Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 27 Apr 1882, p. 3

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and mover be commissioners to repagr the old or built] the new bridge between 1015 20 and 21 in 6th con ; also to repair bridge in front of lot 19 in 7th comâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr Forster, seconded by Mr. Reason that James Mustard. Charles Sun-k and the mover be and are hereby appOinted commissioners to repair bridge on 9th com. opposite lot 20.3nd that the amount requir- ed for the name be payable on the order of commissioners when the work is com-- pigtgd T Carried ‘ Mr. Reesor moved, seconded by Mr.For- star, that Mr Jones, John McCafi'ry and the mover be and are hereby appomted commis- Iioners to repair culvert on lots 5 and 6 in 8th con. on said side line and the amoum required for the same be payable to the or- der of the commissioners when the work is completedâ€"Carried Moved by Mr. Jones. seconded by Mr. Beesor, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay Mr James. Reeve of Whitchurch, the sum of two dollars and sixty five cents, being one. half of expenses in conveying James Dolan to the General Hospital ; also to pay one half of cost of msinlensnce at said hospital.â€"Carried Markham Township Council. Moved by Mr Williamson seconded by Mr Reesnr. that 'the Know. Mr James and the mover be and are hereby appointed commis- sioners to ar'range For opening gravel pits in the following places, viz. . Lot 28. in rear of second com; also lots 30 and 3K. in rear of the 5th c0n.-â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Heesor. seconded by Mr. Jumps. {hat Mr James and the mnver be and are hereby appointed commissioners to reo- mnw, if deemed advisable. IhP eath on the aide 0f the road in front of Mr Patton‘s residence. be paying 5cm. per vard. lhe bal- ance payable to order ofthe commissioners when the: Work is cnmpleted.â€"Carried. Moved bv Mr Reesor, seconded by Mr. Forster that the Treasurer hp and is hereby authorized to pay Hem'v Leach 36, being two-thirds of Value of shnep killed by dog or dogs unknown, as teétified under oathâ€"Car- ried Moved by Mr Reehor. seconds-d bv Mr. James that Ihe grunt nf$5 per mnnth allow- ‘ed Mm. S!nne,and children be and is here-by made payable to the order of Mr. James Clendennintr inslead oer. A H Reesor. 59 â€"Carried. . Mr Forster moved. seconded by Mr Beesor, that the Reeve, Adam Scott and the mover be and are hereby appointed cammifisionera to re- puire bridge on Church street. and to meet 9. committee from Markham village to examine and repair if considered necessary, the west hill at some place ; also to examine a ditch on 9th and 10 cone, lot 10, and sideroad between lots 10 and 11, in 8th con., and repair, if considered necessary, and that the amount required for the same be payable on the order of commissioners ‘when the work is oompletedeCen-iegl‘. _____ Mr. Williamson moved seconded hv Mr. James. [hut the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to pnv to the order of the Reeve the sum oflwn dullglrs per week for the maintenance of Jesse x'nrny said grant to ‘date from January. {882. and to continue during thepleasure of this Council â€"(‘arriedi ‘ Mr Foster moved, seconded by Mr William son, that Elias Hamilton, Jonas Miller and the mover be and are hereby appointed commissioners to examine and improve, it considered necessary, the 9th con. at R R. crossing ; also to put up guard mils on sideroa-d between lots 30 and 31, con 8.~Cnrried. Mr James moved. seconded by Mr Williamson. that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby ap- pimted to attend Court in the suit of York Township vs.Councy of York, being an appeal against equalization of assessment in the inter- est; of this Municipality.