Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 29 Jun 1882, p. 2

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o Richménu Hlll. om. W0. 4: Whole No. 1252; Volume 25. Ml Navigationâ€"A P Bradley Hummer Goods-I Cram Lon-Nelson Conner Cheap for Cashâ€"P G Savage fisher gustâ€"Job): _Wica Vania 'i’b‘dmiéfi’cgu'i THURSDAY. JUNE 29. 1882. The "Rev. Sturgeon,” as a corresâ€" pondent, in another column, facetiouz-ly dubs the man across the way. mourns the political death of Timmhv Warren Anglia, the leader of the Grit party in New Brunswick. ’J'he “Rev. Sturgeon” Ihouldnotact thusly. He should be highly delighted atthe defeat of this man - "Strange Iaconsistency,”-Not Much, Mr.Wallaoe was declared to be too Vilea man to represent West York. because he was not, a bowling temper- anoe man, like the “Rev. Sturgeon." and he disgraced We_st York because he did not speak against Lhc amendment to the Scott Act. "l protest must sulvmnly against lr-gisu lattnn of this kind. I n-gmd it as of ‘lu mus.- pornicit-ua nnd in-jutiuus character lll‘rl ran pnt-tnihlt' be concvived. and also of the mmgt tyrannical clmructvr. It is ‘1 decluru: tlnn that it is the IiL’hl of the mnjurlty in mm portion of the D-vlninton tn (liclutc to 1hr Ir-intvity of the pimple what thfiy shall want and whnt Ilwv shull think, and wlmt nnininn they shall profpss. and even what they shall wear. 'l‘yt-unuv more gross tlnw 1th it is impnssihle fur man to conceivn. and they-Mme (101 most solemnly pmtsst Against lhlS Bill. and against the puncipul 'npon which it is based. More than this. I not only protest Bguinat this Bill, but I will nupossit us far as my single voice can I‘ppOSB it. because I beltevé it will. i“ not nbsolmely inoperative. be prnducnve of re- »nnlm ofthe wove! kmd, and evil: of the grosses! character." -' Nut content with this abuse. the “Rev. Sturgeon" characterized Sgl’lle of the leading men n.“ this town asi“bluck sheep.” accused them of "Want of win-- oiple." of making “hypocritical maniâ€" festations.” etc , because they did not, vote for Mr. Hodtzins, who in no single wint can claim any merited superiority nver nur present member. But. of cnurse Mr. Wallace is a Conservative and. M r. Attuliu iu it Grit. Now just see how very cnnsistenpa) the"‘l{cv Sturgeon" is on the Temter- mice U) crv. When tht‘ Scott Act was before the House of Commons in 1878. Timothy thrrvn Anglia deroended from the Speaker's chair. nnd gave utterance w the following words- :â€" The Grit organs have not yet got ovor their amazement at the disastroua defeut their party suffered on the 20th. They appear to be somewhat dazed. par- tially paralyzed, and completely bewil- dered. They are all anxious to find some excuse ; everything but, to admit that. they were wrong. The Globe rhouts “bribery,” and a number of papers echo the cry ; another paper alludes to "a temporary defeat, but a great moral victory” and it was quite a 1following. Some sheets say the people were misled ; others that they are too. ignorant to understand what. is good for themtand so it goes. But the silliest of all excuses is that given by me Liber al. in endeavoring to explain why Mr. Hedgins was deleated. It says that twe- ty-«five temperance voters in this Village, members of the Te-moerance Lodge, betrayed the cause, and Went lback on their principles In vnting fol-3 M r. Wallace. “'henjhe Libfrul getn‘ thoroughly aroused, it never llt‘SllHN’S tol .mash the tru h considerably. to muko'a point. and in this instance it has provou‘ faithful to its old char-cteristic. The fact in that there are but 17 voters in this village, who belong to th.» Temperance Lndge. mid of Kl’H‘M‘ 9 are Griter Now whrre dovs the Liberal yet its “25 voters who went back nu their wirinciplcs" to vote against M r Hmigtns. Surely he does: not. mean that all the Grits voted for Mr Wallace. Ewen If thnv did. that would not mnkl‘ 25 The Liberal man must have knuWn that he [was stating nn untruth. an he is connect ft" with the Lndgfl, and we regret to raw Ihnt 'bince his. crmnectit‘n, and attempt to run it. the institution has apparently reachtd a lower standing than at any period since it was organized, many )eurs ugo‘ We have hem informed that Alderman Boswell, who has a vme m Yorlrville, did not take the trouble to cnme from the (3in 10 cast. it. I? the heads of the party so not. what our) big expected from others. We simil be nlad to make the amende honorz‘i‘k; ifwe have been misv iflfOImfids UHI‘RCH l’IC-MCâ€"A tun-me til" the St. .lohn‘a ( ltllt'('l] M York Mtlls hunk place on Bulut'dttv in the grove mljutwnt to NW (hutch. A large number wcre present. the wmnite