~BRANCHES 'Z , ,&}" GENTLEMEN,â€"The action supplied by us to you is the same {LS we furnish to Messrs A Weber am other ï¬rst. ciuss New York Piano Makers, and is in no \my inferior to our usuu] ï¬ne work Yours very respectfully, J, WESSEL, NICKEL, & GROSS Wessel, Nickel & Gross, Fully warranted in every respect; equal in point of tone, ï¬msh and durability to High Priced American Instruments. MESSRS. R. S. WILLIAMS & SONS. TORONTO 2-â€" We make a special style of Organ in large quantities. and are therefore able to offer ghem at exceptionally favorable rates. Mason & Hamlin Organs of all leadinrr styles in stock. ° Payments arranged to suit the convenience of pmcliasers and Sp1ead over a term of years. For full particulars mile to R, s. WILLIAMS, I43 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, or ORGANS! PIANUS i UNDERTAKING Phaetons, Buggies, W Richmond Hill, July 13th, ISM HARV Tweed and Worsted Suitings, 8R1} W- A large assortment 0H. nhes. Bufï¬ng Cusliels. clan constantly kept IN ALL R. H. WIESQN’g arrmga ‘%/V4)1‘E§S Y R. S. WILLIAMS 6:. SON†Farm Produce Taken. at Market Prices Our Motto 1:. “Small Profits and Quick Returns Are made by experienced New York Workmcn, from the very Cheaper and better than any plan: NE W WONBROOEE. ONTARIO HGUSE CERTIFICATE ‘ FROM HRE PRQGFE Manufacturers of Piano Forte Actions This Estabhshmonl lakes the Lead A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0B PIANOS THE WHOLE STOCK Ob 226 DUNDAS‘ STREET, LONDON A CHOICE LOT OF AT THE are Unly West 45th street and 10th Avenue, New York, Feb. 6th 1880. . CROSBY (}oods Delivered. 134mm PRICES. of FUNERALS ‘m'nished on the shmt- esL notice, and most reasonable terms on hand and the Outï¬t sent free to those who Wish to engage in the most pleasant and proï¬table business known Every- thing new Capital not required. We will furnish you everything, $10 a. day and upwards is easily made Without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is Willing to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in a. week at any ordinary employment. vâ€" Those who engage at once will ï¬nd a. short road to fortune Address H HALLET‘I‘ & 00. Portland. Maine Toronto, July 6th, 188] THE Pï¬ï¬ï¬‚flï¬iï¬ SEERâ€?! Lead or Ldno, To I'onto J. ELLIOT LANGSTAPI', M. l]. $18.00, $21.00, $24.00 Per Doz R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. S A L, England (Late of 10ndon, England) Surgeon, Etc. QCï¬ice Hours 8 to 10,_1_ to 2 and 6 to S. Ball Kaitlin" Cotton, in fast colors, or sale at the HERALD Store. THE BEST IN THE WQBLD! Ncwtonbrook, P Newtonbrook FOIL; 31d 1881 5‘2w- DRAIN TILE, OF THE BEST n" AY,Y'I"\Y All Agent for Canadian Mutul AidAssociution “Life The mm of $11 IN @URES Assessments of 941 at the death of a member of the association. W. J. BULL, mxv person of sound mind and body between the ages of IS and H0, For $5,000 to $10.,OOO U TL RS Attorno) S Solicit(n'â€"'s 111-(‘lmnc *1 V 8170.64 Aduluide street East (opposite the Count House) Tomnto. ' IN P. Mutual & Hominitm Grange FIRE INSIIIMN’JE (10's. LOSS BY FIRE, EFFECTED BY Walter J- Bull, Newtoan-ook,_ OULTBI‘E & F. ‘ I â€m RR Afknrv'qu Rn I‘T.