Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Jul 1882, p. 3

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A PITIABLE CASEâ€"filer? is an elderly female on 'he 51h Con. of Uxhrirlge. who needs looking after. and we lhink it is about time for lhe Council to either change cure- takers or to send the person in one of the inllilnlions in Tm-omo. where she will be properly take.) care of. One day last week Ibo was seen wanderingv on the road with no olhnr covering whalever than a kind of col: ton jacket, just covering her from her shoul~ (in: to her knees. We know the Council make provisions for her clulhing and keep, but lmm what we cnnvhenr she cannot be properly attended to.-â€"â€"Advance How wisely events follow each other in proper order! Just at the true when the mind of Europe was waking tom a. thousand yea.” lethargy and when mesns were required to spread abroad the results of the inquiries which the learned Were making in all branches of science, Caxton gave to the world the Printing Press. By it) instrmnentnlity the discoveries and inventions of one land have beco'me the property of the entire globe, and the advance- ment ui’ science has been greatly promoted. No man of the present age has more fully compre- rehended this than Holloway. The same in- ellect that led him to the s udies which result- ed in the production of his celebrated Pills end Ointment saw at once the immense advantage, to the world as well as to himself, which mig t be drawn from this source. He laid his discover- ies before the world, sowing his seed broadcast, Where ever 1:. written language is read, and modestly awaited the result. His confident state- ment of his theory led men to try his remedies ; their intrinsic excellence when once tried estab- lished them firmly in the confidence of the pub- lic of both hemispheres, and Professor Holloway stonds now in the estimation of the people, as the most powerful opponent of all disease. For orders of the liver and stomach, the Pills are imed to be a swift and sure specific, and the im is verified by an Overwhelming mess of testimony. Now we allknow how entirely the bodily health depends upon the condition of these two important organs. It the digestion is impaired, the bowels disordered, and the liver torpid or congested, the whole frame suffers ; the strength declines. the spirits droop, the com- plexxon becomes caduverous, the flesh wasted, supineness and des sir take the pieces oi energy and hopelessness, t e sick man becomes as dead to the great objects and pursuits of life as if he were entombed alive. Out of his self-stipulehre. as it were, this powerful remed lifts him as if by magicâ€"n few timely doses o the Pills brings back digestion, appetite, and physicisi ener . These statements are too plain, and too ens y contradicted if untrue, to admit of the slightest doubt, On the contrary. we know them to be nothing but the literal fact. They are not found- ‘od merely u on common rcpt/n, but upon the testimony 0 parties m‘cup ring high positions in societyâ€"men of unblemisheu reputation and matured judgement â€"tlmt likewise is confirmed by circumstances within our own immediate knowleduc.-â€"IVERA(,H TELEGBAM. A s'pH-inlduspatch from St. Pun] am that "PM: has Fern wceived fmrfi Redfiv’d. Dakqu. that ht-sllle [Indians frum l'ne West hlld ruIEl‘emh ‘nmssucrrd eievv-u adults and three children In the centre of Fauld county on Thulsduy. Genera! Terry has urdere'd :5 company of the 7th Unite ‘laies Cavalrt to the scene" “ilh orders pursue and punish the murderers. Mr John Bonner. pmplietbr of tho (-6 v- bralen Yonge Street Dry 000de and Gan-s Furnishing Slore. Toronto tells a most re- markable story oflhe greal German Remedy “8!. Jacobs Oil cured me of u bad case of nanraluia, offive