Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 Jun 1882, p. 2

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Roland Danniâ€"F. Bnun. u ml Good Pm Wanna-Panama r Rlofiyhond NHVIIII'; Ont. 1‘ 310. 1: M1010 N6. 1249i Volunfli. THURSDAY. JUNE Some men. honorable in every other porticulur, do not hesitate to act dishon- orably in political mutton. We care not who the man is, or what position he holdl, nothing should tempt him to speak fallely,â€"to plainly and foil-1y tell an un- truth for the sake of making tome man vote as he desires. therotherrday. J. One of our leading Grits approached a voter. and in a quiet and mvatertous manner gave him to understand that the Conservatives Were spending large sums of money in Markham, bribing the eiee- tors. The voter said “Boultbee could not afiord to spend money, and where were the funds conning from 7" "Oh," replied the Grit, “the Confiervntivel are Spending some of the surplus they have at Ottawa'" ' " Bu? 5113379811 do this,â€"â€"more i. the pity, and we are sorry to record that we heard of a case in our own neighborhood Now. we actually believe that we are l tolling the truth when we say that man in intelligent enough to know that he wan non telling the truth. He knows well enough that no Government. has control of public funds in any such manner, and even were the Government disposed to use the surplus they could not do so without putting themselves in the power of many ofl‘mialsMho would be cognizant “of such matterl. No funds can be taken out of the treasury in any such schoolâ€"boy style. Probably there are some people who imagine that when Sir John wunte a dollar he just walks around to the Treas- hryJella the officials to go out for 9. wk, and then helps himself to the wealth in ihe vaults. There may be some such people. but for the credit of our country, five hope the Grits as a clue, are more intelligent. _ The Conservative pic nio at Markham 'on Wednesday, Was a grand success The attendance Was large, and the enthusiasm great Sir John made an eloquent speech and seemed in the bvst of health and spirits He evidently felt corfident of carrying the country Among the speak- ers were Me‘ssrs’Boulthee and Fpeight. the latter of whom spoke in favor of the N 1’ and announced his intention of Voting for it, The Liberal candidates for Parliament for Nova Scotiu are fighting the elections on the crv of “No Duty on Flour and Meal..and 3. Revenue Tariff” Not a Word is said about the Duty 0n Coal. How does this suit the Voters of West York 7 lee your answer at the Polls on the 20m inst. The Hon. Alex Mackenzie was taken beriouely ill with acute peritonitis, on Monday night. after the meeting in this villain. He is stepping at. the residence of Mr. ‘B-MoDonald, on the 4th can. of Markham. and is attended by Dr Lang- etafi', of this village. His many friends are anxiously awaiting news of his recov- ery. And the leading Grit we refer to known better. What are we to think? That he actuallyncted in such a dishanor ible manner in order to make a point against the Government. hoping that the person he wan talking to could be easily etufied ? It is a great pixy that men will allow their party feeling to influence them in {nil my. Mr. Wallace surprised more than one ‘of his opponents by the way he handled the Opposition speakers at Patkdale We have heard from more than one per- son that he proved a match for them all. Nothing pussies the Grits worse than to account for the clear, concise and ‘efi'ectivc style of speaking shown by Mr. Wallace in this campaign. They have made one of their greatest points against him, and in favor of Mr. Hodgins, that the latter was a speaker of a much superior order. But when the two men Ire heard and contrasted, the Grits are dumbfounded. Mr. Wallace need fear no opponent on a platform. He has in) mentier improved in phblio speaking since 1878, and he deserves great credit for acquiring such ability in a time very short indeed compared to the many years flaring which the greater number of political mam-and notably lawvers.-â€" have the benefit oflubored and continued ’exprtion in this respect The Grits are 10th to acknowledge, but they have to ad hm that “he can speak," and to good advantage too. flaw ADVERTISEMENTS \The Gnu h $311: 9w: mam. Using The Surplus. An Effective Speaker. & Bro. 1882. â€" hinwflodgtne was a prominent memâ€" l her of the Blnekbottle Brigade. who in-{ cluded in its ranks, such illustrious‘ embryo Grit statesmen as J. D. Edger, i 1 R. W. Wells and David Blaine. the llatter of whom misrepresented us for s time at Ottews. The duties of this noble band was to promote the spread l of good Reform principles by the free dissemination of Canadian forty ‘rod among voters of doubtful political pre- dilections Mr. Hodgins, we believe. , filled the distinguished position of Lieuten- ! snt. The gushing and political Edger being _ the revered Cetttstn. . ‘ After qualifying as e “trivd Reformer" I i in Hill exec-Hem ecnonl. he was scolected by , ltthe power that sweyed the Globe, us the t srty’s csndidute for West Elgin, in the nteriu Legislature. and in fit of temporary ‘ mental aberration on the part of the elec- tors of that illllhl‘l‘ed constituency, they re- turned him us their member. For sever-l years be discharged with singular success ‘ the importunt duties of bore of the House. whenever he rose to enter upon one at l his constitutional disquisrtious there being an immediate rush to the smoking rooms and bar, the whitehendvd speaker and e fe‘w displriled-loulfiiug ministers being left to endure the sgony 0! his ponderous slo~ Mr. Thomas Hodg‘ms, Q. 0., is carry- ing the much bedragged banner of the Grit party, in this Riding. It will be well ‘0 enquire who this individual in, who is ambitious of representing West York in the House of Commons quence l l umqu In the eeeeion of 1878. a feeling of holy jov pervade-d the assembly. for it was whin- pered that the member for Well Elxin. feéling hie might) intellect "cabined. cribb- ed and continua" in the Local Legislature, was about to offer himself In a candidate for West Toronto, for the Home of Commonl. and that never again would hie mine he h‘e‘ard droning through the "in em. hour." in the Untorio Chamber. The apeuker perticulerly. wu ureuely heppy, he felt thut life would not be unendureble. It must be dtetinctly underuood (hot Mr. ‘Hodgine never espeetod to Clt't'y Wen Toronto uny morethutt he now doc! to carry wPit York. but he felt that although hie election was not sure. hil rewtrd mu. He never anttcionted that. the Mechanic Government would receive the condign punishment they did. from the hands of on indigtmnt people, but looked forwerd with film confidmice to woo tithing hie plea. on the Judicial Btech n the lute Intenter ("hietJuIttctl Hutrilon WM than linking into hiltoo early grove. But elu, "the belt laid scheme-a of mice Ind men gang oft nine." Ind ourwould-be member wee doomed to bi'ter disappointment. Bil du- feut on the 17th at September of 800 mainrity. by Mr J 3. Robinson, did not trouble him in the tenet. be born it like a philolt pher fie knv» “how it would be." but when helemned thin the administra- tion, upon whmetm re he had been re- lying, had been uvvrwhrmed wuh hor ihle destruction, oh. then. the iron entered into his eoul. He realized that his dreams of wearing the judit-ial ermine were denim-d never to be fulfilled ' There it a wtee saying of the poet. What ever_ e71} gnu Junior: L Princess Louise arrived at Quebec-on Sunday 1m. Possession is nine pnints of 1113 law, and: the possession of a. good pen goes a long I way Io make a good pemnau.~ Estarbrook's takes the lead uf a l the mat. Can be ob- tamed at all the Stationers. There is no shirking the issue. It is plainlv put and must on squarely met. A National PoliO) of protection to our own peophe, or r pen markets for the ben- efit of the American manufacturers ? b'air competition or a slaughter market? High wages, continuous work. and gen eral presperlty. or starvation. failure and depression ? To vme for '11? Grit cunâ€" didates is to email the latter; to support the Government is :0 ensure the former, “Under which king Brzoniun, speak or die I”â€"-â€"-0ttuwa Halald Hounwn'a PiLu-â€"Ehfepbled inu- lancer-This medicine embmces Mary Intri- bule rpqniwd in a general and dumeshc remedv ll nverturnsthe foundulinnl of disease lmd hr defective food and impure air. In ohslructionl on congestion! of the liver, luvgl, bowels. or any other organs. thlie Pil s are Payipoially swvicenhle. and or- irwmlv Incceuful. They should bu kept in o ‘inesa in everv family. bail-g a medi- cim- of incomparable mililv for young pur- l I“, upocitlly those of fdeble constitution Thoy nover cause uuin or minus the mall untilin nerves dr must lender bowels. Hollowuy’s Pills are the best In:an pnrifi~ on itne l-lood. lhe most active promoters of uhsmi- ion and semen“... wlieleby ull poisnnons and obuuxmus pal‘llclfli art re- moved from bulb solids and fluids. Elpctors of Wpst York. it is this political Ishtr'tuelile. this drunrv and pedantic bore. who fnttmed upon 1hr publid crih who ask» you to ro‘je-cl ('0: him. the L’l‘fllnl. Wholr-i smiled, talented gentleman, who so worthilv reprvaentu this thing in the Home of Commcna Let your answer be given to him hy an immense majnritv. on the 20th of June. that lhll flllciPm constituency will send to Ottawa nn yenaionnr of the Un- tario Government. but the member, who. for th‘; last four years has gtven n lovnl support to the administrutiun thnt. bythe fircal and railway polio). has done In much to develop the mngmfic'out rniunrcea of the c ountry which we love; "'51:; 375d; '0? EH; B’EIeViiheu-o : Though things any be bad. you dud“. They mum b. a. mod don warn. And this Mt Hudgim bun good muon- for believinp filthuugh M}. degins' biz But the bemficence of tho» Grit party to their henchman. did not Slop hora. A majority of thq membeu. the body 01 the law lociety. all Reformerl, and including nmnngst Ibem five members of