There is no doubt but. that some of the Ridings might have been arranged more conveniently for a Reform Can- didate. but to say that on this account 'Ihe Bill is not In accordance wilh the iprinciple of' Representation by popula- ‘Ilou. or that it do'es not. give the Reâ€" ‘formers representation is manifestly the *cry ol'vnnlv Ihose who feel the next elec- tion will go against ‘thom, and are eager to get. an excusgz “for' failure. It has been rumolpd Ihal Jas. Armstrong. “Esq†fm-uwrly of 1'1 sum, has been: offered Iu comes! Peel, in the (:m.servalive intern ’ï¬'mls. either for the Dominion ur Local House. 'We were: very much struck by the re- marksï¬f'hlr: Wilson. 0'? Testou, at the Conservative meeting at Pat-hdale on Sutur- day in reï¬nance to the manner in which the duties of the Inspector ‘(If Weights and Mans-urea are now performed. and also to the Supm‘im'ttv nt’ the present Bill to that of the Reform Government He paid a very great Compliment to the gentleman who now holds the office for his ubiitty and also for the desire he always manifests in giving as lit'.|9 trouble as possible to the businesa community. The strikes are about over in Toronto. ’I’he carpenters have made a compromise, 'nud gone to work at $2.25 per day. which {they shvuld hnre dune long ago. The tilnuters laborers have. also split the difl‘ero ence, and accept $1175. ï¬ve cents in“ than their demand. The painters accepted 18; cents per huur. instead of the 20 cents they hula-d fur The most pleasing feature of the strisz is thquiet and orderly manner in which they were cmtducted. The men haw been striking fur t'uur wee-ks. and there has been no rioting, no increase in drul.kenma. stenling or other crimes. Acrosn the lines and in European countries. strikes ure tittended hv hludshed, thefts 6: inceudtatism.' The men in Tut-Ont“ huye secured a Night udvunce in wages, but the loss they i tcurted v hile on strike will no! he mude up for years. It seems that strikes are a necessary H7†at present. nné in Tur- onto they have set an example of conducr- in; them like men From our own Corrupa’i'xdent. We are very snrry Io hear lhul Dr. Orr is conï¬ned to his bed with a saliuua illness. His many friends will be pleased lo hear that. (hone has been an improvement. undrr the skillful treatment of Dr. Hillary, ol'Au- roru. We hope he will soon be around ugmu. h was moved seam dad and unanimously resolved, lhat Dr. Orr be the Candidan for the Luca} Huuse This is the opinion of No 4 Sub-division, and the Doctor is very popylm: wil_h 3H fvhqm he has ovar met “The Conservatives held a meeting in the Masonic Hall on the 27mins!" The unen- dunce was no! hay laugh on account of Ike ‘furmem being bmy. The N. P. was dis-- cusssd and Ihe meeung adj iurned :0 meet. M. the Grange Hall, Teslnn. nn Thursday. the 18Ih inst., “hâ€"n Ihe same quemion will be debï¬lcd. "RusulVed 11ml the National Policy is a beneï¬t to line country †- Mr. Leeds Richardson has his new Vahop up. and is busily engaged in erecling his 1109530. I, ‘ ' It is a great pity that they ‘a're not natisï¬ed. They have always tried 80 Very hard to please the Conservatives when they had an opportunity of this kind. Hoiaud Harve} 6-; l-l-lé VAtiiitr-Ii'anve, and D Kinnea on Ihe Negative. Parliamentary form to be fallowed in the discussion Mr Adam Rupert is also making prepar- ations I0 build his house at once. Maple, May 3rd. 1882. m 48: Whole No.1244: volumeas. The Grits am very much displeased With the mrangemems. They contend that the Bill is framed solely in the in- Icreszs of the Conservatives, and that in some Ridingsibey are too strong, while in others they are too weak. Just so. They made up their minds to be dis- pleased, before the Bill was brought ‘down. Before they knew what changes would be made, the organs were prophc wing/everything outrageous against the Lame Back. Lumbago, Kidney complaint, Neurnlzia, Rheumallsm. uud all pain and inflammation are speedily cured with Hugyard's Yellow Oil. Group, sore Ihrual. colds. burns acalds brmses, frost bites. clnlhlains, and all wounds of the flesh are quickly healed by Yellow 0i]. The Riding of West York remains unchanged. East York has lost part, of Stoufl'villv. North York has lost Whitâ€"- ‘church and Newmarket. and is now com- sed of Georgiana, East, West and Iorth Gwillimbury and King, Aurora Holland Landing and Bradford. A new Riding,WestOntario,has been made, comprising Whitchuich. Uxbridge and Pickering, and the villages of New- market, Stouï¬'ville and Uxbridge. Bill; In consequence of the increase in population, as shown by the recent eensus, Ontario became entitled to ï¬ve more members in the House of Come mons. Last week the Government brought a Bill creating the new con- stirueneies, and making important alter- ations in others. It was, of course, simply impossible to create the new constituencies, withâ€" out makingr changes in the old ones. In making the necessary 0} nnges an oppor- ‘tunity was afforded of equalizing the Voter. and to a certain eXIent this has been done The strong Conservative Riding of Niagara has been wiped out of existence, and several Reform cou- stituencies have been given more voters. Strong Conservative constituencies have also been equalized by Reform voters in some instances, while in others they have lost. votes. Poundâ€"M 03.n- Green House Plsntsâ€"C Duncumb Bummer Goods-J11: Reynolds '1» Leoâ€"me omen strayed or Stolenâ€"E Sanger THURSDAY. MAY The Redistrlbution B111. nsw ADVERTISEMENTS“ Eh: 313ml: imam. Rlchmond Hill. Ont. Editoriai Notes. MAPLE. 