Nomuuxou AND POLLINO.~Tho punters are out announcing that the elec- tors of WestÂ¥ork meet at Eagle's Hull, Weston on the 13th of June, at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating a Candidate for the House of Commons; and that ifa poll is demanded it will be opened on the 20(h of June. in the various polling distriots. On the 24111 of June, the Returning oflicer Mr. John D. Evans, will open the ballot boxes, at his house in Islington, and return as elected the Candidate having the mn~ jority of votes. No elector should take a bribe, and should he be guilty of doing so, there is only one step lower,â€"â€"that is to deceive the briber, and inform against him, It is Itrunge that the Economi~t should advise Its reader: to do thin, but it proâ€" bably knows the character of all its friends who are bribahlc The Economist advises every elector to take all the money they are ofl'ered for their votes. and then vote as they please. Thin is certainly ucling very dishonorable, and a respectable journal should be ashamed to endorse such a transaction, instead of actually advising people to stbop to such degrading acts. No article aver attained such unbounded popularity in so short, a time as Bmdnck Bloon Bitters. and that too during the- ex- iatence of cnunliess numbers of widely adventised hitters and blood puriï¬ers II is vvid‘eut that this medicine begins its Work at, once, and Ion-m: m dwimhit- rfl‘urt tinni' mined; It is rhe good limes that has killed them on the N. P. The busy manu- faotories, the increase In wages. the general feeling of' prosperity throughout the Dominion. and the very pleasant change from deï¬cits to large surplues has shown that the National Policy is a beneï¬t to Canada. But the factsore too strong against them. The Globe is anxious to make this the Question, but the Cnnaidutes are all shirking it. Innead of coming out like men either for or against, they squirm around it. & talk about “a slight reâ€"adiustment" of the tariff. From the terrible wailloga. and the terriï¬c outbursts of indignation vented against the National Policy in Parlia ment during the last four years. and the persistent efl‘ort of the leading Free Trade organ, to make the N. P. un-- popular, many persons may have supâ€" posed that the Grits would have desired no better Question on which to stake their return to power It is quite clear that Mr. Hodgins and hi: Free Trade friends will not at- tempt to carry the election on the Trade Question . This is a fair, legitimate work, and the Conservatives have nothing to fear when Questions are fairly discussed on their merits. If the supporters of' Mr. Wallace and Mr Boultbee work as zeal ously an their opponents, neither Mr. Hodgins or Mr. Mackenzie will be elect- ed. The Conservatives may rest assured that the Grits are working Well for their friends From every side we hear re ports of how they are looking up all possible voters. and canvassing those they have any hopes of making conwr'a. ., ‘EVBI‘Y man who-believe: he is noting in voting for the Government, should endeavor to induce some one else to take a proper and reasonable view of the questions on which the elections will turn._ He should feel that he has a personal responsibility in the way the elections go, and that he fails to do his duty as a oitizen,1f there is a single vote allowed to remain unpolled, or poll ed against the Government, which could be won for it. ThereAare many ways, however. in VMQMhey can assist in the returrL of the Conservative Candidate, besidea‘f‘hat of casting their vote. The electors who are careless and indiï¬'erent about politic Ihould be aroused to feel that there is a great responsibility resting upon them ; that to a great extent the power lie: in their hands of continuing in oflice a Gova erument which has done an’ immensity; of good for the country, or returning the men who proved so incapable in thei dark years, from 1874 to 1878. i There are many electors who do not Iiwaya vote the same, who can be in- duocdmhy: ,rqqsonable argument, or a word Wd’% aeaso‘n, to vote differ- out from what they hive formerly dame. Such men aughl lo 176% for the Gov- ernmengéjnfl if the supp’ofle‘ri of the present 'Kdminiattulion attend to _this matter. they will do so. The friends of the Government in both East and West York do not need to be told why they should vote for the the supporters of that Government, and they may safely be relied upon to cast their vote where it will do the most good. Ne. 59: Adjou’n’o'a éb‘u’r‘t‘ ‘of BEï¬Efdnâ€"M. Teefy. THURSDAY. JUNE Murm Cniï¬xiâ€"iï¬ 131115111."