Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 25 May 1882, p. 3

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Pessnttnmsnws. May 17 ,â€"-Late lutl evening the news ruched Penetanguishene) tho: e farmer named Daniel Deni, livmzi about nine miles from here in the township’ of Tin , had died during the afternoon from t the cell 03 a blow from on are. given by “other former muted Henry Yorke. Var- ioII stories were afloat through the torn today respecting tho. quarrel between the two men end the “Monmouth 0‘90!- ol, and in the afternoon on fragment who“: The eccused man Yorke made an attempt at suicide twioe during the forenoon. once by attempting to cut his throat, and failing in this. he shortly afterwards ascended to the roof of the house and threw himeell' down, receiving injuries of e very net-lone suture. The particulars of the quarrel ere ll follows :-l)uniel Dowel was I tenant “of Yerhe Ind lived less than one fourth of I mile distent. He Ind Yorke-had a dispute about pert of the land which Dowel httd rented. and which had been newly cho pad. Yorke'wislted to one the lend him-e]! end went there Wednesday with an axe to work clearing the land up. Dowel seeing hit: then. ordered him to leave. which Yorke refund to do. They sat down on e lo; he- eide each other to tqu the mutter over, when Dew-l, tnming his face any for a moment», and looking around egnin saw Yorke etrlke at him with an axe. He etterh‘pted to ward oC'the blow, but was too late. as it came do" with terrible force on h { forehead, felling him senseless to the our . 0n . re- covering consciousness he fo 'nd Yorke etending_ over hint yith _e re olverfnd‘ Tn! CBIHINAL TRIEB 1'0 001' Ill THROAT. thronening to finish hll fiendish wot-k by blowing h‘il hreiul out... In I sniper the urn fortunnte victim angered to hid home Ind informed his wife of what. had occurred. the gull on his forehead bearing? fearful testi~ many to the truth of his statement and the design of his assailant. Information wee lodged with a J. P. named Brock. but he being ill and unable to attend to the cue. the parties met and came to an agreement. by which Dewal for a paltry $20 bargained not to prim-cute the criminal for the crime which in a few: days was to hurry him to hil grava. Thu,» the affair stood until Sun.- ‘dey. when Dewnl uppem-ing to be losing his facultien bv stupor. medical assistance wen celled in but it was of no avail. On Mon- day there were evmptnmn of pneumonia in addition. and on Tuesday he died. Before ‘dving he with ads-position setting forth the particule n ofthe quarrel, which correspond- ed with the above version. henrlt’d niollter httd tin \mrdn nf answer. 1 The poor little nna was at lenth consoled um fell ttsteap, while the rest of the children Ilond around inhushed e'xbectttttcy. About four o‘élnck in the afternoon the CBibti‘er’s Illiy iié’ré' p261 “Ycitgetltcr and the inquest began. The evidence hmuglit out at the inqueut hrl'lla'h' the guilt. home in York. The nwdi'cnl evident-e its tn lhv éluse nf death. the dept-sitimt of the dead flint. the enttVes~|itttt uf Yorke himself made previous ro his victim’s death. wove all étrottgly cqn‘demnalnry. After hearing the evidence of thp wittt‘ésses the j‘urv brnught i’n n rerviic‘i ilmt Du‘niel Dewal ini‘d cnme tn hta'dtmth luv w hluw ft m an ml? '54 [hr- hands cierttr Yt the hltd ilth lint-lu- was «Juiity 6f nmuttt “ghee, »\ f»: 'lll'l Verdict wns tevviwd n wraith! w=w with: not for the attest 'tf'Yu-lu‘. hm (“\‘ii .