1882. ’ HOLLOWAY'B 0mm um AND PILLS.-SHI'B ‘ relief. â€"The weak and enervnted suï¬'pr se- verely from termns nï¬â€˜ectimm. when storms or electric disturbances agitate the Minus- , phere. Neuralzia. gouty pnntzs. and flying ; pains. very distreasing tn a delicate system. lmuy be readily tam-wed by rubbing this Ointment upon the aï¬'ected part, after it has been lumenth with warm water. TI 9 Pills taken oct'alimmlly m the duses preï¬- cribed bt' the inatructinns keep the diges- tion in order. excite a five flnw of' healthy l bile. and replenish the impoverished blood " thh tlmse richeti constituents which result from thnrnughly assimilated foodâ€"in the absence of which the strongest. must inevtâ€" tahly soon sink into feebleness, and the delicate ï¬nd it diï¬icult to maintain existenco. Holloway’a Ointment and Pills are infalliâ€" lble remedies. Timely Warn|n¢. Now is the aeasun for sudden colds ' and distressing coughs, treat them will) Hug-- vnrd’s Pecloral Balsam, it cums Influmuza, asthma. cruup. whoupmg cough. branching, and nll pulmonary complaints leading to consumpnon. "Don't lee up the Ship" were the memo-able words of Commr‘dore Perrv We repeat. “Dunt Give un thy Ship," poor dvspuiting invalid, but try Bun dock Blond Bittars. [t cures others. why not you '2 It renuvates, regulates and tom-s all the organs of necrelion, and rental“ lost Vitality. Mm]. P Bull. Mr. J. ArmSIronz. Mr. C. McLean Mr Atkinson, and other: addressed the meeting. and made good speeches. Rea- ulutiun were passed condemning the course of [he MUWH' Government ruurdinz the Ontaiio Boundary : also of the Dominion Opposition on the treaty making power ; and upprovmg oftbo policy of the Dominivn Goveinment. Mnjnr Grey vecpived the fol- lowing telegram from Mr. wallnce ; “I most sincerely thank the L~beral oonsliuwnts of west York for a rent-Wail oftbeir conï¬denc». with no righteous a cause. and the assistance of our friends. victory will be ours.†The following licenses for the West riding: of York have been granted by the commih» sionexa :- Tavernaâ€"John Powell. Rich- mond Hill, J. Dwyer. J L. Parker, Park-- dale ; G. A. Rnsbnch. R. McGuire, M. Slal- lery, Bruckmn ; John Eagle. John Linl», Wm. Burk. Weston ; T. Gilmour. Thom- s Haysn-d, It. Rnbsnn, Woodbridge; Mu. Hupclofl. F. McFarlane. R. Wilson. 1". Hayden. D. Blea. C. McBride, R. Walkinn abuw, A Chewy. York ; Jnhn Steels, Wm. l‘uggarl, W. Palmer. E. B Harrison. A Culling, 1’ Duck. W. Dunschuï¬'vr. Thnmus O'Neil. T. Gubeal. Vuuahnn :J, M. Cnmnell J. Duck. L Hicks. '1‘ M_ Gliflin. Embicoke. Shopsâ€"Bowl! Bros. Wondbrldge, Banks, and Andmwmrocktuu; Wl’lppen,l5rock10u ; wallis 8mm; 4. watt, 'woodlgr'idgé ; J. Paps: David Slewurl. York. Mr J. D. Evans. deputy reeve of Embl- coke seconded the nomination He thought that as they had the best cause they should have the best of candidulets- Mr. N. C. Wallace had filled All requirementit during the term he had already served the constit- uency. He had ability. a clean recnrd, and was sound in the faith. (Applause) They found a difl‘erence in the condition of the country since four tours ago they had {i at e acted Mr N. C Wallace. Every branch of industry and manufacture had imnrnwd. and they Could truce all the prosperity diâ€" rectly to the Natinnul Policy. The Nomination was rnceived with loud and proiongegl cheering. Mr SmithsOn then rose and said that ben- fore making the nomination for which he had been selected. he Would like to make a few remarks Every Liberal-Conservative was expected to work as though he felt that the res’ult of the election depended upon himself alone But they should not unden- rnte the enemy. for they had an unlcl'u‘ pulnns foe and a lying. slunderinz paperâ€" the Globe~uppoaed to them. The leading Grits were not fighting for What they consid- ered the best interests «If the country. but tn try and get hold of the Treasury benches He httde that the Globe rnd it: supporters would lonv continue to ï¬ll the pr-Ittiun they now so worthily ï¬lled. viz.. the Opposition. (Laughter and at-pluuse) He concluded bv nominating us candrdnte of the West Riding of York for the House of Commnnu. in the approaching elections. Mr N. Clarke Wallace. M. P. “2. That this convention is of opinion that great ability, superior stateumnnship, and almost superhuman foresight has been displayed in the rapid development of the resources of the grth North-West Terri- tory.