- Trent migrationâ€"F. Brnun Cow‘lfostzâ€"Bev.‘1 jigging}, . uh, Election Cud~N. C. Wallace A Personal Responsibihty. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS my: gun: gimld. Bribing Reformers. The Questlons. Richmond HIII. Ont. W10 No. 1248: Volume 24. 3W 0'} The Pnrkdale Lacrosse Club and ghe “Hons; Echoes of Woodbridge, had a friendly ’ hasggame in the afternoon. The PMrkdal Y thf’i'ers E00k home the laureln, but thev had °_ 1"“ a hard ï¬ght for it The WmdbrldF’l0 smgle ) boys defeated them on two former oc- r pol] : , ‘ cussions. 1882. ATTACHED BY REES â€"-0n Monday 22nd inst , on Lot 22 7th Lon Mnrlihttm. Mr John Byer's man was plowin near the he. hives when the infuriated litth felans made an attack upon the home“. lighting by thousands on them and inflicting stings as to pnralyz‘) the team, rendering them so helpless that they Clluld only 5th al Vlgttl" uualv and plaintively. The man wns so frightened as to run for help. M rs Frown. feltet'. daughter of Mr Byer. saw the immi- nent dunner. and with great present-e of mind threw u veil over her head and immv- diutely rushed to the animals’ relit-f. sweep- ing the bees offnnd releasing: the horses in time to save their lives. The nnimnl! suffered severely for two days, but are now nut ofdanger. MOTHERS! MOTHERS I! MOTHERS Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and Crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ‘? If so, go at once and get a bottle of mm. wmsnow's SOOTH- Ixo. SYRUP, It will relieve the poor little aufl‘ex- er inimediut-elywdepeml upon it; ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a. mother on earth who has ever used it. who will not tell you at once that it Will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the Unit-ed OHM" 2.30M m rrs‘wlwre 5L1": mum amine, Hagyard's Yellow Oil W'ill be found Invaluable for all purposel ol'n family linimenl. lmmpdiute relinf will follow he use in all cases of pnin in the stomach. bawela or side ; vhmmatvism, Colic. colds. sprains and hruisva. Fur in» Iernal and exlelnal use. It has no equal l'l lhe world for whul il in recummeuded For sale by all dealers 11:26 as per boxtle. The memhers nf the Band hnve erected a new band stand. on the corner of Wallace and Pine Streets. where they intend play- ing lllrnuuhnul the warm evenings, which will be much to the pleasure of the villageâ€; CITY FATHERS. The City Fathers met in the Camel Chumher, on Monday evening. und passed Several new Bylaws, nppoinled u Putin- mnster, Culleclur, &c. If they wnuld take a walk mound the village. and see the bad slate. of some of the sidewalks. it would du them good. I would nut. be surprised if some person dropped «round one of those days. with a broken limh. and claimed dum- ugos, which would wake†them up a little. on To WESTON. A great. many went from here to Weston, tn-dny, to attend a lurge political meeting, where some tall speaking is expecred- Mr N (I Wnllm-e. M P, Buys his canvnsl is fully better than his expectntionu. and he hopes on the nile of the 20th ()fJune. to have his mulmity dnuhle what it was before, ft om 202, [0404. So mote it he. Woodbridge, May 30th. 1882 DEPARTED. We hnve to recmdvthis week, the“. death of cine of our oldest cinzena, Mr Mptthew McClittchey. who came to this country from the North of Ireland. about 45 years ago. with his two brothvru, John and James. Thvy lived for a short a: lmmblon Mills. with Mr Wm Gumhie and then re-- moved to Ptnegmve. and livvd with the late Jnhn Gauthier. for a good numher (4' years. He subseq umutlv remnved tn Wond- bridge. and lived there till the time nf hts death. whivh ttmk place last Nzlutduy. at the age of 71 ears. He wax u Vulunh‘t‘", at the time «vf telvellmn Th» funeral tuok wince on Mundnv Pvening. and was ultt-nd- 9d IN :1 hith cunt-nu so nf' friends. tn th cetnvtmvut Chxim Chutch. of when tie-- ceased was a member He was very h1g1!