‘Sir John Mocdonald’e en-lrnn‘ee was ‘ xt‘we signal for an outburst of lourl cheerâ€" ing,'which continuedâ€"emery one stand- ingâ€"until he reached his seat on the ,platform. ll’ot any moment Sir John 1 may have entertained doubts as to the popularity of his cause and to the ï¬del- ‘ ity of his t'ollowrrs. those doubts must have been swept away by the perfect hurricane of applause with which his arrival was greeted, and the prolonged .cheering which subsequently followed the announcement. that. he would speak. With the right hon gentleman occupyâ€" ing seals on the platform were Sir Alex- ander Campbell, Hon D L Macpherson, ~Hon J C Aikins, Hon F ‘V Gibbs, Hon Mackenzie Bowell, Hon John O‘Connor, ““ï¬â€˜o’n ‘Ai’exender Morris; Hon ’John can. ing, Hon Senator Northwood, Mr Mere- dith, M P P, ; Mr C W Bunting, M 19.; Mr Tasse, M P, ; Mr Bergeron, M P, ; Mr Patterson, M P, ; Dr Strange. M P, ; Mr James Beaty, M P, ; Mr J C Rykert. M P, ; Mr Boultbee, M P, ; Mr N C Vanlzzce M P, (West. York) ; Dr Orton, M 1’. ; Mr Haggart, M P, : Dr Bel-gin, M P, ; Mr Ross, M P, of Dundee, and many other representative men. The chairmnnllir James Turner, oi Hamilton, in a brief opening sgeech, congratulated the Government, upm‘ the splendid manner in which it had carried .out its pledges, and referring to the Premier remarked, “We like his policy ; we like the man, and we hope Proviâ€" dence will spare himthat he may for :many years yet preside over the destiny of Canada.†Going South Wu! and East, includ- ing nap ,‘Thornln'll. Toronto. “arkhnm,&c., Going North Â¥ 7 - ï¬ning South, East and West (as above) at 7:00 N.B.â€"â€"Registered Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Richmond ‘Hill Post Ofï¬ce, M. TEEFY Mav 19th 1880. Postmaster Tomi“) Grey & Bruce Railway-«W. Sutherland Taylor. POST OFFICE NOTICE No. 25: Whole No. 1221: Volume 24 THURSDAY. NOV. 24, 1881. The Convention which met in Teflon to, on Tuesday last was, as me antici« pated, a grand success. The delegates assembled in Shaftsbury Hall. The entire seating canacrty of the hall was not sufï¬cient to accommodate them. Many had to stand, and crowds gathered In the corners, along the sides of the hall, behind the rear benches. and up tie aisles. So ï¬ne an assemblage of men it has seldom been the good fortune of any one to see. There were nearly 1,400 present. There were representaâ€" tives of all the nationalities dwelling in Canada. Iliere were Canadians,English- men, Irishmen, Scotchmen, Welshman, Germans, and Frenchmen. There were men of all occupations. There were agriculturalists, mechanics~ manufacâ€" turers, tradesmen, importers, wholesale dealers, retailers, clerks, and lawyers. There were men of all shades ot religâ€" ious opinion. The gathering was indeed a thoroughly representative one, includ« :ng all classes and conditions of men. Until further notice, Mails will be closed at the V CHEER UPON CHEER met Sir John Macdonald when he arosv. The Premier’s speech was brief, It re- ferred to the prospects of the country, which were cheering, and counselled preparations for the conflict: of 1883, Other speakers followed, and at six o’clock theeoavention’ adjourned until 'chnesday. The following were among the dele- gates from York 3‘â€" ' v Nbii'rir Yong, Edward Murphy, James Rogers. Major. Wyndham, and C C Robinson. delegates; Aurora, G W Graham and A F Stevenson ; Newmarket. Chas Denrte and \V H‘ Bowâ€" (’an : Holland Landing. Jus McCluré and W H Thorns; .Whitchurch, James Mcâ€" Clinlock and John VanNoerund ;. King. M Wasley and John Rogers; Easx Gwillim- bury. Wilfred Pegg and Edward Hunter; Georgina, J H Slephenaon and J R Bour- chlcr; North Gwrllimhury. George While and David Sprague . Sloull'ville, David Knill EAST YORK. 1' John Gibson. Wm Mitchell, A Mason, John Duncan, H C Marr. LierfDiqley, Jas Robinson. John Miller, 'Jolrn Jermain, 11G Armstrong; Wm Millikan, John Lnngstaï¬â€˜, Wm Sonmrville. James Humphrey, Henry Duncan. S’l‘ Humberstone, Capt Elliott, Wm 'l‘remlwuy, Geo Chester, David Brown. Dr Reid. Nicholns Lynett,_ \V A Milne, Henry Humphrey, James Feunson, Elias Wow-L \Vm'Lawrson, Henry Jennings. Jas Tran, '1‘ C Kirkhum. Chas E Bell, G J Chaunc9y, J A Higgim. ' W EST YORK. Major Jno Gray, President ; Jun F Hill. Secre- tnr)‘ ; Henry \anï¬h, Wm Smithson, David Mc- Guire, Dr Aiken, Jus Com-on, Col. Grucy, “7m Tyrroll, E K Dodds, George Peru-son, J no Dennis, Patrick Milcy, John Abel], Thomas Wallace, Jno F McIntosh, Benjamin Wilmot, Fullerton Gibson W G Brown, Isaac Crosby, George Wilson, Daniel Kinnce, Neil A Mulloy, Dr Orr, Alf Rupert, ’1‘ B Davis, T1105 Moore, W L Beddowe, Capt. Thompson, Geo Booth, John Brynns, Chas Keffor, Mathew Cunning, J 01111 L Evans, Henry '1‘ Ida, \V P Atkinson, J umes 1’ Booty, Joseph Norwhich. Thos Smith. CaptE P Deuison, Chas Denisou, John Woods,l)1"l‘yrrel, James Armstrong, Wm Cook, Howard Bovell. Henry Taylor, Dr T T Savage, Wm Clark. Geo J ackhon, John 1’ Bull, Thos Vaughan, 1‘] Mllls, Robs 'l‘n.ylor,â€"â€"Hollings- bend, John Clark, M H Keener. YORKVILLE. J Show, JJnmes. J C Lander, J Clewes, R G Barrett, 'l‘hos Nightingale, P Hutty, 'l‘hos Ed- wards, and T F Blackwood. I On Wednesday evening a grand bun net was given to Sir John A Macdonald, in the articul- Luml Gardens. The attendance was large. Sir John, SirLoonard Tilley and others addrekssd the audience The prospecrus has been issued of the Truro Agricultural Implement Manufacturc ing Co. (limited). The capital is to be $50,- 000, in shares of$20 each, with powér to increase to $200,000. At a public meeting in Truro, N. 8., re- cently. a resolution was passed antherizing a hundred thousand dollars to be given in bonuses for the promotion of manufacturv in; industries in xhat town. