Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 24 Aug 1882, p. 2

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“Some peculiar things transpiies in this world, but. perhaps the fact that Mr. James Speight, of Markham, is Chairman of a Roman Catholic Demonstration Committee isnot one oflhem. It is not strange be- cause Mr. Speight knows that Without his Reform friends, on whom he has turned his back, his election as Reeve is impossible. and with him it is ‘nnything in a pinch.’ Would not the public smile to see the name Rev. L A. H. Allan, Chairman, ntiached to a flaming advertisement headed ' Orange Pic-me.’ ” The coolest in North York was a pretty 3101 one, we know, but. from the rumours going around, it gets ahead of anything heard of yet. The Aurora Borcah's says there is some tall: of bringing: out two new candidates to contest the. Riding again ; and that from the monies of both parties one candidate is as deep 1n the mud as the. other is in the mine. Mr. Mnlock’s return having been protested, thnt gentleman has put in a counter petition. demanding that Mr. An- derson be disqualified, and further, “that the said James Anderson has become and is incapable of being elected to, and of sit- ting in the House of Commons. and of vot- ing at any election for a. member of that House. oroi' holdng an office in the nom- ination of the Crownmr of the Government in Canada, dunng the seven years next, aftarthe date of his being found guilty.” Verily, they are having lively times in the North. The above IS taken from u so- called “Liberal” sheet, but, wherein comes the liberallly, it is hard to see. Mr.5pmght, a gentleman holding the position of Reeve of the village of Markham, is requested from the fact of his holding this position, and also of his private worth, to act as chairman at a Roman Catholic Demonstraâ€" tion. Having accepted the request, such flimsy rot as the above is thrown at his head by a scribe who seems to know little “K the Chart“; Kl»! l fill , . IV ~ Ni‘yl‘l‘vfi‘ :mn‘nn > Whatever change may be made in the 3prosent system in should be in the way ‘of removing the political tinge, which i‘is given to everything that is done at {present, or, in Iact, for some time past. One thing is conceded by all,â€"that neither party thoroughly trusts him. There is no use denying that he greatly assisted the Conservative party at the elections in 1878. i0 is a good speak- er, and IS thoroughly posted in political matters. Indeed many of his admirers claim that he is the best platform speak- er, or “ stump orator ” in Canada. It may ‘be thought a great pity that the country loses the services of such a. man in the House, and many, no doubt, de plore that independent men are crowded out to make room for party hacks;â€" mere voting machines. Many people believe that Mr. Me Dougall is an unfairly treated man, and others say he does not amount to much anyway. Snme admit that he has abil- ‘ity and talent, but that want of' princ1 p10 kills him in political life, while others claim that it 15 his impartial mind and independent spirit, which pre- vents him from knuckling down to any leader. 1f the rumour that. Mr. Wm. Mo Dougall intends to write a series of open letters to Sir John Maedonald, on the political issues of the recent contest, is true, then we may expect; some interest- ing reading. Mr. McDougall can Write in the most forcible and intelligent style, and the public will eagerly peruse his letters. He has a very queer posiâ€" tion just at present, and this will add to the interest of what he has to say. Educational matters are bound to progress in this country, no matter un ‘der whose or what control thev are. The influence from such a source is al“ ways increasing, as is the power of those who can control it. Some persons suggest that a return be made to the old council of public in» utruction. There is surely a better system than that Even the presant one, if devoid of some of the unpleasant political features; is preferable to that. Any way the system of taking the control of' all matters out of the hands of the people is an obnoxious one, and is one which Bernrmcrs have alWays con- demned in their opponents. It is a centralizingI of power with a vengeance, and places unlawful and undue influence in the control of the party which hapâ€" pens to be in power when the elections are held. As to whether such a change would be beneficial to the country is a question to be considered in the future. But there is no denying that any benefits which might be derived in one way, would he counterbalanced by introduc- ing political favor and bribery into educational matters. A few years ago and such :1 rumour would be received with laughter, as too utterly absurd to be entertained for a mopent, by any, intelligent man. But nowâ€"a-davs the electors have grown so used to Mr. Mowat’s paternal kind of Government that they seem to think it is capable of doing anything. They have seen so many similar acts perpetrated by this Government that even this one which is vaguely hinted at, as yet, would not surprise them. No. 12 : There seems to be a wideâ€"spread sus- picion that the Mowat Government is extremely anxious to manipulate the Educational Department so as to have the appointmentof teachers under the control of the Government. