From the returns at present before us, the elections ofTuesdny give the Govern- ment a majority of at least sixty. Last. Week we predicted a ConservatiVe victory and the‘ree‘ult has even exceeded our egmetatioul." The Grits made use of every cry and expedient possible. not even hesitating to inflame the passions of the people of Ontario against our brethren in‘Quebec. but they have been “foiled, Sir John Macdonald has been 'upheld, and his actions are approved of by the whole Dominion. Probably his onponente will now admit that he is not such an unprincipled and dishonorable man, as they raid he was A man who stands as high as he does in the estima- tion of the majority of the people of this countri'eafn afford to smile at those who speak despnrugingly of him. His policy has been sustained by a handsome major ity. and we can conï¬dently anticipate a continuance of the rapid and marvellous development of Canadian resources and commerce. No. 3: The National Policy Upheld. Clearing Sales ~Ju.1§eynolds THURSDAY. JUNE 22. 1882. ' There are many other! besides Mr. Pickering who believe the same thing, and to those In the congregation who know the history of political parties. and their relations with the temperance cause, ‘hil sermon could not. apply more directly to one party than another. An occasional correspondent asks us, in refervnce to an article in the Liberal. whether the Methodist: of this village are a priest ridden people. We do not think ho, although there can be no doubt that ubnut election times politicalfeelings do influenhe some people to act rather unwrsely. The Liberal, in the article "referred to takes the ground that Con- servatives prefer "supporting their par-- tyit‘bf‘g'n'urpgranéé and Chrigtiuniti." 'l he sermon alluded to was certainly very strongly in favor of total abstinence and endeavored to prove that the Bible endorsed. approved, and in some lines commanded total abstinence ; that every man, and especiahy members of the Churchfshould let their influence be felt -und seen on the side of right. and temper- uncc, 'espe'ci‘ullï¬, at election times, and that. it waem be regretted that many pro {eased temperuï¬â€˜ee men deserted their temperance principles for the sake of pug-y ' Probably i't'is not. worthy of serious notice. and we would Scarcer refer to it, were it not that we believe the writer has dealt very unfairl) with the Rev. John Pickering According to the writer. Mr. Pickering, in a sermon tie-- iiverel in the Methodist Church on the Ilth inst, undoubtedly turned the pulpit, into an electiuneering plat.f--rm, and while telling itit‘l congregation the beneï¬ts to be derived from a life of total abstinence fromvintoxicating drinks. eto., plainly conveyed the idea that in the remntelcc- tions the Reform Candidates should ho supported on these grounds in preference to their opponents. The only grounds on which the oppon- ents of the Conservatives could claim that Mr. Piekeiing’s remarks were in- iended to reler to supporters of the Con- orrvative candidates, is that the Reform- era have an old and time-honored prac- tice of iI t nduoing tho temperance Pry at every elcc'ion, in districts where‘thera are Conservative temperance voters, for the pu-pose nf' hoodwinkin;r those who cannot see below the surface of any question; but il‘they take this ground, th: only one left to them. they must ad- mit that the reverend gentleman showed Wum of tact, and acted very nownsely in introducing partisan spirit in his sermons Tl 0y pay a very poor compliment to his ‘iudumen't and common same when ihey claim that bv an expression lofsuch nar row views and dwarfed ideas on a great quo-iinnhe could gain votes or evan re- open: from intelligent and liberal minded ,mcn. The real basonoss of the man is shown in the efl'orl: to make it appear that Mr. Wallace was trying to secure votes. be cause he- went. to the Methodist Church for dinner. on the 24th of May. and to the Presbi’terian Church for tea. The ladies of these Churches provided dinner for visitors at 25 cents, and Mr Wallace. we are informed, generously gave them o dollar. In this liberal act the green- eyl'd mortal who displays his mental imbecility in Ihe Liberal. tries to ï¬nd bribery. But he does not say anything about the gift of 825 Mr Wallace gave to the church. It is probably convenient to let some prejudiced reader think that Mr Wallace was only generous enough to give a dollar, but. that he did not give 825. Such papers are I disgrace to