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 33113 {15011: imam. Richmond Hill. Ont. The Conventlon. MoRN‘ING EVENING AB ï¬omo‘vs HILL POST UPPIBB -\\‘ Mr Henry Slight, a son of [he Well-to-do’ farmer named 'l‘homus Slighi, who was. murdered on Thursday night, gives the fol-| lowing account of the tragedy. The deâ€"‘l ceased, who was a sober, industrious. wellJ living mun, resided on the i1 coucassion,l lot 6, of Gwillimbui-y. On Thursday he" went to Barrie with a load of produce, which he sold. The proceeds and money‘ for cheques which he cashed, amounting mi “5100, he had with him when he started for home, About 7 p. m. he called at a house where he had left a. bag of apples on the pretax of getting the bug. At this time there was some one with him in the waggon, and Mr Slivht was eVidently suspicious of him, for he asked if he might stay at the coungeull night. The people said they could easily put. him up. but ihey had no i accommodation for his horses. He ac~ cordineg re-mounted and drove off. This was the LAST SEEN or HIM ALIVE. Next morning as some children were going to school they found awazgon and horses in a fence corner on the third concession of Innisï¬l about. half a mile from the side line, between lots ï¬ve and six. or about three miles from Cookstown. The body of Mr Slight was in the Waggon. e The school children gave the alarm and the lneighhots from the cross roads “on: Soon on hand, one of them being the dead man’s daughter. An examination of the ground showed that the deceased must. have been struck near the crosi. roads. for his cap was found there and n little further on there was a pool of blood. The search being kept. up an Me handle was found gunman wrru BLOOD. in the waggon wére three other axe handles, and it was subsequently found that. the de- ceased had purchased four of them in Barrie. The position of the deceased in the Waggon showed that he had been sitting on a pile. of bags, and had been Struck from behind. the ï¬rst blow or two crushing in the skull, and causing him to fall over on the side whereon he had been struck. On this side there were two terrible gnshes. County Crown Attorney Potter at once ordered a searching examination and the chief con- stable [roceeded to "the spot. A post morfem examination was held on Saturday at which death was found to have resulted as stated. The inquest ts proceeding at Cookstown. It ia intended to reduce the staff of in- spectors and assistant. inspectors, ofweights and mPnsures wroughom the Dominion, from sixty-eight to fifty, At their 1xe: moeting, the Carleton County Council will discuis the advisalnlily ofabolishing all tolls On macadamized roads. Another attempt. “a; made on Saturday to kill Guinean. He wns slightly wounded in the wri‘lt. Fast Ridmg of York and Markham Board will meet at the Queen’s Hole]. Unionvxlle, on Saturday, Nov. ‘26. at 10 o‘clock. Henry Sherrick. 3. Markham youth, on Thursday, made an inspection of We old plaimng mill at Szayner. He went so cloae to one of the machines that it (1210ng his sleeve, and instantly cut nfl‘ his am just below the elbow. Mr McGrath having never)de the $10,000 bonus on the conditions azr‘Md to by the Ingersoll Town Council, the plans for the knitting min are to be prepared at once and the erection of the building proceeded with without delay. KILLED WITH AN AXE HANDLE. Loxnox, Nov. [9 The Whitehall Review is responsible for Ihe (m dit (hm, the Marquis of Lorne and his illustrious spouse may shortly replnce Earl (‘nwper and his Countess at the vice- regal court of Dublin. ‘ It is stated M Mr '1‘. H. Bull, Clerk of {he Peace, that the mo‘st important books and papers belonging.r to the York Town- ship Council. are kept. in the safe in his ofï¬ce in the Com! Hausa, Toronto. and consequently were not destroyed by the ï¬re at Eglington on Sunday night. equal for relieving pain. both internal and ex~ tel-11a]. It cures Pain in the Side, Back 01' Bowels Sore Throat.Rheumaï¬sm, Toothache, Lumbago, ' and any kind of!» Pain or ache. “It will most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is wonderful." “Brown's Household Penn- 1 cea,"being aekuo led ed as the great Pain Re- liever. and‘ot den 19 t e strength of any other Elixir or Lgnxme m the world, should be in every {manly ha. dy to: uge when wanted, “as it really is tho be rem edy m the world for Cramps ‘ in the Stomach and Imms and Aches or all kinds" ‘ agd is for Sgtka all pngisbs at 25 cents abottle i “BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PENACEA†has no The greenest “evolution in Steel Pen making is in the new turned up point pens, unexcelled for easy writing. Ask for Esterbrook’s Tecumseh, Choctaw and 'I‘e'e- granhic "pens. For wholesale supplies, BmWn Brosl, Toronto. The Times’ Washington special says. that the President said to at genrleman on Thurs- day that he did not intend to have anp one .appointed to office unless his full record, showing his ï¬tness, was known.