Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Jun 1882, p. 4

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Mrs. Crompton was in her room during the evening. Beatrice said but little. Mrs. ‘ .Crompton talked drearin about View topics on which she generally spoke. She never . ‘dered talk about the affairs of the house. Beatrice wus not impatient. for she had no idea of trying to escape before midnight. She lat silently while Mrs. Crompton talked or prosed, absorbed in her own thoughts and plans. The hours seemed to he: intermin- able. Slowly and heavily they dragged on. Beatrice's suspense and excitement grew stronger every moment, yet by a. violent efiort aha preserved so perfect an outward calm ~ that aclaser observer than Mrs. Grompton would have failed to detect any emotion. At last. about ten o‘clock, Mrs. Crompton “retired. with'msny kind wishes to Beatrice, ' and many anxious counsels as to her health. Beatrice listened patiently, and made some general remarlm. after which Mrs. Crompton withdrew. Fear lent wings to her feet. She was al- most afraid to breathe for fear they might 'hear her. She stole on quie ly and noiselessly up the passage that led to the north end, and 3 Mint reached it. " All was dark there. At this end there was adoor. On each side was a kind of recess \formed by the plllars of the doorway. The door was generally used by the servants, and 9.130 by the inmates of the house for conven- xenee. Stanly and quietly she went down stairs. The lights flushed out. through the door of the dining room into the hall ; and as she arrived at the 1001'. of the stairs she heard subdued ' voices in conversation. Her bean boat faster. They were all there ! What if they now discovered her ! What mercy would thsv show her, even if they were capable of mercy ?_ Again she went to the head of the stairway.- The voices wete elill heard. They kept. late hours down more. Gould she try now, while the were still up ? Not: yet. 'v ' 01. yet. The Suspense become agonizing. we wait. l’ But she went back again to her room. ’and smothered her feelings nmil one o‘clock came. Again she went to the head of the stairway. She heard nothing. She could sue a light mnmij’ié‘fiom the door of the dining hall ,‘helow. Lights. also, were burning in the hell itself ; but. she heard no voices. The one idea in her mind was therefore y, flight. She had concealed her journal under a loose piece of the flooring in one of the closets of her' room, being unwilling to encumber herself with it. and dreading the result of a search in case she was captured. She made no other preparations whatever. ._ A'light hat and thin jacket were all that she look to resist the chill air of March. There was a fever in her veins which was height- ened by excitement and suspense. »_ Suddenly, as she stood them. she heard footsteps. A figure came down the long ball sun-13hr. toward her. There was not the siigl best chance of concealment here. There were no pillars behind which she might crouch. She must stand. then, and take the FLIGHT. The last entry in Beatrice’s journal was made by her in the hope that it might be the last. Six-e stéod despairing. Only one way was now left and that lay through the hall-door itself. In her life at Brandon Hall her soul had grown stronger and more resolute. Besides, it had now come to this, that henceforth she must either stay and accept the punishment which they might contrive or fly instantly. For the had dared them to their faces; she she haé tolgt than of their crimes ; she had threatened punishment. She had said that .qhe was the avenger of Despnrd. If she had ‘desired instant death she could have said no more than that. Would they pass it by ? She knew their secretâ€"the secret. of secrete ; she had proplaimed it to their faces. She had called Potts a Thug and disowned him as her tether ; what now remained? Quietly and swifily she stole away. and glided, like a. ghost, along the entire length of the building. It; was quite dark at the south and as it had been at the north. She reached the door without accident. There was no key in it. It was locked. Esggpe by {hat way we. impossible. She stood for some time in despair. She thought of other ways of esoape. There was the hall-door. which she did not dare to try, 101' she wouid have to pass directly in front of the dining-room. Then there was the south door atthe other end of the building, which was seldom used. She knew of no others: She determined to try the south door. The noise of that key as it grated in the look gents thrill through the heart of the trembling listener. It seemed to take all hope from her. The servants departed. She had not been discovered. But what was to be done ? She had not been prepared for this. "‘ Anyone," send the other. quletly. “ Out blessed young master has, no doubt, been out this ygayt” ‘ And Iayihg this, the man locked the door And took out the key. Both oi them than descended to the servants’ hall. " Nonsehse l Yofi’re making a fuss about nothing Loc_l_< the door agd come_a:19ng." “ Afiyhow, I'm responsibie. and I'll Eat a precious overhauling 1f shia thing goes on. I‘ll take the key with me this time.” “, No; he hasn’t. He hasn’t stirred from his whiskey since eight o’clock.” . She could do nothing. therefore, but wait. They came nearer, and at last reached the door. “ Hallo l ” said one. as he turned the key. It’s been unlocked ! " “ It hain’n been locked yet,” said the other. I! “ Yes. it has. Ilooked it myself, an hour ago. Who could have been here ?” But how? The-re was no time for hesitam tion. Without stopping to think she slipped into one of the niches for the projecting pil- lars. and gathered her skirts class about her so as m be as little conspicuous as possible. There she stood awaiting the result. She hslt wished that she had turned back. For if she were now discovered in evident. concealment whn excuse could she give? She could no: hope to bribe them for she had no monev. And. what was worse, these servants were the two who had been the most isolent .to her from the first. The Turning of the Long, Long ’ Lane. But one thing flight. And this she was hilly resolved to try. She prepared naming To gain the outside world was all she wished The need of money was not thought of ; not it had been would it have made any difference. She could have not obtained it. The key was in it. There was no light in the immediate vicinity. Around it all was gloom. Near by was a stairway, which led