Sir.~â€"We left Toronto for Winnipeg on the 14th of March. and arriyed at the Hub on the l71h, being about 71 hours on the! road. There were quite a number ofl people from ï¬nrlxham Township on the train, among whom I noticed Mr. J. Bow-~ man, late of the Weights and Measures Dept., who had his family with him. melve‘ members in all I:l(\ is bound for Portage Ln Prairie. where he has purchased a farm of 320 acres for $9,000. Mr. A. Eyer. and a family of nine, were also in our party, bound for the Portage, where he has secur- ed a farm, his homestead and pre-vmpuon being about 150 miles back. He does not intend in move his family back for some time. His land is in the Oak River settle- ment, and it is oXpected that the railway will run through by next fall. A son of Mr. Wellmzm, of the 3rd Con. of Markham, acerumpanied them. Winnipeg, March 21“, 1882 To the Editor (if the Herald: Mr. Jnmvs Robinson, of Unionville, went through with us to Hallock, in Dakota, where he has :1 brother. His destination is Brandon. Mr Mark Hall, of King, also came through wilh us. He intends to in- vest, in farm lands in the Northâ€"West All of the ahove are snow bound in Winnipeg. There are no trains running west of this, and have not been since the 17111. The trip up here was one of the most pleasant I ever experienced, and the people The trip up here was one of the most pleasant I ever experienced, and the people on homd being full of hope and brillixmt prospecls. were the most good natured and happiest lot of travellers I ever met. Mr D A Hollbrock, of Toronto. had the man- ngemem, ofthe excursion. and his kind-- mess and eiï¬eiency cannot he too highly praised. He supplied every want that. laid in his power, was kind, courteous and at» tentive to all, and never scemed to grow tired of answering questions, or securing informalion or any ame'e that was requir- ed. We have had ahout as much variety of weather here, as there is in Ontario. The day I arrived, the streets were sloppy, and the sidwwal‘us wore covered with the most. greasy and slippery mud lever saw. I have already met wixh several people from around Hiclmmnd Hill, amongst whom are Mr T Devlin. (sf Maple. Mr Steve L LW‘ son. and our old friend, Mr Wm. Hopper, who is looking well, and as though the ‘climule agreed W1ll\l1ln]. _ Bourd and lodging is very lmrdl to get hero. I am pavingr $4 50 per week There is plenty of Work to be dmwY and good pay for it. l was zillbrvd $25.59 per (lay l0 g0 10 Rat, T’m-tuge and work a! the Bridges, where board is $4.50 per week. it is a meat mistake to come to (his cannery so elx'ly, as i: is fair m0 cold to work out side. DEM; Stuâ€"it is still verv cold here,l ‘mid theie is nu communication with the‘ outside world lw mil. There has been only 0110 train in from the east since Sunday: mid none frum the west since Friduy lust. rl‘he snow is drilled on the truck some nine and ivn mm deep. and Continues at that depth fur miles. '5 lie snow is very dry and hard, and the ï¬erce wind packs at almost as solid at; a melt. It not an uncommon thin;r (or the engine 10 jump from the track, when plunging against a bunk, ."nd run for several lengths on the hard snow. There has been :\ snow-plow with three engine at ‘work to clear the line for some days. The engines back up for about half a mile, and dash into the bank. throwmg the hard snow against the fence with such fox-tie that the boards are broken, A Richmond Hill Mams Views. Notwathsmnding such matters. i iike the Country well. It is certalnly extremely cold but ii is not unpleasant. I have expenenc’- ed it as low as 3‘) 0 below zero, but