) to Something new in ROOM PAPER, in color and design. The largest stock in town and at; less than Toronto prices. A large Stock 0%" White Lead; Strictly Pure, Boiled and Raw Oils and Varnish. A General Stock of Paint Brushes in all sizes, and Painter’s Materials. These Goods are a Specialty. A large stock of CoATIoooK, 1’. Q.,Canuda. LES’Tho highest references given as to respectability and standing. when required, including the Editor of this vapor. AT THE We make a special style of Organ In large quantities. and are therefore able to oï¬'ex them at exceptionally favorable lanes. Mason & Hamlin Organs of all leading styles in stock. in B aud Shoes! FURNlTURE IN NU PATTERNS A General Stock of Groceries and Crockery, all at the lowest price for cash. Call P, G. SAVAGE. Payments summed to suit the convenience of purchasers and spread over a term of yea1s.For full particulars W1ite to my. 8.. WILLIAMS, SEEDS Z EERPENTEH W] MINER Wessel, Nickel 86 Grass, I43 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, or GENTLRMHN,~Tho action supplied by us to'you is the mmo as we furnish to Messrs A Weber and other ï¬rst class New York Piano Makers, and m in no wn y inferior to our usual ï¬ne Work Yours verv respectfuily, WESSEL, NICKEL, & GROSS. Residence. Lot 16, 7th 0011. M wflï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬$ £2 \Imsus. R. S. WILLIAMS & SONS‘ Tonomo :â€" MARKHAM. Post Ofï¬ce Box 95, Markham. Markham, March 31%, 1881..111w-1= Fully warranted in every respect; equal in point of tone, ï¬nish and durability to the High Priced American Instruments. HANOS z. PIANOS! One application of tho I m M ix PLASTE R will draw the Cancer out in a. few days, with it JOHN D. HESS, CO NTRACTS TAKEN. CURE FOR. CANGER ! R. S. WILLIAMS &: SON’ Are made by experienced New York Workmen, from the very Groceries, Flour and Feed, A Pogitive and 1’er1nanent CERTIFICATE FROM Without the use Manufacturers of Piano Forte Actions. PIANOS ! 226 ,DUNDAS STREET. LONDON 0011. ‘am- 1 111W-1*y l is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain that anyone can make great proï¬ts from the very start. No one can fail who is willing to work_ Women are as successful as men Boys and glrls can earn large sums Many have made at the business over one hundred dollâ€" ars in a single week Nothlng like it ever known before All who engage are surprised at the ease and rapidity with wine]: they are able to make money You can engage in this business during your were time at great proï¬t You do not have to invest capital in it We take all risk Those who need readv money, _ should write to us at once A11 furnished free Address TRUE 8: Co Augusta. Maine s. 0. SMITH, $10 of the Knife, West 45th street and 10th Avenue, New York, Feb. 6th 1880. Outï¬t furnished free, with full instructions for conducting the most proï¬table business that any one can engage in. The business U- BUILDER Sherwood, 4th don. Vaughan! §r ecial utthutiqn giverg'tq Stair Building, m V V I SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 87 King street. Emu. Toronto, over H. & C.Blnchford’s new shoe store, Best mineral teeth inserted in a manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the’ preservation and regulation of the natural teeth carefully avoiding all unnecessary pain: A. W SPAULDING. LDS Assistant. (th Palmer House) Aurom, lat, 8th, 16611†and 22nd. (Io. Newmm‘ket, ............ 211d do Stoutfvill'o... ..... ....18th do M urkhmm .. . . .. ...... 