the Ontario Government. and thaw proceeded to bestow pup upon the deft-Blvd one. generosily. which cost them nothing. as the money ex- pended camo out of the pockets of the loggl profemon throughout the Provincev H. was appnimed Examiner in equity law‘. a posninn for which he is quite uni- qmlified. and n VMuiPss collection of Elec- liun cums, a book Ihm not one. lawyer in a thousand had any use for. cnmI-lled by him. was pmchused fur om immense mm. in the face of the slrongem protest on the part u! the Bar. ' Surely iI may be said of him he has had his newurd comfort. and consolation. Comfurl Ind consolation he has received to a very con- siderable extent, on any pornon may up from on examination oflba pnblic occouull of Onlatio. wherein the name of Thomas Hodgina frequently occurs on the recipient of large omuunts of public money for ur- vicee rendered as Crown Cou‘mel. 'ork. l The Grit: held A meeting in the Ma- sonic Hell, in this village, on Monday efurnoon last. The posters partienlerly‘ i requested the presence of the Reformer: only, end it was expected that Messrs. Mackenzie and Hodglne would not fail l to tell all good Reformer: jnet what they { ehould know. The manngere did not ‘invite any people on the Coneervative 1 side, but Mr, Wallace felt that he had ‘ too good a dense to be afraid of facing even Mackenzie end Hodgine, alone and unaided. homo Mncuxzu AIDA Hpnmxs. ore. both political portion being well represented. The hall was crowded to the doors. Mr. J. Lawrence occupied? the Chair, and on the platform, besides the'lpeultere. we noticed with pleasure a number of ladies. among whom were the following; Mrs. J. Newmn. Mrs. J, M. Lawrence. Mr! Arhey. Mrs Ad- dison, Mn. Swiller, Mn G Wiley, "Elli-1;; was a large attendance of elect-l l ’Peterman, Min L; Palmer. Miss Sprnaue. Misc Marsh, Miss Annie Trench. Miss Frank Trengb. "firâ€".Wfigdéi'n'si aim-sec! the meetingl on the Boundary Award. the Redistri-j bution Bill, the National Policy, and lb. Rivers and Streams Bill. He presented bin View uf these qwslionu very lnirly. ha! in a stereotyped 1|!le and In a manner that could only impreu or influencv volern who come under the clan of “strong Grin." He showed lhnt he in far inferior :0 Mr. Wullau an a platform spanks-r. no matter how uhly he may be able lo preach! his claim on the Mowm Gem-rumor". and draw I good job and hundlome ply me. biihg dcfvmed in an election. , Wallace At Richmond Hill Mr. Wallace in opentnr‘hin remark: rxc' pressed hil pleasure at seeing so nnnht' lu- divoc present. and felt satisfied that when the India touk Ill intro-tut in electiunl the Succeu ut‘ the Cumorvunve party Was 2mm- cd. He than criticued Mt Hudgiuu‘ Speech mud-pointed out how very little that gentlea mln knew about the tnrtif and the National Policy, by exposing hil erroneous stated: menu. Mr. Hodginu mnde n mint-kc of 3 centl in bi: quotatiqu on cottons. and he was still further uttay when stating thnt Donima were Iolltnz at 6 centa. The avidi- Iimvnl con on | 'udiu' print dteu was about 1‘ of a cent. and he thought that! tho ladle: would not compltuu it' by thin and I‘imilnr dutiu the Government raised a auvpins. n- d ‘ were enabled to pay of rho dvficiu im-wled by the Grits. Many articlvl more chenpor today than in former yarn-a At-cmding to Blake Manitoba and Nma Set-tin markets should be an pliod by the Unite-d Niles. It lhil wut a cut wo‘ would lune than mhrketl, nnd Ontnrio now um between H and $16,000,000 of reduce and manufac- turel to the maritime gunmen nloue. Our bent-market- urn in then put. of the Dw- mutton. Rest and Comfort to the Suflerlnl “BROWN’S HOUSEHOLD PENACEA" has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and ex- ternal. It cures Pain in the Side, Buck or Bowels Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache. Lumbago, and any kind of a Pain or ache. “It Wlll most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is wonderful.” “Brown’s Household Pena- cea," bein acknowled ed as the great Pain Re- liever. an of double t a strength of nnv other Elixir or Liniment in the world, should be in every family handy for use when wanted, "as it raall'y is the bestremeay in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds’ and :5 i3: 52.15177 2111)? “lists an; zécents mantle. Gunbaldi, the hero of Italy, died on Friday lust. MrJnmes Beatty was nominated a» 001m rvative Candidate for W est Turon to, and his uncle, James Beanv. ar. formuer Publisher of the Leader In» unnnm-cvd his intention of running fur Easm anomo. MnRobt. Hay in the. Unmerv'e Candidate for Centre Tor mm Deservlng of Praise. Too much cannol be exprede in (mm ofthul unsurpassed remedy for cat‘th cnlds. asthma. enoup‘ so-o Ihnout, and :W inns: cman ints. lfyou sufth f-mn 1e~ L’H‘Cted colds. try Humard'a Pram-mu Balsam. The cost is trifling. only 25 ms At the close of th» meeting \I r. Wallace» called for lhree cheers lor the Queen. “hit'h were hurtily given. us may alsu cheers for Messrs. Wallace, Mackenzie and Bodgius Mr