- ly respvcted. Quite a cnmmntinn was caused nhnut 4 o’clock in the afternoon by an alarm of ï¬re. from box 28, Orange Hull. walluCe St. Whlch proved too true. The ï¬re brigade was promptly on the spot, and extinguish- ed the ï¬re in a short time. It occurred in a frame house. ndjoining the Orange Hull occupied by Mt-Haslnm. nnd as generally is the case. was caused by usinga stove pipe in place ofu chimney Had the ï¬m L")! a. little lwndwuy, our Village would have I tT-red n setiuus crmfluuruttotnns there was a high wind blowing towards thv prtncipal put of the Village. The Band was out in the fOI‘EDOOH. and made things lively The whole day passed uï¬'peaceuble and quiet. 'l'he Enghsh Church Pic Nio was a grand success. It was held in the Ag- ric’I Hall, and on the grounds, and dur inc the afternoon a large crowd of people, both small and great partonk of the good things which the ladies had provided for them. The Concert in the hall, in the evening. was also 21 succesa The Orange Hall was crowded to the doors. The‘Queen’s Birthday passed off very pleasantly here. Quite a large number of visitor came to our village, to enjoy themselves, which I think all hands did. The Railroad Company run two excur- sion trains from Toronto, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, which brought large crowds on both occasions. The electors should turn out in full fame to these meetings. and hear what Mr. Wallace has to say. Especially should his friends endeavor to give him a good encnurngzing nweting in every locality. He is p'repnred to meet and reply to all who wish to question him regardingthe Government he supports. Kleinburg,â€"*At Gobeil’s Hall, on W:d_nesdny, I41}: inst. Weston,â€"At Eagles Hall, on Thurs~ day. 15th inst. The meetings will commence at 7.30 pm. Mr. 'l‘hos. Hodaim, and his friends are invited to amend. Carlton,~â€"In a Grove, on Saturday, 10th inst. ‘ ThiStleton.â€"On Monday. [2th inst. Etnbicnke,â€"-â€"-At Union Hull, on ‘Tues’ day. 13'!) inst. Woodbridge,~ 1n the Orange Hall, on Friday, 91h inst. inst. Mr. N. (3, Wanner: and others will 7- , _ address the electors of West York at I Congldemble Edm‘rm] and 10?“ mat†the fénowing places :_ ter, and correspondence carrged over Parkdalwh the Town Hall, on this week by pressure of advemsements. Snturda , June 3rd. , Teamzr On Wednesday...‘.h9 7th inst. Mr“ Saunders: the Returning Oï¬icer, Seaton Village,â€"-On Thursday, 8:11 for l‘mstjmf' Passed through ‘he Wallace’s Mass Meetings. (From our own Correspondent.) WOODBRIDGE BAND STAND THE 24TH I'm O‘DAY. DANGEROUSâ€"Small boys must have their fun. and we were boys ourselves, we suppose, away off in the mystic long ago. Therefore. We never like to crowd a small boy when he is after fun. But the line should be drawn even' in “ fun,†and boys shnld be more careful in \play- ing lacrotese on the streets. On Monday last, a horse was frightened by some boys on Yonsze Street, and ran from Brown’s Bakery to the Masonic Hall. at an alarm- ing pace, rearing and kicking at the buggy to which it was attached. to vary the monotony of the race. The occu- pants of the rig, a man and woman, were badly frightened, and may thank Mr. N. Davis, for so courageously stopping the horse, at considerable personal risk, and saving them from a serious acctdent. The dash-board of the buggy was broken, by a kick from the frightened animal, but no further damage was done, A GREAT BENEFIT.