to the Iorvants‘ hall. She took the key in her bands. which trembled violently with excitement,and turned it in the look. Sumoer had she done so when she heard footsteps and voices behind her. She looked hastily back. and to her sonow. saw two ser~ vents approaching with a. lamp. Conceal- ment was her only plan. , ‘Bhe went back, controlling her excitement as best she might. At. last, after a long, long suspense, midnight soundedh ‘ She was now left to herself, and two hours still remained before she could dere to ven- ture. She paced the room fretfully and anxiously, wondering why it. was that the time‘eeemed so long. and lookinz from time to time at her watch in the hope of finding that half an hour had passed, but seeing to her dieappoinbment that only two or three minutes had gone; At last eleven o'clock came. She stole out quietly into the hall and went to the top of the grand stairway. There she stood and listened. The sound of voices came up from the din- ing room, which was near the hall door. She knew to whom these voices beIOuged. Eridanus it was not yet the time for her venture. PlTCHERY-BIDGERY. BY MONSIEI"? DEMOULTN. OHAPTE R XXXII. The pursuer came up. So dense was the gloom in that thick grove that for some time he could not find her. Beatrice heard the crackling of the underbruah all around. He was searching to:- her. A5 last, through utter weakness and weari~ ness, she sank down. Despair cameovpr her. She could do no more. . So she fled ; andsfterher came her remorse- less, her unpinying pursuer. Fear lent Wings to her feet. She fled on through the under- brush tha‘ crackled as she passed and gave notice of her track through the dark, dense groves ; yet still amidst darkness and gloem her pursue): followed. Onward she sped, and still onward. through the dense underbrush, which at every step gave notice of the direction which she had taken. Perhaps if she had been wiser she would have plunged into some thick growth of trees into the midst of absolute darkness and there remained still. As it was she did not think of this. Escape was her only thought. and the only way to this seemed to be my flight. Beatrice gave herself up for lost. She rushed on wildly, not knowing Where she went. Behind her was the sound of her purâ€" suer. He followed resolutely and relentlessly. There was no refuge for her but continued flight. To dart into the thick trees where the shadow lay deepest was the work of a moment. She stood and watched. But the underbtush was dense. and the crackling which she made attracted the man's attention. He stopped for a. moment, and than rushed straight to- ward the place where she was. consequences. 0:, rather, would it not 1‘. better to walk forward and meet the new comer ?‘ Yes; that would be‘ beat.- Sh determined to do so. So, with a quiet, sl‘ow step she walked back through the long 'couidor. About hall-way she met the other. He stopped and started back. - “ Miss Pottsl ” he exclaimed in surprise. It was the voice of Philips. “ Ah, Philips,” she said. quietly, “ I am walking about for exercise and amusement. [ cmnot sleep. Don’t be itartled. It’s only Late as It was there were lights in the lodge and voices at the door. Some one was talk.- ing with the porter. Suddenly the voices ceased, a man came walking toward the place where she stood. “ Never mind," said Philips mysteriously. “ It will be all righc. I dare not tell. But cheer up.” , “ What do you mean by friends ‘2" “ You have friends who are more powerful than your enemies. that’s all," said Philips, hurriedly. “ Cheer up.” Beatrice wondered. A vague thought of Brandon came over her mind. but she dismissed it at ones. Yet the thought: gave her a d icious joy, and at once dispelled she ext me agitation which had thus far disturbed her. Gould Philips be connected with him ? Was he in reality con- siderate about her while shaping the course of his gloomy vdigeance ? 'lhese were the thoughts which flashed across her mind as she stood. Philips stood like one pamiyzed. “ Don’t be cast down," he said at last in a trembling voice. “ You have friends, power- ful imends. They will save you." “ What do yeti mean ‘2" agked Beatrice, in wonder. Which way should she go? There was the main avenue which led in a winding direction toward the gate and the porter's lodge. There was also another path which the servants generally took. This led to the gate also. Beatrice thought that by going down this path she might come near the gate and then mm 03 to the wall and try and climb over. A few moments of thought were sutfioiont for her decision. She took the path and hurried along. keeping on the side where the shadow was the thickest. She walked swiftly, until at len‘gth she came to a place where the path ended. It was close to the potler’s lodge. Here she paused to consider. " I don't understand." said she. at last; “ butIhope it may be as you say. God knows, I need friands !” ' She walked away, and Philips also went onward. She walked slowly, until at last his amps died out in the distance. Then a. door banged. Evidently she had nothing to fear from him. At last she reached the main hall. and stopped for a moment. The lights from the dining-room were still flashing out through the door. The grand entrance lav before her. There was the door of the hull, 'che only way of escape that now remained. Dsfe shertrry it ? ’ She deliberated long. Two alternatives lay before herâ€"to go bank to her own room, or to try to pass that door. To go back was as re- pulsive as death, in tact more so. It the choice had been placed lull before her then, to die on the spot or to go back to herroom. she would have deliberately ehosen death. The though of returning, therefore, was the last upon which she could dwell, and that of going forward was the only one left. To this she gave her attention. She looked all around. The hall was wide. On the opposite side the wall was but feebly lighmd. The hall lights had been put out, and those which shone from the room ex tended forward but a short distance. 