Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Mar 1882, p. 3

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Sometime between twelve and one o’clock on Saturday night, a fire broke out in Mr. Alfred Rupert’s Store, and When discovered had made such head-â€" Wamxhat all efforts to check it, were 'of po'avail; ~The'buildin‘g, owned by ,Mr.‘ N 01116,: w’as. destr6yed,'wflhf§sfl' fie" eon»: ken ts .~ The fire caughtmhe‘adjoiningw stables, rented by MLD Watson from Mr.Noble _and burned them to the ground. -Mr. Watson saved hu homes, but? lost 'a :_ ton Hf'hay "a'ud'h' Tar'ge "q‘d'zih'fi'ty L'6f bub. The wind blowingnoutb, drove' the flames to Mr. Adam Rupert’s house, next door to the store. Part of the furniture Was saved, but the home .was consumed Great difficulty was ex» perienced in saving the life of Mrs. Rupert, she having become unconscious and almost suffocated by the smoke and heat. Mr. Rupert's stables and sheds ‘were also burned! The fire spread' to Mr Leeds Rich- ardson’s harness shop and house. Mr. §Richardson saved his stock and furniture imt the buildings were destroyed. The various losses are given as follows :-â€"Mr. Noble's buildings, $1,000; insurance 3500. Stock in store, between two and three thousand dollars ;, insurâ€" auce $1,000. Mr. Adam Rupert's house, furniture,'etc., $1,600 ; insur - ance $1,100. Mr. L. Richardson‘s shop, house, stock and furniture, 81,200 ; in- surance $800. The cause of the fire is unknown, but Mr Rupert believes it to be the work of mahcious persons. Those who arrived first at the scene of the fire, state that the door was open and the window raised. The loss Is a heavy one for the village, as well as the persons oonoerned. Hngynrd's Pectornl Balsam is one ofthe most deservedly popular remedies for the cure of coughs, colds, sore throat. asthma, whooping cough. croup, bronchitis, and all pulmonm'y compImnIS' Fo'r sale by 3“ dealers. From our own correspondent.) A horse b er from Rhode Island crentfld quite a liu "; um here Illepe last lew days. He bought I elve horses at prices ranging from twelve to fourteen dollars. Mr. l.uud, the carriage builder 1: unusual- ‘y llusy jgst now: Mr. Wm Kyle sold two loads of’nlmc clover. (her 104 bushels, at $8 per bushel. the other day in Toronto. He raisod 108 bushels off 14 acres. Who can beat that. - 0m; 8f our village girls will be led to (he allay (fumevis) in alew weelfs. Weak Lungs and how to make the!“ V Strong. Breathe with the mouth closed. have ac» cess a; all times ‘0 pure air, exercise mod- erately, eat nourishing but Slmple food.nnd take that. best bf all cough remedies. Hag- .yards Pectorul Balsam, it speedily cures all lhroat and lung troubles of adults or child-- ten. Price 25 Cents per bottle. The Sutton Times says " On Saturday effecting last. the Hon Mr Norquuy, Premier ’of Manitoba, arrived in Sutton. and re- mained 'over Sunday the guest of Mr. J ll Stevenson, the Reeve. it was intended to have arranged for an address from Mr No:- lquny ‘On the North-Ween and in fact he cheerfully and kindly consented to deliVer such, but the intimation by telegram of his intended visit was unavoidably delayed, and the unfortunate absence of Mr Jas Anderson, his old school fellow, prevented the arrange- ment-being carried out. The public were ‘much disappointed In not hearing the Hon. gentleman, who being a native of Manitoba and an eloquent spealt‘er, promised a rare Itreat. On Monday he 'left for Winnipeg ( after an absence of (WO months at OttaWa) accompanied by Mr Stevenson n3 tar