our village and cauntry, but those who know the low moral character of the writer do not wonder at anything he writes In hopes pf defeating Mr. Wallace, the iiberal lest week oatne out on the "tem- perance ticket," and tried to convey the impreseion that Mr Wallace should be defeated because he was “the enemy of temperance and religions principle." A more untrue and unjust. statement never was made, and the contimptib e persnn who penned the words should hang his head in shame. if there is such a feeling in his nature, at the deserved rebuke given to all who employ t-uoh tactics. by the electors of West York, on Tuesiay last. R‘W ADVERTISEMENTS 8511:: {15m 3mm. Rlchmond HIII. Ont. Politics in the Pulpit. Whole No. 1251; Contemptlble. Volume 25. Some people may believe a- pnm‘ ex» case is better than none. but it seems { mnre manly to openly admit. the cum or ‘ defect, instead of attempting to bolster 1 up a bad cause by a worse excuse. The Globe of Wednesday admits thm its an- ticipations ofa glorious victory were de- lusive and gives the reason in one word, “Bribery.†I > 5 The Grim in West York were greatâ€" ly diaappointed when they became eonâ€" vineed that Mr. Wallace was elected by a handsome mnjorily. From the re- turns given us at present, West Yoik has resented the egotistic Mr. Hodgins’ assurance by over 220 of a majority. We did not expect. this. We knew the Grits Were working hard and vigor- ously. We knew that every Grit in the Riding was determined to defeat Wal‘ lode, and that many of them were not as particular about the means employed. as honorable men should and would be, But in spite of personal abuse. in spite of falsehood and slander, in which > the degraded opposition sheet published in this village has acquired meritcd but discrednuble leadership, Mr Hodgins was once more defeated. He has gone down in the wreck. and now Untnrio must again pamper this disappointed“ politician by public money. The whole labor of the Grits have been in vain. They worked hard and they lost No wonder they feel down- hearted. We are. in certain respects, sorry for them. We are sorry that any body of men should lnbor so strong and Zealously in a weak and feeble cause. We are sorry that so many of the party should try to defeat one of West Yurk’s' ablest men. We are sor y that munyl of the party should resort'to such dis-' honomble means to defeat a political» opponent. But we are pleased to see. that the vast majority of the intelligeutl electors of West York. including many Reformers. voted for Mr Wallace. We are glad that. they have so shown their strong disapproval of the slanderous work of' the Izibcml and canvassers of that grade. We are glad that they have supported a National Policy, and that the Reformers have shown that. thev are willing to even leave the party with which they have been so long cou- neoted. in order to advance and aid the’ prosperity of Canada. l New, from an organ representing a great party thie‘is simply nonsense. No doubt there have been inducements held out to voters’ Both sides have been guilty of this in some pattioular localiâ€" ties. But to say that the elemions were carried by bribing Reform voters to cast their ballots for Conservatives is muni- festly a cowardly and unfair excuse. We believe the elections were carried on the National Policy. and because the intelli- gent, thinking voters of this country were satisï¬ed that this policy was bene- ï¬cial to the country and to thernt-eIVtI, The Globe and other papers (similar in this respect.) pay a very poor compliment to their‘priuoiples and party when they any that Reformers m-re bribed to vote for the Government, and by this means the elections were carried ' We congratulate Mr. Wallace and his friends upon their moons. Mr. Wallace's estimable charncler and perâ€" sonal popularity are 1 at m be injured by such gossipv, slander-loving produc- tions as the Libeial'has proven itself to be. The Liberallof last week, accused this journal of abusing Mr. Hudgins, and said it was by such lneans that we ex- pected to carry Westl York. and that our last issue. trior to the election, would be devoted exclusively to a similar purpose. The “8119 referred to was printed before the Liberal article was published, and we ask readers of the paper Whether there was one word abusive of Mr. Hod gins. The Liberal presents the most pitiable spectacle we know of We have at) de- sire to use the Iiruustinz epithets it em- ployed. but every one knows that