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1882‘ Notice to Thieves-4. K. Fulconbridge‘ Provincial Government and Educatlon. @119 {13.91% get-Md. Richmond Hm; 0m. NEW ADVERT18EMENTS. A. Qtzeer Position. Editorial Notes. Whole No. 1260: Volume 25. A man once started in business and spent exactly oneâ€"half of his net profits in advertising. He became a millionâ€" aire~~perhaps the richest of all million- aires of this day and generation. He died. He left hm business in the hands of a non advertising man. And now the once great house of' A. T. qtewnrt &‘ (30,, has gone out of business for the The real estate boom has given its dying g»: m, and things are beginning to resume their natural level, (3in property being rather on the decline. unless situated in the business parts. me )unds are keenly sought after with a steady increase in price. Yours. J. F. Another case in which $2,000 was embezzled by Hunter, the defaulting Montreal notary, has come to light. It is the savings for life 01 Miss Robertson, a schoolmistress, which she entrusted to the defaulter to invest. The Montreal Board of Notaries is about to consider the propriety of striking Hunter’s name off the list. The crops in this country are ex- cellent. and farmr-rs are going to be en- couraged spite of the late spring and disas- trons floods, there being: some of the pret- tirst fields ot'spring wheat and oats the eye of man ever rested upon, with potatoes in abundance, and John A. and supporters may congratulate themselves upon the suc- cess oflheir policy, and of opening up a country which will yet be one of the finest in the World. At the close of the speaking the audin enCe united in singing the national ttttll‘le, giving three ringing cheers for the Queen, The platform wns then cleared and the young people indulged in tripping the light fantastic until the setting sun Warned them it. was time they wem seeking their homes upon the green rolling prairie. T00 much praise cannot he ncnorded the committee for theiruntiring zeal in looking after the welfare of the pic-nickem. and to the ladies whose hands \vete so ready in making the pic-nic successtul and interesting. and who are yet, sure to he a blessing to many n young bachelor of the Souris district. 'It wasa day long to be remembered by the people of the Souris. The beautiful gro‘ve of 0th and poplar, the gayly dressed ladies the swelling chords of the violin, the hubs blinq ot" the waters. and the merry laugh of thejoylul pleasure seekers made a lusting impression upon the mind, and ifthere were sore hearts at parting. all felt satisfied that never before had they spent so happv a dnv or mingled with so prosperous or contented a people. The people of the Sourls district held a mammoth pic-nic in the beautiful grove of Mr. Havdin, on Wednesdoy, 91b of Aug., there being present a large number from all parts of the surrounding country, in cluding over one hundred ladies. who pro- thed a sumptuous repast, the tables being laden with an abundance of good things, which would have tempted the appetite of an epicure. A series of games and amuse. ments were provided by the committee, in- cluding foot racing, a tug of wnr. etc. At- the close of the sports the people assembled around the platform, Mr. Kl!‘(.'l1()if€l‘ beingr called to the chair. Speeches were deliv- ered by the following gentlemen: Rev. Mr. Scrimmiuer, Mont: Dr. Stoytes, Plumb Creek. Mr. R. A. James. Owen Sound; Mr. John Russell. Brandon; Mr. Geo. Me. Hill, Souiis Valley; Mr. Joe Forester, Brandon, nnd laSt but not least, Mr. Alex Russell, Souris district, who was also chain man of committee of management, and took an active part in making the pic-nic n succvss. The Council adjourned to Wednesday, 2011] Sept. Moved by Mr Pugaley. seconded by Mr. Reddiu. that the clerk is hereby insiructed to enter James Hennensy’s name on the collector’s roll as assessed for $550. Car- ried. The clerk read an account from Mr. Carr, dated 7th August, for cutting thistles nn village lot No. 36. on township lot No. 47. ov'vned by Alfred Quantz. at present unoc- cupxed, $1, and on motion of Mr. Sander- son, seconded by Mr. Pugsley. it was re- solved that the Treasurer do pay the ac- count and charge the amount in the tax bill. to be rendered to Mr. Quantz. to be collected along with other taxes on said lot. Carried. By~law N0. 