Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 Jul 1881, p. 3

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Weed and. Worsted Suitings, DRUGS! ‘ DBWS !' WWW Petley 39 Company. {1881. Preseriptionsmummy GompOunded Carriage Worm 2 NEWTONBHOOK. rhetoric, Buggies, Waggons; etc,, huih in a substantial, mm and wm-kmanlike manner - The most skilled mechanics are only (-nxpiuyed. In “NAMBNTAL PAINTING EENERAL BLABKEMITHINE 8o WDUDWBRK 'ihis Eslubhshlm nt takes the Le: Ld. Wnnmma IBM EWES AME ERQGEMES hgent Dominion Telegraph Co. Richmond Hill BRANCHES 5 We have opened this season the Largest, Most Complete,‘ and Finest Stock of Best Quality Brussels and Tapestry Cal'- pets ever imported. Our patterns are all new and elegant,| anda large number of them are designed expressly fer our-1 ~selves. No House in Canada can show as fine an assortment of (patterns. No House in Canada can compare with our prices. We invite the inspection of the Public, and know that from our position as Cash Buyers, and our thorough knowledge of the Carpet Trade, no House on this Continent can give the Public the same value. *+ THE Carpet HOUSE- a: $6.00 T0 $16.5fi $7.50 TO $20.00 All cut and made' In the best manner by firshclass competent workmen, and quite equal to ordered clothmg: $7.50 TO $15¢00 We have now in stock the finest assortment of First-Class Ready-Made Clothing shown in Canada. A hrgé “sortment of Robes. Colfius. CusÂ¥kérlsr>clé1:RYAét-dntly kept on hand. IN ALL FRESH PURE {BABYMADE GWTHEN Cheaper and better {ban any place north WHEN GRIFFIN, KING STREET EAST, ,TDRBNTU.‘ Esaehces. Extracts, Spices, Toilet Articles, Chemicles, Perfumes, MEN’S SPRING OVEROOATS; FIRE MEN’S WORSTED SUITS: MEN’S TWEED SUITS: THE WHOLE STOCK OF A CHOICE LOT OF H. WILSON ’S AT THE I; CROSBY. H. SANBERSBN 8o SENS, AND GOOD- of Toronto. 188E. Furnished on [he shall- est. “mice. and most reasonable terms. FUN 'ERALS OVCI‘ HANDS: Z HANDS I! Wessel, Nickel £5 Gross, Fully warraMed in every respect ; 1by us to you it; The fiction suppli in no GENTLEM _ New Yuri: Pumo 1. other first 012:. Mmsns. R. S. W ILLYAMS X: Snxs. Tnm‘wmn ' We make a special style of Organ in large ( them at exceplionully favorable rules. Mason in stock. Ill FlUl/n. Payments nx'mnged to suit the convenience of purchasers and spread over a term of years. Fur full particulars wrile m R, E,“ WKLLEAMfi, 14:3 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, or RWEM‘ PAPERS E Over' 5,000 Rolls to Choose From. White Lead; $V5® per mm. Richmond Hill, June 16th, 1881 Prizes Afi the Exhibitions 1am year. Yarns, etc. at very roof, and fibre, thus aifecting 2L PERMANENT cure, malady. This is no humbug, but a l’OSl’l‘lVE and REL or evil results to the patient ; and ml mflicted with the k urged to try this never-failing, PERMAKENT remedy. '. application, will be sent to any address on receipt ofjaix L‘ l lfig’f'l‘he highest references given as to respectability Editor of this panel“ “Mgr ‘- __ Geo. STEPHENS Has removed his shop to next door south of Dr Langstufis, nearly opposite the 01d stand, Where he is prepared to do all kinds of Work in first class style AND HORSE SHOER‘ Horse shoeing done at $I a set ior Cash and 40 cents for remuves. D . BUILDER'Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan Special atthntim; giver; to Stair, Bui'iding- Punctual attentlonmwfll be given to all orders Address Mame PIO. One application of the IM Mix "”k‘k TQQDBHEEDGE“ Groceries, etc., well stocked REMQVEQ E The largest Stock in Town. Selling an; about 2-) per con KEFFER,OONTRACVTO_1_{ AND CUR,E_ PEER CANCER Z General Blacksmith. Are made by experienced New York Workmen, from the very ‘. S. WILLIAMS &. SOULS, Wizawmmwmwu From 5 Cent-s Upwards. Satin Finish at 15 Cents per Roll. MCIN'EfiSH ear. may CERTIFICATE FROM Mnnufuulurers of Piano Form Actions" upplied by us to u if, the same as we furnish to Messrs