‘X‘o Letaâ€"M. McNair. Skates Stolenâ€"John Gilroy. Muff Lostâ€" No. 38: T H U RSDAY FEB We believe Ontario is entitled to the Territory allowed by the arbitrators, but we cannot npprovc'of the wuy in which the Ontario Ministry and their supporters have handled the ease, and presented their claims. To all those who form their opinions fairly and squarely. regardless of party and other influences, it must have appeared when the Ontario Ministry ï¬rst stated their caée, that it was a strong one, and that. the Dominion . Government were not, noting in a proper spirit. one side oE'a story rarely, if ever, gives a fair and lucid stzttementiof tooth, and this, case is no exception. While we thought, and still think, Ontario is perfectly err-â€"l titled to the territm'y, we have nothing| but strong: condemnation for the threats implied about “going to war,†“using force,†and other weighty and bombas- tic phrases, used by the supporters of the Ontario Government in urging the Ministry to stand up for their rights. Even the members of that Government have not hesitated to insinuate that confederation could not. stand, if 0n- tnrio was not, allowed what she clalmed. The Government evidently thought they had a strong card, and were prepared to play alone hand for the pile. But in the light of later events, their actions seem not only hasty but also very unâ€" wise. There was really no t’ieension for a] the big talk and hluttering of the Ministry. The Dcminion Government sent a despatch to the Ontario Government last month. stating their view 01' the quesâ€" tion. and giving the reasons why they ‘ held such views. Mr. Mowat was askâ€"l ed to lay this paper before the Ontario House, that it might consider the reasons given, but he refused to do so. The “missing dospatch,†as. it has been called. was laid on the table of the House of Commons. on Thursday last, and it certainly knocks the wind out of the Local Government’s sails. It, points out that the position taken by the Dominâ€" ion Guvernment has been uniform from the beginning. and has beeii in favor of having an authoritative decision of the qutstion from the‘ highest tribunal ap- proachable. Three times in 1b72 the Ontario Government was urged to sub - wit the question to the Judicial loin-â€" mittee of the Privy Council, but for some reason the proposal was not ao- oepted. and henoe the“dela_vs and incon romances,†which Mr. Mowat and his political 'stt'npathizers so pathetically alluded to This shows that the Domin- ion Governnmnt were anxious to have a speedy and authoritative decision. In 1874 :1 despatch from the Lieutenantâ€" Governor contained a proposal to subâ€" mit the matter to arbitration. The proposal was accepted by the Mackenzie Government, Without Parliamentary sanction, which is considered not only highly inexpodient but an transcending the power of the Government of the day. From the course taken by the Ontario Government-,_ it seems reasonable to assume that the arbitration was not in- tended to deï¬ne and settled a true legal boundary. but that aconvontional one should be laid down. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS The award was made by the arbitraz tors on the Third day of August, 1878, and the Mackenzie Government. took no action in the matter. A Commit'ee ofthe House of Commons reported that the award did not deï¬ne the true boun- daries of Ontario, that the Ontario boun- daries were run into Hudson Bay Terri- tories, Indian Territories, and other lands which forttted no part of Old Lower Canada. or Upper Canada, or either ot'them. The Dominion Government are now willing to allow the case to go before the Supreme Court of Canada, for legal settlement, or to an eminent legal func tionttry to be mutually agreed upon, or if l‘ltltlliobt and Ontario prefer. to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Counâ€" cil. They consider that. the tutvrosts of Ontario are Considered hy the action which they advise as much and as strongly as the interests of any other province. Their only anxiety is that a legal question, iri winch Ontario is inâ€" terrsted by itself, and in which it is inâ€" terested also as a member of' the Conâ€" federation, should be dieposed of by a legal tribunal 37hr. 3;}mG “ï¬irram. Richmond Hm. Ont. Wlmt is the matter with the Toronto World ? For the lust wet-k it has conâ€" tained long and lowing: editorials on the leways of the Province. The articles are nbly written, and