heiqu everything that was dvt-t'rultlr. Th9 ptittt'tttul {zmllflPmPHl ml" tht' day was a game It} ltll'lhnll lwtwpun tlw Egllntmt ttttd Ytttk Mtl s c uhzt. tlw Hzt'emnmtt ha'vittu hem) ptevi'vnslv made that the lnsmy club shun fl pruwdn the suptter fut the wintmrs Both clubs wet-v tn uttm’l mntdtlitm and sum» fine playing wm‘ witneusttdt Tl“? first game was taken by tlw Eg'iuton lung in. twenty minâ€" tttes: the socond lusth hh'flll on huur and twpntv minutes and mu; demdetl in lavor I f York Mtlls Hfer c ttlsldfirtl‘nlfl dispute; the third was won by lbglt'ntmt in about twenty minute‘s. A return match will pruhnbly be plu'ed at Eglt’ztton at the Gnod Templars’ pic-ntc, which will take place in two or three weeks. The Newtonbmnk bttttd Furttishvd music for the rtt-Mcimt. and the sum 0f$103 was realized after paying all exltenses. The Silliest Excuse or All. HEW ADVERTISEMERTs YORK MILLS- Cnrnvu PIC-Mc-A MO-nic Elie Elgar}: imam. nicnf the St. The First of July is yearly growing ‘ more in favor throughout the Dominion, ; as a general or national holiday. 'I he fifteenth anniversary of confederation on Saturday next, promises to be more en- thusiastically celebrated by demonstra- t tions, Pic-nice, Athletic Gaines. etc, than any former year. RIC HMOND HILL. There will not be any excitement in this village on the First. The. inhabiâ€" * tantr ofthis thriving and loyal munici- pality do not desire to monopolize all lthe holidays in the year, and they gen- ‘erously stand back on Dominion Day, I and give other places a chance. The; Queen’s Birthday is the anniversary celebrated here. and then we have a big time. On Dominion Day those of our ‘ citizens inclined to be neighborly. and desirous of a little recreation or festivity to relieve the monotony of our woulth- ‘ {accumulating existence, generally stroll off to visit their friends in the country, tor participate in the celebrations in other ltowns and villages. No one should sigh for amusement when there is such :1 var- ied and choice programme to select from as we give below. I STRAWBERRIES AND ICE CREAM. A Strawberry and Ice Cream Festival will be held in the evening. at the resiâ€" IdenCe oi’ Mr. J. Brown. in this village. l Proceeds in aid of the English (lhurch t-pitc. The man whose heart doth not ,crave-for the sweet luscious berry and ipure lactael fluid. has lost the power of ienjnying a repeat for which Alexander ‘siehed in vain. after his famous little trip to the Indian Ocean And the maiden who does not relish ice cream,” but we forget, “there is no maiden so accureed by fate, so utterly desolate, but 'that she can keep a man and a small boy but-y all day long until they become l round-shouldeied, making the poisonous compound" All who wish to enjoylhem selves with tlis kind of dissipation can inc! do better than call at. Mr Brown's 1on the eVening of Dominion Day, where ‘ there's only a quarter to pay. i V ELLORE Mr. John McLean has a beautiful tgrove, on the rear of'lot 16, con. 6th. of l Vaughan. and the young men of the 6th Iand 7th cont will have it fixed up in Sprnper Style For Dominion Day. Last, lyear there was a large crowd present. and live did not notice one cross or unpleasant ! looking person in the whole bun feed. i'l'he tun beg-its to unwind Itself at 12 (o‘clock. .Foot Racing Jumping, Toss- ing Cuber. Swinging. Croquet, etc.. form part of' the programme. OVer 850 will t be distributed in prizes. Lancing has l not been forgotten, and a large platform will be prepared, and good music secured A Brass Band will be present. Only ‘ ‘26 cents, ladies free. VICTORIA FQUARE . One ofthe most pleasant places we know of to spend the day, is with the friends of'tho U. M. Unnrch Sabbath School, at Victoria Square. They have a habit of holding a picnic every vcar in M r. Stoutenbnrgh's 2rove.‘and they I know how to make these kind of things enjoyable and successful. THE GLORIOUS FIRST! 'l'he scholars leave the (‘hurch at 10 a. m and march in 1hr grove. handed by lhe Lem- nnville Brass Band. DIH’I‘JI‘ m 12, nfleu which ihe Revs. I Campbell. Brown. l’imo loll. Pickering nnd Addismi. wlll deliver adrlrpssvs. Ten from 4 30 In 6 30. allvr which a grand mmcert will he given in thuâ€" Temperunce Hall. A good punymmme consisting of Vocal and Instrumenlnl Selo-c. lions. Reading-a, Keciluliuns. elc.. has been prepuzed. The principal attraction in this neigh- borhood will be the Pl'erbylerizlll Sabbath School Picâ€"Me. A pmcossion thi leave 'I'hoiuhill for Mr John Dixon’s beautiful grove in East York. at. 12 30. headed by the Thornhill Band. Teams wilI be provided for taking parties to and from the grounds. Croquet, Swings, and