A \V eber and 3410wa ' x1111 in 110 ‘m V intuiior to 0111 usual {ma Walk Yours very respectfully, A _ V ‘ WESSEL, NICKEL, & GROSS. Without the use quect ; equal in point: of tone, fimsh and durability to the High Priced American Insn‘umems. . : PIANOE 9 HEADS THE LIST FOR m" Organ in large quantities. and are theref'm‘e abie to offer u'ule rules. Mason IS: Hamiiu Organs of all leudmg styles ting 2L PERMANENT cure, and preventing [L recurrence of the drew but a l’OSl’l‘l ’E and RELIABLE GUI-"'9 without sickness, debili and MI mflicted with tho loathsome (11 use of Cancer are sincm'ei {, PERMAKENT remedy. The Plaster. with full particulars for it 1v address on receipt. of ‘x Dollars addressed (registered letter) to G2. SAVAGE. ‘ositive and I’ernnnn‘ent They have an A 1 stock in Blankets, Shirtings;VVinceys, 226 DUNDAS STREET,' LONDON PLASTER willldmw the Cancer out in a few days, with Furniture, latest styles and designs. Supericr Stock. C SMITH, The ‘ Dozen I Outfit furnished free, with full instructions for conducting the most profitable business that any one mm engage in. The business is so easy to learn, and 011m instructions are so simple and plain that ligyope can, make great profits from the very tilt-Mt. I 'No one can fail whox is willing to WOI‘k Women are as successful 3.8 mon Boys and girls can earn large sums Many have made at tlie‘bnsiness over one hundred doll- ars in a single week Nothing like it ever known. before All who engage are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money You can engage in this business during your spare time at great profit You do not ham; to invest so pital in it We take all risk Those who need reudv money, should write to us tit once A11 furnished i’re'o Address TRUE & Co Augusta, Maine , DRAIN TLLE, OF THE BEST QUALITY A’I.‘ ' nrln Ac!ions‘.- J? ‘31-» g; \Vast 45m street and 10th Avenue, New York, Feb. 6th 1880‘ the Knife, ‘7 COATIOOOK P. Q” Cmmdu. and standing when required, including the QUALITY A’I.‘ t. less T305 NIGETINGALE’S, Ydik’v‘ii‘e' than Toronto prices. 1?, 943:} Tweeds Greafly Reduced Rates Richmond Hill, July 7th, 1881 MONEY! MGKTGAGE 0R LAND ONLY. Parties desirous of borrowing MONEY can be supplied qtmndemhumtes on freehold or per- sonal suhurity. Apply to Nov 4th ’80 Western Canada Loan and Savings Company Offices-No 7, Church-street, Toronto HON GEO W ALpAN, Senator,Presideut GEORGE GOODERHAM ............ [Viceâ€"President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plath, MP, Wm Gooder- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thos H Lewis, Thos H Lee, Hon D L Mdcpherson, Senator Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $860,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 , SAVINGS BANK ( Money received on deposit, and interest payable half yearly or cumpoumied. See our reducerl‘ 102m table For further infor- matioo apply (Lt the otfices of the Company it IL B. 011‘, M. I}. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. 1’. S. Onmno. L S ALEnglrmd (Late or London, England) Surgeon, Etc. 30mm; Hours 8 to 10,1 to 2 and 6 to 8. Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. James Lungstafi. Richmond Hill, October Nth, 187*.) . -. a-.- _ , , , ‘ Barristers, Attorneys-mt-Law, Solicitorsâ€"in- Chancery. Convevuncers, etc, Oflicesâ€"Imperial fijunlg Bugldings. )‘Vollvipgtop-strect, Toronto HOMAS FERGUS‘ONTQ.C. " ‘~ Jam: ‘BA‘IN WM SETON GORDON, GEO F SHIPLEY. Ferguson. qun, Gordon 8!. Shipley chunumm an WILLIAM H. BEST, BARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, Notary, V Sic. &c., MONEY TO LOAN, ROOM 20. UNION LOAN BUILDINGS No. 28, and 30, Toronto Street TORONTO. Bethune, Moss, Falconbridgc AND BOYLES, Jns Bethune, Q C N W Hoyles, . ELLIDT LANGSTAFF, M. II. BARRKSTERS, £60 NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, l8 &. 