â€"Cnrrit_ad._ Mr Forster moved, seconded by Mr Reesor. that the sum of $5.50 be added (20 a grant.“ $20 already made to 9th com, in division N0. (35,- and that; the whole amount be made payable to Jonas Miller for drawing 4115 yards gmvelat 60cts., and 600:5. for extra work. on the order of commission- erg _wyen the worlg is complypeqfc 'gd. Mr J ames moved, seconded by Mr Williamson, that- the Treasurer he and is hereby authorized to pay F Boynton the sum of 352 towards open- in%up .tlae ditch in front of lot 12 in the 3rd con. -- arne . ‘ MEWiflViamson moved. seconded by Mr James} that tha sum of $8 be paid to Ashe v order‘ of the Reeve for the purpose of sending Wm Allan, a pauper, to Owen Sound, said amount being for railway farmâ€"Carried. Mr F’orster' mb'éed, seconded by Mr Williamson} that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay Corsbn and Son, the sum of $34.60, being for 175 audited reports furninhed this municipal- ityâ€"Carried. ‘ Mr Reemr movrd, seconded b Mr James, that the Treasurer be and is have y authorized to pay to the order of the mover, the sum of $14.- 40, being Amount of expenses incurred in con- nection with one A Robertson, :1 pauper, includ- ing expenses to Toronto Hospital, $8.40 ; support an}! ogre-by Mr Beggar for 1_6 gays, afygarried. Mr J ames moved, seconded by Mr' Forster, that the imover be and is hereby authorized to have built. if deerred necessary, a guard railing in front of lot 19. in the 3rd comâ€"Carried. The following officers were appointed :â€" 4 POUND KEEEERS. Division No, 1â€"â€"-Andrew Miller, Wm Perry. ' Division No. 2râ€"Wm Meek, Jonathan Brilling- er. Division No 4-â€"â€"Robért Bruce, John Boynton, Jacob B Grove. fiivision No. 4â€"NewberryButton, W W Walker. John Devlin, Daniel Strickler. _ Diyision No 5â€"Char1es Patton, Chas Cook, W Boyd. v V . ' ' v Division No. sâ€"Jacob Miller. Leonard Kester. WDiv‘isiouNo‘hâ€"Sinclnir Hagerman. Wm Mcâ€" DQQald, J 021}: G()1;m}ey._ r , 9 Wm Wells in John Gohn w (Ed. Gallsnough 8 Albert Quantz 4 John Duncan 5 David Lynett 6 Peter Finnie 7 James Cosgrove 8 James Lengsmfi 9 Samuel Wilson 10 Wm Beutty 11 Geo Vtmhorn 12 Joseph Ellson 13 Francis Boynton 14 Geo Monkman 15 Gen. Barker 16 Simeon Nelson 17 Daniel Donor 1.8 Vincent Johnston 9 __._â€" 20 Joseph Wilmott 21 Joseph Stephenson 22 Edward Sanderson 23 Henry Hopper 24 Benjamin McDowell 25 James Lever 26 John Gibson 27 Joseph Kuan 28 Hulett Kennedy 29 Wm Horslcy 30 Anthony Spang :1 Isaac Brumwell 32 Wm Texton 33 Alexander Duncan jr. 34 W A Morgan 35 Wm Milliken 86 Salem Eokardt 37 Thomas Lyon 38 J smes Harper 39 Fred Letter Division No 3â€"John Webber, Orson Hamming- w’iyx . . ‘ ’ FENCE VIEW]! RS. Divison No lâ€"John Lune, Wm Hood, jr., Wm Cross. ,- ' Diéision No 6â€"Phillip Wideman, Elias Hamil- ton, Leonard Bovles. iDivision Np ‘Zâ€"John McCaiguo, Chris Heise, Henry .Jenams? 7 Division No 5â€"11 B Reesor, Wm Armstrong, N E Reesor. Mr Forster moved. seconded by Mr J tunes. that when this Council adjourns it- stands adjourned until Saturday, 27th May, at the same time to meet as Court. of Revision. Mr Forster moved, seconded by Mr Williamson that the Reeve, Mr Reesor and the mover be and are hereby appointed commissioners to ex- amine and make arrangements for purchasing and opening. if considered advisable, a. gravel pit at the following places, viz. : 0n lot 13, con. 7, and on lot 3,0011. 10, and report at next meeting of the fiouncilâ€"Cmied. l Joh_q Margin: Mr Forster moved, seconded by Mr J amen, that Mr Williamson and the mover be and are hereby appointed commissioners to examine and make arrangements for the purchase, and open if considered advisable, a gravel pit on lot 30, con 8, and also to improve 9th con. opposite lots 323.111133, and report .at next meeting 01 the Council. 