are all against the system of giving grants to railway lines, which serve no public yard. and are bought up by the leading: roads after a few years ol'a trztrugglingr and prtcurious existence. Close upon nine millions of dollars. of provincial and l municipal money have been upended in peninsular roads, not counting the main lines of llw Grand Tunk and Greal Western, the Sarnia branch of the latter and the Buffalo and Lake Huron. There are now a large number of rail- my schemes before the legislature, seek- The Boundary Whole No. 123%: Ontario Railways. mm,“ “Inâ€. .W’ Volume 2‘}. ing for grants. These lines were built to aflord competition and they have been all absorbed by the large cnrpglations. 'l‘ruli the World says :â€"-“We might- mnkc a railway gridiron of the peninâ€" sula, and use up millions of mOney in doing My, without beneï¬t to anybody but prommors, and lawyers! and conâ€" trnmors. Are not our railway follies of the past, quitej sufï¬cient, without adding more and more of them to the record of costly blunders ‘? The provincial leglsâ€" lamre does not lruly represent lhe people of Ontario if it. does not calla halt and put an extinguisher on the promoters’ railway "boom." To the Editor of the Hcraid‘ SIR â€"lt appears that Mr J. Rupert is anxious for a little more of my attenâ€" tion than I considered his ï¬rst letler worthy of. In your contemporary of last week, he has about hnli‘n column of reply to my letter, and really I fail to see why he takes so much space to say 51: little I do not wish to descend t0‘ ridicule. Mr. Rupert is terribly sar- castic. and indulges in a ghostly and most soul‘ harrowing attempt at a joke at my expense, about “Jonah and the \Vhale." The public do not wish to be amused by such humorousC’) tales If they have any interest in these let‘ters at lull, such interest lies in the simple fact, ‘whether Mr. Rupert is not doing all he lpossibly can to-iniure the Government, iand whether he is right in persisting in 1Such a c0urse,while holding the ofï¬ce of' {Pest-master. It'I wished to adopt Mr. Bupert’si style ofletter-writing, I might say thntl he is not the only person who thought i they were “as-isting the Government and saving the country by their course . of' action.†Mr. Rupert says he isl doing so Well, the poor, unfortunatel wreteh that is now lying.r in prison in the neighboring Republic for :issnssinating the President, says the same thing. But reasonable, intelligent. people do not. believe him, and I am inclined to think ‘ that Mr. Rupert is trying to impose on the modality of the people, in making such a lame defence. lt‘certainly seems a great pity that. this talented C?) gentle- ‘nmn wns overlooked, when Sir John formed his cabinet. Some people have wondered ntthe inscrutable designs of of that statesman, but this last folly eclipses every former one. Even Phipps himself] is but a mere fledgling;r to the mine of wisdom. genius and diplomacy that is situated almost in our midst, land only‘ziwaiting a proper chance to develop into the greatest and mightiest intellect of‘ the age. Is it not a vch sad th0ught. that in all probaâ€" bility this talented postâ€"muster will never have any greater opâ€" portunity to aseist Sir John than in orâ€" ganizing parties to oppose him. and will never be able to assist in welding toâ€" gether this great confederation in any other wav than by holding meetings at the Maple Post Ofï¬ce. If I wished to continue this reply in ' Mr. Rupert's style, I might just ask him if he thinks it is kind and charitable to allow the Post Ofï¬ce to be turned in-l to a Reading Room and have his reâ€"l plies to my letters read allowed by 0‘ near and dear friend to an admiring: and sympathetic audience. until said reader is requested to retire into the house, by one who perceivrs the impropriety ol' allowing the audience to be delighted in that way. Now, I am a very sensitive fellow, Mr. Rupert, somewhat. thin skin- ed. and when such a master of sarcasm ‘as you undoubtedly are. condescendn to ‘omploy this merciless power against, me, l Feel as if'l Ind no longer any work to [do. As Mark Twain in credited With saying “I just. want to go away someâ€" lwhere, quietly and alone, an i lie down and die.