&\h’1{1é»M m N Ema; Y El Ofliciul Assignov, Real Estate Agent, Convey- uncer, Broke) a, (K11, Money to Lend at Low Iortguges bought and sum Farms bought and sold, or rented Insurance effected. Avâ€, dun, OFFICE,â€"Victori9. Chambers, 1) Victoriu»stroet Toronto INSURANCEH I8 & 20 King Street. Weï¬t, Toronto No. 28, and 30, Toronto Street TORONTO. BARRESTER§, £50 WILLIAM H. BEST, BARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitm; Natas‘y, V &c. &c., MONEY TO LOAN, Room 20, rem/N LOAN BUILDINGS , , ~ , . Barristers, Attorne} wt Lim', Sulimtm Chance Comm ‘uu‘ora etc. ()flimm -»1m Bunk Buildings. \VcllinWon- stloor, T01 onto HOMAS F11 m; ,soy ,.Q C. Jonxr RAIN W M SF. TON (101mm: 0 F Sum. Bethune, Muss, Falcmabz'iflge .1le) L OYLI‘A , Ferg son, Bain, Gordpn &VShipley, ALFRED Emu/rm: HA THE QUALITY A’l‘ J ABI'FJ #5 G01} 31 1414:] 1’, NORTH OF SCOTLAND (‘II\\IMCI{S, BEET aswasiwww DR. ORR, MAPLE, Or by the Single Shirt. RIICHMD ND HILL, ONT. [ego THOS NIGHTINGALE‘S, Yorkvilo . Have caused them £0 manufacture double the quantity ofhhy previous: £0303 gg . O. BOX 2527. I‘ERED AGAINST FOR “'N. \Ymu‘s Jhnn' INCREASE 1Yâ€"52W‘ Rates, V2w~1v PATTERSON Every Accommodation. Fuirhank, April 28th, 1881» ‘ This House is one of the Best Hotels' to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed. in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Go’od Staflaling and attentive hustlers. Terms, 851 per day. Prootor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8.1515. 111.1 p m 6.30 am und’l. 15 n m. can mnku monny faster at work for us, than at anything elsa Capital not required ; we will start you $12 per day made at home by tho industrious Men, Women, boys and girls wanted uvm-ywhere to Work for us NOW is: the tium (‘vostly outï¬t; and terms free Address TRUE C0, Augusta, Maine THE YORK HOUSE! FAIRBANK. RafWilsop, Prop. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, .T Palmer, Prop, jGreatly Reduced. Rates Duchmzs iSnmnol Plath M P, ‘Vm Goodm' 1mm, (hm \V vaiw, T1109 1! Lewis, Thus H Lee Hon 1) L Mmphcrson, Senator Money I'PCPiVGd on'dephsit; and interest payable hulfyem‘xy or compounded, See our reducnd 1mm table For further infor mutioo umlly at the, ufllces of the Company ixlpiinl, $1,000,000: Reserve Fund, $360000 ‘otul Assets, â€000,000 ' (mic/(2577M) T, Church-street, Toronto I'ION (41-20 \V ALLAN, Selmtur,1’xusident Gmucm; Guomuuum .Vice-l’r 'dcnt Western Canada SAVINGS BANK BRANCH Nov 4th ’80 I'm/M1101 L 13L, 8th, 16th,m1d 22nd dn ‘ hewm 1111191 ............ 211d do 1 ntuuilxille. ‘ do [ Murkluun ...... dc l Victorin Square do I Thornhill ...... do 1 31111110 ...... do ‘ “7011111111:th ...... do Kluinhurg . du I Noblutmn do 1 Anusthr‘hm 1m 1\1tm11§ Dude 0110., used when ()rdm ed 1111:111r111oln1t the 111',“ t 1111112011111155011 l’nriios dosirzms of hm’rowing MONEY c1111 be supplied ntmudcmto rutosnn freehold or pcr~ 501ml Security: Apply to !‘ 7111111111111 fm the fanors uf tho past yomn 11 lL_\' still 1111 (-11:15 1111311111 any branch of the pm fussim: us 10110“: 7dc 111111111 11111. . 1 0th 1“: 21th of each month I (It 1121112161 Hm] (‘11 ‘ Anmu L 13L, 8th, 16th, and 2'2an (10 1 Newmzuket. ,1 , "nd do 1 .‘atuuilxille. ...... 