Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 24 Aug 1882, p. 1

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--~A man at an Am: .Lrbor hotel. who owed $40 for board, died - f Mart diaeaae while the lundhrd was pone 1" r a warrant f r his arâ€" rest. ' â€"â€"Qucen Viciozia and Princess Beniriw will mnvg M Bzimmzl on August 19‘ Th’. court wxll any in Scotland till the end 0! Nov ember â€"-An actor who resembles the lute Alumnus Ward. and can mlmic his manner, is to ex» hibn‘. tin: p-mummn of Among the Mormons in lumdun, nun} ue‘xivcr the original lecture. «Thu Sim-kn in the North and East rivers. Nevv York, are unuaually fat and daring; nut strange causuiering the quantity of sum” boys mat have znyssterioualy disagpeared this season. nun»-..- -â€"â€"A soldiu at Carondelet, M0,. kicked a horse to dumb. A police justice fined him 91 ; but 21 uuufl martial took a more serious View of his aim», and sent him to prison for nix years. ’ ~Quoen chmria invariably transacta her public businees bet-ween breakfast. and luncheon, and hardly once in a, mum}; does she ecu-cam hen-tel! with pubiio tithing at. any other time â€"â€"Tha Chicago IutkhOoem learns Him”; a comet player in Berlin burst a blooi vessel trying :0 sounl a Wagusriau double note, whmh accounts for :h; sompoaer‘s popularity in that city. nA Nassau HIGH; sign iward bears tha legend: “ Nuveilies and Games " Said a smart Neck to his chum : “ Noveities [my be u Frenchman, but m We the wrong wny m spell James !” -â€"Stocktf-n, Ga, ciaims t0 nave ahotel waiter who converges. in four difierent Chinese dialects, and aacap'm “ Eipa” in the Tartar, .German,Ft-2nc:x. Spanish, Greek and Eng lish languages. - Tm; Wisconsin man of 80 who has just married a woman of 25 is not rich. as is uaual in such cases, bu: is a pauphr. while thr; brida baa a ""9 money. " In'e s; genuine low hm; a “we money. match,” she declares. WRitchie was asked why he fired at and killed a brakeman on a brain entering Walton, Ky.. as the men were strangers. and no: a word precyded the deed. He: replied, care lessly : “ 0,1 Mt. like shooting. M33 shot." â€"The Loudnn c,>xne.iizm.Liuu.:1 Bruugh was engaged to come in America In support 0, Mrs. Langtry, but she objected to his name being printed as big as hens in ma advertieen manta, while he insisted on it, and hence be will not come. â€"The Denver Tribune nlithely announces that one of its contemporanes contains a shrilling scandal entitled Thu Post-office Letter List. Contrary to journalistic ethics. the names of the parties to the afiair will not be suppressed. ~From ‘he Rev. Mr. Jackson’s sermon on faith, in Boston : “ Oh ! I’ve gov greas faith in de Lord,” he cried. H E! de Lord was :0 any, Jackson, go butt yer head agin dat tree, I’ve got faith to blame dab de tree ’ud be re- moved nfore I got dare." â€"â€"'l.‘he presiding elder who went to conduct :he dedicmion of a new Methodinb church at Grand Rapids did not do it The debx was not all provided for, and he said he had pro- mised God not [.0 dedicate any more due bills, meahnnics’ liens, and mortgages. -â€"It was a great shame for Ambi’s soldiers to creep s‘ealthily upon the unsuspecting English troops the other morning. An Arab ought to tell an Englishmen wbnn he meant to shoot him, so that; the Eugiishman could run away and not be scared.â€"-Phila. Times. oLord Charles Beresiurd, prominent in the British attack on Alexwdna, is one of the handsomost men of the British aristocracy, and has had no mean reputation as a warrior. It was supposed thew Lord Charley was more interested in fine horses than in gunboats and tort capturing. -'l‘he Chinese laundrymen of Philadelphia have combined to resist prusecutibn, and have creased a fund for expenu'es. as indicated by the following notice posted on the front 0'! each shop : “ Ton dollar's will be paid for the arrest of any fellow that throws dead cats or dogs or bricks into this Paundry.” -The quest-ion is being publicly discussed in Quebec whether dentistry is a proper calling for a. wumau. Same ol the news- papers are condemning and others defending a womau who has become a. dentist. and she clergy of St. John and Levis churches have pmhibited their people from patronizing her â€"-â€"A girl was thrown out of a wagon and seriously hun on the day before her wedding at. Media. Pa. Therefoxe the ceremony was performed while she lay in bed, with the bridesmaids grouped around, and as many of the guests in the teem as it would held. A5 a. gn‘mtion is the company, a sister of the bride wore the bridal costume. â€"â€"0n December 31, 1878, the distribution vi the population 0! Egypt was as follows: Cairo, 327.462 ; Alexandria, 165.752 ; Dami- etm, 82,730; Rosetta, 16.243; Suez, 11,327 ; Port: Said, 3854; other towns. 11,747; pro- vinces, 4,948,512; total, 5,517,627. â€"Prince Leopold and his wife received the school children of Esher. nearly 400 in num bet. at Oleremont on July ‘20, when they had their unnuel treat in the park. ‘ They were regnled with an excellent tea. after which the Duchess presented each child with a toy. â€"â€"-Mr, Smith,a Scotch laird,haa bequeathed the whole of his property. about $500,000, to his servants, a shepherd receiving the bulk. This fortunate legateo has agreed to pay $137,000 to the hair at law and other rela» fives. who would otherwise attempt to break the will. .n. .-..«.. ~ Fanny Kemble says that Disraeli teld her he thought Dublin should be burned down. He could see the use of London and Paris, but not of Dublin. Disraeli never visited Ireland, though he directed its governmem for eight years. and it was within twelve hours’ travel. â€"â€"'1‘he monument to Sir Edwin Landseer. by Mr. Woolner, is now in the crypt of St. Paul’s in London. near the tomb of the artist. and in the next vault to {be one where Sir 0hristopher Wren is buried. it consists of a. mednidon portrait in profile, below which is a. bus relief {mm the well known da- sign of " The Shepherd’s Chief Mourner.” â€"-A man on a. New Hampshire mih'sad train acoidenmally am. down upon a fellow pas- aenger‘s hat, and by some means: was com- polled by the conductor to pay {$4 for it. He then demanded the damaged 1131: which he had paid for, and WM refused pom-session. Hia next proceeding was to bring suit against the conductor, and there for the present, the matter rests. AROU ND THE W0 RLD â€"â€"The Sullivan farm in Illinois, once ten miles by seven, but afberward reduced to 20,- 000 acres. has at last been sold in small tracts. Exâ€"Gov. Sullivan originally bought ii at 10 cents an acre, having brought about its classification by the Government as swamp land. He was at one time rated at three millions, but died insolvent, havmg failed to make such tremendous farming pro- Mable. â€"Oonnabial Freaks: 1. A youth of Grand Rapid» marrien the girl who was betrothed to his fax-her. The pair returned to the bride- groem‘s dad for forgiveness, and got it. but i: was not particularly hearty. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Herrick were separated by divorce at Corinth, N. Y . eighteen years ago. Both wedded again. and lived a long distance apart until last week, when ‘hey met and immediately slopeg togethei'. Lâ€"The Austrian navy possess some power- ful ironclads. The frigatea Kaiser Max, Don Juan of Austria. and Prince Eugene dat: from 1875 and 1377 ; but the Tegethofi is the most powerful man‘oiawar in the lot, coming thirteenth in order of strength among all thevasacls of the world, She is 300 feet long by 60 broad,and her plates are 15 inches thick. while she carries twenty-eight 1‘. inch Krupp guns, and hm: engines of 7,200 b may» pewter â€"---The executors of the late Lord Wenlook. in England- sued the river Dee company fur $866,000. mum-y 1am, by the deceased peer on we mortage of the lands which the company has :zclaimed at the month of that river. i; was pleaded for the defence that the act of Parliament which incorporatefi the company U'lly gave, borrowing puwers to the extent of £250,000. Baron Huddluston, remarking that the defence had made :1 strong point re~ arm-d his judgment. «De Lesseps, who is opposed to the Sani- t-ry Oommimion at Suez, ways that cholera. has newer comc from India into Europe by 503.. In aii the years that the French and English packets have run betwscn India and lure-pa they have not immduced 1-. single 09.50 into Egypt. The caravan of pilgrims has never brought the malady iqto Damascus. nor has ihr.‘ caravan which returns from Mecca into Egypt by way of Suezi â€"There are three dramatic clubs; in Lon- don, the Savage, Junior Garrick, and Green. Room. The Savage, which recently enter- tained the Prince of Wales, was for a. time me rage; hut the Junior Garrick eventually eclipses: It in popularity. The Green Room, handed by Sothern, and of which the Duke (f Br-aufor-i is President. is new ahead. most of the American actore :uui managers “vein the preference. 1: and the Junior l‘rarrick are on Adelphi Terrace, commanding a beautiful View of the river. The portrait of a. captain in the Salvation army in Philadelphia is given in The War (5ry, the Journal of the movement. His name 14 Milton Light, but his title of Kansas Jack is printed in much bigger letters, and the 3.:icéure represents him with e gun in his Manda. a pistol and knife at his side, his belt stuck full oi cartridges, and an expression on his face thet might be regarded as the threat of a cutthroat or the reproof of an avengelmt. uccording as the likenrss is assumed to have neen taken before or after his change of heart. -â€"-The pastors of the Methoaiiat Episcopal churches of York. Pd". publish a card givmg their reaeons for refusing to attend “so-called Eeletlzodist camp meetings.” Many of these enterprises. they say, are not under the cou- Lrol of any department of the church, and are managed by grossly immoral men. who use money to bribe uneducated consciences, and obtain this money by collusion wibh railroad corporations. “ We are in favor of camp meetings,” the clergyman add. “ whenever it can be demonstrated that their influence is more helplul than hurtful no the cause of Christ.” ~'l‘he marriage bill under consideration by the Bribieh Parliament. provides that marriage may be solemnized at any time between eight o’clock in the morning and six in the even- ing, with the proviso that nu clergyman of the church of England shall be under any obligation to perform the ceremony miner noonday. The law has always been mat eueh rites must be performed in the forenoou, but t'ue reason of this limitation has new! been explained. It may have been a tradition received from the church of Rome, but the older church. if it ever made the noon limit regulation nbandonefi the notion years ago. ~Lofi‘dou is to havaai West End Stock ex- changes: SLJames‘n axreeb, corner Pica» dilly, and close to Grockford’s former gamb- ling club house. Among the fi :9 directors appears the name of Reginald Wilberforce, eldest son of the late bishop. His grand~ fabhel’s speculative experience was net happy. A large slice of his patrimony was sunk in a. scheme to supply London with milk through pipes. The prospectus states that the only contract they have entered into is one with Mr, Bartlett Burden (louhts for the lease of the premises, which indicates that zhe Baroness has settled feel estate on her hus- baud. - At a. recent gathering of the London mis- sionaries of the Established church twenty- six out of the twenty-nine present said, in answer to a. carefully prepared question, that. they did of their own personal knowledge know of industrious, temperate, prudent peo- ple whose misfortunes could not be charged no their own fault or folly, lacking enough to anti Ona went on to say than moshing was more common than for an industrious, tem~ parate workman, who has been on; of work for any time to fall sick as soon as he had obtained work again, his strength having been so sapped by under nourishment. VOL. XXV. »â€"Hamil Pasha, whom the French are de-- sirous to create Khedive in place of 'l‘ewfik, is almost a Frenchman, having lived a great part of his life in Paris, and adopted French manners and customs. H0 is a great favors ite with Frenchman, and, what is of more importance in the present. state of society in France, with all French women. He had an immense fortune, which he spent. gallsntly in giving tales to the Parisians, in betting at the races. and playing magnificently at. the clubs. He would take the whole of the boxes at a theaher, when a favorite piece was in per- formance, and direct tickets to he sent to his friends. ~Paris lost last month one of her best known men about town in Henry Delange. lie dwelt. for 40 years in the same spark ment, rentedehen he first took it at $5 a month. His breakfast was simply a cup of coffee and a cigar ; but for dinner he usually had tw0 or three invitations to choose from. After dinner, he lounged behind the scenes of the smaller theaters until 1; a. 11)., when he joined his friend Henri de Pene. a journalist, to whom he recounted the chat he had heard