~ 10MB iilttess it, is not likely he ll Iii h? vmuvell "6 the county il-‘tl at Barrie {arr 1t few flats, if indeed ‘ all: do”: m-t ('IISIIP’i-Hlfu the injuries he i fli'cwd mt ltititsnl‘f tt'lti‘e f<l!t‘lllpll”g suicide: N he recovers sutfimmytly he will lie sent to u‘wait his hi9! ut the “PX! Awizm 1'he scene of the affair is e quiet faruing ailtrict in what would he called the new count". end the people have been in a greet state of ekctlement since hearing of the unhappy man‘s death. Although this in the busiest seam-n I'm the farmers. they could be men in knot: of two: and three-e 'dilcuuing the all engrossing euhj.~ct. and epeeulntion was frrely indulged in an to \hat the result of the Inquest would be. The act-need mun seems [0 how. friend» and sym- pathieet’l among his neighbors Hie poor wife in wurryin! herself to death over the “fair. and dtmbtleue in a few day: her zrey haine will he brought dnv n In the grave. on Iccount of the evil charge brought home to her husband. On visiting the house. of the defined. his widow and six little tines were found bemoaning the loan of him who had been their only provider. one -ponr little hrchin about three vents old asking ulmont incessantly "Where iePa 7" and the lad- To haw- nuw wane: m Ilm house Ievery fh‘l‘uily shnuld huvn a guud fi‘wr. the henllh did comfuridppends large|y upun the use of properly filtered wfiwr Il‘he liver is the idle fl‘ler for the blan‘fl. gth‘d Burdock Blond B’i’nerl keep the live‘u End All Ihe aecrelmy drum in 'n healthy cnndilion. It. is the rand blood purifying. liver regulating Iéuic. ' 5"“ rnssswsnun cannon. l The Presbyterian Church, which had {reviunsly heen seated with chairs. hss now can seated with pews. and special opening wvicv-n and an anniversary service of the Sabbath School were held last Sunday. The Rev DI Hunter, of Queen street Meth- odist Church. pteached in the morning. and the Rev Mr. Gilray. of College Street Pres- byteriun ( hurch. preached in the evening. A Sshbnth School servxce was held in the aftlmnon. who-n exceedingly interesting ad- dressps were given by the Rev. Mr Hurt. who gave an account of his labors asu missionary amongst the Chinese. and the Rev. Mr. Gilt-ay. who gave an account. of a visit amongst the Waidensvs. Worsetha'n War. “The throat has destroved more live: “III! the nword." by imprudence In eating and intempernnce in drinking; but. when the health becomes impaired the miserable dupeptic may find ptompt relief in Buidock Blood Bitters It regulates the bowels. acts upon the liver and kidneys, purifies the blood and stimulates all the secretion: to a healthy action. !n In interview with Mr. Peter Mncdon- aid. Chairman of the Board of Schoul TruI- Iou. he stated that. Ihe Board wv much annoyed at Ihe School Inspector ordering tho idminance of the childrvn ofthe cureâ€" van. â€"~.... tekeoof the smallpox hospital to the Bolton etreet School without consulting them. Mr Mncdonald states that the ouretnker pays no axe. to the tuwuship. and that although there are no cases of smallpox in the hos- mill at. present there may