Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Mar 1882, p. 3

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The following accounts were ordered to be paid :~'l‘ Scott, 171 1(HU1E. of gravel, $10 ; \\' Pem- berton, advertising votm‘a‘ list, $25 ; the Reeve; ended for Susan 5 cyl. Committees were appointed to exmnine side-- road in front of lot 33, and betwr‘en lots 20 und 2), and bridge between low 10 and 11, 3rd (1011., also hill on (fun. 3, i1] fnmt of Lot :3. and report at next meeting The Council met (Lt Bullautru on the 13th nit. Communications and petitiuns were read. The Audimr’s report was puszed, The Council up" proved of the ’L‘rcu‘suror‘s purchuse of 11‘ Purkdmle Debenturo of $1000 at 7; premium, zmd use) 116d interest "T .90. ‘ The Reeve and Mr Irwinhwvro appoint: a a (3mm- mittee on the case of Henry Gum], sick, and were instructed to druw 011 Treasurer for funds‘ John Curr, grant to anr, $4 ; \V. Boyd, mmâ€" port and funeral expanses 01 John Collins, (la-- (tensed, $20 ; E.\\'1‘igllt, com., spuciul grunt to Mm‘tin Losiefilz Joseph Dale, patlmxastm‘. fur gravel and cedar 5 ; l)1‘.l"iel(l, mcdicnl uttcnd~ mme on Milton, , ' ll Benton, rogistmtiun m“ B. 1. ' 1).. $26.10 ; Tl) Fun-l temlmxco on Stark, ‘23 ; John McIntyre, clulhlng of Mrs Mc- Kee, $6 ; 'l‘lmnms Dunn and Angus Mcliayfinlmy mi Auditors, $10 each ; l’ llzu‘gin, sulzu'y us (lollw- tor for 1881, {341-30 ; zul addition of 5:00,, per week was allowed “"111 anr for support, 01 llIC Allmls, the snme to (lute from 1110 lst of Man-h, Gm». I’nrker, (10111.; the sum of $10 V'HS grant-(l Mrs Johnston, and John Mitchell commis. unor to expend the same. 0. homey, was 1mm HG, two-thirds of damages to sheep, Ly (logs. Ovar- becrs of higlmvslys, pound-keepers and fence» Viewers were appointed, and the Council ml» jourde until March 27 L11. Council met at Johnston‘s Hall, on the 27th ult. Communications and petitiuus were real The following accounts were ordered to be paid :â€"W Mitchell, 510, iorJas. Simuunon. in” digent ; '1‘ Jackson, 7.00, for completing job between lots 16 and 17. (1011 I), with $0.94, com- mutation for statute lnbur ; A Gray, $8, indig- ent, to buy goods to Deddl 1 11‘s Jim-mu, $5, inâ€" digeut ; Mrs Kennedy, 9:13, iurlim‘ut ; Jim. Patton, $57, for measuring; 11de Hpreading S lands of gmvol on Dnmfm‘bh roml ;R Mollrom‘nu, $6M), i‘ur draw» ingmgruyel on Dumfortli road, (Jon. '1’. Thu idllowiug accounts were ordered to be pu_id H W'o have hoter grim hard-faced men duolnim against the \‘isimnu'y plans of ynuxh, and against 11w di'eums of boyhood ! How few tllm'c are who like Professor Hulluwuy, cun oust (in eye around the world rllld suy :~â€"“J5(3lmi|[ the fulfilment 01‘ 11]] my -:u'ly dreams 1“ With him 131050, (ii-mum were prnphecius. And we um lichiSu 10111 that the mind 01' the first anolcun was flnshvd with Visions of imperial pmwr, oven fmm this Very earliest yours to which his memory extended. But those are exceptional cases ; nzni with the grant. niujoriw of 111011 the glorious dreams of Lo '1 rod produce no 1“ lizing issue. \Vith Holloway 1.110 (mm) was ditTm'ont. Thu sufferings of the sick aroused his boyish Datum into it fixed resolve to meet. 11nd (1011(1110)‘ mahuiy. His studies {mm his ourlieht )(iurs wuro controll- ed nnd stimulutod