â€"â€"-Tlic annual Exhibition in this village on the 24th of May. is worth a good deal to this town, --mm'e than muny persons appear to think. Last 24th the Presbyterian Church took in $150; the Methodist Church took in over 8120, and our Merchants and Hotel keepers iitl agood trade all day. The Agricultural Society took in about $600. the greater part of which is lef’ in our village and im- mediate neighborhood. W'ith this sum of money taken in, let us hear no more talk about the Fair being no particular beneï¬t to this town. Every one should endeavor to make it; a. great success every year. The ladies interested in the Churches should take a greater in- terest in the Exhibit of Ladies’ Work. ll'the l'lxhihit falls off in this respect, the attendance of visitors will decrease, and the Ladies' will not have so many visitors to their dining halls. Promo AT 'l‘noaNHer..-â€"The Grand Annual Picnic in and of the RC. Church will be held in McDougall's Grove. '1 hnrnhill, on Wednesday. June 14th A ï¬rst class Qundl'illc Band will be in attendance. The Hon. Alex. Mackenzie and Mr Alfred Boultbee, are expected to be present. The friends of theso. gentlemen have decided to contest. fora gold headed cane. which will be presented at 5 o'clock pm , to the gentle- man receivinty the largest number ‘of votes. The N.R.R. will issue return tickets at single fare, from Toronto, Ncwmurket, and intermediate stations. Busses will meet morning and (awning Maine at Thornhill Station. A Brass Band will on the grounds during the day. Tickets to grove and dinner. 30 Cents ; children 15 cents. For further particulars sec bills. _ The ï¬rst number of' the Beeton Triâ€" bune, has been received. It contains the usual introductory article, promisâ€" ing to ï¬ll the long felt want. and to be- come a model local paper. The suniplc copv is well printed, and the editor, Mr A. G. Mortimer, knows how to express his ideas. The Tribune is a mild Reâ€" form paper, apparentlv, and will, no doubt, ensure the editor at living. Any editor Ought. to be satisï¬ed with that, and the knowledge that he is working for the beneï¬t of mankind-to enlighten and ennoble his fellow man. Tm: CAMPAIGN OPENED -» The poli- ticians think their campaign [he nnlv nne worth taklin,t_r about. but our Lacrosse Club have a different, ideal. They have opened the campaign by sending a challenge to the Brurlf'md Club, and now the streets are full nf'lucrosse sticks from dewy mom, to dusky eve If their is any club around the country deserinus of‘ learning the principles of this kind of recreation, our fellows will undertake to instruct them. Steady boys, we'll take a cigar. Tm: 850 Prawnâ€"A grand PM}. pic nic in to he held at Newmtu'kot on the 15th inst. The programme is 11 good one, and includes a prize of $50 and a flag, for the best. Brass Band. Our boys are practising for that prize, and we hope they wiH get it. Go in to win, every trip. Faint heart never, or at least, hardly evâ€". There, hold up! No bricks. COLLAR-BONE BROKEN.-â€"â€"â€"A young son of Mr. Wm. Trench. about four years old, fell 01? the platform in front his father’s CurriageWorks, on Monday last. and broke his collarbone. Willie is suffering a {mod deal. but he is young: and vigorous, and will 8001] be all sound again. ' ANNIVERSARY SERVICEs.â€"The ser- vices held in the Presbyterian Church. on Sunday last, were well attended. The congregation was unsuully large, in the worming. The Rev. Prof. McLaren. of Knox College, Toronto, occupied the pulpit, and delivered an excellent. disâ€" course The eollections were large. PRACTICE.â€" The Firemen have their regular monthly meeting, for business and practice, on Fridav next, 3rd inst. The Captam expects every man to do his duly. ' A GOOD SUM.â€"-Om‘ Presbyteuian friends did a big thing on the 24th, and even surprised themselves. When the f'ullreturl.s ware known, and the tutu} receipIs counied up. it was found that they had taken in $150. Brigadierâ€"Major Mileson, passed through the village on Wednesday. He instpected the armory, and expressed him- self' pleased with its appearanc. Loeweâ€"A cow has strayed away From Th'rruhill, and a. reward is offered. See advertisement. For sale, Algebra Teacher’s Hand- Book, revised editions. Cheap for cash only. Mr. Saunders, the Returning Oï¬icer, for East York. passed through the villnge on Saturday. ' LOCAL ITEMS. Barley Oats, Pens Rya “BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PENACEA" has no equal for relieving 1min,both internal and ex- ternal. II Gurus Pain in the Side, Buck or Bowels Sore ’I‘hroutflilieumatism, Toothache. Lumbago. and any kind of a Pain or ache. “It wlll most surely quicken the Blood and haul. as its acting power is wonderful." “Brown's Household Pena- cea," being acknowlodged as the great Pain Ile- liever. and of double the strength of any other Elixir or Liuimenb in the world. should be in every family handy for use when Wanted, "as it wally is the lmst remedy in the world for Cram 3 in the Stomach. and Puins nudAches of all kin s' and is for sale bv all Drugniatsat 26 cents abottla. Gn t'masa’MPnRTA'I'IuNâ€"hlr R G‘uham. umelumm. Pivkering. has puuchused frun. Hr. And ew Mnnlgmnmy. Bun-Innd, (‘nslim-Hnuzlus, (whu cnmw wnh thvm.) thwr ï¬ne ('lydesdnle slallimxsâ€"(‘Iiflle. Gunï¬rrld and Lurd Henry. Rest and Comfort. (.0 the auï¬orlnz â€"â€"-â€".>o «-â€"â€",ï¬ Bracelets and other fancy goods for sale cheap for cash. Deservlng of Praise. Tm) much cmmm he expressed in favor of lhm unsuxl-asued remedy for coughs. Cnids. aslhnm. cmup. swe thvo‘ut. and all lung cnnwl. inls. If'ynu suffer from neâ€" HIPCN'd colds. try Huuvmd’s Pecmrnl Ba sum The coal is lriflina. only 25 cts. l’c-n- le- hm‘e nu mow right to become dvspepliu. «an nâ€"mmn glowiny and miserv able“ lhn') Hwy h ve to lake poison and cummil Hnicide. If the smmnch hecnmns wer and t'mls m perfnrm "3 “m cliuns. Pun-duck Biood Biuexs will spwcdhy remedy the Humble. The H:lnn|h}a,.0m., Fire Depuitmenl. §‘|d(‘f‘ lhf‘ (ruining und sui’wrvisiun 0!" Chief A AHCth(IV§." is not excrllcd in efï¬ciency by “1'â€. of any nth' Cilv in the Dominion. (‘hief Ailcliisnn, hr the w-Iy, met with a very severe m-cident in driving to a fire not long ago His hand. shoulders and back wr-re injured in u terrihlu manner. Being: asked how he ncctiuuted fur his rnpid rr- cavery. he replied : "Simply enough; SI. Jncuhs Ull can nu! any man on his feel. if there is any life in him at all. I used that wonderful medicine from the marl. and the result is that I am 10-day in prime health and condition. St. Jacobs Oil, the pana- CHI that comes in the relief of [119 Fireman Fur rhvumulism. burns. 540.. serVPd me in my tumble und curml me quickly, complem- lv :md pprmunentlv. It is the Blnndard medicine here in the Fire Department.†A frosh supply of‘ Albums, Prayer Books‘ 81.0., just received House RACE.- 9 race of half a mile. mingle dash. bmween J Marshall's blood ï¬lly. and C S Cnrlemn's gplding, was run nn lhé‘ fairgrounds. Wednesday. for $50 a side. Curletnii'x hm-se won the hem easily. The hackers (11 1h- ï¬llv were not satisï¬ed and mmfher heat for M0 8. side was run, and won m a cantor by the gelding. Mr ('hns. Rumor. of Whiievale, has re-- turned from the» NONE-West. He has local- ed in the 'l‘urllv Mnumuin rlishict. and pro- ceeds thilher with he much in the course of a few days He slrwaks wry fnvmnble of the countrv and its prnspect. uni] says that a mung 1mm going Ilwré» with a few hun- rlrrd dullan and mking up a homestead pre-emptinn onnnnl fail to make well am of it. He Would ndvise no one to invest, a dollar in Norm-west town lots sold in Onâ€" tario" HOLann's (hymn? â€"â€"Sm-es. V'uundn Ulc: mtim-s, and nthpr dismmes nfl'eoting th skin, m-r‘ stumble ofsrwedv amendment by this (‘nnhng and hpnling ungmtt. which has c-tHvd fnrth the Inudest pt-nise from pPrsrms who Ind sum-ted t'or veurï¬ from bad legs. nhmmsavs and chmntc uh-Prs after therv hnpp or cure hurl tangy pHRRl'd awnv. Nnne hut thmtn “h†haw- nxtwrivntwd the snothi'ug eff» ct 01' this Ointnwnt our form an idml of NW r~mfm~l it hPfllnwg bv r9" straining inflammatinn nnd anvin! pain. Whenpvrar HnHuwnv’s ()i lmPnt has heen one? used it hus-estnhiishvd its t‘wn worth. nnd hns agnin hpnn SUN 3}]! f7 r us the» easiest. and stPst l"‘"'l‘d\ fur n†ulrerc-ua 00m- Dlaints In nrAurnI-Jin, rho umutism and gun! the same nptllh‘n'ion, properly used, gives wondcrful rdiof A SERInUS lNJURY â€"Mr. John For ester, a farmer living in Whitcliurchmas sex-inusly injured on