during the day. His special variety was to be :egerded as the intimate of celebrities. His funeral was attended by some of these, including Dumas. «A remarkable sand storm. accompanied l by an intensely cold ceinpsramrejs mention- ed in Icelandic journals as having raged on that island for two weeks during the past spring. The air was filled with dry fine sand to sucha degree thal it was imposmble to see for more than a short distance, and the sun was rarely visible, though the sky was clear of clouds. Nobody ventured out of his homo except upon matters of most urgent necessity, and many who were exposed to the storm were frozen. The sand penetrated into the houses through the minutest crevices. It was found mixed with arileles of food and drink, and every breath draw it into the lungs. Thousands of sheep and horses diet}. --â€"'1‘he Glasgow Weekly Herald prints 3 letter from a commeroiai traveler in irelane', of sixteen years‘ experience. in which he says : “ Several branches of Itirh industry that were ‘ formerly struggling for an existence, have been stimulated into great prosperity. This is specially true of Irish tweed factoriew, which cannot now fill their orders. New tweed factories are springing into existence, and in a few instances new industries hm e been started, and are now doing a. roaring trade. Guinness, the great brewer, has startsd a. large woolen factory. The making of 313448 bottles, which hitherto has had but scant success, is going on prosperously, chiefly on account of the enthusiasm for everything of home manufacture. Many other industries are thriving under this home-made zeal.” â€"â€"Lord Monok. the new Irish Land com- missioner. is a man of advanosd liberal opinv ions, and has played 9. distinguised part in political lifei He was born in Templemora, ccunty 'iippemry, in 1819. and is tha son of the third. Viacount Manek. In 1874 he was an uneucoeesiul candidate for the House of Commons from Wicklow as a Tory, but in 1.852 mm elected for Portsmouth use aLiberal. He was a. Lord of the Treasury and Whippet in from 1855 to 1858‘ He was in 1871 ap- pointed Governor of Canada, and in 1867 the first Governor of the consolidated Dominion. In 1871 he was appointed a commissioner of National education in Ireland, and was also one of the church oommiesioners. in 1866 he was appointed 3 peer oi the) United King- dom. He married in 1844 his cousin, daughter of the Eari of Rath'iowne. Heis regarded as I guoé landlord. ~-When a crowd of lamenting and incensed men and women assembled around the bank building of the missing E. A. Willard in Jonesboro, 111., and demanded the immediate examination of the books and assets of the concern. the ofiicers of the bank did not hesitate very lung nbout complying with the :‘equest, for the exceedingly good reason that they were given the alternative of ecceeding within ten minutes or being hanged to some neighboring trees. In the circuitous Ian guage of the crowd, they were notified that in case of a retinal they would be given “ the opportunity of providing quarters for their miseing principal in hell." Willard was very prominent socially and in public life. He 0088888611 the confidence of the business men and farmers of half a dozen counties; An exu amination of his accounts showed that there was little hope of realizing a dollar for any of his depositors. n, _._ r-.r-~_.._ â€"Six$een years ago a baby eleven months old was found in a street in Boston. dressed in costly clothes and wearing a locket on which the name Charles Willoughby was en- graved. The child was adopted by a restaur- ant keeper of HartfordI Conn.. and christened Charles Rrrlgers. He grew up in ignorance of his origin, and the clues furnished by the articles worn by him when he was found led to no further discoveries. Recently he be- came a waiter in the Lawton house at Stone Bridge, Rhode island. and worked there sev- eral months. Then he suddenly received a. message from a. dying man at Providence, who proved to be his grandfather, and was informed that he had fallen heir to a large fortune. An unexplained history hangs about the history of the boy. It is said that his relatives have all along known of his whereabouts and doings, but for reasons not stated did not make themselves known to him until the occurrence that has Suddenly placed him in possession of ample wealth. -All Saints’ parish at Cleveland is divided into hostile camps over the question Whether fermented Wine should be used in the Com- munion service. The superintendent is the leader of the unti‘wiue party. He denounces the employment of the fermented grape juice in church as an opening wedge to dissipation and drunkenness for the young and weak- headed members of the congrega- tion. A number of young ladies. who attached themselves to his banner, resolved to refrain from attending Commun- ion as long as the objectionable liquid was used. Thereupon the Sunday school super- intendent was dismissed from his position for mischief making. This step made the feeling more bitter than ever, and the rector found it necessary to state from the pulpit that the use of wine would be continued as long as he remained. in his position. And now a peti- tiou has been sent to Bishop Bedell, re. questing hia intervention. to prevent the com troversy from leading to the disruption of the congregation. . n r. ,', 1,1. uvuo.-c~".-_. â€"-Two young men of California, John Keefer and Edward Chapman, performed the bold exploit in 1879 of murdering a poor Uhinamau for the fun of the thing in the neighborhood of Ohiou, as the closing achiever ment of a spree that Jaated several days. They buried the body in a ewamy. Fearing the discovery of the crime, Keefer shortly thereafter fled to Oregon, where he took to stock raising. He was getting along very well, and nobody in the vicinity had any BUS pioion that he was guilty oia wanton murder; but his passion for liquor finally gave him away. He went on a prolonged spree that came near winding up in a fit of delirium tremens, and in that condition boastfully told the story of his mime. When he came to his senses he found himself in custody. and although he then denied the truth of what he had let out, it was too late to retrieve his blunder. The sherifi had telegraphed to the authorities at Chico, the whole occurrence ‘ was brought to light, and the murderer has l been taken to Chico and lodged in prison. “In addition to the splendid British fleets at sea at the present, the following s‘nips are ready or nearly so at Chetham duck