Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 31 Aug 1882, p. 4

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IN THE DEAD 0F NIGHT Author of East Lynne. The Channiugs, Roland Yorke, 61.0,, etc. Percy Osmond was the speaker. He was get- tingr out 01' L110 brougnmn which had brought the three gomJenmn back from Pincote, where they had been (lining. His voice was thick, and his (Lit uusbcmly. Ibwus svidnnt that ho havl been mlulgiugrmthar tna frouiy iu Squire ()ulpepper's old Earp. CHAPTER XI. I); THE DEAD or NIGHT. “ I say, Dering, it ain't twelve o‘clock yet You’ll give me half an hour in the billiard room before going to most. 1 .1, , , nu v..." "A; .m. ,, V. “ You‘ve surely had enough billiards for one nightf’suid Lionel, good humm‘dly. “ I should have thought that tho thrashing you gave young lope would luve satisfied you till toanurrow morning." “ l wunt to thrash you as I thrashed him." “ You shall thrash me us much as you like in the mm ing." “ This 4 “'llvll: they cull countryhospitality 1” Stud ()snimnl, turning to Roster. “ Condumned ’(0 go to bed at (eleven-thirty, like 90 Jimmy virtu. (mu peasants in an opera. No 1110113 lmmdy, no more cigars, no more l’JilliILr<lr~~ Vothiug but everlxwting bud. How very good u are in the nun ” Rest 1' laughed. “ I told yml tlmt you would soon h10W tired of the rural districts,” he BtLllL " The rural distilcts thcniselves are all very nice and proper. I've said nntliingugminst thom,” suinl Mr Osmond, {LS lie mm down deliberately on the stairs, for they were all in the house by this time. " It’s the people who live in them that I complain oil To send your guests to bed at eleven-thirty against their will, and to decline it Simple gmne nf billiards “nth one of them be- ctnmo you‘re {Lfrmd to acknowledge that he’s the betmrpluyer of the twoâ€"cam this be your old English‘hospitnliw ‘2” .u 1 1‘ 7 bsnnnd was in the nict 9f lifting ugmss of brandy and seltzer to his 1i; 3 us Lionel spoke. He waited, without drinking, till Lionel had done. Justllke y luck !” 119 cried. with an oath. ‘ Daring you might give u fallow sumothiug do- cqn‘u to sm die," he added, as he Iluug his cxgur ‘ into the grate. ” The mgurs are good ones. I smoke them 1113- se_‘_f,"' mid Lionel quietly “ Osmond, are you mm],- or (hunk, or both ‘2 cried Kester. ” A little of both," said Liane“, sternly. “ If h were not under my uvm roof, 1 wouul horsewhi‘ him till he went down on his knee: and prucluil A ed himself a. liar mm bully 1101f IlV ” ” Yulu'oxnalicncc of the world, Mr Osmond, seams Ln have been 1» wry uniorbuna‘te oneflxsaid Kionol, cnlnily, “ Prrmlps it hug, and perhaps it hasn‘t.” said Osmond, szwug’c‘y. “Anyhow, 1t: has taught 1115 to he 011 mu look out for rqguca ‘: “WWW A J . “ My dour Osmond, ] will play you n. game of Lillizlrds with plaasm‘e, if ' 111‘ minll is But on it,” kuid Lionel. “ 111ml no Am). that you were so card! at in the matte". Come along. I duresay the lamps are still Might,” “ Spoken like u noblenmn," said Osmond, with tipsy gravity. “ I accept your upulogy. Just order up some brandy and so tzer, there‘s 1L good u llfmv. St. George, you‘ll come and marl; for us ” ‘ \Vith phmsm‘e," said Hester. “1’11 joiu \‘ou in two Iniuutcs." He left them at the top of the stairs. they going, towards tho hillim‘dâ€"room. He was anxious to know whether Pierre had got back from London ‘ And I 111‘? I um not; mism. “ [hen g: muting for a moment that. in mistake, I did May the wrung bull, you cannot suppose thth I would linmvuudy attempt t J chant vuu for the 511,110 01‘ u paltry ten pounds ” .u, on my word of honor, that n “Butlcau anddo Euppaz '\ it," said Osmond, . :wmently, “The in t 0) your being urich nun 1121.3 nubhinqto do until it. I rune known 1L lnul‘quis cheat u: curds fur the sake of lmlf u. savor-A u \Vhy shoulnflt you try to cheat me 031% of Lon pnupds ‘2” “7' Yesfifiew sat: Pierre in the dres-ing room, quiet, watchful, and alert us over. " Everything gqngotl‘ g5}! rig‘ht ‘? ” said Mr. fit Ge “WW. v. ., H .'