- On the other hand, it was his purpose not to make removals except. t'ur cause. and not until the ofï¬cer Interested had received notice of the charges against him and had been given proper time to make answer to them. CLAYTox, N. Y.. Nov. 21.-â€"Frank Cup- pernut, keeper of the Hub House. and his wife and two small cnildzen. and Charles Wilson, keeper of the Clifl' House. his wile ¢md two children, were drowned in Eel Bay on Saturday morning while going to Gan- anoque in a small boat. The body of Mr. (‘uppernul~ and that of a boy. the child of Wilson have been recovered‘ Houown's PlLI.s.â€"â€"-Ali our Faculties - Almost all disorders of the human body are distinctly to be traced to impure blood. The puriï¬cation of that fluid is the ï¬rst step towards health V Holloway’s Pills rc- commend themselves to the attention of all sufferers; no injurious consequences can result from their use. no mistake can he made in their administration. In indiges- tion, conï¬rmed dyspepia. and chronic con- stipation the most beneficial effects have been, and always must be, obtaimd from the wholesome power exerted by these purifying Pills over the digesï¬nn. Persons whose lives have been restored to ease. strength, and perfect health by Holloway’s Pills, after ftuitlr-ss trial of the whole phmmacopmia of Physic, attest this fact. When anything worth saying is spoken in that terse uml pointed WILY that bears the imnress of honest conviction, we like to have people know the nature of tho communiuation. of such u, nature is the following from Mr. W. F. Hoist, Campeden. P. 0., Lincoln 00., Ontario. Mr. Hoist says : With grout joy over my restored health. 1 would write u. few lines concerning that wonder- ful remedy, St. Jacobs Oil. For the last six yenrs I have been using various medicines internally and externally, but nothing would help me. Yin- ally I procured a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, which cured me after a few applications. My mother- in~lsw, who has also been a great sufferer irrm rheumatism, was also instantly relieved by the use of the Great German Remedy. Sc. Jacobs Oil is a. great blessing to suï¬oring humanity, and I shall do everything in my power to make known itsmeriis. Rest and Comfort to the suturing A Most Foul Murder. ROBBERY TEE OBJECT A Canadian Speaks. News Items. LIBERAL FALSEHOODS I l I The Liberal man has been convicted of lying, by asserting that some oi the Direct- . ore of the Agricultural Society we‘re / under I the influence of liquor, and created a row on the day-of the Fair- ‘-The only disturb- )ance on the grounds on that day, were 3 caused by two disreputable fellows, one of t whom kicked a child. and was arrested and taken Out of the grounds, but he was releas- ‘ed on promisntg to behave himself. The other man was running across the race track, after being ordered nway, and was escorted back in lively stylP, by Mr John Mitchell, (it special constable.) who wore a constablo’s badge. A Constrthle’s Badge and 3. Director’s Badge are quite different, ' and if our Liberal friend had not been a little under the weather, he should certain- hnve ltnown the difference ; and as Mr. Mitchell soys.-and as everybody else knows. H only the Liberal man. “He never was known to be under the influence of liquor ! in Woodbridge. or any other place." New lsteady yourself, Mr Liberal, nnd the next tithe you want to show your bad temper try to remember that calling names is a poor ‘ substitute for argument, and is hardly be- coming :1 person, who ones the manners of a gentleman, and where he is not. known tries to palm himself off as one. Phase 19]] us. Mr Liberal. who you are anyway ; are you ï¬ne same person that was lucked down stairs, in a great religious body. for your good behaviour, or if it was not for good belmviuur, what was )I for? Is it customary now-a-days to get an Irish Hoist for good conduct '1 Come, good man, answer these questions ; make a clean breast of it, and for once in your life write on a subject that you know ail about. By-Bye. till you call again. The bridge over the River Humber, at the Agâ€" ricultural Works, is undergoing repairs and it Gauges quite an inconvenience to persq morning to the village that way, but it will be i better condition in a. few days, than it was previously. RAIIAVAY.‘ The xmwszu'lrond will be opened on the 26th inanmlid rm Excursioh Train will be run to Owen Sound on that day, when a great many business men along the line will partake of the jollificution. “"0 hope the new road will be in great impruvement on the one horse truck which we have had topic up with for years, and no doubt it will. . .1, ._ h e roads are very [L .11le now, but Im {guess keeps brisk, and everything seems a hummmg. The November session of thc'Yor): county cour- cil opened on Tuesday afternoon in the court House. Warden Aiken in the clinir. There weie present Messrs. Ashton, Canning, cheater, cook, Duncan, Dollery,1)uvis, Daugherty, EVILHS, Gribâ€" son, Gibb, Gray, Hanibly, Hamilton, Henry, Hurt- manlrwin, Jackson Jmnieson, James, Lundy, Lloyd, LongY Marritf, Porter, Rowan, Reesor Rich- ardson, Hermann, Stokrs, Saunders. Spravgue, Secor, Thorn, Travis, Williamson, W atson and Webster. A number of communications were read. A petition was presented by Mr Duncan from Michael Slattery and othois, praying for the ieduictinn oi the rent of toll-gate No l. Dundas {om . Woodbridge, Nov. 22nd, 1881‘ The Great Conservative Convention meets 'toâ€" day, in Toronto. Our M. P., N. C.