yenm standing. whenI had given up hopes of bPing cured. and had tried fifty difi‘erent SO-CflHPd remedies. I now keep n all the time not onlv a! home, bm here in my place of husnwas ; it is an excellent thing and some”:ng nobodyshould be without.” Tho blood is the true essence of vitality, wilhunt pure blnud there can be no healthy .aclion in ilw syslem. Bulls. blmches. pimr plew, and the various humors and blemishes ofth skin are only symplumalic of bad Moodâ€"tth needs punil'ying m ils fountain head, to render its trihuunies pure. Bur- .dock Blood Hinms effectually cleanse the Vblood from all humors. ohlains a healthy .acxion oflhe liven. bowels, kidneys. skin, (tc., and strengthening while it regulates and purifies. Twenty deaths from snmllpox are report- had ul Coucburley, Ind.. and the pest still Inges. Tnurialsnnd rll who nre subiemed to a change of climate. wuter, dim Aux. shbuld hm hP withnm Dr. Fowler’s Extran of Wild Slrawherry. lhe mfallible remedy for all summer complainis. " A'xe you disturbed at night and broken of your “fit by 1:, Sick child sufieriug and Crying with the agmgi' ting pain of cutting teeth ? It so, go at pggg 59 get a, bottle of mus. WINBLOW’S 5001']!- mg ggfipy, I t will relieve the poor little sufiex- pr mmfimme xvdeEend upon it ; there is no miqm‘gg about 1t. 'I“ are is not a. mother on earth ‘who has ever used 1t, who will not tell you at pace that it wxll regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the bhild, operating llke magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cues, and pleasn nt to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beat 161118.16 physicians and numes in this United States. Sold everywhere at 2:: cents u. bottle. It is nnw stntrd that the report of the murder of seven Numb-West Mounted Po- llcemen by Iudtans WHS incorrect, but that. thrPe murde~s were pel'petrhled by the In- dians. the victims heng three horse druverfl who were enming Ila-mum trom British Columbia with g number of horses. #QTFEMF N9TÂ¥i$1Â¥$ u MOTHERS Markham...,......,. Markham Village Scarboro’ ....... York......... Yorkvillm Total majority for Mackenzie District No; Ofiicial Declaration ofthe Poll. It Always Works Just This Result. Massacred by Indiang. The Printmg Press- EAST YORK ELECTION. ‘ manna. Never Be Without It. VILLAGE OF MARKHAM. Shocking Cruelty. small-pox ravag'e’s‘ 10', 10; RECAPITULATION‘ SCARB OROUGE Bad Blood. YORKVILLE YORK Boultboe Hackeuio .. 49 71 18 |I 7 286 453 50 41 65 41 21 31 88 47 59 1740 840 631 82 351 840 86! 453 631 30 52 '15 59 81 47 47 b7 dl 72 95 47 82 108‘ anmmm SALE E Richmond Hill June 29th, 1832 AT__1_‘H§:_PEOPLE’S $1an, CHEAP ' FOR CASH. Gents Furnishings, Hats, Gaps,&c., 10 to 20 per cent. discc‘mnt. SPRING AND SUMMER At The Fire Proof! SUMMER RBTIRINGI?» FROM THE RETAIL BUSINESS! REDUCTIONS! PETLEY GE COMPANY, Silks, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Rib- bons, Lace Frfllings, Corsets, Embroider- ies, Trimmings, Eanoy Goods, 860., (As we are positively retiring tram u: Retail Business.) For an Woduion of the many buyers attending the GREAT SALE, the stores will in future be opened daily at 90‘clock a. m., and closed ' at 6 p. m., and on Saturdays at 10 p. m. Sales for Cash Only. PATRICK. HUGHES. B. B. HUGEXES. IN THE PHICFS OF Men’s Fine Dress Suits. Men’s Fine Worsted Suits, Men’s Fine Tweed Suits, Men’s Nobby Spring Overcoats. Boy’s Fine Dress Suits, Boys’ Fine Worsted b‘uits, Boys’ Fine Tweed Suits. IMMENSE Buuiekeepers. Hotelkeeperspnd others, Fumilhin , will navy fully 20 to W per cent. b furchnning their Carpets,0ilcloths. Linoleums, Mattings ML, during the Great Clearing S a now gun; on at the Golden G ' 3. None but first-class goods in stock. I’BIIS'. Giblet. Corn Beef. Sardines, Canned Salmon. M uckercl. i.