he at any moment r. Macdonald suggests that the caretaker ehonld have his family reside out of the institution . lost and Comfort to the lulu-Int “BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PENAGEA" has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and ex- tent]. It clues Pain in the Side, Brick or Bowel: Sore Throat. Rheumatism, Toothache, Lumbago, and my kind of a. Pain or ache. “It will most surely guloken the Blood and heal. as its acting power I! wondering" _ “grow‘q’s BoueLehold Penn.- “‘1_ n- power is wonderful." "browns nouueumu runn- ool," mg acknowledged as the great Pain Re- liever. an of double 1: a strength of an other Elixir or Liniment in the world, she d be in ugly family handy for uge when wanted, “as in to y 1| the best remedy 1n the world for Cram 3 lathe atom-£11. and Pains andthes of all kin 3’ ma is for ulcbr all Dvuazistamt fluent: nboiflo. Killed With An Axe: A Good Fl Iter. A SERIOUS QUEBTIOX. PARKDALE. RIVERSIDE. ‘UHEAPEST IIN " TOWN Spring Goods 2 Ladies See our _ Spring Styles, Young Men now'is. the Time JUST DRESS aims, GASEEE’E‘" ’ «NW Fresh Teas. From 300. 190 Bichmand Hill. March ‘28rd. 1832‘ Ontario. House Overahoes selling at Cost. Flour Timothy and Flax Seed. TERMS OASIS-I, Richmond Hill,AMarch 23rd, 1882. I u I I u n At surprisineg Low Rates. Below Cbst_l’r§ces£‘to, make room for New Stdck; TEA, 30 Cents per. 110. SUGAR, 12 LBS. Fllfl SI: rnrsn GROCERIES, PHBHHUBE; Richmond Hill. Feb. 16th, 1832. Great chance to make money. Those who al‘ ways take advantage of I. the good chances of mak- ing money that are oflered, generally become wealthy.whilo those who do not improve such chancel remain in poverty. We wantmany men! women.boye and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first start The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. .x- fansive outfit furnished free. no are who engages aileto make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or 01:3 “flour spare momenta. Full information and at is need.- edsont free: Addreee Srmsow & Cm, Portland Fresh Coffee from 256., Sugar. 12 lbs. for $1. Crockery, Hardware, Flour and Fred, ul «MOODIE; .a..~..‘...,u um Mumh 9.91M. 1832s " *3 finial? A Large Stuck at sflpring and stummm' Goods Baots and" Shoes CALL AND SEE E TEAS ! TEAS l TEAS ! BEST STOCK' IN TOWN! COME AND SEE. SUMMER GOODS ! To Order Your Spring Sui”. flow is the time to buy when you can 509. The Finest and Flour and Feed,v‘the~largest stock if! Town. Clover, Seed. All kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. GREAT BARGAINS IN A Chains Assor’ ‘ m of .4 \‘7'1 unL . REYNOLDS. THE PAMMN SHIRT! P. G. SAVAGE, THE BEST “I THE W03“) FOR $18 00, $21.00,$24.00 Per Doz Tommo Julv 6th, 1831 .eader Lane, Toronto. I. CROSBY. m;~.m1a Upwards. Or by the Single Shirt. P RODUOE » J. BROWN. REGISTERED. PRICES CUT FINE. 1V-52w This Hotel mag been reiumisbed, renovated, and fitted up in rfitlcimss style, and is_ now the 15mm; Holtel north of Toronto. The bu is sup- ' 1M..winhfimt-flwmndoffliquors an cigars. xcellent , o ation 'for Commercial Traveuers, amflggeqmmwe. Gooé Stab ing and an'atten'tihrre’ Hustler. _ mcnméno HILL’. JOHN POWELL. Prop. BEAN]! CENTER“. HflTEL THQR‘QEEN’S HOTEL THORNH'I‘LL . PIRS‘I‘ - ELASS AflflflMMflMTIDN you THE WM-rrBUNN 