no conï¬dence in the nbititv of Canadians DR. to manufacture tor themselves. They would not give their countrymen credit for LANGSTAFF 2 AND any genius or ability, while the Conserve» ERNEST F, LANGSTAFF ! tires had contended that the Canadians had plenty of both if means were taken to -givet encouragement. (Cheers ) The Reform? ers had nothing to offer for the great Na- tional Policy and the land and railway pol- tcy ot Sir John macdonnld but some pettv one about the boundary award and Streams bill. The people of West York were too intelligent to be led astray by such false iss- ues' Their opponents talked about commer- cial independence. Commercial independ» ence must lead to political independence. and the latter to annexation to the United States. He did not believe the people were either anxious for independence 0r annexation. (Cheers) The Conservative party had never wavered in their loyalty to the Empire. He proceeded to compliment 1 the Liberal Conservative Associations of west. York and Parkdale on the admirable organization they had shown during the con- test, the efï¬ciency of which was largely due to the exertions of their chairman and press idem. (Cheers) when Purkdale was ï¬rst brought into municipal existence he was very anxious to know its political proclivities He was relieved to ï¬nd that it was sound on the political questions of the day. He hoped that the village would increase its Conservative majority next election. (Cheers) Residence, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, May 23rd, 1882. 1y on. can, MAPLE, H. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University 01 TorontorM. C. P. E. Ontario. L. 8 AL. England (Late 01' London. England) Surgeon, Etc. l3'0fï¬ce Hours 8 to 10.1 to 2 and 6 to 5. J. BLLIIIT LANHSTAI’I', M. I]. THORNBILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. Reid. Richmond Hill. October 16th, 1879 The next toast the "Dominion Purlxumont and Local Legislature," coupled with the name of Mggsr§ JugBe‘tgtytgth, and 4 W_Luuder, g! P P. Mr Jas Beutty, M P, on rising to res and, was enthusiastically cheered He expresse his pleasâ€" ure at being present to do honour to Mr Wallace. and said that he knew from ersonsl knowledge that no more worthy or vs tied representative was in the House of Cummona Mr Wallace was always at his post both in the House and in com mittee, and did his duty like a man, and stood by his chief and rinciples like bne always ready toAgivg a. rpason or gveryï¬hing he did _ ï¬r Lauder, M P P, who was received with cheers, responded for the Ldml Legislature He was not prepared to admit that; thth the matters dealt with by the Local Legislature were less important than those which fall to the functions of the Dominion Parliament The Local House had control ofthe Legislation in regard to pro- perty, educ tiou. and the administration of justice, and t e licensing svetem The Conner-- vntive party should make a strong and united eï¬orn to wrest the reins of power from Mr Mowat at the next electionâ€"(checrsiâ€"by ï¬ghting him on his own ground In Mr Meredith the provin- cinl Conservatives had a. lender ï¬t in every way to head our Administration (Cheers) "A'h’iz'x’nbéiat other toasts Were prbposed, and the assembly broke up at midnight, The Firemen of Newmarket are arâ€" ranging f'or a grand excursion to Youpgs- town, a short distance from Niagara Falls. The nffairwill come off early in August. I. F. Smith. Druggis! of DnnviHo, under date of June 151. writes of Dr Fowler’s Ex- tract of wild Strawberry. “It sells im- mensely, in fth has the largest sale during the summeF 0! any patent