‘ Wallace, went at: 1‘_n the {naming trgi Mr Webster. 2nd Deputyâ€"Rowe of Vaughan, was added to the‘ contingent committee and Mr Cook, lst Deputyâ€"Reeve of Vaughanwus added to the Industrial Home committee in the place 0! Mr Nuttmss. deceased. “While in London, England, :1 short time ago," said the Professor, “our Oxfordveireet waiter Was mode the victim or" u practical joke. Ono mornâ€" ing, as this tonsorinl ill‘blst sut reading his news- paperdic was startled by seeing it young men enter in u very excited manner, who throwing, , rather than sentinc,hiinsclf in the chair, demnnd- l ed it shave instnnter. {the barber, who was a l willing fellow, ut once set about obeying the commands of this excited and hurried guest. With it rapidity that surprised himself, he shaved ‘ the right side of his customer's face, rind then ‘ immediately turned to the left. That side he nl- so shoved with cleanliness and dispatch, but, judge ot his surprise, when his customer demand- cd to know in tones anything but pleasing Why he did not shave the right side . The poor be. wildered barber was almost certain that he had done so, but perceived to his surprise that the side in question was covered with jet-black hllil‘. Again he shaved it, but while he did so, to his surprise imd horror. the heir was growing on the other side Thus it continued for an hour. While he shm‘ed one side, he could nctuully see the hair growing on the other side. Terriï¬ed be- yond expression, he stood motionless ; hereupon the young 1mm leaped from the choir, and, snatching the razor, drew it across his throat, and fell to the floor covered with blood. The barber flew into the street hzillooing “Murder !" ut the top of his voice. A crowd soon gathered, and, with the nï¬â€˜righted burbcr, beheld the supposed corpse quietly urrnnging his necktie before the mirror-7 turning Very pleusnntly, he paid the bar-let and departed. A theatrical gentleman among the luokors~0n soon gave it out that it; was Professor Hermann the Great American Magician. I wont to my hotel and woke next day to ï¬nd my- self the twlk of London †concluded 1hc Professor, for it was I who did it. I gave the poor barber ï¬ts. “Did you ever hear how I gave u friend of mine the snakes ‘9" asked the Professor (in roceivingereply in the negative, he suidf “A friend of mine, who was as great a, drunlmrd as an actor, und that. is saying a. great deal, was one morning seen by me to enter a. drinkingâ€"saloon when he wasnlmost on the verge of delirium- treniens, and knowing his honor of ‘snnkes,’ as maniaâ€"u-potu is vulgar-1V called. I resolved to save him. I entered just us he raised a glass of whis- key to his lips, and rushing forward I snatched the cluss from his hnnd, crying at the sometime; ‘Hold, S.,1mtil 1 take this fly out.’ Pretending to take the fly ont,I held up n, serpent. C. cried out ; ‘My God I that is u‘ snake l ’ ’Not at all, Enid I; ‘it is 11 simple housefly. See ‘2 you are cover- ‘ ed with them.’ saying which I approached, and from his sleeves. and hair, etc., I proceeded to pull snakes, protesting all the time that they were flies. ‘They are snakes ! ' cried C. again. ‘My God 1 thntis a. snnkc ;1 tell you, Hermann, \ they are snake. ! ' ,Nonsense’ said I ,they me but flies.‘ ‘Then,’ said he. ‘I have the snakes myself.‘ and he rushed from the saloon. He was not; seen for more thnn or week nitcr ; but when next seen he was sober, and has been so since," “Pro- fessor,'i’askcd the inyrviewor, “were you, who are fond of surprising others, over surprised yourself ‘2 " “Once,†was the answer ; “then the surprise was a very great and agreeable one, I assure you. It came about in this way; I was for IL number of years n sufferer from crmnps in I my left side, immediately under the heart. I suffered regularly at the close of each performâ€" ance. and very often was compelled to cancel ongugenicnts which I had made, owing to my in- ability to till then), being prostruted by cramps. and being in u. very weak condition. I entertain- ed very serious thoughts of giving up my pro- fession and spending some veers in travel, and , would have done_so but for an attendant of mine, There's no use in arguing the question of the protency of some substances for especial service 111 emergenmes. They will do all they promise, and more, if iudiciously used. The following from Mr. P. Murphy, of No, 1 Fire Station, Ottawa, bears up the point stated above. Mr. Murphy says .‘3 I had occasion to use St. Jacobs Oil recent- ly, and must say that it is the best Liniment I ever saw used I caught cold from getting Wet at a. ï¬re, and it settled in my shoulder and down my back to my hip. I suffered a great deal from the pain I was advised to try St. Jacobs Oil. I «H610, and alter the fourth application I wa_s _en- uwh; .AM.