. ' h _ “ Evothng has gone on qulte nght, sn‘ ’ and Pierre. “ You have 2111 uncommonly nice ngy of slip- pingoub ufudifliuuity, Deripg, I must noun But it won‘t. “ILSh with me. '1 he moment 1 find a man’s not naming on the square, 1 brand him before the world as H Chou: and n, hlzwklog.” “ Your language is; very strong, MrOsmond." " 1C0 strange." tlmn the case, demands.” “ I assure yuu ugain, on my WC ‘d of holmr, tlmt you me mistaken in saying that I played with the wrung bull." “ There will be no hitch n9 regards the tele- gram to-mon‘ow humming, eh ? ” “ None wlm‘tevo ' “ You need nob “ Very well, sir.” “ And yetâ€"on second thoughtsâ€"you had pew- hups better do so." “ YGH_ sir.” Kestevtook 01f his dress-coat, put on an old shooting jucyet and a _ mnkin ;-cup, and then went 011' to the, billiard ~00m, 1: up for me.” *V‘iVCVefminly I did. You pmyed with your own ball and not with Mr Osmond's.” V “ Of coure, Kester is bound to back up all we my ! 0111' bankrupt relation cxm‘t; afford to do otherwise. Be has ten pounds 011 the game, and “ By Heaven, Osmond ! " bunt. out Mt St George. Lionel again laid his hand all his cou- biu's shoulder. “ Mr Osmond is my gnu-t,” he said, in]pressiv?- 1y, “ In a momunt of tcmyar he has made use of cmmin expr ions whim no will be the firm; to regret tn-monow. Let us look upon the game as a drmvu one, and, ifneed be, discuss it fully over brmlkfmt in the nuuninf’.” *3‘6711,’ 0f Gum's}: l” moored Osmond. “ It’s not to be expectei that you would say anything else.” " Mm morge “1011le misahief tn night,” said 1’ien'e,s11111ing to himself, and rubbing his hands slowly. " Its not very often 1 see that ligho in his eye. When [do see it. 1 know is 11161115 110 good to somclmdv.” “ 1‘11 play numle game, ahundred up " suit} ()suwnd,us ssmu ms the servant had lefb the room: “and l’lk buck my own play for tun pounds." Lionel played zmd 1‘th his some up to ninety sigh}, Ler “ I repeat that you have. After the second cannon in your last break, you played with the wrnng ball. You czmnonod again, and then m- sumed play with your uwn_hg11.” ' ‘ “ You ufre Illigtflkell Aindeed you are," said Lipgql, earnestly. “715111 you see the strokuflfltster ?” appealed Lionel. r, .V _ ,, ,, Kosher found the two men chalking thew cues. A servant wusmixingfl tumbler of brandy and eltzer for Usmond. " I guess it’s in a. dying state as far as you’re concerned,” said Osmond, coughing his little efllemiume cough. Lionel playedflnd made 9, brilliant break of thirty. “ Gightywn{weighty-two," cullci Kester, imd tlifm Wusu triumphant iiug in his voice us he (11’ so. nuioud, white with the rage heoould not hide, said nothing. He laid down 1 ' cigm‘, chalked his cue carefully, plqudhfyngi m . fdidnnt ufl‘or them to u gentleman. You 119] 11351 yourselv “bf cBursu Idirl," he answer 1,1101; conmre» handing the irony of Lioue)’s ronmrk. “And do; 'ed {w} suxplies {allay aye.” “ Two more would not have made him game if he hudnjt played with my pal] inxtcmd of his 0 .vnflf smd 05:11pmng ' ips Ilvul \}*it}}1‘_nge. ' “iVI’hVDLVvéV rot, pluyéd with your ball 111%qu of mygwn, smolh ." \ou kuowbhnt I never but," smi=l Lionel. “ 1 wouldu’u give the snuff uf a cumllo for u felâ€" low who hasn’t the pluckti ban hismwn pluy,01‘ his own opinion,” said Osmond with a sneer. “ I don‘t mind taking you,” said Hester quickiy. “ Done !” mid Osmond. 