even in, that. temperature, { was not. as cold as I often felt in Onmrio when the mercury was a good dcai higher. The craze for term lots sï¬ll continues, and lots are being sold at Rapid Cky, over seven miles out on the prairie, for Very fair prices The Ontario people who hare a liule money are the losers. It requires a fonune 10 do anything in really good property in Winnipeg. Yesterday a lot on Main St. changed hands at 3.43.000. and there is some properï¬y that will bring a. higher ï¬gure. ,_ . .u u n The great rush this Spring Will be for Qu’appelle District. There are hundreds of persons on the road for there now. although the land has not been surveved into Townships vnl. the base and meredian lines only lwing laid out. Mr John Gilroy, of Richmond Hill, 18 going out. There is plenty ofgood land lhere, but, building material is vcry scarce. Lumber sells at $70 to $80 per thousand. MARKHAM PEOPLE NORTHWARD BOUND- I inlvnd I‘m go out into the Biltle Disâ€" trict as man as the roads are open. as I would like to reach my destination about. the latter part of April. I had the pl9asure of heating the Rev. H. Starr. formerly of Richmond Hill, preach on Sunday last. I heard that he intends to bring his family out here. ‘ I will write again, ifyou with, as soon as I see enough of the country to give you ‘ I will write ag:1in,ifyou w I see enough of the country some interesting information Yours, etc., Will be found invaluable for all purposes of a family medicine. Immediate relief will follow he use. It. relieves pain, cures chilblains, frost bites, scalds burns, corns,‘ rheumaiism. neuralgia &c. For internal] use it is none the less wonderful. One or two doses frequently cure sore throat. It will cure croup in a. few minutes. A few bollles has often cured asthma. Colic has been cured by a teaspoonful dose. It cures will} [lie ulmonl rapidity, it is really 11 won-- derful medicine. A step has been gained in solving the mystery surrounding the disappearance of James Watson. OfLondon Township. Three weeks have elapsed since he was last seen alive, in company with James Buddy, and in that time no inkling of his whereabouta‘ could be learnt. About 4 o’clock Monday afternoon two little girls discovered a body in the Shallows, a few yards from the dam, which is nom‘ Blackfriar’s Bridge, and the remains were at once recognized as those of Watson. Upon the right temple are traces of a heavy bruise, and a small cut exists on the top oflns skull, A number of other marks appear about the face, but nothing to prove that the man was foully dealt with. He had no money about him An inquest will be held. tépsrsedillg as it does all other modes of hibmminauiun, and. rivalled only by the glori- ous aunxhisvs, will n93 be hailed with greater joy by man}: aim isBurdock Blood Bit- ters, which is .r mpemr to all other blood puriï¬ers and‘ tcuiw as the electric light in superior to the old fashioned, tallow (hp. 1* 200’; Flood Jitters cures Scrofuln, and sail 3w! lmmm uwl 3I\.1W,V1Jri!-iۤ of the Mood» Fresh from Winnipeg. Winnipeg, March 23rd. 1882 Hagyard’s Yellow Oil The Electric Light, Watson’s Body. C. E. McKIxxox. NOW IS THE TIME! TO BUY At the Fire Proof! NEW Crosby Leads DRESS 500115, BASHWS, WINGEYS. SHIRTINGS, TWBEBS, M}. NOW FOR SALE, CHEAP, Fresh Teas. From 300. Per Pound, Upwards. Richmond Hill, Hitch mm. mm. HRNAMENTAL PAINTING, GBNBRAL BLASKSMITHING 8» WUUDWDRK Phaeton, UN DERTAKING Carriage Works ! NEWTONBROOK. BRANCHES 5 PIANUS 1 PIANOS I IIPHIGHT & suuAnE : Fresh Coflee from 25:. Sugar, 12 lbs. for 81. Crockery, Hardware, Flour and Feed, at :hm-armd