‘ :..-.- :..x... _. A .-._ u uuu nu uu u-uht‘uuuuv \u uuuu, Whose he I had cut off occasionally while per- forming n y Wonderful decapitation act. The individuul to whom I complained of .the pains and the cramps in my side on one occasion said it was curiousâ€"'that I, who could docupitnte [Ln- other and replace the hem] at will, ought certain» 1y be uhle to cure myself. I told him how some of the best doctors in Europe and America had failed. He laughed at me, and said he could cure me in 21 week. Thu-t night he presented me withn bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, the Great German Remedy. saying that its use would produce an eï¬ect more magical than I could believe. I laughed at the idea of St. Jacobs Oil doing what had lmflled the greatest doctors, but said that I would try it, simply to convlnce him that trying it would do no good. That night, on retiring. I rubbed my side with the Oil, and sure enough its good effect w. instantuneousw-magical, in fact ; I felt; relief at once I slept better that night than 1 had done for n. long time before. Again in the morningl rubbed with the Oil, and at the close of the afternoon performance I noticed a. great diminution of the painful cramps. \Vas I surprised ? Well, I was very much surprisedpmd I told my attendant so. In less than a. week. and before I had ï¬nished using my third bottle,I was entirely tmd permanently cured. The elfect of St. Jacobs Oil was indeed magical, so much that I could scarcely believe my senses. I have never felt a, cramp sinceâ€"nor is there prophet, seer, soothsayer or magician who can perform such wonders as St.Ja.cobs 0il.â€"â€"CINCINNATI EAQUIREB. mg: ï¬Ã©â€˜ï¬‚éé‘fré‘ni ppm“ if‘aéiÂ¥az“s}e"£ 3;; highly of it, and advise’otheuh nus it, ’ The Council adjourned to Wednesday (From our own Correspondent.) York County Council. WOODBRIDGE. The Question Settled. Magic’s Wonders. HUMBER BRIDGE CONVENTION HUMMER . -. Invisible net and invisible hair-pins for sale at the HERALD STORE. Woolen Java Canvass in black and red, and rubber crochet medics, for sale at. the HERALD Store. On the third page vrvill be found a re- port of Vaugh’ab Uoun'cil and the ï¬re at Ezlington. - CHRISTMAS CONCERT.-â€"The Button- ville U. M. Church Sabbath School are now practising the Hymns for their Christmas Concert, and Tea Meeting. They have a good programme prepared. Particulars will be announced on the bills. OFF TO MANITOBA.â€"On Monday morning last Mr Alfred Proctor left here for Winnipeg, Maniloba, where he in- tznds to make his future home. He is accompanied by Mr A Wells, of Aurora, who is going up to seé the country. We wish Al. success in his new home. ADMITTED.â€"The name of Mr A. G. F. Lawrence, of this village. is among those who are announced as admitted to the Law Society as Student-at-Law. TRAIN LATEâ€"The passenger tram going north, on the N R R., was delay- ed a few hours on Saturday night last, by a freight train. three cars of WhICh jumped the track between Weston and Thornhill. REAL ESTATE Sunâ€"We have just printed bills, announcing that Lots 3, 4 and 5. of the Duncumb Estate, in 1this Village, are ofl'ered for sale ; also a house and lot in the 1st Con ofVaughan, one mile south of this village ; a ï¬rst- class farm in Whitchurch. and a farm in Vespra, 7 miles from Barrie. Here is a good chance to invest in farm or villâ€" age property. See the bills. TELEGRAPH AGENT.-â€"-Mr T A Hew- itt, Druggist, Thor bill, has received the appointment 0 Vent for the Great Northâ€"Westerï¬ Tekgtaph 00.. instead of Mr Purkigs. as dï¬douuced last week. Mr Purkisu, after living in Thornhill for over thirty years, and balding the respect of the whole community, has sold out and intends residing in Toronto for the future. MORE STEAMTâ€"Mr Wm Trench in- tends purchasing a ten horseâ€"power engine for his carriage works, from Mr Proctor. agent for Waterous, of' Brant- i'ord He is also erecting a balcony and veranda in front of his shop, which will improve the appearance of the building, and make a good stand for showing vehicles. When the new blacksmith shop is completed,'1he ï¬rst floor of the present shop will be used for a show room, and these Cipriage Works will be about the best to be found in any section ofthe country. .447 . MECHANICS’ 1»:erer Rn-UNroN. â€"â€"'l‘he lieâ€"union on Tuesday evening drew a crowded house. The chair was ably ï¬lled bv the ,lst Vice President, Mr John Sande on."'1‘he audience seemed to highly appreciate the enter- tainment. Miss Newmn. Mrs Wiley, Miss Marsh, Miss B Wilson, Mrs A Wright. Mr J Wilson, and Mr D 'l‘ Fairbairn gave recitations. Miss B Wilson, Miss F Coulter, Mrs McBride, Miss B and A Reid, 0f Thornhill, and M 1' W Alkinson sang several songs in a pleasing manner. 