When Mr. Mackenzie was so shabhily set aside to make room for Mr Blake, as leader of the Reform party, 1he radical papers which support that party were quite jubilant over the certainty of sucâ€" cess at the next Plection. No. 10 : They had-little or no ’symp‘alhy“ for the man who stuck to the party through a long period of'ndversity, and who when a brief season of prosperity came, honest ly endeavored to act right and true to his party. He was almost completely forgotteu. Blake was everything ;â€"â€"tbe hope and reliance of young Uanadn ; the leader around whom all patriots. and esâ€" pecially the young men could rally with enthusiasm. No man ever had better opporlunities than fortune or circum- stances seem to have placed in the grasp of this man. But through a fatal weakness, 9. rev- luctsnce to make a decisxve step, a timid ity that is far more disheartening than recklessness, he has signally faile'l, so far to make anvthing out of these oppor- tunities. No doubt there are many pople who believe a great future is yet ahead of Blake,â€"â€"â€"that when the proper time arrives for a leader, when the coun- try in peculiar circumstances calls for its ablest sons to lead it by a new and as yet untrodden path, that Blake will ï¬ll the want, and occupy the position ably and successfully. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10. 189.2 But so far he has not fulï¬lled, in any particular, the high expectations of his friends. And especially is this true with regard to the result of the recent elections. The House of Commons is now composed as follows : Ontario... nebecm ew Brn , Nova Scotin .......... Prince Edward Island Manitoba. ............. British Columbia. 142 51 2 This gives about the same majority for the Government as they had in the previous House. besides which many of the nblest. men on the Reform side are defeated. When the difl‘crenee in the prosperity of the country is considered. when it is remembered that Blake had all the in- fluence of good times, the Boundary Question. Rivers and Streams Blll, Syn- dicate Monopoly and other issues, to ex~ cite public feeling. and that he did little or no better than Mackenzie, the man who was shoved out of the leadership to make room for him, it will be seen that his name has lost its pOWer to charm.â€" that whatever abilities he may possess as a lawyer. an orator, or politician he has not. the conï¬dence of the people as a statesman. Indeed it may be said with good reason, that Mr Mackenzie would have secured a larger folii’ng in the recent election. Many good and staunch Reformers. who believe that the M owat Government are as near perfection as any human orâ€" ganization could well be, would be great ly surprised to hear that their model government had already resorted to “Direct Taxation," and yet, such is the case. Now, the Globe has always enâ€" deavored to convey the impression that a Government guilty of' such an act was about as corrupt, extravagant and incap- able as it could be, and in conï¬rmation of these assertions pointed to the Tory Government of Quebec The Newmnrket Era says that New.- market is taxed directly some 8200 by the Mowat Government. This is caused by the Government taking: such a large portion of the License Fund. Well, if Newmarkct is taxed $5200, every munic- ipality in the Province pays a greater or lets tax 1n the same way. Formerly the whole license fund was expended by the municipalities, but since the Govcrm ment has grabbed a good slice, the 11111-- nicipalities are forced to increase the tax upon the rateable property. But this is not the only instance in which the Local House has taxed the people directly. The expenditure has increa‘ed so enormously, of late years, that the Government resorted to every poosxhle centrivance in order to get sufï¬- cient. funds, and it has taxed the County Councils to meet the want, by throwing upon those bodies a large portion of the expense of'cmninal justice which was formerly met from the consolidated funds of' the Province. Of‘ course. for every dollar more that the Councils have to pay, thev fall back on the people, and thus make the tax. in stem reality, a direct one. WHICH IS Tm: LEADER ?â€"â€"Gn'p shows up the simmion of the Reform Party just now, in a humorous and forcible style last week. The Reform party is represented by a helpless, blind, venerable dunie who has a card suspend- ed from her neck, with the inscrlption, “Kind friends; Pity a Pore 010 Party wot can’t see no prospects afore her and has got 2 menny leaders.†Blake and Gordon Brown have each secured one of her hands, and are endeavoring to lead her in opposite directions, but the old ladyscems too bewildered to move in any direction. Grip, standing :1 little aside, says “Very sad sight, indeed I†and the World laments as follows :â€"“Very melancholy spectacle, to be sure 1†Other excellent. cnrtnnns are “Egyptian ~,,1,, _ l,‘,. EJSMKA“; M. The Mowat Government will have the hardest ï¬ght It ever had at this next. election, and just such points as these referred to will tell against it, more than manv friends are willing to admit, at the present tune. Direct Taxation 1n Ontario. Film {lurk gnaw. Richmond Hill. Ont. No Better This Time. Whole No. 1258; Gov't Opp. Ind. .. 