Hill, Hitch mm. mm. A. ‘ M 0 O D I E o A Large Stock of Spring and summer Goods M$ï¬$ߣ$£a$ 2 Fully warranted in every respect ; eguul Wessel, Nickel & Gross, u. any..." _.. .. GENTLEyzN,;â€"Th; wtion supplied by us to you other 11m class New York Piano Makers. and in in nuâ€. var“ raw Mnssns. R. S. Wn.m_A_ns at ngs. Tonom‘o :7â€" ., 1 L___._ AA "N. m large quantities. and are therefore able to offer We make a special style of Organ in Mason & Hamlin Organs of all leading styles them at exceptionally favorable rates. in stock. Payments arranged to sui! the convenience of purchasers and spread over a term of years. For full particulars Write to ORGANS! I43 YONGE STREET. TORONTO. or A {urge gum-tent of Ruben. Coï¬ius. Caskets. elciicgnstandv kept on hand. IN ALL Buggim, Wazgons. etc , built in A substantial, neat and workmanlike manner The most skilled mechamcs are only employed. In LARGE STOCK ! ,. S. WILLIAMS 85 SON’S Are made by experienced New York Workmen, from , 's. WILLIAMS, CERTIFICATE FROM LOW PRICE ! This Establilhment takes the Lead Manufacturers of Piano theï¬ctions. PIANOS 2 aspect ; equal in point of tone, ï¬nish and durability to the High Priced American Instruments. H. WILSON’S A Choice Assortment of nu. -u..v...., . ed by us to you is the same as we fmuish to Messrs A Weber and alters. and in in no way inferior to our usual ï¬ne Work Yours verv respectfully, WESSEL, NICKEL, & GROSS. CONSISTING 0F 228 DUNDAS STREET, 1023,1301? the West 45th street and 10th Avenue, New York. Feb. 6th 1880 Furnished on the shon- est notice. and most reasonable terms. FUN ERALS Trade E the very Jna Bethune. Q C‘ N W Hoyles, Baï¬isters, Attorheys-‘aLt-Luw. Solicitbrsvin- Chancery. Conveyancers, etc. Omvesâ€"Imperiml Bank Buiblings. Wellington-street, Toronto HnMAn FERGUSON, Q.C. Jonx RAIN WM SETON GORDON, (21:0 19 SHIPLEY. NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, Is at 20 King Street. West. Toronto- TEES, Attornays, Solicitors-1114111rm , y ‘. etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Comb House). Toronto. ALI-BED BOULTBEE WM. Won'rs EVATT. } Bethune, Moss, Falconbridge AND HOYLES, Fgrgusdr'i. Bgln,.G9¢g_on -&.~ s‘.h!p|§y, BARRISTERS, .358 BOULTBEE & EVATT. HARRIS TEES. Attornm‘s. Solicitors-inâ€"(ih mumr) MUTUAL AID I 18 AND 60 YEARS. WWMMWMk The thnix‘ Fire Insurance Newtonbrook, Dec. lat, 188! $60,000 DEPOSITED '> zuveek in your own town. Outï¬t free. No risk. Everything new Capital not required We Will furnish you everything Many are making fortunes Ladies make as much as men, and boys and girls m {We great pay. Render, if you wan a business at which you cm). make grout pay allthe time you work, write for particulars to H. HALLETT & Co. Portland. Maine Sup Thai Shears lPills 51. mm SOUnl) BMW AMP MINI} or your own selection, given with every 3155 of Ten. Feb. 9, 82‘ Worth their 'Weight in Gold Y ! This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperislmble fume throughoutthe World for the alleviation and cure of most, diseases to which humanity is heir. With Provincial Treasurer for the security of Policy Holders. EManufatfrured only at Profess- yor Hollowav’s Establishment \ . _ $533, OXFORD STREET LONDON. purify, regulate m1r1impr0ye the quality of the glued. They assist, the digestive organs, cleanse increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brace the nervous system, and throw into the ciwulfl- tion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that by their use alone they huue been restmred to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. i and sold at 19. 1gd.,2s. 9a., 45. 