Saturday last while moving: a building. One of the timâ€" bers swung arnund unexpectedly. and crushed Mr. Forester against a post, breaking two nr three ribs. and Otherwise injuring him. He is somewhat advanced in years, and the accident will prove a very serinnwï¬ae. Mr. Forestur is an old and highly .umectod resident and his mum friends will be pleased to hear that hopes are entertained of his re- coverv. The Court of Revision met on Satur- day evening, and after some unim- pnrtnnt businr‘ss was done, it ndjournvd, owing to the absence of Mr. Wm. Trench, Reeve. who has been conï¬ned to the house for some time with rheuma- tism. The Court will meet again on the 6th inst. I The variety of steel pens manufactured by the Estelblook Steel Pen Co. includes Pvery shape. size and 81le for counting-house, school and engrossing purposes. Their popular styles are sold everywhere. On Sunday the pulpit in the C. M. Church was occupied by two Rev. gentle men who attended the Primltive Metho~ dist Conference now in session at Aurora. The sermon in the evening was a very good one‘by the Rev. Mr. Dobsou, well known to many of our readers. He is a-son-inJaw of Mr. Hopper, of (his viilnge. Puttlng tho‘Chlef on Hls Feet LOCAL ITEMS. Markham. mmw 17 1 60 8 50 3 00 0 00 S8 82 9 50 7 00 17 50 9 75 8 00 11. 00 T5 00 0 00 0 90 51 85 88 18 Your own choice Presented to each purchaser of 3 lbs. of Tea. Ca 1 and see for yourselves. MRS. HARRISON, opposite the Masonic Hall, Rich~ mond Hill. Richmond Hill. Ten. of all kinds. and such as will compare in With any in ann. Sold in bulk or in hermetiu cally sealed packages, as may be required. BOOKS! NEW TEA STORE! TEA (10 BOOKS 3 QUALITY AND PRICE Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 22nd May, 1882. Contractors are requested to bear in mind that Tenders for the different works must be accomâ€" panied by an accepted bank cheque, as Iollowa : For the Fenelon Falls work ...... $1,000 Do Buckhorn Rapids work $600 Do Burleigh Falls work... $1,500 And that these respective amounts shall be for- fmted it the party tendering declines entering in- to contth for the works at, the rates and prices submitted. subject to the conditions and terms 5 Med in the speciï¬cations. - The cheques thus sent in will be returned to the different parties whose tenders are not ac~ (3923‘ng This Department does not. however, bind itself to accept the lowest or uux‘ tender. New Arrival I Maps of the respected localities. together with plans and speciï¬cations of the works, can be seen at this ofï¬ce on and after WEDNESDAY, tha Twentyd‘lrst Day of Jmm next, where primed forms of Tender can be obtained. A like class of information relative to the works at Fenelon Falls will be furnished at that place. and I‘m those at Buckhom and Burleigh inform ution may be obtained at the resident Engineer's ofï¬ce I’eterborough. SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the under. signed, and endorsed “Tender for ’l‘rent Kiwi. gation," will be received at this ofl‘xce until the arrival of the Eastern and Western Mails, on WEDNESDAY, the Fifth day of July next, for the constructxon of two Lift Locks, Bridge Piers and other works at Fenelon Falls : also, the conâ€" atruction of 11 Look at Bucklmrn Rapids, and for the construction of three Locks, a Dam and Br'l‘glge Piers atBurlelgh Fallen Th3 work at eachréftï¬hese ï¬lncas will be let segpmtely._ ‘ Fenelon P5115, Buckhom Rapids and Burleigh Canals. A Valuable REDDISH COW, short horns, small white spot over shoulders, lower part of tail white, remarkably full eye. four years old. She has recently been seen three miles east of Thorn- hill. The ï¬nder will be suitably rewarded. Thornhill, May also, 1882‘ Friday. May 26. ’82. Richmond Hill. Mix-v 17th, 1882. COW LOST I here. The Causes of Colds are gelling overheated in hot roams or crowded assemblies, sitting in a dnuhght or cooling too rapidly after exercise. muflling up warm and changingto Iighler wmppiugs. cold and dump feelv Nu mailer what is the cause Hagvard's Pecmral Balsnm 18 the cure fun all throat and lung diseases