8111 (10 1 Markham (11' Vdchmoml Hi1], July 7th, 188] T6 LGANJ EMBRTSMEES am LAM) “ELY. lLEi-YW ' ' ' )N Dr.."1‘:su', has removal to 87 King; atrm-i East, Toronto, over H. (Y (J Blachfzn'd’a new shoe store Best mineral teeth insm‘tnd in a manner to suit each lmmiont. ]"Lrticuhu" attention given to the preservation and rugnlzmiou of the natural teeth cnuj'nlly avoirlim“ull unnocossmry pain. A. ‘V Sl’AL’LlHNf}. LDrv ' mm. )TAPLE..., Nitrous (X do ( as admin at 40d for a!“ ‘ction ul' Lceth. Ix OFFICE Rlcnmoxn HILI;v i EACH Moxl‘n M APLE w W mmmud to 8:7 Loan and Eavings Company WALTER S LE IC J'. K. Falodnbridge. EM 531 (mm MONEY T0 LOAN. MQNEY Y Dr A RUBENSON. ""RGEON D12" 151‘, AURORA Apply to Any amount at J J CGSGROVE, of Interest, on ‘ manor. ï¬rmed, TO ADAMS, L.D.S "nd 18th 1:1th’}: 10 DAYS OF Richmond Hill FATTERSTJN 8; BBQ’E‘EEE. M a n'a :16 r year. Place Your ordum curly, mnl seem-0 th‘ BROTHER'S DEMAND ‘ Fï¬‚ï¬ tlmv are spurious The T1 uleMmks of In} said VOdiCines are 10- gistewnl 111 Ottawa and also at, W 2L:}1111“t011 i x Si guud THOMAS HOLLOWAY (‘5 3, Oxford street, London. Will still be iresh and vivid us the day 1101111101111 Hill June 1515,1881. 11 Think not ihcso portraits by the ligli it of heaven made Shades tho’ they me, will like a shadow fade. No, when the checks of flesh and M «)d slmll lie \Vheu death’s grave ï¬lm o'mw»yreuds their beaming eve, These lifeâ€"like pictures, mocking; zit agony, 117:“ ..L:Il L, L,,,1 Ymn-solvea by making money when so golden ohmmo is offered, thereby always keeping poverty gag . from your door Those who always take ndvun~ age of the good clmnces of making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, While those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty “'6 want many men, Women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own locali ties The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages We furnish an expensive outï¬t and all that you need free No one who engages fails to make money very rapidly You can de~ vote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments Full information and all that is needed, sent free Address. STINSON 6; 00, Port- land. Maine Families Photographed at their own misidencps Buildings, Tombstones, and works in prams.“ taken by special arrangement. Children u slle . alty. Faded pictures restored, and copied to life size in Oil, Water Color, Sepia, Crayon, ML, &c., CARMEN mm $33 PER 1h From Manchester, F 11g] and, hm; 10: Brown’s: Gallery, whioh ha 11an ï¬tted 1m tho mmt nlodvrn nlvpiizumcs necessm .‘ Portraits in LL11 sizes and styles. at; prix *5 all pnrtio, . Ambrotypes 25 0135- Each] Come then, and Secure the Shadow ere the Substance Fades. IN MEMORIAM. J'. Brookes Lawso: U- BUILDER, Shorwond, 4th (101LVuughun Special :Ltth‘ntion given {.0 Stair Tiuflding I‘unchml attention will be given to LL11 orders Address Munie 1’. (L - Pf? CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in the Iuited Slates, nor are my Medicines sold them. I’ureimsers siwuid therefore look in the label on iiie Pots; and Boxes, If the midiess is not 53:}, Oxford Street, London KEFFEH. (1()\ TRAC' I OR AND I 11TTTIJHGR ‘Qhrn 1 H»! 1 r“ v. and Sula {Lt ls. 1:51., ‘25. 9a., 45. 0(1.. 118., 22, and 335 021011me and Pat, and in (humdm at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $51.50 cents) and the larger sizes in provortiom 533, OXFORD STREET LONDON, Msmnfac‘rnred only at Profess- 01' Hollowav’s Establishment, Couch: Sow, T111 (1111.4 B10. whifis and £111 disordâ€" ers of the 'I lmmt- 111111 Chest. 