yard alone 2 The War-spite, 315 feet long, 61 feet broad, 31 feet 10 inches deep, and 7,390 tons. , She carries four eighteen-ton guns, six six- inch rifle breech loaders, and twelve tarps- does. The Calypso, a single Screw corvette of 2,765 ions, carrying ten sixâ€"inch guns. The Rodney. representing the latest develop- ment of the Berbette principle. Her armor is eighteen inches thick ; length, 325 feet 2 breadth, 68 feet ; tonnage, 9,150. Carries four sixty-ton guns, and six six-inch guns. The twin ships,Ajsx and Agememnon, double turret ironclads carrying four thirtyusightr ton guns, two sixuinch guns, two seven pounders, four mitraillouees, ten Norden- ieldts, and twelve torpedoes. They have eighteen-inch armor plates, and are each of 8,400 tons displacement. The corvettes Rover and Constance. The former carries fourteen ix~inoh guns and six torpedoes. and the letter six torpedoes only. The Conqueror ; curries two forty~three ton guns, several of } lighter calibre, and twentyâ€"four torpedoes. A } startling array for one dock yard. â€"Dr. Cuilis, a New England physician in regular standing, began eight years ago to V prey for those patients whom his medicine did not cure. He was soon confirmed in a belief that miracles were wrought in numer~ ous cases. He is now conducting a faith convention at Old Orchard Beach, Me. Sick E persons are present by the hundreds to he; prayed for. and some of them give wonderful I testimony as to the results. Dr. Cullis re- ports that there are eighty people in different parts of the world engaged in praying for the i sick and efficted and efiecting faith cures. l The Rev. Dr. W. E. Borden, an American in ‘ London, has a large faith home. The Rev. Otto Stackmayer, zit Harpweil, Switzerland, has one of the largest iaith hospitals devoted wholly to miracles. Carl Andress, aPruseian preacher now in London. has a similar estab- ‘ lishment. Ethan Allan, at Springfield, | Mass, has prayer}. for the sick for over forty years, and is said to have accsmplishsd won- deriul cures. One of the most prominent faith concerns in the world is that of Samuel Zeller, at Mannuderf, Switzerland. It was founded by a Swiss named Dorothen Trends]. This institution was thoroughly examined by the German theologian, Thobuek. and by him pronounced wonderful. «1882 has'been a. shocking year thus far for parncides‘ Guy Smith, the Missouri boy just convicted of murdering his father, does not stand alone except for youthfulness. In J zznucry a. protracted quarrel between Jared Smith in Richmond, Ind., and his wife and two sons culminated in his being shot by his son Dan, aged 19, after which Dan and an older brother threw the body into a well. In February, Solomon Richards. of Charlton, Mass., was shot and killed by his son, a young married man. The murderer claimed 'thnt his father had abused his mother. There was some evidence that he slew his RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24 1882. father to get the 1mm. In the same menth, James G. Allison was hanged at indium, Pa., for the deliberate murder of his father. The father and mother were on bad terms, and . the son sided with his mothz-r. He was 30. Later in the month, “Charles B. Gillem, aged 17, shot hieA invalid mother in her bed. at Macornb. Ohio. Having had a disgute with her, he went into another room, got a. pistol. ‘ and killed her, and when arrested manifested no remorse. It was also in February that Jc-bn Lanaha, who lived twelve miles from Rock Rapids. Iewa, was shot by hie daughter, aged 20. The girl’s lover. to whom the father objected, furnished her with the pistol. and her ’mother and younger sister were in the plot. They had been intending to kill John. but neither the wife nor the younger daughter could muster up courage to do it. so they sent éer _ the older girl, who was away. A ome- whet similar crime occured in May, in the same State near Moscstine. A man named Mc- Menomon was shot by his young son, his two daughters, both young, being parties to the crime. They said theywanted to have things their own way at home, and they couldn’t so long as their father lived. They planned that the younéest sister should confess that she killed her father. their idea. being that her sex and age would shield her from severe punish- ment, and so all would escape, But the plot fell through. 011 the 4th of July. Frank Dagon of Herwinton, Conn, pushed his father backward, breaking his neck. because he was not allowed to take the horse for a. ride. FEE-AGREES. CHURCHES AND hELI GIUN. Blahop Hare has formally congratulated the Methodist ministry of Iowa for thQiLlQfiing pml in fine victorious prohibition campaign. “The Freeman’s Journal denies the state- ment that the Pope is about to make the Archbishop of Chicagqa Oardjnnl. _ F715};le 151'. Cuyle} of Brooklyn his Been spending part of his vacation in the very far West. The singing of a burlesque hymn in 8.1401:- dou theatre, intended to ridicule the Salmo- tion Army, was furiously hlssed by the au- dience. In November a. Baptist convention is to be held in Cincinnati to try and settle a. plush vexed question as to issuing a version of the Bible which shall be distinctively Baptist in its use of “ immerse " instead of “ baptize.” The Christian Leader of Edinburgh, Soot- land, makes fun of the Rev. Dr. Hicks of Washington, and pronounces his conduct at the execution of Guiteau scandalous and un- ministerial. A Congregational church has been eatab~ lished at Mayville, Dakom. by some brethren who went from the ventral. Presbyterian church in Erie, Pa. At first this' church had only four members, but it has now in- creased sevenfold. The Boston Young Men’s Christian Asso- oimion has 2,728 young men on its roll of membership. It has given five courses of 190â€" tures during the past year. and found em- ployment for 647 young men. One of its specialties is a class in New Testament Greek Brother Sankey haa come to this country to spend thirty days in visiting his Month and relations. After spending an evening_ at Jerry McAuley’s Gremorne Mission, he went $0 Neiwcostle, Pm, by: elxl hearth In Septem ber he‘and Moody will resume their labors, havxng made appointments for a. tour in Eng- land and Wales. Moody expects to make a. trip to this country in “Apr‘il. 1 1 ,,,,,L ,1.:-L r "a 7 - The troubles in the Dunkard church which have been growing for some -time, are taken into court at Chambersburg. P9,. The younger members, who wiah to dress as other people do, to have musical instruments and the like, claim