Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Apr 1882, p. 2

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In the County uf York during the has! flan-p months Justices n! the pvaco disposed of16 drunks and dismderliel ll nssanlts. 2 for maliciI-nn; iurv I0 pmpvrtv. one for dis- turbing publ'w" ship. 2 fnr thmatening. 2 for trespass. m" vaurm cy. 4 for norrpayv- men! of wn‘; 3 1 or insulting language. 1 for ped-lhn’lm“ t a license, Iud lfor fan drivin The Farmers Advocate is a good magazine. The April nnml or in parlic. ular is almost. wanh the price ofiubscrip (ion for the year. Pub|ished by W. Weld, London, Ont. Send 10 cents and get a sample copy. The {allowing flom the Markham Sun is about corlect :â€"-“}'ow rice it would be for some. it the publi~h-.' uf lllls pal-er would Allow every “no, ll 0 pv’ifil’rfije of n'riking sun-.aone elsa nvm Ihe >huuldexs. We are vevy nocmnmodali 4:. but we can: 0! "Eb-d In be 1hr shield r 0 all “lacking parties, or we champion of every injured mat.” PARNELL RELEASED. â€"Purnc” was Io'eased from prisnn Monday momma. He was releasvd nn parole for a week in order to enable him to visit his sister in Paris, whose son has just died. There are two ways of looking at the ‘Strikes and the National Policy, but the average Grit persists in only taking one view, and a pileâ€"driver would have to be employed to knock any reasonable idea in favor of the N P. into his head. Admitting that there is some connection between this policy and the strikes, it certainly is not right to any that the men are forced to strike solely because the N. 1’. has raised the expenses of living so high that they cannot exist at the wages formerly received. But every intelligent man will admit that the em- ployers are making money1 and that they can afl'ord to give the increase de- manded. The men see that the Nation- nl Policy has benefitted trade, and they naturally ask for a small share of the wealth being amassed. Strikes always take place after bad times have left the country. and wtwn things :re booming It is not denied that some articles of provision have increased in price, but not. to an unreasonable extent, and as the employers generally are giving the increase demanded, the men will be satisfied that the N. P. has not injured them. Mr. Hodgins accepted the solemn trust, and gave a few of his reasons for opposing the Government. If the report in the Globe is to be believed, Mr. Hodgins has ver) little to contest the Riding on, except that he is “agin the Government” on every occasion. He said that he was in accord with Mr. Mackenzie on the tarifi' question, and that certain interests should not be dis-- turbed. But. the h rdships which “pressed sorely” on the people must be removed. Just what the hardships are Mr. Hodgins forgot to mention. No doubt they are something terrible, and too frightfully appalling to be mentioned. it. Is a most unfortunate thing for Mr. Hedging and his friends that the people are not crushed tinder 'these imaginary pburdens. But they are not. nor is there any indication that th‘ v are likely to be, and if the amiable Q C. builds his hopes on this he will never take his seat on the left of the Speuker, for West York. As for the other side, he may view that as the Jewish law giver viewâ€" ed the promised land, and that is about as near as he will get to it Between man and man there is no resenn why Mr Hodgms Rhnuld be pre~ ferred m the present member. He is an outsider. and Micnwber like. all he wants is a chance Just, give him a fuming. and he will be satisfied. No doubt, he is u gnarl speaker and a very f‘air‘la'wveri but neither «he one nor the Other is any reason why he should be elected. If they wrre. the House would be fillc-d with nothirg but lawyers. and penple whn like to hear themselvvs talk. A fr‘w such representatives are well enongh in their wav, but ihe country is nm suffcring fur want of them. nor does it. banker after them very much. The men who elected Mr. Wallace will want much more substantial reasons than Mr H0 lgins friends advance to induce them to vote against their representative. Mr. Ho‘gins, hnwever. is sanguine that he will succ‘cd If he really thinks soiand can manage to make his friends believe that; he means it. they win re- ioiée and be glad. But unfortunately, MrHodgins is nf'a sanguine telnpprmCLt Heis always