†The resolution was adopted. It was then moved by Mr. John A. Mac-3 donald. seconded by Mr. John Duncan. “That the Consu-vutives of the west ridin;,y of York, in convention assembled. desire to record their thorough approval of the man- ner in which the Administration of the Right Hon. Sir John Macdonaid hal ful- ï¬lled the pledges given to the electors in 1878. The heurtiest satisfnction prevnils thtoughnut the whole cn'untry in conse- quence ot‘the prosperity of the Dominion, the large surplus. and skilful management of the country. And this convention de» sires to express its acknowledgement of the wisdom and ability of Sir Churles'l‘upps-r in the management ofthe Paciï¬c railmty affairs and pledges itself to use every legitimate means to secure the ret'urn of. a supporter of the Government of Sir John Mucdnnnld.†A convention of delegates. representing the various branches of the Liberal-Conaer-- vative Association of West York, was held atthe Town hall. Parkdale, on Saturday afternoon. commencing at one o’clock. About two hundred were present. Major Gray, president of the LiberaIOConservative Association of West. York, occupied the chair. In opening the meeting he said it was understood the elections would verv likely take place during the present year, and therefore it had been his duty. as pres-- ident of the Liberal-Conservative Associa» tion of West York. to call a representative meeting for the pur ose of nominating a candidate who ehou d be their atnndard- bearer when the great struggle commenced. They had now a representative in the House of Commons with whom the constit- uency is well pleased, (applause), and he was pleaaed to be able to tell them that Mr Clarke Wallace was again a candidate for their suï¬'rages. and he felt. sure that if again given the nomination be (Mr Wallace) would again be eleged. (Applause). The xesolulion was carried with enthus~ iaam. “ResolVed, that this convention views with admiration the increasing prosperity. contentmentI and happiness of all classes, and borehy moat emphatically endorses the wise Government in initiating and lo falth'h fully carrying out. their ï¬scal policy. which. under the blessing of Divine Providence, has contributed largely in producing thin happy riggult. VMr. John P. Bull'm'o'ved, séconded by Mr Camping, Reeve of Exobicoke. L. 0.‘ convention atquarkdalo, NOMINA'HOR 91' NR. 1:. 0. way“. West York Licenses. West York. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and oryin with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? I so, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WLNBLOW’E soo'rn- ING SYRUP, It will relieve the poor little sun's:- er immediatelyâ€"d8 end upon it ; there is no mistake about it. T are is not a. mother on who has ever uSed it. who will not tell you at once that it Will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of e oldest and best female physicians and nur as in the United States. Sold everywhere 31-25 <29an 3. bottle Crnnlwrrv Marshville has been divided in. to number village but we have not. named it yet. I m“ let. you know the name before long There is In) bener cue for liheummism lhan Bugyurd's Yellow Oil and according In dinâ€"chums (m the holllP. It also cnres Burns, Scwlda. Frost Bilel. Bruises, lume- nPsa. and all wuunds of the flesh. All deal- ers sell it, price 25 cents. . . r r r -; Mama W Trench.J Duncan. W Atkinson, J Palmer, W Russell, J Sanderson, and C Duncumb Were appointed a committee to solicit. special prizes, and arrange special list, and the meeting adjourned until suturdny, the 27 ml: inst. How to Cure 1: Cold. Upon lho ï¬rst feelng of chill or shivering remnin indoors if possible, bathe the fed in tepid water, gradually increasing the heat as long as 11. cm) be comfortably borne, drink l'rrely nl warm ginger lea or sage tea. to induce perspiruliun, and lake Hagymd’l Pemm-ul Bulsmn ncvordmg to directions on the biltlle. Hugynrd's Ballam cures coughs. aslhmu, and brunchitis. mill. at (‘ranberry Mjuvshville He in so overjoyed at getting the consent ofsomaone m a certain H:.'rln(â€"n§eul. Ihal he gels up in the night time and dances to the music of [he Baud ........... «u -, uw vvvvun, luv-2n yvua, aw, On motion by Mr N Playtex, Mr D T Fail-balm was aimed nss‘iatgns‘ secretary _ "y m, H, "WEEK?! Â¥9T3$133H _, mums Woodbddgo, May 2nd, 1882‘ R. Hill & Yonge St. Ag. Scolety ,___ ~ . u. .. "u, "unw- admission to the g cumin and ball was placed at 2Ucents Motions were passed giving the Richmond Hill Band 320 for playing on the! grounds during the day ; also giving Mr Palmer $20 for the use of the grounds Judges were up) DOhAted for the different classes. and committies chosen to sell tickets, let booths, erect yeps. qto, n.