by the desire of installing the humun hunin from Hm fangs of physical pros- trntion and Alccuy. He found that ull muhuh'cs 100k their list‘ 1mm nu impurity of the Mood, xmd that, wlmtvvormight be the furm of the dissuuso, it cunld bu l’euched nnd eradicated bv n restoration of the vital fluid to its pristine and no ‘mul pnrit, Having nimle this inimzing discovery, ho had now (1m he then thought) but (mu furthur cusp, and that was. to find such it cmnbinzttinn of cur- ative urinciyple uscnuldLumior any and all cirâ€" cumstances, be l‘ClZOd upon for rectifying the dis- ordei‘ed condition of the strenm of lilu In tho productions of the Vf‘gettibio kingdom 111mm he fnund Um Universal Itomudius he was in Search of ; and on the mmnuncenmut of his discoveries, was greeted, not with' Um yr“ 51‘, whivh hnd hitherto been llH'iSth upon his indnbtr)’, but with uhowl ofhut-v by (huse who saw, in the general adoption of his spur: cures, the over» thI‘OW of MI the fortunes which they hnd hoped to extort from their fulsu prol‘cssiun (if the hqu- iug art. The Auditor’s Report was adopted, and the Clerk instructed to get 500 copies printed, with minutes of Council. ~ Taxes were remitted on West: 50 “Plus, lot- '2' CQ 7, 1n excvss of n ‘sossmont of 5mm The Reeve and Mussrs Jmniemn and Brodie were appointed a commit“: to make necessm'y improvements on sideline lmtwe.>n Lots 15 and 16, 6th Con. The offer of \V' Pemhorton, of the Stmiffvillc ADVANCE to print 200 copies ouch of Township accounts and votrrs’ list, and nllvartiso ubstmct und notice for 34, was accepted. Council met nn Monday, 20th 111t. A number of petitions were mud. and the Auditor’s Rayon “ a udgy’gemk The Causes of Colds Are gelling overheated in hot rooms or crowded assemblies, sitting in u draught, or cooling: mo rapidly after oxorcise, muffimg up warm and changing l0 liglller w rapping, cold and damp l'vel. No mmmr what is the cause Hagyard’s Pectorul Balsam is the cure for all lllmat and lung diseases that in- duce consumption. l’ollnd-keopvrfi fem-ewio‘wvra mzd oversrmrs were uppoillft‘d, and the (Juuncil udjournud uu» til March 25th But the dreams of the young enthusiast wore 110w ban nem‘lv J'culizenl to permit him 10 lm beaten. He unswered every culumny 1n point- ing to n thousand cums, and at length, by Hm (Lid of the press, his most virulent (-ncmiuq \wm either silenced, 0r compelled to give u. reluctant assent to the infulh'lrlm efficacy of his l’ills um‘. Ointment- for the cure (If all external and intern- ul ailu10nts.~NIcw ORLEANS 15 The death sentences of three of the con-- demned Nihilists have been coxxmimed. Mr. Bradizuigh was i‘elu'rmd for North-- ampton Friday by u majority oi'lli. Advices from Purl m1 Prince report forty to sixty deaths a day there from smallpox. Some anxiety is felt regurding the safety of Ihe steamship Citv of Berlin, which 1911 Liverpool for New York on February 16111 The Council agreed to proposition of Sslu‘born Committee to cut down hill bet“ ecu heurhm'o and Markham, rear of lot 13, if Scm‘buro build approachqs from sidvrond. People have no more right to become dyspeptic, and remain gloomy and miserable than they have to lake poison and commit suicide If the stomach becomes weal; and fails in perform its functions, Burdock Blood Bitters will