1: was just .poesible :hezefore to escape observation by crossing the doorway along the wall that was mosfdmtant train it. “ We‘ll have to begin to-morrow and take her down~that's a. fact.” Tuis was followed byiailenoo'. ' Beatrica reached the door. She turned the knob, Oh. joy I it Was not locked. It opppgd._ . The moon shone brightly. It {illuminated the lawn in front and the tops of the clumps of trees whose dark foliage rose before her. She saw all this ; yet, in her eagerness to escape. she saw nothing more, but sped away swiftly down the steps, across the lawn, and under the shade of the trees. At last she made up her mind, and ad- vanced cautiously, close by the wall. toward the hall-«1001‘. . After a time she reached the door of the dining-room. Could she venture to pass it. and. how ? She paused. She lis- tened. There were low voices in the room. [‘hen they were still awake, shill able to detect her if she passed the door. The three were there at the farthest end of the room. Bottles and glasses stood before xhem, and they were conversing in low tones Those tones, however, were not so low but ehat they reached her ears. They were speaking about her. “Noiselesaly she passed through ; noiselessly she shut it: behind her. She was outside. She was free. “ Then how could that cursed girl have found out about the Thug business 7" ex- claimed John, 7 -. P _ There was no reply. " She’s a deep one," said John. “ dâ€"d d capâ€"deeper than I ever thought. I always said she was plucky â€"oursed pluckyâ€" but now I see she's deep tooâ€"and I begin to have my doubts about the way she ought to be wok down.” “ Yer," said Clark. “ Nobody but the devil could have told her that, and my belief is that she’s the devil himself‘ She’s the only per- son I ever felt afraid of. D-n it, I can’t look her In the face." Beatrice retreated and passed across to the opposite wall. She did not wish to see or' hear more. She glided by. She was not noticed. She heard John's voiceâ€"sharp and clear-â€" Yet before she tried this she ventured to put fOrward her head so as to peep into 3118 room. She stooped low and looked cautious- ly and slowly. “ Mrs. Compton only knows one thing," said Poms. “ and that is the secret about. b_er. __She knows nothing more. How could “ I never could make her out,” said Potts. " And now I don’t even begin to understand how she could know that. which only we hmve known. 'Do you think. Clark, that the devil could have told her of it '2" 7 “ How could she have found it out ?” said Clark. she 1’" “ 0h. Despard!" he continued, after a pause in which the other had turned his face to him without a. wordâ€" " 0h, Despard 1 you as’k me to tell you this secret. Idare not. It is so wide-spread. If my fancy be true, then all your life must at once he unsettled, and all your soul turned to one “Look.” said Laughetti in a mournlul voice. " Saw \ you ever in all your life any one so perfectly and so faultleasly beautiful? Oh. if you could but have seen her, as I have done, in her moods of inspiration. when she sang I Could I ever have imagined such a fate as this for her ?” Bestrioe’s head leaned against Despard’s shoulder as she reclined against him. sus- tained by his arm. Her face was upturned ; a face as white as marble. her pure Grecian features showing now their faultless lines like the sculptured face of some goddess. Ber beauty was perfect in its classic outline. Bul her eyes were closed. and her wan white lips parted ; and there was sorrow on her face which did not seem appropriate to one so‘ yougg. » “A - r V A V ‘ _ “No, Despardfi’ said iLanghetni, ” Not now. The time may come, but; it has not yet” ” I cannot solve it," said Langhetti, “and therefore I will not tell in." “ Tell it. whatever it is.” “ No, it is only conjecture as yet and I will not utter it." ” And it affects me f" “ Deeply." ‘ “ Therefore tell it." “ Therefore I must. not tellit ; for if it prove baseless I shall only excite your feeling in vain." “ At any rate let me know. For I have the wildest fancies, and I wish to know if it is possjlgle tyat they are like your own." Sourcely had she mk’en twenty steps when she heard a noise. Some one was moving. She stood still, breathless. Then she thought she had been mistaken. Afcer wailing along time she went on as before. She walked faster. The noisé came again. It was close by. She stood sgill for many minutes. Beatrice thought that he had gone. Yet in her fear she waited for what seemed to her an interminable period. Afi last she ventured to make a movement. Slowly and causiouelyshe rose to her feet and advanced. She did nox know what direction to take; but she walked on. not caring where she went so long as she could escape pursuit. At last a atrong hand seized her by the shoulder, and she sank down upon the mess that lay under the forest trees. “ Who are you 2” cried a familiar voice. “ Vijal I” cried Beatrice. The other let go his hold. “ Will you betray me ?" cried Beatrice, in a mournnt and despairing voice. Vijil was silent. “ What do you want l’” said he, at last. “ Whatever you want to do I will help you. I will be your slave." “ I wish to escape." " Uome thenâ€"you shall escape,” said we. Despstd stooped as he spoke. raised her reverently in his arms. and lifted her upon the seat. He sprang in and put his arms around her senseless iorm, so as to ,eupport her against himself. Lsnghetti looked on with eyes that were moist with a. and yet mysterious feeling. ' Then he resumed his place in the carriage. “ Oh. Langhetti 1” said Despurd. “what is "it that I saw in the face of this poor child that so wrmge my heait? What is this mysv fiery of yours that you will not tell ?" Suddenly she bounded np,‘and ran as one runs for life. Her long rest had refreshed her. Despair gave her strength. But the pursuer was on her track. smmy. and still more EWiley. his footsteps came up behind her. He was gaining on her. Still she rushed on. She crouched down low and 5031:6er dare’i to breathe. She Loek refuge in the (16: p darkness,vand determined to wait till her put, suer might give up his search. At last all was stili. ' Without uttering another word he walked on and Beatrice followed. Hope we once more within her. Hope gave strength. De- spair audits weakness had left her. After about half an hour’s walk they reached the park_wall. ' " I thought it was a poacher,” said'Vijal. sadly ; “ yet] am glad it was you, for I can help you. ‘I‘will‘ belp_y_ou oyer ghe wall.” _ “ PXCKED UP ADRIFT." 0n the morning following two travelersleft a small inn which lay on the road-side, about ten miles north of Brandon. 