‘ “AHM‘ L“ “as u '\\,_,A , .. K ... TROTTING RACE. A trotting race Wm take place in Brampton, on Fridav next, between horses owned by Mr Burkholder, of Maple and Mr John Rowntrea, a! Woodbridga, for a. puraa of 8100. The mncnh was made at our Fair. and will be quite exciting. The President, Mr P Patterson, M P P, occupied the chair, and Mr D T Fail-bum: acted as Secre- tary. in the absence of Mr R Marsh, who was re- vented through sickness from being present. be minutes 91' last meeting _we§e rend and conï¬rmed The prize list was revised, and a. special of $10 was given by Mr John Palmer for the best pen of Cotswold sheep, comprising six own and ram : a. aï¬ecinl‘of 310 was given by Mr James Russell for t a best assor. ment of Agricultural Implements; a special of $5 was given by the Ladies Aid Soci- ety of the C M Church. for the best 10 pounds of bllg‘ter, tlle 'Sopiety t9 have the butter omzvm'a BIRTHDAY. The Queen's Birthday will be celebrated here, by 9. serien of performances. The Perkdale La- croese Club are com‘ng up here again. to try their luck en ce more with our boys, and are going to try and come out victors this time. The Band boys are talking of getting up games, and a. pic-nic and concert. in connection with the Churchm‘tnglnnd, will be, the principal, fee- tnren of tlte day. All the above will take place on the fair grounds and in the hull. WEDDINGS. Several Weddings are in course of erection. and will be completed about the thh of May. CONFERVATIVE CONVENTION. Lest “sturdav, the Conservatives of \Veet York had 0. Convention in Parkdale. to nominate a. candidate to contest the Riding at the coming election. About 200 delegates were present, and Mr N C Wallace, MP, will again content the Bid- lng. and u. sure victory. The Directors of the above Society met in the Court Room, 011 Tuesday evening lust, pursuant to_qdjgurngr_mnt. A young man from Clairville, created quite II disturbance in front of the Inkermnn. about 5 p m but as We have some pretty lively boys in our village, his little fun was soon stogped by "Sam" taking him in hand. and showing im a. trick. or two worth knowing, by a. good many. Hll face was soon a different color, as was also the horse pull belonplng to the Inkerman stables. Imd he went on his way homewnrds. a. wiser and sadder man. Our main street. which is part of the Vaughan plank road, has been newl gmvelled with sand and large stones, and has an an eye sore for this Int wuk the stones separating from the land. mg roliiug in _a_ll dirgction}. 'Ijoï¬aiy a. land and rolling in all directions. Today a. gggplq og‘men _were let work. am! put ï¬t i2 3. mm; ‘béitZr‘ 1m; ‘éf‘rbiï¬d'g' 'Elie"iioi€i ti: Th3 centre of the toe and breaking them up ï¬ne. You would think they were old (jail birds) at it. EARLY CLOSING. Some of our merchants here have I. sensible idea. of closing up their store: at 7.30, Bhfllég, during the summer months, thereby giv- Ing e clerks a little longer evenings tor recre- ltion, which, no doubt, will be well Ipvrecllted. NEW BUILD! N63. Quite a. number "of new building: are going up here this summer, which will make an improve- ment 00 our village. We would like to see a few nice one going up on the burnt district, and glve a. 10 to Tm O‘DAL Cnregy {51rd Robt Cheme 00131131139 ï¬orse in HuneshJas Ferris ; 2nd. '1‘ ' e Roadster Horse in Harness-Aaron Burkholder; 2nd,Dr Grant Fastest Trotting Borneâ€"A Burkholdar ; 2nd John Rowntreo Saddle Box-souJ P Allan Heavy Draught Stallion Imported-John Kemp mg, Jayne A_ddieo_n; gm}, v Guldtllor; flouse, where mine host, Mr Gilmour, had a well spread table in waiting, of which all pin-took free] ,the fresh air giving them good appetites. Mr ohn Abell, PresldentW Y A B. and Mr J 1’ Bull, 1st Vice, ware not able to be xii-esprit, and the chair was ï¬lled by Mr Wm Fm, President of Vaughan Ag Society. After the usual toasts were duly honored. speeches were made b sover- nl pre ant, and a song was given by Mr Jo :1 Mc- Culloch. Dre. Snvace and Stephenson were present to take care of the sick, but their services were not required, and all Went home happy. at an em-ly hour. Most 0‘! the wood-workers in Mr. Abell'e Agri- cultural Works. followed the example of their Toronto brethren, and struck for higher wagon on Monday morning, but matters were euil settled, as all hands were eh work toâ€"day, with, suppose, an increase of wages, or else got tired of the strike and succumbed to Mr. Abell’e mum, and were sorry for their evil ways. We will leave that to themselves, so long Is all hands are seclu- fled. Woodbridge, April 25th, 1882. The West York and ’Vaughan Agricultural Societies Spring Fair, was held here on Wednes. day last, and proved quite a. successful one, more so than any held pi‘evzous‘i . The show 01' horses and cattle Was large and c 0100. The display of farming implements Was also good. Mr J obn Abell had his Triumph Engine driving one of his well known Paragons on the grounds. Patterson Bros. Mnsseï¬v Manumcturing 00., Wm Dick, Geo Wilkinson, eagert Bros, and Hunk Kennedy, were the principal exhibitors, as will be seen by the following prize list :â€" HORSES. Thorough Bred Stallionâ€"1st. Wm Dunnchator Roadster Stallionâ€"lat. W A Newhouse ; 2nd, Geo Gobiel ; 8rd. Gideon Burton. "Améuicum Stallionâ€"Wm Capnor; 2nd, 1’ W Boynton Bull ‘1 gears old, not importedâ€"Wm Agar ; 2nd Thou We ate: ; 3rd, J as Marshall. IMPLEKERTB. BBulky Ruhr-Ragga“ Bros ; 2nd, Patterson to: BMowing MMhlneâ€"Mnssy 00: 