other amusements provided. Téa at 3 o’clock. Sirauberrios and Cream und lco Cream at, an rates. This guth oring is always woll attended. and there in any amount of i'un going on. AURORA They have $500 to give away in prizes in Aurora. for athletic games, etc. La- crosse and Cricket matches 'l‘lrre will be a grand tuLr of war, hicvc’e and other roars. Gold and Silvvr niede mnl cups will be contested for. Theta will be a Bind Competition and Dancing in the afternoon. and in Band concert, Gimx mists, and Dirtribntion of Prim-s, in the Tan Hall in the evening. The leading Athletes in the world will be pre>eut, and take part in the games and sports. TOWN LINY. ~ The Primitive Methodist Sabbath School hold a picâ€"nio, In the woods, half-a-utile mist of' MortFon’s Saw Mill, Ynnge Street, on the townâ€"line, between King and Vaughan. \VOUDBRIDGE The programme of' proceedings in this Village, will be found in our Wandbridge letter. Hnunww's ()xx'rmm-r AND Pn.1.s.â€" A fnqnpnt case of gnu! and rheumatism is the infinmmnlnry Stale oflhe blood. attended with had digestion and general debilily. A few doses of the Pills mkvn in lime nre nn effectual prpvumive againsl gout and rhmmmism. Anynne whn has an attack of eithm‘ uhould use Hollnuay's Oinlmem also. the powerful aclinn of ulm‘h. ctlmbim ed with the oppratinn ol' the Pills. must in- falhblv efi'sacl a cure. lesp Pills act d1~ wally on 159 blnorl, whivh lhev unril'v and impmve. Having nnoe sulrdmd the sherâ€" ilv of these 51895593, xexsewramw will] Ihe (Hmn‘ezm m'ier Fumesuing :lue axfl'ecled jmms will; warm hré‘na will speedily relax all stiffness and prewar, permanent our ‘ (31201); MARKHAM. Athletic Games, etc.. in the afternoon. and a grand Concert in the evening. at which Mr CnldWPll, and other talented singers will take part in the programme. NEWMARKET. Horse races, and a grand demon- stration. A GOOD TIME COMING, BOYS! TORONTO . A Grand Lacrosse Match, and race on the Woodbine. WHERE TO ENJOY 1T THOBNHILL Sin,» A paper called the Liberal. said to he published by the “Rev Sturgeon Stewart" * fell into my hands last week. and my atten-- tion was drawn to an article under the cap-- ltion “Strnnge lncorsistency,” The writer ;ot this attiéle must he a “Strangely Incon= sistent man,” as can be proven from but own paper. He charges certain members of a Temperance Society with inconsistency in Voting for ClurkeWnllncu, whom the Rev ‘i Sturgeon atyles “a liquor dealer. a liquor drinker, and a man who liternlly pours it down the throats of his felluw beings at [every convenient oppottunity. ” 7b the Editar ofthe Herald. Now Sir. why shoiild Mr Wallace be com demned when members of the Rev. Sturâ€" genn’s own political household are equally guilty ? Why not condemn the member elect for East York, who while professing to stand upon a lofty pinnacle ot‘coneiatency and Tempernttcn. and iii poweasion ol' the first place in the gilt oi the people of this fair Dominion. would stoop to Supply hin guests Willi liquor and “literally pour it doivn their throats.” Is not, this what you would (will "strange inconsistency ‘3" If not, perhaps the llev Sturgvon would kindly exp nin what it is. Mr Wiilluce is also charged by this "political moralist”-â€"snve the mark."â€" with beingr a liquor drinker. Well. what is M r. ,Hodgins, the rejected of West York 't’ In lie not a liquor d-inker 7 It’ not. his most intimate friends belie him, and indeed for that mutter. nine out ofevei-y ten supporters of the Katotm Party are liquor drinkers. And talk about liquor d9uletu-why the Reform Party of \\ eat York had us their guurdinn angel at one time. a man who Sl'ld mare liquor than all the hotels and shops in the County put to- gether, and tlwy would glndly huve had the same mun as their “standard heater" in the late contest. il'he had not been afraid to fuCe the music. Mr N (‘lurke Wallace is an honomhle and upright man. obliging and [mi-minkng in amending in the wunls of his constiluvnls ; he is highly spoken of in his own neighbou- hood. even by his most bill‘T opponents; nnd he has never lteen guilly uf cheating n Mann) om of Six Hundred DuliMS, by lukiu-r advantage. of a little neglect ; of that Mnn(n)'s Solicitor. A stranger reading We Liberal wouid think thin “Temperance” was it lending question in our pnlil‘ivs. Such is not [he case: for during: the whole of this canvass Mr. Hodgins never expiezsod an opiniun yuhlic- ly upun lhu quemiun Hui. no dnubl. he gnvvhin opi'uilm privmely. while Spongiug his way lhrhugh lhe Riding. legmdiug the quality of the article which his friends xe- galed him with. The uRev. SlurgPuu” any; than every