sure to win. He had the most honorable and very best intentions in regard to West Toronto in 1878, but he got. left by over s x hundred Votes. If' the m ejnrity is not quite no large in West York, it will at least be strflicivnt to extinguish Mr. Hodgihn. as (-3 otually as the six hundred in West Toronto. The Opposition of West York have fourid a ‘man at last. Mr. Hedging, Q.C., and exâ€"M.P.P. for West Elgin is the individual. At the Convention held in the Tem~ pernnoe Hall, Toronto, on Thursday last. six men were nominated, and all retired in favor of the unfortunate gentleman mentioned. The nomination w‘as therefore unanimous and enthusias~ tic. . THURSDAY. APRIL 13, 1882 Na. 15: Whole No. 1241; Stnkes and the N. P. mm 11m 33:21:11“. Richmond Hm. Ont. MR. HODGIN S. Volume 21. The onlfi charge that Mr. 1 uper has not ad- mitted,râ€"t nt of the Post Cards being read,â€"ia also true. and I have been furnished with the name of a genfileman who was in the oflico at the time. and who will Luke nn nflidnvit to that efioct,-if Mr Rupert r+=fuze~ to credit his state- mem. In Mr Rupert’s lust letter he appeals to my sympathy regarding the publishing of the names 01 my witnesses, and as I have won every ocher point, by hm own admission, I can afford to comply ' h 123's desk}; injgi‘s 1m_rticx_11:1r. Vaughan, April 6th, 1882‘ Hagyard’s Yellow Oil Is at the beau U! the lie! lnr all purposes of a family medicine. I! is used wilh unpreâ€" cedenled success. both internally and exlerv nully. IL cules sore lhzom, bums. ncalds, d7 . V..'~-â€". . .. 1" . m E. . . V. .zou we: , .e.: ws 3-3 0:»: gm 351-33. It is hard to see what Mr. Rupert has gained by his ruther original epintiea. My first letter has long ago been admitted even by him, to be sub- stantinlly correct,â€"â€"thnt 1ho meetings wcro held at ihe Post Office. In his last letter he Idmits the fact of having made use of his position to further the ends of his political friends, and he has also admitted. in a inrmer lrtter, that be circulated antivSyndicato petitions. in order to embamss the Government. These were this real sub-tance of my remarks. and I am very well FEtiSflEd to leave my friend. in the position in which he has placed himself. I must say, how- ever. that, I am disappointed in seeing such letters appear Over the signature of one who I heretofore considered possessed of a fair amount of intelligenoe and conepienfiousneas. I will‘n'ow thank you, Mr. Bailout, 101' the lpaca you have afforded me, in answering theao letters. DEAR SIR.-â€"I feel that it is necessary to apolo- gize for taking space in your puper to answer the attacks 1: nde on me by Mr J 1’ Rupert, of Maple, and especially so when I am replying to such on article as up reared over his mum: in the LIBERAL 0! last wee \'. In my opinion such a. tirade of abuse as he showers upon me, and such avery weak and foeble attempt at argument or reasoning is not worthy of an answer. I am conscious of lowering myself, somewhat, in re- plying to it, and would not do so, only to info= m that gentleman nnd your readers that all such articles in the future will fail to command my attention. The readers of the HERALD, and some of the readers of the LIBERAL, do not, I suppose care “bout, tending such monotonous artiolus, and whether my letters are in.eresting or not, I decline to adopt Mr. Rupert's style of letter writing. I hope Mr. Rupert, is not so child~ ish as to assume, as he has iormerly done, tlmt boonuse I do not abuse him in language. similar to his own. he does not deserve such, or thy-t I am unable to do so. Any one can command abusive language, but it is no more commend- uble than the indulgence in any other evil passion. TONGF-STHEET ON SUNDAY. The appearance of Yunyr-Strevt on Sun'- day afteunnnn was very animated From two o‘clock until near dark Ibexe was a con- tinuous stream of conveyances going mm and returning. About seven o‘c m-k there wow no lvss Ihnn twentv velnclnu coming down Gallows Hill tnwuxds the» vale at full speed. and il Could l‘IP mo plainlv been llmt several of ill» occunnms were under thr- Inâ€" flnence ofliquor. Thme was n unod deal nl'shnuting and swearing, and tho! crow could only be compared to the return from some great spam-‘2 event One bugzy lips 01) (mp side of the rand a complete wrr-ck The “Mention oftlw Licenle I: .