Abell, of Woodbridge. not“! that in l 187‘ ho lold mruufuctmu in the North-« out to tho Vulna of $800. In 1878 he did not loll my, bat Itucc then his Iale had l greatly increased and in 1881 he sold 145 1 000 '0th ofstock and bod to refute order. for $l6.000 more. lf lawyers View the only elm that. Mr. Belgium and his friend. would prote’cl. then our artizunu and me- chanic: moat go to I foreign country to earn their bread. Mechanic: were better of in Protected c'oumriea than in than. and ibis wn ohowu by lhu‘deposim made in the SM- i\ an Bonk. where in the cine: Lowell and VLuwvg-nco. in_th0 fillet. there was $131100, 'The whole meeting was vary urdrrlv. and lha dovpesx anemia" wuu given In the ipeukrn. Our Ipace will not pwmit u ropull of Mr. Mackerliv'a spinach. and muly the very brief synoplls given abuvo uf ME. Wallace's remark: Mr Budgorow came in just an the meeting wan cloned. Mr. Wallace msbed to rreply but he was not allowed. The Pacific Railway S 'ndicale was Mm- slryjylhmfd uny defended Mr. Wallace. was followed by Mr. Mar-- kPHIic who made it guod pom-ch. and binar- lv dennuncod Sir John and lbw “overumvnl, on the Queuinna rrferred ta nbnre. The Rodislribunon Bill was also referred lo. Ind charucmizvd as a step in the right direction of Remain-matron by Popululiou There Would now be u fin-er Ioniosemmimn of nnhlic opiniun Ihnu we tuimeily had. and the Hill had not interfede wnh wulvicii-ul bnundm‘leu us Mr. Mowatdid when he re- distributed Ihn consviluencie‘s so as 10 1in- umwrvaliw‘ COUIIIM‘I having a popululi n of 66 000 onlv 3 members, while Reloun coumies with 60.000 poplulion were givm 7 memban _V~... -«uvuu .uJu- v II'IIIIII'I The. Bum-Gary Award was then taken up and Mr. Walluce claimed that there was no disposition on the par! of thu Government to take one nete of land frnm this Province nor had anv action of their: ever shown Inch a desire. The Gnvarnmeut wished Ontario to get a” it was entitled tomnd no more nor less. The athilrutors could n0! find part of the Boundary Bu they made one. but such an act wan tmt legal. and it was only by tefe ing the matter to the Supreme Court or 11w Privy Council that the ques- tion could be settled legally. 'l he Govern- ment were anxmua to have the Boundary Grilled at once and furever, and wear wilam-z to leave it lo the highest courts in the Dominion or Empire. wuâ€" Mr.’ Wslluco went mm the t-rifl'quutiu vary minutely, and pxoved all his uuerlioml I} figures 59 clearly showed that the country had been benefited by Ibo National Policy. and convinced all in the audience that were cnnvincwble than it could not be abglmhed williuul serious injury resulting. Oats and pine ,1 Bee advortisoment Remember tho Pic-Bic gt McDougnll’l grove, Thornbiil, 9n ,WOdhoaday next, 14th inst, There will his grand timo Bnooon Lemâ€"A gold Brooch, with black enamel Ind tbm aria in centre, somewhere betwegn My arrio’ and “tho HIBALD Ofice, oil Ygébge Street. The finder will be rewarded by having ix at this office. I r r The Temperance people of Viokoria Square imend to celebrate Dominion Dsy by I concert. The Momth Cami Fair on Wednes- duy, wan a good one. Prism wen high, especially milch oown. The Monthly Cattle Fall- on WedneI-l SIB'__AI I happmed to b. in your “3' l": ' gfiog on.‘ Pm”. '9" high’ village yesterday efteunoon, and hearing l "9”" 1 ml ° WW" lthnt Mum. Hodgine and Mackenlie j ammo“ Hm when] connnmw ' were to eddrou the electors ot East and ‘ Association, meet in the Masonic HallLWm' Y0“, 0“ “1° _P°liti°al que'mn' chi. Thund“) "ohms. Mr William .of the day, I felt enxwua to hear what eon eputyâ€"Rven of Markham, will “1" "WM 133"“) "y." “P0” Vb“ “an” the mount ground: they would? ask the elecer to place them, the Grits, again in power, NOT Euongn Exggxu,_Th. yahgg after the miserable failure of the Hon. Band '11] not compete for thg Newmuâ€" Alex Maokenlie and his .colleazues, dur- ket prize, at the pro hit; on the 15th, as i 138 we film “10? '3." In Power. find the Secretary has notified them that no ; “3° Pem't‘nt OPPOSinon th“ they 1"" prize will be given, there not being 81"" ‘0 "my 1190‘! menu"; broukht enough Bands entered'for competition. :QM'EM b] the 90‘3""300‘ 3m“ “18‘ mm. 53KBNADI.¢â€"The Aurora Band, and a number of friehdl from that village. visited M r. Chas. Johns. at his new rel- idonoe, Thurubill, on Monflay eveyiug 100mm, Inuruum,vu unvuou - ..... a last. and ppgnt a‘ very plenum ume. __‘AA_ Erna‘né'fnrvored us Mil.) some pretty air; while going through the village. P. O. anlcz.-â€"The mail: at Rich? mond Bill For Ofico close an follows: Morningâ€"goings.North, Sou'h, Welt and East, including Maple, ThornhllL Toronto, Markhgm, at 7 45. Even- ing.â€" going Somh, Eat. and West, at B‘o'clock. Registered letters should be handed in 15 minum outlier. The lawn social.