person who cannot see Ihruugh his glasses are "him-k sheep” In the mid. Well, if they urn sn black. why not cull u Cnulvrw'wv oi'the Suims tugelher. and have thi'm exâ€" pelled, as a certain Church Conference treated a cev-luin'-black abet-p” who crop: in- L0 lht‘ir t‘uld Some years ago, thugh hyn pOC"58y and dH-oil. Thu'nking you for allowing so much space I remain, through evil and good [er m1, A Cnxsmvnxvu. (From our own Corxmpondont.) Election mailers have been the princile talk oflnte, but are now nearly thread- bam, and all hands have go! willed dam: to wnrk again, will) the excepuou of a few red-hm Grits. who feel so down in [he moulb nvpr their grnnd defeat that they (-u-mmeven sleep sound: let alone work. They were sure West York would again be m llIP hands nfllie Grils. But no, West York is C(Ilvservuilvl’. as will be seen by the following official rmurn :â€"-â€" Vaughan, Np Richmond 3111' Brockton .. Etobiooke Complete Statement of VoLes poued in West York, 20th June, 1882. Township of ank No 12,] “ 13,5 “ 14.] " 15. ‘ " 16,] Parkaan MFD TBROWING. The Liberal mud bling9r is most resppct- fully requested m talk? a hal.r day, and go into his back ymd and exercise his muscles by throwing dirt at himself. As he has been spending the last few monlhs throw- ing dirt, at mhers. hp ought. now to be qune an adppi and be able m fill his mnulh everv lime. Then he can put on suck- clmh and HIFhl-‘S. and he and James M â€"- can Inrn {In h‘s file ofthe l9lh May, And lead allomam sentences of mo Liberal :uticle nf' lhm date. It will. no doubt, tend to south their sorrows. and reconcile thsm tn the ills Ihév have lo bear“ Tr will alfio show 1ht>m what a churmhw git”! of pro- phony lhev me maswsned on Blisiné-ss nfal} descripfitvns in our village, ail unda: lbs TI Vaughan and Richmond Hill York Township... Brockton... . .. Etohicoka PaxkdaJe.. Woodbndge, July 2811:, '82. The result this year shows an increased numâ€" l’er of votes polled, the total number being, Mr Wallace 1561 ; Mr Hedging 1324 ;Grand Total 2885 or Em increase over XETa of 435 votes. 'West York was never so thoroughly, and the vote so fully pol ed, as on the 20th of June, The Reform party polled exacrlv 200 votes more than in 1878, and the Conservatives 235 more In the general election (#1878, the following votes were polled z-V'nllaco. 1326; Blain. 1124; Tgfinl, 24-10: BUILDINGS. ' Mr Ahvll is pushing lha work ranidly at his new buildings. and intends having Ilwm fin shawl 93er in the fall It. will take 150. 000 bnick for the hotel and store. 'I he lnmrdntinns Inf the sheds and smln‘os m9 now bping built. The hulldings when fin- ished. Will make a great impl'nw‘ment, to the Eilsl end of our village. which bus looked :uther desolate of late. CITY FATHERS. Our village Cvuncil nre low at starting th atnlme labor wm-k. which is much m-eded in many pa Is 0‘" the» village. DV'MINI”N DAY. Dnmininn Dav will he c~lehmtsd harp in a series of pPrfnrmum-es. mum-s of all dis. cumulus, blind cmmwtilion. Pwshvmliml pin-vine. house-racing, &c.\ when we hupe to see all our friends. A sermon tn the ()mngemen of H155 place. wa he preached in 1h:- C M Chum-h next Sundav morning. bv the RM Mr Conron. A large. turn out is expected. Majority for \Vulluce, 237‘ West York, June 28th. 1882 Temperance Voters. WOODBRIDGE I, Mimico......... 2, Isliugton.. 3. Mono Inn... 4. Thieflecown‘ 17', )8, 52. RE CAPITULATION Thomhlll Puttmson. Edgely... Teston... Woodln-idw . Purpleville.... W. of Wood ’ge Kleinburg W. Davenport” Semen Vfl’ze Fuirbank .. “Huston”. Duncanm Cherry"s,,. Ezlington Runny made Wallace Hedging 47 71 49 83 H 71 93 'H. 117 6‘2 68 I35 29 73 Tm O'Dw. 562 565- 582 162 1561 585 52 7 5 83 39 230 47 43 62 152 booming 132$ 571 55 2-25 123 672 349 2‘26 123 51 71 51 48 b2 55 42 62 49 { Lesaâ€"A memorandum book; be- ‘tween 3rd Can. of King and Whit- {church Reward.81“. See advertisment. g The Regular monthly meeting of the 1 Fire Company, for practice and business, i wxll be held on Friday, July 7th. D A. M., Malvern, your favor reâ€" ceived with thanks. A fresh supply of Albums, Prayer Books. 820., just. received FAIR Dunâ€"The next monthly fair will be held on Wedugsday, July 5th. POUND -â€"-Two horses in ponna. See advertisement. A communinahon from “a Refonner," unavnidvbly held over. It WI” appear next week. LEATHER HALTER LOST.â€"Between Thoruhill and Richmond Hill. b‘ec ad- vertisement. -A C. M. Church Social will be held at. Teston, on Thursday, July 6th. IMPROVED THE CORNERâ€"Opening out the new street, and removing the old buildings has greatly improved the corner north of Trench’s Carriage Works. _ FIRE PRO0F.