no man deserves. or is more npcn to, the severest. dressing dowu that any disreputable. im moral and hypocritical son of Adam could get in vigorous and incisive A nglo Saxon than the assumed Editor of limit sheet, who sometimes takes hu‘lfa column of egotistical trash to tell his readers that his name is James, and that he resemhlvs in more than one particular, apeaulia“ kind of ï¬shâ€"Sturgeon. The day peased oï¬very quietly in this village, and throughout the anunln generally. The Conserva'iws appcurrd to feel conï¬dent that the intelligent men of this Dr'minion would not fail to upâ€" hold the National Policy, and the results have proven that their idea was correct. Three cheers for Wallace, and Canada forever. When the HERALD referred to Mr. Hodgius, it did so in commotion with matters that can be,substgulja1gd,, and in no instance did it ever descend t0 the impotent but venomous scurrility of the Liberal of last week. ' Weak Lungs and how to make the atrong - Breathe with lhe moth closed have air-- 0955 at all times to pure air, exercxse mud-- meely. eat nourishing but simple lood, hnd take Ibul best of all cough remedies. Hug- yard's Femoral Balsam. it. spcemly cures all throat and lung troubles of adults or children Price 25 cents per bowls, A Pitiable Spectacle. All In Vain. The Excuse. Election Dav. THE COUNTRY SAFE . WEST Yonx.â€"â€"M r. Wallace’s friends have worked well. and he is returned by at least 220 of a majmity. an increase of 18 over last election. We have not yet received all the particulars from the difl'erent polling districts, but give those heard from 2â€"- Teston ..................... 93 74 Purpleville ................ 68 65 Kleinburg................. 27 63 Patterson . ............... 49 63 Edgley. majority lor Hodgins. 17 Richmond Hill, majorltv for Wallace 29 Thornhill, majority for Hodgins, 24 VVondbridge, do do Wallace. 148 Westwn do do Wallace. 52 EMT YORKâ€"The Conserv-ttives marked well. and the contest was a very close one. They have shown that only Mackenzie could carry the Riding. when ull even he was able to get, Was 80 of a majority. The Government have carried the Country by a majority of over 69. The Three Torontoa are Conservative The number of Conservmives returned in Ontarin, is 53. Reformers. 36, ; Con- servative majority of 17 In Quebec, Canservanves 54. Reformers ll Nova Somia, Conservatives so far 15, Reform era 6. New Brunswick. (Jon. 8. Ref. 8. Prince Edward Island, Conn 2, Ref 4' Total majority for Conservatives 69. Nelda YORK.â€"Mr Mulnck has been retEfneti by 10:) of u majorigy. Pursumn to call by order of the Reeve, 1110 Council met. The Rr-evc- in [heI chair. (h uucillors present ; Mrsata Duncumb, Sanderson am} Pugsley. Mr Duncumh maved. seconded by Mr. Smxdersnn, That the Village lusts-actor. be and is hclrvbv insn-ucted and authoriZed ‘to lhmouuhly wech the yards and premises Wilbin the hllunduribs of the village of Rich- mnnd Hill with a view to enforcing the By Law of Ihv viil»ge.â€"â€"Carried. 0n Thursduy evening. June 8th. several oftlxe members (If Bruwn’s Corners congreo gation nss9mblvd at the house ot‘thorr pan- tnr. Mr Muckintnsh, and after an exchlxenl tepnst providufl by the ladies of his flut‘k. p“98€ltled him with a purse of $41 in behalf of his cungtewuiun. Brown's Camera non grPQutio'I in small but their purse strings are open and their hearts are liberal. Mem- bers of his other congregations were . also pro-sent. and plt'bRHlell him with a purse of $51. A vetv appropriate address was read by '\V. bakin. Esq., and an equally appro- priate 1981.018" was made by Mr. Mackinâ€" toah Short and hearty addresses were then made by Rev Jns. (‘mmivhael of Markhtm. Mr Miller hf Uniut'ville Mr. Bruce and Mr Slater extending their dt‘t‘p nymphthv for him in his sickness and bPal't- roost wishes that he may return invigorated in body and mind and enjnï¬ng full vigor uf hvalth. These statements expwssed the Opininna of those press-m, and ntdePd uf any mm who has the personal nlqunintancm pf such an estimable man.-â€" Economist. Brzmelvts and other fancy goodï¬ fok sale cheap for cash. Moved hv Mr. Sanaerson. seconded by Mr Duncumb. that thv Trensu-er be nulhhr- med :0 pay Mr. T. J. Dnhsou‘s accuum, fur bulfa duva whrk un roads with team of horses and men. $1 50.