medicine in stock†and adds that he can heartily recommend ii to the pubiic, The above named remedy is nature's grand cure for Cholera, Dysenu tel-y and all summer complaints. A ycung man named Andrew Young was shot at Parkdale on Saturday “by u constable Young was sailing mound on a raft, in a pond. with We or three -cmnpnn10ns,nndvhe oWner of'the grounds requpstcd the constable to order them 03'. As they did not move away fast. enough. the constable chased them, and arrested Young, pointng a pistol in his face, with the remark, “Now you are prisonér, and I'll shoot you.â€â€˜ The pisâ€" tol went oil", and Young was shot in_ the head. He dled after several hours of agony. The Constable. Whose name is Albert, has been arrested, and an imjuest was held; The jury brought in a verf diet. of wilful murder. The prisoner; in a Swede. and has an excitable nature, and uncontrollable temper He probably ï¬red the shot intending to frighten the boy. He will be sent down for trial Liver Complaint; Is rather an indeï¬nite term, as cothmonv ly understood it ('onsisls ofa lnrpid slug- yiah slate ofllié liver. a deï¬ciency or H superabundance uf bile. or an alteration from its proper clmruclor. All distulbed action oi'l'ne liver and biliary organ s giving rise to pain in Ihe side. or under the _shnul- der blade. headache. weariness. dizzinesn. sick stomach. loss ot'annmilp. bud bowels &c., are promptly cured by Burdcck Blood Bitters A Phoenix Park Murderer Arrested- One of the assarsins of Lord Frederick Caven- dish has been arrested in Puebto Uabillo, West Indies He gives the names of his accomplices He has been neat to Caracas An honest medicme is Ihe noblest work of man, and we can a-sure our readars that Dr. Fowler’s Extract. of Wlld Slrawbnrry is not only reliable, hm i1 is almost infall- nble ‘0 cure Cholera Mmbus. Dysemerv. Canker 01 the Stomach and bowels, and line various Summer Complaints, whose attacks are often sudden and fatal. Trichlnosls Agalnâ€"Fatal Results. MILWAUKEE, Julv 21â€"- One Willis re-- cemly bought a diseased hog. He was warned not to use the meat. He howevm- fattened the animal dud killed it. and wilh his wife and children ate the meal. Bu 1: adults are nnw dying. and the children can hardly recover. The flesh of all the victim: is literally alive will] lrichinae. nest and comfort to the lulu-Ins. “BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PENACEA" has no equal for relieving pain. both internal and ex- ternal. It cures Pain in the Side, Back or Bowels Sore Throat. Rheumatism, Toothache. Lumba: o, and any kind of a Pain or ache. “It wlll mr st surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its act-1'1 g power is wonderful." “Brown‘sHouseholdPenuâ€" cea,â€bein acknowledged as the great Pain Re- liever. an of double the strength of any other Elixir or Liniment in the world, should be in every family handy for use when wanted, “as it. raally is the bestn medy in the world to: 0mm 5 1n the Stomach. n nd l’uins andAches of all km s‘ and is for sale bv all Druguist-s at 25 cents nbottle. Richmond Hill. Ten. of all kinds, and such as will compare in New Arrival! TEA w BOOKS 2 WEth any in Towï¬ Sold in, bulk or in hermetin anIy sealed packages, as may be required. NEW TEA STORE! QUALITY AND PRICE You: owggboice presented to each purchaser of 31131;; \‘2‘ 1i. Call and see for yourselves. MRS. HA ‘ N, opposite phe Masonic Hull. Bich~ ‘ . BOOKS! 5?. 352:: 17th. 1882‘ .u.“ x‘ The Parkdale Banquet. DOMINIO. AND LOCAL LEGISLATURE!) Shot by a. Constable. (Concluded from second page.) ï¬i. T9. 9?: Splendid Volumes from At Mrs. Harrison's E. B. 017,111. 