- sneotor as well as the cvnntnhloa of the county are called to this mailer. Scrutator’s Charges Proven. The rmde are in splendid candirinn just now, and our village seems Iively. TIM O’DAY. Tothe Editor of the Herald: W'oodbridge. April 12111, 1882. A gnnd many of‘ our villagers started gardening last werk. but this cold snap has spoiled their little fun, if there is anv fun in it. PREFBYTERIAN Sncm.. The Preebytenuns hvld a Social and Entertainment in the Orange Hall. on Thursday night lart. which was quite a success. The tables were well filled with the best the ladies could get up.-â€"and ample jusricc was d -ne.â€"â€" “you bet." as a great. many did nnt eat. anything all day. (hoin lent.) to have a good feed at. night. After the tables were cleared off, Dr. Grant was called to the chair and made the opening address. “6 had a bad Cold. and addrersrd thl- audience all in cr‘ughing. Soon afte: wards he was called out to amend to the sick. which made him nmile all over his face. The Rev. John McCullough. warI called to take his place, which he did like an old man nf'80. and sang a Scotch song to Hm batguin. There were several recitations. songs and readings. by our local talent. which were rendered very well. and the entertainment came to a claw. nt 10 p. m. Mr. Jm-l Rouman has gnne to Maui-- toba. Whovis Town Clark ? 01m MEMBER. Our M. P., N. O. Wallucr. came up from Ottawa to spend Easter with his family. He looks hule and hearty. He returned again to Omwa on Mon day. taking: his fumin buck with him, and will remain away about a mouth yet. BAND The Woodbridge Brass Band (urged out on Good Friday, and mamth through the streets. playing sump at their most lively pairs, in very good ugh, but there is lots 9f room for improvb went. They are now "about opp 'dolon strong. BEEF. Tim O’Day in going his rounds last week, forgot to call upon Alderman Rowntr'ce, oul" Village butcher, whom we should not forget, as we depend upon him for the staff oflife. Mr. R. p’ur- chusedfrom Mr. Andrew McNeil. 6th Con. of Vaughan, for our Easter dxnner, mo 6 year old steers, weighing over 4000 lbs.. at a cost of $6.12§ per 100 lbs., live weight, They were two beau- ties, as most. of our villagers know. A. Mr. R says, Toronto Market could not auspass bis beef. SUCKERS. Our new incorporated Sister Wessay, must have a lot of suckers down there. 03 they send them up here by ihe wagon load, and poor Sister Woody has to put up with them, and take them in. The poor creatures are nearly all bones. Our Council were discussing the matter last night. but as they are like a lot of dummies, you can't. make head or tail out of them. LACROSSE. Our Lacrosse Club has again re» organized. and played their first came on Good Friday, on the fair grounds. They had quite a friendly game among thgmselves. and a number of villager» were down Watching the performance of the sticks. The club is called "The Echos,” of Woodbridge. They have members tickets out now. and will. I suppose, soon be readj7 to receive orderl for summer work. (hem our own Correspondent.) WOODBRIDGE. Yerkvule. Yours, etc., Scnv'u'ron. Campbell’s new language lesswa ether Ethos! books on 113.2% What to study. Pope, the puencal philosuper said, “The proper study of mankind is man.” and yet. how little :3 the real science of man studied. E If peoplc understood and bveded the lawn I of health, and if when out of sorts would re- 9 sort to common sense like Burdock Blood 3 Bitters. many of the "ills to which flab is l heir to” might be ‘et’fectually remrdied. It ' invigorate: and regulates all tho secretions to a healthy action. Artemus Ward and the llMlchlgan Regiment." In a Lnnisvillri Ky , hutel onr dny. Ame. mus Vt artl was introduce-d to a colonel who llnd Cumminle a. Mississippi regiment tn the war. Atteinux. in hint way that was "‘childlilce and b'und" said 'Whnt Mlchl" gun legiment did you cummand Colonel 7" 'l hen it wua that the Culutwl spun like 9 hp and aware llh't' a sailor, it til pacified suflici- ently tn hear an rxnlanntinn, Alto-mm. with surprise, nhsein-d “ that he was always getting mixed about the war, It. tl nlwayl unfortunate to net. thing! mixed. but never mnrt- so. than when one is sick Then it in that the right thing in the right place is wu- ted mnre than any other time in life, or an- der tiny mlmr circumstnncu. It u a plan ure for us to tinte In this eminection, thael- pet'it‘nce “1' mm entwnwd fellow citizen. t‘vnlmtel Snmnel H. 