-Poraons iron: adiszmce o! kom one town hngdud miles 95.: save more thy: their Bulway Para 8: Expenses on apurshase of $25 to $5 SPLENDID VA LUE IN Carried on use: the Bter and Firm Name of PETLEY & 00., Golden Griffin. and have made The National Policy has not adv-need prices Tomatoes, Etc., AT FROM Tapestry Carpets from 35 Cts. per yard. J. REYNOLDS. IMMENSE P. G, SAVAGE, 128. 130 &. 132 King St- East, T‘oronm, We beg to i arm that public that we are NOTE was ADDRESS. . CROSBY. In the Prices 0! â€"-ALS() Chicken. Corn. 0x ’l‘ail. .Kidncy. Peaches. l.0bstcrs. FAIRBANK. E. Wilson. Prop. Every Accommodation. wamk, April 25m, 1331. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers. Good Stabling and attentive hostlers. Terms, $1 DGI.‘ day. Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to conneuc With all the N R R Trains going North and South, at 8 a. 111., 11.30 a. 112., 5.20 p m. und'l‘ao n m THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, .1 Palmér- Prop. This Hotel has been refumlshed, renovated, and fitted up in first-class style, and is now the lending Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is sup Elied with first-class brand of liquors and cigxn-o:a xcellent accommodation ior Commercial Travellers, and the General Public. Good Stabl~ mg and an attentive Hostler. Thornhm. August ma, 13:51 RICHMOND HILL. JOHN POWELL. Prop. FIRST - BLASS AflBflMMDBATIflN ‘ FOR THE BEAM] CENTRAL HflTEI. THE QUEEN'S HOTEL THORNHILL THE YORK HOUSE! (m “ c summon Drain-1w haé removed to 87 King street hast, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a munu‘ at to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth. carefully avoiding all unnecess- ary puin‘ Office hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. In. Private residence 209 J arvis street. WM. DUNN CHAFBB. Proprietor. TRAVELLING" PUBLIC! (at Palmer Housé)" 7 V Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmmket, . . . . . . . . . , . . 2nd _ do Stouflville ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . ....18th do Markham . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . ...... 20th do Victoria Square ..... 213B do Thornhfll ...... do Maple ...... do Woodbridge ...... do Kleinburg ...... ...29th do Nobleton . . . ‘ . , . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . 301;}: do Anasthntica, as Nitrous Oxide. eto., used when ordered and none but the best material used Thankful for the favors of the' past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession. as follows : ‘ Bichrgopd Hg) 9th & 24611 of each month 1N Orncn RICHMOND KILL, FIRST 10 DAYS or EACH MONTH, MAPLE ............................................ ». ............... 1 ST}! Nitrous Oxide Gas administered. 10: painless extraction of teeth. W W C - ram nv‘m’l GOLDEN GRIFFIN. glass,ismsBESTnnchEAPESTlubmH tor. 1n Lhcworldâ€"Lhe B EST because 1136003; not gum,bub tormsa highly polished cur-1‘ face over the axle. reducing friction amt I'zhtanmg the draft: me CHEAPEST be»? cause it costs N0 MOBE than Inferior} brands. and one box will do the Work of two of any other make. Answers as well {or Harvesters. 181111 Gem-mg, ’1 hresmng Mu.- cmnes. Corn-Planters, Carriages. Buggies, em, as for Wagons. WCUARANTESD to cmtam NO Petroteum. Sold by all dealers. W our Packet Cyclopedta q! Thinga Worth Knowing mailed Iree. MIGAMANHFAGTURINGGO. ’ Composed largely of powdered Mica or 13111-1 228 Hudson 82.. New York. Olaveland. o. and Chicago. Ill. SAMUEL apcggs .g‘co‘. 'ro_rqntd.0nz. Sole Aflnnts tor the Dominion. figmm «(mm Or A ROBINSON. SUBGEO}? DENTIST, AURORA LATE 0F WOODBRIDGE 9mm. _. ADAM}, L.D.VS., ‘ AIN TlLIJ I‘ THE 1‘ L): OTIA 1.11”? A "K‘ Manufactured only at P‘rof‘egs- or Hollox 'av’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON, and sold at 13. um, 25. 