speedily remedy the trouble. The Mason court-martial at Washington has been concluded. Its proceedings will come befoxe General Hancock {or fiuul dev- cision. An Ohio rope manufuctux‘er has asked ihe privilege of supplying 11w rope with which Guilean IS 10 be hangr'd. lle bases his re-- quest: on the doctrine of State rights. It ig‘reported Ihat Sergeant Masnn, who attempted m shout Guitenu‘, will be sen- tenced to three years’ imprisonan at Fort Leavenworth. A crowd of striking Iabourérs at Home" stead, I’a., set upon officers sen! 10 prouwl non-union workmen Friday and inflicted probably fatal injuries upon one, and sevex'eâ€" 1y injured several 0111918. The citizens are guarding their property. No article evpr attained such unbounded popularity in so) short a time as Burdock Blood Bitters, and that 100 during the exis- tence of countleas numbers uf' wider ndvex» tised biltexs and blood purifiers. It is eviâ€" dent that flns medicme begins ixs work an onceland leaves no desirable efl'oct unutluin- ed. In the House of Commons Baron De Worms, in movng thatlhe Government {ind means of using its good offices with the Czar to prevent the recurrence of outrages upon the Jews in Russia, sand 201 women had been violated, fifty-six Jews killed, sev- enty wounded, twmny thousand persons reu< dared homeless, and properiy vulqu at 8in teen million pounds Wrecked. Will be found invaluable for all purposes ofa family liniment. Immediate relxef will follow its use in all cases of {min 111 Has stomach, bowels or side; rheumatism, cyclic» coldsA sprains and bruises. For internal 51nd external use. It has no equal in the world for what it is recommended. For sale by all dealers at 250. per bottle. ' Council adjourned until April 3111‘ THE DREAMS 01-‘ 1303110on ,Bl-IALIZED. Foreshadowed Vlctories. WHITCHURCH COUNCIL. PICKERING COUNCIL. SCARBORO COUNCIL. Interesting It ems Hagyard's Yellow Oil U TENS, Attorneys, SolicitmSan-(illnncury etc” [34 Adohxide street Rust, (opposite the Court Hun ’J‘urzmtn. ])11m(:'1‘(ms~ Samuel Mutt, M P. “"111 Geodet- pjunnfiimjfi ngixu ’J'lma 11 Lewis, Thus H Lee 11011)) L Muuplmrson, Sumtrurr Cnpitnlhflfimfifln: Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, (53,000,000 V__ SAVINGS BANK BRANCH (mm ' V t Smumox DENTIST, lmé removed 10 87 Kim: stmet East, Toronto, over H, 1% (1. Mauhford’s new shoe Store Best mineral teeth insvrmd in u manner to suit, each putioni‘. Particulm‘ attention given to the preservation and regulation 01' blue natural teeth CHJ'C‘I'IIH)‘ :LVUidiUQ 1L1} unnecessary pain. A. \V SPAULDING. LDSA ' bunt. , 01‘s, Attornn' ~utme, Solicitm 411A Chal‘lli‘91')‘. (1011\‘0V1unzcrs,(Itc, 01110054 Impel‘iul Bunk Buildings. \Vullinatoll-street, Toronto mums FERGUSON, Q.(1. Joux’ RAIN WM SICTON GORDON, GEO F SIIII’LE Western Canada 0111005" Nu 7, (71:1u‘v11:birmxt, Toronto HON G120 \Y ALLAX, Sexmtor,1’1vsidunt Gum) 1111;.“ . Viccd’res Money received on dppnsit, and interes! payable half yluriy -()r compounded. Tlnmkfulforthd‘favors; of 111.0 past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fessimx, 2m l‘nllm Richnmml HHL nth (Q: 24th nfench mhnth (at l’ulmm' House] Aurora, 19f, 8th, Nth, and 22ml 110 N mu 1 I ark at 211d (10 SEOU‘ITVHJO. ...... do Murkhmn ...... . dc ' atoriu Square ...... do Tum‘nhill ...... do Maple . . . , . . . . ‘ , . . d0 \Vrmdhridgo . (‘0 Kleinhm-g. ., . ‘10 Nobleton . . 