2nd. Patterson ros C Bumping Machineâ€"Patterson Bros; 2nd. Massey o. Wrought Beam Ploughâ€"Goo Wilkinson; 2nd, Wm Dick Gang Ploughâ€"David Allan, agent Iron Barrowsâ€"Hugh Kennedy BCombined Reaper and Self-binderâ€"Patterson ms 7 Xian- the prizes had been awarded, the Judges. Directors, and over 69 friends of the Society. ud- 1gurned go thug Dinigg {(0991 9§_the Cpmgnarcig! "ékixid’iih'ï¬fa‘ï¬ï¬it’ é'tEhoniâ€"Tï¬iééï¬Ã©ï¬son ; 2nd Abram Hoover Durham Bull, 3 years old, not importedâ€"John Renman so Gobiel ; 8rd. Gideon Burton. Carriage ï¬tgll}qn:'l‘hos Mabel- & Co ; 2nd, '1‘ (From our own Correspondent.) The "Dandy" hurgone Io work at the '1 UaCEHN'H. May 2nd. 1882‘ - (From our own Correspondent.) DIRECTORS MEETING. Rheumatic Remedy. WOODBRIDGE SAND AND ETONES‘ Tuscarora. SPRIN G SH 0W. CATTLE . Tm O'Dn. JUNIOR LACROSSE Connâ€"Lacrosse Is to be the game in this Village, thie summer A meeting was held in the Lorne Hall, on Friday evening last, to organize a Club, when the following ofï¬cers were elected :â€"President, W. Riley ;Vieeâ€"Pres. G. Wright; Captain. C. Savage; Vice-0apt.. A. Pugsley; Seat, 8; Treat, ï¬ns, Searle. Managing Committee, W. Wiley, B Brown, B. Powell, W. Michael, and J. MoConnzby. Field Captain, Gee Derry The Club is called the “Young Canadian Junior Lacrosse Club,†of Richmond Hill. The boys have already got to work practicing on the fair grounds, and will soon be playing matches. Our club need to “down†everything some fears ego, and the juniors evidently think they have all the skill and dexterity of the old club, as we overheard one of the members talking about challenging any small junior club north of Toronto, Bow friend Julian like: xemukot bolus thrown into Walt Onflflo. . What result the Redistribution of Seats Bill will he." on tho elections in Ontario. Yliwaxddlflold 1901: about the change in North or . - , .. Raw mm of the Colonization Compmiegl form“! for 1! Northwest, luv. paid runniugl M ECHANIOS' Imrrrnrmâ€"Tbe nnnu~ al meeting of the meeting of the memâ€" bers of the Richmond Hill Mechanics’ Institute, was held in the Committee Room of the Mucuieflall. on Tuesday evening last. Mr. T. McMahon was appointed chairman. As the attendance was not very large. owing to other meet ings being held the same evening, it was moved by Mr. I. Urosby. seconded by Mr. D. 'I‘. B'airbalrn, that this meet- ing adjourn until Tuesday. 16th inst..â€" oarried unanimously. The members should endeavor to be present It that time. They may have some pleasant and surprising information imparted. FIRE M EETING.â€"-The Regular month- lv meeting of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade will be held in the council cham- ber, on Friday ' next. 51h inst. The boys are just pining away for some exer- cise on tho- brukes. and one or two of the tanks can doubtlessa-spare a linle water. Let there be a genernl turn out. DINNI‘R. Tm AND Cowmanâ€"The Ludics’ Aid of the C'. M. Church, hold their annual dinner and tea, in the ves- try, on the 24th iusft. The meals will be served in ï¬rstâ€"class style, and at the usual prlce, 250. A concert will be held in the Church; the same evening, and among the singers of rare talent who will take part, are the following from Toronto zâ€"Mise Harris, Miss Parsons. the Misses Scott, and Messrs Lye. Wood. Persey and Thompson. The programme will fully sustain the popularity which these concerts have attained. expenses. SUMMER Goé‘ns.:fâ€"Bead Beyuolds’ new advertisemgnt.“ DINNER on rm; ï¬rmâ€"The Ladica’ Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church will provide their annual Dinner and Tea in the Sabbath School Room. on the Queen’s Birthday. For 25 cents. any person can get. a good digger or tea in this Very pleasant room. THE Cormr'r Poor: House â€"-Work on the York County Poor House will be commenced at once. Mr W. Page, Yorlwille, has the contract for the build- ing, and has associated with him Mr. Crane, ot'Newmark'et. The amount of the contract is 817.200. We understand lithe! property Belonging to the Davison Estate on Richmond Sï¬reet, has been purchasedby Mr Stock- dale, a brother of Mr. T. Stockdale, of this village ' Commune-EM brick work on Mrs Soules new building is now complete. and Mason is now putting on a tin roof. It. mll be a ï¬ne looking building. SALE or Housmow FURNITURE, --â€"On Saturday next, at 1 o’clock, there will be an Auction Sale of Valuable Household Furniture, at the residence of Mr. Isaac Crosby. Terms, 815 anal under, cash ; oveerat-notea payable in November. For list of‘articles see bills. DAILY SENTINEL.â€"We have receiv- ed a copy of the Dain Sentinel, a small but lively sheet, published at Princu Arthur's Landing. It contains a large amount of reading matter, and is well supported ' with udvertiaementa. The Sentinel is about hnlf the size of the YORK HERALD. The Landing is eviâ€" dently npuahing place. “Winnipcg,Manitoba, and her Indus- tries,†is a Work published by Stern and Boyce, and forwarded to us through the kindness of W. 0. Patterson, Esq. Thanh. ' 803001. INSPECTION.