92,. for nppoinhlng a fence viewer to take the place of Mr. J. T. Dob- son, was taken up, read a third time, and passvd. 1 Aug. 16th, 1882. The Council met. The Reeve m the chair. Councillors present: Messrs. Pugs- ley, Redditt and Sanderson. Minutes of 12111 and 281h July read and approved It was moved by Mr. Pngsley, seconded by Mr. Reclaim, that the Treasurer do pay the foregoing accounts. Carried . The following: accounts were fend: J05. Powell. for work on road. $6; John Dun- cu'nh, for gate for Pound, $5. The Schools are opened out again. con-- soqnently more quietness around our slreels. The late rains have spoiled a great many “small poialoes ” Business keeps brisk. - The clerk trend the county clerk’s certifi’ (late. dated 191h Julv, calling for $116.90, formgemjrzf! pgrposes of the county. life. As to the Rev. Mr. Allan acting as Chairman of on “Orange Pic-nic,” we fancy that it is not the first time that Orangemuu and Roman Catholic have met on 300131 grounds together, and we trust it will not be the last. 1t XB about time that party lines were drawn a little closer to- gether, and we are pleased to see Mr. Speight willng to give his time to further a social gathering ofthose who do not hold with him in religious views. As to the Reeveship part of the subject, we fancy he cares little whether he is returned again or not. We would say, however, if politics is to be the rule in municipal matters. others beside Mr. Speight would come short of the boner of presiding over a Council, so the least said upon this score by our esteemed friend the better, Woodbridge, Aug. 23rd.’82. Saturday next, 26th inst. being declared by the Reeve as our Civic Hoiday. the (am- ployees of the Wnr‘dbridge Agricultural intend having: an Excursion to Victoria Park. which is likely to be a success and an enjoyable one. CITY FATHERS. The City Fathers met on Monday night, doing a considerable amount of business Work is to be commenced immediately on the new sidewalks. The farmers who are behind hand in geuing in their crops, are down in the mouththese days, as it. is bad harvest weather. The workmen are still rushing the new Hotel ahead. uf m ("r Soufls District. Manitoba. (From our own Correspondent.) WOODBRIDGE Vlllage Council. Grand PIC-nic- HIT) CXVIC HOLH‘IAY . Tm O'Dn'. ayoung man named Samuel Allen left here some two or three years ago, to seek his fortune in the far West. He struck Lendville, Colorado, for some time, and when last heard from he was at Aspen City. It seems very probable that the Allen referred to in the des- patch is our old friend Samuel. He was well known in this village and neighborhood, having: been employed as salesman in Mr. Falconbridge’s store for some years. He was of'a genial, pleasâ€" ant nature, attentive to his business, and well liked by all who came in contact with him. His people, we understand. live up near“ Barrie. Every one who knew him will be sorry to hear of his untimely deathâ€"~in a strange land,â€" nnd probably no kind friends to pay the last sad tribute to his remains. But the story is an old onewrepeated every year ~and will continue to the end of time. Young men, eager to acquire wealth, seek the desired obiect in other lands, until “ the silent messenger.” which all must bear and obey, lays the anxious, weary toiler low, and, let us hope, brings ’ 11‘, power anal met DIED FAR FROM HOMEâ€"A d15â€" patch in Friday’s Globe says, Samuel Allen, a native of Canada, was instantly killed on Thursday last. near Aspen, Colorado State, by a tree falling on him. Many of our readers will remember that GRAND Pic-nioâ€"A grand picnic, in aid of the R. (‘5. Church, will be held in Monongale Grove, 'J'hornhill. 'nn Tliursdav, August 3‘st. A first-class quadrille band has been engaged for the occasion. Competition for a gold head-s ed cane will take place betwaen the friends of' Major Gray, of Parkdalc, Conservative, and Dr. Bull, of Toronto, Reformer. The cone to be presented to the successful candidate at 5 pm Valu- able prizes will be uWarded to successful competitors in athletic games, The Northern Railway Company has kindly consented to issue Return Tickets at Single Fare from Toronto, Barrie, and intermediate stations. Busses will meet trains arriving in the morningr and at noon, at Thornhill station. Ite- turn tickets from Toronto. 45 Cents. Tickets, to grove and dinner, 30 cents ; children 15 cents. MISERABLE POLICY.