'CH‘A’FUB, Proprietor. Thornfim. August '22nd, 183i. Every! Accommodation. Fairbauk. ApriI,28§_h. 1881. FA I R BA NK. 11. Wilson, Prop. TRAVELLLING PUBLIC! THE YORK' HOUSE! THE PALM-ER HOUS This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. UBampIe Room for Commer- ciml TIL. vellers. Good Stubling and attentive hostlem. Terms‘, $1 per day. Proctor's Bun leaves this Hotel‘to connect whh all the N R B. Trains going North and South. at 8 a m., 11.30 a. m., 6.20 p m. and 1:30 n m J" Palmer. Prop. ‘ aweekin your own town. $5 Outfit free. No risk‘ Everything new Capitalnot required We will furnish you everything Many are making'fortuues Ladies make as much as men, and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, if you wan a. business at which you can make great pa. ~ ullthe time you work, write for particulars tog. HALLETT 62 Co. Portland. Maine J. 'LANGSTAPP, M. n. R. B. Orr, M. 1%: and Fxrst Silver Medalist, 7niv§raity of Tozj’o'nto, M. C. P. 8. Ontario. L 8 AL, Ehg‘lnnd faint: of tendon, England) Surgeon, Etc. - > - ISS‘Oflioe Hours 8 to 10, 1 to 2 and 6 to S. ““r'fiolixmm. aim. Graduate of Tbroixto University, and Membbr of the College bf Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. Reid. Richmond Hill. October 16th, 1879 Worth their Weight in Gold! ! Pins {Pigtmaat This Tncmiq’vul'alde Mm‘ncinv has secur- ed {of its't‘i't' 'un ilinperishnhiv fauna ‘hrnuglmut {In} “Mild fur the alleviation and cul'efiof'v most diSVHSES to which hummuityuis héjr. increase the secretory powers of the Livenbmce the nervous system‘ and throw into the circula- tion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the fr'lnue. Thousands of persons have Ir-stifie’ thul bv th‘PiI use Mom: {may hmw hem) realm-ed to health and strength, ufwr every othe! means lmd pl'nvnd uusiwr-nugl'nl will be found luValuuva LU mu. 3 “we; the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tuzrmurs, Coughs, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, and all disord ers of the Thrnat and Chest, as also Gout. Rheu- matism. Scrofulu'and other kind oi skin diseases B'Tanufacjnired 0n1ysnt Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishment. BAD I.EG-’s‘.()LD \‘\’()UNI).\‘. COLIN, 533. OXFGRD STREET LONDON. and-sold at 15. 1961.,23. 9a., 45. 611., 115.. 22, and 335 each Box 'gmd Pot, and in Canada at 36 anemia. 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in pronorbion‘ _ CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in the United Sialos. nor are my Medicines Suld Ihere. Purchasers shnuld therefore look to the label on Ihe Pals and Boxes If the address is not 533. Oxford Street, London they n‘ra spuf-iuus. - T116 Trade Marks of my said Medi not: are re- gistered 1n Ottawfluud also m: “’as ugtuu. ‘ Signed THOMAS H DLLOWAY 533, Oiford street. London; rurifyvre ulate 33nd improye the quality of the 3 00d. '1‘ ey assist the digestive organs, cleanse \ ' q‘HUR‘gDAY, Abhjs printing ofl‘ée, Yonge Street. Richmond ‘ Hill, Ontario Terms of Subscriptions: $1 00 pct anunm in advance When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged Advartinnn‘leuts will be inserted at the follow- I:qu 5m» Advertisements will be inserted Lug rates: A--« mu- mhvnn mg raws ; One Two Three Six One ‘ Month Months Months Months Year. Column ...... $10 on 315 00 $20 00 553.5 00 $60 00 Half Col ..... 