â€"â€"Dr. McLelial Wan well pleased with the condition of the High School, at his visit last'week. 0n Sluday evening of last week, he occupied the pulpit in the (3. M. Church, and delivered an interesting sermon. museumâ€"We are pleased to notice that Mr R. Coulter and Mr W Willmon, nl' this village phsbed their ï¬nal examâ€" ination in Medicine},- We' don't. know exactly where to place all the young Medicos in Onjario, but the North- West is a largé‘c‘ountry, and even in this Province there is still room in the upper branches. ' ' ' PEBSONAL.â€" Mr. E. Stevenson.of the Aurora Borealia called in to see us on Monday last. He was looking pnriicu’ lurly ï¬ne,â€"-and Teddy is a very good~' looking fellow,â€"aud reported good! times in North York, but that the Grits were wild over the Redistribution Bill. Punuc Mannaâ€"A public meetâ€" ing in the intere'st of Mr. A. Boultbee, M. R, will be held 'at Kicrstend’a Hall, Thornhlll. on Tuesday, May 9th, at 7.30 p. m. Prominent speakers from Tmonto will address the meeting. Mr. Badge~ row and his friends are cordially invited. Cow Strayed gees a‘dvertisement. LOCAL ITEMS. WE WONDER Mr. M. Glanoey has decided not to £10 to the North-West, and wishes to inform his old cus- tomers and the public generally. that he is pro-- pared to attend to 3.11 orders in Oak Ridges, March Mb, 1882. GENERAL BLACKSMITHING 1 Particular abandon given to Horse Shoeing. Not Going to the North-West. OAK RIDGES BLACKSMITH SHOP! Richmond Hill, May 4th, 1882. Mr Dunonmb has a Green House full of beautiful flowerl. See advertiseixiént In accordance with the Statute and lay-Law's o! the Village Municipality, Notice is hereby given that Saturday. thg Pay of May. l882. EBBBN HfllISH PLANTS ! VILLAGE POUND! BLUE & WHITE SPOTTED cow, Belonging to the undersigned A Reward will be paid for returning her to EDWARD SEAGER. “3.L.,,,,,â€" wu- -- - . u- Richmond mu, May 3111:82- Just arrived. a ï¬ne selection of Green Home Plumes, Fruit and Ornamental Trees 4 Hed& While Yearling Heiém AND One White Yearling Steer, Richmond mu, an} 4th, ’82 Munlolpallty of Richmond Hill- If you want to know the value of money, try to borrow some. and if you want. to know the value of Eaterbrook’s steel pens you can ascertain it by testing them. There were not many cases at the Divigiml Court held here on Monday. Judge Boyd presided. Considerablb interesting reading mat- ter crowded out this week, owing to pressure of advertisements. The monthly fair on Wednesday did‘ not bring out much stock. Beef cattle calves, sheep and all classes oftock seem to be very scarce. Buyers have been ell through the country andi cleaned them out. The Band boys have purchased a new horn,â€"-an E. flat Alto. they call it,â€" ancl Mr. Wm. Sheppard is the intrepid man who actually dares to tackle this instrument. Since the Band has reâ€" organized, under the present manageâ€" ment, they have purchased two new horns. two new drums, and a uniform. and did this without making any extrs demand on the generosity of the public. [ We think it is out of place for my ofï¬ce hold- el" to take an active part in politics. We would am, however, sanction the da riving of anyone ofhis rights of using the tram: has, so {an as to cut his vow for the man of his choice.~En.] SIRâ€"What is your opinion of persons holding Government Positions. interfering or taking part in elections Govormnent Ofï¬cials and Politics. On Sunday a. ï¬re broke out in the Dundee block, and completely destroyed it. Loss ovex 880,00. A few days belore, the Imperial Bank was destroyed by ï¬re, and a loan incurred of ever 875,000. The ï¬rst flrg was caused by the cure- lousnua of two intoxicated young men, mm the origin of Sunday's ï¬re 13 unknown, and5 many beheve n in the work of incendiuriea. To the Editor of the Herald. House No. 72, Davenport Road, Yorkville. Apply at this Oflice. Xe “on on nul- equal- 5!. In»: 0n. n I no , nun, at»: 3nd cheap hum-l Inmdy A trhl and but the comparatively Mlhg cull-y of 80 Conn, “Id ova] on Mel-Ins wink plum hue flap and palm" pml at m c In. DInctlonoin mm humus. SOLD BY ALL MUMIBTB LID DEALERS I)! KBDIOIRB. Were on the 2nd day of MAY, A D 1882, Im- Dnndad in Village Pound of Richmond Hill, and not rsdeemed will be Sold by Public Auction, at the Premises, on BHEMATISM; hum/gin, Sciatica, lumbago, ' Fukuoka, Sal-onus of the Chen, Gait, Quins], Sore Throat, Swot/v ing: and Sprain, Burn: and Sea/ifs, General Bodily Pains, Toot/I, Ear and IIoadac/m, Frosted Foot and Ears, and all other Pain: and lobes. Covn in Pound. See advertisement.- TO LET! LOCAL ITEMS. gnu advertmmmts. Strnyed, from Lot No 42.nenr Richmond Hill. on or about Thursdav, April 27th. a. A. VOGEIQZER J: 00., STRAYED! Winnipeg Fires. NOTICE. At 2 o'clock, p7 m Richmond Kin, May 2nd, 1882. Yours, etc., autumn-a. an. iii; 4. M. CARR, M. GLANGEY. c. DUNCUMB. Peund Keeper. t-ai- Ill-m NE h‘ro ilt rnonxnun, 0211‘. Graduate of Toronto University, and Member or the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. Reid. _ Richmond Hill. Oetober 16th, 1819 A fredh supply of Album, Prayer BooksJ 330., just received J. ELLIBT LANGSTAH', M. D. AL, England (Lu. 0! London, Englund) Surgeon, Etc. 53’0ch Hours 8 to 10, l to 2 and 6 to S. Dept. of Railways and Canada, Ottnwn. 