-â€" The following from the Aurora IJ‘orcalis, applies with considerable force and truth, to other villages :â€"â€"“ As a sample of the wiser- able policy of business men advertising with every toml'oolery that. comes along. we might mention that there is a very handsomely gotten up chart, hanging up in a tavern in town made in 18 6, and for space in which a good figure was charged. Out of twentyâ€"two cards secured at that time, there are now only eight: carrying on business here. Trades men and merchants who patronize the printer each week usually reap the reâ€" wards.” CIViC HOLIDAY.â€"Tbe proclamation has been issued appointing Friday, Sept. lst, a civic holiday for the municipality of the village of Richmond Hill, and all good and loyal citizens are expected to take notice thereof and govern them- selves accordingly. This will be a very favorable time for an excursiOn or pic- nic. The harvest is about over in this section, and business has not begun to rush with the usual fall trade. Every one should join in and celebrate the civic holiday. Life is too short to be always greedily amassing wealth, and working one’s self round shouldered. MARRIAGES AND REUNIONS.â€"This town can down any place south of Owen Sound, and east of Gaspe, for rumors of approaching marriages. No less than five are talked of now, and all are supâ€" posed to take place soon, Send us a piece of cake, and we will give our blessing on each and every one. We do not suppose there is any use in ofiuring adyice in such matters, or we might seek to impress upon the intended vicâ€" tims of' Hymen the phiiosophy contained in l’unch’s advice to those about to get married :-â€"“ Don’t." Patent air brakes are now used on the Northern, and the advantages de rived therefrom are many. CHILDREN AT THE EXHxBITmN - The managing committee of the Toronto Industrial Exhibiuon show great enterâ€" prise and energy in making the show successful and attractive. This latest. idea is to have “ uschool children‘s day." when there will he a grand excursion of all the school children in this and neigh boring counties. It would be a great treat to the children, and, there is no reason why it could not be Carried out. without any particular trouble. When we were a small boy we relished such ideas, and we don't forget it. The Winnipeg daily Times has been: forwarded to us through the kindness ofW. C. Patterson, Esq. The price isl only ten dollars per year in advance. Who would like to subscribe? \Ve have been requested to state that the ladies’ aid society in connection with the P. M. Church, Uarrville, purpose holdlng a garden party, etc., at the re-â€" sidehce of Mr. W. Cook, Carr-ville, on Thursday, Blst Aug. Games and amusements will be provided. Proceeds in aid of the Church fund. Tickets 25 and 15 cents. DIPHTHERIA.-â€"â€"Newmarket must be a rather unhealthy place. There ii al- ways some alarming kind of sickness prevailing around there to a greater exâ€" tent than elsewhere in the country. Diphtheria is the dread visitor at pres- ent, and a few days ago Mr. Joel Black buried the third child, out of a family of five, who had died through this terâ€" rible disease. Mr. Edward Seagcr has a cash sale of a farm, standing grain, implements. carâ€" penters’ tools, horses. sheep. and Other effects to take place. by public auction, on Mon'iay, Aug 28th, on lot No. 42, lst con. ofVaughan, near this vi‘lagc. The farm consists of 5‘) acres and is in a good state of cultivation. There are also 35 acres of outs in straw. Sale at 1 o’clock. Salem Eckardt, auct. LOCAL ITEMS. “It is very gratifying to me to be able to give a written testimonial respecting the unequalled meritq of the. world renowned remedy. St. Jacobs Oil, as an alleviator of pain. I was for years sorely troubled with a. swollen leg. ln vain I tried all the pre- scriptions of medical men. At last in deep despair I resolved to test the virtues of St. Jacobs Oil. the Great Germany Remedy. and to my greatjny. before one bottle had been exhausted, I found myself completely cured. Trusting that St. Jacobs Oil may meet. with the success it deserves, I close this statement, by reiterating my umloree’ 1mm ni' its effic or. The “Tin King" Talks. From Maine In h‘lanitolm,â€"-t‘rom St. Johns lo Brllish Columbia, Mr. Thomas W. McDonald. the Tin King 0f Ihe Dommiuu. whose large wurks extended from 153 to 157 Queen Streex. Toronto, and cover a solid blobk, is lecwnin‘d and respeclpd. Mr. McDonald’s experiunce with the Great German Remedy is thus announced by him : PH“.ADEI.PHIA, Aug. 22 -â€"The smamship (Iaslaliu hnS been churn-rod to loud 500 mules at this port to be taken to Alexau" driu for