56 36 ; {>3 12 Volume 25. 'Wlnnipeg wants a free public ltbmry. and the, FreePress urges some of the wenltby men, who have made money out of “Win- nlpeg dirt.†to muke the city a present of an institution oftltis kind. The idea is a good onev if “tha wealthy citizen" can only be induced to realize it. Toronto cannot work the game, although it has tried It ofwn enough. Archlishop Lynch announced on Sunday, that. the Pope had created a new diocese in Canada, that of Peterboro’, with Mgr. Jamot, of Bracebridge, formerly Vicar- General in Toronto, and now Vicar Arms-- toiis of Northern Canada, as Bishop. The r-ew diocese wrll comprise the counties of Victoria, Peterhoro’, Durham. and Nor-- thumheriand. which are to be taken from the» diocese of Kingston. The appointment of Hon. Frank Smith to the Privy Councxl. and Hon. J. A Chaplenu as Secretary of State, has been gazetted. Hon. M r. Moasenu takes Mr Chapienu’a place as leader of the Government In Quin-- bec. Mr Chapleau is admitted by all to be an able and energetic Minister. who will bring considerable talent to sum the Mix:â€" istry. The Toronto City Hall must he very nu» healty, as the city oï¬icials are reported to be dying by inches. through breathing the foul air, The unpleasant part of the matter is that several nflivinls have been seriously ill with typhoid fever. and one diedthrouzh fever contracted in the oï¬ice. But the Aldermen do not seem to think that this state of things in any disgrace to the city. They apparently think the Hall val good enough yearn gone by. and it ought to he so now. The Reformer: of North York hid agrand pic-mic, the other day. at Holland Landing, and Mr. Mulock was looking his belt and all his friends were loud in their congratuu lations. But the brightcat hopes of this life are seldom realized, and Mr Mulock, it seems. must learn this, just the same as the rest of us. A petition against his return as member was ï¬led at Osgoode Hall. on Sat- urday last. Those who profess to know my Willinm's chances of holding the seat are very small, indeed. ’Twal over thus. Another kiasing Icandnl is coming to light. These kissing scrapes leem to come in butt-hes, as it were. Thin lime it is a minister in the States, the Rev. D. C. Han- selman, charged not only with kissing,-â€"but also the heinous ofl't-nce of hugging,â€"the horrid. horiid man. Whether the Rev. Hanselmnn had the kisses or not. he is avi- drnlly going to pay pretty dear for being charged with them. This is a very wicked world. und men are again beginning to dis- cuas the problem. old as the hills, but never autiafnotorily uolved,â€""l| nfe wonh living†About the latest idea in ecclelluticsl «(E-lira, and one of the moat Itriking possiâ€" blllllflfl ofthe future in that of having a Canadian Pope. Rev. Dr Feehnn, of Chiâ€" cago, lms been appointed 3 Cardinal. and there is n0 reason nhv our own Archbishop Lynch, at Toronto, may not wear the covet- ed red cloak before long It would seem Btrunge if the next Pope was a Canadian. butullhough Italians generally carry the duly, stranger things have occurred. Mr D Blain. L L D., knows all blunt! the Reform Party, Blake and the 0106:. He clearly understands why Blake failed to carry the elections. and in three columns and a half of the Mail. he undettskes to lecture each and every one on their {nu to and failings. Mr Bluin understands s good many things that other people profess to be unablevto, and. no doubt, could wmk won- ders it he had his wav, but it is doubtlul it he yet really comprehends how the electors of West Ymk tailed to elect him He thinks Blake wrecked the party because he did not swallow all his Free Trade and Revenue Tanfl‘idens and launch out. boldly in favor of the N. P. lt is an old and lime-honored saying that "You’ll never miss the water till the well runs dry,†and no one ever sus- pected that the Reform Party contained such a profound thinker. and shrewd polilt-- cian, not even during the many Jenn hir Blaiu represented West York. flue questiod of'Sabbath obvervance in recrivinz a good share of public attention in Toronto. Some of the leaders of the work' ing men are agitating for Sunday excursions and the Churchtfl are opponed to it. It. is certainly one at the most pleasant features of Canadian Sabbaths that the people seem to be taking a rest. and the activity. hustle. turmoil and general gala day appearance of many plat-es in the States is not snen. But there can he no doubt that hundreds of the working classes would be greatly heme-- ï¬tted by what is called “a breath of fresh air," but which in reality )I change of ace-no now exiterience. and an awakening from the dull apathy which seems to follow their monotonous existent-e. This is the day of enterprise and push. The citizens or Duluth, we notice in the Manitoba Daily Free Press, are seriously and vigorously agitating the building of a canal to connect Lake Superior. at that city, with Red River, in Grand Forks. By constructing some thirty seven milen of actual canal, fifty-six dams and one hundred and eleven locks. at a toml cost of $3.800.