'l'aylur. who on in we]! ktmwn dors not get things mixed. In I re- cent cmnmntncatinn he» writes: "I do here- by cettil‘y that Isnfi'vred terv much from rheumatism and m-uralgin during the fall (l ’79. and tried many remedies with little if' any gund results I had hard of St. Jac- obs Oil and concluded to try it; more as an vxpeiimrnl that. with any hnp- ul'goud re» aultu. I can with grout pleasure commend it to others. {or thP reason that I know it cult-d ma." Such an emphatic endnrlement cumin): frum «me of the wry foremost law-- yet-s of our state. wrll and widely known. ('arriol with it a degree of impnrtanco and auguestivenoaa, which onnnot he uvoruti-v mated.~â€" Wnshin-gtun (lnd ) Caulk. Tho charge of larceny was dismissed Ha'xy “an allow-d :0 go altogether. and Griffin. Ior awindling Huff and Ludford wan wnl lo gnu] 101' Iixly day: on both chm'gel. WlHihm Hopper wan called for tho d4). fence. to show the chameler of lhe coma n'a‘nnvn Hufi'. bul he mmld no! say he was diahonen ur 11m he lied more Ibun ‘he or-- dinaly young man. Tb-e hagistrate held that lhere wan no ewdmxm mains! Bwrry. and diu-burgod him on th» charge of swindliug Huff. Caleb Ludl‘md was then called to show how he bud been nwiudled. mallard Walkinnhaw. who keep! hotel a short dlsxmwe wulh of 'l’hmnhill, said tho: pxismu-v's called at his place. had a think. a d lhen went away like gentlemen. While in the huh-l the two prisuuera were enum- my some money. then Lekâ€"II mud be um tho game gomg on. and Ali!) ml the two prisoners leave the nil-gs “yether. Juhu Gttflin uttd Huuh Barr] Were charg- ed with huvutg on the- 4th itsl. deft-untied Frank Hufl'and C: lvb Ludlord out of $8. the {butter nut 01 $5 tutti the latter $3. and the) meme also charged with having stolen 85 nut of Huff‘s purkf-l. to which they plead- ru not guilty. Hofl'atnted that on the 4th inst. the mo pt-isonem «rrived at Thortthill with a tvatn nl hut-sea and a litng box of soup which they were trying to sell to a sun“! which had cottgrvgatrd. After a time when 0hr (tfthe ptinuncrl bud upput‘ eutiv Whipped a $5 bill amuud a pine» ul snap m" then wrapped it in paper. remnrk‘ ing Ihnl the peupie had the mtttwy’but nol‘ the nerve to buy. con-tolnitttutt buughl thé pug-Luge tur two duiztmt and upon opening it fuund it» had wound a little pieca of paper uttdn gtmd deal (if flxpvt‘ivttc". A~ gun. thfl‘ttied tho racket and lost. 83 and .2! iued some mute so»? and experience. Witness thmt t'nliu-wd tn» printing" m the city ntt but, find had (ht-m atrnted. Mm [hf urn-eat one of the ptisouers damned wit- Less his mnney buck. With refnvnce l0 lhe 35 which had been stolen nut. oftho pocket of witness. complai- nmn knew very “Mic. but i! mu haer mu. ()1 his pocket While he wan taking I drink. Complainant did not think Barry had an, Ibmg to do with lha racket. On Tuesday dw follumng cue Wu tried before the Pulit'e Magislrute. in '1‘ roulo How the "Soap" worked at Thornnill. mu. After tog. the audience adjourned to the Church. where t. e scholars were seated upon 1 plntf’orm. erected in amphitheatre style, The programme consisted of Dialogues. llcoimflona. Solos, Dams and Chorw by .the aohollrs. Among the man part [affine programme was 5’3): (ion of "Hold the F011;" sad Feeds of Kindneu," by thm‘lmlo "lg, hardly able tonpeak plainly. an one apparently not yet pm the stage of baby-hood. They sang very mogly, and to rhc evident satisfaction of the very large dudience. Thu programme was an interesting one throughout. and a great deal of credit is due to those who trained the little children so carefully and successfully in singing the Various hymns Mr Wm Harrison, the Super- intendent ofthe School. occupied the chair. The proceeds amountad to nearly 360. PM“, of bminm were aloud. genuâ€" aily, in‘lhis Wilma.i on W Friday, and Richmond Hill had on ; very quiet and Sunday-like appearance. Suvwn. Service was bold in the Englilh Church at 3 p. 111., and a largo congre- gation assembled, The Rev. Mr Shank,- lin delivered a good discourse, find tin choir sang appropriate music. Fm: COMPANY. The Fire Company assembled for practice in the afternoon. In the ubsenon of the Captain. Engineer MacDonald took command. The engine was taken to the school house tank. and fpt‘ half an honror so, the boys were busily em- ployed on rho brakes. The rpgine work- ed very satisfactorily, and two good atreumo of water were,_ thrown. C. M. 0. SABBATH Sonoox. Conan“. In ihe evening the anniversary Tea-s meeting and Concert in connection with the Methodist Sabbath School was held. The usual abundant supply of provisions was fumished by the ladies. and until about 8 o'clock the veatry was thronged with people. with appetites like an average sword-fish, judging from the enormous quantities of provisions which the Indies continually placed upon the tablet. ’ THE MAGIC BOA? RACKBT Friday. {ind ’ Lxcrun: AT Pnnuon.