“ Mr Neas’, about a‘ mile south of this Village, on Wednesday owning. was we?! asunded. The Rich. mond Hill Bandwuprelent and Were made the reoipiemo ofa handsome pit in money, which {ill be applied to pur» chuaing new muafo. The pronede of the Social will be given to the Carrville Church Vuuuimu-â€"Nm l. in Victoria HnlL Hr was We] Thurnhill ; No 2. over Patterson’s afice‘ Province and Patterson ; Nu 3. in D. Smith’s Shop,j _â€" Eduelv ; Nu 4. in G. Wilson’s Shop] Hag) Teston‘ . Na 5. in Orange Hall. Wood-r Will h» {nu-.11 bridge; N0 6, in Temperance Hal],}m‘u Mmily lin- Purplevillo ; I\o 7. at A. Todd’i Shop, WW" i'8 "F" i qudbridge; No 9. in Porter’s Shop, 3"’!"“"h h‘” Klienbmg. “ est ~Y01‘kcâ€"NO' 12, in ‘ Owe} co'gfl‘ 5" Royoe’s More. Davenport ; No l3. in W“ :11}; azrlslzcl ‘ J - . A - . Bailey 6 House. Seaton ; No 14, m Fair For “[8 by “H bank Post Ofiioe ; No 15, in Paul’s, ofiice. Weston ; No 16. in J. Lennox’fl house. rear of lot, l6. con. 4 ; No 17. in smenâ€"At Mn; Petermau’s house, corner lot. 15, con. 2 ; sunk“ 8'3“ No 18, in Orange Hall. Eglington ; Nol The funeral to . . , _ â€" V of thqlgzrgest em ‘19, 12 Punk 5 Muse, Dundas bireet‘ was baggy «33135 uh w v. xv. â€"~_Â¥ LOCAL ITEMS. Cnownnn ficmou- Owing to the crowded moans we 'unior Division of our Public Sohqlgfiltbo Trustees have anthoriled théx’waio'hor to permit those in ihe lowest chin; 'to go home after the fol-worm and Moon intermission. in order to give 'iné‘h careful amnion to the other clun- x POLLING STATIONS FOR Wlsr You: ---The following are the Polling Stations for the Electoral Diatlict-ol'Wesl. York ; Brockton.-â€"in Banks and Anderson’s store. Etobicoke.â€"-No 1, in School Home. 8 S. No. 1, Mimicn; No. 2, in School House, 9.9. No. 8: N0 3. in Brook’s Hall. Mano Inn; N0 4 In Scllrml House. S. S. No 7. near Smithâ€" field Parkdule.â€"No 1 in Council Chamber; No 2, m Mrs. Virtue's house corner of' Soruuren St: and Luke Shore Road ; No 3 in the I'M). of M. Wood’s Sltre- corner of \Vost Lodge Avenue & Lnku Show Road, Richmond Hill.“ lSn 1. Council Clwmbrr Pu mer's lilock. B. A.--lt given us pleasure to notice among the name: of thou» who panned the recent unminution at Toronto Uni‘] versitv. and have taken the demo 0!" Bachelor nt‘ Arts, the name of Mr. Armand Teef’y, of this village. He took theArts murue. and in some branch- es obtaimd an wrotat standing .Hil success is the more gratifying to himself and friends. as a severe ‘illnels during 'the winter prevented him from devotim! attention to his studies. We understand that Mr. Tcefy is contemplating thew sturlv nflaw. with a firm in Chicago. and in whatever walk of life he may enter, we wish him succefll. Guantanamâ€"In an item in last} week's BEBALD “farting to the umount of money taken in by the Churches in this village. on the 24th of May. the fig { ure 1 was inurteq by name iuudveflanoy. instead of the figqre 2. The error was not detected until: some down on hp; of the pnpeth‘ad ’ ‘ struck 651m oivou- lat-0d The com tatatement is as fol- logp ; Praying; an ({hgroh _ Receipt. ‘ Al‘ll‘ LACROSSEâ€"The "Young Canadians" of this village 20 to Bradford on Suturâ€" dny, to play a mulch with the "Fearless" club of that. plane The following are the players in the Richmond Hill team : â€"0. Savage, A. Puusley, S. S. Scarle. W. Wiley. B. Powell, B Brown, G. Wright. J. MoConaghy, '1‘. Young. W. Major, CL Puwell. and J Piper Field Cay-min. G. Derry. Ball to'be faced at 1.30 p. m. ‘ Muomo.â€"M tho ‘ last meeting of Richmond Lodge, No‘ 23. G. R. 0.. in this village, the following oflicerl wen-g 'elected for the ensuing yeav : W. M.. W.Bro. Jamei Reynaldo; 9. W., Bro. G. Leek ; J. W.,‘ Bro. J. Elliot ;Treas,. Bro. Wm. Trend: ; Sect. Bro. D T. Fuirbairn; Tyler, N. Davis. W'l‘hoquWl-‘E taken at 111: mm Sprung Exhibitiqn. by Mr. Wm. »Bo‘yn_lon, of Markham ; Sow, huge breed, need. In prize ; under 1 your. lat pnle ;Boar, aged. 2nd prize, Berkshire, under 1 year. 8rd prise ; Saw,- 3rdprize; Boar. "nail breed, aged, lat Prize. " at Pattenon vn; ......... written to N C Wallace. Elq. M.P., asking for Mlpl of the North-Went, and ofi‘ering for n cousfiernlion to take u trip to Maui- tubs. no as to be out of the way on the'201h of Juno. No doubt the cute one! among the obnructionim will have a me. chuckle over Ihe pronpeu of a case of bribery and corruption. but it won’t work Johnny, you will hue to try another dodge. Sherwood, June 6th, 1882. A Farinar's Opinion of the Grlt Pow Wow. To the Editor of the Herald: One of the longing Grit: of this riding 1.13: .-n After listening to Mr. Hodzins long ' harrangue, in which he brought forward the usual threadbare platitudes. used by him on all such occasions, the burden of his Wailing and agony being the nonâ€" . acceptance of the Boundary Award by ‘ the Dominion Government. he, (Mr. Hodgius.) trying to illustrate his argu- ments with what he called a map. “lllch by the way,’ must have cost him wgreat amount of mental labor to manufacture, but which is about as much like a map iot’ the country he intends it to represent. l as it is like a. map of a' section of the I moon. Now, Mr H’odgins does, or ought to know. that the award that he makes such ad" about,~ is not worth the i paper upon which it is Written, except- ‘ ion: in so‘ far as that it has given some 1 of his Grit l‘rte nds some very nice pick- :ings. for instance. Mr Blake 8600 tor lone day’s eu-rvice. He (Mr Hodgins.) 