9d,, 45. 8d.. 119., 22,1u1d 335 each Box and Pat, and in Canada at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in m‘onortlon. will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hde Tumours, Coughs. Sore Threats, Bronchitis. and all disord era of the Throat. and Chest, as also (but, Rheu- matism. Scrofula and other kind of skin diseases increase the secretory powers of the Liver. Lumen the nervous system, and throw into flu: circula- tion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the framu. w CAUTIONâ€"~l hnve n0 Agent in [hp United Stan‘s. noi‘ urn mv Medicines snld there. Purchasers shnuld ‘herefore look to the Libel on the P013 and fluxes If the address is not 533. Oxford Streel‘ London they are spul‘i'vus The Trade Marks of my Budd Medicines n‘ro gistered in Ottawa, and also at Washington. Signed THOMAS HOLLOW 633. Oxiord street, London: Pills & 0mmth This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishable fame throughouttbe World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. gurif , regulate and imp) oyre Hm quality of the thou . They assist the digmm've organs, cleanse Thousands of persnna have ‘estifie'! that by their use alone Hwy huuz; been reslmed to health and slrmmh. ufH-r every other meant? bud furnvnd Maseru-useful BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS One Two Three Six One - Month Month Mouths Months Year. Column ...... $10 00 $151 00 $20 U0 153:) 00 $560 00 Half Col ..... 8 ou 12 00 16 Du 20 on 35 on Quarter On] 5 00 S 00 10 00 1.5 00 20 00 Three inches 3 00 4 ()0 5 00 S 00 12 00 Two inches 2 50 300 3 50 b 00 8 00 One Inch... 1 50 ] 75 2 00 8 00 5 00 Business Cards, one venr ....... 4 00 Do v six months 2 50 Do A three mouths ” 1.50 Transitory advertisements, first on. ‘ perirch .. ... .. 75 Eachsubaequon insnrtwn. 25 A11 inch comprises twelveinms oI‘Ix‘c. ’ re 1 Advertisements without. wrimen instructiofis will be inserted until forbid a charged transient. rates 13mm! 'I'nrv, DAY, Athisprinting ofl‘ce, YOv’ Street, Richmond Hm, hr. r10 Terms of Subscriptions: $1 00 per annum 1n advance When not paid in advance $1 50 will be changed” See our reduced loan tabla For further infor- mation apply at the offices of the Company '"ATiRELisements wux be inserted at the inncw. ing rates: Money received on deposit, and inlerhsl payable half yeany or compounded. Worth their 'JVeight in Gold! ! U TERS, Acmrxwyk. Solicitors-inochancety etc.. 64 Adelaide street Emt, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. Amman Bowman WM. Wonms EVAN. > szcmoRaâ€"Samue} Flatt, M P, Alfred Gooder- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thus H Lac, Hon D L Maopheraon, Senator Capital, $1,0“0fi00; Reserve Fund, $460,000 Total Assets, $3,500,000 T. MILBURH 8: E ‘., Mpfii'ggismo. The York Eiiiel‘ald, PUBLISHED 3. 'i M. H. KEEFLER. Western Canada Officesâ€"No 70, Churchatreet, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Senatmngesident GEORGE GooDERHAM ...'Vice-President Bafiisters, Attorneys~at-Law, Solicitzvrs-i'n: Chancery. Convevaneers, otf‘, Oflices-1mperial Bank Buihliugs. VV‘olEington-stmet, Toronto mums FERGUSON, QC“ Joau BAm WM Baron Gonnox. Gm F BBIPLEY‘ OULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS TERS. Acmrxmvfi. 5minicm-s.;n.nhnmpn SAVING’S BANK BRANOIEI Jas Bethune: Q C N W Hoylos, Fergg‘srgn, 33m, Gorgon q @hipley; NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, la a 20 King Street. West,Toronto- BlL/OUSNESS: 078 5 3M, lfJD/GESTION, BARRISTERS, &c .M UND/CE. m mum/13, SALT RHEUII, HEA’E’TBO‘RV, IIEADA CHE, ~ Bethune, Moss, Falconbridge AND HOYLES, And every species of disordered L-VL‘L !' S’I‘OM AGE AND BOWE Loan and Savings Company m WILL CURE OR RELIEVE WALTER S LEE, [tnâ€"E OINTMENT" MONEY T0 LOAN. 3.3' ill-var. I" snag" BOWELG (.2: LLOQL‘, P. 0.. 