Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Dec 1881, p. 3

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V-...Aw.-v.u-_ya, vuvu w 'very root and fibre, thus affecting a PERMANENT cure, and preventing n. recurrence of the dread malady. This is no humbug. but, a POSITIVE and RELIABLE CURE without sickness, Liability r evil results to the patient ; and all afflicted with the loathsome disease of Cancer are sincerely ed to try this never-failing, PERMANENT remedy. The Plaster, with full particulars for its plication, will be sent to any address on receipt of Six Dollars addressed (registered letter) to u rx nu Irn 11 HRNAMENTAL rmymf EfirNAERAL BLAEKSMITHING s. wnonwnnx Phaetona, Buggies, Waggons. etc, built in a substantial, mat and wm'kmanlike manner The most skilled mechamcs are only employed. In T H E IMMIX PLASTER {STIR 111 but refs: Editor of t is paper. PETLEY FARMERS Ind other: will find it to their advantage to inspect_ on: ONTARIO HOUSE! mow» CHEAP FOR CASH! Pfiwflflm & @Qog BOOTS, SHO ES, OVERSHO ES & BUBBERS _.-.---~/ .. LUVâ€"LA“ Oysters Received th'rogghout the season. Just Look belorb‘ You Leap. Richmond Hill, Dec. lat, 1881. Carriage Works I NEWTONBROOK. KING STREET The Cheapest Dress Goods, EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE One application of the IMMIX Cashmerei, (black and colored.) Winceys, Shirtings,Worsmds, Tweeds, Fw Blankets, Co‘lon, Carpets, 526., £30., 91'}? G00d_s& Clothing House CURE FOR CANCER! CHRISTMAS GOODS DUATI :hent reference: given as to respectability and standing when 1“- non.“- CHpIAQE” CHRISTMAS FRUITS z BOSBY’S Now on hand. Fresh Groceries well bought, and will be sold. BE' HAD IN THE IVILLAGE! (NEARLY OPPOSITE THE ST. LAWRENCE MARKET,) R O N T O, - - O N T. And Don't You Forget It. A Large Stock of A. Positive and Permanent Without the use Flour and Feed ; the Largest stock in Town‘ This Establishment lakes the Lead THE LARGEST WHOLESALE AND H. WILSON ’S PLASTER will draw the Cancer out in a few days, with it IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS, GOLDEN GRIFFIN IN CANADA. "s. 0. SMITH", the Knifo, 12g to 132 King St. East. COATICOOK, Q.,Ca,nudu.. when required, including the 2t our stock, and make their purchaeel at thin establishment when in the City. Furnished on the shon- eat notice, and most reasonable terms. FUN ERALS ‘uII Cloths, RETAIL H. SANDERSON a. SONS, RICHMOND HILL. 8. H. ASHTON, AURORA. J. A. s. KELMAN, NEWMARKET. I B. REDDITT; Agent. RICHMOND HlLL. THUS AFFORDING Absolute Security WM. ROBERTSON, MONTREAL! Benefit of )anadian Policy ’ Haulers, DEPOSITED ANNUALLY, London & Lancashire THE W INSURANBH ASSOCIATION ! LIMITED. [le ASSURANEE BUMPANY OF LONDON. ENGLAND. Head Office I INDUBI’I‘ABLE EVIDENCE, horn Doctors, Druggists, Merchants, Farmers GIVING ENTIRE SATISFACTION. Pictou, April 20,1881. Gentlemeurâ€"I find that your Pads are giving entire satisfaction, and Wile you increased sales for so valuable a. remedy for diseases of the kid- neys. Signed, Du. J. B. MORDEN. Ask your Druggists for Pamphlets, Testimoni- n1!,etc., fr99.__ Pricei,â€" Child's Pad, $1.50 Regular Pad, $2.00. 89999113151 for Chronic Diseases, $3.00. Lame Back, Piles, Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs or complaints at- tenclmxt thereon. October 4th. 1881 A PERMANENT SURE CURE FOR FAIRBANK. R. Wilson, Prop. Every Accommodation. Fairbnuk, April 28th, 1881. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north 01' Torontn. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stabling and attentive hustlersi Terms, $1 per day. Proctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8.15 a m. 1 p in 5.30 I. m and 7.1.3 17 in. J Palmer.- Prop, Thornhill. Augdst 22nd. 1881 THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, THE YORK HOUSE! FIRST - GLASS AGGIIMMUDATIUN FOR THE THE QUEEN’S HOTEL THORNHILLX WM. DUNN EHAFDH, Proprietor. TRAVELLING PUBLIC! BOLD BY CANADIAN BRANCH. With the Receiver General, and held Ex- clusively for the 217 ST. JAMES Street, OF LONDON, ENGLAND, AND gram may. LATE 0F WOODBEIDGE RESERVES Manager. MORTGAGE 0R LAND ONLY. Richmond Hill. July 7th, 1831. DmEcTons-Samuel Plate. M 1’, Wm Gooder- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thos H Lewis, The: H Lu, Hon D L Macpherson, Senator“ Greatly Reduced Rates Western Canada Loan and Savings Company Oflicesâ€"No 7, Church-street, Toronto Hon Gno W ALLAN, Senator,President GEORGE GOODEREAMM ............ Vice-President Money received on deposit, and intent“ payable half yearly or compounded. Outfit sent free to those 1* m Lo engage in the D‘ mu. ma profitable buai uown Every thing new Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. $10 a. day and upwards is emsin made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. Noone who is willing towork fails to make more money everyday than pan be made in a. week at {my ordinary employment. Those who engage at, once will find a. short tend to fortuno Address H HALLE’I‘T & 00. Portland. Maine At difierent Prices, which I intend to sell at Slight: Advance on Cost Richmond Hill, Nov. 9th, 1881 Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000. Total Assets, $3,000,000 (Lj- CAUTIONâ€"1 have (1,9_$Agent in the United Smtes, nor arerhy Médicines sold there. Purchasers shuuld therefore look to the label on Ihe Pots and Boxes. If the address is not. 533, Oxford Street, London thgy are spurious. V ' The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are re- gistered 1n Ottawa, and also at Washington. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533, Oxford street, London. RICHMOND HILL TIN EMPOEHUM z MONEY! SAVING’S BANK BRANCH See our reduced low table For further 111% matioo apply at the 0mm of tha Company and sold at 19. 1gd.,2s. 9a., 45. 6a., 113., 22, and 335 each Box and Pot, and in Canada; at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in nrobortion. Coughs. Sore Threats. Brontfiitis, and all disord ers of the Tyrant and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrofulu. and other kind of Skin diseases Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON. STGVE$ will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours. increase the secretory powe'x‘u 01 the Liver. brace the nervous system, and thrbw‘ifito the circula- tion the purest Elements for“: sustaining and repairing the frame. . This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an impér'ishable fame throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of most diaeans to which humanity is heir. gurifg, regulate and improye the quality of the moo . They assist; the digestive argue, cleanse Thousands of persons have tehlified that by their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. Pills 6L Ointment BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. COLDS, At the Exhibition: this year. They hIVO an A 1 Itock in Blankets, Shirtingn;Winceyl, Tweed- anns. etc. at W OODBRIDG-E. Worth