11101101 could not repress & movement. of annoyâ€" anal. Jinth 11‘) run] (\sin'viid were good billiard players, lmtlie was the hotter of the two. This, however, was (l. point which Osmond, who was proud 01‘ his ability with the cue, Would never concede With Lionel, billiard playing Wills an easy,1mtuml gift ; with Osmond it wns the result of intense study and application Wish the furmarit- seem 0d the Azisiemthing in the world to play wellâ€" with the latter one 01' the most iiiilieult. They lile play ed much together imi'iiig Osmond’a visit to Park Newton, lwt ()3L1'J01klckfllld neverlose with eqnlllllll’y. He becailie disagreeable and qum'i'elsome the moment the gamma begun to go against him, Mill, rather than have a scene under his own roof. Lionel would play earelefislv, will allow his 0mm» ent to win gonzo llfbikl’ game. such Ind been his int Lion in iho 1‘.‘ Limit case till Kostcr foolishly accepted "Osman beti After that, to have lost the game would have been (0 lose liester‘s money also ; i ‘(l. holish (is wth the bat, Lionel did not feel 0 “Idea to let Osmond benefit by it. Besides, to Will Osuiond’s money was to touch him iii his only Viiliionibla xioint, find it seemed to Lionel (hut ho Iully deserved to be made to smart. cried Osmond in his most insolent tone. "Seventy-fiveviil‘ty-two and yourroyn] high- 119' to phly,” said Hester. “ one uf your Sheers,” Enid ()mmnd. ” Sev- enty-five~fifLy-t\\‘o ch ‘27 Vell, )‘111 me on three mox 0. And three mumâ€"wary carefully. A misst Jove! Ought to have In“ that middle 1);) -] p.” pe you are prepared to pay up ifyou lose,” said Osmond insoleutly. Knit-er stm‘tarl to his feet, but Lionel laid u. hand on his shoumor. " The game 1:; not yet Inst, Mr Osmom ,” he ,coldly',‘_1)us (:0 ‘ e usly. "ulhfi'liafihily' 5411371101 fit to nifcr to {L gentle. man." m Llld mum: bugzm and went on with varying sun- Cnss. ()smz ill haul nrzmk fax tau much wine to play well, and Lionel, in :L :uuoal of utvlcl'iudlllcr- once, mi, ml s‘u‘oln ul‘lm‘ Stroke m :L way that made hast-31' groan inwau‘illy \Vilh vcxution Lionel, 1'11 tx‘ntl1,wu.s disgusted with himself and «,llsgusted with his ummuent. “ l’d 1'er sooner follow the plough all my life on Ga louse Farm, than be condemned to associate V01 y much with men like thisons,” he said tn himself. "And yet the world calls him a gentleman !’.: ” L A.y-L‘W0~â€" nudity-one,” caHed St George. “ How (1003 vour ten pounds lunk now, 0h ‘2" asked Osmond with 11 chuckle. “ Not very r05 , I must cunfoss, suit} Kostcr, with ashruq of his shoulder , and an appealing glance at his causin. r.l‘wo more will make you game," said Kes- BY MRS. HENRY WOOD. “ If he {ewhip 01mm- “ You called me a liar. did you ‘2” he said. “ Then, take that !” and bis he spoke, he flung the remain- ing contents of1the glass into Lionel’s face, and sent the glass itself mashing to the other side of the room. Another instant and Dering‘s terrible fingers were closed mound Osmond’s threat. This last insult was more than he could bear. His self- control was flung: to the winds. Osmond’s nerve- less frame quivered and shook helplessly in the strong mnn‘s grasp He was as powerless to help himself us any child would have been. His eyes were starting from his head, and his face begin- ning1 to turn livid, when Kesber started for- wan . "713.01% choke him Li,” he said‘ “Don’t; kill thgz Reggur quite." _ ~... , '1hA.‘ “w on.-- 1,. l “ Yo I mean, contemptible hound 1" said Der- ing. as he louaened his grasp and flung Osmond away ; who staggered and tell to the ground, gasp» ing for breath, and hardly knowing for the moâ€" mgytiwhnt 11nd pefallen him. A , ,AL: \ h a few wild gasps and a. tug or two at. his Cl‘llVlLt, he scam (I to partially recover himself. Raising himself on his left elbow. he put; his right huncl deep down inside his waistcoat, and frqu some secret pocket there he drew what looked like a. toy pistol, but which was a. deadly weapon enough in competent hands. Before either Kosher or Lionel knew What he was about, he lnLd taken point blank aim at the latter, and tired. But drink had made his hand unsteady, and the bullet intended for Lionel’s brain passed hnruilossly through his hair, and lodged in the panelling behind. . . . . n , ‘,L_1£‘A.