the English government. PARIS Aug. 22 -;'l‘he mnjouily of the Freud) papers cummenl ver uufuvurably on the action of the British in occupying the Suez (-mml. Seven move of Arubi's officvrs surrender. ed on Tuesday. They ullez-e Hun mnny mare «,[fiuers and men wigb to surrender bul are afraid. owing to Arnhi's swanding I'rpnrts that the English show all prisnners, St'Ez, Aug 22,â€"Four hundred men of the 72nd regiment left hete yeutvrduy morn. ing t’or Serttpt'um. When thev reached thnl village they found it deserted and the tmlway stock catried nfl“. Fmtn the end ofthe Bitter Islam the enemy was seen in latgenumben three miles 06". l'elt‘ealln! northwmds 'l he flighh-ndets, who par- ticiprted in the fight. at Shuluf on SundayY have occupied the fresh water canal looking at Set-upeum, an important position. {mm which the. enemy had retreated. The priu soners Inlten in themgngement state that Arnbi forde them to fight, threatening to shoot them it’thev refused. They say the chief nfllct-rs fled soon after the action began. The success at the British forces in Shutuf'and the energy displayed by them in'sem'ching the cons! [(tWMHlS lsmuiliu has thuruughlv demurnlized thtz enemy Opposition tin-this side of the Canal may be considered ended During the fight tit Serapentn. two nf our mtn wme killed and fii‘fi‘wnulidt‘d, The enemy inst 100. Itn‘is am'ted Hun during the reconnais- sance. Gen. Alison walked forward to in- specuhe‘enemy’s position. He was proâ€" bably mcognized, as he became 9. mark for the enemy's shells. Five Tell aruund him as be Walked back never quickening his pace. The nearest shell fell wi'hin a. few yards ofhim. ALEXANDRIA, Aug 22 -â€"The fact that [he demonstration by the British outposts yesterday did not dmw any infimtty fire from Amhi’s intrenchmenls, has baen conâ€" st’detubiy commented upon as possibly show ing that the withdrawal ofu part of Ambi's ttonp’s has already commencad Arabi is erecting fresh eatthwnrks and is otherwise strengthening his position. Space or time will not permit us to give a full report of School Board meetâ€" ing. held toâ€"day, but will do so nexc week. Mr. Kerr was appointed as as; sistant High School teacher, at a salary of $500. A number of young ladies and gentle- men from Aurora paid our village a visit. last Tuesday evening. After trip: ping Ihe fight. fantastic for a few hours in the Lorne Hall, they adjourned to xhe Palmer House, where they partook of a sumptuous repast, tund rammed home we“ satisfied with their evening’s enjoy-a- went. WHERF To ?â€"The question fiee'ms to be. " Where are we gum}; to on the civic holiday?” Among: the idrns stigâ€" gested are an excnrsion to Hamilton. or Oukville, by rail and water ; an exam:â€" sion to the Credit Valley Foxks, which are described as the most beamil'ul scenery in Ontario ; or a grand l ic-nic at Bond's lake. In each of these sug- gestions it is proposed to take the Band along, and the Lacrosse boys will proba~ bly play a nmtch with some other team. A Lacrosse Tournament might, be arâ€" ranged in this village. There should be no difiiculty in arranging a pleasant duys’ programme, if any one will take it in hand, but it should be attended to at once. Loxpf‘v Aug. 22.â€"The war ofiice is 1m-- pressing (1 mi Gen. Wulseley f‘ne ' necessity Ufa. shun decisive campaign in Egypt in Order to spam the British troops from the ravages ofdiso-Hse caused by drinking the waters of lire various canals in Egypt. The monthly meeting of Richmond Lodge, No. 23, G. R. 0., will be herd next Monday evening. ‘ I’n‘annther column will be found an advertisement. cuufioning the bum against entering M r. J. K. Ful'crmbridgds 0râ€" ch‘urd and stealing fruit therefrom; Mr. F. has the names of several panics who have been pill'ering on his premises, and if not, abated, he intends prosucming to the iuil extent of the law. A Wde to lhe wise JS sutfimenc. The Fire Brigade meet for practice on Friday evening, Sept. lst. The village band was out last Tuesx day eVening, and gave our citizens a. benefit by their choice music. We hope the open air practice may be frequent, as they are thoroughly appreciated by our people. APPOINTMENT.-â€"Mr. H. A. Nichols, of this village, has secured the position of Teacher in Vthe Patterson School, at a salary of $350 per annum. We c0n~ gratulate Mr. Nichols on his success, and think the Trustees will find in him a competent and efficient teacher. HARVEST BALL.â€" A grand ball will be held In the Victofia Hall, Thornhill. on the evening of Thursday. Aug. 3153, on the occasion 0f the closing of the harvest Admission, admining lady and gent, 4060. Supper will be provided at the Thornhill hotel for 50c. a couple. A good time is expected. LOCAL ITEMS. 