to be the real church, and ask the court to put them in possession of its property, A long and box. fight is expected I,L44 ._ A clergyman was met last week by a wo~ man who had little reverence for the cloth. “ Tell me," eaid she, with a. benignant smile, which did not, however, disguise the audacity of the question, “ why do you close your church in the summer 7 Do not your par~ ishioners require to be protected from the evfl one in the warm weather as in the cold ‘3” ” Oh. bleas yuur soul, no." was the prompt response; “ the devil never stays in the town in July and August; he follows the rest of the world to the watering places.” It is suggested that some of the church going people who mourn the closing of the churches for summer should on Sunday mornings engage in tract distribution or some other quiet and practicable Christian efiort. One of the principal difficulties in the way of this is that there are so few printed tracts which are interesting enough to attract the attention of the oasualreader. Most of them rese'im ble sections of My sermons. The Tabernacle Congregational church of Paterson, N. J ., wants $5,000. Four years ago this church “went short” on its 850,002} building with the assistance of the sheriff and the customary formalities of default, foreclosure, and auction. An opportunity is now presented to “take it in” at $15,000. The sum of $5,000 is all that is lacking to complete the transaction, and the brethren of the church have faith to believe that their wealthy fellow heipers in other cities will not let them suffer when such a trifle will carry them ihmngh. v Evangelist Harrison, the “boy preacher," made such extraordinary success in his revi- val work at'the Jackson street church, in St. Paul, that he has been engaged for another term of services During six weeks of special meetings about 350 converts were enrolled. After laboring at the chureh. he went to the Minnesota state camp meeting. where there were about 200 tents and cottages, with an immense crowd of people. His next engage ment is for next year, and he is to be assisted by Chaplain MoCabe and the colored lady evangelist. Mrs. Amanda Smith. ‘, r A AAA “ u 1,. .4 . _~n-‘.-., _---V , There was a gathering of 20 000 Dankards in Ohio the other week. Dunkards are a section of the Baptist church, and no doubt very exoelflut people, Some of the English journals read the raporfis too quickly, and concluded that the conference was composed of 20,000 druukarda. Of course. ihe usual homilias on American depravity followed. Moralâ€"Don’t moraliza until you understand the text. Brother Van Meter. who recently resignedl the care of the Howard Mission. intfnds to re- turn to Italy, with a view of resuming his work in Rome and Florence. He will not go immediately, but will spend a few weeks, or ‘ possibly months. in making collections among i the churches which have in former years sup- ‘ plied means for his foreign work. It is nearly twelve years since he first left his work at the Howard Mission to engage in evangelizing the children of Italy. During his term of foreign service be several times visited this country to collect funds. It is about a year since he renewed his connection with the Howard Mission. of which institution he was the founder. His recent resignation was owing to a difference of opinion between himself and several of the leading managers. The congregation of the Christian Church at Canton, Ohio, will not be in a. very favor- able frame of mind for receiving gospel truth this morning. The brethren are much ox- cited in regard to the charges made by three ladies against Pastor Henseiman, their spirit» us] guide. It is boldly stated that the passer kissed these good siakers, not merely without their permission, but in spite of their strug~ glee. One is a widow, to whom his kiss was by way of consolation, a few brief hours after two others! ave husbands, one of whom, who does not appear to be fully sanctified. has oflered to settle with Pastor Henselman for 3300 in cash. Brother Henselman thinks this is much more than the alleged kiss was worth. but he is em~ barrassed by the fact that the angry and unsanotified husband threatens to put a bullet through him if payment is not made at once. Pastor Henselman is said to justify himself on the ground that he has kissed other ladies, and that he sees no harm in it. The ladies and their friends do not, however, accept this as justification. The church officials are considering the aflair, and the probability is that the pastor will be ecclesias- tically bounced, The members of the Old Testament company of the American Bible Revision committee will hold their next meeting on Monday, September 24, in room 44, Bible House, New York, the meeting to continue during the whole of the week. Thereafter a monthly meeting lasting three days will be held at the same place during the last week of eyery ‘ month until the revision is completed. The members are now in the midst of a second revision of the Old Testament, at the com: pletion of which a third and final revision will be made. During the first week of the month a. pleasant session of the company was held at the Lake Mohonk Mountain House at which considerable progress in the work of revision was made. The work is not ex pected to be entirely completed before eigh- teen months or two years from the present time. her husband had been Epid in 1.119 gr_ave. The Away out in Manitoba the Mennonites are l divided into two parties, each of which is waging against the other a war of unrelenting bitterness. The question involved is not one concerning original sin, future damnation, or the everlasting punishment of the wicked. Were it any of three, the contest might be less bitter. it is one of the most petty met- ters in dress, or rather in dress trimming. One side is known as the Hook and eye party. The other is called the Button party. The old fashion among the Menonnites was for the brethren to fasten their costs with hooks and eyes. The progressive among them have recently introduced the fashion of using but- tons and buttonholes, just as the world’s people do, but still adhering to the practice of having the garment out straight in front from the neck down. The Hook and eye party denounce the use of buttons as e sinful conformity to the ways oi a wicked world, and regard the wearers of buttons as the enemies of pure and undefiled religion. The Button ites insist that there is no sin in buttons, and that they are far more convenient than hooks and eyes. The Hook and eye party can make some show of Scripture for their side of the ‘ controversy. for both hooks and eyes are mentioned in the Bible, while buttons are not i once spoken of. .n e 1,,» e... ~rv.._._ -_. Students of the international Sunday school lesson will today find their attention occu- pied with the story of the barren fig tree, as narrated in Mark xi, 12-23. Jesus had been all night at Bethany. and in the morning was walking with His disciples to Jerusalem, which is but a short distance. By the road.