†If' you should ever have oc~ custom to crush any one in the future. do not. I beg of you, do it. with that "ï¬sh story." It is too, too, It Is worn and weary, let it rest, 01- your fume in golden pages, penned by poets and by sages. shall go sou: ding down the ages, when your form is in the dust. The Political Postâ€"Master. I am sorry (hat I have to accuse my worthy friend of either a great, mistake, or a deliberate falsehood. He says "Scru- tator ï¬rst charged me with having the waning in the Post Ofï¬ce.†I did not. 1 said the meeting was at the Po-t Ofllv'e. and if Mr. Rupert will read my letter again, he will see 1hut he is wrong. Some may say there is not much diï¬er - ence between the‘ two statements, but to such a close and consistent reasoner as Mr. Rupert, even the slightest letter onword makes a great and appalling difference. J 1 again repeat, that I am correct in * saying: the meetings were held "at the; Posg ()ï¬ice,†They were understood by l in to be held there, it was in this torm‘l that the information was giten to friends 3 to attend, and even now, in speaking of ‘ thoso meetings, every one refers to them as being held at the Post (lflice. What is the Prist Oï¬ice anyway. and where is it, it' not where the meetings were held. I hnve nu feeling of enmity towards Mr Rupert. and do not any anything ugninst hi-n hnldinz Wlwl opinions he. pleaStis on political quvsnons. If he believes the Re- t'nrmera ul'f‘ right. stick to them by all means and l will honor him for doing so ‘ Rut I have n fnir cnnse for complaint if a Government txfï¬t-ial convenes meetings at the Post Uï¬ice. for the purpose of orgnniz- ltng to defeat the Gnvut'ttment. I am further infmmed that the Mail Carrier for Mr. Rupert has heen turned into a. distributer of bills. «iving notices oi Reform meetings. tllld that the Post-master places political circulars in the P O. for distribution. with- (Ul stamps lit-nut: nï¬ixed. This is certainly making: use of Hr-r Majesty’s Servicemnd to mistake! Mr Rupert also requested men to sign the petition cettsuring the Gown». «twill l'ur making the bnrgtnn with the C l’. R Syndicate. He sars he did not (‘il'-- rulztttn surh petitions. W hat is the difl‘er- ence ? If a man cannot make u better tletence‘than that. he should own right up that the statement is correct It Wnuld he the more manly course. Perhnpl tho Post- muster will inform me that he only asked his customers in his store. to sign the nett- tions Well. is the store at the Post Ofï¬ce or is the Pest Ofï¬ce at the store. Maybe the Post Utï¬ce is down cellar. All the twistith and squirming of a professional contortionist. or an eel on a hook, will not > enable my worthy friend to get away from lupcrt, accuses me of falsehoods. I will not return the hard mtmel, but I haverclear- ly shown that he "has not the profound reverence for the truth that he should have. THE SCHOOL 410(3st MEETING. AsI told you in my ï¬rst letter. the Re- formers arranged to hold a meetingr in the School-house, of Section No. 5. Vnngltanq When they assembled. it. was found that the‘ muster, a very energetic and persevering instructor of the youth. was holding a night school for the. heneï¬t of some pupils. Quite properly he refused to dismiss the school. nnd the meeting had to adjourn to Mr A. Credock’s. who is going to Manito- ba. I believe Whether the meeting wmt too much for him or not. I am not inform- ed. but he is going uwny. I“ the same. and I WlBh him success in his new home. There were about twenty persons present, includ» ing men. women and children, and before the business was concluded, they made a lproselyte ofthe young man who is locally 3 known as “The Terrier.†the paint while I havehim in hand. InI One subject before [he meeting was my ï¬rs! leuer, and it was “weed that the mxt meming should hp held in the Masonic Hal Maple. But before sepm'ming. some} on? said lhm wnuld he udmining th “Ecru-- mtor†had hit them hard. and thew llwn concluded to go back lo 1hr- Pnst ()ï¬ice, as formerly; , " Richmond Hill Village ‘E Pnrkdule ............. .. { Brockton Village., . Etobicoke ..... m Vaughan... . 