8 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 35 00 gunner Col 5 00 8 00 w 00 15 00 2t! 00 hree inches 3 00 4 00 b ()0 8 00 1‘). 00 TWO inches _2 50 3 00 3 60 5 00 8 00 One Inch... 1 50 175 2 00 300 5 00 Business CMdB,’ one veur ...... .. Do six months .. Do ‘ three months .. Trwsitory advertisements, first: insertion. per inch .......... . . .. '5 Each subsequent insertixfi: 1 An inch comjgrises twelve lines of No Advertisements without writfen instructions will be inserted until forbid 5.: charged transient ramp. STOM AGE AND BOWELS, RICHMOND HILL, The York Herald. gm @awm - fflloISEiEELER' 'nR.'dRR, MAPLE, ATE DP WODDBEIDGE $91611; PUBLISHED BY Ziau. 5th 1:581 :uold in Bufiisters, Abtorneys-at-de, Solicitbrsiu- .Chancrrry. Convevurucers, etc, Officesâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings. Wellington‘street, Toronto mums FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAXN WM SETON Gonpox. Gm: F Smrmw. Jns Bethune Q C N W Hoyles, Bethune. Mugs, Falconbridge AN 0- MOYLES,’ l8 & 20 King Street. WestToronto- TEES, Attorneys. Solicitors-in-Chancery etc" 61 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. Amuan Bonm'mm 1\‘M.Wom‘a Rwy-“r, BARRESEE m, 1850 Fgrguson. Bain. Gordpn &.HSUh.I‘plety, Assurance THE STAR Of London 1911' Alderman McAl-thur, M. 1’, Chair man. BOULTBEE & ZVATT. BARRIS TEI‘S.’ Attorney‘s. Solicimrs-in-Chancery RPMva Fund Annual Inc \nw “Ivesnd in 1% Dumb chum»: VJ URHNTM‘ John McDonald, Esq H01). Smmt‘orMcM 21.91:“ Jame-s Mctca‘lfa, Esq. :11 'pwif'xtm: “,1 w rate 03 pectus. pr. Loans mude to Church ’2“ internat . Send f0) A W Laud; r. Sec. (Va'l‘reas. for Canada. ' Victoria Chambers, Toronto 1-14. w Feb. 12th 1880‘ r ‘ iv‘ *ul-‘I - J5,“ 7W”? ‘ > ’ REDUCTrr*" Western Canada. ()mces~~1\o 7H, (.‘hurclfitreut, ’L'uronbo HON G120 W ALLAN, Seuatorfxesidcnt GEORGE Goovmmux .. ..Vice-P1‘esident DmEc'ronsâ€"gnmuel Plath, M I‘,A1frcd Geodet- ham, Geo W Lewis. Thus H Lee, Ron D L Mmcpherson, Senator Capital. $51,000,000; Reserve Fund, $150,000 Total Assets, $3,500,000 L SAVING’ BANK BRANC3II Money received on deposh and interest payable half yeurxy or com; runded. See our reduced loan table i‘ r further infor- mation apply nit the offices of m: 09mpany BLACKSMITH SHOP! Mr. M. Glancay has decided not to 2:0 to the North-West, and wishes to inform his old cusv tomers and the public generally, that he is pre-- pared to attend to all orders in RETIRiNG rmm THE RETAIL BUSINESS '2 Not Going to the Earth-“est. VSilks,,Dress ,Goods, Hosiery, Glovesv,’Bib-K bons, Lace Frillings, Corsets, Embr’Oi‘deré ‘ ies, Trimmings, AEanCy Goods, 860., GENERAL BLACKSMITHIN G I 09.1: Ridges, him-ch 6th, 3882 IN THE PRICES OF? Men’s Fine Dress Suits; Men’s Fine Worsted Suits, Menfs Fifi-é Tweed - Suits, ‘Men’s Nobby Spring ngarcoats. Boy’s Fine Dress suits, 5 ‘ Boys’ Fine Worsted buits, Boy‘s" Fine Tweed Suits, . - . IMMENSE f REDUCTIONS '3. (Asfive are positively retiring from the Retail Business.) ’ , , , For the accommodai ion of the many buyers attending the GREAT SALE, the stores; will in future be opened daily at 9 o'clock I. m... and olossti at 6 p. m., and on Saturdays at 10 p. 111. Sales for Cash Oqu. PATR.ICK HUG HES. B. B. HUG-HES. . 