1 Mr \V A Sanderson gave one of his hunwrous readings, and Mr C Savage rendered a Cornet Solo with marked ability. Miss Campbell, Miss Sanderson, Miss Hewison, Miss Arksey and Miss Coulter accompanied different songs on the piano with their usual skill. Proceeds amounted to $17.50. " ' ‘ 4.. . POULTRY DEALERSâ€"The following‘ notice has been sent- to merchantsl throughout the Province :»â€"“Meac Iu-l spector’s Oflice, Toronto, Nov. 5th, 1881 Sir,â€"â€"You are hereby cautioned against. receiving, buying, selling, or otllerWise trading Poultry, the crops or crown of which are full, or partly so. whether such crops or craws have been stufl‘cd. or otherwise ï¬lled with proper food, or with hay, straw, grass, leaves, stones, sand, wood, ornnv other substance, or inflated with the human breath, or by any wind instrument. ; all such fruduent- ly dressed and unwholesome poultry being liable to conï¬scation and the ownâ€" ers or dealers therein prosecuted accord ing to law. Robert. Awde, Inspector of Meal, &c.†l . ADAM IN Ennis-«Dr Wild, of Bond Street Church says :- “The length of time that Adam lived in the garden of Eden was ï¬fty-three years. Three years ago I arrived at ' this calculation, and the very day after I preached the fact the news came t'r'nm the other side of the world that another person had just then made the same calculation, agree~ in;r exactly with mine†On Sunday last the Doctor preached on “Antcdeluâ€" vian Civilization,†and the church was crowded to the doors. So great was the crowd that some accident was feared and the speaker informed the audience that every precaution had been taken for the safety of worshippers. The place had been designed to support a great many more then there were presâ€" ent ; a lamp is to be placed at each door inside, registers are to be placed in the vestibules, and policemen have been secured to prevent overcrowding. The lecture on “The Stone Miracle, and 1882.†is one‘ot' the most interesting he-has ever delivered. The Masonic Lodge have engaged him to lecture on this subject. in‘ the hall in this village, on the ' evening of Dec. 23rd. The audience may rely on a great treat. On Monday last the reverend gentleman begun a six week's tour of lecturing through Ontario. He delivers ï¬ve lectures per week. besides preaching in Bond Street a Church. Toronto, twice each- Sabbath; His time is therefore pretty fully occupied. His fame and popularity are constantly increasing. LOCAL ITEMS. . PUMPKstâ€"The Temperance Lodge holds a Pumpkin Pie Social and Enterâ€" tainment on Wednesday evening next, in their hall. l SKATING.â€"â€"The boys have started skating at Patterson already. Mr Gilroy‘ is getting the Rink in this village in order, and the fun will soon commence. FIREâ€"On Wednesday night, 23rd inst, about 12 o’clock. an alarm of ï¬re was rung on the town bell, for a few minutes. Those of the villagers who got up could see a large hlazea few miles north, on Yonge Street. The ï¬re was opposite the tollâ€"gate, two miles north of this village, and Mr Gamble’s bslrns and sheds were destroyed, wrth ten head of cattle, (our horses. nearly all the season’s grain, and all his farm implements. The loss will be several thousands. $2.000 insurance. MALICE.â€"What injury the Directors of the Woodbridge Fair did to “a certain party†in this village. we do not know, but this party evidently feels bad about. something, as be accused the Directors of being drunk. That is his style. When he has any malice against any person he assumes the sanctimonious countenance, dons the ministerial robe he once fondly hoped to shelter himself under, and shouts himself hoarse about “Temper‘ ance," hoping to hoodwink those who believe in the cause. Evidently the people referred in the old apostolic days. as being revolting to all rightâ€" minded persons, have their descendenta even yet. Our Woodbridge correspond- ‘ent refers to the matter in another 1 column. EXHIBITION CF PLOI'GHING.â€" A number of the veteran ploughmen ofthe County of York. have agreed to give an exhibition of their skill, on Thursday next, on Ihe farm of Mr. Wm. Mil iken, Markhum. near Milli- kenSmlion. on the Tumnm and Nippissing Railwav. Mme farmers will no doubt avail themselves ofllIis onportunity to witness the work of those old crack hands once more. The Aurora Boreah’s man is n betmdict. and midi:an believes in encouraging lnrringes. He says :â€"“Other places have organized Mutual Aid Socwties that is 00!- tain to increase: marriages, and as married men are supposed to he better Citizens than unmarried ones, it must accomplish a great deul nl'substantinl good. Only bachelors are lukPu as members. and when one of them marries, he is given a thousand dol- lars. Hundreds of men remain single he- cuute of the lack ofn. thousand dollars, and we hope this movement, will extend to the uttermt’st comers (aflhe earth. The men are too slow in marrying and- settling down; this tlmusnnd dollars will help them to make up their minds†Are you dismrhed at night and broken of your rest by u sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? I( so, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW’S soo'rm ING SYRUP, It will relieve the poor little Huffm- er immediatelyâ€"depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it Will regulate the bowels. and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child. operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all casemnnd pleasant to the taste, Mid is the prescription bf one of the oldest and best female physicians ï¬nd nurses in the United States. Sold OVGI‘VWhE‘IG [it cents abottle. Pens, do 78 Rye dd ,. 00 Dressed 11095.net 100 lbs, .. 