0th (10 Annsflmu u, as Nitrous (Ludo, etc, used when ordered and none but the best, muteriul used Jug Bethune. Q C N \V Hoylcs, Ofliciul Assignee, Ron} Estate Agent, Convey- unccr, Broker, ((0., &c., g g E RICHMOND HILL, .F()1'IN :l’()\'V 1,411,114, Prop. Money to Lend at Low Rates, Mortgages bought and sold Farms bouth ' :(_~_mud_ Jnmrzume Directed, &c., «Km r :4 ,._1 » Ferguson. Bain, Gordion & Shipley, Soc ourraduced 1mm table FEW further infor- matioq uppr (LL the offices of the Company Thi: Holol has Lmou )‘ofurnishml, renovated, und‘fittvd 11]) in flrsb»(~l: 3 style, and is now the lending HULL-1 north of Jm'uutn. The bur is sup- plied with first .1353 brand of liquors 21nd cigars. Em ,llunt ncconnnodtLLion for Commercial Travellers. xmd the (la-nurle Public. Good Stabl- in;y und xm attentive Hustler. (JFFIC19,7Yict01‘ifl. Chuinlfiffi 'J V10t0riu»strcct Toronto Thornhill. August find, 188] FIRST - GLASS AGUUMMUDATI‘UN 19A '1 “BANK. R: Wilson, Prop. Every Accemmodation. Fairbank, April 28th, 1881. Bczhum, Moss, Falconln‘idg , AND I: O YLES. BARRISTERS, &« l8 & 20 King Street. West, Toronto. THE QUEEN’S HOTEL TH, O B N H ILL WMI DUNN EHAFUR, Proprietor. THE YORK HOUSE! This House is mm of the Best Hotels to be found nurth of ’l’m‘ontn. Everything is managed in First (Ylnss Style. Smnpl‘o No.11 for Commer- (:iul Trm'ollvrs. Good Stumng lmd attentive hustlers. Terms, per day. Proctor's Bus lmu (as this Hotel to connect with all the N R 1! Trains going; North and South. at 8.123 a 111.1 1) m 5.30 a. m and 7. TRAVELLING PUBLIC! THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, J Palmer, Pr bnsincssnmv bnfmre the public. You cum make ' money fnstnr alt “'01’k for us that nt anything else. Capital not ncudcd. “'0 will start you $113 f1 day 6': IIIVWHJ‘GS 11111110 at home by the induttrious Men, Women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work 101‘ us. NOW is the time. You can work in spare time only or give your “‘11010 time to the hllSlllO 9. You cun livm 11L homo and do the work No OLllel‘lmsimes will pay you Hourly ILS welli I\u (my can fail to llllLk ’1101'1110118 Pily by ongug- mg: mt (moo. Costly (mLfit xmd Lenfis fret?” Bidiléy mudc Inst, easily und honorably, Address, TRUE & ()0. Angus 11. Maine. W. rcnmvml in 67 LH‘ u‘ THURSDAY, Athis printing; oil‘cu, Kongo Street, Richmond . Hill, Ontario Terms of Suhseriptinns: $1 00 1101- mnmni in nflvzmcn «’thn not 1mm in advance is] 50 will be Man‘ng ‘ M. H. KEEFEER. Advertisements will be inserted 1'fo the follow- ing rates: 0110 Two Three Six One Month Months Months Months Yenr. (1011111111.. 310 00 $15 (m 3.20 00 $535 00 $60 00 Jinn-(101,. H h‘ 00 12 (F0 15 00 20 00 3.3 00 Quarter (m1 .3 00 h 00 10 (It) 1."; ()0 20 00 'l‘hrov indies 3 00 4 00 5 (m 8 00 12 00 Two inches. 2 50 3 00 3 50 b 00 8 ()0 ()110 Inch.” ] 50 J 75 2 00 3 00 5 00 Business Cards, one Your “B4 ()0 1‘0 six months 2 50 Do three months . 1 50 per inch ................................. .. Each subsequent insertion. per inch . . 