13. and First Silver Madnlhst, University 01 Toronto, 7M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. 8 AL. England (Lato 01' Iondon, England) Surgeon, Etc. IS'Ofï¬ce Hours 8 to 10, 1 to 2 and 6 to 8. THORNBILL. ONT. Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. Reid. Richmond Hill. October 16th, 1879 W. ROGERS, IN OFFICE RICHMOND HILL, FIRST 10 DAS OF EACH MONTH, MAPLE ....................................... ............. 181‘s Nitrous Oxide Gan administered for painleql extraction of teeth. {m 'V - SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronio. Best mineral teeth inserted in B. mann- er to Huh: each patient. Pmrticulnr attention given to (he preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully avoiding all unnecess- ary pain. Ofï¬ce hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. In. Private residence 209 Jarvis street. Thankful for the favors of the past years 1r ny still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as fnlloWs : Richmond Hillâ€. 9th & 24th of each month (nt Palmer House) Aurora, I'st, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmnrket, ...... 2nd do Stouflville.. ...... .18th do Markham. .2091: dc Victoria S lunre ..... .‘ .leb do ’l‘hornhill . . . . . . . . . . . . ...23xd do Maple ...... ...... 26th do Woodbridge ...... .. do Kleiuburg ‘ ...... . do Nobletnn .. . Oth do Annatheticsina Nii'r'oua '(Ihmle,, used when ordered and none but the best material used BIL/008N588, D 7395mm, l.VD/GEST/0N, JA (IND/CE. 5.7 YSIPELAS, SALT 19/155,: , HEARTcum, HEADACHE, 5“ WILL CURE OR RELIEVE @37- And every species of disses. arlsln from discrdered LIVER, KIDNEYS. 8T AGH. BOWELS on BLOOD, '1". MILBURH 8: $0.. [)RAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST QUALITY AT This Houseie one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is manngul 1 in First Clasp Style. Sample Room for Commer- I cm} Travellers. Good Stabling and attentive hostlerrs. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor'a Bus leaves this Hotel to connect whh all the N R R E Trains going North and South. at 8 a. 111., 11.30 a. m.r 5.20 p m. 3116.130 1) ‘nl- GRAN]! EBNTBAI. HBTIII.‘1 RICHMOND HILL, JOHN POWELL. Prop. This Hotel has been rafurnished, renovated. and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, and in now the lending Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is sup- Elied with ï¬rstâ€"class brand 0! liquors and cigars. xcellent accommodation for Commercial Travellers, and the General Public. Good Stabl- ing and an attentive Hostler. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, 0’ Palmer, Prop, ' Composed largely or powr‘etgd Mica or 15111- >glasglstheBESTandCHEAPE§T1ub11cm 1tor, in the worldâ€"the BEE-T because it (goes fnot gum. but farms a highly ponahed sur- ‘face over the axle. reducing frict'ozz and ‘: ghtenfng the draft: the CH EAP ES? 1)?- ’(‘ztusc t coats N0 MQRE than inferior brands. and one box wiii do me “0:: 0‘ two of any other make. Answc ‘ Harvesters. Mill Gear} :13. '1 hrcshlhg 3m “mines, Corn-Plumers, Carrlagns. Lup'gles. ‘etc, as for Wagons. CUARANTKED to ‘0.) :ta'n N9 Petroleum. hold bv m1 (19221918. RE†0 1r TWA-at, Cycv‘upcvim uf Il'icingb’ H ï¬rth i1; .owing mailed free. ‘ MSA MANHFABTHRï¬GGG. 223 Hidden-15%.. New York, Cleveland. 