- 000, and utilizing the intervening natural water Wigs. it is cnntended that nearly four thousand miles of lake and river navnzation in the United States and Canada would be opened. This would render possible a vast system of water comtnnnicetion,â€"from the Rocky Mountains to Lake Superior. The scheme is a grand one. and its projectors claim that it is feasible A convention will be held at Duluth on Tuesday next to consider the project, and circulars of invita- tion have been sent to 132 members of Con- gress, as well as the Principal Boards of Trude in Canada and the United States. it is to he hoped the scheme will succetd The men ofthe nineteenth Century have Icoom- plished many wunderfnl schemes and are good for many more. The town of Gardiner, 119., has been almost antirely destroyed bv ï¬re Senator Adam Hope died on Monday evening last in Hamilton The ï¬rm of J. & S. MoEachin, Douglas, writes us June lat. saying "There is not another preparation we can recommend with so much conï¬dence as Burdock Blood Bitâ€" ters, as it invariably gives the best. of satis- -. " Zurrinuk Nond Bitter-u tznrpn nll "‘ ‘ Mu ‘ ‘ Thodiacovory of an oil well at Arcola, 11]. haa created a. tremendous sensation Smallpox is raging at Maple City. Minn Editorial Notes. The Toronto World is death against‘ Railway Monopoly, and although it seems to be somewhat unaided in its opposition the condemnation dons not weaken. It takes a more reasonable ground than the Globe, which can only see an evxl in the Syndicate. The Ontario Assembly and all promoters of local roads, especially George Lnidlnw is unsparingly de- nounced. Over 8‘,2.14l,781 have been given in the shape of subsidies by the Provincial Government, in Municipal Bonuses, and in Municipal Shares or Bonds. to build roads which were to open up anew sect- ion of country and give competing lines. But. all their lines have been handed over to two large monopolies, the Grand Trunk and the Syndicate. The World accuses Mr Laidlaw, and other promotâ€" ers of local lines, of actually wrecking the roads in order that the large corpor- ations could "gobble" them. This is a very unpleasant charge, but that news- paper scems to know what it is talking: ubout.and promises to still further venti- late the mutter in future issues. The ï¬rst serious engagement on land be: tween the British troops and Arabi occurred on Saturday. A reconnaissance was made from Alexandria in strength for the purpose of determining Arubi‘u exact position and strength. The troops behaved with it cool- ness and courage that would have delighted the heart of Wellington The action, which was gallantly and successfully fought. brought forth numerous deeds of bravery which redound to the credit of the British Army. Our low was smallâ€"four killed and less than thirty wounded. The only oï¬cer killed was Lieut, Vyse, of the 60th Rifles, a promising young ofï¬cer, who is highlv spoken of by General Allison. After the object sought had been attained the troops withdrew in perfect order. taking with them all their dead and wounded and a number of prisoners. The enemy’s loss in reported at 300 From informntion gained there is no doubt that Arahi will make a ï¬rm stand at Ahoukrr A report has gained credit tho: 8 British force has been landed It lsmailia to protect the canal. Dclpsrch- to from Cona'antinople announce that an agreement will prohohly he arrived at be- tween the Porte and England and that .a military convention on clenrly deï¬ned lines will be entered into. A Inter despateh. however, Itntes that the British Government has presented an ultimatum and that in the event of its non-acceptance by Turkey Lord Dufï¬-rin has been instructed to withdraw from letnntinople and Admiral Seymour will prevent the Turkish contingent from landing. The intent despnches from Censtantinnple pio- sent a. Very hopeful aspect of aflnirl at the Can~ ference. At Tuesday's sitting the Turkish repre- sentatives announced the Porte's acceptance of the conditions (21' the identical note regarding Turkish intervention, and the formation of an international poLice for the protection of the Suez Canal. He also iniormed Lord Dufl'erin that in accordance with his demand Arsbi would be pro- claimed a rebel. This concilntory action on the psrt of the Sultan was probably hastened by the aimouncrmsnt that Russian troops lied been ordered to irepure to embark for Constantinople immediately on war breaking out between Eng- land and Turkey. Two Turkish Commissionors sail immediately for Alexandra, and it is hoped that A rabi’s troops will submit to Dervish Psalm on his arrival. At Alexandra matters reumin very quiet pending Sir Garnet Wolseley's arrival. Ber Majestv has personally made enquiries utter the sick and wounded soldinrs. Ambi has brought up troops from Kafrâ€"el-Dwsr to rennir and strengthen his entrenchmonts. Ho still spneurs to hope for success, and is keeping up communi-- cation with the Portqs One of his couriers has been intercepted and his despstches