â€"-Ths lec- lltnre given by the Rev Mr. Crosby, st Patterson, on Tuesday evening last, 11th l inst.. was fairly attended, a number of i persons from this village being present. , The lecturcrreferred to his experience as i a Missiouary among the Indians in Brit- ish )olumb a which included many in- teresting: and humorous anecdotes, as well as pitiful and thrilling accounts of the condition and acts of these poor hes- thens. The lecture proved a very inter~ . eating one, and contained a great deal of zinf'orumtion respecting the climate. soil and resources of the country 'on the Pa- cific Slope. Mr. Crosbv has been a very successful missionary, and accomplished a great deal of good. He has endured great privations and, hardships, in this work, and on account of his experience reads like “a romance of ye olden time," in many respects. In illustrating porâ€" tions of his lecture he wore the dress of an Indian “Medicine man” and showed the audience a number of Indian article! ,of dress. & weapons, includingl'a scsl' - j ing knife. which had been utilizsd in the “scst business" several times. The ob- ' iect. of the lecture was to secure funds to; assist in supporting an Industrial Home} for Indian girls.‘ established at Fort. Simpson. by Mrs. Crosby, and the pro-- lewds will prove quite an assistance. ' Mr. John Brown and Mn Summon : were aimed churohurdou for St. [Mary's ‘huroh on Easter Monday. 1 Tim oleofiOn for Trinity ‘ Church, Thornhi“, was deflated until May. Mr I Ritchie who hu'hokd thc pdaition of u:- [ton for fifty years has resigned his allies. 24M or MAY.â€" The Ladies of the ('3. M Church are making preparation- for holding I grind Concert. and teaâ€"- meeting on the 24th of May. They are communicating with the Tandy Bron. and other noth singers, and n big affair may be safely untiolpated. The annual Drmnnstrntion in connection with the Prgphytertan Church. will be held on the 24th of May, and from what we heur. it. will be I men-t excellent enter- tainment, all through, This town in all alive on the 24th. and it will not pay In forget it. Further particulura will be [given later on, when our telegraphic dispatches come in. A TONEY Suezâ€"When our enter- prising artist in thq tonsorial line. does anything. one may nafely wager thut he will do it about Wright. He has re» centlv purchased a beautiful window- blind and two large and elegant chroma: of Maud S. and St. Julien. making his shop one of the most attractive-Making (o be found north of Toronto, Ind indeed ahead of many in the city NorrNxcnsuuLâ€"In reference to a Inter from “A Subscriber." Oak Ridges, regarding Ihe “Rapid Transit to the North-Wat," we think the points worthy of rut-plying to were fullv covercd by the letter which appeared from a cor- rr-ppnndcm signed “A Friend" and that it in not worth while to notice my fur» ther remarks of the writer referrod to by NA Subscriber. MUSMALE «Thefirnnd Band Concert (0 be held in the Masonic Hall. on Friday tuning: next‘.14lh inst. promises to be an sxcviient musical entertainment. Jwading» and recitatiom Will also form part ofthe programme. Prof. Walrus Icy. of Toronto, has been secured. and s number of radios and ganllemen oflnaal fame have kindly consented to assist. UU’I‘ IN TWO.â€" A brakenman named Henry Royce fell between the car! at Thornhill stution on Saturday. 1st inst. uni was out clean In two by the wheels. The poor fellow dragged part of his body a few feet from the track, covered his face with his buds. and died. He was tightening ihe brakoa WM: 1 stick for a lever,when the nick broke and be full on the track. We have nudgepanicu u to mi..