0. and Chicago. Isl. SAMUE}. ROGER; goo: To‘rqnto.0nt. I» .AHON Highly recommended for Rulonsnbu. Head-Ache. Con- supmloanmel- “on, Dizziness, Heartburn. Bad Breath, Loss of 1pm petite, Jaundloc. Ion of: Memory. Sour stomach. Liver Con-i Dbl-war any illness arising from the Icon» Och. novels or Kidneys. .Theï¬n IMO i mild and thorough in their lemon. In 1 £05 pfllsisa dose. Pm“ 95¢. pm 30!. I! r'n‘m Arms for the, Domininn. Or A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST. AURORA aginm mm gamma. THOS NIGHTINGALE'S, 33mm, @3181: C. ADAMS, L.D.S., Dill/MESS, mops Y,_ , FLUTTERING' THE STOMACH, mrurss OF THE 8KIN, OF THE HEART, ACID/TY 0F Proprietors. ‘| 8170;300:119. York vdo Tonémq. ,IETH SUMMER At The Fire Proof 2 THE LARGEST STOCK IN TOWN. ONTARIO HOUSE 1 HARVEST TOOLS 3 You Can Get Cheap FOr Cash. BflflK, STATIIINERY, 8t FANEY EflflBS STflBE. BAKERY IN CONNECTION ! Richmond Hill, July 19th. 1882. J. Albums. ‘ Bibles and Testamems. Blotting Papers. Brooches. Belts. Braids, Halls. Busliels. lopy Books, Combs. Cards, Chromna. Croquet Sets, Checker Bourds, , Chessmen, Concerlinaa, Drawing Books, 1 Drawing Paper, Dolls, Earrings, EnveIOpes, Elastic Bands. Fancy Boxes, Foolscap. PIANOS 1 PIANOS 2 UPBIGHT &‘ SQUARE 3 iWessel,†NIcfllge11_&_ Gross EENES‘E M$£QER£$I§S ! Fully warranted in every respect ; equal in point. of tone, ï¬msh and durability to the High Priced American Ixmrumema. ‘ Mussns. R. S WILLIAMS & Soxs. Tonomo : GENTLEMEN.â€"The action supplied by us to you other ï¬rst class New York Piano Mayan. and is in In all Sizes. Boots and Shoes 3 great variety. Groceries, Provisions, Feed, We make a special style of Organ in large quantities. and are therefore able to offer them at exceptionally favorable rates. Mason & Hamlin Organs of all leading styles in stock. Payments arranged to suit the convenience of purchasers and Spread over a term of years. For full particulars write to R. S. , WILLIAMS, ma YONGE STREET, TORONTO, or Richmond Hill, July 5th, 1882. Gold 5; Silver Paglem, may Brushes, TEA, 20 Cents Per. Pound ! HARVEST GLOVES S.‘ WILLIAMS 66 SON’S Are made by experienced New York Workmen,’ Friï¬'n the‘ very S WILLIAMS 4!; Son}: Tonomo :â€" The following are some of the articles always kept in Mock. SPLENDID VALUE IN All kinds uf Farm Produce taken at Market Pricm. C A LI.- .AND SEE. Lard, Bacon and Hams. in fact everything you want The Nationll Policy has not advanced prices “THE HERA Ln,†CERTIFICATE FROM Manufacturers of Piano Forte Amim- Just arrived, a large Stock of PIANOS 2 All Kinds at Toronto Prices, Selling like hot cakes. ed by us to is the same as we furnish to Messrs A Weber and alters. and is in no way inferior to our usual ï¬ne work Yours very respectfully, WESSEL, NICKEL, dz GROSS. AT THE 226 DUNDAS STREETE‘ LONDGN Honimn Point LacetInk‘s of a“ kinds. Juvenile 83 Toy Hooks. Jews Harps, Jewellwy. L-eud Pencils. Hymn Books, Music Paper, Music Books. Minors, Mvmnrnndnm Books, Miscellaneous Banks. Nuii Unushes. Nure Paper. Ndvels. vaer Books, Purses. I’rmniasm-yNI-te and Receipt Buoks, Pens. Puss Hunks, Spocmcles. Slums ,nud Puncilu, ' Schqu Bnnksfï¬â€˜ï¬‚ifig Wax. Tissue Papen, Violin Strings, Wonla oi'all kinds. (15:6 . &c. This is the, place In buv. Chg-up for Cash. West 45th street and 10th‘Ave'nue. New York, Feb. 6th 1880 I. CROSBY. J. BROWN. Flour and Worth their ‘N eight in Gold! ! Pills & Ointment This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperislmble fan throughout the \Vm-ld for the alleviu'inn and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. increase the secretory powers of the Liver, bmcs the nervous system. and throw into the circuhb t-ion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. gurifv, regulate and improye the quality of the th00d They assist the digestive organa, cleanse Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that by their use alone they haue been resmred