â€" Even if the National Policy has been sustained. prices have not increased at this old and reliable stund. Never was Urnshy prepared to give better value in all kinds of Summer goods See ‘udvt The Entrance Examinations are being held to day, in lhe High Schonl. in this village. They will be continued to mor- row. Forty-five crndidates are writing. Mr F Lawrence. B. A. is presiding at the Examination for women, In con-- nection with the University of Tux-onto, now being held in the I High School. in this village. Scnomnmm Pm NIcâ€"-The R. C” Pic nic, held at Schomburg on the 14!): inst. was a grand rucceés, notwithstqu inq the wet weather There was a good crowd. and the gold headed came was won by Mr Mulock’s friends. 7 SUNSTRLKE. ~- We regret to hear that Mr. J Harris, nf‘ this village, received a sunsrroke on Friday lam. 'und has since been confined tollm house through its effects PEOPLE'S STORE The pic nic sensun is around, and Savage is prepared to "we: in half way. with a slack ofeveryâ€" thing; in the edible line required at a fosxiw gathering. See hi4 udvt. Excnesmu Tl) COUCHICHING â€"An excursion to this beautiful park took place on Saturday last. under the ans--l pines of the Eduely C. M. Chu-ch mnsi- cal Union. Ten our loads of happy look ing persons lel't Richmond Hill statton [lam-a1 |at 8 o’clock, accompanied by cheering factual”, and insptring Strains of martial and sentiâ€" 89m“, Qu mental music tendered bv the Downsview ings a. and 'l'eston Bands. Additions were 304 made to the numbers at Kintz. Aurora, and Newmarket, and when the-train ar- room, [a riwd ut the Park, the 'l‘ovmr-htp onork fee; 5 Vaughan, and other places along the line 1 . were well represented itt the crowd. No Pu m ‘ Nature has done considerable in making fig“? “A”: Couchichingv e plentmnt place for pio nic- gifg’gu‘fim inu, but part of the pleasure does not claim Cultr'isl in it somewhat wourisome walk of‘ mmuw'm a mile or so from the station to the SOLD BY A] grouwlv'l'he day was verywarm, and the A v‘ 000], gentle breeze from the lake proved ' verv welcome and refreshing when the. excursionists arrived at, the Park. After‘ tltt‘ bun feed was over the distinguished visitors roumel at'cnnd the Park. and 3- T3. mused themselves dodging mosquitoes. mug and other strange and wonderfully 0011â€" Wheat 18:131.i n mooted insects.â€"â€"a combination of 33,10, ‘” 3“ bumble bee, butterfly and bat.â€"whioh 0M5. Peas infest these wild & hitherto unexplored Rye regions But those who go on excursions ‘ figgffifigfi take their life in their hand. as it. were. ‘ Mutationmy tin and the whole orowd. young nod old, gfitfi‘flgrpfit seemed to put in a pleasant. time. Aâ€" Geefiefifich- y - Turkeys. elm bout four o clock 21 Violent thunderstorm Buttr,]brollt came one and some fif‘ty persons. who" ig‘l‘Egst were not in a sheltered place. were thorâ€" Eggs, fresh. (1 oughly drenched. As the evening was 23:19:33.3; warm and sultry there WHS little danger 01310116113931)!" . , . Cabbage, pert oFtaktng cola Ali; o clock the train came 0919mm,- do along. and the excurstonists were taken 5" $1393} safely home, the bands playing “Home, Beetmy'er be; Sweet Home,” “One Mgre River,” “If, fififigfiggfi You get there,” etc. ' Straw per, ton Wan! run» lh The Rev. .‘1 r. Pickering preached his farcuell sermons on Sunday last. to large onngregafinns. ' The sermnns were good' He goes to Eglington. where we hope h" will make as many friends as he has on this station. g LACROSSE â€"A match will take place in t'his villagennn Sam-dayr July 8th, between the "Young: Canadians." of Richmond the “Athletes.” of Yorkville 'eny ’felv‘ fioo’ls uré selling; odds so far are on the home team. ‘ PLENTY OF WORK.â€"â€"Messrs. J. an A Newton, runners. af Elgin Mills, are kept very busy filling orders for leather. In fact. we are informed that the firm canâ€" not fill all their orders. so great- IS the demand. No doubt they are willing to admit that the N P has benefited their business a little if no other. MODEL FARM Excuasmn.â€"TheExv cursion to the Model Farm. Guelph. on Tuesday, was well patronized, seventeen curs being well filled with passengers The Downsview Band was present. and assisted in making the trip a pleasunt one. Free lunch Was provided at the Farm. where the Grungers of York and Peel were met by those ofGrey and > im- one The managers conducted the exâ€" cursion in, the-mom satisfactory manner. CRICKET.-â€"-A meeting was held in the Lorne wall on Friday evening, of a num- ber of persons interested in Cricket. A club was formed and the following offiâ€" cers elected :aâ€"Honoruble Pres â€"()‘. Duncumb ; Vice, J. Stewart; . Sec. 6c 'l‘reus. R Peach ; Capt.. E S Langstafi'; Vice, W Cook , Executive Com.