as Markham, where he spent the duy with Mr‘ Speight. the famed wagon manufactut~er,l who is at present shipping wagons ior thel contractors on the C. P, li- at the rate ofj a car load of thirty per meek. Mr Speight says he received this contract by virtue 0ft the N P in the ftice of strong competition from Minneapolis and St Paul. Mr Spvight boasts of certain machiner in his factory unknown to any other factory in the Domin- ion. We regret. to know that that gentle- man is nfllicted with Asthma, and only recently recovered from an attack of ty» phoid fever, consequently is in poor health. Mr Norquay left an order with Mr Speight for a family wagon and sleigh, the latter to be in good time for another winter. We are pleased to hear the prospect of another visit from Manitoba’s Premier when his shadow will be useful in a summer’s sun. that all prevalent disease of civilized life. is always attended with a disordered symmn Ihelic system and bad secrelions, and no remedy is beller adapted to its cure than Burdock Blood Bitters taken according to special directions found on every bottle. 30 A WEEk.-â€"M€BSIS Speight & Son Mark- hum. have received a comract for 300 wagons from the Canada Pacific Syndicate, and have {0 ship 30 per week to Winnipeg. Accms‘x'rsâ€"Un Wednesday 15th inst.., Mr J Hulst. while unloading logs belonging to Messrs Speight and Son, at the T. k N. R. station. met with a veiy serious accident While the lug was being rolled From the car to the ground on a plank. he being to leewmd, stumbled. falling back on a log, the former at the same instant rolling upon him and crushing him between the two. his case is a critical -0‘ne. Medical aid was immediately summoned and he was taken to his home by the up train shortly after. iInternal injuries are feared Also on the same day, another man engaged in the same work had one of his hands badly crushed. Maple, March 20th, 1882. A Real Necessity. No house should be without a. bottle of Hag'yard’s Yellow Oil, in case of accident. There is no preparation offered to suffering humanity that. has made 0 many permanent cures, or relieved so much pain and misery. Testob, March 20th. 1882. (From our own Correspondent.) Mamtoba’s Premier. A DISAsTnofis 1mm A Popular Remedy. Lm enme thp Gnud Smnurham by MAPLE. TESTON. Markham. Dyspepsia. -â€"ECONOIIJST. Spring aGOOdS. ! GENTS’ ’ FURNISHINGS 30 Cents per 1b. SUGAR, 121.113; Fllfl 51. Richmond Hill, Feb. 16th, 1832‘ I u l I u At Surpriuingly Low Rates. Below Coat Prices, to make room for New Stock. FRESH GROCERIES, EUBMTUBE, PIANOS I PIANOS ! ummrr & some a EENES‘JE M$fl£flfifififil Wessel, NIckel 8c Gross, Fully warranted in every respec! Massns. R. S. W mums & SONS. Tokome :â€" GENTLEMsx,â€"The action supplied by us to you is the same as we furnish to Messrs A Weber and other first, class New York Pin-no Makers, and in in no way! inferior to our usual fine work Yours very respectfully, WESSEL, NICKEL, & GROSS. We make a special style of Organ in large quantities. and are therefore able to ofl'er them at exceptionally favorable rates. Mason 5; Hamlin Organs of all leadmg styles in stock. .- u ,1 ,,J ,,,,,, A .4hN .t $3333 A N 3 NEW ,9, Richmond Hill, March 16th, 1882. Payments arranged to suit the cnnvenience years. For full particulars write to I43 YONG-E STREET, TOROIITO, or ORGANS! DR);va T [LEJMOFJEHEW BEST QUALITY A'I.