their ‘Neight in Gold! ! Tinwara of allkinds kept; on hand in great variety. No better value for money can be secured than at tho Evetroughing of all kinds a specialty, ancl re- pairing promptly attended. to WOOLEN MILLS! “See that your “(fuse ii 135;)! Warm”. STOMACH AND BOWELS, A SPLENDID LOT OF WALTER "S LEI‘F:I J. K. Falconbridge. LEND ! MONEY T0 LOAN. Apply to Any amount at. of Interest, on Smiley. MOINTOSH 85 SONS’ nave Jan. 5th 1881 HEARS: THE LIST FOR C. MASON. iansger. Outfit furnished free, with fun ( instructions for conducting the ‘ most profitable business that any one can engage in. The business is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so uinvple and plain this ‘unyong can mnlge__gre_at The thnix Fire Insurance Neyvtonbrookj Nentonbrook, Dec. Int, 1881. 'prr “its from the very start. No one can fail who 15 ‘ illing to work Women are as auccealful as mr 1 Boys and girls can earn large sums Many ha *0 made at the business over one hundred dollâ€" ars in a single week Nothing like it ever known befnre All who engage are surprisad at the eas» and rapidity with which they are able to bank-- money You can engage in this business duré w your spare time at great profit You an not “ ~ to invest: capital in it We take (all risk T who need reudv money, should write to in once All furnished free Arldwss TRUE :91 ({in Augusta. Maine FM]?! filflfl Ti} Sillllfl MU (1113‘;ka AID ! I)RAIN TLLE, OF THE BEST QUALITY AT Official Assigr Barâ€"deters, Attorneys-iwimw, V Solic lateâ€"i; ‘ Chancery. C Ionveyuncors, etc, Oflfic-abwlmponfl Bank Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto noun FEnc‘msoN, Q.C. JOHN BAH! WM SETON (901mm, GEO F SKIPLII. 18 AND 60 YEARS. $18.09» $21.0: x Mortgages 75mm 1 and sold. or 1'( mm OFFICErâ€"X 'Icthr _‘ Toronto I WILLIAM H. BEST, BARRISTER. Attorney, Solicimr, Notary, &c. &c., MONEY To LOAN. icon 20. UNION LOA‘H nmnmau $60,000 DEPOSIT]? THE BEST mm Jan Batmaan at .I N WHoyles, ’ ‘ Fgrguson, Bain, Money to I i q r No. 28, and 30, Toronto Street TORONTO. Leader La mute My 6th, 1881. - wom'n on sm..:.a2<n cmmnsm, Is a. 20 KE: 5“ " West. Toronto. ordered and fiBfie- E; {t tfio‘bggtvha‘gtvéfifi'fiag l ‘ v. ‘Au‘fifi'lll’ u.UnU-’ m ‘ v - SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 87 King straet East. Toronto, over H. (S: C. Islwhford’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit each patient. Pmrtikmlar attention given to the preservation and rrggulntlon of the natural teeth carefully avoiding all unnecessary pain. A. W EDAYYT“Y\YI‘< Y“-.A, - n A may still be consulté an; bizlachr 3311313135 fession, as follows : 9th 6: 24th of ouch month Richmond Hill. . .. (at Palmer Hon ) Aurora, lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmnrket,...l.. 2nd do Stouffville ...... .‘ . .. ' do Markham ...... dc Victoria Square ...... do Thornhill . . . . . . . . .... do Maple . . . . . . . l . . . . do Woodbridga ...... do Kleinburg . do Nobleton ...... .. .30th do 7 Anasijhntigs,” Niltfjaqa Oxide. etc., used when SPAULbINGI‘iIfi Sissisfilft" BARRIS'EERS, &° POULTBEE & Expm‘, BARRIS t mmnn Bethune, Muss, Falconbridge AN'D BOYLES, Ix Orrrcn Rlcnxoxn HILL, F135? 10 Du’u or Emu MONTH, MAPLE ........................................................... IITH Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for painlou extruct‘ldn of teeth. smmn BODY AND MIND The Dozen ! “'ith Provincial Treasurer for the security of Policy Holders. Thankful for the fa. vote 91 ‘ thy . page” you." .......