tsken from high ‘L , I v I o- r There in every indication that the Conference will conclude its sittings, for the present, this week The Porto has accepted the international supervision of the Suez Canal on condition that the period of suncrvision is limited It is believed that Arnbi Pasha. will at once he proclnlmoil rebel The Turkish force will then promed to Ecypt under the Miltnry Convention with Eng- land Russia has massed 300,000 troops in the Caucasus, and an the Czar. it is reported, is bent upon war in order to divert the attention of the Nihilists. some fears are entertained of a deliber- ate ri ping up of old quarrels between Ennis and the Ports Ambi on Wednesday, made an advance towards Alexandria, but withdrew in consequence of an until-ding ï¬re from a. British ironclad He appears to have brought up heavy reinforcements from Kerr-91 Dwar, and ma possibly promeditnte an attack upon the Britis position from another quarter, W'ednesdey's movement being merely to divert attention from his real object At Suez. complete provision against a water famine has been made, and no fear rwod be felt upon that score It is 'roported that tho British have occupied Ismailie. on the Ego: Canal, but the report hes not been conï¬rm- a Our Civic Holiday in near at bind, and. at gen. orally in the case, an Excursion la the way our villngs-rs, and country friends who join in, spend the day. by going away from home and having a little enjoyment. Barrie and Whitby are both lpnken of, and "atiirduy, the 19th inst, ii. I believe to be th 9 day for the occasion. So when- ever the Excursion will be to, we hope tho nflnir will prove to ba 2m agreeable and enjoyable one, without accident. Hrmnwn’s One-rum um Puts.â€" Health’s Defences None save the strong-- ost can with impunity pass through the surl- deu transitions from wet to dry, frnm cold to muggy weather so prevalent during the autumnal and early winter months. Influâ€" enza, bronchitis. cough. sore throat, or quin- sey will attack those most watchful of their health , but they can readily arrest any of these complaints by rubbing Holloway’s Ointment upon the skin over the nï¬â€˜ected parts twice a day. and by assisting its cor- rective action with appropriate doses of his Pills This well known, safe, and easy mode of treatment efï¬ciently protects the invalid both from present and futer danger 'mit'nnnt we reninrr m- oven "iatnr-hiï¬â€™ The village Band have been practising a. few new tunes latelyY and play them very nicoly.â€"~ns was heard by our villagers ihe other evening, on the new band stand, (corner of Wallace 6: Pine streets.) The med is now under the leadership of Mr Chas, Rowntree, (a. musical geniuu of our village). who is doing his duty well, as are also the other numbers. under his careful charge A Band is the life of every village. and they should hie encouraged more than they are at. the present 1 me. Mr T. F. Wnllnr? returned home last Friday evening, after n 6 week’s visit to the North-“'0â€, looking as if the country agreed with him. CITY FATHEHI. Tha City Fathers met last night, all the mem- bers present, Reeve in the chain Minutes of former meeting road 65 adopted, They have now got down in business, and understand what bulinoss they have to do,They went through con- aidernble of it last night, as ’hey did not adjourn till 1130. I don't suppose (hey would 1mve,even then, had not the propricfor of the Inkerumn 1:06 sleepwand said "boyfl I am sleepy, and think it time to adjourn.†so all went, home. They met again this afternoon, and had a walk around tovcrln, to me if they could not ï¬nd bad sidewalks an On Sunday evening lnntwe woro visited by a. very heavy ruin, which came down in torrents for Hourly an hour, making the streets look like a. river. The River Humber rose to a grant height, carrying away briugen and dams, and doing a prom amount of dnmnga to crops which were out along the banks of the river. The dam at Thompson's mill, :1 mile north of our village, wan swept away, as wan nine 21 bridue near there. The bridge at Mr Abell’s Agricultural Works was nearly swept away. but stood the battle Well. The abutmen's at one and sank down about. two feet. Another heavv ruin visited’us this mornâ€" ing. but imthing like the one on Sunday, and the farmers um 1 ring 0. rest. Woodbrldgo, August 9th. 1862‘ Raflway Monopoly. (From our own Correspondent.) The War In Egypt. WOODBRIDGE HEAVY BAIN‘ EXCURSION 0U“ BAID Tm O'Dn. Autograph Albums and Birthâ€"day 1‘ Cards, just. arrlved at the HERALD Store ) has MANITOBA PAPle â€"â€"We are indebt- ed to Mr W C. Pat‘erson, of Winnipeg, for late copies of the papers of that enâ€" ‘erptisingcity Thanks. SCHOOL BOARD â€"â€"A meeting of the School Board will be held on Saturday, to make provision for engaging an assist. ant teacher for the High School in place of Miss L. Palmer. who has resigned, and also lor tranaacting other important buninens IMPROVED -â€"The pews in the C. M. Church have been greatly improved by a cushioned railing being placed at the back-a few inches above the top, making the seats more plenum: and oomfortnblé to sit in. Bzâ€"UNION.