‘ NATIONA Highly recommended for Bulomneu, “call-Ache, Col- stlpatlon, lndlger‘ non, Dizziness, Heartburn, Bad Breath, Loss of Ap- petite, Jaundlce, Loss of Memory, Sour Stomach Liver Com- Dluntwr any illness arising iron) the Stonr sch. novels or Kidneys. .Thekm sm‘ mild and thorough in theixacndn. om 1 to pm’m‘me' men 25c. PER. Box. Crockery and Glassware Cheap, and extra quality Ifyou want anything QUALITY 'nsh mumlv 0F Scribblinng and nthér R. S. WILLIAMS & SON’S Are made by experienced New York Workmen, from the very , s. WILLIAMS, Some Very Pretty PRINTS. FRESH GROCERIES ! THOS NIGHTINGALE'S, In all Lines New and beautiful Neckties for Ladlas' JUST- RECEIVED ! CERTIFICATE FROM Manufacturers of Piano Fnrte Actions‘ *spec! ; equal in point of tone, finish and durability to the High Priced American Instruments. PIANOS 2 H Scam GOA-an. A CHOICE AND Viafihm Yorkvile Always Call At 226 DUNDAS STREET. LONDON The very latest styles of Ties J. REYNOLDS. P. c. SAVAGE, R. B. 011.11. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. S AL, England (Late of London, England) Surgeon, Etc. IS’Oflice Hours 3 to 10, l to 2 and 6 to S. J. ELIOT LANESTAI'I', M. 1]. nncnuom) HILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. James Langstmfi'. Richmond Hill. October 16th, 1879 of purchasers and spread over a term of Jefi"m"s IVS West 45th street, and 10th Avenue, New York, Feb. 6th 1880 DR. ORR, MAPLE, fitcdiwl. PRICES CUT FINE omciél Assign”; . Real, Eunt Agent, Conner ancer, Broker, &c., &c‘., ‘ ‘ J as Bethune, Q C. 0 Moss; W C Fulconb‘ri'dge' N W Hoyles! W Buchlg, A B Aylomoflh W J._ ang.’ Money to Lpnd fat? LBW. Rptogg Ferguson. Bain. Gordon a. Shiploy, Barristers, Attorneys-“4.3m Solicitors-in- Chancery. Conveyancors, etc, Officesâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto nouns FERGUSON, Q.C. J 01m. Bun WM SETON Gannon, 620 F ernlr. U TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chancory etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. ALFRED BOVLTBEE . WM. Wom‘s DVA'M'. Bethune. Moss, Falconbridge AND BOYLES, NORTH OF SCOTLA‘Is'D} GHAIBIRB, Is a. 20 King siréét. west.'ror.ontc. Mortg'ages bought and sold Farms bou hi and sold, or rented - Insurance efiected, 6m. 0.. TOFFtICE,â€"Vict9fia Chambers, 9 Victoria-street oron 0 BARRISTERS, 65¢ RICHMOND HILL. JOHN POWELL. Prop. BOULTBEE, & EVATT. BARRIS TERS. Attornevs. Solicitors-in-Chancm This Hotel has been rafumished, renovated, and fitted up in first-class style, and is now the lending Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is sup plied with first-clans brand of liquors and cigars. Excellent accommodation for Com mercinl Travellers, and the General Public. Good Stabl- ing and an attentive Hostler. - BEAN]! CENTRAL HIITBI. THE QUEEN’S HOTEL THORNHILL FIRST - til-ASS ABBDMMBDATIDN FOR THE ' WM. DUNN EHAFUB. Pmprielnr. Thomhill. August 22nd, 1881 TRAVELLING PUBLIC! THE YORK HOUSE! FAIRBANK. R. Wilson, Prop. Every Accommodation. Fuirbnnk, April 28th. 1881. J Palmer, Pr This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers. Good Stubling and attentive hustlers. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor‘s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N B R ’I‘mins going North and South. at. 8.15 n. m. 1 p m 5.30am and 7.15nm‘ ' ‘ THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, Worth their EVeight in Gold I ! This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperislmble fame throughoutthe World fer the alleviation and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir. increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brace the nervous system, and throw into the circula- tion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. Great