30)": 2527. EH05 NIGBIKNGALE 15, C. C Moss, W C Fulconbridga W Bm'wick, A B Ayleswnrth W J, quNBs. £14m. FLUTTEIPING DIZZl/‘JESS, 09-923 Y, 0F THE HEART, 491mm OF THE STOMACH, 03ywcsg OF THE 3mm, 3635!! ar Jim 5th Y 1881‘ Mnnngw LS, 'AY Wesselj Nickel 86 GrOSS’, Mmsna. R. S WILLIAMS & goxs. TORONTO :-- GENTLEMEN,â€"The action supplied by us to you is the Sigma m; we furnish to Meser A Weber and other first class New York Piano kaars. and is in no way mfurior to our usual fine work Yours very respectfully, WESSIQL. NICKEL, sic GROSS; I43 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, or . £328 DUNDAS STEEE mmuumrmammm:uwxm «Exam-=1 maJMKJ-‘KW ' uwapkin your own town, (it; OuLfiL free‘ Lo risk. Ever} thing new Capital not requirx.d W’e M11 furnish you everything 11511:; are mm \ sx'tunes Lax ‘ 5 make us. much asmennmd bow and girls . a goat pmy limdet, if you WELL L'winvsmx' 'nhic) 111 Mm umhc great pay all. v iimu you . u irn "n ynrticul‘lm m? '21: ‘ ” ' ‘ ' We make a spncial style of Organ in IFU‘Q‘E' quantities. and are :herefnre able to Offer :hem ul exCeptioxquiy favorable rulee. Musuu & ['Imu‘nn Organs of all leading styled in stock. Payments arranged to Edit the convenience of purchasers and spread over a term of years. Fur full pariiculars wuilu lu R, @. W. ILLEAMS, New Arrival I Richmond Kim. Tenet-1m kinds, and such as will compare in F‘uH Warranted in ever" res ect ' 0 1m] in mm. 0 tone. fimsh and dmabilil to th’é Y J P q F v High Priced Amelicun Lastrumeuts. TEA w BOOKS E NEW TEA STORES Your own choice prossnted to em h pun: hasor of 31b5, of Ten, Call and see fur 3'0I1t‘HuX‘J=--v«, MRS. HARRISON, opposite the Musuuic Hall, Rich- mond Hi“. With any in Town. Sold in bulk or in hvnuet cully sealed packages, as may bu )‘eqm‘ed. ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. GENERAL ELABKSMITHINI} 8. WflflDWDRK PMNOS i HANOS 2 UNDERTAKING QUALITY AN 1) PRU TIT, B O O m ff???“ 3 Phaetons, Buggies, Waggona. etc , built in a subslnmial. mat and wbikmanlike mannefi ' The mom skilled mechanics are only employed. In BRANCHES Z Ovarshoes selling at Cost. Flour and Feed, the largest amok in Town. Clover; Timothy and Flax Seed. All kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. . TERMS OASEL on ERODUCE Richmond Hill, March 2Brd,1882. J_ BROWN; 6 LBS FOR ONE DOLLARB 01183 ! 011mm Richmond Hill, I»an 17m, 188 Boots- and A large assortment of Rbbes. CoffinsA Cuskels. ore; cons-iale kept On hand IN ALL al‘riage VVOl‘kS NEWTONBROOK. TEAS ! TEAS ! Rb S. WILLTAMS 65 SON’ Splendid Volumes from Are made by experienced New York Workman, from the very At Mrs. Harrison‘s CERTIFICATE Manufacmrers of Piano Fmto Amions. Now it: the time to buy when you ‘cxm get This Establzsbmem Iakcs lhc Lead E31: AN'O‘FB 2 GREAT BARGAINS IN H. "WILSON ’S Gmflunta of Toron‘o Uvivorsiiy, and Membef oi the College (3? Physicsz und Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. Reid. Richmond Hill. October 16th, 1879 ERNEST I“. LANGSTAFF ! 116516101103, Yongzq Street, Richmond Hill Richmond Hill, May 23rd, 1881!. 1y J. ELLIOT LANGSTAIT, M. IL it“) we» P m m. . a - Mai Ex. ()1: $18.00, 321 00352406 Pm Doz” BEN? N ‘ A W“ ' 1 « DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF! R.T3.01‘1,}j’. and 191mb Silver Medalist; University of Toronto,1\1. C. P. Ontario. L S A. L, I: and (Lace or london, England) Surguu ‘ c. ‘ L’ ‘(Ifliue Hum-s b t010,1 to 2 and 6 to S. 0:1.(1'6 West ~x5th street and 10th Avenur), , New York, Feb. 6th 1880 FROM DR. ORR, MAPLE, 0r 1):, the t5 THORNHILL, ONT fii’écaiwl. IS l‘li RED BEE’I‘. LONDON 1.1! Furnished oh' the short est notice, and most reasonable terms. FUNERALS ,hh t. '5‘! f)" I A ‘5‘ TM: \,

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