7 00 Beef, hind quarters, per 100 ms 5 «50 Mutton, by the carcass, per 100 lbs... 5 50 Chickens, per pair ..... Ducks, per brace 55 Geesc,ea.ch... 69' Turkeys, encl 0 75 Butter, lbrolls .. 24 large rolls“ 00 tub dairy... 19 Eggs, fresh, doz .7 23 Potatoes, per bag 85 Ar-ples per barrel 1 25 Onions, per bag . 1 15 Cabbage, per doz... ...... 0 20 Celery, per doz ,. . 40 Tomatoes, per bu . 0 on Turnips, per bag .. 0 35 Carrots, per doz . 35 Beets, per doz ..... 35 Pm‘snips, per bag . 00 Hay pentonn. 11 00 Straw per, ton, 12 00 Wool per 11). MOTHERS! MOTHERS 2! MOTBEhS Barley guts, SAVAGE-â€"At Patterson, on Saturday, 19th inst, the wife of Mr. George Savage, of a. son. DEVIï¬Nwâ€"At Unionville, on Tuesday 15th, inst, the wife of Mr. Joseph Devlin of ason. Wheat. tail, new,per bush Spring do ....... Barley do , HAMâ€"SODENâ€"On Monday, the 14th inst.,ut Holy Trinity Church, Toronto, bV the Rev. Mr. Snnlon, Mr. '1‘. (J. Hum, 01' Teston, to Miss Margaret Soden, of Toronto. N 0 Cards. TUHUNTU GREY AND BRUCE D t.o£Ra.i1wa grind Can 5, WOtmwau 0:32“; 233131 NOTICE is hereby given that the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Company will apply to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, ut the next Session thereof, foran Act to repeal the last proviso of the fourteenth section of Act forty four, Victoria Chapterseventy four, and to author- ize the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Com- pnnv to amalgam ate with or lease their line to the Ontario and Quebec Railway Company, and for other purposes. Secretary T. G. «St B. Railway: Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 1881. ti? 7 M13. Mércua Smith, who is in charge at the ofï¬ce at New Westminster, is instructed to give ngtmctgrs all the infprrpqtioxg in‘his power. No tender will be entertained unless on one o! the printed forms. addressed to F. Braun. Esq., Sec. Dep. of Railways and Canals. and marked “Tender for C. P. B." I". BRAp'N. I CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Emory’s Bar to Port BIoody. SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to NOON on WEDNESDAY, the lst day of FEBRUARY next, in a lump sum, for the construction of that portion of the road between Port Moody and the West-end of Con- tract 16", near Emroy’s Bar, 8. distance of about 85 mi es. Speciï¬cations. conditions of contract and forms of tender may be obtained on application at the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway Ofï¬ce, in New West- minister, and at the Chief Engineer‘s Olice at Ottawa. after the 1st January next. at which time plans and proï¬les will be open for inspec- tion at the latter oflice. This timely notice is given with a. view to giving Contractors an opportunity of visiting and examining the ground during the ï¬ne season before the Winter sets in. Tender for Work in British Columbia! LOCAL ITEMS. fs‘ï¬mv @dvertisiwmntz. SIGNED NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. THE M A RKETS. PRICES AT FARMBBB‘ \V’AUGUNB W. SUTHERLAND TAYLOR, RAILWAY! THURSDAY, Nov '24, 1881 T()R()N’1‘()' BIRTH. MARRIED 3 1 ‘24 S21 26 'l 32 l 33 . 0 83') 0 92 .. 47 00 24 00 19 23 85 1 25 1 15 0 20 4!) 15 50 14 00 0 92 00 82 00 000 50 70 STOVES! At different Prices. which I {Mend to sell at I Slight Advance on Cost RICHMOND HILL TIN EMPORIUM : Richmond Hill, Nov. 9th, 1881 NOTICE is hereby given that an ugplicatlon will be made at the next Session of t e Legis- lature of OntarioJor an Act to lnoorpornte a Company to construct :1 Railway from some point in the Citv of Toronm, or vicinity, to some point in the City of Hamilton, or vicinfl , and thence to one or more points on the inï¬rm River, such Act to contain all the powers necess- ary for such purpose, and such as are usually embodied in similiax‘ Acts. The Company to be called the Railway Construction. Toronto, Nov. 1%11, 1881. INSURANCE! LOSS BY FIRE, Agent for Canadian Mutal Aid Association "Life! The sum of EFFECTED BY Walter .1- Bull, Newtonbrook. IN P. Mutual & Dominion Grange $11 INSUREB anv person at sound mind and body between the ages of 18 gnd‘ 8‘0. For $5,000 to $1‘0,00’O Assessmenta of $1 at the death of a. member of the association. W. J. BULL,- Newtonlu'ook Feb. 23rd 1881‘ TflRUNTfl GREY 8t BRUEE Tinwnro nf ail kinds kept on hand in 'great variety. No bettervalue for money can be secured than at the Evctroughing of all kinda a specialty, and r6- pairing promptly attended to C. MASON; APPLICATION FOR An Act to Amend Several Acts; NOTICE is hereby given that the Toronto ‘ Grey 6: Bruce Railway Company, will apply to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, It the next Bessibn thereof, {or an Act to amend 1 the severslActs relating. to tho said Compsny,1 and for further power. for the issue of bonds and 1 debentuf‘e stnck, and so re-nrmnge their bonded debt. and for the repeal of section 12 of the Act 43. Vic. Chapter 66, providing for the appoint-1 ment of a Commissioner for the purposes there- ‘ in mentioned. and also to repeal the 17th Sec-1 tion of the said Act, providing {or the elootion of a. Director by certain municipalities therein“ ,mentioned, and for other purpol . Also power to arrange with other Rn Infamy?!“ for station accommodation. and to join wit other companies in the erection of n joint station.