chance to make money. Those who ul- ‘ ways take advantage of ; I the good chuncesof mak- iing money that are offered, generally become v wealthy,while those who do not improve such i chances remain in poverty. We wantmrmy men, women. boys and girls to work for us right. in their own localities. Any one arm (10 the war}; properly from the first stmrt. The business will pay more thnnten times ‘ordinm'y wages. Ex- ‘ pensive outfit furnished free. no are who engages ‘ failsto make murmv mnin Wm "M: '1 ‘L y: ‘wl ,m Thousands of persons have testified that bv their use alone they bane been restored in healtlg’and strength, after every other means bud proved unsuccessful. will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumnurs. Coughs, So‘re Threats, Bronchitis, and all disord ers of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrofulu. and other kind of skin diseases Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON. and sold at 16. Maw 25. 9d,, 43. 6a., 11s., 22, and 335 each Box and Pot, and in Cmmdn. n-b 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes 3;: pronortion. , CAUTIOK~1 have no Agent in the United Slums. nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers shuuld therefore look to file label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533,0;ford Street, London they are sp’urious. ‘ BAD LEGS. OLD WO‘UNDS. CULDS, Tile Trade Marks of my said Medicines are re- gistered 1n Ottawa, mud also (W Washington. Signed = Ti 533, Oxford street, Lon on‘ lurin, regulate and improye the quality of the 5 and. They assist. the digestive organs, cleanse JADIES _. GORMLEY, STOMACH AND BOWELS, gnaw @arfifi. P. O. Box 2527. LATE OF WOODBRIDGE $351311. THOXAS HOLLOWAY m. . ~ _ Jan. 5th 1881. 'Opa APLBMANENT swam-'1'; FOR’ Lune Back. Piles, Dismisses 6f the Kidneys; Bladder and Urinary Organs or complaints at~ tendunt thereon. iNDU’BITABLE EVIDENCE. mm Doctor!» Druggists, Merchants, Farmers 'GIVING ENTIRE SATISFACTION. Pinion, April 20, 1881. Gentlemen,â€"I find thut your Pads are giving entire satisfaction, and wish you incre‘amd sales for so valuable a. remedy for diseases of the kid~ noys. S'gned, Du. J. B MURDER. Ask your!) ggists for Pamphlets, TestimonL ala, ewe,- free. Priceyâ€"Child’s Pad, $1.50 Regular PM}. $2.00. Special?“ for Chronic Diseases, $3.00. October 4th. 1881 W. ROGERS, MAPLE .................... Nitrous Oxide GM administered for painless extraction of teeth. In 01?ch RICHMOND HILL, FIRST 10 DAYS 0! EACH MONTH, Bach. i’ad 80L BY m ‘ ‘ I SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. 8: C. Bluchford'a new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit each patient. Pmrticulur attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth carefully avoiding [L11 unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. LDS Assistant Thankful for the favors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch 0f the pro tension, as follows : Richmond Hill“ 0th & 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmarket, ...... 2nd do Sbouflville.. do Markham. .. .. dc Victoria 8 unre do Thornhill ...... do Maple ...... do Woodbridge ...... do Kleinburg .. ' r . do Nobleton .. . .ioth do Annathntics,.n.s Nitrous agile, eta, used when ordered and none but the bust; lxlateriul used my“ We beg to inform the Public that We are re- tiring from the Retail Business carried, on under the Style and Firm Name of PETLEY COM-- PANY, GOLDEN GRIFEIIL ' ‘..,. _..&J A..- *‘ul- ‘ uv~n'â€"-_ _.