1|; was about eight o’clock when they took their departure, driving in their own carriage at a moderate pace along the road. " Langhetti.” said he. “ let us not leave this sweet angel exposed to this bleak wind. We must take her back to the inn. We have gained our object. Alas ! the gain is worse than a failure.” “ What can we do 7" " Let us put her in the carriage between us. and drive back instaptly.” r ‘u God bless you; Vijéx; {nEgEJâ€"iiye I” said she. Vijal said nothing. The next moment she was on the other side. The road lay there. It ran north away from the village. Along this road Beatrice walked swiftly. F‘i‘ T“ ‘- She appears to be drunk, Despard," said Laughebti. “ Poor watch, and on this bleak March morning too I Let us stop and see if we can do anything for her." They drove on, and as they met the woman Despard stopped. She was young and extraordinarily beautiâ€" ful. Her face was thin and white. Her clothing was of fine materials but scanty and torn to shreds. As they stopped she turned her large eyes up despairingly and stood still, with a. face which seemed to express every conceivable emotioh of anguish and of hope. Yet as her eyes rested on Lenghetti a ohsnge‘ came over her. The deep and unuuerable sadness of her face passed away. and was succeeded by a radiant flash of joy. She threw out her arms toward him with a. cry 0! wild entresty. ‘*’l‘E’e§ mouZenc tfiirfifihghm started up and stood for an instant as if pam- lyzed. Est cry came to his ears. He leaped from the carriage toward her, and caught her in his arms. _ ‘ “ 0h, Bias 1 Aha, my Bicina !" he cried, and a thousand fond words came to his lips. Beatrice looked up with eyes filled with grateful tears; her lips murmured some in- audible sentences ; and then, in the full as- surance of safety. the resolution that had sue mined her so long gave way altogether. Her eyes closed, she gave a low moan, and sank senseless upon his breast. Langhetti supporttd her for a moment then gently lald her down to try and restore her. He chefed her hands. and did all that is usually done in such emergencies. But here the case was different â€"-ih was more than a, c >mmon faint, and the animefiion now 3113‘ pended was not to be restored by ordinary eflorte lie-raised be: up. ‘ She forhihrliére'dfiié the top. yhgre she rested for a moment. - “ Look; Laughetti," said the one who was driving, pointing with his whip to an object in _the rfmd _dire_ctlyrin (rout of them. Laughetti raised his head. which had been bowed down in deep abstracfion. to look in the direction indicated. A figure was up proaching them. It looked like a woman She walked very slowly, and appeared rather to stagger than to walk. Langhetti bowed over her as he abated, her hands. " Ah, my Bioina," he cried, “ is it thus -I find you! Ah. poor thin hand! Alas, Awhite wan has I What suffering has been yours. pure angel, among those fiends of hell l" He paused, and turned a face of agony to- ward Deapard. But as he looked athim he saw a grief in his countenance that was only second to his own. Something in Beatrice‘s appearance had atrnck him with a deeper feeling than that merely human interest which the generous heart feels in the sufierâ€" ings of others. CHAPTER XXXIII. “ if she’s go} 06 she has taken with her shine secrets that won’t do us any good,’ remarked John. ' " The devil of ii is,” said Putts. " we don’t. know how much she does know. She must “I don’t think she's killed herself,” said Potts, in reply to .an observation of Clark. “ She's got atqu enough in her to do it, but I don‘s believe she has. She's playing a deeper game. I only wish we could fish up her dead body out of some pond ; it would quiet mat- ters down very considerable." That evening, Potts and his two companions dined in moody silence, only conversing by fits and Marts. - The rage of Pens need not be described here. That one who had twice defied him shouid now escape filled him with fury. H'e organized all his servants inno bandeyand they scoured the grounds till darkness put an end to these operations. No satisfaction therefore could be gained from her. The servants tried to find traces of her, but were unable. A1: length toward evening, on Pott's retuin from the bank, the news was communicated to him. 7x pawns: 'geiegagi mpg." n um you rouse my curiosity to afintolemble degrge?" 3 Lighetti spoke with a; wild nfi’VGhBMEm urgency which was wonderful. | n 7- Be it so ; at any rate it is bar to suffer from curiosity than to feel whfiyou must feelif.1.tqld you what} I suspect}. ' (Janna XXXIV. on man TRACK. Beatriee's disappearance was known at Brandon Hall on the following day. The servants first made the discovery. They found her absent from her room, and no one had seen her about the house. It was an unusual thing for her to be out of the house early in the day,and of late for many months she had scarcely ever left her room, so that now her absence at once excited suspicion. The news was communicated from one to another among the servants. Afraid of Potts, they did not dare to tell him. but first souaht to find her by themselvss. They called Mrs. Compton, and ' the loan: which perpetually possessed the mind of this poor, timid orea- ture now rose to a positive frenzy of anxiety and dread. She told all that she knew, and that was that she had seen her the evening before as usual, and had left her at ten o’clock. “ Do not acknowledge it, than] implore you. Fox-gm it. Do not open up l15 more. that old and now almost forg sorrow Th_ink_notrof ia‘evelrl f0 yourpglhj’, tutu u. 1 vuxu JUIL Wu!» 1 Burycuu. . Had it been any other man: Laughs“! Deepard would have been often ' . As at. was he said nothing. but began to c cture as to the best course for them to fall'- “II is evident."said he to Lyhefii,“ Q1“ she has escaped from Brando Hall dunnll the past night. She will. no 41M. be PM sued. What shall we do ? 13,9 80 back ‘0 this inn they will wonder at o ringing her- Thare is another inn 8. mile mher 00-" v_ _ “I have been thinking othat," 1891180 Laughem. " It will be bettefio 80 t0 the other inn. But what shall wfiy BbOU‘ her ? Let us say she is an invalid dug honfit”. dark purpose. lever will I turn j 150 that purpose will I know the truth ndfibe possibility of a doubt." “ IV saw that in her face.” sai efipfil’d, “ which I hardly dare aoknowle to m)?‘ self.” ‘ , “ And an; '1’ fiérifizéii‘cfilé'afim 7" asked Desp_a_rd. » _. . A slow journey brought them by easy stages to Holby. Beatrice {emained unconp anions. A nurse was procufed, who traveled with her. The condition of Beatrice was the same which she inscribed if] her dairy. Great grief and extraordinary sufiering and excite- then: had oval-tasked the brain, and it had given way. So Despard and Langhetti con- jectured. ” What is this ?" oriéd Mrs. Thorntbn. whovhad heard nothing from them, and ran out upon the piazza to meet them as she saw theng coming. ' ,_A ‘ ,__ _ ‘ 1 “.0. “ I have found Bica,”snid Langhetti, "aha have brought her here.” "I Where is she ?" “'There," said Langhetti. “ I give her‘to your‘ careâ€"it is for you to give her back to ".Nolthat is not necessan You are her guardianâ€"the Rector of Boy, of course- yourgqmpe is gufiicientrguarhee." . 