20th do Victoria Square .. ...21st; (10 Thornhill ...... .. ' do Maple ...... do Woodbridge ...... do Kleinburg . do , Nobleton do Anusthfldcs, as Nitrous Oxide, etc. used when ordered and none but the best material used Punctun.) attention will be given to ail orders. Address Maple P. 0‘. U TEES, Attorneys, Solicitofs in-Chanoery etc. 6; Adelz’Lide street East, (opposite the Court House), Togonto. . Yam-selves by making' money when. a. golden chance is offered, thereby always keeping poverty from your door Those who always take adven †age of the good chances of making money that are oï¬ered, generally become Wealthy, while" those who do not improve such chance! remain‘ in poverty We went many men, women, boys’ and girls to work for us right in their own locali- ties The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages We furnish an expensive outflt" and all that you need free No one who engages. fails to make money very rapidl You can de-_ vote your whole time to the Wor , or only I“??? spare moments Full information and ‘all that is needed, sent free Address, STINSON & Co. Port= lend. Maine Thankful for the favors of the past years may still baconsulted in any branch of theme, fession, as follows : Richmond Hill. ....... 9th & 21th of each month Ball Kbi'tting Coftqn, in fast colors, for sale at the HERALD Store. OFF ICE ,â€"Victoria. Chambels, 9 Victoria-street Toronto OULTBEE & EVATT, BARRIS", TEES. Attornevs. Solicitors-i114 1h mmm-wL Ofliciul Assignee, Real Estate Agent, Convey- uncer, Broker, &c., &c., IN OFFICE Rl‘CHMOND HILn, FIRST 10 DAYS 01? EACH MONTH, MAPLE Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for painless extraction of teeth. J as Bethune, Q C. 0 Moss, W C Falconbfldge. N W Hoyles, W Barwick, A B Aylesworth W J. FRANKS. "Laney to» Lgnd ,at, qu Rates, Mortgimges bought and sold Farms boughi‘. and $012 or granted. lysumgwe effected, 5%.! 65c? Nov 4th '80 Graduate of Toronto University; and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. J ames Langsmï¬. Richmond Hill, October 16m, 1879 WILLIAM H. BEST. BARRISTER. _ Attorney, Solicimr, Notary,“ &c. &c., MONEY To LOAN, BOOM 20. UNION LOAN sumDmGs antias desirous of borrowing MONEY can be suppnedntmudomta rates on freehold or per- sonal security. Apply to J. ELLIDT LANGSTAIT, M. 1].. Baxâ€"'risters, Attorneys-at-Law, Solicit'ors-En: Chancery. Convevnncers. etc, omcesâ€"Imperia} Bunk Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto HOMAS meuscm, Q1}; .7on BAR! WM SETON GORDON, GEO F San-mat. N o 28, and 30, Toronto Street TORONTO. NORTH ow SCOTLAND emu-mans, ‘ l8 J1. 20 King Street. West. Toronto. T O . LOAN; R. 8.0113“. B. and First sum- Madame; University of Toronto, M. 0.19.8. Ontario. L. 3' AL, England (Late 01' London, Enslanfl Surgeon, Etc. ESPOï¬â€˜me Hours 8 to 10, 1 to 2 and 6 to S. Fgrgggon. 33m, Gard?†&_$h:ipley,ï¬ BARRISTERS, 650 Shimmy. Western Canada Bethune, Moss, Falconbridge AND BOYLES. DILECI‘ORSâ€"Stunuel Flatt, M P, \Vm Geodet- hmu, Geo W' Lewis, Thou 'H Lewis. 'l‘hos H Lee, Hon 1) L Mucpherson‘, Sdï¬utOr Cmpi’fal, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, 553,000,000 Money received on deposit, and interest payable half yearly or compounded. SAVING-’3 BANK BRANCIâ€"I ‘ ‘ Loan and Savings Company Oflicesâ€" No7, Chmch- street, Tor-Onto HON G110 W ALLAN, Senator President GEORGE GOODE].HAM ..... â€Nice-President .1 ,vw See our reduced loan table For further infor- matioo apply at the ofï¬ces of the Company ALFï¬ED Boummm. WM. Woms Dun. JAMES GORNILEY, KEFFER, CONTRACTOR AND WALTER S LEE.» Etflï¬ï¬‚a‘GEg‘é’ Dr A ROBINSON. ‘ SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA DR. ORR, MAPLE, MONEY T0 LOAN. MONEY I RECEMOND HILL, 0 P. O». Box 2527. .. .. . . .-. Â¥ . . w.“ 4...â€. aw-vnâ€"N-Hm (flmc‘i‘fl J J CGSGROVE, gent-:11, q. ADAMS, L.D._S.,‘ Richmond Hill. M anager. .1813