11811130 Gout,Rl1e-11- mutism Scwfum 11nd other kind of skin diseases Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that. hv their use alone Hwy Imue boon restored 10 health-and sï¬â€˜euglh, uf'ter every other means had proved unsuccessful. will be fmmd invnhw‘ '. : in every Household in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours. B XI) 1)11r£f_\,109u}n1p mm 1mp1nye {he qualih of the :5 00d They ist the dirrestixe olgrms cleanse 1 increase the «ocrcbm‘y powm's m†the Livm‘, brace the um‘vuus 01 :3. 1111.1 throw into the circula- tion the pure“ I-Ilenlents for Sustaining and repairing the Hanna. This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperislmblc fame throughout the \Vorld for the alleviation and cure Of' most diseases to which humanity is heir. WES £7; @ï¬mmmï¬ Worth their “Weight in Gold I l Carte-de-Visites $I‘ per 002. h, STO MACH AND BOWELS, Rapid Dry Plate Process SOMETHING NEW IN LEGS, OLD WOUNDS. COLDS 111), according to ï¬nish Jun. 5th 1881‘ Patterson, Ont in Gold MEN’S TWEE D SUITS: mum 'm WMO j ‘ MCINTOSH & SONS? wsoz‘ ‘ 7 OOLEN ï¬iELLg ' 12m-or1y very rooï¬ and ï¬bre, thus nfl'ecting n PERMANENT cure, > Z nrcvontiug 21‘1'0currenm of the dread malady. This is 110 humbug, but a, POSITIVE and BELL“! .JE CURE without sjuknoss, dobility or evil results to the patient ; and all uï¬iicted with the lout‘wume disense of (ï¬rmer um sincerely urged to try this never~failing, PERMANENT remedy. 'I‘ho Plaster, with full particulars for its amplicantiou, will be sent to any address on ~ceipt of Sir. Dollars addressed (registered letter] to la‘The hiï¬hest references given as to respectability and standing {vhon reqï¬ired: including' the Editor of t is paper. At ‘ “a Exhibitions last year. They have an A 1 stock in Blankets, ShirtingsM'incqys, Tweeds Yarns, etc. at _, W QODBRIDGâ€"E. Prescriptions CAREFULLY 00113553011an «3d Agent Dominion Telegraph Co. Richmond Hill ! DRUGS I mm: Richmond Hill, June 16th, 1881‘ White Lead $7.50 per th. i881. One application of the IMMix PLASTER will draw the Cancer out in a few days, with it Over 5,000 Rolls t0 Chooae From. RflGM PAPER-S Y. ERIOR ! All out and made in the best manner by ï¬rs ‘MMQ rig a 7’ W m6 T0 patterns. N0 House in Canada can compare with our prices. TVe invite the. inspection of the Public, and know that from our position as Cash Buyers, and our thorough knowledge of the Carpet Trade, no House on this Continent can give the Public the same value. - Petley 3:. Company. We have now in stock the ï¬nest assortment of First-Clam Randy-Made shown in Canada H E IMMIX PLASTER. CURE FOR CANCER! Groceries, etc., Well stocked FRESH PURE The largest Stock in Town. ,Selling at about 2:3 per GBLBBN GRIFFIN. KINE STREET EAST, TORONTE BS M El‘x S SPRING OVER COATS ; ssonces, Extracts, Spices, Toilet Articles, Chemicles, Perfumes, MEN’S W0 RSTED SUITS : P. G. SAVA WE. From 5 Cents Upwards. Satin Finish at 15 Cents per I ‘ A. Positive and Permanent; ‘Vithout the HEADS THE LIST FOR Furniture, latest styles and designs. Suyerior Stock er by ï¬rs'â€"ciass Pompeicnt workmen, and quite equal to ordered clothmg: use of the Knife, ‘s 0. SMITH, H. 5AM? 5:? 351W cent. less than 'Ip unto prices; AND GOOD. COATICOOK, .P. 9.4121,); my] 1881. Clmhing aver