-â€"-(7mried. The Cleuk read a pnnmd cummunicminn from Mr Peter H Brvce. Spcrmary of the vai: chi Board of Hcahb dated 31m of Mr Dunonn-h imxvduced BrLaw No 90 ’.n aulhmizrâ€" the puvchnsn of Lorne Avenue &c , which was read a ï¬rst time. The BF- Lmv WuH road a ï¬rst and around time. The ('uuncil wem mm ('vn‘uiltlee nflhé whole Ihereon. Mr Duncumh in lhe chair. The Commiflee rose and reporwd the By-Luw Wilhuul nmrndmenl‘ The report recewed. and Ihe Bylaw was rend n (hind lime and pa Bed‘ ‘ aned bv Mr. Snndvrson. seconded by Mr Puysley. thal Ihe Reeve ahd Ciprk m9 he-ehy mavnu-nd to sign Ibo By~Luw N0 90 undulluch the Cmpumle soul lherelon~ Carried. Domxmx Dnv.-â€"The Odd-Fellows 0! Markham willnelebmte the m of July in *beusu 'l manner. Turing the day a; or“ will tule on thefnir grounds the Enncipal features of which will be speeding in t a ring, a. calithumplan precession, footreces. quoit match, etc The Richmond Hill band has been angered and will pla; on the grounds. Tho evening's programme cons uh of I conctrt in the NW Town Hall, {or winch the following distin- guished artists have been engaged : Mrs.Caldwell of hamllton, Mrs. Bradley, of Toronto, Messrs. Warrington, Tlnnlng and Plngle. of Toronto, and nfhem It will be seen from the short. eynopnis above that the programme is amostinviting one, and will be highly appreciated by the public. BREAKâ€"bows â€"0n Wvdnpsduv last a sPr' inufl H(‘(?id€l|l occurred in the Sheight Nov- ellv Works. caused bv tho breaking ofn dniving crank nn the main shaft of thy engi- a fmcine nm the end 1-1 1119 cylinder and smuslnng it In alums Fortunate. and WM‘~Iligh mirm alone was the vacuum. of some- uflhv empluvm-s from serious injuries at Never despair : f hrcnming a godd writer when Esxerbrouk's Steel pens are within the easy mach of all. both in the ease with whivh they can everywere be procured from the Stationers. and the low price at. which they are sold. Rest and Comfort to the lusting “BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PENACEA" has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and ex- berunJ. It cures Pain in the Side, Book or Bowel; Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache. Lumhago. and any kind of a. Pain or ache. “It wlll most surely quicken the Blood and has], an itm ting power is wonderful." “Brown’sHouheholq ens.- cea," bein acknowled ed as the out Pain Be-‘ lievor, an of double 3 a strong 01 as? other Elixir or Liniment in the world, she . d' be in every family handy for use when wanted, "as it really is the but remedv in the world for Cramps- in the Stomach, and Paine [and Aches of all kinue’ and is: for mlebv 9212 D ' ‘ ' May. 1882 Dr. It. G. Armstrong has rebt‘mnd from a. four months visit to the grem- berth-West as 'chwn M a berry. He says tha wild speculation in town 1- -ts has entirely subsided. and persons having in- vtiilted would be glad to sell at quarter the price pu Hm Mn J¢ hn Mcth behnv'ed mob! (-ouru enuaiy in rushing to lhe vélve, endmno gPrinH his own life to nave that of mhels :nd further demunclion of his emplvyers prnperly. bytuvmng 03' the Steam. Mr. Speighc does um lay any blame. whatevsr, In any man in hi5 empluy. Wnrk will be purrinlly susrvendpd for a few days; bar as dny and High! alaï¬'x huvs been serurt‘d. a speedy rmurv of 1hr wand uf the Gleam whistle is mnicipuled.-b’un A fresh supply of Albums, Prayer Bonka.&c., just. received WALLACE IN BY 220. The Council then arljoutrjed 3m JOHN AT THE HERM. Richmond Hill, June 14th, 1882 Vfllage Council. Markham. Wallpge. Huggins. M. Tun Clv‘rk 74 63 63 Lawrence’s Patent Innidea (across the way.) Gospel Hymns No. 2, and No. 1, 2, and 3, in one volume, for ale here. D00 Lns'rm-A Newfopndlpnd dOg has swayed ï¬lm aur sanctum. The owner cun plocuré'his property By pay- ing for advenisement. A grand Excursiopxgqeno Orillia on Saturday next. from Toronto and all along the N R R. A pleasant time an. ticipated. CLEARING SALEâ€" qunolds feels assuf- ed that the country is safe, after the elec (ion, and he then-crate announces a grand claiming" sale of Spr‘ng and Sumâ€" mer Dry goods, Gem‘w Furnishings. Huts, Cups. etc, at 'ftO'm'lo to‘ 20 per cent discount. V. when influmnmtion set in and reâ€" sulted in a short time in. death. “Ad- miral†was an impurrvd heavy draft Ind was considered one of the brat hurt-1‘s in this section. Mr ' ennlip refused 83,000 for this horse rariy this Spring.qu the .loss to him cannm'be less than 84 000 On Montia‘v an imported Ulrdbs’dale, "Wait on Me" 1th propertv of. Mr John Palmer dieti from “Pink-aw." This homeyns sick‘for several dayl and was attended“~hy rM'r, Steele. 