â€"-The next Mechanics' Institute fieâ€"union will be held on Tues- day. Oct. 3rd. The Committee will have plenty of'time to arrange a ï¬rstâ€" clnss programme, and in order that noth- ing may he overlooked which will tend to make the entertainment a success they should meet at once, and islue invitations to performers. R. C. ch-NICKâ€"A grand Picâ€"bio in connection with «he R 0 Church. Thorn- hill, will be held in Mr McDougall's grove onThuraday, Aug. 3lst‘ A good programme of amusements will be preâ€" pared. For particulars me billa, which will be issuad in a few days. The Dominion Review, I Canadian Monthly Journal of Politics and Literaâ€" ture, published by Messrs Dryadale & 00., Montreal, is to hand. The Editor- ial nrticlcs are the political situations in Canada, England, die. The work con- sists of twelve pages of two columns, ex- clusive of advertisements. Terms of subscription one dollar per your in adâ€" FUNERAL -â€"-The funeral oerB. Jane Elliott. who died on Friday last. took place on Sunday, and was largely atâ€" tended. The remaina were interred in the Zion Church Cemetery, 3rd Con. of Mark. am. The Rev. Mr. Dick preached the funeral sermon and deâ€" liveer a very Impressive disconrre De- ccnsed was the wife of the late John Elliott, of York Township, and mother nt Major Elliott, of Buttonville. Mr. and M r5. Elliott were amcngst the early kettlers ut‘ the country. and by thrift uan induxtry accumulated cnnsiderahle property. Mrs Ellinttwns loved' and respected bv all her friends. to whom the announcement of her death, after an illness of only afew days, will be :1 Severe shock. GARDEN PARTY.-â€"The ladies of the C. M. Church had a very pleasant evenâ€" ing for their Lawn Social at Mrs Antes Wright's, on Wednesday last. The atâ€" tendance was large. and the fwilitien aï¬ordcd for enjoyment almost unlimited. The tables were furnished in the ur-ual attractive style, and were well ï¬lied with appreciative visitors during the evening. lcc Cream, swings, and other uccmnpnni ments of a palatial residence, and luxur- ious life were to be seen in abundance. The lawn and grove were illuminated with Chihese lanterns, and other fantas- tic lights, which thn-w a soft and beautiâ€" ful radiance over the faces and forms of "lords and ladies guy," and made more than one remark. “what a lovely place for a lawn social 1" The proceeds. amounting to 830. will be applied to paying for the improvements on the seats in the Church. unce. E ten cents. Rona TEMPLARB â€"Mr Partisan has succeeded. we are pleased to hear, in organizing a Council of the Raul 'leuiplars in this village. On Tuesday nightall'who were desirous of joining the Order met in the Temperance Hall, for the purpmse of Organizing. Eleven men and eight women were; initiated, and 'tihéCOn‘ncil pronerly organizod, unâ€" der the name of Richmond Hill Council No 43. with the-following aï¬cers : Se- lect Councillor, John Sanderson; Vice do, W Harrison ; Past do, J. Switzer ; Chaplain, Mrs. Wm Atkinson ; Recordâ€" ing Secretarv, J. Stewart, ; Financial do, (3. Trench ; Treasurer, A. Newton ; Herald. WV. Sanderson ; Guard, Mrs. J Switzer ; Sentinel, J Lush. Lscsossr. MATCH.-â€"â€"The match hcâ€"- tween the “Young Canadians,†of this village and the “Athletics†of Toronto, which was phwed last Saturday, in- the Queen's Park, Toronto, resulted in a draw Game started at 3 o'clock. The play was close and exciting. but an un- fortunate stumble on the part of one of the Hill team, who was carrying the ball, gave the Toronto club a great advantage, and before the mishap could be remedied the game was won by the Athletics. Time 15 minutes. The Young Canaâ€" dians were but a few minutes recovering from their astonishment, and when play was resumed the Athletics soon discover- ed that they were going to have about the toughest afternoon they ever put. in, ifthey wished to secure the game. Play lasted all afternoon, and when 6 o’clock arrived, the game remained still unwon, after being Contested for two hours and twenty minutes. There were a large number of spectators present, who watch- ed the close and exciting play with peculiar interest. We are informed that‘ the Toronto team had four strange play! ers, which is hardly the square thing, but notwithstanding the change, our boys claim that they can beat the Ath- lettes, and that if a return match is play- ed in this village, there will be no draw about it, but as decisive a victory as the former one. We must not. forget to mention that Mr. ‘M. Wilson rendered invaluable service as Field Captain. It is expected that a return match will take place in about two weeks. After the game was declared a draw, the Athâ€" letics and the Young Canadians partook of a good supper at the Waverly House, where, no doubt. amplejustice was done to the. edibles. after the hard work per- LOCAL ITEMS. Send and gel a-snn-zple copy for l SERIOUS ACCID)’ Innâ€"We regret very much to learn that Mr. Joseph Gaby, of Yorkville, was seriously injured the uther day. while harnessing A home. The animal kicked. and struck him on I one of his h1pa. Mr. Gabv was hurled through the door, and out on the street. Dr. Johnson was called in. and after no fexamination, it was seen thlt, Unfortuâ€" {nately, the injured limb. was the one iwhioh had been fractured some months 'previuusly. The accident will disable ! Mr. Gaby for a long time, It is feared. mm 5010 rue, ox Toronto,“ Hanna :1 r friends New GROOERY.