7 V Rest and Comfort (.0 the lulu-1n: “BROWN’S HOUSEHOLD PENACEA" has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and ex- tam}. It cures Pain in the Side, Back or Bowels Sore Thrant,Bheumn.Msm, Toothache. Lumbago, and any kind of a Pain or ache. “It wlll most outer nickel: the Blood and heal, as its acting power a wonderful." “Brown‘s Household Pena- can." being Mlmowl ed as the great; Pain Re- liever. and of double 1; e strength of any other nov‘er. 9,113. bf Ebhble tie'mehgtii' at" afifâ€"otfi'ér Elixir _or Ljnlplenfi 113 the w_or1d. shou d be in évery family'handyifor'aée wfiéfi‘x'viaée‘ar‘QE .it raally is the best remedy in the worldtor Cram m in the Stomach, and Pains andAches of all kin s’ and is for sale by all Dvuggism M 25centa «bottle. The Council the): adjourned Concluded from second page.) ROAD OVERSEEBB' 40 Thomas Williamson 41 W H Ratcliff 4‘2 R P McLean 43 Thomas Graham 45 John Eckardt 46 J onnthtm Gowland 47 Wm Lubbeck ~18 Alexander Payne 49 Thus Hnstinge 50 Henry Jennings 51 C Vradensburg 52 Wm Toppen 53 Simeon Reesor 54 Anthony Forster 56 Joseph Groves 56 A Frownfelter 57 P Hoover 58 Jonnl Miller 59 Newberrv Button 60 J G Freeman '61 Wm Jones 62 James Mustard 63 Charles Shark 6; Wm Canning 6.5 Elias Holden 66 â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- 67 Joseph anp 68 Andrew Reeaor 69 John Pike 70 R F Hawkins 71 Geo Amos 72 C S Barkey 73 Geo Hopkins 74 Colin D Reesor 75 James Dimmn 76 Wm N Button 77 J onathun Turner 78 S G Barkey 79 Leonard Kester Ladies See 0ur Spring Styles, Young Men now is the Time CHEAPEST IN TOWN Spring Ontario House ! 6 LBS FOR ONE DOLLARJ1 Overshoes selling at Cost. Flour and Feed, the largest stock in Town. Clover Timothy and Flax Seed. All kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. TERMS CASH, OR PRODUCE. Richmond Hill, March 23rd,1882. J. BROWN. URNAMENTAL PAINTING. GENERAL BEAGKSMITHINE & WflflDWflRK Phaetons, Buggies, .Waggbns. etc , built in a substantial, [mat and workmnnliL’e finnner The most skilled mechamcs areynly employed. _ In , UNDERTAKING Carri agé Works 1 N BRANCHES ! We beg to inform the Public that we; are re- tiring from the Retail Business carried on under the Style and Firm Name of PETLEY 82; COM-- PANY, GOLDEN GRIFFIN, _ On Wednesday, March 8th, we commenced to sell off the entire stock of Dry Goods, Silks. Gar- pets, House Furnishings, and Ready-Made Clothâ€" ing, amounting to over $200,000, the greater por- tion of Which has been imported for this Season’s Trage. and W111 be sold. at an Immense Redugtion‘in grices. ‘ “.1 _ The stores were closed on Monday and Tuesdy, ‘6th and 7th 1nst., to mark down the stock. All persons 1ndebted to the firm are requested tooall and settle the1r accounts at once. Persons havmg accounts against the firm W111 present them for payment. Goods sold font cash" only during the sale. a This W111 be the largest sale ever held in the Dominion of Canada. The Sale will commence daily at 10 a. m. Patrick Hughes. B. Ba Hughes. * Toronto, .March 6th, 1882. Boots and Shoes! A large assértment of Rimes. Coffins. Caskets. etc; cun'svtinflv kept Ion hand TEAS ! TEAS ! TEAS ! IN ALL R’. H‘. WILSON ’S COME AND SEE. Kow is the time to buy when you can get This Estabhshment mkes the Lead. To Order Your Spring Suite. The Finest dud G BEAT BARGAINS IN l. CROSBY. Furnilhed on the shon- estK notice. and most réasonablc "mi. FUN ERA LS nucnuoxn HILL, our. (Ir-duh of Toronto University, and Member 01 the College of Physjqigns and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. J was Langomfl. Richmond Hill. Octobe'r 16th, 1879 MUTUAL AID ! R. B. 0ft, 11.. .B. and. First Silvar Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. 