0n Satur- day there was a lnrorahle change, but the next. daytheeribil-‘sei becamev n3uch worse, and Mr Smfitln,‘V.' S. of Toronto was sent in}. ' WW3!) he arrined the dangerous symptoms‘wor‘e over, 5de on his departnrg' he seeing! gm thinks the horse would técoyerk .Mnnday morning the Indications again became alarming. and Mr Gallanough was sent for, but when he got. to the stable the horse was dead. This horse was valued at some $3 000 and was a great favorite with the farming community. The loss. about 34.000. will be a heavy: one Io Mr Palm- er; as well as the whole country. We hear that a stallion belonging to Mr. Flinton, Aurora, is‘also slolr from the Farm diseaan,-and several others through: out rho Province! ‘ Gr TTING Autumn-Mr 0 Mann, our enterprising and popular tinsmith, who h’nd hi‘d'ï¬nklcï¬evei’ely injured while ï¬xing an eve trough lgnt week. is able to move around a‘gai‘ï¬; and‘ deihto his atâ€" tention to his chi' increasing busino-ss. Ancnos SAULâ€"There will be sold by pnblic-nucï¬on. at the farm' of Mr. Jasoph Burkholder. at lot No 3 in the 4'h Con. anauuhan, nn Saturday June 24'h. ‘the undivided h‘a‘flf interest ofJohn Watson in n ten-horse power threshing mlchine and separator Sale.“ 1 o’clock STRAWBERRlEs;-â€" A Strawberry and Ice Cream Festival will be held at the residence of .‘l r. J. Brown on Dominion Day .Proc-ee'ds in main of St. Mary's GARDEN PARTSY- r‘rTherP Wu“ a [mod aandnncv a! lhe English Church Gar- den Purly.held at Mr Wm. Powell's residence. nn Wéffveggdgyevemnu The evening was plraï¬dhf'fthe.prnvinions ex. cellenn and the Ivmjnsilcjby Hue Band nlmnet '00 utteer giquisitv._ Receipts 845 50 n " "‘ ¢ 4 ax“... d - 3-; TWn VALUABLE.HORSEB Dun â€" Un Sa‘iiird'n} la’él’Mr'G. Heasiip’s vam- able2 stallion. "Admiral" died. The hnrse had been suï¬â€˜ering from a disease called "pink‘ese" for same 'daya. and was in a fair way for Iï¬ecrvering, Under the treatment of Mr; Jnhn Sundersnn, BARN BugNEb iFEL'On , 'Wcidncsday. last. Mr E ‘engetflibnrri about a m-Ie south nf'this vifléue, took ï¬re and min completely destrnyéd, ‘smrelher wnh ovhar builrhrgn; ‘ï¬QhelOs: win-be over 81.000 The causeis supposed to be onrelossm-sn in smoking by some of the men employed. s- SM’Id mopâ€"The Sabbath School in cnmmctinn with the Présbym'iun ('limch in the village of Thnrnhill, will hold thpir anniversarv Picnic on Domin- ion Dav, Saturll:iy.Julv ltd, [1882, in the Grnve nf‘ Mr JnlmjDann A pro- cessinn will leave Tlminhill for the Grnnnds at 12 30 hendq‘d by the Thorn hill Bran: Band. Tennis will be provid ed for taking parties to and from the mounds. Amusements will also be provided. Tea serud at 3 o‘clock p. m. Strawberries and! 'Sce‘ Cream will be provided at low mics. . Tickets 25 (south. CRICKET CLUB - A‘v‘meetlng of .all the young men in this village and noighborhnnd. interested in the game of Crickef, will beheld in the Lorne Hall, on Friday evening, 23rd inst. The Maple (‘lub have challenged our Cricket. era. and. they intend m make It hot for them. ’l‘he ‘hnll nfl'ered tn lhe Clnb‘ last year by Mr C Duncumb. will also be given! if the Clubj‘sï¬l'ormcd. Solhe on handboys. _ ' ' " l r. - ‘3 VILLORE Prcâ€" Nxc.â€"-.The young men of the 6th 3; 7th Cnn (if Vaughan,» 'in‘ vice all Iqxal and “patriotic citizens to their pic-nic in Mr John: McLean's Erovv, rear of LN 16. Cm. 6. on Domin- ion Day. All kinditnf Athletic Sport and Anmsgtpents. .,$.’)~"_Â¥ in prizes. Ex- cellem Quï¬d‘rille and Bass Bands in at- tendance 25 cents pays the bill. ladies free. Good time buys, and don’t you forget it. - ' 5 Remember Abalflxcur‘sion, to the Mndvl Farm. on Tuesday, June 27th.. Fm particulnrnyqfu're, and timeâ€"table. see bills. ‘TlieT‘thivh's'vlew Brass Band will accnmpanv the excursioniats, and a freé lunch _will-. hagpmvided: in the College for the entirn party. The Gran- ners of Simone and Glï¬ey‘ Counties will meet those of York and Peel at. the Farm. > Day -Pr0('eeas Church spire. ' - LOCAL ITEMS. Turnf , per bag Geno a, per bag Beets,per bug . Pawnips, per bag |Hay per,ton.....