1., York West. I am infotnted that the ge- tleuutn who acted as chairman at the Debnte. on IhrI subjrctv "Resolve-d thnt thu settlrment of the North- West wuutd provet’etrittwntul to the Interests uf‘Utttnrio." whtch tnnk pan at a former viatt to Maple, has jnilIPd the ()ottseuvative Association, and attended n meeting at Weston, and thttt the arguments he hemd on the evening ret‘rrred to want what changed hts outniuns. He is now con- vinced that the present Govat'nment are cmtductmg.r the affairs of the c'outttt‘y In an able and plndeltl mnntte-r. ' I am nf'mid this letter 1: Somewhat long:- er than [intended when I cnmnwnced to mine. but I have u WOId or twu lefL s'cl, if necessary. Vaughan. Feh 21m, 1882. SIH~Some one over the signature of ~_Sc:u" or “Scml>,' stairs in the Liberal of the |7Ih inst . that polim-ul memiugs have hwn he]! in the Post Ofï¬ce at Teslun This stair-men! is false. unless it means that n dam-Hash)†of pulilicul questinns sometimes ta|»e~x place between pat-mag when they _ call for llwir nun} Tle are no privutu meet- ings hvld “'1 was to give you a report ()I' the doing: nf some of the (him around hrrv. the lenders u-f tlu- HERALD Would he sun-- prISvd. [le at any lune answer tn any charges brought against me. at or in any puhlk building which my uc-C'ser avlecls. provided I have the pnivilr-ge ()l'quehtiomug him. To the Editor of the Herald: Death of Rev. Dr. Ryerson. At seven 0’ dock Sunday thrP passed away. at his residence on Vlclmiu su-«el. Dr Egemm Byers-41, aged 79 )ears 'I ll dpalh was no! unlov-ked fur. as the. (Io-m-nsed has been in v~â€"ry poor heahh fm some Iime back He did surrounded hi‘ his ï¬unily. i'n Ihv qnim culm hnpo nfu (‘hus'inm The tun-em] mnk plnce on Wrdlwsduy m 2 o’clock. with service in the Menopuiilan chm-chat 3 30 p.m. - ~ 5“ s r Teston, Feb. 22nd, [882 Kev Egmlnn H‘yersun mm born m the townshlp 0f (‘haleHPviHP’ coumy of er folk, on Ihe 24lh of March I 81‘3 He was a dvscendmn ()I' a family of l . E. lmyaiims. HP. along with his other hrulhels. sper! his earl.v fans on his f'alhr‘r’s farm At IhP age uf vighn-en he bH-umv a mvmher M II)» Melly-dim cnmmunirn. fnur yuan: Imer he became n minisler of Ibis (‘huroh Ha Was uppuinled In the Niagara disLicl, and aï¬erwurds filled a number of N'Hliullï¬ Ihruuflmut Unlariov Wth [hr Christian Guardian was memb- iished in 1829. Ibo: young (,ll‘l'u'VlHMH wns‘ appolluté‘d assm-iate fdiHH‘ In 1844 Ihe deceased was appointed Suzierinrendvni of the Public Suliimls for Uuper (Tana/iii I! was in Ibis positiun, perhaps lhm Dr. RyI-i- Sun has revflered [he inns! lasling eel-vict- In his "alive land Fur 3‘) years he was “I lhe head (if the educnlionai instiluiinns ni Ihe, pmvince. Mud his zr-ni und unliring en. ergy huw IFFI iheir uimlierable slump upnn lhI m in 1876 mung :0 increasing inflam- iiies hr- b'lll'lelldr‘lr’d his nosiliun u: tug-Hi: - tendrnl Iii rdncnlion. and up in lb!“ time of his deuih livrd, a life uf liieuu-y ease. uccupï¬ng his time- in prepming a "bisimy of the Uniied Empire Luyahsts.†which has alredy been issued. The 1'01anng County of' York Scarborough ....... York East ‘ Mmrkhnm‘... Yorkville Village Stouï¬ville... King: , . ..................... Stouï¬'ville Villxge. Whibchurch . Aurura Villug , Newmarket ..... Gwillimbury Ens Gwillimbnry North Holland Landing... Georgina..‘.‘. MOTHERS! MOTHERS†V MOTHERS Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by 1 sick child sufleriug and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a. bottle of MRS. WINSLOW’S soo'rnv ING SYRUP, It will relieve the poor little suï¬ei- er immediatelyâ€"depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it W111 regulate the bowals, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best iomale physicians and nurses in the United States Sold evervwhere at 25 cents a. bottle. Hommn‘s Him-Mics? um PIVLI â€" 'l hes? wnwdivs are uanunllpd lhmughum [1'19 wmld for bad lugs. wuundn, l‘uul Sure! and moms. . USl-‘d “rounding to dlchllIH‘S given with llwm thine is no wound, bud leg’ 01 ulcei-ous soue huwevm- nhslilmle or lung smndin 1-. but will yield In [heir lll-‘allll‘.’ and curatiw prnpvrlios Many pnnr suï¬'meus who have been patients in the large hospit- als m)de lhe care of eminent surgeons and hnvo 'dedwd lmle m- no beneï¬t {mm their irputmom. have been 1hm~oughly curpd by Halluway’s Uintmeu! and Pills. Fvvr Lrlund- ular swelliugs. tumom scurvy. and dispasea of the slim there is nmhmg that can he used with go much beneï¬t In fact in the wars: forms o£,diseuse, deendent upon the con- ditir'n of Ihe hlm-d. thRP’ medicines uswi conjointly, are irresistible. The Teston Post Oï¬icd. A PLI- SING ANNHI‘NCEMENT Total Total Total Census of 188]. Yours, etc, , YORK NORTH g is the population nf' the ( by municipalities :â€"â€"- EABT YORK. YORK WIBT. Scumuoa G. Wusux 18,884 22,355 24 .502 7.5 4,208 6,491 6.3 4,515 807 1,170 786 2,973 6,828 6,257 6.634 407 1,540 2.0"6 4.143 ‘ZJM '58' 2.432 Bleighing again! Who took the lkncas I . . ‘ RE lunx