that Induce consumminn The Band Pic~Nic on the 24th ult., was a complete success. About 1,260 people visited the groundsduring the day. AI: 5 o’clock Mr. N. C. Wallace, M. P., drove in on the grounds. and was heartily cheer-- ed by the vuat crowd. The band boys say this was the most successful pic-nic they ever had After paying all expenses, $92 was left During the last two or three years back, the boys have been working hard. and now they are in such a shape In not to take a back seat from the most of country and town bands. OME. SWEET ONE. On the evening of the 24th, our town constable and “Happy Jack,†from Purple. ville. got. into a row, which was settlrd by a blow from the con- stuble’s button, and then he said he would go Ume. The remainder of this communication is held over until next weekâ€"ED. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALER IN MEDICINE. RHBMATLISM No Pm mtion on earth equnla S'r. JAcons 0n as a an 9, euro, simple and cheap Extrer Bumedy A trill ant-Us but xhe campamtivoiy trifling outlay of 50 Gen“, and every one luï¬vring with pain can h‘V. cheap and poem" proof of m clniml. Dlrocllom in Eleven Languages. Nauru/gin, Sciatica, Lumbago, ' Packaclye, Soreness of {/20 Chest Gout, Quins 1, Sore Throat, Swell- ing: and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bod/l] Pains, Toot/7, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fee! and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. ‘i gum gdmï¬smnmm. Automatic Pencils and Leads for sale TRENT NAVIGATHDN. A. VOGEIJER 3499., Notice To Contractors. (From our own Correspondent.) Splendid Volumes from strayed from Thornhill, on At Mrs. Harrison's By order. BAND PIC-MIC. TESTON. Baltimore. 11.1.. 17.13. A. REV. J. J. EGAN. F. BBAUN. Secretafl'. Richmond Hill, Mix-y 27th. '83. Tuesday, June 6th, CLERK. Clerk's Oflice,Richmond Hill, 51:11 May. 1882. i347. At 8.30 p. m., of which 2111 persons interested are requested to take Notice, and govern themselves accordingly. M TI‘EFY . 9H , COURT ! UBLIC NOTICE is hereby given. to all whom it may concern. that the ï¬rst sitting of the Court of Revision. for the Village of Richmond Hill, will be held in the Council Chamber on SATURDAY, 27TH OF MAY. |882. EfllIRT flF REVISIIIN ! At 7 o'clock. Woodbridgo, May 23rd. 1882‘ In the said Village of Woodbridge, on the even- ing of RICHMOND HILL ! W ooDBRIDGâ€"E Dated at Toronto, the 20th Dav of May, A Monday, June 1'2, ’82, NOTICE ! BBURT [1F REVISION! Executors of the lust will and testament of the said Duncan McCullum, their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of hair claims. n. stuteinent of their accounts, and the nature of their securities, (if any,) hold by them, and that immediately after the said Fourth Day of July, A. l) 1882, the Assets of the Estate «f the said Duncan Mc-- Cnllum,will be distributed among the purtias entitled thereto, having rah i‘cncv only to the claims, of which notice Shull hm‘o hon-n furnish- ed to the EXECUEOY'S, as above required, and the said Executor's slmll not be lillble for the Assets or any part thereul, to any person of whose claim not-ice shall not have been received by them or their Solicitors, at the- time of distri-- BUM MURPHY. TORONTO, 6 Soliciturs for Executors. H AYCTEA D’S HOTEL, Arc hereby notiï¬ed to send, by post prepaid, on or befora the John McCallum, John Kaiser, and N. Clarke Wallace, In the County of York. Division Court Clerk, Woodbridge. Deceased, who died on or about the Fourth Day of July, A. D. 1882. HUMAN MCEALLIIM ! Messrs. Bull 85 Morphy, D apartment of Rnilwn ya and Canals‘ Ottawa, 22nd Muy,1882' TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN! UNDER and by virtue of anised Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 107. Seftion 34, the Credit-- on: o EALED TENDERS, addressed to the under- K signed. und endorsed "Tendvr for the MUR- RAY CANAL," will be received 21!, this nflico un- til the uxrivnl of thu eastern xmd Western mails on‘ TUESDAY, THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY on JUNE max’rJor thef(‘.1'11=ntion nsz Canal