‘ .. ~ r-ztruï¬l per, ton. ww] TN 17) Melancholy Accident. I 'BBI‘BBELS. June l7 ~TLIs a um mm a ‘ mus! mï¬lnnl‘thV m'cidvnl nmu‘lmd , :«n 21:9 ‘ Ambie- of Duncm. Tmim quuhiiv 0“ «hey. ‘ -hv which It)va 'chxld-un "hump-‘3 A' “he-w. * mid Ruler Waylon ugvd “Huh-mirth Q. G ‘ and 4 wars. mm thi" dvmh hv lefJCdliuu II aims-um lhe}. rhmlu 0 Into an out l-in. the lid clusmgnn Ilwm and lwcuming fnsIeno-d 'r (.n the cutade Whm lhr- hived mun open- ml it In feed |he burst-s thh uuld he found I thm dPud. A Cunomo Pro- NIGâ€"Tbe Pio-nic heldin Thornhllllust week, in connecn uon with the R G Church, was very sucv cesnful. notwithstanding the wet weather Over 8150 was collected for the cane, which was won by Mr Boultbee’s friends PIC-N10 â€"-The C M Sabbath School“ revolve at Victoria Square hold their annual {NEWS Picâ€"Nic in Mr Stoutonburgh’s beautiful 3’" 'be ‘ grove. on Dominion Day. Games and 51:; amusements provided. The LemOnville 5 “3,â€; Brass Band is engaged, Address by a ‘ Hm is d number of reverend gentlemen. A grand : under 1 Concert will be given in the: evening, in the Temperance Hall. First class pro- They gramme. Dinner 25 cents, Concert. 25 Inmf" cente, Tea 8; Concert 30 cente. t TORQN'J"! )' Tmsnu, June 22, Ian. muons AT mnmunu- wmaom When (all, hamper. bush ..'..$ 1 2 Spring :0 1 o n Barley . Outs, at. Penn do By. - " do Dressed Houmer 100 1b: BaeLhind quartersmet ‘ Mutton, by the carcase per 100 lb Chickens. per pair Duokl, per brace Goesewwh ......... Turkeysmmch Buttonlbrolls . . lugs rolls tub dairy... Eggeroah, doz. . Potatoes, per bag . Arrples par bmel Onions, pa! big Cabbagomer oz... . .. golery, per do; . . . . . . . . . . . . Q40, owe“ 5H-A___-uw_-hk----.nm Bouown‘s PII.I.s-"-Sadt§mt ghmgea, frequent rm. and ï¬mvndmg dampness son» It imfede the vital lunclioua. sud etmdnce lo ill-hottlth The remedy for such disorders lit-s in some purifying mt-iicine, lxke these Pills. which is cnmpeteut l0 grupnle suc- cessfully with thta mischief'ut in source. and stamp it nut. Without fretting thv newâ€. or weakening the aft-item Hol'lnwuy's Pills! extract from-the hltmd all noxinus matter, regulate lhe nctiuu of may dism- etrd’ut- gnn, stimulate the liver andl kldm-ys. and relax tho- huwelu In outing chow com- plaints them» Pills are rt‘mnrknl'ly «ï¬ctive, eapecinlly thu aided by u Ema. lncal appliâ€" cmiun of the Uinunrnt This fluuhho he'll- ment. will ensure n cr‘rmiu. amtdr twd' tumm- ï¬ment progress. and suund limit†well gnu» he t'e-estnblislwd. The funerul‘tonk place toâ€" 1351.6“).an day), and was largely an“ ded De «7 ceased was an 01d and highly respec' d resident of Markham tnwmlï¬p. Barley Outs, Pena Rye _LAMP Exm.onnn.-The ehandulitw in Mr Moo ie’u store fell down o’n Wed? ncsday night, and the lamps exploded, setting ï¬re to the ï¬ner. An alarm was given, and in 7: short time the ï¬re was smothered by quilts and rugs. The ï¬remen were quickly on hand. _ The alarm rung by the C M Church bell, excited the villa-gem cunsiderubly. But {01' the prompt aetmn of those present ntthe ï¬re. there would have been a serious cuuflugrmiom Baumâ€"At Richmond Hill, on Thursdsv. 16th 1:336" the wile of Mr. John Harris. of a. daugh- r. When Doctors Disagree, who shall Decide. Nothing is mom vurmble than the dim-r» ent opinions of medical men; Whmt thev fail to agree, or to pert'nrm 'n cute in a chronic disease. the patients often decide for themssnlws. and take Burduck Blond Bitters. and spvedily recover. It is the grand key In hwtllh that unlocks all the st» cretiuns. mud hberates the slave item the captivity of diavnsr. ' Aamcrurt'tut. --N_urth York and Whit-- chutch' Am ir-ulturatl Siltllel‘i"! ‘huva entered into nrrangbmentu for holding a nuionb‘huw on the North York Suczgty’s Grounds at Newmmket. on 'l‘uvsduy and Wednesday. October 10th and llth. Now in the _ time to sell tickets 0! nwrnhershlp while uppOf-- tunitiea offer of meeting large number: at public gatherings. Special efl‘urts slmnld he made to make the coming Union Shay; man» than usually successful : and to insure this. increased energy must be inlused in munttgrment. and increased membership is an absolute ueceuitv. The most success- ful exhibitions always folluw in those years when the membership cheeds the averagu. (‘ush is reasonably plentifulâ€"crops are nromini-xtrea gund s‘lmw ought to be the rvsult 0f thv ut‘ion : t! it is .nherwise, blame will full on the want of enterprise in secur‘ mg members lira. How It Worked at the Murray House- Atnong the. contest hum-ls in Ontario is the Murray House ot'St Catherine‘s, kcpt by Mr Thou. Sculley. whvré the writer always stops when in‘thnt city Upon n recent trip. the. writer was speaking with Mt-Scully concern. ing his old ailment. weak back. when Mr S ohservvd : "I take sincere pleasure in rec» ommot.ding St Jncoba ml to all sulfa-em. I a‘ve found it a most. excellent rt-mcdy mvwll’. and l know of others who bavu used it With great nuccesa. I would not hp with- out St Jacobs Uil, nor do I believe any sens- tble muu ought. i caught a cold nbuut thrve yours ago, which anttlt-d in my back and sorelv nflicled me betwven my shoul- dern The pain wns ulnix-st unendumble nt 'illtorl. especially at impondinu changes of the weather ; and at such times lused to be incapacitated for attending to my business. I tried electric baths. salt baths. various strengthening plaster: and other such means without success Finallv I ttied St Jucohs Oil. the Gteat German Remedy. and was cured at once and pptmnnently. M Jucohs Oil is u must excelltâ€"nt remedy and I would not be Without it at any price." Korrma.