â€" W. Storey. J Lnngstnfl‘, M Wilson’ Stewart and Coleman The club have accepted a challenge to play the Maple club in a few days The n'wmbers are now lookingr around for a field to practice in. En- trance fee 25 Cents. LOCAL ITEMS. \ Holidays have come, and the young lads now ‘ think life is worth living. Mr W. H. Myers, of Barrie, formerly one of our busineaa men. spent aiew days this week, with his friends in this village. Miss Lucy, daughter of John Langsmfl, 1719.. has returned home after an enjoyable visit. of over five months with friends in the United States Are you a follower of John Wesley, or do you trip the light mutastic. Our Lacrosse boys sigh for bruises, black eyes and glory. If Yorkville beats them, the town will put up the slabs. Miss Adm Broughton, of Toronto. is visiting her friends in this village. Mrs Dunn. of Wulland. formerly a xeaident of Richmond Hill, in visiting her friends in this village, after an absence of several years Mr David Blain, ex M. P , and Wife, passed through this village last week. and wanted Home cg their friends. They were guests at the Palmer ouse. Mrs Desmond and her son, of St, Paul. Minne- snto, who hive been visiting their relatives in this village and neighborhood, left here on Tues- dny for a. trip to New York, by way of Buffalo. where they spend a. few days. Miss Aggie Coulher has returned homo, after a. visit of several months amongst her friends in Toronto, London and other Western cities Some excitable Grits around here, have not recovered from the West York defeat yet. Mr Thomas Newton returned home to this village, on Wednesday last, after a, three months Visit to the North-West. He looks hearty, and enjoyed his visit through the Great Lona Laud. Mr Arch Campbell. of Asponwau. Panama, is visiting his friends in this villa. a. Mr Campbell {ormerly lived here and in Mar am Village for some years. He is now foreman of the machine shop of 8. branch of railways in Panama, where he Intends returning in a. few weeks. The Borcalis says, regarding the lacrosse mulch between Rwhmond Hill and Brud- ford clubs :â€"â€"The Richmond Hill club inp- hear to have lots of "sand" and are aux» ions In play llIPll‘ ()ppmmms on neutral gruumlsâ€"sny Aumrn, where lhvv could will fair play This is n w-Iy fuir ufl‘cr, and is calculated to show which club means busi- ness. W h; nul fight in on here on Demin- ion Day ? Referring I.) tho (elm-liun. the Aurora Bar. 5011?; Suva :-’As rugmds some n! the Canvas- sers on the Hm lick»! \w, the undoumed uutlmlilv for my“; lhnl lhev lescned pri- vately [0 Ike mum uwan («mum and con-- lvmpxible amions. So much so in fuel |hul we ttu believe Hm! Mr Muiock will never lake) his sem i-u Pm liuuwm. The Conservatives had a grand procession and fireworks. we. in Aurmu lust week, over lhe result of lhe elections , Dyspepsia. Hm! all pre'ulum urnâ€"me hf (-iviIizvd life- is always HIM-mird u uh u (hs‘mmrcd sympa- Ihviic sgslmn um] 'ud He‘L‘lellHllS. and no Mann-rm id[)u|le udnpfvd In its l'un- than “UldUCR lil ud Bthws nuke.” uccurding l0 lgecml direcvions fuumj un everv buulv. Gnilenu myyeam m wu‘xzu hi< ‘u-rIiMP [M- ii” vn muu- km;an us lht- und draws nvm‘. He Eli l maintains llMl hr- ix Ilw inspirvd Selvunl “fills l‘rvmm. “In: will m‘ule‘m him Hi: hmlnvr. th has nu! nhulldunt'd all hnpe. will pmsem another appeal lur n TellliPVP unhl an uxumnmliun as to the assassin's sunin has berm held. His apirit~ uul adviser. Rev. Dr. Hicks. asked the pray- ers of his congregu'iun for [he unfortunate man on Sundur. Are'you dihturbed at night and broken of your test by a alck child sufiering and cryin with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth 1’ I so, go at once and get a bottle of mm. wmsnow's soo'rn- 1N0 33mm}. It will relieve the poor little Buffsh er immediatelyâ€"depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not, a. mother on earth who has overused it, who will not tell you at once that it W111 regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother. and relief and health to this child, operating like magic. Itis perfectly safe to use in 21.11 cuties, um] plenmmfl to the taste, and is the pruscnptmn of one of the oldest and beat iemnle pnyaicitms 11nd nursnn in the United Status. Sold evervwhera at 25 cents a. bottle. MOTHERS! M01 151 he 2! MOTHEES n4 ..\_L A._; LA.,.