7n! “ Your sister," said Deapard. “ shall nurse her back *0 health. She will do 59 for your sake, Langhettiâ€"or lather from her own noble and genaral instincts. In Thormon Granae she will. perhaps, firid_aome alleviatiogdor the sorrow which she may have 'jeuflnred. W911 beggud her and we can all They saw that rest was the one thing needed. But rest could‘be better ‘ettained in Holby than here; and besides. there was the danger of pursuit. It was necessary to re- move her ; end that. too, without delay. A close carriage was procured without much flifliculty, and the patient was deposited there- m. A - , A: last they reached Holby. They drbve at once to Thornton Grange. “ 011."? said Deap;l:d? an" a. pause, “ I’ll tell you something battery“. I am 118'” brqchgr and_shg is_my simian Miss D‘espard.” Langhetti did not say a. word. but looked at Despmd and the on whom he thus called his adopted sister with an emotion which he could not control. Tears started to his eyes. yet over his brow fihere ca’me something which is not geuenlly associated with tears- ». lofty, exulmut expression,‘¢n air of joy and peace. As he spoke he loolmd doll uponher mar ‘ hle face. He did not see Laghehi‘s count-er nance. Had he done ache would have wondered. For Langhetfl'wyes seemed, to seek to pierce the very soulif Despard. His face became transformed. be usual serenity vanished, and there was eafir wonder, intense and anxious curiosity-anlndeavor to see if there was not some deep waning underlying Despard’s words. But DSpard showed no emotion. He was cons'ov of no deep meaning. He merely mml 'ed to himself as he looked down upo] the unconscious face : ‘ “ If she lives." sail ganghetti. "she must never go back." , . ” Go back! " cried )espard.‘ ",Better far for her ‘0 die." ' - - " I myself would diaathet than give her up." "‘And I too. But she will not die. I will adopt her. Yes. she shall oat away the lmk thy binds her to these a¢urséd onesâ€"her vnle name. I will adopt hm. She shall havefimy nameâ€"she shall be my sister. She shall be Beatrice Despard. . “ And surély," contpued‘Despnrd, looking tenderly down. “ aumly, of the Deipard race there was never one to beautiful and so pure as she.” Put gaze shall be around her, and we can all a. or toge r at utnr we are. They at length reached the inn of which they had spoken, and Beatrice was tenderly lifted out and carried up entire. She was mentioned as the sister of the Rev. Mr. Des- pard, o! Holby, who was bringing her back from the sen. side. whither she had gone ior her health. Unfortunately, she had been too week for the journey. The people of the inn showed the kindest attention and warmest sympathy. 3 A'doctm was sent for, who lived at a. village two miles further on. ' Beatrice recovered from her- him, but fe- meined unconscious. The doctor considered that her brain was aflected. He shook his head solemnly over it, as doctors always do when they have nothing in particular to say Both Lanahetti and Despsrd knew more about her case than he did. " My sick sisterâ€"my star Beatrice." _ Laugbem said not Word. but 89“ "1 silence. absorbed in one htensa and woudeg- mg gaze. Despard seemd to dwell upon tins idea, fondly and tenderly ‘ ' u GLA ;_ __A 4-- _. -..L Lu“: n ..'.:.a 1m “ 'She fling; Brie of Eat brood.”_miid be, after a pause. “ It is imame only that she belongs to them." .vv __V°_-. . “ Heaven has sent hé to us ; we must pre- serve her forever. I “ Theyraigvfigfids anc‘ she is an angel,” said yanghetti. , know a. precious lot, or she never would have dared to say what she did.” “ But how could she get 0115 of the park 7 ” said Clark. “ That wall is too high to climb over. and the gates are all looked.” I '- It’s my opinion," exclaimed John, “ that she’s in the grounds yet.” ‘ Potts shook his head. “ After what she told me it’s my belief she can do any thing. Why. didn’t she tell us all of crimes that were committed before she was bom? I begin to feel shaky, and it is the girl that has made me so.” clPottsfrgwert his feet, plunged his hands deep into 'is pockem, and walked up and down. ' The othars an ip gloomy silenpe: “ Could that Hong Kong nurse of here have told her anything ? ” asked John. “ She didn’t know anything to tell." “ Mrs. Grompton mush have blown, then.” “ Mrs. Orompton didn’t know. I tell you (but there is not one human being iiviug that knows what she told us besides ourselves and her. How the devil she picked it up I don’t know.” " I didn’t like the cu! of her from vthe first,” said John. "’ She had a. way of look- ing the“ made me feel uneasy, as though there was sometliing in her that weuld some day be dangerouh. I didn’t want you to send for her.” l “ Well, the mischief’s done now." ‘- You‘re not going to give up the search, are vou ?" asked Clark. ‘ “ Give it up l Not I." “ We must get her back.” “ Yes, our only safety now is in catching her again at all hazards.” There was a long silence. “ Twenty years ago," said Polls, moodily, “ the Vishnu drifted away, and since the time of the trial no one has mentioned it to me till that; girl did." _” ind she is only twenty year: old,‘ joine_d_J}_9h11. - .. .. .u 1 '1 “ I is“ you, lads, you’v'e got the devil to do with when you tackle her.” remarked Clark ; ” but: if she is the devil we musn fight in out and crush her.” “Twenty three years,” continued Potts, in the dams gloomy toneâ€"“twenty-three years have passed since I was captured with my followers. No one has men- tioned that since. No one in all the world knows that 1 am the only English- ngan that ever joined the Thugs except that 5n.._. “ ‘She must'know every thing that we have done.” said Clark. “ Of course she must.” > . “ Including our Brandon enterprise,” stud John. - Here they made inquiries, but could learn nothing whatever about any giri that had stopped there. Potts then hired a carriage and drove ofl to the next inn, leaving the others behind. He returned in about two hours. His face bore an expression of deep perplexity. " Well. what luck. dad 1’" asked John. “ There's the devil to pay,” growled Potts. " Did you find