1 also knows that the question of the die- ‘puled boundary can only he finally and permanently settledlby the highest (Jourt of Justice in the realm, and in which :1 way it might haw been settled ten years "ago. had Mr Blake complied wnh Sir 'vahn A MacDonald's request; Had he i I (Mr Blake.) done so. the question; ' which is such a hughear to the Grits ‘ | Would long 320 have been at rest, and ’ Ontario Would have recetVed every acre of land that belonged to her. and the country would hare escaped the great fl expense incurred through. the more . i than useless arbitration. ‘ t l l Smenâ€"At Maple, on Friday,2nd June, Mrs Snider, aged 64 years. The funeral took place on Sunday, and was one ‘ of the largest ever seen in Vaughan Mrs Snider was highlvreapactndby all} and. lm'ad by the poor, to whom she was a land mend Will h» luuud u-vulnmhie for all rdrpuses M'a Mmily linimenl. Irnnwdia‘tr ralio-f wull fullnw ils usr- in nll cases hf pnin in lhp slumuch bowels or side : vhvnmutism. Colic. colds. sprains and bruises FM in-- ternal and exneuml use. I! has no equal In the world for when it is recommended For sale by all dealers at 25 ms per bullle. Globe any: that Wont Yutlt at the nth generaleleclions will haw- .n uppnrtuhity of getting rid v)! the prevent nonentity, Mr. Walluc». rand elm-ting Mr.- Tht-s llndgi: a. ThPrP is no doubt that the elm-turn bf Wo-rt York will lmve the om-mtunity; but we will be greatlv surprmed if the. electms in- atead of ant-ning Mr Vt ullm'P. a believer in the ua'imtal turafi' and an advocate of Sir John Mucdnnuld’s t-nlt;zht~twd t‘nithv pmicy. will elect a Mind mt“ 'l‘uronm luw- H mm worn 'm pnhtitnl hank My “‘ al- ien dun nut oft-«n sptak m the Hnune hul hP t5 a mud mm P- a- d mun- mul mult- lrotn strict nth ntitm to tlu- wislmim h.. fme tht- cmnmtltus of tl‘l: House th‘n fwm lhfi- wi~ fly dt't'ltulll»<l‘.t\tz~ M :«fi- lé‘cn «I ('mtw'iyht t: :t‘e ftotry man lttugu (If MFSS s (‘h~-l’og avd yum.» Guelph Hemld Ml‘ P8 t‘u “mum d {35.6"} m. 'ilu f‘nufiiv lesidc ce. Lemuth Mi I: on Flldflv last Hr was Well known throughom the Province and highly respected. Mr Hndgins hsv‘ing voccupied‘ thé floor for ane a while u be spent a great deal of the tune in interlarding his speech wilh what we in the country call Greasers, ia making statemonts that will flatter his trienda. Or by leaving a wrong imprusinn might catch the unwary. he Megan to weary und at last subsidod N. C. Wallace Esq . M P‘ . huviur «nlvred the Enl- ufte- the meeting was opened. it was agreed to gin- 'him on. hour to uddren the meeting. but uto haw he acquitlrd himself, and my unininn of Mr Mnekenziv'a afterwards, I will have to relerva for another etlor. No article aver attained such unbounded popularity in so short a nun» as Burdock Blond Him-n and that too during the u~ inn-nee of counties; numbers of widely advmlined hillrrn nnd blond l‘urlfif‘ll It in ovi‘do-m that this medicine begins its work .1 once. and loans no desirable rfi'oct unat- mined. After Mr‘Hodgim hudfl delivered him- nelf of the Boundary part, of his oration'. which, with the help ofhis greet map; he seemed to have by rote. whoelâ€"bny‘ like. he became a little-confused. and murdered frhm one" question to mother, utriking right and left. domolirhing Bnltonvillo. Jun: 6th. '82. iii? non. Kw last he ran foul of (the Ngtionnl,Policv,~ A! first he tried to mnke it appear that if the Grits got in- to power. they would not interiors with the N P But the cloven hoof soon thawed itself when he tried to cram down the throats of his hearers. that a. yard of cotton that cost eight cents per per yard under the Mnekenzir Government. now cost eightevn cvntl per \mvd. at which “moment l noticed that a number of the, mont rigidly faithful gave a great gulp. us thnugh it was very hard to uwulIHW. and two or thee in the audience wnre heard to whinper to those next. them.‘whnt at whopp- eti" at which no person could be RMpI'lEPYl, as there wns not a man nrosettt in the hull, but. knth very well that. he could purchase as many vm-ds of cotton for one dollar at the [urgent time. as he could at any time pwviuun. and of equally as good qualitv. ‘- n... A N166 Little Ruse. Hagyard'a Yellow Oll BEAT H . Wm You: Fun: in. Yours. ac" FA Rum. gmth Whilst. Montreal is a_mode1 city in msny respects. it. is not exactly a quarter section of Paradise, as Capt- Geo. Murphy. Chief of Government Police can testify. A reâ€" porter of a Montreal )oulnal united upon ‘jhvil gentleman a short time ago, tad put ‘0 him the following_quer_y : .LiA 7‘_‘ "Chwf duties irklome nnd dhnzvroun in vuurfuzngigo milling '1'" v 1 “Irkeome.” replied Mr. Murphy. “I eel- dom find them : but. that the are attended with danger in very true. here in danger to be faced. of course. from wind. wenth r. and crimimle, and the lent oftheee