- side was a fig tree with no figs on it. It was not yet the season for gathering figs, so that it would not have been reasonable to look for rips figs among the leaves of this tree. But there seems to have been no fruit uponit at not even in the early etage or the formation all, of figs. Jesus pronounced upon it the:sen- tense. “ No man eat fruit of thee forever‘ hereafter.” This seems a strange trans- action, naturally demanding an explanation The explanation is found by contrasting the incident with a saying of Jesus : “ Here‘ in is my Father glorified, that ye hear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples." This parsage is appropriately used for the golden text of the lesson. In hearing nothing they dry up and wither. The force of the lesson and contrast appears in the closing verses o! the passage. The next morning, when the disciples passed along the same read, they ‘ noticed that this tree had withered away. They called the attention of Jesus to it. He told them to have faith in God; that is to say, that they should believe that what He told them would surely come to pass. As with unprofitable trees and unprofitable ser- vants, so with unprofitable followers of God. They 1- re regarded of no use, and cannot Wln His favor. The Rev. Mr. Garretson is anointing with oil and praying for miracles in the Keutnck region where Barnes began his revivalism. Barnes Bays that Garretson is a fraud, but Garreison points with pride to several persons who declare that he has cured them. An Incident of Travel on the Frontier Catch a. rat in a trap and he will fight. Twp 9. man. andâ€"well, you can't rely on him: It is according to the trap. In the heavy stage coach. as we roll out of Leadv1lle, are seven man. One is an army officer who has half a dozen sears to prove his bravery. Cut off from his command on the plains last summer by a score of Indians, he inlrenched himself and fought lhe band ofi until help arrived. T No of the others are despemdoes, who have killed their men. Three of the others are stalwart. miners each armed with two revolvers, and they look as if they would prove ugly customers in a fight. ,4.. _ NL ...;.'...,. Kay”. v.0.“ H, , The seventh man might do some sh Joting on a. pinch. but he hopes there wiil be no pinch. In the crowd are ten revolvers. two derriugera, three repeating rifles, and four or five bowie knives. and there is perfect good feeling as the stage rolls along. It is tacitiy understood that the army captain is to assume command in 00.39 the coach is atmcked, and that all are to keep cool and fire to kill. It is 10 o’clock in the morning. The winâ€" dows are dowu and the passengers are smoking and talking and seeking for com- fortable positions. The coach has just reached the top of a hill, when every home is suddeniy pulled up‘ “I L. ,d __‘.h 1.... n “ If it‘s a b’ar, we’ll have some fun,” growled one of the miners, as he pus his head out of the window. ” Iâ€"f a robber, gin me the first pop at him I" whispered one 9f the‘deapemdoes. No one could say what $he trouble was, when a. wiry little chap about five feet six inches tall, With black eyes and hair, clean face and thin lips, appeared at. the left hand door withaoooked revolver in either hand, and said : 'uv r.vvv~~.-_ _. , \ Let’s see. The captain was to lead us, and E we were to be cool and fire to kill. But the ! captain was growing white nrcund the mouth, and nobody had 9. weapon in hand. The rate were not going to fight. One of the miners I opened the door and descended, and the ot‘Jer ? six humbly followed. The seven were drawn 1 up in line across the row], and drawn up in 1[ line across the road, and while the robber g held his shooter on the line he coolly observed i to hiepax~t_113{:_ “ Gents, I’m sorry to disturb you, but I‘ve got to make a. raise this morning. Please leave your shooters and climb down here. can at a time !” It was sudden. It was so sudden than it took ten seconds to understand the drift; of his remarks. Then every eye turned to the right hand door. and the two revolvers held by a second robber were seen at the open window. It was 9. trap. The rate were caught, and would they fight ? ,Lu "an". -..__, _O_V V “ Gents, I’m growing .9. leetle impatient,” continued the first robber. ” and I want to see the pyooessionmlgegin to glove.” ,1 ,1.._ A“; ‘TNéw, William, you remove the weapons A TRAP FOR SEVEN ftom the coach, and then search these gentle- men." As William obeyed, every victim was or. dared to hold his hands above his head, and whatever plunder was taken from his pockets was dropped into William’s hat. Four gold watches, two diu- mond pins,“ telescope, a diamond ring, a gold badge and $1,200 in cash changed hands in ten minutes. Not a man had a Word to say. The driver of the coach did notleave his seat and was not interfpred with. When the last man hazl been plundered the genteel Dick Turpin kindly observed : l “A-.. 'l “ You are the most decent set of men I ever robbed, and if times weren’t so blasted hand I‘d make each of you a present of {510. Now, then, climb back to your places and the coach will go on " ... ... WW_, \lvmuu nu. v v... The crowd clumb. and the vehicle reeumed its journey. Not a weapon or e timepiece or a dollar had been saved. Several well armed men had been cleaned out by two, and not a shot fired or a wound given. Each man took his seat withou‘. a. word. Mile after mile was passed in silence, and finally the seventh man «the one who might fight on a pinch, but didn’t â€"piaintively suggested : ,l AIM-“1- A: n No one could. and newed. pluuu, uuu uluu u iylmuu-vv-J “-50 _ ~ . . 