6d,, 115., 22, and 331; leach Box and Pot, and in Canacm at: 36 cents, I 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in i proportion. I CAUTonâ€"l have no Agent in the United States, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers shuu'ld therefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If the 'nddress is not 533, Oxford Street, London 1 they are spurious. . -- .,,,,__,-,qmr__1:_ will be found invaluable in every limxsehold in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours, Opposite the Masonic Hall, Richmond H1211 Coughs, Sore Threats, Bronchitis, and all disord ers of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrofulu. and other kind of skin diseases BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS, iii; Trade Marks of my midMedicines are rr isteren "r, Ottawa, and also 5,? Wm , A. $1 VOLUME! NOT INEFQRIATES I Company, Insures at the lowest mtes. STOMACH AND BOWELS, Assessments $1, at each death Mrs. Harrison’s Life, Inaurea any person of P. O. Box 2527. Between the ages of C. '0 Moss, W C Fulconbridge W Burwick, A B Aylesworth W J. mexs. Buy You-r Tea. At £25311. CANADIAN #130344 w. J. BULL, THE FOB. Newtonbrouk, P. 0 88!. 52w-1Y UTE" u I: 1230 r171? W. ROGERS, MAPLE , ‘ , , , . . , . ‘ . . , . V . . . . . . ‘ ....,....]S'm Nitrous Oxide Gm; mdx’mnlsmred for painleiz extraction of teeth. 0 SURGEON DENTIST, haE removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. & CV Blackford's new 81108 store Best mineral teeth inserted in a manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth carefully avoiding all unnecessary p'zu‘n. A. \V SPAULDING. LDS Assistant. IN Ormcn RICHMOND HILL, Fmsm 10 DAYS 01 EACH MONTH, Thankful frn' thn fuvw u‘ uy still ho. um mltnd in wxy hm fesaion, (LS anm Richmond H11 9th ((7 2.51111 (at Palmer H nuse) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 222111 dz) Newmm‘ket, ...... do Stouffville. du Markham ...... . dc Victoria Square .. (‘m Thornhill ...... (14) Maple . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . ' , do VVoodbridge ...... * d n Kleinburg r. do Nobleton ,Oth do Ammthetxus, as Introus Oxulu, om. nle when ordered and none but the bust m9 ' 1 used me‘ Buck, Files, Di‘saases of tho Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary ()rgzm or compluiuts 21tâ€" tnndmlt thermn. INDUBITABLE EVIDENCE, From Doctors, Druggists, lyierchants, Farmers A PR‘AMEM'EW SURE SURE NR 01‘. October 4th. 13m RICHMOND HELL, JOIIN 1‘()VV,EIAYJ, Prop. This Hotel has been refnrnishea, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-011mg style, and is: now the. wading Hotel noth of Toronto. The Mr is sup- plied with ï¬rst-class brand of liquors and cigars. Exuellent LLCL‘ mnmdntinn fur Cmmnm'cml ’I‘rxwellers, and ti 5. chv M, Public. (11003. Stub]- ing and an Mtent 2Y0 Hormel: THE QUEEN’S} HOTEL TIâ€"IORNHILL WM. DUNN EHQFUR, ngï¬einr. FIRST - ELASE AEGEEMMEATEQN Thornhill. August 22nd, 1881 TRAVELLING PUBLIC! THE YORK HOUSE! FAIRBANK. R: Wilson, Prop. We beg to inform the Public that we are rem tiring from the Retail Business carried. on under the Style and Firm Name of PETLEY COMM PANY, GOLDEN GRIFFIN. On Wednesday, Match-Bth, we Commended to sell off the entire stool: of Dry Goods», Silks, Cali“ pets, House Furnishings, and ReadyeMade Clothe-â€" mnnrx nnn 4.1.. A. mmhn‘t',n1n “meg. pb‘bi‘j, Iii.)qu .L' ULLLLDLLLLLEU, Was...“ *vvw...-d _._-- ...~ . 111g, amguntmg to over $200,000, the gyeat-er pmgf‘w 131011 of which has beer; 1mport§d1for 131113 86880113 ,_J.