__._ _. _. G Beware of 81 Dominion of Canada bills, from 155 000 to ‘156,000: They and are wm thies.. Where are you going on Dominion Day. SOLD BY ALI: DEUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. daimi ' 7" ' “ " Directions in Eleven Languages. .flauralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, ' fachache, Sorenass of the Chest, 8001', Quins y, Sore Throat, Swell- ing: and Sprains, Burns and Sea/d3, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fee! and Ears, and all other . Pains and Aches. No Pu ration on earth equals 51'. JAMES On. I! I. In 9.11"”, almple and cheap External Bumedy A trial entails but the comparatively trifling out!" of 5'10 Penis. and every one suffering {It}: pain can hue cheap and palm“ proof of it! .3 RENEW rficirculuvinu’ throughout the country A. voenggn 4499.; DOTS AN D DASHES. Personaxs. AURORA. Bdlfimnro. M4,. 17.14. $122 $123 .130 134 no (:0 lo 00 8 25 19 1 ‘25 17 16 17 (AD 16 55 9 50 11 00 000 8 no 00 00 Diphtheria has not yet entirely disappear- ed from the town. During this week Mr. Joe] B|uck had the misfortune m lose two Children by it. Much sympathy is expresned 101' Mr. and Mrs Black in their and nfliction PINK-EYE.-Tbis disease seems to be af- fecting heavy horses in Ihis section Messrs Hula? 15', Cunnon’s draught slallion "Ynung Glenifi'er" has been laid up during the past tm: wveka with a combination of pink-Rye and influenza, but is favorably recovering. Lald on the Shelf. uumumi uruuullutll I. Mr Thus Cluvtltm, Shelburne. t)nt., WI'IIPB Late 01 um “I have been suffering W1”! a lame back for the past thirty years. and tried every TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHANI thinu I heard ofwithnut. success Not longl lathe C . v . . '- V - , ouuty of Xork, blviston 0 ago I was persuaded to use St. Jacobs Oil. Woodbridge. Deceased, who died on oil'iiogliil‘é I urchased a bottle. and strange to say. bellow I had used it all I Was perfectly cured Fourth Pay OfJu'y’ 1" D' '878' I can confidently recommend it In anyone A” hereby “ouflegrtg jellfivtliy PM" Prepaid, on afflicted. No we can speak too highly of , 8 mo 8 its merits ” Mr. W E Weekley. also of Fourth Day Of July, A, D. 1883. Shelbuvne. thus mentions a matter of his } 0 experience : “I have been a sufi'erar with '1 rheumatism for years. I was laid up Will) MOSSI‘S.'Bull 85 Morphy, a severe attack a short time ago. and I can _ trulv any that St Jacobs Uil produced the 801mm” 1"“ qniélrest relieftbatl ever experienced, I John hIcCallurn John Kaiser cheerfully recommend it to erery sufierer. m“! N Fluvln’i “Liliana ’ A boiler exploded in a saw mill at Wil- lamsfielm 0.. last week, wrecking the mill and killing Thompson, Dienham, Brooks and Chamberlain. Joseph Sanborn aged 42 who Inn $200.- 000 in Wall slreet.ahnt and killed himself on Friday last. It is supposed he was da- rnnged through business troubles. A Real Necmlty. No house should be without, a bottle of llagvard's Yellow Oil, in case of accident. There is no preparation nfi‘ered to suffering humanity that has made so many pm'mnneut cures. m relieved so mut-h pain and misery. It Is cullrd h"! some the Good Snumrilnn. hv others the Lurk-all, and by the nfiiictednu Angel of Mer'cy. ' THURSDAY. June 29th.-Auction 89.10.01 Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing. Boots a: “been, it hguek'a Hotel, Victoria Bquaxe. 8. M. onwn. uc . Lost, betwnen the 3rd Con of Whitchurch and the 3rd Can of King, a Groom's Memorandum Bonkmomainiugthe route and service of the entire hnrne“Basha.w,"for the present season. Any person returning the same to the Palmer House, Richmond Hill. or sending it to the \Vlllinmson House, StouflviUe. will receive a rowmd of $1. NELSON CORNER. Gr Richmond Hill. June 28th. 1882. 1 Lost on Wednesdav. June 'zsth. bo’woen Thorn- hlll and Richmond Hill, 9. good Leuther Halter, Any person firming the same, will be auitably re- warded by leaving it at the Royal Hotel. Rich- mond Hill . 'JOHN wmm. Richmond am. June 23m, ms '1‘ l FALLS. BUCKHOR and BURLEIGH CAN. ALS. advertised to take place on the fifth day of Julv next. is unavoidably postpOued to the fol« lowing dates}: _ In accordance with the Statute and By-Luws ohhe Village Municipality, Notice is hereby given that. ONE SOR‘RfiEI. HORSE, AGED. AND ONE BRBAM {1010131111 PUNY! Halter Lost E 'l‘KElejtjrng of the wgrka for the FENELON Teufiers will be received until Wnbxnszuy, THE sncoxm DA! on Angus-r NEXT Plans. specifications, at, win b}; ready {or ex- amination (at the vluces previouslv mentioned) on SATURDAY. THE FIFTEEXTH DAY 01" JULY NEXT. Dept. of Railways and Canals. Ottawa. am. June. 1832. Silver main and tail and lame 6! one leg, Were on the 23rd day 01 JUNE, A. D, 1882, Im» pounded in the Village Pound ofRichmond Hill, and {I not redeemed will be Sold by Public Auction. at the premises, on Friday. 