â€"-Mrs Geo. Soules theâ€,M'mFmeogum “ ° , . . has Open“ a Grocery and quvmmn‘ MisaRobinaon,of Toronto, Ipentatewweekl 0 l1 _w1 erneusmtmvao. Store in her hands me new bu ld ng 'thh f" d ' 11' in 8 Here will be found an excellent stock of hM;s.Mo{elntngi otlï¬ofheztenglx 1tiliuaviaikting everything in the shape of provisions, or new†" u" '0' N" "m3 ' . - q . - Mrs John H Randermn left here on Thursday groceries, and confectmer- Don i {all morning, for a. visit to her friends in Toronto to call and see the new store. 1m- ?) (1 annonlnnv-niun (.w anu'rm an CIVIC Hommrâ€"The Boreali: in referring to our remarks regarding 3 Civic Holiday, says :â€"The HERALD is right in stating that number:I of places have been excurted to death. and we believe hits the nail on the head when it proposes Hamilton. There are nineâ€" tenths of the people in Aurora, who were never yet in sight of the ambitious city. It is, however, (no late now to make suggestions for Aurora, the Odd Fellows having decided to go to Peneâ€" tnnguishene on our Civic Holiday. Another year we trust the ï¬remen or some such institution may have a turn at the helm. Are you disburbed at. night and broken of your rout by a sick child sufl'eriug and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ‘7 If so, go at once and get 21 bottle of urns. wmunw's scornâ€" ING SYRUP, It will relieve tha poor little suï¬ei- er immediatelyâ€"depend upvn it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not 9. mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it, Will regulate the bowels. and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. Itis perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the promriptinn or one of the oldest and heat Trivial: u an“: un‘rmw‘ it» {‘00 I M. I. Dtnxcrou' Murineâ€"A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Richmond Hill Mechantes' Institute was held in the Committee Room of the Ma- sonic Hall, on Tuesday evening last . Present. Messrs W. l'rench. R E Law, J. Reynolds, F McConnghy. D Boyle, and l’. G. Savage, the President, Mr. D. T. Faitbuiru, in the chair The min~ utes of last meeting were. rend and con- ï¬rmed. The Re~nnion Committee re- ported through the Secretary that the proceeds of the last fie-union amounted to $15.30, after paying all expenses. A- commumcation from the Secretary of Richmond Lodge, was read, sttting that the proposition made by the Institute for the payment of arrears of rent, had been accepted by the Lodge. After consider- able discussion it was moved by Mr D. Boyle. seconded by Mr. I’. G. Savage, that the Secretary be and is hereby irâ€" structed to draw on the Treasurer for the sum 0? 875, and pay the same to the Masonic Hall Committee. in full of all claims for rent, up to May lst, 588°.â€" Cnrried. > A motion was passed, instruct- ing the Ro-union Committee to hold on Entertainment on Tuesday, Oct 3rd, and the Board aï¬â€˜iourned, to meet at the call of the President Nam-n Yonx UNION Fun-Jrha Union Full Fair of the North York and W'hitchurch Ag. Stcietiau will be held in Newmnrkot on the 3rd uh of Outofx'r. Abouc 8500 have been subscrib- ed for Special prizesâ€"some of them very valu- able. othnm in cmh. Tickatl of membership will oust two dullurs after the Inc of Reptembexj -next. Tickets may now be had from the Directon of author of the above Societies for $1.00. ELLIOTTâ€"At Richmond Hill, on Fxlduthhjnst, Jane. relict 0! Mr. John Elliott, of York Townâ€" ship, aged 72 years, and LB dsya. I'nvy &( Turk. Drnggims. Heufrew, wrihs UK June 3rd. "We huVe said Fowler's Ex- ant‘l uf Wifd Slrawherrv for 3 number, of yearn. and ï¬nd nmhing pqlml In it, for 1h:- puv-pme or which it in designed" Dr Fowl- er's Fxtruc: of Wm} Strawberry cum Ml forms of Bowel complaints incidem to Sum- mer and fall. Th9 cnnfemimm u! Kyrilluff. the Nihiiist, COIWit'f Kkmlui enuain uthe. (Tzur, of Irra- anmsblc conspiruciel CRAIGâ€"At Oak Ridges, on Wodnesday, 9th inst. Rhoda, (18.11 hter of Mr Robt Craig, of Head- l‘ord, and a. opted duughtor of Mr B New- bexrv, Oak Ridges, aged 3 years, 8 months. LESTERâ€"4)!) the 8th inst. at 120 Bydenhum St, Yorkville, alter a short illness of congestion, Margaret lt, the beloved wife of W H Lester, R M Customs, Toronto The remains will be taken to St. John. N B, lot interment Iowan}! ygrppggzz _ woulst The Reason Ho Wrote It. “I write thin.†HM}! Mr Nelson de Pew, of NapiersvillI-L Quebec. Cmmdu. "to any that, nfter suffering six years with rheum- atismâ€" accnmpnnivd with the' moat intense pain With which any one could bé afflicted -â€"l have been completely cured bv the use of St Jacobs Uil. Ithns w:ita becausel cmmider'it my duty an r» do. and hecmilv I wish to puhliuh tn anmtring humanity the wonderful efï¬cacy (.fthe glen! German Renv rd]. When l tememher that flutng the six years in which I was bedridden with this awful disease, I tried all kinds of ram-- edies. and expendrd a wry large amount of mono with rlactnrs of all Ichools. nnd undurweut all kinds of trrutment. the feel» in: nfgrntitude n! m}- mnrvelluus reCOVery impreauen me la give the widen publicity to my cane.