able weather, Fashionable wedding at n. 0. Oman. Thom-- hill, on Tuoadav. " _ ' ' The young ladies’ are around collecting for the Missionaries. They will meet lots of tie-then} at home, who won‘t give a cent. ‘ Select party at the Ridges lug Monday. Prof. Mnrcicana‘s Urchestm. Toronto young men well’ re p V’nted. Our Manitoba. apeculmtor lï¬si’o‘mmcd. And the fever is as bad 3! «ref. ' Made several investments, but the rest of the North-West is not surveyed yet. 459 Oyster Supper Ind Yromenude Concert at Testou, bo-morrow (Friday) night. J usb a nice sleigh-drive out there. Fine skating on Monday night Large crowd and apparenzly any amount of pleasure. ‘ School Entertainment at Buttonville. (comer- row (Friday) night. A mink muff lost. Reward offered. See advertisement, We are happy tn hear that Dr. Reid. of Thnrnhill. is rapidly recovering, and will be able to resume his. usual duties in a few days. DIVIRIBN COURT.â€"â€"The next Division Cnurt will be held on Friday.~ March 3rd. in Hm Court House, in lhis village. not on Monday, the 6th, ng previously announced. ' A ' The regular meeting of the Fire Cnmpzmv, will-b9 held in the (‘mmcfl Chamber, on Friday evening. Mulch 3rd. VICTORIA SQUARE HOTELâ€"Mr. Wm. Meek, rf Lungataï¬', ,purclmsed the site of the Square Hide]. and the lms adjmning. for about 3600. Building oper'tinns have culmmzueod already. Mr. Bmsfbrd.“ Newmnrketr. has the contract for the erection 01' {he Hotel. a frame building for $1.600.l Ethiopian ï¬ralude, songs, reoï¬tntlons. etc. M the Hall. in this village. 0 .WPdues~ day eveninxz‘nexr. March Is~ ‘ lzusmess ni'particuluximpnrlance w' e trans- amed. 1 L There is A sunflower in this Village. She was a. maiden of mourniul mien. Clad in a garment of sad, sage green. W'ith peacocks’ feat-hers strunger bedighb ; Skimp was the skirt, and the sleeves full tight, No frivolous gems that maiden wore, But a {an in her mner handshe bore, And on it was paintedâ€"so simple and mat- A sunflower, with all its petals complete. Her face wm. weary, and white,- rmd wan, Her hair was the line of the setting sun ; She did not smile ,sho did not talk, She drooped like a lily upon a stalk. And what Were her musings none might Oscar W ild. is coming to Toronto guessâ€" Her wnrds were "too utter" for word: to ex- . Hopperâ€: Bite e shop.'a purse containing $5 and some paper..- The ï¬nder will please leave‘_jt' _ at. M r. Pngue’s store. As the ownera'is in such circumstances that the loss will be felt spvcrely. it. is to be hoped any person ï¬nding the purse will be kmd;w1d honest. enough to return it. ‘ ’ lchRDr’s SALn.â€""The iliirteemh monthly sale will be held af the Palmer House. on Wednesday, March lst. These sales are now hecnming impovâ€" am to sellers and buyers, and many persrms in quest of hnrses, Gillile‘ and other mock, make it. a point to attend. Bv pannnizing :m instimtinn of' lhis kind, all who buy or sell. are wmkmg in their own interests both for tho prv- smt and the Future. The energetic Fec- rmm-y.l\lr B.Reddin, will always rec' in cntrieï¬. and give all inlnrnnuinn desired. RETURNFD mom WINNIPRQ Mr Wm A kinson rv'ux‘nu-d from Manitoba on Saturduv lust and six-sec that lime William has been bultrn-lmk-d by r~vm~y bndv. whenowr an nppnrmnily for so dining: presented itwll'. to n-Il all about thm wundvrfnl enumrv. He Vi~itt~d \Villliipet! Pm ago La Prairie and BI'andnu..-md purchmed lnls In each place In Winnipeg he [mid $2 600 for h 10! [war the central par! 0! Main sm-M which may be considered a sure invest- mem He has a wry gund opinion of the cnunh‘y. and ï¬nds the gailies and dissipatinns offnrhinnuble life in the social and cmunu-rcinl sets, rather slow and name in “ï¬n Ihlivinz metropolis‘ after living in that hub of the contin- ent,-â€"Winnipcg. TESTON O. M. CHURCH Enamels.â€" The Anniversary Services on Ihe I'2rh inst., were well attended bmh morning and evening. The Rev Mr. Howeon gave a good dir-cnurse, with all hi1: old force and vigor. The toavmeeting on Mnnday evening. in «lie Church. was a succosd'ul mm pleasant. one The tea was excellent. and the lecture by Mr Hnwsnn. on "The Tonguv. its use and abuse†will: bmh interesting and amus- ing. The Uhoir sang very nicely. and the Band gave several selections in an uble manner. The proceeds. after my ing all expenses, umnnnted in ($58.37. We congratulate nur’Teston frivnds on the success of (hair meeting. R H. BRANCH L._C. A.