â€"Athisrraidence, Richmond mu. on Tuesday.20th inlt..Mr David Hopper. aged 70 years. Our Band go to Markham on let July LOCAL ITEMS. THE M A RK- b’I‘S. DEATH. BIRTH. glï¬ents Furnishings, Hats, Bapsï¬c.’ 00 lo 00 7 00 015 075 l 25 1'] 1 45 aOO 9 50 7 00 9 60 90 0 55 0 00 15 55 9 My '1! 00‘ l 50 )9 00 17 18 l 50 9 15. I On Saturday while two of the sons 0! Fewer Tunny residing in the 3-d Com. (- (' Ibe Township of King. were examining revolver it ac'c3drnmlly went off. the ba' wasng Ihroagh the neck of one and lodge: :Tm Ibe wull Maide him. Dr Mt-kt-nzie min 3911 for ImdeiulPlv. and Qressvd the'wound K N [be ball had passed ths emhlh of an inch 5 further itmnrdly it womd have proud fatal. ‘ HR- is duing na‘well as could b6 expebled i under the circumstancea. “ww‘ ’ EB J; r Our compliment are tendvrod Yhe Rich- mond Hill bnnd for I serenade on the even- ing at Nomination dav. The bow planed splendidly and under the able leadership 0‘ J. inell they will very shortly be in 3 yo- sixion to hold the" own against any hand noth of the city Their uniforms urn mod- els of neatness. The band wna here in the interesl ol Mr Muluclr. Bosealis They are ï¬ning tn have a big time in Au- rnm on Dnmininn Day. 3500 will he givrn in prlzvs. mud gold and silver medals and cum. for Wreslling. running. jumping. vault- ing. lncmsse match. cricket match. throw- in! heuvy Weight. mssinz the caher. hori- z Mal bar. pnrul el bnra, frayeze. club BWlHL'lHE; 2mqu lumhlmg and a grnnd‘vluz of wur bmween tun men from Fleuxy'a Wnrks. and' ten from Wilkinson's. B)"- ow-ling and other races. Bund Compelin‘on and: dancing in the uï¬'eruonn. and grand concert in Ihe evening Among moss wl'ln Inks pm! In Ihe Athlrlivsports am 1119 lendv in! men nf 1his Continent. Johnmon, K055 Hurst mad ‘Aduir H‘ewi'n, Peucpgk',‘ and Lyneh. of New Yurk. - ~ EALED TENDERS, addrPased to the under signed. and endorsed "Tender for the MUR~ BAY CANAL." will be receiged at this omce un- til the urrivéfl the eastern‘gmd western mails an TUESDAY, Tum ’Twmm'snvmwru DAY 0! Jam: NEXT, for the fom-ation on Canal to con- nuct the head waters of the Bay of Quinta wit Prgsquilo Hag-beg, Lake Untagio. , . a. . Or 0th" Soft Wood, deliver-9d mg pur ‘W'orlgs Patterson. June 8th, 1382. MURRAY CANAL. GRAND 1012020 per cent. discount; ' u; REYNOLDSg" RHEWMISME The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose‘ tenders are not ace-2mm! This Department does not, howevet,blnd itself to accap‘. the lowest or any tendvr. Departmenc of Railways and Canals. Ottawa. 22nd May, 1884- A map at the locality. together with play,“ BPeCiflwthms of the works.- can bo‘.- nan ,ng flfl! omce and at Brighton, m1 and after THURSDAY, THE Emn'rn DAY 01'- Jmm unx'r. whom 'Iprinted forms of tenfl'e'r can Be obtained.- - 7 ; fr . 1011115 01 “august can [)6 ouuuueu. ‘ ' . '7 - ' Conbi'actors are quuitfed m'bqaz' mind that an accephirl b‘m‘ik chcqï¬'e {OH-he sum '0! $3,000 must accompany each tender. which sum shall be forfeited if the arty tendering declines to ' enter into contract or the execution of the work! at the rams and prices submitted, subject to the conditions and on the terms atated‘in tue speci~| ï¬cation. 1 BOLD BY-ALI. DRUEGISTS AND DEALERS ‘ IN MEDICINE. MEL-fl AND SUMMER learn/gin, Sciatica, tumbago, Idaho/re, Soreness of the Chas-f; 6M, Quintyrfara Throat, Swell-- kg: and Sprain, Bums and ’ Sea/d3, (general Bodily mm, Tooth, Ear and’ Headache, Frosted? Foal and. Ems; and all 061101- Pains and lobes. R0 Pn mum: on egrth oqnlll S-r. J'Amna 0n. n I an 9, 3mm, Jim :19 and cheap Extmml Renaud, A trill «main but the comparatively trifling out!" at M Coma. Ind every one Inflering 13h puln can b". chequlnd positive pm! of m- C ml. Dlrocflanl in llovon Emma-gas. OATS, GOOD PINE gm E?ilrcrtiï¬Ã©iii‘riiféf A. voanpgn a; 00., Notice To Contractors. CASH PAID FOR DRY G'UODS, AURORA. By order, Baltimore. 