to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours. Coughs, Sore Throutn, Bronchitis. and all disord era of the Throat and Chest, as 11150 Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin diseases Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON, and sold at Is. 1Qd..2s. 9a., 4s. 6d., 1124., 22,11ml 339 each Box and Pot, and in Calla,th at 36 cents», 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. CAUTIONâ€"'1 have no Agent in the Uuhed Slates, nor are my Mudicinns sold there. Purchasers shuuhl Iherefore Inok m the label on the PIN and fluxes If the address is not 533. Oxford Shout. Landon they are spurinus. Tile Trade Marks of my mid Medicines are re- gistered in Ottawa, and also at 'Wmhinqtnn. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533, Oxford street. London; BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. cums, THE PBBREBN SHIRT! THE BEST I.\‘ THE WMILD FOR $18-00, $21.00,$24.00 Per D02 Or by the Single Shirt. Leader Lane, Toronto. Toronto July 6th. 1881. - 1v-52w Western Canada; omces-No 70, Church-street, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN. Senatorfxesidonb Gnome}: Goomamuu . Vice-President DmEcTcmsâ€"Sumuel Flatt, M P. Alfrea Gooderâ€" ham, Geo “7 Lewis, Thos H Lee, Hon D L Mucpherson, Sumter Total Ass'ets, 33,500,000 SAVING’S BANK Money received on deposit, and interest payable half yearly or compounded. See our reduced loan table For further infor: mation apply at the ofï¬ces of the Company STO’MACH AND BOWELS, aweékin your own town :35 Outï¬t free. No risk. Everything new (lupiml 1101; required We will furnish you everything Many are making furtnms Ladies m 111m us much as men, and boys and girls make great 1>!“_,'. Reader, if you wun :: luminess at which you on :1 make great pay nllthc Lime vou WOT :. w in fer particulars hoH. HAL: 1‘ ['1' An Cm Porxmnd. Mame Cayitlfl, >$1,000,000;>‘Reserve Fwd, $450,000 Silks, Dress Goods,» Hosiery, Gloves, Ribé bons,La,ce Frillings,‘ Corsets, Embroider- ies, Trimmings, Eanoy Goods, 860., IN TH E 221;,10 aps 01» ‘ Men’s Eine Dress Suits. Men’s Fine Worsted Suits. iMen’s Fine _Tweed Sults, Men’s 130be Spying Uygrcoats. Boy’s F1119 Dress Suits, PATRICK H 176- 2'33! E513. P‘ETLEY a; CmuuxY. IMMEN SE Loan and Savings Company For the accommodation of the many buyers unending the GREAT SA LE, the storm Win in fut nt 6;),111.,u!xd(m Sutul'dny'Jut 101L111, 51:05 3W C'. Bousekeepcrs, Hotelkgepcrwlml ()bllé;b', Furnishing, Wm suvn mlly ‘30 to 3'? per cent. by purhiudug their Carpets, ()ilcloths, Linoleums, Mabting's 650., during the Great Clearing Sula now going on an the Golden Grifliu. Nona but ï¬rst-class guods in stock. N. Brâ€"Persons from adismn‘ce of from one to two hundred miles can save more hem their Railway Fare & Expenses on upurchase of $25 to $5 WALTER S LEE, “TEE OINVTMENT" BRANCH MONEY T0 LOAN. REGISTERED‘ Curried on under the Style and I“ Jam. 5th 1881 --.. _ v.-~_., ' . 'f"'kâ€"’. v ,‘v -. Buys’ Flue Worst bulls, Buys’ P we iweed Nuts. Manager Tapestry Carpets from 35 Cts. pe‘r yard. ’77 :mmm T Si Farmmg Tools. Implements, Scythes. Hoes; Forks. Grain Cradles, Self~dumping Horse Rakes, &c. PRICE - Lâ€" $120 - -'-~ - oAsH Toronto, July 12th,1882‘ AT THE PEGPLE’S “MORE, Richmond Hill June 29th, 1832 CHEAP FOR CASH; URNAM BNTAL PAINTING. GENERAL BLAGK$MITHING & WDUDWBRK UNDERTAKING Phaemnsf Bugging, angnns_ mc , huil: in f. mhsmminl. nflnf and workmanlike manner Thu mm slw‘Hml uwohmncs are only «my-luyed, In BRANCHES 5 (As we are positively retiring from It being without exception, the most péxfect Implement made for cultivating roots of all kinds. IMMENEE Greah chance to make