†It is understood that tlm Auror; FM? Show will be huld on the 10th and Ill-h of October. As a remedy forget; Sickness. for any irrmmon of'the stomach nnd bnwvla. fur cunknr of lbe momnch and mmnh, fer vii-rs nrld hemorru-ge. and for all vnrieries of bowel comphuntl, Dr Fuwler’: Wild Straw- hrn'j is nature’s lrne speeciï¬c. OLD METHODIST Cannonâ€"~Theproparty known an the old Methodist Church, Prospect Street, hns been purched by the Newmarket Board or Public School Tnmteus, with the view of en v lurging the groundnut the Central School. Partial who have friéndi interred in CH9 rear of the plot should have the bodies removed to the nut cemetery M In unly date. of Newuiarkéi. Moonyâ€"Gonnoxâ€"In Draytoumn the 2601 mm, by the Reth. McAllister. Mr. Walter C. Moody, to Miss Cmmline S. Gordon, ï¬fth daughter of In. T. H. Gordon. SLAGHTâ€"WOLPE~â€"On Saturday. 6th at the resiâ€" dence of the brides's brother-in-lnw, Mr. Gregg, of Patterson, by the Rev, Mr. Addison. Mr Job Slnght,to Miss Lucy Wolfo. 511 of Woodstock. Accmnnr,-â€"Tho Bnmxn IOJI that Mr. Vim. Bollingshead, on Tuesday, 25m ult, while en- gngcd mingling one a! his ombuildings, ho nli - ed and fell a. distance of leteeu feet, break In; his! 1m arm betwaen the wrist and elbow. For» minutely he was not. more seriously injmd. MunrnYâ€"HOWAnDâ€"At St Mary‘s Church, Nun ‘maArkgfz, hy Rev_. 159016; MqGilgyayfgn thgznd LOCAL ITEMS. inst, Mi". joseph Murphï¬'. to Misé Hid: 3&3; Howard, dqughtor of Mr Michael Howard, all MARRIED. DEATH. . 11%;: q 'hm‘f' Mr. Jose 7): Devlin, the enterprising .Haxnesn- maker.‘of nion'ville, was in town 01': Wednesday lust. Joseph looks in the best of health. Ind says he feels that way. He reports busineas good in the lame and thriving village which has the honor of containing his omicile for the present; and insinuates that it in an good as a. rent to come out. to the Hill. utter living in Inch 9. livo, bustling place an Unionvilio. when a keen, teat lens snlrit. and neverflugging zeal are tho pro. minent ch aracteristica of the businesu men. Miss Tilley Watson, of Philadelphia, and Miss Emily and Miss Lizzié Kennedy,“ Toronto, are Exiting their friends in this village, n, Mrs J. W. ‘mott’l. V Mr. P. G. Savage leaves in u. few dayl for an extended trip to Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Cleveland. Thrae times Devan an twenty-ono-rjxmt think E o! it! A lady of King, ï¬rs Thou, Winters. gave birth to than children on Wednesday. the 27th ‘ alt, weighing seven penmh ouch, twoAboys and a 3 girl. Unfortunately two 0! the Halo strangers 1 had but a short tima allowed them to study ï¬lm beauties of nature, when 5hey were sailed hence. ‘ We munt coufmtnlnm Tummy on his success. He in of sum) scams, much respected by his neighbors, and would never have been suspected of a trick of this kind. At the Trinify Church garden party last week we understand there were over 351'“ taken in, which will of come :0 towm'da the ‘ercction of the new church. Who come: next ? 0n Thursdzy, 27th ult,Thomn Perry was no untnriunute as to have his mill proparty, known as the Loch Erin mills. situated on the 9th con, King. destroyed by ï¬re. Fortunately there was but little lumber about the place at the time. He had no insurance. James Waite was in a. speculative mood during last winter, Ha went out into Whitghurch and bought uyoxm Erin Chief mare from u gonna {elm msmed idemnn. Later on she showed THE LARGEST STOCK IN TOWN.) vv vvaJvulllé Juu "(any You Can -G-et Cheap FOr Cash» All kinds of Farm Produce taken at Market Prices. BAKERY TN (TH‘JNFHTTONT- Wire'smmmi HR}, 5511; 1951‘ 1538?; s mptoms of speed. nd nun he gold A two- tgï¬-d intone»: to Palmenk We a, who took her ovexto the States to work «ï¬tting the union. Word has been received that alter twq weeku' handling she has made the oxtraonlixznry time for n. grean'un of 2352. Thin in probably the but showing ever made in Canada for n. bevnnc of the kind. Barring accidents, we may look for some fast time in the near future. Barley Once, Yeas , Rye do . Dressed Hammer 100 ms‘ .. N Beef,hindqunrters,per 11.0 ms .‘ Mutton, by the carcuao, pu‘ 109M! Chickelm, per. pain ,. . Ducks. per Emc- Geesamuch ...... Turkeys, each Buttonlbroua .. large rolla.. tub dairy... Egga, fresh, doz‘ Potatoes, per bbl Apples pm‘ bun-a} Onmna, pex big . Cabbage. per mmâ€. \‘Jelery, per do: . Turnipn, par hm; ., Carrots, per do: Beets, par doz I’arunipn, per bag . Hay pantom, Straw per; ton. W'ool ver 37., THURSDAY, August 10,1882. PBXCEE m lunhunw‘ wmcoxs Wheat full, now,per bush ..... Spring do Barley do H HARVEST TOOLS 9 ONTARIO ' ' HOUSE Min 1833942, ofgoroqto, is viamng her friends BEHITFIATISM; sow BY ALL DRUGGISTB' m DEALER Ill KEDIOXIB. mm roof/I, Ear and "attache, me fact and Euro, and all a!!!» " Pam: and lclua , No mm on oath and: h. 1100‘. 