1‘ PETLEY & COMPA NY, APPLIED EXTERNALLY FDR RIIEUMA TISM, NEURALGIA. CHE] LAINS, CALLOUS LUIIIPS S IVELLHVGB, STIFF J OIN TS, GALLS, FROST BITE, LAMENESS, CORNS, CONI'RAC'IIONS ‘BRUISES, LUMRAGO, ITCH, DEAFNESS, PAIN IN BACK, SPRAINS, PAIN in SIDE, :90. Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfac- tion or money rexunded. DIREGTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. PRIBE 950. w. MILB‘QRX 55070.1, hopfletors To DISEASES, COMPLAINTS and ACCIDENTS which HAGVARD'S YELLOW 01L is guaran- teed to cure or relieve either in 1\ AN or Bus-r. GROUP, CRAM'PS, AS?HMA, OR'I’H 0P {iCOTLAND CHAMBERS, Particular attantion given to Horse Shoeing N. B.â€"Persousqfrom a distance of from one to two hundred miles on save more than their Railway Fare 6: Eipqnses on a‘purchaso of 828 to u Housekeepers, Hotelkeepers,and others, Furpishing, will save fully 20 to 80 per cent. by purchasing their Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleuma, Matting! &c., during the Great Clem-mg Sale now gomg on at; the Golden Griffin. None but first-clam goods in stock. Loan and Savings Company WALTER S LEE, Baynes,E9ti I A‘Secretary ‘u OAK RIDGES P. 0. Box 2527. INDEX MONEY 7'0 LINN. TAKEN INTERNALLY FOR COUGHS, s, SORE THROAT, 4, OOLDS, &-c. C. C Mons, W C leconbridge W Baa-wick, A B Ayleswnrth W J. FIMNKS. TORONTO, (3M. LEFE Curried on under the Style and Fxrm Name of PETLEY ck CO , Golden Griffin. and have made M- GLANCEY. 31mm. 9.1 .{k’r “(WANNA (‘00 W30 (NH: Munagmr. Tapestry Carpets from 35 Cts. per yard. 128 130 85 132 King St East, Toronto. mm 1 4 HANOS‘ 3143 YONGE STREET_ TORONTO, or We‘sSel,‘ Nickel A GioS§g Fully wan-unch in tâ€"vvry renpr‘m ; oqun‘i in point 0‘. tone. fim Huh Pl'lcr'd Amen-i 1 Lmlrummxls GENTLEMEJ,â€"â€"The action supplied bv us to you is other first class New York Piuuu Mnkv mud is in no m ‘vnvfi "Anna" \Imsns. l~’. S We beg to inform the public that we are We 01ng a appcial Mer of Organ in large qunntiliet lhem an exceptionally favorable rules. Mason 8.3 Hamli in stuck. , . “c PILVIIIGIKS arranged to suil the cor ears. 1"nr1ull pm'liculurs WI he so unNAmEmit:fiiifiififlmnaAI. ampligtygmmfl s; wannwmuc leetons, Buggies, Waggons. etc . built in Thu most skiiled m0 -h:uncs UNDERTAKING BRANCHES E NOTE THE ADDRESS A huge assortment of Rub£:S. Coffins R. S. WIEEIAMS (E5 SON’S IN ALI; Are made by QXperieuced New York Workmen, from the very In the Prices of â€"-â€"A LSOâ€" g. WILLIAMS; WILLIAMSE 312 “mm. Tanma :.~ CERTIFICATE FROM Munuiuulun rs of I: PIANOgfi This Estabhshuwm takes the Lead the convenience of purchasers and spread over a [arm of IDRON'I‘U :- , ‘ ,, H ed by us to you is the same as we furnish to Messrs A Wobet and :chrs, mud is in no Wew inferior to our usual fine Work Yours verv respectfully, ,. ‘ ' , wussr-zu, NICKEL, & (moss. uuu¢a . v, v. 226 DUNDAS STREET. L‘ONDofi will in in substantial. neat and workmanfike mannef humcs are only (-mpluyed _ In V a m large qunnliliet and are therefore hble Vto offal; Mason & Hamlin Organs of all leading style! Plano Fmte Amimui. \Vcsb 45th street and 10th Avenue, New York, Feb. 6th 1880 GOLDEN ffilfilfiFIN. WILSON ’S fimsh and durability to‘t'ho Furnished on the shout» est notice. and mpst reasonable tex'ms. FUN ERALS Io

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