20 King Stree’s. West.Toronto. Official Assignee, Real Estate Agent, Convey- uncer, Broker, 6.30., 850., Toronto D V'EERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-iuâ€"Chmncery etc., 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE, WM. Wonrs EVATT. _, _ , , Mortgages bought and sold Farms bought and mild, or muted Insurance effected, 659., &c., OFFICE ,-â€"Victoria. Chambers, 9 Victoriaâ€"street B6ULTBEB & EVATT BARRIEâ€" TLRS Attmneys Solicibor-s 1uâ€" Chancery mamamw FGR THE aNCREASEw Ball Kuining Cotton, in fast colors, or sale at the HERALD Store. J. K. Falconbridge. HARVESTIN G hEND! WALTER S LE‘fng JAMES GORML MONEY Y mmgmm MONEY T0 LOAN. DR. ORR, MAPLE, BjE’ST IN THE MARKFT. PATTERSHN man’s-”Hm; me?! on 0:1“: Apply ’05 P . LANESTAFF, RIICIIMOKD HILL, ONT‘ Any amount at. of Interest, on fituucy. P. 0. Box 2527. J J 00 SGBOVE’; C. C Moss, W C FnJconbx-idge VJ Bm‘wick, A B Ayleswnrth W J. FRAMES. Have éfiused thém tomamufacmre double the quantity LOAN. Ricfimond! Hill. v1 (UNIQ'PI‘ PATTERSON &.. BROTHER'S Ix OchE Rxcmmxp HILL, Fmsm 10 DAYS OF EACH MJNTH, ‘ .ISTn NTADY 11‘. MAPLE ........................................................... 19'1'11 Nitrous Oxide Gas administeled 101‘ painless extraction of teeth. Thankful for the- tram: 6f the past years n‘ my still be consulted in any branch of the pro fesgion, as follows : ‘ Richmond Hill. 9th -& 24th of each month (21127 Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th,16th, and 22 nd do Newm arket, ............ 211d (10 Siouifvillo” . ‘ do Mzfi‘kham ...... dc Vigtm‘iu Square do Trornhill do Mn} :13 ...... du V\’(>}odl)1mge ...... d1) Hoinhu‘EgD . 1. do Noblemn ...... do Anusthonics, 11s Inhous Oxide. etc” used when or‘dmed and 1102.19 but the best mute1iu1 used W V V 0 SURGEON DENTIST, has ‘ removed to 87 King fittest; East, Toronto. over H .5: C. Blachford’s new shoe store Best mi’neml teeth inserted in a. manner to suit each pi‘tient Pmrticulur attention given to the 11109311 011011 and regulatidn‘ of the natural teeth carefuflv avoidianXH unnecessary pain. A. \V SPAULDING. LDS Assistant. THE YORK HOUSE! FAIRBANK. _ R. Wilson, Pxop. Every Acccmmodatiovn. Fuirbank, April 28th, 1881‘ THE PALMER Housar‘:jt1;lf:: RICHMOND HILL, hm; J Palmer, Wrap. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. 'Evel‘ythmg is managed in First. Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial 'l‘ruvelmrs. Good Stuhliug and attentive hustlers. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor's, Bus 102“. thig Hotel to connect with all the N R R Tm; ; going North and Sout‘ . at; 8.15 a m. 1 p m 5.30 a 1n and. 7. 15 I) m, , from your door Those who always take advam age of the good chances of making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, While those who do not impmve such chances remain in poverty We want. many men, Wm r1611, boys and girls to work for us right in their own locaJi ties The business will p11 y more than can timvs ordinary wages \Vo furnish an expensive outfit and all that you neod free No one who engages fails to make money very mpidl y You can do- voto your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments Full iniormutim; and all thut is needed, sent free Address, Srmsox & Co, 1’0rb~ land. Maino from Manchester, England, has leazed Mr. I A “" Brown’s Gallery, which he has fittad up with all ‘ purify, regulate and improye the quality of the the moat. modern appliances necessary to finish 1 B God. They assist. the digestive organs, cleanse Portrait-s in all sizes and styles. 