14th Day of July, Richmond HiIIJune 27th. 1882‘ VILLAGE l’nUNl) : NOTICE. Munlclpallty of Richmond Hm. Notice to Contractor's. SUMMER A1; The Fire Proof !~ 0n Mondav. 26c}. inst, at York Mills Hotel, the Wife of D B Birrell, of a daughter TBEB T NA VIGATH )N- “flew gdvcrtifitmmtz. LOST! Auction Sale. 1882. at 2o'clock, p. m BIRTII. mmarket- By Ogdgg, SPLENDID VALUE I N A. PJBRADLEg. The Nuional Policy has not advanced prices M. CARR. Pourud Keeper. ita. Shaman. 123“ Groom. : SEALED TENDERS nddressed to the under- I signed. and endorsed “Tender for the Welland Cnual,"will be receivad at this office until the arrival of the Eastern and Westm'u MuilakonWUESDtAYJhe eleveptb dgy of July: UNDER and by virtue of Revised statutes of Ontafio.Chnp.lu7,Se19tion 3;, the Credit.- ora o D signed, and endorsed “Tender for TrentNuvls Sutton." will be received at this oifice until the smfival of the Eastern and Western Mails. on ‘ VVEDN L‘SDAY. the Fifth day of July next. for \he construutmn of two Lift Locks, Bridge New and other works at Fenelon Yulls : also, the con-- 1 struction at u. Lock at Blackburn Ruplds, and for a the construction of three Locks, a Dam and 1 Bridge I’im‘s ntBurleigh Falls. The work at. each of those places will be let. ; srpgmtely.“ p o the locality together with plan and specific tionsof the works to be done. can be seen at his nflice, and M the I‘esident Engineer‘s omen, Thornld, on and 11.1th TUESDAY. the l twenty-seventh day of June next. where printed , forms of tender can be obtained. HUMAN MUEALIJJM I ‘, Mum of the respected localities. together with plans and specifications of the works: can be seen at this otficoan and after WEDNESDAY. thn Twentyfirst Day of June next. where printed forms of Tender can bn ohtuined. A like class of information n-lntive to thu wnrkn at anelon 4 Falls will he fummhcd at that place. and for 1 those at Buckhorn and Burluigh information may be obtained in. the resident Engineer's 0mm ‘ Peterbnmugh. NOTICE ! Executors of the lmat will and testament- of the said Dunch McCallum, their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of \hoir claims. a. statement of their accounts, and the nature 0! their securities. (if any,) hold by them, and that immediately after the said Fourth Day of July. A. D 1882, the Assets of the Estate of the said Duncan Me» Cnl]um,will be distributed among the paxtiea entitled thereto. having reference only to the claims, of which notice shall have been furnish ed to the Exocubor’a, as above required, and the said Executor'fl shall not be liable for the Assets or any part therem, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them or their Solicitors, at the time of Maui-- butlon- BULL‘Q MORPHY. John McCallum, John Kaiser, and N. Clarke Wallace, Fenelon Fails, Buckhom Rapids and Burlelgh} Canals. TORONTO. 0 Solicitors for Executorn. Dated at Toronto the 20th Day of May, A.D. 1882. Hexfi'for cerfixin nltefrmioni t6 be mudé to. anti the lengthening of Lock No. 2 on the line of the- old Welland Cum-Ll. V Cnntractnrs are mquestrd to hear in mind that Tenders; for the different works must be accom- pzmlod by an accepted bnnl: cheque. as tollows L. For tho Fonelm) Falls work ...... $l,000 Do Buckhoru Rapids work 3500 Do Bux‘loigh Falls work... $1,600 And that these respective amounts shall be for tented 1f the party tendering declines entering in- to contract for the works at the rates and prison» submitted, subject to the condition: and terms Itated in the specifications. The cheques thus sent in will be ream-an tg' thetdifferent parties whose tenders are‘r not. any as e . - £1215 Department does not, however, bind itsolf‘ to accept the lowest or an? tender. Department of Railways and canals, Ottawa. 22nd May. 1882. Contracto a are rrquested to bear in mind that an accepted Bank Cheque for the sum of $1,590 must accompany each tender, whirh snm shall be forfeited if the party tendering dt-clinew to on» tar into contract for the vxvcutmn of the work at the rates and prices submitté d. and subjant to the conditions and terms stated in the specifi-- cations. WELLAND CANAL ha‘ cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respemive parties Whose tenders are not. ac~ ceptt-d. This Department does not. hr waver, bind “3811 to accept, the lowest or any louder, Dept. 01 Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 2nd May, 1882. gym gavertifitmwm Notice To Contractors. EALED TENDERS, nddrcnscd to the under- EXE CUTOR’S . 3:" first I - mm NHEAHON. Notice To Contractors. L CROSBY}. By order, By order, F. BRAUN. F. BRAUN, Secretary 15 Seure taxy

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