â€"A meeting was held in 1hr Temperance Hall, on Tuesday evening 213: Inst,†for the purpose are ganizing I Branch of the West York Liberal Gmervativev Almâ€" oiatinn. There: WE ï¬lm-gs attendance nf'elecmra The following nï¬cors were elected 2- Clmirman. l (lrosby ; 1st Vice. Jn'nn Elliott. ; 2nd: Vice. P. G. Savage ; Treasurer. J Brown ; Secretâ€" arv.\U Sanderson ; ExeotiveGnm J. San- derson, J. Reynolds, D l'. ï¬airbaim J. A. E. Switzer and the Oï¬oers. Speeches were made by the «\ï¬cers elect- ed, and the meeting adjourned. umil the call of the chair. At the next moetmg it is proposed to have a debate on name interesnng suijct. relating to the politi- cal questions now befou the electors. LOCAL ITEMS. press. DOTS AID DASHES. AN Eswnmic MAIDEN. A fre$h supply of Scribblinz and on)" School Books on hand at the Hum) Store A few Diaries on hand, will be luld at cont. ' A valuable shawl has been lost. Re- ward of $4 offered See bills. “The Changed Heart.†May Agnes Fleming’s latest book, for sale at the Hun» Store. Richmond Lodge, A. F. & A. M.. meets at the Masonic Hall. Ric mond Hill, on Monday evening, Feb. 27th. Articles on the York Farmer’s and the Temperance Cnlnmzation Cumpunâ€" ies. and other subjects are crowded out this week. CATTLE FAIRâ€"Our monthly came fair wi‘l he held on Palmer’s fair ground on Wednesdnv. March lst The last fair was an extra gnod one. A pair of sknles left the rink in a rather mysmï¬ous manner. See adver- tiscmenl. An intei‘esling letter from Nnbleton on the third page 'I‘lw L C. A. seems in a healthy and vigorous state. V. P. A.â€"-The annual meeling of the Vaughan Plowman‘s Association. w1ll be held at. Palmer’s Hotel. Maple, on Satur day. Feb. 25th, at 1 p. m , for election of oï¬cers, etc THAT TEAâ€"Mrs Harrison has our thanks for a samp'e of llmt. excellent tea which she 13 intrnducing so rapidly m thevnmice of'tlxe public A cup or so of this tea is alums! cnnuul‘. lo make any fellow “swear off" all Ollmer beverages At (he I iberuIâ€"Conservative Conven- tion in Markham. yesh-rduv. (Wedn sâ€" dny.) Mr A Boullbee received Ihe unâ€" animom nomination for the Dominion House.» THE BAND AND THE RINKâ€"We have bewn thnested to state by the uwmbers of the Band. in rpply to a statement. made in the Liberal. that they are wiliing to pay for tickets to the Skating Hank, and will expect. to re- ceive a fair remum-rulion for their serâ€" vices in providing music. "I'm. EVENT on THE SEAan â€"'Fhe uwmbem of the Twin†Brass Band inâ€" tend having :1 grand ()3Mer Supper and Promenade Cnnccrt. in the Grunge Hull Teston. on the evening of Friday, Feb. 24th. Oysters will be served from 6 to 8 o'chmk, p. m., in the Tempvrance Hall. Afterwm-ds those wishing to dance will assemble in the Grange Haâ€. A ï¬rst class quadrillc band will be preâ€" sent. TickeIs for Supper and Assemb- ,“.’5 cents. LOCAL ITEMS. Tns‘rbu C. M C. AND S. rm T.~â€"A subscriber writes us from Tenmn that the Liberal corresphudent. “Church Member.†is incorrect in stating that the C M Church run their nnniversmy prices and lovcture in nppusiiion to the Sons 0! Tempelance. He says the C M Church Committee urn-nng fm' hold- ï¬ng’ the lecture hum: hel'me the Sons made any mmuuncement, but when they heard of the Intlor's intemiml they dc. cided t0 pos'pone th-A Church 'l‘ea uu-et- ing The cnnunittec were inf'vrmed. hnwever, that the S.nf T had decided to hold ovw thmr femtivition until a later date, and the} accm-dingly mm on as at ï¬rst decided. The. Suns t en rushvd their pi(~ mc nn He says thn Church is auger and :mxinu "n assist any temper ance work. but. (.‘hurch uwmlmrs do not care In belong to :1 Society where so many frequwtly and npeniy violate their nhligaliuns New musir- 1'0 the “Ripple†La Napol- uuiuu hr I‘Lmlle S unï¬nd =h's new at d ureuy cumpovzilmn is sure ir- ‘5;,»'(*1“I;,d\‘l‘]‘\ 91f. (any, at tho sum? "u v w 2:3 _\ ~uII> \h~ ‘ le pw " Thrw is ‘--n‘ Hmâ€; enlLinj in Hit-“mum lhxl cauws n W- i): unlined in the mum vry whenm‘eu mei )1 ice 40 cents. Sold by I Suckling .& ""-lN. music puanhBrs. 'l'munll). RHEUMATISM: mummy; com 3! ALL muons-rs an DEALERS m ammonia. Nauru/gin, Sciatica, Lumbaga, ' Packacho, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins], Sore Tlrraat, Swall- ing: and Sprain, Burns and Sea/d8, General Bodin Palm, Toot/I, Em- and Headache, Fromd Foot and Ears, and all othor Pain: and lakes. 