__m . . On Wednesday, March 8th, we commenced to sell off the entire stock of Dry Goods, Silks, Car- pets,House Furnishings, and ReadyaMade Cloth-d ing, amounting to over $200,000, the greater por- tion Of which has been imported for this Season’s Trade. and W111 be sold at an Immense Reduction in prices. - - .. a, _._,A :- m_____;a___ an. AHA I'M-L I‘dzut‘), bulbl WLLL UU DUI.“ an an. abllLJALULLQV LUUMULU vow-sâ€" A-.. 9 â€" v v w â€" I The stores were closed on Monday and Tuesday, 6th and 7th inst, to mark down the stock. ' All persons 1ndebted to the firm are requested to call and settle tnen‘ accounts at once. Persons havmg accounts against the _firm.W1ll present them for payment. Goods sold for cash only The Sale Will commence daily at 1013.. m. Patrick Hughes. 4 3.13. Hughes. 611ng the; 15.6181 'T‘Oronto, March 6th, 1882, DIIEITIOIII WITH EAGH BOTTLE. PRICE $50. mama-m yo" Proprietors Arman EXTERNALLY run RHEUMATISHI, NEUIF, mam, CHILI LAINS, CALL 0 US L UMTS HWELLINGS, 5TH JORVTS, GA LLs, FR 051' BITE, LAWSS, CORNS, CONHACIHONS BRUISES, Lmuuao, ITCH, mess, PAIN IN In UK, SPRAINS, PAIN in SIDE, (90. 'Evgry bottle arameed to give satisfac- tion or money re unded. H. ASHTON, AURORA. ,S. KELMAN, NEWMARKET. 01201715 CRAM’PJ, 45mm, To_stusxs, COMPLAINTS and ACCIDENTS whlch HAGVARD’S YELLOW ()u. is uaran- teed to cure or relieve either in AN or Bus-r. lug hue 5am. ‘ . ‘ This will be the largest sale ever held 111 the Dommlon of Canada. H.- SAHDERSON 8L SONS, Richmom: HILL. Or A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AUBOR INDEX. THEN INTERNALLY FOR 00176115, I, SORE THROAT, 1, GOLD”; £11. TORONTO, ONT. gmml, nxkain your own town. :85 ()fitfit‘, free. No risk. Everything new ,Cupimlnot required We will gurnieh you everything C. ADAMS, L.D.S., mammm: NOW 18 THE TIME! TO BUY * At thé’Fi’ifiTfifif z NEW Crosby Leads the Trade! NEWTONBROOK- Afllwh“ Phaetons, Buggies, Waggons. etc , built in A substantial, neat and workmanllke mumm- Thu most skilled mechanics are only emploved. In L’naetons, (juggles, w ugguna. cu; , uulu m n gunman-u”, .. .... m... ..‘...._..~..._"v NW", The most skilled mechanics are only emploved. In UBNAM ENTAL PAINTING, EENERAL BIASKfiMITHINfl 8o WOOD“!!! UNDERTAKING- EVERY Tmmmn’, At his printing officei Yonge Street. Biuhmond Hilb Ontario Terms of Subscriptions : $1 00 per unnum in advance When nut paid in advance $1 60 will be BRANCHES uurtn)‘ 101 .5 00 Three inches 3 00 'I‘wo inches '2 50 On" Inch M 1:10 Businosa cams, < D0 1 Do 1 Tx‘mnfiitury adve' M. H. KEEFLBR. The York Herald. A large assortment of RtheA. Coffins. Caskets. arriage IN ALL rfls, one vom- Hix months . three months advertisements, first; mber 101], LARGE PUBLISHED BY 1'5 ’01 ‘3 00 LOW PRICE 2 i’I‘KiisiESthllshmenL takes the Lead. 00 s4 00 2550 WILSON’S Oflicesâ€"No 7, Churchfatreet; Toronto HON GEO W ALLAHi Benutaril’msldnnt GEORGE GoaDEnHAu”.......m.:..W;Vice-Ptosidafifi DIRECTOllsâ€"Sftmuel Plath, M 1". Wm Goods!- ham, Geow Lewis, Thus H Lewis. Thou 11 Leo, Hon D L Macphet‘sou, Seminar UupLuu, up Huml Total Assets, $3,600,309 Western Canada Money received on deposit, and interest payable halfyeur’ny or compounded. SAVING’S BANK BRANCH Qupifiul,.$1,_09(f! “Reserve Fund, £350,000 Loan and Savings Company Etc" Consigntlv kept on hand. ‘aducud loun table Glenn-no. 2.2335 35:; fidfifli " 2 huge a .m. hwwfib 5H 3 n n on. 3 4% .uZSHIIA MONEY T0 LOAN. mm N820 N mm .632 fnet Furnished on the! lhofl‘ est nolice. and man reusanabla terms. FUN ERALS For further iniori

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