1N ENGAGEMEKT AT BERAPEUM. Egyptian War. A lady in the Eastern Townships was taken ill, and the doctor ordered a dose of brandy to be administered there and then. There was no brandy in the house. The husband therefore hitched up hir horse and was proceeding three miles to the nearest village, when it struck him that the priest who lived near by might accom- modate him. The uriest. who had a flask put by for an emergency, gave it to his parishioner, and was subsequently handed the monev with which to replace the borrowed liquor. His reverence has been adjudged guilty of selling liquor with- out- 5 license, and ban been fined $75 and costs. Just-ice ismlghfy swift and l‘ngrfullr sM‘nre in Hm Enehzm Town-â€" int. Scrofula is a depravad condition of‘ the svstem oiten hereditary, :md cltnmctei-izud by indolent tumours, glandular nfi'et-tions, bad blood and a low C(itndllinll ol Vitalin that tends towards COIIBumpliun, which is really Surof'uln oi' the Lungs Burdock Blood Bitters cure Scmi'ulous dist-‘HSBS from a. pimple to an abscess, by purifying the blood, correcting the secretions and givii‘g a healthy tone to each organ. The Dunnville “ Gazette " says a boy two years old, son of Mr. William Barry, of Dunn, was puis- oned by sucking matches on Thursday of lust week. Nothing serious was noticed until the next day, when the symptoms becoming alarm- ing he was taken to a. doctor‘s nfi‘we, and while the necessary medicine was being prepared the child suddenlv died. Parents cannot be too cura- tul that children are not allowed to handle matches, as several of tl 'omponents employed {nr {mn'h'nn nvn Anna“. tor ignitionrife ~drérudly poxsons‘ Miss R. had unose which was perceptibly re- trousse, and when she went on a visit to Johnny's father one day aha boy observed it. After taking in the situation fully, he said, “ Papa, you told me to Wait cill something would turn up, and I should have a velocipede. There’s Miss R,s nose. Now give me the veiocipede." What he got might have been called a velocipede, because it went. so fast; but it looked more like a strap fly- ing ghrough the air in the fur comer of the wood- shm . The indications of the approaching SCH.- snn seems to threaten an unusual "mount of'the various torms of bowel wmpluiuts. Our readers will do mall to supply them-- selves with some nvlinhle tenndy lilu». Uncâ€" tor Fowler’s Extract of Wild vawlmx'r. as a su‘bpuard against sudden attavlts 0i Cholera Morbus. Colic, Dwexutmy. &c., that unless promptly treuied we (Jllrn suddenly fatal. The neurer we follow nature in the treulmenl of disease, the more successful we are. Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry is Nature’s Specific for Cholera Morbuu, Dysemery, Coho, and all forms of Summer Lompluims. IL speedily cures Canker, in the stomach or bowels, and is safe for infants us we“ as adults. LONDON, Aug. 22.â€"-Luter reports show that the murder of the farmer Leaky, near Killarncy, was more liken. military execution than a. murder. The lender of the party called upon “ No. 1" to fire. He did so and badly wounded Lenny. The leader then ordered “No. 10 ” to fire. This shot also took efl'ect. "No.14" was then summoned to give the coup de grace. This was the last- shot fired. Lcahy remained alive 11qu an hour after the shot. Five sons of farmers have been arrested on suspicion. it Has Stood the Test of Time. Fur 'wenly-(ive yours Dr. FowlerY Ex- tract or Wild Six‘mvberry has been before the people. and i's popularity is to-day greuler than ever, because it has proved reliable in the treatment 0| all forms of Bowel Complain! incident In the Summer season. CLEVELAND, Tenn, Aug. 22.-â€"At a. church fos- tmn near here a. riot, occurred and knives, pis- tols and clubs were freely used. One man was shot dead and a woman fatally stabbed and sev- eral dangerously wounded. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suflering and Crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ‘r‘ If so, go at once and get a bottle of BIBS. WINSLOW'S soon:- ING SYRUP, It will relieve the poorlittle sufi‘ei- er immediutelyâ€"depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a, mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it. Will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic, It ia periercly side to 1186 in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription 01 one of the Oldest and best female physicians and numes in the United Status. Sold evorvwhere at 25 cents in bottle. Homown’a PILLS AND Omnmxm.