__-__- ._A maul-‘1‘“ Trade. and *xmll be sold at an Immense ReductiOn 1n, prices. U rI‘he stores were closed on Monday and Tuesday, 6th and 7th inst, to marl: down the stock. ., n ' _ All persons indebted to the ï¬rm are reque'stedrto can settle their accounts at once. Persons hawng‘ accounts Eggfll‘flfl‘. the ï¬rm will present them for payment. Goods sold for onl§ during the sale. _ t . _ ,t l A This W111 be the largest sale ever held 1n the Domlnlon of Canada» The Sale will commence daily at 10 a. Patrmk 3. Ba- Hughegg Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, LATE 01’ “‘01) flaunt, OR THE C. ADAMS, 11.115†L‘mh 28th 0N of (:lufh month W want years duh of the pro A URUR ‘iving mch kid- Spring Goods 2 GENTS†ntario House I 6:3 LBS FOR ONE ï¬L‘LARa OVCX‘SIIOCS selling: at Cost. Flour and Feed. the lnf'gost Stock in Town. Clover, Timothy and Flax Seed. All kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. cAszâ€"x; on PRODUGE, Riclmmnd Hill, March 23rd, 1882. m EWW WT! FOR $38.00, $521.00,$24.00 Per Doz THE BEST THE WORLD Lead er Lane, Toronto. Toronto Julv 6th. 1881. Iv-52w DRAIN TLLE, OF THE BEST nu ALVI‘V NF Richmond Hill, March 16th, 1882. and Shbés! T0.DISEASES, COMPLAINTS and Acumen-rs which HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL is umn- tecd to cure or relieva either in AN or BEAST. CR 0 UP, (IRA MP5, STHJI‘A, APPLIED EXTERNAL'L-Y Fan nHEmuATISM, NEURALGIA, . CHILI LAJNS, CALLOUS LUMPS SWELLINGS, STIFF JOINTS, GALLS, FROST BITE, LA MENESS, CORNS, CONTRA CTI 0N5 BR UISES, L UMBAGO, ITCH, ' DEA Ivuwcss, PALVINBACK, SPRA INS, PAIN in SIDE, ac. Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfac- tion or money refunded. Off? QUALITY .FT wmmï¬mwm 5mm TEAS I TEAS ! TEAS I Crockery and Glassware Cheap, and eimi Qua;ny If you Or by the Single Shirt INDEX. TAKEN INTERNALLY FOR COUGHS, _ 5, 501m THROAT, .4, COLDS,- &-c. Tyros NIGHTINGALE’S, S0mc very Pretty PRINTS-a FRESH GROCERIES f ‘ ‘IS'X l‘llilll) In all Lines New and beautiful Nécklies fin" Ladlés’ JUST RECEIVED 2 row is the time to buy" v‘rbéin $61.1 (iii: geé A CHOICE AND Yorkvilu GREAT BARGAINS IN Always Cali At The ve‘ry latest styles of Ties J. REYNOLï¬Sa Unï¬M. B‘ ‘and first isilvai-I Mediï¬mh Unï¬ersity of Torï¬nto, M. C. P. S. Ontmo. L. 8 AL, England (Lute or Lon’édn, England) Surgï¬on,‘ Etc. Gomez). Hours a to 10.1 to 2 Mid 6 ti: 6, J. Iâ€: 110T“ iANEsTAï¬', M. nnCHMéND 1mm“ om. Graduuté bf Torontd University, mid Mennsz of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assiéfrant to Dr. J 8.11188 Langstafl. Richmond Hm. October 16th, 1879‘ EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing ofl‘ ca, Yonga Stréet; Ribhmonfl Hill, Ontario ‘ Terms of Subscriptions: $1 00 pet gmuum in advance When not paid in advance $1 60 will be charged _ .“ LA :__-»._L-.l .L 41... Lab." Adve‘ï¬zisements will be inserted iug rates: n "‘7. mL_;\. “45 vauu . One Two Three Six Onr' Month‘Momhs‘ Months Months Yeiu Column ...... $10 no 515 00 $20 00 $33 00 $60 ‘, Half Col ...... 8 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 35 Quarter Col 5 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 20 (7‘. Three inches 3 00 4 00 5 00 8 00 12 k, ’ Two inches 2 50 3 00 3 50 5 00 8 (r 7 One Inch... 1 50 l 75‘ 2 00 3 00 5 0‘, Business Cards, efte vent .. Do six months . 54‘ Do three month . 1 5k Transitory advertisements, ï¬rs per inch ................................... 7 Each subsequent insertion" per inch . ‘/ An inch comprises twelve linas otNonpnrm‘i Advertisements without Written, instructions will be inserted until forbid & chui'ged tmusieu‘t rates The York Herald; . KEEFLERQ bk. ORR; MAI‘LE,‘ 3mm PUBLISHED BY want anjtï¬iiig’ at the follow 20 (7‘ 12 k, 8 0 $40