dung} in not those of exponure and bed weether. The heavy, moi-t atmosphere that. gather. over the water in very conducive to rheuma- tism. and many of my men eufi'er from that complaint more or Ian I believe that our ‘ danger from expomre from thietime forward i is peat. as St. Jecnbu Oil. if applied in time I in cases of rheumatism. has a wonderful r way of knocking the! malady out of people. t It certainly relieved me of a severe pein m ; my shoulders " SatM’aotory Raoqu In Montreal A grnnd Bazaar with distribution of 33m " to ho bald It. the city of Guelph on Wednesdayflhursdny, Ind Fridny 2m, 22nd and 23rd of June. The object of the Ba» mm: in to Illilt in paying ofi‘ a Mom:qu debt no the Hospital and House of Prom- deuce, amounting to $2 600, which no under the supervision of the Sisten of St. Joseph. The Mayor of Guelph as also the members of the Dominion and Local House with other prominPut names countenance the- undertaking. Wm. O’Connor. Guelph, is the Secretary. Tickets 50 cents each. Peeple have no more right In become dvspeptic. and Iemuiu gloomy and miser- able Ihun they h ve to take poison and cummit suicide) It the stomach becomuâ€"s weak and l'mls m perform m functions. Bmdock Blood Bit‘ers will speedily remedy The trouble. The public accounts of Ontario show : that Mr. Hodgms drew about 82,000" 3 for the year ’81 and ’82. It would he 1 a great pity to elect him to the House of Commons, as it possibly might. prevent him feeding at the public crib of Ontario. If he is not elected the Premier of On- tarians a Christian man will certainly feel it an imperative duty to do him a good turn. before the year is out. Any- way. do you not think, electors of West lYork. that we have a suficient number Inf Chancery Lawyers-in the House of Commons at the present time, without I adding to the number. Between tiio two men who ask your sufi'rageo. there can be no question who will make the‘ heat representative. One is a lawyer living in Toronto.and the other liven among. and does business with you to n‘ large-Aamount every year. Cut your Exrcutors of the last will and testament of the said Duncan McCallum, their Christian and Surnames. addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of hair claims. a. statement of their accounts, and the nature of their securities. (if any) bud by them, and that immediately after the ski"! Fourth Day 0! July, A. D 1882, the Assets of the Estate of the said Duncan Men Callum,will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, havin reference only to the claims,“ whichnotices 511 have been furnish- ed to the Executor’s, as above required, and the mid Executor’s shall not be liable for the Assets or any part therent. to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them or'their Solicitors, at the time of distri» mm‘ BULL & MORPHY, fol: N. C. Wallace. 6 Solicitors for Executors. Dated at Toronto. the 20”: Day of May. 41,1). 1882. In he Countv nf York. Division Court Clerk, Woodbridge. Deceased, who died on or about the Are hereby notifiv (I to send, by post prepaid. on or before the Patterson. June “11.1”: NDER and by virtuo of anind at Ontario, Chl‘p. 107. Setction 84, the audit- orl o Messrs. Bull 85 Morphy, or other 3093‘. Wood, doltnred u out Woxkl Patterson a Ire.» llllNEAN MBEALLIIM ! TOWNSHIP OF' VAUGHAN V John Md‘allum. John Kaiser, and N. ( 'larke Wallace, Fourth Day of Ju'y A. D. 1882. OATS, GOOD PINE NOTICE ! BOLD BY ALL DBUGGISTS AND DIAL!!! IN HBDIOINB. RHEFJMATISM; No Prcpnnflon on earth «ugh 3?. he”. On. I: u cafe, cure, simple Ind cheap Enema Remedy A trial onum but (ht compuulvoly wining outlay o! 150? (mu. mud "on an. "flaring 33h pin an Inn chap and palm" M d It: ml. . Directions in Eleven languages. Nauru/gin, Sciatica, tumbago, ' Packacfho, Saran": of the cam, Gout, Quins], Sore Throat, Swall- ings and Sprains, Burn: and Smith, General Bodily Pains, Toot/I, Ear- and Headache, Frontal Foot and Ears, and all other Pains and delta. Fourth Day OfJuly, A. D. l878. A. VOGELER J; 00‘ EXECUTOR’S CASH PAID FOR Solicitor for Late 0! the TORONTO 1°08 Douala". Ill" 1 “I M]- '1. WIDDIIGG. Wedding Pinion loom all the go stound‘ hero of hue. Four Inn "panel! .3 the" Buyer’s ofiicc‘ 1w. Week 'l‘hiligonndo well‘ for the N. PL ' A "man llfl'lL. Tho other day I Itrlnger timing our town! took the Temperance Hall for In Hold. No doubt the man mm A right. Thus is lame talk shout running In old‘ ‘Gent,’ now reudmg It the Bowl. for our town 'Lawyer,’ u the prmnt on. bu got‘ such a Inrge coatncl for digging Ilumpl on buud. that he cannot stand to ‘ho bulinm' afl'airs of our town. ‘ The Painm ha: been an lick Iiucn tho 24th. but we are very happy tn no him- around again. Biliouu foul-loode to ham been the can» A few duyl ago it was hinted around town that n wading Uri! of No 4r Snb-di'il- ion went to the oi" und no: lo full of "Tangle-tuned whilkey" that ho Itopped “zero um flu I and want with! loo» clung. ho had and find to walk home. No doubt your fxiond J. A. S. 8.. net-our the It, would rather hue ginn s dolla- Ifin luv. this Ink out. ' \ Jar. Gee: ‘ m ‘ ‘ o SURGEON DENTIST, has | ' - removed to 87 King street East, J Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a mann- ar to sui each patient. Particular attention ' given to t e preaerva-tion and regulation of the natural meet-h, carefully avoiding all unnecess- ary pain. Office hours frqm 8 a. m. to 6 1). mm ‘ Private resldenco 209 J cums street. WELLAND' C‘ANAIi-v 2 SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undo!