- ainution‘ contained in a certain paper thn pat-tie: were refused admittnnce to the Conservative meeting lateiy held in tho Mnsonic Hall and find that no one was refused admittance, but on the con‘ trnry several members of the Reform Party oou‘d he named as being present and no objections were made to them. There was no admittance by ticket the snme an at Mr. M uckenzie's meeting at Toronto. or “Dr. Widdifiold’a meeting at Newmnrkat. ' Earn. Buvzcn.~1n :1) the ChurChea in the will on Easter Sun- day, urmomon the th tad relurroc fiou were punch“. and approprinte unghema and hyun'l veto sung by ch: chain nnd confirmation. Pusan“ -â€"-Mr. Than. Rama, la- chtr in St. Catherine! CoHpgigt's Infi- me paid a short shit m , thin vilhgn on Good Friday. flit mun friends here pleased to mhin‘dbeerfg countenance. radium with hem}! and pleasure. Mr Redd“: has the German, Freud). Latin, and Greek chaos. in which brunch“ he has ulwuys been fiery proficient. v A Grand Cdnggrt gg’ bu held It Sher- ‘0»: on Edd” «may, 14m inst; don't fora“. Idr' A. Bobium’n. Dentist. of Aaron bu mqu from :11! North-Wm. much ham an knit); and gan'plmcd um: h1- trip. If): Monday hat, Mi. Gibson uurrcvod tha mo propoud streets. Arnold and Church, and the work of opening them win he qommencâ€" ed immediuely. Woonnnman Sumo tumâ€"Irina West York and Town-hip of Vnugbun Spring Fuir will be held at Woodbtidge, on Wednesday, 26:31 imt. Far yu- liculufl of prize list and rules, ace lnrge pone". YOUNG Mill’s L U. A.-â€"A meeting was held in the Lorne Hall, on Monday eyeulnu Ink, for the purpose of organil - in: a Young Men's Liberal Conserva- tive Club. A number of young men from the neighboring Sub-diviuoun of Markham and Vaughan were prenent, and jnined the club. ITEMS. Barley Data. Poss Rye Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by I. sick child suflering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a. bottle of bins. WINSLOW'B soon;- ING SYRUP, It will relieve the poor little sulfei- er immediatelyâ€"degend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. T era is not a. mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it W111 regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United states. Sold overvwhera at 25 cents a. bottle. Sure can for a cough- The most rcliuhlr round} for u c-mgh or culd, vllhma. nhortnru of breath, Bare thrust. wank lungs and all bronchial truu'm- In, in Hugyud‘l Pectoral Balsum. Price 25 cent: «>0 l_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" HOTBEBI! HOTBEBB ll MOTHERS The follnwing in the list of prize winner: It ‘luo recent Burtonville Public School or Ininalion.â€"Fifih Claus [indentâ€"list, A. Lunuu. A. Douglal. and R Elliot equnl: 2nd. T. Ml-Quay ; 3rd. Jame: McQuay Fouth Clans Senior.-â€"lut. W Craig and 1). Douglas equal ; 2nd, J Kelly ; 3rd L. Wilmntt ; 4Ih, S Barnes; 5111. Jun. Panes; 61h. Geo. Hemingway; 71h. Jno. Thompson; 81!), Dan and Frank Sliver. vquul Junior Fourth (llaiu.-â€"ls!, Jamel Lunau ; second, Jamel McQuuy : 3rd 1; Luna". Senior 3rd Clansâ€"131 E Slut-r ; second,0 Burr : 3rd C. Burr and J Perry. equal ; 4Ih. Geo. Phillips; blh. Th-rmnl Scott. Junior 3rd Clus -â€"lst S Phillips Senior Second Class. â€"~lll Thol. UEiver ; second A Thompson ; 3rd, R Harm-s. Junior Firs! Claimâ€"lat. 'm MoQuny and A Hemingway, equal; second. Ella Wilimon. The Exnmnmtion WI: attended by some of our most rupeel' ed residents. The print] were awarded by P." D M Mackintosh The plUCQI‘dB of the COHCDH given by lhe Bunonville Come~ dill! Club wo-e devoted to the buying of min: for the children. Bienniang; HILL Au, Socrnrr.â€"~A meeting of the Richmond Hill and Yonge Street Agriqukmnl Society will be held in the Court Room, on Friday evening next, 14th inst. at 6 o’clock, for the election of oficera and other imâ€" portant bulineu. A full attendance is desired. No more hand «chin: {rum using steel palil, when Eaterbr'mk'a turned up point pans afford the mom deli h‘l'u! H-Iief. Ask yuur annime for (hair Teiezrnphic. Tecunv mob and Chucluw‘ The trade Supplied by Brown Bros., Tax-onto. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS am the medicine mm in renut“ for curing the multilnrioul mnlndiu which utlnok humanity when wet and (-old wenther givu plnce to more genial lrmperulurn. In nhnrt these l’ills never ful to afi'urd teliefin all the disturbath of circulation. digestion, and net-v on energy, which at times opptesa a van portion of the: population. Under lhn whnlrnome, purify- tng. and Itrongzhening power: c-xerted by those excellent Pills tho tongu» becomas Clo-Iv, the appetiu improves. diyestinn is quickonod. and asnimulation rendered prr- feet. Holloway”: medicine poaseuen the highly entimnhla pmperty of cleunaivg the wholc- mun of blood, which in it: rennvnled condition curries purity. atrength, And vigor to every Iiuue of tho body. The'following Oflicers were appoiu-t‘ ed :â€"-President. R Mar-h ; lat Vice, RevJ Dick ; 2nd do. Rev P Addison ; 3rd do. Re! I Compbel! ; 4th do. Rev. “5 Pickering; Sect and Trees. John H “Spatial-non ; Committee of Mangement, Mann A Marsh. I Crosby, P Patter- son, H Newbarry, H Sanderson. J Ness, J Frock. J Swnzer. l Duncan, F Gibâ€" wen. D Grey, J Brown. W Powell. era, and Dr Lanzstafl'. Collectors for South Districtâ€"Mina Marsh and Miss Helm- ksy ; North do, Mine Bernard and Miss Hunilton ; Richmond Hill, East. Miss Sanderson and Miss A. Cooker ; W'est do. Mina Hewison and Miss Brown; Patterson. Min: Laird and Mrs Street. The collectors will be around in a few days. mam: Swarmâ€"Tho annual meet- ing of the R. Hill Branch Bible Society wan held In the school room of the Free byterinn Church, on Wednesday evening 12:11 inst. There van a very fair atten- dance. The Rev. Mr. Dick occupied the chair. and introduced the agent of the Society. the Rev. Mr. Manly. who gave an interesting account of the work done. and exhibiIed a number of chart: showing the way in which the Bible wan Written at the time of Moses. Our lim- ited space will not permit of any report of his remarks regarding the union: writings. etc. Rest and Ooml’ort to tho lulu-in; "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PENACEA" has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and ex- tenml. It cures Pain in the Side, Back or Bowels Sore Thront,Rhenmatiam, Toothache, Lumbago, and any kind ofn Pain or acha. “It will most surely quicken the Blood and heal, us its acting power is wonderful." “Brown‘u Houaobold Penn- ceu," being acknowledged IS the great Pain Re- liever, and of double the strength of nnv other Elixir or Linimont in the world, ghould he in every family handy for use who!) wanted, “as it really is the Bestromedy in tha world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains nndAchoa of all kinds' nut! is for n10 bv all Drugaista at 25 cents abomlo. FUNIIAL Snvxcls.-â€"Them was a very surge attendance of friends u the funeral ofitberlate M}: Isaac Crosby, on Thursday lust. Services were held in the Methodist Church; which was fill-d lathe doors. The Rev. Mum Addison. Pickering, Campbeil. Dick and Mollaflum. conducted the Services, the Rev. Mr. Addiaon delivcring ; very impressive Iermnn from the text, In Samuel, Chap. xx, and the lame: clause 0! the 3rd verse : “Then is but a step hatween me and death." A: the con- clusion of the sermon, his short refer- ence to his acquaintnnne With the accused, was made In “in beautiful and fueling terms. LOCAL. ITEMS. THE MARKETS. TORON'I‘Or News Items. 01:3 0129 .130 136 750 OIZ 8‘1 5'3 O 45 70 000 95 17 80 1800 83 8 50 0 00 10 60 70 00 000 26 00 2'2 18 l 25 Crosby Leads the Trade! NEW At the Fire Proof! LARGE ‘ . STOCK : NOW IS- THE TIME! A Rollahle Fact. Itisan established fact that qud's Pacmmz» Balsam is the best car. to: cold“, sore throal, asthma, cmup.. is, and all troubles arising from ‘nfiglectod colds. Price 25 cents. business now before the public. You can make money faster at werk for us that at anything else.’ Capxtnl not needed. We will Ital-L you $12 a. day a upwards made at home by the industrioul Man, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere 5 to work for us. Now is the time. You can work ( in spare time only or give your whole time to the business. You can live at home and do the work I No other business will pay you nearly M well. No one can fail to make enormous pay by engag- ing at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Monoy made fast, ensfly and honorably, Address, Tum: Jz Co, Augusta. Maine. John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell. F.qu Hon. SelmtorMcMnster A. M. Smith, L'uq. James Metcrflfa’. Emu Rey. Euogh_Wood,.D-. D Mr. Pace of the Mitchell Recorder, recently sued J as. Dalling for five year’s subscription at $2 per annumrtbc who]: of which he collected with interest. Thiu is still another warning mthemgau indi; viduals who think they 4.3m), (tend ‘ be“: newspaper men~ out of their just dues. r 30 per cent. uf'prexiximhs returned in 1555:3â€" Louna made to Church Trustees, at a low rate 0! interest . Send for prospectus. Assurance Soc'y Aldnflrqn McArthur, M’P, Chair 400 Importml Eng‘ish Goonberry Bushes. true to name, the same kind M were sold at Ecknrdt's monthly Hale. at the Palmer House, Richmond Huhon tho 5th of April. Samples of berries can be seen. 0. DUNCUMB- v..,q,,,,,,.