her." “ There is a girl at the next inn, and it’s The others assented. John sworp he was too tired. At length, after some conversation, nheyall determined to go on, and to were earrings back. Accordingly on they went, and soon reached an inn. ' ; “ And including your penmanship," said Clark ; “ enoughdad, to stgehqh‘}: necklfn . “ Come.” said Potts, “ don't let us talk of this, any how." Again they relapsed into silence. “ Well 1" exclaimgd John, at last. “ what are ygu going to do to mon‘qw ?" .1n.., ‘1‘ Wen." said 'John, “ I’ll tell you what we can do. Let one of us go to the inns that are nearest, and ask if there was a girl in the coach-that looked like her, or make any in» quiries that may be needed. We could find out that much at any rate.” " Chase her till I find hat,” replied Paths, savagely. “ But Where ?" “ I’ve been thinking of a plan which seems to me to be about Ibe thing." ' “ What ?” " A good old plan." said Potts. “ Your pup, Johnnie, can help us.” v “ What shall we do now ? We can’t fol- low. It may have been the coach. and she may havn got a. hit to the nearest railway sta- tion." . They diam. however, wish to seem like pureuers. That would hardly be the thing in a. country of law and order. They chose to walk rather slowly, and John held the dog by a. strap which he had brought with hxm.‘ They soon found the walk much longer than they had anticipated, and began to regret that they had not)“ come in a garriaae. They had gone toojar, however, to remedy this now. so they resolved to eohtiuue on their way as they “ I don’t know,” said John. “ I dare say she‘s got toqk up in some wagon. Yes, that’s it. That's the reason why the Email fins gone.” He had lost theletmil. Again and again be tried to rorover But his blood thirsty inu stincn was completely at .fault. The trail had gone, and at last the animal came up to his master and crouched down at his feet with a low moan. “ Sold I" cried John, with a curse. “ What can have become of her ?” said Potts. ‘ jShn poun'ded hia‘fist on the table With savage exultalion. ' “ My blood hound. Good. old dad, whats trump you are to think at that l" " He’ll do it I" ” Yes," said John, “ if he gets -on her track and comes up with her I'm a. little afraid that we’ll arrive at the spot juac too late to save her. It's the best way that I know of for genmg rid of the difficulty hand- somely. Of course we are ge'mg alter her through anxiety, and the dog is an innocent pup who comes with us ; and if may dimmer happens we will kill him on the spot.” At last, after about thrédxhoura’ ,walk, the dog stopped at a place by the 'roadazde, and anufied in Valldireqtions.” The others watched him anxiously for 9. 10:: 'time. ‘The dog ran all around anifi‘mg at, ‘1' a ground, bpu to no purpose: v ‘ f‘ She’s the devil-t" grbwled Clark, sav~ ngelyt V 7 ' fill/mien the following morning they re- 1med‘thefi"§éam”'iޤ3 girl. This time the servants were not. employed. but she three themselves went forth to try whatthey ocnld do. With them was the ,pup to which allusion had been made on the preyioue even- ing. This animal was a huge blobd hound, which John had purchased to take the place of his bull dog, and of which he was extrava- gantly proud. True to his instinct, the hound understood from smelling an article of Best- ‘rioe’e apparel what it was that he was required to seek. and he went off on her trail out through the front door. down the steps and up to the grove. Potts shook his head moodily. He had no very hapeful feeling about. this. He was shaken to the soul at the thought of this stern, relentless girl carrying'o‘ufi into the world his terrible secret. The others at once finderstood that this must be the case. In a short time they were on the other side of the wall, where the dog found the trail again, and led on While they followed. as before. W818 ‘I‘Zfi‘yéad I” said Ja‘h‘b, who féltfatigued first, “what a walker she-is l” ‘ ' The others followed after. The dog led them down the path toward the gate, and thence into the thick grove and through the underhrueh.‘ Scraps of her dress still clung in places to the brushwood. The dog led them round and round wherever-Beatrice had wandered in her flight from Vijal. They all believed that they would certainly find her here, a‘n‘d -that"ahe- had lost her way or at least triedjto oonaeel‘ herself. But at last, to their diea’bfwointment, the dog turned away out of. the wood and into the path again. Then he led them along through the woods until he reached the park well. Here the animal squatted on his haunehes, and,-lift1ng ufn his head, wave a, long deep howl. “ Whats this Y'ieaid Potts. “ Why, don't you see .‘ She’s got over the walleomehow. All that we’ve got to do is to puithe dog over and follow on.” )1 heir; Now what name do you think theyâ€"all he: by ‘2 ’ “ What 7" “ Miss Despm‘di” Clark turned pale and looked at John, .who gave a long. low whistle. " Is she alone ?” asked John. “ No «that’s the worst of it. A reverend gent is with her. who has caarge of her, and says he is her brother.” “ Who 7” “ His name is Courtenay Despard, son 01 Colonel Lionel Deapard,” said Potts. V rTha Vormhers returfied izis look in utter bewil detmem. - " I‘ve been thinking and thinking.” said Potts, “ but I haven’t got the bottom of it yet. We can’t do anything just DOW, tum’s evi- dent. I found out; than this reverent. gent is on his way to Holby, where he is rector. ‘1 he only thing left for us to do is to go quietly heme and look about us." “ It; seems to me that this is like the be- ginning of one of those monsoon storms,” said Clark, gloomiiy. _ V The oth'ei'E said iothing. In a short time they were on their way back, moody and silent. BEATRICE'S RECOVERY. IT was not easy for the overtaeked and overwom powers of Beatriee‘to rally. Weeks passed before she opened her eyes to a recog- nition of the world around her. It was March when she Sank down by theroadside. It was June when she began to recover from the shock of the terrible excitement 'through which she had passed. Lovmg hearts aympmthized with her, ten- der hands cared for her, vigilanteyes watched her, and all that love and care Could do were unremimngly exerted for her benefit As Beatrice opened her eyes after her long unconsciousness she looked around in wonder, recognizing umhmg. Then they rested in eqqu wonder upon one who stood by her bed aide. She was slender and fragile in form, with delidnte features. W 959 fine lines seemed rather like ideal bea y than