114.. F. b. In Patterson aiï¬rm F. BRAUNI AT F ROM I Qecretuy. I“ '7 . Contractors are requeste' to bear in mind (but- [ an accepted Bank Cheque for the mm 0! $1.500 must accompany each tender. which sum shun be forfeited if the party tendering decline! to on- v ter into con trnct tor the ext-cation o! tl‘e work at the rates and prices submitted. and Inhioct to the conditions and terms stated in tho Ipecm» cations. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the trespective parties who“ tendon no not Mt. oep r . LEIIINIIM HUMMER! I UNDER and by virtue of Ruined Suï¬â€œ: 0! Ontario, Chap. 2m.- Sofctlon 3‘, the Cnle- on o ' In the County 6: York, Division Court cum, Woodbridge. Deceased, who died on or about flu EALED TENDERS addressed myth. and!!!» ‘ signed, and endorsed "Tundra:- for um Welland Cann‘l,"wili‘ be received w this of!!!» until the arrival of the Ennbrn‘ mad Wonteml Mails, on 'JUESDAY, the eleventh any of July, next. {or certain alterations to be made to. uni the lengthening of Lock NOl ton charms a! ï¬lm old Welland Canal. ' A map of che locality together with plnn nut Speciï¬cations of the work: to be dome, can be sun at this ofï¬ce. and at the Resident En i‘m'uv bmce. Thornld, on and after TUEFDA , the twenty-seventh (lay a! June next, where pdnhd. 10mm of tender can be obtained. NOTICE I Encatora of the inst will and tenement o! the said Duncan Mc’auiium, their Chrinzinn and Sunnames.addreaeos and description. the N1! particulars of their: cleans, 9. statement of their accounts, and the nutm of their neuritic: (ii’ any.) held by themflandnhnt immediately Just the said Fourth Dug at July, A. D is“. the Assecsahhe Estate 01â€. a» mid Duncan leâ€" Cullum, will be diaï¬ifluï¬d among the panic: entitled thereto, heying};n’terenco only lo “no claims, of which nocibe Ihnll he." Been fumiah- ed to the Executor's,.un above re uiied, and the said E'xecutaor’s sheiï¬not Be liub etc: the Aunt: or any pm; thereon to any person of whole ciaimnotice shall not have been reeeived by {)hetx‘n or their Solicitan. at the time of diacri- n on. ‘ ' ' " ‘ ‘ ’ “ Bum mam, TOW NEH-1P OF VAUGHAN I Are hereby notiï¬ed to lend, by pout prepaid. or before the mam inla. hangout papiï¬ ml V V'f‘ï¬iérbapnrtment does not, hc went, bind Rule to accept the lowest or any tender. Dept. of Railways 1nd Cnnall, Ottawa, 22nd May, 1882. TORONTO. 6 Solicitors {or £20“th Dated at Toronto the 20th Duvo! May. AD. "82. WELLAND CANAL ’2 Fourth Day of July. A. D. 1882. Messrs. Bull GaMorphy, D signed, and endorsed “Tender {wr’l‘rent'vaSv gaitipn," will be receSvod a! this once until 010‘ smivalof the Emath Ind Water-m Mam, on' ’WEDNESDAY, tho Eifth dn of Juli): next, {01" the constnmtmn of two Life colunB'rflkr- Plan Md other Works at Fonelon Falls :ralbo .flio con- s‘t‘mmmn o; a. Lock at Bucktorn kai' a: and for the construction 0! three boob, I’ Dun Ind! B13139 1’1qu -nflBu_rloi_gla_ Fullm‘ anh'actors are requested to b.†in mind ï¬ne Tend?an {or the diï¬emnt work! must be eceomv panï¬gd by an accepted bank cheque. u follow. : For the Feuelou Falls work ...... $2,000 Do Buckborn Rapids work 3500 D0 Burleigh Fells work... $1,5Ii0 [ï¬nd mu these respective amounh shall be for felted if the party tendering declines entering im- to cuntmct for the works at. the ntel and price-a submitted, subject to the conditions and terms. 5: Med in the speciï¬cations. The cheques thus sent in will be returned 40 thetdiferent parties whose leader! m not ea- c e . ~ ' his Dopartmontï¬oes not, however, bind itself w'i‘ï¬ibopfltm out does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowesï¬mj um: 23011691“ , ,, _ s: P x mzsnmont of Railways and Can-ll, Ottawa, 22nd May, 1582. 3mm McCallum, J'th Kaiser, and N.. Clarke Wallace, ' ‘ia‘i’vï¬k‘aibiéï¬â€™bf’ihiaéfï¬lun mu be m anp‘smtolyh ' Maps of the! respected locallliot;.°bgo¢har with plans and elimination: of mu womb, enn be loop; at this omen an and after WEDNESDAY, thO' Twenty-ï¬rst. Day at .‘Iunn' new" when; minted ï¬brmn of Town mm. be obtainod. A Mk. clan of? immunnuou mlauwv to the works at Fandan- Falls will be turmst at that plwe. nnd lot- (hose M Buckbom- and Bufloigh. informnflon' may he obtai‘and at the rolidmt Engineer's onâ€: PgWrbomugh. : gm! gdvmmmmï¬. Notice To Contractors. mme TENDERS. pdgugcdï¬o gm! LINE} » SALE! Fmrth‘lmy oumy, A. D. I878. TRENT “Human, EXECUTOR’S Notloe To cmm‘oros Soliciton for Lace 0! the By order, By. order} F. BB‘UN, l". BRAUN. Secret In Secretary is