- Also the right to make running arrangements with other railways. Also for power to pur- chase,zmd churtermmd work stesm boats and other vessels and for other purposes. Secretary '1‘. G. 6: B. Railway Toronto, Nov. “11,1881. 6i Richmond Hill Supt. 28th, 133:; “See that your House is kept Warmâ€. Ix Oxrncn Brennan) HILL, Fmsr 10 DAY! or EACH MONTH, MAPLE ..................... Nitrous Oxide Gas admxmstered for painleu extract-ion of teeth. Thankful for the favors of 11:0 past years may still be consulted in any brunch of the pro fession, as follows : Richmond Hillm 9th 6: 24th.“ each month (m ‘ V o SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. dc C. Blnchford's now shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth carefully avoiding all unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. LDH Assistant (at Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th. and 22mm do Newmm-ket, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do Stouï¬villc . ‘ . ‘ . . . . , . . . ..18th do Markham ...... . . dc Victoria Square ...... do Thornhill . . . . . . . . . . d . do Maple . . , . . . . . . . . . d- Woodbridgs ...... do Kleinburg . ...... do Nobleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th do Anaesthetics, as Nitrous Oxide, etc.. used when ordered and none but tho best material used Or by the Single Shirt. Leader Lane, Toronto. Uronto July 6th.1881. 1v~52w THE PflflflEflN SHIRT! THE BEST IN THE WBRLD! FOR $18-00, $21.00.$24.00 Per Doz. A 'Géflérél'" "gtbblé' '61“ Gfbééf'iééi '7iï¬6iii-'-"&"'Fée& always on hand. ‘ Room PAPERS AT Low RATES?†Furmture at Toronto Prlces E DRAIN TILE, OF THE BEST nIJATY’V‘v urn YOU WILL FIND 3 Goods at Reduced Priceé. PEOPLE‘SWSTORE?E NOTICE! m w. ‘1 - removed A SPLENDID LOT OF We are determined to do a Cash Busineu, and give the pixrcl’zy’ser 456mm“ RAILWAY 2 Our Stock of Paints and oil: will be sgld Cheap,“ they. ama‘bonght iii the; BestnMu'ketl r1--- -_-_‘ n;--‘l_ ‘ 0‘--- -A_A!_-. m;____ n QUALITY m w. SUTHERILAin TAYLOR; rum msumnc: 00’s. Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AUROR SOLICITOB FOR APPLICANTS THOS NIGHTINGALE'. AGAINST I have fluttal, REGISTERED Newtonbrook, P. O. _. ADAMS, L.D:S., A 'VERY LARGE STOCK 0F Yorkvile 52w-1v AT THE m BRITISH Mari-“ff: SCOTCH; ENGLISH AND’: ’ CANADIAN ' " TWEEDS ! EHUBKEBY, GLASSWABE MB A: f béï¬â€˜eie It mutually beneï¬cial tq. [mar-5 chants and “flowers. Selling for CASH} I can afford 1'0 sell at a small x‘imrgin. Come and See‘. - v A. MOODIE: Always on hand. Fresh Groceries bonghf at the lowest ï¬guï¬'e. and Soid at the small“ est living proï¬t. Flour and Feed delivorqd After the 151' of Noiember I intimli adopting the " CASE sYs-r‘mï¬' : ' Outï¬t sent free to those who wxvs‘p‘té‘ , engage in the moat plbuavuntjn'ï¬gl proï¬table‘ business kn‘ï¬ï¬vn ‘Evflfï¬: thing new Capital 11% roquirï¬.‘ We Will' furnish you everything, 3min. «by: a upwmï¬gls is easily made without staying a, froip'home over night. No_risk Wï¬utever.'m new Workers wanted at’onc'e. Many um gnale fortuhbs at the bum“ “ . Ladies‘make a: much’ u meh, and yoqukï¬oyg and girls make great pmï¬.‘ No one who is‘ willing vo‘wor‘k faihfto make} mol‘q money every day than cuu‘ be made: 112$}: week at any or’dip'ury emploympr Thom who; emulate at ones will ï¬nd a short mind to forman- Addreaa H BALLET-f 4: Co. Portl'ziu’d. Mains nncnuoND amt}, oxm. ~53 5 Wu“ Piswow‘toxvniwuw- “aim of the C'ollegé. of ,Pljxysiciwé and 813x399â€; } Assistaï¬t‘to DhJame'S Langltufla‘w ' IRichmo‘hd mu. October 16th, 1379 ,. ’ Richmond‘ Hill. Nov. 3rd. 1881'. J; mm LANEST‘APP, Nil-3i. n. B. M. B. and First Sflvor Medalist; University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ont'aflo. L 8‘ AL,Eng]nx1d (Lace Of londbn, England? Surgeon. Etc. v . .. na-omce Hours 48 to 10, 1 to 2 and 6 to}. -- Reserve Fund. . . . . . . 4 $E.OD0,00C Annual Income. . . . . . 121100.000 -. Invested in Canada... 850.000’ 1 Death clmms paid.-. 7,500,001“ V 'l‘onom‘o REFERExCEs. John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell. Ea'qq' Hon. SexmmrMcMaster A. M. Smith, Esq. . Jaimes Motcalfv,‘ Esq._ Rey. 'Enogh;Wood, 'Dr Alderman McArthut‘, M. 1?, Chain man, W W Bayn‘es,Esq.F I Aï¬eorebatn Assume? 800’}! 3|) per cent ol'prmhiuï¬ms returned in .prgiï¬ts Loans made to Church Trustees, nt‘u. low rate 0 interest . Sgnd for prospectus, Thnrnhill. August 22nd, 1881 Every Accommodation. Fairbank, April 28th, 1881. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room 101‘ Commer- cial Travellers. Good'. Stabling and attentive hostlers. Terms, $1! her day. Proctor‘s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N' B R Trains going North and South. at 8.16 n. m.’1 p m 5.30 a. m and 7. 15 n m. THE STAR THE QUEEN’S Hoeï¬. TBIORNHILL! : FIRST - [II-ASS AEEDMMMATIEN WMi DUNN CHAFUB,,Pmprief-on FAIRBANK'. ,_ R. Wilson, Prop. THE PALMER HOUSE. TRAVELLING PUBLIC 2i THE YORK HOUSE. 1" J Palmer, Projp‘. In Dress Goods, Prints, Cotions, 019., I am ' ‘ My Fall Stock is now on hand and includes the Latest and most Stylish Designs in \V. HARDWARE, A W Layder’_ RICHMOND HILL, gym mm. on. oflï¬â€™,>MAPIl;£,- Sec. &Treas.for Ctz‘nada. Victoria. Chambers. Toronto. Feb. 12th 1880. LATE or woommm'dn Of: nondon England. gag-amt; LIFE E: FOR THE