real life. The eyes were large. dark, lustrous, and filled. with a. wonderful but mournful beauty. Yet. all the features so exquisitetin their loveli- ness, were transcended by the expression that dwelt upon them. It was pure,it was spiritual. it was holy. It was the face of a. saint, such a. face as appears to the rapt de- votee when fasting has done its work, and the quickened imagination grasps at .ideal' forms ‘ ml the dwellers in heaven seem to become \vimble. Paolo Seamed more like an equal ; but Paolo himself approached equality only because he coutd understand her beet. He alone could enter into communion WIth her. Beatrice noticed a. profound and unalterable reverence in his manner towards Edith; wh‘ich was like that which a son might pg 9. mother. yet mqre delicate and more ehivh One. All this, Edith moved among the others with a strange far off air, an air at once full of gen tle affection, yet preoccupied. Her manner indicated love, yet the love of one who was far above then. She was like some grown person associating with young children whom she loved; “Her soul was like a star and dwelt apart.” In her confused mine] Bealriceet first had afaint fancy war Shayna in another state of existence, and thfl the form before her was one of those pure intelligences who had been appointed to welcome her there. Per- haps there WM some such thoughs visible upon her face. fqt the stranger came up to her noiselessly, and, ssooping down, kigsed her. To Beatrice Edith was an impenetrable mystery: Her whole manner excited her deep est reverence and at t‘haaamewtime her stong- eat curiosity. The fact flmt she was his sister would of itself have won her heart; but there were other things about her whioh'afieqted her strangely. / “You are among friends.” said she, in a. low, sweet voice. You have been sick long." ' . "Where am I?" " Among lovmg friends,” said the other. “ far away from the place where you ,suff eted." - " Beatrice sighed. : " I_ hoped that I had passed away forever," she murmured. ' ' ‘ ‘ Yet‘ shef did not shrink. His presence broug’htastmnge peace and calm over her soul‘ His influence was more potent over her than that of Langhebti. In tins strange company he seemed to her to be the centre and the chief. ‘ What was the feeling that arose within oer heart toward this man ? With the one fbr her father who had inflicted on his father so terrible a fate how did she dare to lo_k him in the face or exchange words with him 2 Should she net rather shrink away as once she ahmnkjrom Brandon 1 “ Not yet. not yeti”: said the stranger. in a voice of tender ye: mournful sweetness. which had in it an unfathomable depth of meaning. “ Wm must wait on here, dear friend, till it be His will to call us.” “ And who are you?" asked Beatrice, after a long and anxxous look at the face of the speayfr. There was something about this man which filled her with indefinable emotions. The knowledge which she had 9f the mysterious fate of his father did not repel her from him. A wonderful and ' subtle sympathy seemed at: once to rise between the two. The stem face of Despard as" sumed a softer and move genial expression when he saw her. His tone was gentle and affeoiionate, almost paternal. 7“} My name 13 Edit}; Brandon,” said the other, gentlyt “ Brandonl-«Edith Brandon ! ” cried 1333. tries, with a vehemence‘ which commuted strangely with the scarce-audible words with which she had just spokeq. _ “ But now I will spedk no more, and you mus'l speak no more, for you will only in- crease your agitatlon. Rest. and another time you can ask what. you plgasé.” Edith turned away aid {walked to one o] the window. where €116 looked out‘ pensiver upon the sea. ‘ From this tune Beatrice began to recover rapidly. Langhem’s sister seemed to her almost like an old friend since she had been assocmted with some of the most pleasant memories. An atmosphere of love was around her; the poor sufferer inhaled the pure and life living. air, and strength came with every breath. At length she was able to sit up, and then Langbem saw her. He greeted bet with all the ardent and ifnpéssioned warmth which was so sirikimz a characteristic of his im- pulsive and affectionate nature. Then she saw Deapard. ‘ The stranger'amiléd‘with"tha same melan‘ choly sweetness which she had 311mm. 136- foray, A ,__ ‘J “ Yes," said she : “but do not agitate your. BeEf, dearest.” . x » “ ‘And you have nursed me 7" “ Partly. But you are- in the house aims who is like an angel in her loving (me off you." - " Thank God 1 "‘ murmured Beatrice. fer- vently. “ Lia has one sorrow less. Did he save mu 3’". - " His sister Teresa. of'whom he used to speak so lovingly? Ah ! God is kinder to me than I feared. Ah. mo 1 it. is as though I had died and have awaked in heaven.” 7‘ No," replin nhé stranger; " it was not perngitxedrmfs."r ‘ N " ’ " He.” said Edith, “ of whom you spegdk does not know that I am alive, nor do I know where he is. Yet some day we will perhaps meet. And now you must not speak. You will agitate yourself too much. Here you hava those who love you. For the one who brough/twyou here is one who would lay down his li‘e for yours, dearest â€"he is Paolo Laugh. etti." » “Laughetti! said Beatrice. “Oh. God be thanked l" . “ And she who has taken you“ to her heart and home is his sister.” i “ But youâ€" you 7 "’ persisted Beatrice ; ” yo_u‘ nogpgrigh, then, as they_said ‘2” CHAPTER XXXV. She once questioned Mrs. Thornton, but received no satisfaction. Mrs. Thurman». lookpd mysterious. but shcok her head. “ Your brother treaisher like a. divinity.” I “I suppose he thinks she is something mom than mortal.” ' ' -" Do you have that 3W6 of hepwhich I feel ?” b Never. was beyond her compiehensibn " Yes ; ahd so does ‘every one. I feel to- ward bet as though she belonged to another world.- She takemno interest in this.” 'r “ She nursed me." x " Ohyes! Everynot of lovaor kindnesa, which she can perform she seeks om. and? does.but now as you grow better'ahe falls. back upon herself.” ‘ Surrounded by such friends' as these Bee.