â€" of advanced yearsâ€"The gmnd Climuctoriu bemg passed, mankind passes to old ago. Then the digestion becomes inpuired, the nervous svatem grows feeble,nnd tho phy>icul power becomes enervated. Now arise congestion of the liver, lungs, or head, followed by dropsy, asthma. or upoplexv. which frequently afflict and often destroy the aged. As the liver usually becomes torpid, its activity may speedily be rev'ved by rubbing Hollowoy’s Ointment thoroughly over the pit of the stomach and right side, at least twice a day, and taking the Pills at the some time. This treatment also disperses all other congestions by varying the parts rubbed accord-- ing to the situations of the mischief. Courtney and Lee willrow a, race for $500 :1. side andn. nurse of $5on added, at Richflcld Springs on Aug. 31. Miss Josephine Wiley left here on Monday last for a. few weeks visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. D. T. Fuirbnirn. left this village on Mon- day morning last, to join the Press Excursion to Manitoba. We wish him a pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Atkinson left here on Satur- day last, to attend the Camp Meeting at Grimbsv, 101' u. few days. A band of Gypsles passed through this viflaga the other day. Miss Yonge, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Coulter, of this village. Mr. Robt. Hamilton, of Toronto, spent a. few days lately visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. and Miss Meredith. of New Jersey, are guests of John Lungatafi, Esq.. ngstufi. Levi Richardson disposed of a. yotmg heavy draught mare a few days ago to Jae. Bales, of'ank loWnship, for a good round figureâ€"$250. The animal is but four years old. and gives promise of excellence in her class. We understand another “match” race has been made between an Aurora. and Newmarket horse for $100 a. side, to come ofl‘inthelalvter place on September 2nd. We should advise Aurora sports to fight charry of the affair. awnings! MOTHERS” MOTHERS Mrs. and Miss Rose. of Lindsay, are visiting at R. E. Laws, in this village. An old residemer, in the person of Paddy Hogan, passed over to the unknown world on the 51h insu,’ in his 65th year. The de- ceased and his wife, Mrs. Hogan, were the first. to introduce the milk selling business into Aurn‘ru. which avocation lhey followed for a number of years. Jim Waite intends to build a. tweastorey brick hotel. with cottage ruof. on the side of the old Wellington hotel. The Baptist Church here is rapidly ap~ preaching complexion. and will make a commanding appearance. A Quebec contemporary publishing a curious story of an effect or the lightning, which was related as having git-curred at St. Catlmrines, cohnty (if Pottnenf. It appears that two young men named Robiâ€" mille and Btedntd. having been mutght in the storm, look refuge under it spruce tres‘ in an open field, but they wmc not there long bnl'ore it (incurred to them thut they wore in a very Pitt-(ism! position. They accordingly starter] to leave :hu two, but had not got more than n few graces away â€" Bedurd some [(-n or fiftetn. and Rubin-rifle three or four feetâ€"when 1hu lightning struck the FPIUCQ f9. Hug huth nt' than tn the ground and stunning: liohituxHe, who eruined insvnsihfe tor m; h. nr-â€"- Hed' Id (‘scuping without “the: shuok thnn to he thrown to the zrunnd. hn lbw strangest. putt of the um-urwnm is thuf tht‘ electric fluid, Without tram»; in uny wn) Kobitnille's cth or shirt. has iett hpnn his arm a. perfect, imprint Dz' infr‘sitnile "I miniature of the spruce tree under which he had taken refuge. Personals. AURORA Bcumus ing money that are offered, generally becomes wealthywhile those who do not improve 5.211011 chances remain in poverty. We wnntnnmy men women, boys and gzirls 10 “ork for us right in their own lm‘ulitios. Any 0110mm do tlm work properly from thefirst start; The businc S will pay more tlmnten times ordinary wages. Ex- pensive outfit furnished free. no on: who engages failstnmnk-n money rapidly. You can doYoLO your whole time to aha Work, 01' only your spine monn ms. Full infornmtion and 1111 that is nood- pd sunbfrco. Address S'rmsux & Col, Portland 1 Muinr. Great chance to make nmnov. Thrm who ul- wnys 111(7) ml 112mm!) of t a the good chancosofnmlb I business now before the public. You can make money faster at work for t us that at nnfthing else Capital not needed. We will start yon $12 a day & upwards made at home by the industrious Men, women. boys and girls Wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. You can work in spare time only or give your Whole time to the business. You can live at home and do the work No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one can fail to make enormous pay by engagâ€" ing at once. Costly outfit; and terms from Muupv mn-tio fast. many and hmmmh‘w, \ddrr'rz, (1w w. .i' (‘0. M121w2.a,‘\fa,im,p Consisting of a. good, comfortable Frnnve Dwell' ing House, with \Voodshnd attached, and n Quur‘ ter of an Acre of Land. Terms Easy. For pur- ticulurs apply to Shoukl the prncfice not be discontixmnd I shall make is my business to have the parties arrested and prosecuted. DRESS E33335, EASEIMEBEE, WINSEYS. Harley (10 (huts, (U. u Peas do ‘ Rye do Dressed Hovfi.ncr1001‘us. . “ Heet‘,hindquurtors,per 1L0 hm .