3‘. pncgcs to suit j_ th 9.11 parties. . . I STO MACH: AEâ€"D BOVJELS, Carteâ€"de-VISItes $3 per DOI- up' 1 incwme the 53 story powers of the Livenbraco CA BIN ETS FRQL‘E 83 P ER “oz. ‘ fitfiluigaoifus ‘ 3. WM throw into the cireulal- , ‘ ‘ . Elements for sustaining and I rupmrmg tin 1.2mm. I “n unnnvflhu’y {znfiniflm Families Photographed at their own residences Buildings, Tombstunes, and works in progresx, mken by special arrangement. Children aspen-i- ulty. Faded pictures restored, and copied to life size in Oil, Water Color, Sepia, Crayon, 620., &c., Luyulnug an 1 LA.c.LHLkL. l Ambrotypes 25 CtS- E8011! ’l‘hnpsands uf' persons have testified that bv than use alone they lmue been restored ) Families Photographed at their own residences ‘ H , V . . _ Buildings, Tombstunes, and works in Progresx ‘ 'U health and “”5113th “Her evely Other mken bv sneciul arrangement. Children nape} '- ‘, means hm] provt d unsuccessful. up, according to finish. Come then, and Secure the Shadow ere the Substance Fades. IN MEMORIAM. Think net gheso portraits by the light of heaven :1"le 0 She dun Lho’ they am, will like a. shadow fade. No. when the cheeks of flewh and blood shall lie When death’s grave film o'ersprc ads their bemniug ow, These life 'ke pictures: mogljing at decay, Will still be iresh and iii as“ the dey‘ Richmond Hill, June lat, 1881. 1 THE BEST IN THE W911“)! FOR. Toronto, July 6311. 1881‘ Leader Lane, Toronto $18.00, $21.00.$24.00 Per 1302. Brookes Lawson, Bapiépl‘i 1’13“ 3°09“ SOMETHING- NEW IN 6M 65316661 or A. ROBJNSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA @mtnl, Or by the Single Shirt. c. ADAMS, L.D.S., REGISTERED X m‘fu‘h‘es of any previous year. . Place Your ,18th‘ ‘20th .213 b .2111 d b y makin ,5; golden thereb y poverty lzm-orly‘ 1v-52W- THE STAR Alderman McAnhur, M. 1’, Chair m'm .- . g g, Jolafi McDonald; Esq. G. J. Campbell, Esq., _ Hon.'Senume Mel‘vmstcr A. M. 8min), Esq.» a James Metcmlfn, Esq. ‘ :ev. Enoch Wood, D. D 5130 pet cent of prdmhuns returned in “pr'ofits '3 Loans mink.- tn Chumh Trustees, at a low rate of iawrcsb . ,Seud for prospectus. {NgwRANCEé 1<IPE lI\SURA\G ’E CO S. , Agent i0). Canadian Mutal Air] Association “Life.” \The sum of $11 INJTF '3'7ELES anv person of <2 mud 1}: 11d dud b'udy between the ages of 18 and uo, For $5 000 to $10 000 EFFECTED BY Walter J. Bull, Newtonbrook, IN P. Mutual & Bowman Mange Asseasxments of $1 an the (loath of a. n the association. W. J. BULL, AGAINST Logs B 1.. FIRE; Newtonbrook, P. O Newtonbrouk Feb. 231d 1881. 52w-1v The Evening News for ”sale at the HERALD Store' Price 1 cent.‘ f, .. Worth their ‘W eight ixi Gold ! 1 Pills fix flintment This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for iiseif an imperishable. fame throughout the \Norld for the alleviatioq and cure of most. diseases to which huglghilgy jg hgir. Will be found invaluable in every Household. the cure of Open; Sores, Hard. Tumours, 355mm [soc’y Coughs, Sore Threats, Bronchitis. nrnd all disords ers of the T" * mt and Chest, as also Gout, Rheué matism. Scrululu and othur kind of skin diseases BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS, COLDS,_ Manufactured only at Profess- or Holloway’s Establishment, 533. OXFORD STR and sold at 18. 1}. (1.. ,25 9d 4s. 6d. 113., 22 and 33.5 each130\ 2m 1’0h,m1din Canada. at 36 cents,- 90 cents and 1.5’) cents, and the larger sizes in prom, Mun Reserve Fund ..... ' . . $E‘000,000 Alumni l: cnme ...... 1,400,000 I'mesltd in Canada. . K 850.000 Deulh cl mus paid. . . . 7,500,000 . mex 1' my Lumturzs. (If? CAm‘m‘câ€"l have no Agent in the United Slates, nor are my Medicines sold there. l’uxchusers sbuuld thelefme lookr to the Libel on [he P013 and Boxes. If the addxess Is not. :3.,.-}, Oxford Street, Lo-ndon [hi-y me .3,xuri<nns. - The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are re- gistered 113 Ottawa, and also 21‘; wahington.‘ \ ;' Signed. - THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533, Oxford street, London: wu. 1on1 :M L A \V Lauder, Bay“ eggflsqy I AgSeei‘etm‘ff orders early, and secure the lf .1”. Sec. &Trens. for Canada. Victoria. Chambers, Toronto. - Feb. 12th 1880.1! Of Louuon Egggmnd. _, ' -..r LIFE L‘RE E’! ' ~ 7 ”3..., «rm-Wm, an. If a. member of 31‘ LONDON, 1881

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