15th April, 1882. R. B. Orr.M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University 01 Toronto. M. C. P. 8. Ontario. L S Theréheqne thus sent in will be returned to the gaspective parties whose tenders are not tw- ceg _ ._ This Department does not. howevar, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender Contractors are requested to hear in mind that an accepted bunk cheque for the sum of $300 must mcom any each tender, which shall be lorteited if t 0 party tenderin declines to enter into a. contract for supplying t e timber at the rspftzgnd on the terms stated in the otter sub-- mi . Pine Timber, snwu to the dimensions required for the constmction of Lock Gates to? the new Looks at Greece's Point, Grenville Canal, and th_e_neyy Iï¬ock at St: Angel Ottawg. Bing. The timber must be of the qualities described. and o! the dimension! stated on a. printed bill which will be supplied on application, personally or by letter, at this ofï¬ce where form: of Tender on}; also be obtained. 7 No payment Will he made on the timber until it has been delivered at the place required on me resnective canals, not until it has been ex- mined and approved by an omeer detailed to that service. SEA-LED TENEERS' will be tecaivod by the undursigï¬ed up to Noon on WEDNESDAY, the 11th day oï¬ Mn rnexï¬, m a lumv Inn), for the purchase of ($0 “owin‘nmnï¬ Telegraph Line (embrnciug tho Pores, Wit-as; Insulatorl and Instruments), between Selkirk and dmouton. The conditi‘om to En mm a. line of telegraph communication is tops Kept up Between Winni- peg. Humbolc, Buttleford and; Edmonton, and that Government means“ he mummiï¬ed tree of charge. The nrties tondering muuï¬ mama; in addition to=the ump sum they are prepared to give 101‘ the telegraph line. the maximumrate of charge to! the examination of messngn‘flo tho public. EALED TENDERS addressed to the under- si ed and endorsed "Tender for Timber for Lee Gates," will be maived a6 ‘hia ofli’ce until the arrival of the Eastern and Western mni}s,_ou EHUBBDAX, the 3‘1‘6p__d'a.y__ of MAY Dmd April mt} mesa: Dept. of Rafl‘ways undi Claudia, Ottawa. mn April. 1882. next, 'for the ’iuihiéh’ihg' End ahï¬irmg, dn- or Eatery:th 3rd day of 093601081, 1882._ of Oak THE MARKETS. TORON'FO! Tmsnn, May «h, 1882. raumsArrAnlxnr waoooxs Wheat fall, new,por bush . .3 l 30 Spring do ..... . l 35 Barley ‘ do o as Oats, do 48 Peas do. 82 Rye do." 82 Dressed Bonmer 100 m. 9 50 Beef, hind quarters, per 1L0 lbs 0 00 Mutton, by the carcass, per 100 lbs... 9 no Chickens, per pair .. . 65 Ducks, per brace: ' 00 qummh ........ m Turkeys, each 1 00 Buttonlbrolls .. 22 large rolls.. 00 tub (113.111.. 18 Eggs,fresh, don ..... 15 Potatoes, per bag 1 80 An les per barrel 2 50 On pus. per bag . . 1 20 Cabbage, per don... ...... . ..... 0 40 0019?, per‘ do: ..... . . 00 Tum ps, per bag .. o 46 Carrots, per bag . . ‘10 Beets, per bag ..... 90 Parunlps,per bag . 95 Hay pet,ton..... 9 00 Straw per. ton 8 00 W001 Der 1b... 23 a a“... 3:33:33 5°†82283 HO unpâ€" 888888$8§§882$8E§§8 VTMiKax-‘ï¬aâ€"réi‘culus may be had at the Law 0111“ of Messrs; loï¬lmon z learnt, Vendors Solihltora; MEBSRS. MCMICHAEL. ROSKIN & OGDEN “I'd JOHN HOSKIN. ESQ, Thronto. T. W. TAYLOR. EHENVILLEMI. ANNE CANALS 7". M "W"...â€" ._ .w, wvw wu . ’l'jba'propercy will} be ml’d'mb‘f‘ect to-I. reserved bid ï¬xed'bythe Mater: 1!: other mspects the conditions-of min are the standing conditions of :59 said Court. The purchaser shun...†the tune of silk, pay a. deposit of ten per cent at hlv‘purchase menu to the-Vendors ortheifl'Solicltofls. antithe rerun. ml- or into Court. a; thuctedit of-this-o'ause. in one monththornafter. withbut' intense; or if desired by the purchaser. sufï¬cient- with the deposit within one month without interest as will maEe' up one-half of the whole human money. the balance to be secured by engage oat-he prom» he»1 payable in {our} equal: annual instalments, with interest at sezen pet'cen yable yearly. ‘ mi.._-.._._.‘-_A_ _n x u- .mu/z-‘l. SELKIRK T0 EEMM’TON 3?: wrea‘mnlbla state of re air; ThU'mid lot in situnt 3 about 5; miles from Stouffville, 7; miles fronxlv'nionville Stations, on the Toronto & Ni 155mg, now the ‘Midlaud BM)- way‘ot Canada. 2 mile: from Lemonvflla Poll, Ofï¬po, and ‘is convenient: to_ churcheq and schools. IN PUBSUANCE' 9f. the Judgment made by the Chancery Diva-ion of the High Court of Justice, in a. suit of in one pot, the valuable freehold property, known nacho Hastings Farm. being the East. me 0! Lot No. 6, in the 5th Concession of the ‘I'o‘wnlhip of Whitchurch, in the County of York, containing HASTINGDVSL HASTINGS. And wichthe nppro‘ï¬ntion cf Thomas Wnrdlmv Tnylor,Esquire,Muq%r‘th Ordinary, there will by sold by VILLAGE OF UNIONVI’LLE ! More 01’18865-l There sre 90 acres of the stud lot cleared, and in a good state of cultivation and well fenced,1’2 acres 911311 wheat, 16 acres fall ploughed, sures in bearing grape vines, of good variety, I. good bearing orchard, about 600 rods of underdmining. 