7 . “ Can’t some of you gentlemen think of a few remarks which would be apropos to the occasion?” Some three mwnths ago, owing to various and repeated attempts to destroy Paradise Hall by fiends in human shape. Samuel Shin asked leave in open meeting to protect the hell by an. invention of his own. Leave was granted, and the result was seen as the jani- tor opened the place Saturday afternoon to make ready for the usual weekly meeting at night. Mr. Shin‘e invention consisted of a pound of powder innocently stored away in an old nail keg, and the keg placed where a stranger would use it to look through the transom, A pressure of two pounds on the head of the keg would scratch a. match and explode the powder. Some men would have grown weary of waiting, but Samuel knew that if he fished long enough he was certain to catch a. whale. When the hall opened Saturday evening Mr. Shin had all the remains spread out on .top of Waydown Beebe'a plug hat. There was a. button, seven hairs, the heel of a 5001:, a finger nail, and a. part of a document be» ginning “iuh : “ To the Hon. the Common Coun â€"” A hole in the roof through which twenty seven stars looked placidly down on the bear trap indicated ihe ulterior direction taken by the balance of the remaine. The force of the explosion knocked the safe over and broke one hinge, and the pictures on the walls were more or less damaged, but Cadaver Smith came forward and offered to make good i the damage out of his own pocket. THE ELECTION. “ Let dis he a warnin’ to do wicked to pause,” said Brother Gardner, as the met t- iug opened. “ Let it be a furder warnin’ to do good not to become wicked. Wickedneee doan’ pay. If you turn gambler you may hide do joker up yer sleeve and win a few dollars, but de fuet thing ye know some man will hide do to bowers in his bat an’ ekoop ye blind, If ye turn robber you may stop some plumber on de highway an‘ make a haul of three hunk red dollars, but do nex' flog you know you bet on a hose race an‘ lose do pile. We have de proofs hefo’ us dat while de wicked am chucklin’ an’ grindin‘ an‘ growin’ fat, death am waitin’ at deir elbow to lii‘ em higher not a kite. De committee on privilege an‘ re- pose will do de repairs of do hall. an’ we will now ambulate to're do regular order of biz- Sometime during Thursday night a person whose name will never be known unlocked the street door with the crank of a oofiee mili and slid upstairs with murder in his thoughts. Perhaps he expected to find Elder Toots asleep up there, and was prepared to dispatch him Without many, or he may have simply intended to damage the hall about $18,000 worth and then go away to secretly chuckle over his dastardly work. Be that as it may he reached the ante room and paused for a moment to cast a look of contempt at the stuffed oppossum over the door leading into the lodge, There stood the innocent nail keg and the transom was open. The human hyena probably cackled with delight as he saw bhe easy way prepared for him, but it was hi3 last oaokle on earth. As he mounted the keg there was a. dull explos< ion, which mu! heard by many Dsopla on the street and supposed to have been caused by the blowing up of a tug down towards Lake Erie. new." The following onudidafies were elected in the order name-d : Tearful Smith, Up Stmra White, BL union] Jones, Khedive Aderaon, Bob Jackson, Emu Parker and Judge Petfiigrew Bonebinc. The committee on the sick reported that. Brother Genural Jackson Gox had sent for them on the previous evening, and they had arrived at his cabin in n one-horse wagon to find him out of his mind and evidently draw- ing near death‘s door. They recommended that. he be allowed five dollars from the relief fund, and that. two members be detailed to m up with him. -...i 1 p ,,n 1. served the president, as he placed the report on the window sill, where in would blow into the street, ” but I went over dar’ jist the same. I move dar’ ’bout half an hour {met de commlttee lefc. an’ 1 foun' de ginemllickin’ do chill’en wid one han’ an’ eatin’ cold oo’n beat Wid de adder. His mind had got back, and so had his ole Woman, an’ (16 way she was rakin’ him down made me weak in do knees. Duonn’ de artemoon de gineml had omen two quarts of hueklebexries, a. cherry pie, a loaf of bread, fo’ biled aigs nu’ a. due quantity of sausage, an’ de strain on his 00n- stitushun was a leetle too much. He won’t git any relief heah, an‘ de nex’ time he shows up in dis hall I‘ze gwine to talk to him in a way (lat will make him lose six pounds of fat in five minim. The committee on astronomy reported that it had used every possible effort to discover whether the moon was inhabited or not, but had been unable to satisfy themeeives that it was. ()0). Jerusalem Todd. of the committee, was pretty weli satisfied that he had seen goats moving about up there, and Elder Hig- ginbottom was dead sure that he could make out a troop of yellow dogs and a patch of blackberry bushes. but they had squinted in vain for a sight of human life. The committee of the picnic and annual election stated that the nfiair had been post‘ poued our: week on account of the weather, and at the earnest request of the 10,000 001- ored people in Michigan who desired to cale- bmte Emancipation day, the affair would come off on the 12:11, min or shine. and without reference as to whether Congress had adjourned or not. WHOLE N0. 1,260 â€"â€"NO_ 12. 3 Tee?! Under akin head the seoretary announced a lrtuer from the Hon. Pembroke Allbroke. of Nashville, asking me club to take up a. collec- tion to help him purchaae 10,000 tracts to be distributed among the colored people of that city. ,A_:,J :_ L_L _- THE LIME~KILN CLUB. 7:1 has no objeokahuns to seein’ de but go COMMUN ICATION B EBEOTXON. ASTRONOMY. THE 510K. THE PION IO. the silence was hound,” replied the President, and it was passed. The sum total was an old red cent which had been run over by a street car, and as he held it; up to view Brother Gardner re- marked : “ It dnt hat had bin passed fur money to buy shoes fur a bar’ fuied family I shouldn’t have looked fur less than ten dollars in change. We seem to be a club which doan' believe dat a poo’ man kin satisfy his hunger or clothe his family wid print-ed matter.” A letter from the Rev. Tobago Jones, of Mobile, asked if it was true that the Lima- Kiln Club had passed a resolution asking Congress to rob the treasury and divide up the money between them and go home and have done with it. The President said that such a. resolution was now on his desk and might be presented at the next meeting. GOT ['1‘ AGAIN. At this juncture Samuel Shin, who had been eating herrings allthe evening started for the water pail to quench his thirst, On his way he stumbled over Lord Plug Dsnforth’s No. 14’s fell against the stove, and the result was the full of fourteen links of stove pipe. Pickles Smith was knocked down. Judge Cadaver wounded on the neck end various