- nigned. and endorud "Tender for the Welland Cennl,"will be rocolvod at thin ofloo until the andan of the Eastern end. Venom Kalle, on TUESDAY. the eleventh any 0! Jul nut. for certain alterations to be undo to. en the lengtheylng of Look No. a ext-the “no of the old Welland Canal. A map 0! the locality together with plan and Ipeclfiqulemgf the work: to be ,donei out be . A~;_An_-“-x.x_... __l_---l- Teston, May 39th, ’83. unuuwu‘l..- v- __ .V __ .- _-,V noon at thin 03108, and at the lulhnt in net'- office, Thorold, on “M “to: TUESDA , tho‘ twenty-seventh a” of Jun. mt, < who" prinfifl‘ forms of tender can be optgipeg. __ ., , J“; L‘ALK mom Contractors are r‘xquested to bear in mind thus Tenders for the different, works must be accom- pnnied by an accepted bank cheque. as 19119)," :_ For the Fenelon Falls work...... Moon. Do Buckhorn Rapids work $500 Do Burleigh Falls work... $1,500 And that these respective amounts shall be for- fened if the patty tendering declines entering in~ to contract for the works at the rates and fines subminted subject to the conditions and rm! stated in tile specifications. The cheques thus sent in will bo returned to the élidfierent parties whose tenders are not lo- 061’. 9 ‘_ Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 22nd May, 1882. and other works at Feuelon Fun- : also, 8h. eonv struotion of a. Look at Buckhom Rapids; and for‘ the cons-imminn of three Loch. 3 Damn Ind Bridge Plays {It Bu_rloi_gh_ Falls._ This Department does not, however. bind itul! to accept the lowest or am' under. D signed, and endorsed Tender for the MUR BAY CANAL." will be received at this once an til the arrival of the eastern and western menu on Tummy, mm mxwr-emvxxru DA! or Jam: NEXT. for'the formation of n Canal to con" nnet the head waters of the Buy 01 Quint. with" Presquile Harbor, Lake Ontario. _ > The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the “fictive parties whose tendon are not nee ml in Department coe- not, however.btnd KICK w Mum the Iowan or any tender. By order, roman Fall's. Bukgqg ppm 5nd W7 The work at each of these places wfll‘ be let sepm‘stel'v. Maps of the respected l‘oeaJities. together with plans and specifications of the works, cenzbe seen at this ofl‘ice on and afflor WEDNESWAY, the Twenty-first Day of June next. where‘ printed forms of Tender cm: be obtained. A like‘ulesa of information relative to the works at Fenelon Falls will be furnished at that place. and for those at Buckhorn and Burleigh intonation may be obtained at the resident Engineer's omen- Pgterhorqugh. I ‘ Avluan u. nun-u. m... ~v _________ Contractors are reqnenmd to bow in mind mm an accepted Bank Cheque for the mm of 01,500,“ must accomynny ouch tender, which mm shalt- bo forfeited ’1! the art ‘tendorlng deolhu to our tar into confirm: or Q o exnimon of m. work» at the raul'und prion "bummed. Infimbjoet to” the condition sud tom: lined in din Imam-v" Contractors are required to beam in mind am In accepted bunk chaqne for ma _ mm of “.000 must accompany each tendonwhish mm on“ be torteitad it the any tendering dcclinol to enter into confront or the vacation of cho work. It the rates and prices submitted, Iubjact to the gongitdons nation the terms “and in can ‘IpOOl~ ca - on. EALED TENDERS. addressed to the and". signed. and endorsed “Tender tor Trenthviv gation," will be received’ at this omen until the‘ arrival of the Eastern: and Weaken: Maill. on‘ WEDNESDgYJheFiItygez at. July. yextlmfor‘ WEDNESDAY, the Filth da. 01 July next, 101" tho_ qustrucugn of Ewe-13in _o_o_ka. Eddy Plan1 MURRAY CANAL» A map of the‘ locality. together with plan und‘ lpecificutinns of the workl, curbs loan at this office and at Bfighton, on and Tunisian- Tnl EIGHTH DAY or Just-x121“, whoa printed female! tender“ can be nMuinedi nap-fluent of Bnflwn I and Cufll, (mun. 22nd “.18” EALED TENDERS, nddnasod to tho under signed, and endorsed "Tender for the MUR ‘I‘mfue .aun'ozu Iii; ' “9‘ .9- to mop. lawn: or my mm. ‘ éqtgonn. m3?- luau-m. The cheque than tenth will be rammed b1 moon's pum- why-Q tgngm gm gdvrrfifimmm, Notice To Contractorar m. of Huh". I and Oman. om". 22¢ lay. 1382. 1’ Chou our own Mondale.) Notice To Contractors. TRENT NAVIGATWN. L914“ @331» in”: Notlce To Contractors. TESTON. By order, By order, c: ADA M_S, L.‘D._S.§ mmmwwuwmmw '0 006. II vmmwuwmwmm” .80 0 0‘ l l‘. EMU 1L F. BRAUN. l‘. BMUH. -( 0 65 0 1'0 h 6‘: 61 83 85 81 ‘ 63 9 M) 9 15 “,2! 3!?! Search" .1 i5

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