- 3 trice rapidly i-egained her strength. Weeks we'nt on, and at length she began to mdve, about. to take long rides and driVea, and 16,; stroll thwugh the Park. '1 ’ ‘ ‘ During these weeks Paolo made known to her his plans. She embraced them eagegy. _ “ You have a. mission." said he. “ It was not for nothing that ~your divine voice was given so you. I have written my opera. under the most extraordinary cixcumstunces. You know what in is. Never have I been able to decide how it should be reprrsenced. I have prayed tor a voice. At my time of need you were thrown in my way. My Bice, God has sent you. Let us lubot to- gather. Beatrice grasped eagerly at this idea. To be a. singer, to Ingerpren the thoughts of Lung- hem, seemed delightful to her. Ellie would then be dependent. on no friend. She would be her own mistress. She would not be {dread to lead a life of idleness. with her heart praying upon itself. Music. would come to her aid. It would be at. once the pmpoae. the employment, and the delight of her life. If there was one wing to her which could al- leviate sorrow and grief in was the exulmnt j'ay which was created within her by the Di- vine art-â€"that mm which alone is common to earth and heaven. And for Beatrice there Was this joy, that she had one (f those n3.- iures which was so sensitive to music that under its power heaven itself appeared to open before her. All these were lovers of music, and there- fore had delighm to which common mortals were smmgere. To Lhe soul which is endOWed» with the capacity for understanding the de- lights of tone there are joys peculiar, m once pure and enduring, which nothing else that this wprid gives can equal. At length she'w'as sufficiently recsvered to be able to begin the work to which hanghetti wished to lead her. It was August, and Langnetti was impatient to be gone. So when August began he made preparations to depart, and in a fewkdai‘yg- they were in Lou'- ~don. Edibh‘ was 1 in, with Mrs. Thornton. Beauice had5 an attendant who went with her, half-ohaperon halfxlady‘s maid. .. (To an common.) In the church where Mrs. Thornton and‘ Despnrd had so often met there was now a new performance. Hsre Langhetti played, Beatrice sang. Edith smiled as she heard the expressions of heavenly ideas, and Despsnl and Mrs. Thornton found themselves borne away from all common thoughts by the power of that sublime rehearsal. _ ‘So the conversation ended, and Laughetti still maintained his secret. though Beatrice hofieq t6 find“ out. creflof her heart. For she must when {gill about Brandon, and the African island: aid the manuscript which he ontried‘ap'd'whifih had been taken from his bosom. Oftflisrshe dared not speak. ‘ ‘ ’ -- ‘ ' 3, She was silent. '- ',, - “ You can not know’ anything.” saidyrlnmu ghetti. “You ‘may suspect much. 1'01in haVe suapicibns. Yet it would not be wiqe’lo commumcate these to you since they would. prove idle and without reenlt.” As time passed and Beatrice grew stronger Lnngheni became more impatient about his' opera. The voicse of Beatrice, always mar-- veloun. had not euflered during herveioknees. Nay, if anything, it had grown‘ better; her soul had gained new susceptibilities, since, Langhehti last saw her, and since she could understand more and feel more, her expres- sion itself had become more subtle and refined. 80 than Vuice which Langheni had’ always called divine had put forth new powers. and he. if he believed himself the High Priest and Beatrice the Pylhiun, saw thin her inspiration had grown more delicate and more profound. B’éfitriqe hesitated. -' No; she ,écfil‘ ébt tell. Tpat mum be_to tell all thé holiewfig- In iii-sparing fur the great work before them it was necessary to get a. name for Beatrice; Her own name was doubly abhorrentâ€"first, from her own life-long hate of it. which later circumstances had intensified ; and. secondly. from thcydamning eflect which such a name would have on any artiste. Langheniwished her to take his name. but Deapard showed an exfmoghnqry peninncity' on tbig point: “ If it: were merely something which might create sorrow I Would tell it. I beliéve that you have a self reliant nature. which has grown stronger through affliction But that which. I have to tell is difierent. It is of such a character that it would of necessity destroy any peace of mind which ynu have, and fill you with hopes and feelings that could never be satisfied.” . " We will not set up a new Delphi," said. he. “ Our revelations are not new. We, but give fresh and extraordinary emphasis to old and eternal truths.” “ No," Enid he, “ I am petsonaliy concernéd in this. I adopted her. she is my sister. Her name is Déspixxd. If the alkalinity other name I ehail‘ consider it as an idtdlerablé alight." . a . . ” Yet even that I could bear. Do you not see that by your very vague‘hess you are exciting my thoughts and hopes? You do not know what I know.” “ Yet why do you wait, if you know or even auspeut anything in whim I am com cerned 2" ‘ ‘ ‘ “ 1 wish ‘to spare you." ” That is not necessary. Am I so weak that! cannet bear to hear anything which you may have to‘ tell? You iorget what a JifeI have had for two years. Such a life mighuwell prepare me lo: anything.” He expressed himself so strongly that Basil triee could not refuse. Formerly she wé‘xild have considered that it was infamous for her to take than noble name: but now tgis idea had become weak, and it: was with a. rtrange exultazion that she yielded to the 'solitstions' of Despard. Laugheni himself yielded at once. His face here an expression of delight which seemed inexplicable to Beatrice. She asked him why he felt such pleasure. Was not an Dalian name better for a singer 1 Lespard was an English name. and ‘hough aristocratic, was not one which a great singer might have. . “ It is not time yet.” ‘ “ What do you mean By that?" “'That is a seoret.” “ Of course ; you make it one ; but ll it if one connected with me, then surely I ought to know." _ I “ It is not time yet for you to know." I " When will it be time t" “ I cannot tell." “ And you will therefore keep it a. secret forever ?" “ I hope, my Bicina, that the time will come before long." ' “ I am thinking of other things. my Bioina,” said Langhetti, who had never given up his old. fond, fraternal manner toward her. “ It has no connection with art. I no. nqt consider the mate effect of the name for one moment.“ ‘ ' " What is it then. that you do consider? ”" “ Other things.” ’ “ What other things ? " . ‘ "' Not connected with Art,” continued Langhetti, evasively. - " I ,will tell you some day when the time qomea." ' “ Now you are excising my curiosity," said Beatrice, in a loud and earnest tone. " You do not know what thoughts you excite within me. Either you ought not. to excite such ideas, or if you do, in is your duty to satisfy them.” ' ' “ What do you know ‘I " asked Langhetti,

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