money. Those who u]â€" - wiiystuke advantage of t I the goodchuucesotmuk- iug money that are offered, generally becoma wealthywhile those wim do Dub imyrovo such chances remain in povel y. We wuntmuny men W01neu,lmysund girls to “ork for us right in their own locnlities. Any one can do the work properly from the ï¬rst scan The buainess will pay more than ten times ordiunry wages. Exâ€" pensive uutï¬t‘. furnishu‘i frcei no 0m who engages fails to milk» money l'upiilly. You can deVote your Whole time to the work, or only your spare momr iibs. F1111 information um] um that is need- ed senbfme. Address STINSON & Co, Portlan Main». 128 130 ‘8; I32 King St. East, Toronto. EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing oflico, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario Terms of Subscriptions; : $1 00 per unnum in advance When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged†M. H. KEEFLER. Advertisements will be inserted at the follow ing rates: A m , mu... A r a. n,, , One Two Three 81:: 0:10 Month Months Mrmbhslxlonths ‘ Column.†$10 00 00 $20 00 53.5 on 100 Half 00] ...... f4 00 ’ 1'2 00 15 Du :40 no » (m ’ matter 00] 5 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 2" (r0 hree inches 3 00 4 00 5 on 8 0!) 1-2 00 Two inches 2 50 3 ()0 3 50 b 00 R 00 One Inch... 1 {)0 i 75 2 00 3 U0 .5 in) Busineas Cards, one vom- Transitm‘v .‘u'lm rtis “K perinchm.... .., Each subseqm-nt i1 ,rfn 11,1“ An inch oompriu‘s «wame .p. Adverbi MDETHE wi'hnnt “‘1 ‘chn will be inserted until forbid o; L. p rates For SaleBy QTEELE BROS; & 00.; H 0B SF!) .3 E 0 [4) A N 1) EU LT I ‘7 AT!) R We beg to arm H10 public Hml we are ‘CHAMPION’ REAPER AND MOWER. A ln'rgo aamMmsnt of thvsi CMEns The York Herald, Munufuéturing Agents: for Province of Ontario Alsn constantlv on hand full Etockol Canned Salmon. Mackerel. Giblct, - Cm-n Beef. Sardines, and a ge Works 2 IN ALL NOTE THE ADDRESS. Steele B10385 00;, n‘m Name Alf 1"“ (5:15. PEJANET JR. Seed Merchants, Corner Front 8L Jarvis Streets, Comékate, ready for work, for Sale. can be seen at our warehouse, Tn the Prices of PUBLISHED BY one vow .. ij months .. tin-3e month R. H. XVILSON’S A 1480 14m Fm‘mhr Fb'mi ‘hc w LGTLIKY .9; (20., Golden Grifï¬n, and have made This lismbhahzmmt lakes the Lead. 'i‘omamm, PIth 131 Retail Budn a Navy-111w i1 One Combined TOR ONTO; m. cm:._. Constant}? kept on hand. icflmnv, Moss, Falconbridge AND novws, Jms Bethune Q C. 0 Moss, W C Falconbridge N W Hoyles, W Barwick, A. B Aylesworth W J . FnANKs. BARRISTERS,’ 86¢ I8 & 20 King Street. West‘ Toronto. BxLï¬usters, Attorneysâ€"at-Imw, Solicit-ors-i‘n‘ Chancn‘y. Convevunuers, etc, ()fflcoswlmperial Bunk Buildings‘. Wellington-streak Toronto nnMAs FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIN . WM SETON GORDON, GEO F SHIPLEY. TEES, Attorneys, Solicimrs-imChancel-y em, 6! Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court Hmnce). Toronto. Fprguson, Bain, Gordpn &.VS‘_hjple_y, . '* business now- before the public. You can make money faster at war]: for us that at anything else Uapzml not needed. We will start, you 3512 a {law «Q upwurds mude Eat home by the mdumbricus Women, boy: and ELAN wanted everywhere k 101‘ us. New is Mu, tin. ‘. You can work GQLI)EN GRIFFIN; 13‘ B. HUGHES OJ P. 9. Box 2527i 20ULTBEIC (KL EVAT'I‘. BARRIS ALFRED BOULTBEE opened daily at 9o‘clock m. m.. and closéd NUk'I‘H OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS. Eâ€. G. SAVAGE E; Planet J)‘ Chicken; Corn. ' .. ï¬x 'l‘ail‘; Kidney. Peaches; Lobstcrsa Sï¬l‘gal. Furnished on the short est “mice. and most reasonable terms. FUN ERALS WM. \VOR’IS Bvxr'r.