to con- nlwf the hem] waters of the Bay of Quince with Pmaquil \ Harbor, Luke ()ncnrio. The cheql‘a thus sent in will be returned to the respective purl! s \\ Lose tenders are not accepted This Department ones not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or mxy tender. A map of the loculity. together with plans and apociï¬czutiuns of the works, can be Benn at this ntï¬ce and at Brighton, on and after THURSDAY, THE EIGHTH DAY OF JUXE NEXT, where printed 1 forms of tender can be obtained. l (Juntmctors are required to hunt in mind that rm accepted bank chcque for the sum of $3,000 must nccompum each tender, which sum mull be forfeited if the putty ts‘ndcring declines to enter into contract for the oxecution of the works at the rates and prices submitted, subject to the conditions and on the terms stated in tne spaci- ï¬cmion. MURRAY CANAL. Noti: e is he eby given that the Court of Revi- sion for the Municipality of the village of DOMINION ELECTION ! Nomination on the 13th; Polhng-day on the 20th June. 1882. NOTICE ! N. Clarke Wallace! MUNIUI PALI'I‘Y Fourth Day Of July, A. D. I878. Notice To Contractors. EXECUTOR’ S At 2 o'clock. p_ m Adjourned until Will be held at The above By order, Solicitors for Late of the ,I. c. AGAR, Clerk. M. TEEFY. Clerk. F. BRAU N, Your Vote and Influence are WEST YORK ! FREE AND INDEPEND- ENT ELECTORS AT THE ENSUING Respectfully Requested for it4 Secretary. D. 1862. _‘ - u“... uu. Milesim 18 a. rich chocolate Chestnut, in color.- ‘ standsâ€"hands high. and shows great substlneo 1 and quality. He has proved lgmsell not only I surqfoal getter, but has also summits»th hilt , ability to transmit his own distin ï¬shing all!“- } ties to his “get.†Hie colts have can pronouncv ad, bv competent judges, to be exceptionally 1 good. The following is Milesian'a pedigree. And to horsemen it tells a. tale 0! stoutnqu and ï¬nd- i ity not to be surpass-ck :-- , To insure a. foul... ........ 615 00 Single Lenp.....v... ; ....... loo. Mares taken to pasture and carefully attendcd to on reasonable terms. H. QUETTON ST. GEORGE. Oakrldgos. This renowned thoroughbred, whose erlom. ances on the American and Cmmd an Tur- stamped him one of tha greatest horses of hil day.willsmnd for mares during the present season. at his own stable, Oakridges, discanco ll 1113135: nprtl; of Toronto. ' MILESIAN THOROUGII - BRED STALLION . $35M. «ml . . k Graduate of ‘bro‘ttegl‘vplversity. pulp-131:9? of the Concise of Physicians and mum. M} Aauiawntjo Dr. Reid. ‘ Bicï¬mond Hill. Oktober 16th. 1579‘, DR. JAVIES LANGSTAFF! AND ERNEST F. LANGSTSFF’! Residence, Yonge Street. Richmond 3111. Richmond Hil‘, May 23rd, 1882. 1y R. 13.0mm. B. and First Silver Moduli". University of Toronto, M. C. I’. S. Ontnrio. L. 8 AL. England (Lat. or London. null-ll) Surgeon, Etc. ES'Ofï¬ce Hours 8 £019, 1 to 2 and 0 $9 ,8. It :2: 935‘ _ ('1 ,SH TO THE 228 Hudsnn St" New York. Cleveland. 0. and Chicago. Ill. SAMUEL ROGERS a co. sole Agvnts tor the Domingonu’,‘ I m- Our Pocket Cyclopedia qf i‘hinga 'Ii‘o'rz); Knowing mulled tree. mag MANUFACTURING (:0. ‘ E composed IaIgQngmw: H- 'glass,isaheBESTandCl-IEAPE‘STHX aca- ‘mr, In thuworldâ€"Lhe BEST because ltdou {not gum. but forms a hlghly polished unn‘ face over the axle, reducing frloï¬on and f ghten'ng the draft: the CHEAPEST be- cause it costs NO MORE than Infortor brands, and one box will do the work of two of any other make. Answers as well for Harveszers. Mill Gearing, ’lhn‘shlhg Mn- chmes. Corn-Planters, Carriagos. Bugglea. em, as {or Wagons. GUARANTEIO to co mam N0 Petroleum. Soldby an denim). Imp. Prism Bay Maria. . Marian by Slr'Arc by Man“ We“ {Ella Cramp by ï¬nancial?) Sir Charles (1816) Wanderer Caroline Grieclol! Sir Hercules DR. own, MAPLE. TERMS 5' fifteaiml. Am’n Ecli so b Data. {LadyLigh root ySiruol { Emilius-bv Orville Cressida. by Whisker Am’n Ecligme by Dgroo LadyLigh root bySn‘uohy Gohzmnah by Mercury Catharine by Woodplk'z‘ Whaleboneb Waxy Marianne by 111151 SirArchy by Diomed’ Imported Citizen Ware Whalebona by Wu! Peri by Wanderer RobBoo bychanflolor Flight btnyucape ‘ ,