¢:n u- ___._._n_~; 3,, ,, TEES. Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chuncery Adel title street East, (opposite the Court ), Tor onto. mm DOULTBEE WM. Won'rs HVA'M. Company, Insurea at the lowest rates QUALITY AT Assessments $1, at such death Dr A ROBINSOPL SURGEON DENTIST, AUBOI Or by t: Between the ages of P. O. Box 2527. h THOS NIGHTINGALE’S. CANADIAN BEGXSTERED «gmml, W. J. BULL, as any person of m} '5", F' c_. ADAMS, L.D.S Y E. L "a f. w, wz. E FOR {can ‘LAHKE‘ r .1 4 > h. W C Falconbrié’ge A B Ayleswnrth Yorkvilo 5'.” names, " jacught Kant, Carr-rep ._qsod when \J‘JJEB wa-Iy I43 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, or We make a special style of Organ in large quantities and “ i > , are tneref‘om able t ‘ .them a}: exceptxonally favorable rates. Mason :3: Hamlin Organs of all loudilm 0333:; In stoc . ‘ a Payments arranged‘to suit the convenience of purchasers and spread over a term years. For full partlculars write to GENTLEMEN,â€"-The action supplied by us to you is the same 9,5 WP fu High to Messrs A Weber and other first. class New York Piano Makers. and is in no way interiar m our usual fine work Yours very respectfully. WESSEL, NICKEL, & GROSS. Wesse1,__ Ntckel 8c Gross}, v on. Etc. 7 V V V ' V alifiee Hours 8 to 10, 1 to 2 and 6 to 8‘ Mussns. R. S. WxLLuus A: Soxs. TORONTO :-â€"- B. B. Orr, M. B. mud First Silver Medalist. C‘nivgrsityjof Toronto. M. C. P. s. Gamio, L. B 5.13. Engla‘nd (Late 0! London, England) EENESQE , F'tu warranted in every respect ; equal in point of tone, fimsb and durabi‘ity to the High Priced American Instruments. ' '. a money taster at work for us. than lg else Capital not required ; we ygu $12 per day made at homo by nous Men, women. ha and girls ywhorefiq‘ km: a «7' dub y» qumt. mm!“ tr“ 5&3”! DRUGS! DRUQS ! DBMS 1 PIANUS ! PIANOS! LARGE AND FRESLEIé; STOCK? Prescriptions CAREFULWCompounded Comer Yonge & Centre Streets, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Dec. )4th, 1881. PRES EN ’fi‘s g 1881. rancnxoxn 1mm, 0:”. _. of Toronto University. and Member tlw: Cohoge of Physicians and Surgaau. ' ant. to Dr. James Langmtafl. 1. Hill, October lath, 1579 ,. :2 w :21 "1 4'3 fl WM & 3mm“ FRUITS! FRUITS I FRUITS ! J Reynolds. _, 2 "9n n 1 . 1 .‘-4 FRESH PURE DR. ORR, MAPLE, R. S. W'EfixZAAEZS 2&5 SDN’ Are made by experiencad New York Workman, 1mm the very gamma. Essences, Extracts, Spices, Toilet Articlos, Che'n‘cles In Every Kind of G-mds. CERTIFICATE ‘FROM Manufacturers of Piano Forte Actions 228 DUNDAS STREET. LOEEDON Quarter Col 5 00 1% 00 10 no 15 00 20 00 Threeinchea 3 00 4 00 5 on 8 oo 12 00 Two inches 2 50 3M 3 be 5 00 8 00 One Inch”. 150 ‘75 zoo 800 500 Business Suds, one vam- .84. on Do six months 2 56 Do three months .. .. 1 55 Transitory advertisements, first Mormon. per inch ..................................... H Each subsequent insertion. er inch 3 Advmznaufs without writinn inr - ~ ml! 121 W until forbid a; charm (twain __)._L An incl} comprises twelve ines of Nonpaxfi . EVERY THURSDAY, M. hit; printing 213%, a, Youge 'v'm-oet. Richmond Hill, Ontario Tarmac? Subacriptlons: $1 00 per mnnum in u_dv ama When an paid in adv-.1106 $1 50 will b. caugudi ‘ Ad-“mtiasmam will be inleer n the follow in; rat-a: C1 Me KEEFLER. The York Herald. We” 45th street and 10th Avenue.- v New York, Feb. 6th 1880, H. SANDERSQN 8. SI]ng AND GOOD- PUBLISHED BY , Perfum: 1881.

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