25 A11 inch comprises twelve lines of Nonpm‘eil Advertisements Without written instructions wig] be inserficd until forbid & charged transient m 13S Tmnsi tony A.le )BOUL'Y‘BFL ‘ZOULTBEIC & EVATT. BARRIS .1 AMES GORM‘LEY, Loan and savings Company The York Herald, WALTER S LEE NORTH OF SCOTLAND ('HAMHERS, (fimflfi MONEY T0 L011 N. Or A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTlST, AUROR LATE 01" “'OODIEIUDGE P. 0. Box 2527. ‘ls, one Your six months ‘ three months . advertisements, first msertlon, C. C Moss, \V C Falconbridgc \V Bnrwick, A B Ayleswnrth W J. mens. ’UBLISIIED BY genial, girgul. FOR THE ADAMS, L.D.S., WM. \VOR'X‘S NVA'I'WH Sidcnt Manager 0p WHEN & SQUARE 2 ONTARIO HOUSE! 4- snow CHEAP FOR CASH! HANDS ! PIANOS Y Richmond Hill, Jan 20th, 1882 BOOTS, SHO ES, OVERSHO ES & RUBBERS Oysters Received Dnilythroughout the season. Just Look before You Leap. Richmond Hill, Jan. 2?, 1882. . ~‘ “ NEW fi'fififiifilfigi TO BUY At the Fire PrOOf! Crosby Leads the Trade! Wessel, NIckel & Gross, Mussns. R. WILLIAMS & SONS. TORONTO :-â€" Gr: TLEMEN.7TIIC notion supplied by us to you is the same as we furnish to Messrs A “blow and other first class New York 1’10:on Makers, and is in no wuv inferior to our usqu fine work Yours very respectfully, WICSSEL, NICKEL, & GROSS. in stock. I’uvments arranged to sun the convemence of purchasers and spread over a term of Years: For full particulars write to B, 5. WILLIAM@, NOW 18 THE TIME! Fully warranted in every respect ; equal in point of tone, fimsh and durability to the High Priced American Instruments. We make a special style of Organ in large quantities. and are therefore able 1 them at exceptionally favorable rates. Mason & Hamlin Organs of all lending 143 YONGE STREET” TORONTO, or THE PflflflflflN SHIRT! THE BEST IN THE WORLD FOR $18.00, $21.oo,$24.oo Per Doz Leader Lane, Toronto. Toronto Julv 6th. 1881 VERY SMALL PROFITS I R. .S. WILLIAMS & SON’S Are made by experienced New York Workmen, from Ike very Or by the Single Shirt. LARGE Now on hand. Fresh Groceries W011 bought, and will be sold at REGISTEEED‘ And Don’t You Forget It. A Large, Stuck of' CERTIFICATE FROM Flour und Feed ; the Lurgest stock in Town Clâ€"IOICE FRUITS '! Manufacturers of Piano Forte Actions LOW PRICE ! PIANOS 2 226 DUNDAS STREET. LONDON IV- a 2W Jefi’er's Hismry ot'Canada, for sale at ihe HERALD Store. Great chance to make money. Those W110 111â€" wuys take advantage of I the good chances of mak- inf,r money that are offered, generally become wealthywhile those who do not improve such chances renmin in poverty. \Ve want many men, women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work. progmrly from the first, start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinury wages. EX~ pmmivo outfit furnished free. no ore who engages fails to nmke money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spam moments. Full information and all that is need- ed senbfree. Address STINsoN 6: (10., Portland, Mnhm. West 45th street and 10th Avenue, New York, Fob. 6‘1) 1880 to offer ' styles and sold at 1s. 151.25. 9a., 45. 