2 newer-failing stream" of water ‘cross the‘mm, a. soft water cistern and well. There ia-nlso a frame dwelling ï¬buse with kitch- en, large grams bun, driving house, horse and cow stables. sheds and other out‘bufldiugs, all in wggamneble state of repair; WHITC’HURC‘H! Saturnâ€, tm'lath Day of May, l882. 100 ACRES! PUB LI!) AUCTION 1 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. FARM !’ By Mr Salem Eck‘ardt. Auctioneer; arms OTTAWA RIVER. Q‘UEEN’S HOTEL, TELEGRAPH LINES. DR. ORR, MAPLE, Ah Ono‘n‘clock. p. m., on IN THE QGWNSHIP OF NOTICE. SALE OF A. gflediml. By order, IN THE G111! F. BBAUN, F. BRAUN, Searetuy‘ Ill-t Storeh- 17y. 9 75 0 00 11 00 80 business now Bolero tho public. You can mekm money faster at work for us that at anything else.» Capital not needed. We will start on ‘12 ‘~ day & upwards made at home by the nduetrioum Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere: to work for us. Now is the time. You can work. in s are time only or give your whole time to the! busmess. You can live at home and do the work No other business will pay you nearly as well.. No one can fail to make enormous pay by mung-'- ing at once. Costly outï¬t and terms tree. Money‘ made fast, easily and honorably, Addrels. Tau-z & 00. Augusta. Maine. DRAIN-TEE, OF THE BESZB’ on ATJ'T‘" A 'l‘ To insure a. fond. . $15 00" Single Leap ....... . 10 W- Mares taken to pasture and carefully attended k“ on reasonable terms. 3. QUETI'OH s1". enigma;E ing money that are offered, generally bosom: weslthy.while those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty. We want manyxnon. women,boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the ï¬rst start: The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Ex. eusive outï¬t furnished free. no ore who engages aflsto make money mï¬idly. You can devote your whole time to the wopk. or only ivlom‘ spare. moments. Full information and all t at is need. gisentfree. Address Sun'an d: (10., Peru-ad Lune. Milesian is is rich chocolate Chestnut, in color" standsâ€"hands high, and shows great substance‘ and guulity. He has proved himself not only 3-- sure oul getter, but has also demonstrated his » ability to transmit his own distinguishing gulli- ties to his “get.†His colts have 'hnnn nrnnnunn _.v-_. ....,.....o 3.....w ties to his “get.†His colts have been pronounc- ed, bv competent judges, to be exceptionally good. The following is Milesian’s pedigree, and to horsemen it tells a tale 0! Montana And quil- lty not to be surpassed :â€" ances on the Americlï¬l and Canadfw Turf stamped him one of tha greatest horses of his daynvill stand for mares during the present season, at his own stable, Oakridges, distance 16 mile? uprth of Toronto, Exncurom‘ Richmond Hill, March 22nd, 1882. ms:- momma“ - 1m ED snwwx This renowned thoroughbred, whose axiom-- names (211 jibe Am_er_icun and Canadmn Turf '1 he land is covert-d with stnndiug timberE comprising Beech, Maple, Pine and Cedar, etc . ROBERT HOLLAND, Richmond Hill, P. WED. To 3911 Lot No. 20, in the sixth Concession of the Township of Grey. in the, County of Huron, oun- tuining One Hundred Acres, be the lame mo‘x-e or loam-Wm receive tenders from person! ’deslroui of purchasing the stud Lot Up‘ï¬o Che ï¬rsc day of Oato‘é‘er, 1832. MILESIAN EXECUTORS’ SALE OF LAN D mu mums, TEWNEHIP or HEX. THOMAS COOK, Concord, P. 04 AUCTION SALE Queen’a Hotel.- At Ono O’clock; p m., > that valuable 11-60110!!!p property known as Situgted at the Railway Station, in the Village of Unionville, 1n the County of York, under md‘ by Wrtue of a. power of sale contained in I.- certnimMortgmge, which will be produced on the airy of sale. Terms and conditions will be made on the any of sale. For turf-her particulars apply to Messrs: Robinson at. Kent, Vendor's Solicitors, Xictoria. Chambers, No. 9,'Victoria. Street, Toron- Dated April 21“, 1882. Walker’s Carriage Works 1" 13th Day May, 1882;?) , mnnms, - .WORM pownnns; Are plea-mt touts. Cont-1n that own’ Putative. II a.“ we, sure, And emu-l Introâ€:- 0! mm: in Children 0: Adult JOHN HOLLAND. The undersigned Executors, being luthoriud under the will of the late There will be sold by Public Auction at the gm: gantrtimmttz; 0F VALUABLE‘ Freehold Property. QUALITY AT UNIONVILL E! FOR CASE 3 Address Bay Maria. ‘ , Emiliusbv Orville ImP'Pï¬m { aromas. by Whisker 'Sir Charles {SirArchylg Diomad (1816) Imported itizen Mud , Marian by Six-[Arc K) Mam We“ {Elm Cramp by Impï¬m‘" Wanderer Caroline Sir Hercules G‘riecioli TERMS : County of Huron. THOS NIGHTINGAIJE'B, . Yorkvllo In the Village of On Saturday, the {Am’n Eclipse b Duroo LadyLightfoot ysiurchy Gyént chance‘ to mung money. Those who af- wnys take advantage of the good chances 0! walk Gohannah by Mercury Catharine by Woodpok’r Whalobone b Way Peri by Wan ore! Rob Booty by Chu, 1010! Flight by Eluqu Whalebone by anv Marianne by Mufti Oakrldguw