0n n n m , mm “mph Ind cheap hum-l Remedy A "$31,0th but Ibo conga-thaw ram... out?†of 50 Celtl. And «In on. “maria; with pin on In" chap And pom" proof 0! Hp alums. uncanny» lbw: Lama. flown/gig, Sciatica, [mbagm " Packed», Saranass a! the chest, Gouf, Quins], Sore Throat Jul/- ing: and Sprain, Earn: and Sea/43,. lingual Bodily In all Sizes. Boots and Shoes ‘8‘ great variety. (hoceries1 Feed, A. VOGELER & 00,! TH E M A RE ETS. TOR ON'1‘()‘ TEA, 20 Cents Per. Pound ! HARVEST ‘ "GLOVES Personals. AURORA mm Lard, Bacon and Hams. in fact everything you want E‘OB lall‘nm'a. H4. :7. i. A. Just arrived, a huge Stock of AH Kinds 81‘ Toronto Prices, $114 $1 Selling like hot cakes. 10 00 0 00 ‘23 00 Ni 2 00 0 00 3 (10 0 50 0 50 15 20 00‘ 7 00 O 00 40 00 AT THE 00 00 50 65 00 0 0 '24 00 .10 15 00 990 2 25 O 0" 3 25 1 00 19 YI‘HE letting of the works for the FENELON FALLS, BUUKHORN and BUBLEIGH CANALS, advertised to take place on the second day of August. next, is mmvoidnbly further posti poned to the fol‘lowing dates :â€" m,_ u ... Aurora, lst, 8th, 10th, and 22nd do Newmarket, ..... do Stouflville. .‘ do Markham ...... dc Victoria Square .‘ do Thomhill ...... do ‘ Maple ...... do Woodbridge do Kleinburg . . . . do Nobleton . ....... 10th do 1 Annsmnticéï¬a Intrbns Oxide. o,th used when imdered and none but the best material used W, ,_ ~ . y.“ \u- “Lump; Mary, P ans,speciï¬cncions, &c., will be reudy for ex- amination (at the vluces previouslv mentioned) on THURSDAY, THE TENTH DAY OF AUGUST xExr. Ab “mum: .â€" ‘ Tondéi‘s W111 be received until rI‘HL‘nsl THE TWENTY-FOURTH DAY 01» A GUST x h ...m .. MAPLE .................................... Y. .............. 1mm Nitrous Oxide (Jun admimsmrerl for pululma Dxtructiun of teeth. W. ROGERS [x 01wch RICHMOND HILL EACH Mo FIRST 10 DA“; or u, r ‘ ‘ t Smmuoy Dxx'nsr, hué omovad tn 87 King street East; Toronto. Bostqniueml teeth iuwrmd in n murm- or to suit each putient. l‘wrticulur ntmntion given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully avoiding ull unnecess- nry pain. Ofï¬ce hours from 8 11.111. to G p. my Private resideucu 20‘} Jarvis Rh’ect. Dept. of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, m1. July, 1882. . business now before the publ.. You cm) make money faster at werk for us that at anything elm Capital not needed. “'0 will start you 312 iv .dfty dz upwards. made) at homo by the industrious- Mou, xi'imwn, boys and girls wanted everywhere to wnyk tor 1m. _\ )W is the tinm. You. mm work. ili‘u)mro,tiiiip only or give your whole xime to tho hnqncan. Youmin ifs/9 {Lt 1min:- and do \he work '0 other business will pay you nearly us wolii. No one cun fail to muke eiizii~ii101ixi>ixy by mmngc Ing at once. Costly outï¬t and terms free. Money mime rim, 03%in uiirl huuombly, Address, THU?! 35 C0, Augustin. Mniim. Plans showing the pa ition at the work, and speciï¬cations for u but remains to be done, can be seen at this ofï¬ng and at the Resident tinglin- eer's Ofï¬ce, Welland, on and after FRIDAY THE- rm DAY OF AUGUST noxt, whore printed. forms of tener can be obtained. ' Contractors are rcqvmtad to bear in mind thnt tsin'd'ara Will not be considered nnk RS mud» strictâ€" ly in accordance with the printml forum, and, in in the cuse of ï¬rms, except them ure attached the 561179) ï¬ignutru'efl, the nature of the ovcupug tion and place of residence of each incmber of the mum: ;8.nr1 further, an nonopted hunk cheque‘ for the sum of four thousand dollnrsnmst accom- pany the resmectivo tenders, whip}; Bum slmll be forfeiu-d if The party tendering docnnr‘s entorin r into contract fur the works, at the rutes state in the (iflor sni-nn’ttvd Notice to Contractors WEHANDEANMENLABGEM’NT Department of Railways and Canals ' Ottnv'n 1511} July, 1381’. EALED TENDERS nddrvssed to the under- signed, and endorsed Tender for the Wel‘ )nnd Cunnl,†will be received ut this ()flico until the arrival of the Eu‘tem and Western Mails on FRIDAY, THE 131‘ DAY OF SEPTEMBER next, for the deepening and completion of that part of the VVel'lnnd Cannl. between Raunmv’s Bend and Port Colbnnm, known us Sect‘inn No. 31, elllbrhC‘ in‘g‘lWhnt‘is cqllml _thn “Rock Out." The chmï¬lern} 11:01:93' thus sent in will be re- turned to t e respective contractors whose Ten- ders are not accepted. Thin Drpm'tment does not, however, bind itself to “wept the lowest or any tender. Your own choice presented to each purchase? of 31M. anen. Cull and see for yourselves MRS. HARRISON, opposite the Mnsnnic Hull, Rich- mond Hill. Richmond Hill. Tuanfull kinds, and such as will compare in TEA ck: BOOKS 2 NEW TEA STORE! With any in Town Sold in bulk or in hermetiu cully set:le packagc" LS may 1): requived. QUALITY AN 1) PRICE BOOKS !: TREN T NA VIGATION. New Arrival I “I . CE 4 removad Richmond Hill, Mm; 17th 1883. gm: gamï¬mxmtï¬. Notlce To Contractors. Or A ROBINSON. ’ SURGEON DENTIST, AUR§0R5 Splendid Volumes from At Mrs. Harrison's; B y order, g mm, By Order, A. I’. BRADLEY. rovisions, . ADAMS, L.D.S‘. A. I’. IKRADLTC Y, Flour 8116.1; THURSDAY, 1234 Secretary. Secretary 123456