“.u . u-.. ...-‘ Richmond mu, .4er 5th 1337 T. HOPPER, Richmond Hm Richmond Hill, April 4th, 1882. -ow N E W SEED POTATOES THE STAR They are very productive, twelve quart: prom dum‘ng Twenty Bushela and Five Buuhaln pro- ducing One Hundred and Twenty Buahola. For Sale at NEW YORK BUUSEBEHBY BUSHES fur SALE RHEUMATISM, BOLD BY ALL DkUGGISTS 1ND 381233! I! KEDIOIHB. ' ‘ ' Nauru/gin, Sciatica, lumbago, ' Packacha, Sorenou of (In Clout, Feat, Quins], Sore: 70ml, hulk Mg: and Sprain, Rum and . Sea/d3, General '06in Paint, Tooflr,_Ear and Hulda/u, Frosted Fee! and fan, and all after Pain: and lchu. : - No ration an mun qua 3!. Jun- On. an n on a, cure, “and. “6 M hut-n1 named] ' A Mu! onmfll bu: tho anwnuuly fitifllng outlay of 30 Cents, And «In on “acting glgh pun can Mu chap Ind pawn m6 at in Wfliflfl DIEWOM In Elam: bun-cu. ssgpo PER BUSHEL, gm gavertiscmmtfi. Amuul Income . . . . . . 1.40Q.00Q Invested in Cannda'... 850.000 Denlh clmms paid , . . . 7.500.000 'l'onomo REFERENCES. A. VOGELER & 00‘ BY A \V Lauder, 0! an Extra Kind, imported from ‘Lynes,Esq.F I Afiecretnry .‘é'vRFund . . . . . . SE.000,006 Sec. dflrens. for Canada LIFE Victoria. Chumbgrs, Toronto Feb. 12th 1880. FOR must W UV. Daub-um. KL. U. .4. LOW PRICE ! $18111: That Ghem Money received on deposit. and interest-J payable half year.v or compounded. Capital. 81.900510": Reserve Fund, $360,000- Total Assets, $3,000,000 ' See our reduced loan table For further info mneioo apply at the offices of the Company We imderstand Rev Mr, Howell Was the rgaipienl of a fine fat. turkey ready for the man the other day,-â€"â€"n present from Mn. ’unk Button. TKOKFION â€"-A.t. Temperanceville, King, on Sum do}7 morning. 9th inst... Agnes Ledgarwood, be oved wits of James Thompson, aged 36 years. LAer-At Thomhin, on Sunday, 2nd inst, Thomas Lune, aged 54 years. Western Canada; DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plait, M P. Wm Gender-- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thus H Lawn, Thou E Lee, Hon D L Macpherson, Senutar Waste glad toIeam that Joe. Snider. who was [0 unfortunate as to fall from a bridge in Thornbill recently. it slowly. yet none the has numb, recovering. We are glad to announce anothor hand« some brick residence now under construmion on qulipglpq St. Aurora.. It is being built by‘Jné‘Stoulenburé, of Victoria Sqm‘ whose name is a guarantee of the style of building he yin erect. The stone for the foundation. furnished by Jan. Buzz, of King in comidemd some oflhe finest ever brought into Aurora. To sell Lot No. 20‘, in the sixsh Concession of the Twnlhip of Grey. in the County of Huron, cnn: filming One Hundred Acres. be the same more or has. will waive tenders from persons delixousi of purchasing the mud Lot 01' your own selection, given‘with every 31b: of Toa.-' Feb. 9, 82. .Loan and Savlngs Company Officesâ€"No 7, Church-street, Toronto H02! GEO W ALLAN, Semtorl’msident GEORGE GooDERHAM ..... ..,'Vico-Presidont 1031 MRS, TOWNSHIP 01' EREY. ROBERT'HOLLAND, Richmond Km. 1’. O. EX ECUTO RS’ SALE OF LAND: Up-to tho ant any of Octobpr, 1382. Address ' ‘ . Exxcm‘ons‘ Blehmofid Hm, March 22nd, m2. 11182- NEW TBA STflREf SAVING’S BANK BRANCH OAK RIDGES BLACKSMITH SHOP? Not Going to the North-West; Mun. Glancey has decided not 'to go to the‘ North-West, and wishes to inform his old cusâ€"~ tomoxs and the public generally, that he is prew pared to attend to all orders in THOMAS 0065:. concord, P. 0‘ Oak Ridges, March 6th, 1832. GENERAL .BLACKSMITHING I JOHN ' HOLLAND. The undufiigned Execution. being authorized under the will 0} the late Particular gttentipn given to Horse Shoeingl Oppouite tho‘Musouio Hal], Richmond Hill gm: gavertimwntz. A. $1 VOLUME! NOT INEBHIATES‘ [5 FOR CASH! WA LTER S LEE. Mrs. Harrison’s MONEY 7’0 LOAN. County of" urea. Buy Your Tea. At. DEATH. AU RORA. â€"BUT-- THE M- GLANCEY. Mnnugar‘ «Bonumi. Ill-m

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