1“ do: on urn: null 81. Juan 0". u a :a , aura, limpla Ind cheap Exlrrnul Bound, A trhl entails but th- comp-rumer trifling onus: of 50 Conn. and ovary mu suffering mil pun an luv. chap Ind positive m! of 10 ml. Dir-action- ln mm laugh-cu. A. VOGEEER & 00.. elly compo-Kim)†is hllrl‘ “win-ml l= iauney uf w \ 91f. ('lnv, at tho sumo» JFOR Jam.) 14;. 0.11. Scanning our various exchanges. we no- tice eapncial dininclion given. in prominent Ncw York dailies lo Ben-num- Btiley & Hutc- hinson’s strong endorsement of St Jacobs Oil as s pain-reliever. They too have full. en intn line it would seemâ€"Cincinnati (0.) Enquirer. Helmkny-Qunnlz-Un the Hxh of Feb. 1882 at. the residence of Daniel Quumz qu . 41h Conceasinn of Markham. hv lhe Rev Wm, J Miner. Fm“ H HHLMKAY. of T-ouuwussngu, to Mun QUARTZ, of Mark hum. BIRTH . At Bond's Lake. on the 8111 inst, Mrs Wm. Bell. jr., ofa sun The l'unmni nmk place on Sunday Inst. 39th inn. and was very Inrgely amended. Sc-rvit-e was hvld in Ihxa C. M Church a! 2 p m . th-u the Rev Mr Addison drhvar- edun nble and verv impressive sermon, from l’ruverhs, XIV Chap“ and I'm- hue; mm nflho 32nd vmsn "hut the righteous hmh hone in hit; rlvmh." Referling m the liver-used b:thr he spnl'se nf him as one he new-u visxted thnul coming away im- proved. and us one who had been wailing to ho- callvd uwny km the- lust twenty years. My Hurringum was hurt: in May (Murry, Tymne. Ireland. in March. 1790. and emi- grated In l‘mmdu in I820 Hm: ï¬rsl seillrd he-Iwwn lhe 7th and kill} Con. of Markhan and nï¬erwmds rem-Ned In this villugw. where he has ainch resided, He marrin : ‘ Miss Hastings‘ 1-; daughter of Mr. Thus Hastings. of Markham ThPy lmd eigh= children. sixdnughivrs and lwo sons, six‘ 0t whom nre ati'H living. ‘ THURSDAY, March 2nd.â€"Auction Eula of Farm Stock, Implemxvnts, etc., at; lot 25, rear of 2m] Con. of Vuughnn, the properth of Mr. Chas. Kirkhnd. Sale at 12 o’clock. No reserve. as the prom‘imr i.‘ using to the Nor-West. Terms. 568 andnnder mush, over that amount 8 months‘ credit on furnishing approved joint notes. 8. Eckmrdt, Auct THURSDAY, Feb. 23, 1852 P CEB AT FABMMnS' \uuaoxs hautfall. new,per ush 4 “a, I . Barley do Outs, «I m. Pens du Rye do Dressed Hammer 100 lbs. . .. Beef, hind quarters, per 11.0 tbs Mutton, by the ourcnse, per 100 ms... Chickens, per pair .. Ducks, per brace Geese,ench ....... Turkeys, each . Butter, lbrolls large rolls tub dairy... Eggs, fresh, (107. Potatoes, per bag Anples per barrel Onions, per bag .. Cubbage,pcr doz . Celery, per do; .. Tnmips, per hag Carrots, per bag Boots, per bag .. Pnrsnips, per bag . Hay pen-,ton.. Straw per, ton. Wan] net 11).. O O...IO>-‘ «an WEDNESDAY, March 22nd.â€"Credlt Sale of Vuluuble Household Furniture, emulating of Black Walnut Bureaus, Bm‘k cases, made. Bed- stands Sofas, and mahogany tables, otc.. the property of Mr. Wm. Puttersuu. at his aesineuce in the village of Patterson. Sale at 12 o'clock. Terum 5520 and under, cusb, over 11m: nmuunt credit will be given until Nov. lat, 1882', on fur- nishing approved joint nubes. S. Eckm‘dt. Auct. Rest and Cornwa to the Sufl‘oring “BROWN‘S HOUSEHOLD PENACEA†has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and ex- ternal. It cures Pain in the Side, Back or Bowels Sore Throut,Rheunmtism, Toothache. Lumbago, and any kind ofu Pain or ache. "It W111 most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as ibis timing power is wonderful." “Brown's Homehum Penn.- can," being acknowledged as the great Pain 1345. liever, and of double tho strength of any other Elixir or Linimont in the world, shoulï¬bo in every fmnily handy for use when wanted, “as it rnully is the heat remedy in the world forflmmpa in the Stomach. and Pains andAclIea-o! mlijkinda' am? is for sale bv all Druxuists at 25 cents nléottlo. HmumuTOMâ€"At his residence, Richmond Hill, on Friday, 17th Feb.,John Harrington, aged 92 vents. He lived m the beauty of holiness, and rests in hopes of a glorious re- surrection P. T. Barnum Pal-lo Into Lino. A Mink Muï¬ lost on Yonge Street, south of this village. Any person leuviugit at this ofï¬ce will be suitably revmrded. Richmond Hill, Feb. 24th, 1882. MUFF LOST business now anre the publ'c. You mm make money faster at werk for us thntut anything else. Uupxtu] not needed. We will “art you $12 a day 6: upwards madiv at home by the industrious MN), women, boys and girln Wanted evarywhere to work for us. Now in the time. Ynn can work. in spare time only or give your whole time to the bunmwss. You can live at home and do -he work No other business will [my you nearly as well. No one can fail to make ennrmons pay by engug~ ing at one». (Yosbly 01mm and terms free. Money mulls (use. euin apd bmnorsbly, Address. Tmâ€: Excellent Puildings in 0011 order. The Farm wellsituate being within 14} Miltâ€"s me Richmond H111. Richmond Hill. Feb. 14th, 1882‘ & Cn. Aughsta. Maine The House at present occupied by Mrs. Hewi- son. Apply to M . Mc N A I R. Richmond Hill, Feb. 22nd, 1882. FOR SALE ! A Valuable Farm in the 2nd Con. 01 Vaughan, containina 160 acres, 1:210 ofawhich are well clear- ‘ e an Or to ONTARIO HOUSE I ' ‘F’ J- mm CHEAP FOR CASH! Under 50011 Cultivation BOOTS, SHOEC. OVEIISIICD ES ck RUBBER“ Oysters Received Daily throughout the season. Jule Look before You Lug. Richmond Hill, Jan. 25, 1882. J. BRQWH, For Terms and conditions of Sale, apply to J GEN HISLOP. TO LET E THE MARKETS. TORON'1‘()' VERY SMALL PROFIT. 2 Auction Sale, Messrs. Boyd 4:. Stayner. Solicitors. Toronto MARRIED‘ VALUABLE FAR“ *>o DIED. Now on hand. Fresh Groceries well bought. and will be sold at And Don’t You Forget It. A Large- Stock of Flour and Feed ;the Largest stockin Town. CHOICE FRUITS ! Richmond Hill 122 $1 23 ] 2:": l 17 0 80 0 83 42 4% 77 8‘2 83 85 8 50 8 75 0 (IO 0 00 7 00 8 50 60 70 1 00 2|: 0 40 40 0 45 75' 8 ()0 7 0f) 23 It no 20 I ï¬ll 13 5.0 8 50 2 00‘ 00 anon in known, and it will save upon-e to earn the skates in the Rink. on 0:- beta“ Saturn ' any, 251;]: imt. If not returned by thgtr date. I» ‘ wmnt will be issued. JOHN GILROY.’ STOLEN ! The per-on who took a. ï¬mil‘ of Heel-Plato: Sknaies from the Bichmon ll). Skating Rink, one day last week, will In†return them, as the pawn)» kpnwn,‘ aqd At; will any. upon-e to 15 00 H; 55 Richmond 3111. Fob. 22nd} 1882‘ MI 00 Bap That Cheers I Grout chimes to mun: ! money. Those who alâ€" , ways take advantage of i. ‘ I the ‘good chances of makâ€" ing money that are offered, generally become ] wealthy, while those who do not improve such I. . chances rem win in poverty. We want many men, women,boys and girls to work {or us right in. their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the ï¬rst. start The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. EX> ensive outï¬t furnished free. no are who engages ', oils to mnka money rapidly. You can . devote : your whole time tothe work, or on! your spare mom' nts. Full information and {Who} is neat;- NEW TBA STEM!" Ofyour own selection. mam m? 311m of Ten.“ 'eb. 9, 82}. LIFE ’, Assrance f Socy THE STAR Alderman Mch-tlmr, M P, Chair man, W W Bayoes.Esq.lP I Lspm-eetry Reservu Fund . . . . . “009,83â€: Annua! Income . . . . . 1.490 000" Tnveslrd in Canada . . . 850 000‘ Deulh chums [mid 7500.000 'ltmus'm [{m-zmzxcu. John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esq gianuï¬ppaftogpiclgï¬stor §.M._§mith. Esq; ‘ hum Metcalfn, Big. I Rev. Enoch Wood‘. D. 1% an per cent of premiums returned in prnnts Loans made to Church Trustees, at a. low nt- 0‘ interest . Sand for prospectus. Parties against whom accounts are out stand-«- mg, if not I001] settled, the name will be plnced." in tho bands oï¬â€™c. Durand, Esq.. for collectwn. aim gamtigmmz. MUTUAL AID E iMUSIU LESSO‘?!‘ 2 18 AND 60 YEARS; PM Slflflll Tfl 55,54!!! Opposite the Masonic Hatï¬RhMcmd Hill The 4:"I'rmnix Fin» Insurancr $60.00!; ID I‘. I’OS IT I“ I? Xewtonbrm‘k. Doc. 1“, 188! Farm for Sale 32 Well watered and under good state ntéotflï¬ivation, with GO‘ \ D BUILDING Fences all new,being board and ntnigm um situated on gravel road One mile from Richmond Hill Station. Churcher Schools. and Post "moo convenient. No incum- bmnce. Title parfect. Terms Euy. For further particulars, Ipply to Patterson. Jun. 23th, 1882. Botween Richmond Hill and! Maple- Richmond KillLJau. 23rd, £8824 CLASSES 1N MUSIC, Wednesday, Feb. 1,1882. ed 331155-60. AddreuVSE'xWï¬ox. & CdiriPorflmd, Maine. ' A $1 VOLUME! SOUnl) BODY AM" MIND: NOT INEBH With Provincial Treasurer for th: security of Policy Holders. Fiat->018.“ Land. A Ll. (‘I‘I‘IJ' ICE} Mrs. Harrison’s Company, Inmates Lt the lowmmtel. “Herald Ofï¬ee.†A W ngder._ 110 AC fl ES. SKATES Alsesamelta $1,113 each death Life, Immres any venon oï¬â€˜ Sec. dc'l‘rensJor emu:ng Vinwï¬a Chémï¬em 1'02“!!va Feb. 12th 1390. 0! London Eugihn'd‘ Buy Your Te: Ac MISS , CAMPBELL W. 0. Patterson. Botweeh mg ages of After the Holidays, on V'AALU A B LE â€"-3UTâ€" Will nmme her CA) ,THE NAIHAN w. J BULL, FOB. §S;'En09£‘Wâ€"6&i. W prlnnhrnnk. P 0‘ [ATES! PATTERSON, ONT. 52w -1 w