‘ Mutton, by the cm‘cuse, per 100 ms Chickens, per pair . Ducks, par brace Geese.euch .......... Turkeys, each Butter,lbrolls . Barge rolls t-uh flair)" Eggs, fresh. doz 4. . Pomtoen, per [ml An‘ples per ban-01 . Onions. p01 doz Cnbbuge,1:or doz... ...... Celery, per doz annips, per (102 . Carrots, )mr doz Beets, per (102 .. I’m‘snips, per bar,- Hay per,ton ..... Straw pot, ton \Vool ver 11). Richmond lii11.Mm rd, 1582 ROBT. STOCKDALE OR I. CROSBY Richmond Hill, August 17th,1‘382. Fresh Teas, From 300. F3): Pound, Upwardst NOTICE TO THIEVES. NOW FOR @ALE, CHEAP, Wheat. {rd}, new,pcr bush Spring flo . SPRWG Aޤ Gents Furnishings; EMS, Sapsfizc.’ 10 to 20 per seat. discount RICHMON D HELL I HM‘mNGvRH' :11 SwUl! the Sam 1 b\' the licv Isuuc {Ju upben,‘ John 6.11:1 mg, to ‘ Arnlio,da.1g1mcr of James Reynolds, all J of iiichmuud Hill. L - J K. FALCONHRIDG Richmond Hill, Aug. 2), '89. The Proportyhelnnging to the lam Thomas Stuckdule, on Yonge Street, STEAIJNG FRUIT FROM MY GARDEN. have in my parsnsiun the 11man of svverul young men and boys “ho are in the hnbit of rash Coffee from 250 A Large Stuck of SEPriaag amfi Summer Goods Eiva Savtrtimmm. THE M A RKET '1‘OR ()N’lY): THURSDAY, August 17, 1882‘ PRXCES AT FARMERS \N'AUGUNS 1‘1 A. I? 1% IE!) Sugar, 12 lbs. for $51. Crockery, Hardware, Flour and Feed, at A f“ . MQQDIE. AT - FEDEX A Choi c Assoanmnb of 0 50 [)0 0 40 15 00 10 00 11 00 IS 1 2C 0 00 C3 00 00 9 50 7 0‘) 0 00 40 40 00 000 CO 18 18 2 00 «a. NS +14 0U 00 10 00 8 no 00 ()0 6‘) 0 00 ‘38 on ‘20 2‘ ) 00 75 21) 00 00 NIO H &. FEEVNQLDS. 25 30 00 50 00 ; 0F «fir: RESOOKS Z SOLD BY ALL DRUGGiS'fS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Fackacho, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throaf, Swelf~ ings and Spra/‘ns, Burns and Sea/G’s, General Bodily Pains, Tooflr, E (M nnrl Headache, Frosted Feef and Ears, and all other Pains and 110/788. No Preparation on earth equals ST. Jacons 01!. as a safe, aura, simple and cheap External Remedy A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlin of 50 Cents. and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of It: claims, Directions? . ‘L‘leven Languages. Department of Railways and Canals. Ottawa, 15t11.Tu]y,1882. This Dupurtmoixt does not, however, bind “am to ucccpt the lowest or any tender. (Toxlh'm'tnrs are rt (Nested to hear in mind that tenders \& H nut b0 C0!)Sifl(‘1’£'d unln-ssmudo strictv ly in [LCC dmme with tho printed forms, and, in in [11001L500f firms, exn't’lit there are uttuched the actual siqnutures, the nature of the occupuq {ion and place of residence of each member of the Emma ; and further, an ncuepted bunk cheque for the sum of four thousand dollars must accom- ' tlw rosnective tenders, which sum 51ml! be iml if 1110. party tondering dcclinos enterin imn contract for the works, at the rates state in the «my submitu‘d The cthue or mom turned to the l’uspccth , d 1 '5‘ re not xbcceppefl. thus scnt in will be I" contractors whose Tel Plum; showing the pom on of the work, and spumficntimm fur “hut remains to be Gone, can be seen at this office, and at the Resident Engina 901k omen, \Vvllunrl. on and :xftcr FRIDAY THE 18TH DAY OF AUGUST next, “hero printed forms of tmxdor can be obtained. CEALED TENDERS: (\ddw-ssed to the under; k signvd. and (-m‘un'm-(l “Tender for the \Vela land Czuml,“ will be receivm‘. at, this Oflice untif Um nrri _,1 of the Eu tern and Western Mails on FRIDAY, THE 131‘ DAY OF SEPTEMBER next, for the (10911011ng and 00111111911011 of that part of the Welland Cunul. between Rmnsev's Bend and Port (tollmrnc‘, knuwn us Section No. 3+, embrac- ing what is called tlw “Rock ( 1t." With any; in Town. Sold in bulk or in hermeti‘ Gully scaled packages, as may be required. Richmond Hill Your own choice presented to each purchaser of 3 lbs. of Tm. Call and sec fox-yourselves. MRS. HARRISON, opposite the Masonic Hall, Riel» mund Hill. OUAT " * b £1111 AND PRICE WEUMéU BMW ENLAEBEM’NT 63W firmvai‘ Richmond Hill, an 17th 1881. A. VGGEEJER 35 no" Notice To Contractors. Splendid Volumes from Hurrison' Tau nfzill kinds, and such as will Compare in By order: 1’03 mm. Md; (77.1%, A_ A P. BRADLEY, Secretary 123456

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