other members were flung into corners. As soon as the confusion had subsided Samuel was ordered to come forward, and without any beating around the bush he was fined $3,256.25, and sentenced to sit on the floor at every subsequent meeting until the fine was paid The secretary announced a further commu- nication from Buggy Button. Fla... stating the fact that the colored people in that vicinity had formed a Saw Duet Club, and desired to affiliate with the Lime Kiln. Brother Gardner ordered the secretary to open corre- spondence with red ink and corn colored en- velopes, and in case it was found that the Saw Dusters were composed of sixteen members and were provided with a three- hooped water pail, a. thermometer and a stove with regular hinges to the door, to any that the Lime Kiln would affiliate up to the twen- ty-seventh degree. Giveadsm Jones sent to the secretary's desk a letter which he had received from Uhiâ€" cego, signed Ginger J ackson, preferring charges against a. member of the club residing there, named Cyclone Sampson. The charges were : Betting his fare on the street ears and mistaking e cooper shop for a. saloon. Brother Gardner ordered the committee on clean tions to investigate and report, and if the charges are sustained Brother Jackson may prepare himself for a standing jump of thirty- two feet. The solemn voice of the triangle now anâ€" nounced that the safety of the country was an assured fact, and as the water pail was turned bottom side up'and the safe rolled back to place. thu glee club burst into delicious song and the meeting fell asunder. How an Editor Receives and Cares for His Guests. Brooklyn Eagle. ” Ah, glad to see you.” said the political editor. jumping up and welcoming a thin little gentleman in black, who was just enter- ing his room. " Just the party I’ve been looking for. Couldn’t come in a more oppor- tune time. I have a. volume to tell you, and I must have your opinion on a. thousand thingisI wish to know. Take off your coat. Don’t stand on ceremony, my dear old boy. Throw your feet up on the desk and tip your chair just as far as you like. I haven’t a. thing to do for a. week but to attempt to make you feel at home and comfortable. You haven’t got an extra. cigar about you.:' 1:1-1 - “an,” .°-- ..... -__.-.. V. “ I never smoke, ugiri’qsaivd the little gentlgman. "find I didn’t expect you knew “ I know, of course not," said the editor, grasping his visitor by the hand and leading him wi$h great deference to his own chair. “ Take my chair, old man. Had it made to order. The best in the ofiice. There. now [of me take your hat, and please remove your coat. I know you must find it terribly warm in this ofliee. Take a fan. Now don’t be afraid to throw your feet upon the desk if you feel more‘ comfortable in that attitude. Shelll send the devil out for half a dozen claret. or would you prefer a mixed drinkâ€"â€" a gin cocktail, or perhaps a. champagne cook- tailâ€"" " Iâ€"I don’t drink,” said the little man. falling into the editor’s chair and galing up blankly into the soribe’s face. “ I am very much obliged to you, but I don’t remember ever meeting you before, andn” “ My dear boy, don’t mention it," said the editor : “ I’m sorry you don’t drink, but per- haps a glass of iced eea or an ice cream soda wouldn’t go badly. Anything in the world to make you comfortable and happy, and per- fectly at your ease. You cannot imagine how delighted I am to have the opportunity of making you my guest. I may say my honored guest. Now isn’t there anything in the world that you would appreciate in the way of refreshment? My dear boy, you look unoomtottnble. Do put your feet up on the deck and sling your coat in the corner. Take off your shoes if you have come. Don’t mind me in the least. my dear boy. Don't mind me in the least." MAKING HIM FEEL AT HOME. ” But, sir, I never saw you before. and I don’t understandâ€"” “ You will oblige me by not mentioning such a trifling matter,” said the editor. “ Just settle right down and take a nap it you like, just the some as if ydt'were in your own house. Shall I put the window up 9. little more, or would the draft be too strong upon your back ? Perhaps you have rheumatism. It you have, my dear boy. I know an excellent remedy for it. My great grandfather on my mother’s side eul- iered dreadfully from that painful disease until he struck that remedy. We’ve kept the remedy in the family ever since. But per- haps you are not a sufferer. Perhaps you wouldn’t object to a. regular gale through that window. How does the atmosphere suit you anyway ‘I Tell me the truth now, old boy." ___ -_J “a "If that-i;;;1;tvf:â€";diirfiurprise me: and I must say I’_m_ V931" _ , “ Don’t think of thanking me for any- thing,” said the editor. “I shall be supremely happy if you are only comfortable and per- fectly at your ease. Now is there nothing I can order for you ? Perhaps you haven’t dined. Perhaps a few soft shell crabs, a salad and a bottle of beerâ€"but no, you do not drink. Tell the truth now, old fellow ; have you dined to-day 2 I’m just about to send out for my own lunch. Do allow me, to order you something.” “ I-Iâ€" that is, I didn’t expectâ€"” “ Of course not, my dear old fellow." said the editor, slapping the little gentleman on the back. “ Of course not, but you are quite 1 sure you are making yourself perfectly at home. Remember the oflioe and all it con- tains is at your disposal.” “ But I came to ask youâ€"” “ Yes, exactly," said the editor. “You came to ask me of regular things worth knowing, volumes of questions, and I have nothing to do for the next week or two; shall be only too happy to convert you into a walk- ing useful volume of information. Why, my dear boy, don’t hesitate to sling in your ques- tions. We editors, you know. just revel in answering anything and everything. and as for timeâ€"why we simply earn our money by kicking our heels at the wall and whistling the latest opera airs. Nothing to do from one year's end to the other, old fellow, but draw our salaries, so settle right to it and sling your inquiries to the anxious. But first you are quite sure you are comfortable. I might send out for a steamer chair, or how would a hammock slung opposite the window over there suit you. I don‘t take my daily Turkish baths until four o’clock, but of course you will join me,” but just here the little gen- tleman suddenly dropped to the drift of the editor’s discourse and vanished. WILL INVESTIGATE. IT WILL NOT YET.

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