6d,, 115., 22, and 335. onchBox and Pot, and in ( at 36 cents, 30 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. Coughs, Sore Thl‘Ofltf-l. Bronchitis, and all diam-d @rs of the Throat. and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrofulu and other kind of Skin diseases Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON. CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in the United Slates, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers should therefore look to the label on xhe Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533. Oxford Street, London they are spurinus. Newtonbrook, Dec. lst, 1881‘ The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are re- gistered m Ottawa, and also at Washington. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533, Oxford street, London. will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours, The Phwnix Fire Insurance This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishable fame throughout the \Vorld for the alleviation and cure of' most diseases to which humanity is heir. increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brace the nervous system, and throw mm the circula- tion the pure! t Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. nnchoND HILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. J tunes Langsmfl. Richmond Hill. October 16th, 1879 FBflM SLllllfl Til SEMI] Worth their “Weight in Gold ! ! Rufify, rggumte 3pc} {mpg e the quality (3f the 1% 0063 fieldig, e ‘0 D 2;, c‘léufiéé th ’ STOMACH AND BOWELS, Pills & flintent Thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they haue been restered to health and s‘trength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS, MUTUAL AID ! 18 AND 60 YEARS. $60,000 DEPOSIT ED R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. 8. Ontario. L S AL,Eng1&nd (Late Of London, England) Surgeon, Etc. [S’Oflice Hours 8 to 10,1 to 2 and 6 to 8. J. BLIflT LANGSTAI'I‘, M. I]. SOUIID BODY AND MIND With Provincial Treasurer for the security of Policy Holders. PETLEY 82 COMPANY I FARMERSzand others will find it to their advamage to inspect our Mock, and make their purchases at this establishment when KING STREET EA$T! Bfiwfiflw & @Qw Dry Goods_ Q1011};ng House Company, Insures It the lowest rates. Assessments $1, at each death Life, Insures allyverson of DR. ORR, MAPLE, Between the nges of gnaw. CANADIAN W. J. BULL, (NEARLY OPPOSITE THE ST. LAWRENCE MARKER) R O N 'I' O. - - O N 'I'. FOR Newtonbrook, P. O Jan. 5th 1881 THE LARGEST WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS, 52w-lv GOLDEN GRIFFIN Phaeton, Buggies, Waggons. 1310., built in a. substantial, neat and workmanlike manner The most skilled mechamcs are only ell-ployed. In UNDERTAKING IN CANADA. Richmond Hill, Feb. 16th, 1882‘ lichmoud Hill, Jun. 26th, 1582. a. u fl E u At Surprisineg Low Rates. Below Cost. Prices, to make room for New Stock WWI-TUE, 30 Cents per 1b. SUGAâ€" 9 12 LBS. Fllfl 51. FRESH GROCERIES, BRANCHES ! WINTER DRY GOODS ! HATS Cleali'ing' IRNAMENTAL PAINTING. GENERAL BiAflKSMITHINE & WflflDWflRK Richmond Hill, Jan. 25th, 1882. arriage Works ! NE W TONBROOK. IN ALL large assortment of Rubes. Coffins. Caskets. 010.. coixsmntlv kept on hand. 1nd fa TQQ 115mm" Q‘i“. Now is the Time for Bargains! READY-MA DE CLOTHING- 3 the Cilv R. H. WILSON’S To Make Room for Spring Goods This Establishment takes the Lead. VVOOLENS, &c., GRAND GOOD STOCK Winter Goods CflfiT 2 J. REYNOLDS. OF P. g. SAVAGE, GOING CHEAP. A. MOODIB. Furnished on the short- est notice. and most reasonable terms. PRICES CUT FINE FUN ERALS 1n

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