8. Ontario. L 8 AL, England ( 0f tendon, England) Surgeon, Etc. 30mm Hours 8 to 10, l to 2 and 6 to 8. 18 AND 60 YEARS. Newtonbrook, P. 0 Newtonbtook, Dee. lat. 1881. 52w-ly The Phoenix Fire Insurance FRIIM Slllllll '1‘" 55,000 Worth their Weight in Gold ! ! $60,000 DEPOSITED Pills 6L Ointment This Incomparable Medicine has seeur- ed for itself an imperishable fume throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir. increase! the secrebefly powers of the Liver, brace the nervous system. and throw into the .cireulaâ€" tion the purest Elbments for sustaining and repairing the frame. urify, regulate and improye the quality of the mood. They assistlthe digestive organs, cleanse Thousands of persons hive testified that by their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours. Cdughs, Sore Throata, Bronchitis, and all disord era of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin diseases J. ELIOT LANGSTAPP, M. I]. and sold at la. 1:36.,25. 9a., 4a. 6d.,118., 22, and 335 each Box and Pat, nnddn flanada. at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents. gmd the larger sizes in pmvortiou. Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishment, BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS, 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON. JI‘fm Trade Marks of my said Medicines are re- gistered 111 Ottawa, and also at Washington. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533, Oxford street, Londonl CAUTION~1 have no Agent in the United Slates, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers shuuld therefore look to. the label on the Pots and- Boxes If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London they are spurinus. 80ml]! BODY AND MIND Botwoon the age- of With Provincial Trauma: for the security of Policy Holders. STOMACH AND BOWELS, Company, Insures It the lowest rates. Annulment: $1, M; such death. || THEâ€"PILLS ll Life, Insurer: my person of HTfiEomTMENTH an. on. MAPLE. mum. CANADIAN W. J. BULL, FOB Jan. 5th 1881. IN Onxcn RICHMOND HILL, Fms'r 10 DAYS or "EACH MONTH, MAPLE ................ , ............................. ‘ ....... . ..... 18TH Nitrous Oxide Gus administered for painless extraction of teeth. m ‘ V - ‘ SURGEON I‘DENTIS'I‘yhus ' removed _to 87 King atte‘et East, Toronto, over H. &‘ C_. 'Bluchford's new shop ‘Btore Beat mineral teeth inserted in a. manner‘tq suit each patient: Pmioular attention given fit) the pmsowutlondnd regulation of the natural heath carequ ‘ avoiding all unnecessary pain. A. W BPAUL ING. LDS Assistant. W; ROGERS, Thankful for the favors of the past years nr aystill hrs consulted in any branch of the pro fession, ma follows : | Richmond Hill... .. 9th at am of enoh month “(mimm House) Aurora. lat, 8th, 16th, and 22ml do Newmnrket, . . . . . . . , . . . . 2nd (lo Stoufiville. ..... ....18th do Markham ...... V . .. . ...... 20th do Victoria Square .. "2156 do Thomhill . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . .,.L‘3x (1 do Maple . . . . . . . . . . , . ...... 26%): do Woodbridge . . . . . . . . . . . . ...28th do Kleinburg . . . . . . . . . . . . ...29th do Nobleton . , . . . . . . . . . . 301;}; do Anasthebi8§,'zns Nitrous Oxide. ohm. used when ordered and none but the bash material used RICHMOND HILL, JOHN POWELL, Prop. GRAN“ CENTRAL HflTEL This Hotel has been reiumished, renovated, and fitted up in first-class style, and is now the lending Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is sup- lied with firsbclnss brand of liquors and cigars. ‘xcellent accommodation for Commercial Travellers, and the General Public. Good Stabl- ing and an attentive Hostler. THE QUEEN’S HOTEL THORNHILL FIRST - GLASS ABGBMMUDATIBN FOR THE . Thornhill. August 22nd, 1881 WM. DUNN EHAFUH, Pmprietur. TRAVELLING PUBLIC! Fuirbank, April 28th, 1881‘ THE YORK HOUSE! FAIRBANK. R. Wi}son, Prop. ‘ Every Accommodation. THE PALMER HOUS This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north ofr’l‘orrontg. Eyegthing is gnmaged 121 Inst ass Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stabling and attentive hostlers. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor'b Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at; 8.15 a m. 1 p m 5.30 a. m and 7.15 n m. J Palmer. Prop. EVE RY THURSDAY, At his printing ofi‘ce, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario Terms of Subscriptions : $1 00 per annum in advance When not paid in advance $1 50 will be engaged” M. H. KEEFLER. One Two Three Six One Month Monnhs Months Months Yeah Column. 310 00 $15 00 $20 00 $35 00 $60 00 Half Col ...... 8 00 12 00 15 00 2O 00 35 00 nutter Col 5 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 hree inches 3 00 4 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 Two inches 2 50 3 00 3 {)0 5 00 8 00 One Inch... 1 50 ] 75 2 00 3 00 5 00 Business Cards, one vear ..... ....$34 00 Do six months .. 2 50 Do tin-ea months .. i 50 Transitory advertisements, first insertion. per inch ....... J ........................... 75 Each subsequent insertion. per inch . 25 An inch comprises twelve lines of Nonpareii Advertisement! without mitten inam‘nctionfl £13132? inse‘dad until forbid arr/1221mm! framith rs ea Aa‘x‘réitisements will be inserted at the follow- ing rates: A m,, mud” , an, n,,, mum EXTERNAL“ Fol RHEULZATISAL NEURALGIA, 0mm LAINS, 0411,0175 Lms smLmGs, amp Jonms, GALLS, man 12:11:, LAMEN’ESS, comm, GONTRAC'TIONS BRUISEE, LUMBAGO, ITCH, DMFNESS, PAININBACR, arms, manna sum, to. Every bottle mamteed to give safisfac- tion or moncy re?unded. 1.2mm & Gilgroprietora To stnsus, COMPLAINTS and Acmxm which HAGvAnn’s YELLOW On: hfiuann- teed to cure or relieve either m AN or Bus-r. (mom, cums, ASTHMA, 228 Huds'mSt" New York. Cleveland. 0. and Chicago. Ill. SAMUEL ROGERS & cm Torontofint. Sole Agents tor thv ‘Umlnlnn. large;in puwdrre M“ a erminâ€" e 8 ES. and C E APEE " Lubriua‘x \\'<2:1<I~1he E EST became i: does ’ a lzlghéy poiiuhed 2w; mar :51; a e, rcdufingfrfcfnd mm are rxgthc draft: the CHEAPEST 1')“ l 1: costs No MORE than théfifi! , ands.1md one box wlli do the work of we of any other make. Ansv. 91's as wen or Harvesters. 311:1 Gearing. '1 hreshing Ma- dmen, Corn-Planters, Cal'rmgr‘s. Buggies. ‘c. as ior Wagons. GUARANTEED to :: ‘a‘n NO Petroleum. Sold'by all dealeys. ‘3'“ our Pocket Cyclopedia of Thinga Worth Knowing mailed 113%. Mich MAWMQWEWQW. BIIEITIUI! WITH IAN! IU'ITLE. PRICE 95c. The York Herald. RICHMOND HILL, Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON nmtrrsr, AURoR JIN'DEX' LATE 0F WOODBRL‘DQE‘ nun mmmu m canons, s, sonn- 12-18011; 4, comm, am. am @arfifi. TORONTO, o'ru‘. gamut, PUBLISHED BY c. ADAMS, _L.D._S., gig nnnss nouns, flhfinmfinns‘, Wmunvs, sumeNas‘, Wanna; as; Fresh ‘ Teas. From 300. Per Pound, ‘Upwards‘. Richmofid mu, magmmfig‘m.‘ NOW FR SALE; CHEAP; I l . At Surprisingly qu Raten.‘ Below Cost. Prices, to make room‘for New Stock. Richmond Hm, Feb. 10th, 1332. EUBMTUBE; GENTS FURNISHINGS TEA; I, éd dents bait SUGAR; ‘12 us: run spring _ Goods 91:? Thai Gliders NEW TM SHE! Of your own selection, given with every 311m (-1 Ten. . , . ‘ Feb. 9, 81?. U TEES, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chancery , . etc” 64 Adslaide street East, (opposite the Court i House), Toronto. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' GE ALFRED Boummnm WM. Wom‘n Ilvmvx‘. ! pa. Jag Bethune Q 0. C Moss, W C Fulconbridge N W Hoyles, W Bal‘wick, A B Ayleswnrth W J. FIIANKB. Bérristers, Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitbrs-in- Chancery. Convevuncqrs. etc, Officesâ€"Imperial Bunk Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto HOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. Jorm' RAIN WM BETON Gonnon, -‘ v. '- " Gnu F Sun-may. THE PAMEW SHIRT! I8 at, 20 King Street. West, Toronto. Ferguson, 33in, Gorgon a. Shiplgy, Bethunv; Moss; , Falconhridgv AND novmss, BAR‘fiIfiTEQS, 5a THE BEST IN THE wanna FOR. ‘ _ $18.00, $21.oo.$2.4.oo Pér Dog. Tarnntn Jim (“11.1331 BOULTBEE & EVA'I‘T. BARRIS TEES. Attorneys, Solicitors-inc}: ancery Firefih Coffee from Sugai, 12 lbs. for $1. Crobkerv, Hardware, Flofir and Feed, at , _ ;);éo;|d ., , . V. .. , Richmond Hill. March 16th, 1882. mmmfi Ag m m NEW 9 Opposite the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill Or by the Single Shirt. , > @3er ‘ Inn re. anontm A, $1 VOLUME! NOT INEBRI ATES 1 NORTH “F SCOTLAED CHAMBERS, Mrs. Harrison’s Crockery and Glassware Cheap, and extra quality "large Stab]: of Spring and Suifi'iner Gdods P. 0. Box 2527. puy Your Tag. At Seine very Pretty PRINTS. FRESH GROCERIES ! -â€"â€"BUT-â€"- REGISTERED THE In all Lines The very lutest styles of Ties New and baamiful Neckties for Ladxes’ JUEE'i‘ RECEIVED : A CHOICE AND A Choice Assortment of CONSISTING OF Always Call A: J; REYNOLS: ' tlon, Dizzines Bad Breath, Oflicesâ€"No 70, Churchjstreet, Toronto ~ HON GEO W ALLAN, Senator,President GEonum GOODERHAM ...... ...... Vice-President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plath, M P, Alfred Gander- hgm,_G00 “1 Lewis, Thus H Lee, Hon D L Macpherson, Senator P. G; SAVAGE; Westérri Canada; Tomi Asséts, $3,500,009 See our reduced 1mm tabla For further infor- mation apply .ut the offices of the Company Money received on'deposit, and interest payable )1an yearly or cognpoimded. SAVINGS BANK ‘ BRANCH mwankin ynnr own town. 535 Outfit free. No risk. Everything new Cupitnlnot required We will furnish you everything Many are m (mi 115: fo‘rfiunes Ladies make as much as men, and bnya 51nd girls limke great pay. Header, if you \Viul :L business at which you can make gram; pm‘ [2.11019 time you work. write for particulars to H. HALLETT & Co. Portland. Maine Not Going to the North-west. Mr. M. Glancey has decided not to 20 to the North-West, and wishes to inform his old ¢u3~ tomers and the public generally, that he is pro-- 1 pared to attend to all orders in OAK RIDGES' , ,, BLACKSMITH SHOPi Oak Ridges, March 6th, 1882. . ,__ Great chm’lce to make at .; money; Those who a1- : 1., - ways taike advantage of ., I the good chances of mak‘ ing maney that are ofl'ere‘d, generally 'bec‘oma wealthym’hfle those who do not Improve ‘ such chances remain in povgrfiy. We mint many men, Women,boys and girls to work for us right in their 0%): lo‘cnlitiies. 'Any Che can (To the ‘work properly from the first mm. The busincss ,will pay more than ton times ordinary wages; Ex. onsive outfit turnighed free. no or'e who engages ailatomake money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work. or only your “slam-a momenta. F1111 infam ‘ n and allthm ia‘ nond- ez' 1.7m, fr.“ Aém‘ ‘ " (30.. Portland, .\1 mo, Capital, $1,000.000‘;‘~Reaerv6 Fund, $450,000 Particular attention given 170 Horse Shoeing. Highly recommended for Blllousness, > h H Head-Ache, Con- ‘ ' ' stipatioandiges- , ' tlon, Dizziness, Heartburn, l. 3 ~ Bad Breath, Loss of ADI‘ ' petite, Jaundloe, Loss of Memory, Soul- stomach, Liver Com- plaintwr any illness arising from the Slonr sch, Bowels or Kidneys. 'The are are mild and thorough in their actlon. roxn 1to§ plus“ d‘m‘ PRICE 25c.” mm“ not. Loan and Savings Company NERAL ‘BLACKSMITHIN G- l WALTER S LEE, HONEY. To ZOAN. If you Want anything PRICES CUT Fm. Me GLANCEY. H Strum GOA-mp. eriuiin Ill-m Manager.

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