~._A haster sprung at him, wreimhed the pistol from his lmnd,mnifl11ugit to the 0mm and of the room As he did so, the thought passed through his mind : “ If that bullet had only been aimed two inches lower, what a. difference it would have made to me I” “ Osmond are you going to turn assassin ‘2" he said. “ You must come with me.“ He helped him from the ground, took his right arm firmly within his, and led him towurus the “711th could it all mean ‘r‘ Was Osmond ill f) Or was he simply having his luggage packed, with the View of leaving London by the forenoon train 2’ Lionel sprang to his feet without another moment’s delay. The sudden change of position mime hiin dizzy. He pressed his fingers over both his eyes for a. moment or two while 116 re- covered himself. Again there was a. noise 01' \s'hispering in the corridor outside. Lionel made a step or two forward towards the door, and then cums to a. (loud stopâ€"410nm stricken by something which he now saw for the first time. The pocket. handkerchief which he had stuffed carelessly under his braces overnight had frillen to the ground when he sprang irom the couch. As he stooped to pick it up, hei saw that it was stained with blood. But whose blood ‘r‘ It could not be his awnâ€"there was nothingr the matter with him. But if not his, Whose ‘2 door “ That is the way we serve those who insult us out west,” send Osmond. " Only; for once, I missed 111v aim. But 1’51 fight it out with him to-morrow, anyhow he‘likesg’ But ()smnnd was up already. He could hem him moving about the next mom. So my 8.11 is well. But whth could be the rusult of their quarrel ‘2 0mm m1 must leave Park Newton and at oum. No other course was Now that he listened more particularly, he could hear the footsteps of more than one person in the next I‘OOLDAOf more than twoâ€"0f several. And there were footsteps in tho corddor, pas‘iing tr; and fro as if in a hurry. There was a Whispering, too, as if close outside his door ; then the hurried mut- tering; of muuy voices in Osmond’s room; then the clash of two doors fur awuyéiu the opposite wing of the house. _ “MPH” _v H, .. ' “ ’l‘o-morrow we will settle our httle (hirer- Cnces us gentlemen of honor Should settle such things,"snid Kosher, suothingly. And with these words he Jeri him from therroum.’ A ‘ L1 ank buck on :1. Chair, sick, weary, and disgusted ; and so mt Without moving till Kester came bus] ume ten minutes later. “ \Vlmt A; ve you done with Osmond ‘3” he saidé “ I have given him in charge of my man, who won’t leave him till he has seen him safely in bed. He would insist on having more brandy. In ten minutes he will be shaping the sleep of the drunken." By turning his head he could see the timepiece on the bureau. It was Dino o’clock, an hour :mda half past his usual time of rising. But, late us It was, he felt. n, strange disinclination t i getting up. He felt as if he could lie there all day without moving. His mind was perfectly clear; the pain had left his head; but his limbs seemed heavy, useless, inert. He would stmy Lhcrof 1' just ten minutes longer, he said to hinmalf, and than he would pcsitivelyget up. liester would be wniting breakfast for him, and he was anxious ta know how Osmond was this winning, and what recollection he retained of the unions ovoinight. Llone 1050 with u look oi'pain, and pressed one hand to the side of his head. “Got one of your bad head uches?”nskod Kester. ” Yes; about the worst that I ever remember to have had.” “ Is there no cure for them ‘2 " “ N 0110, but patience.“ “ But, su1‘cly.they may be alleviated ? " “ I have tried remedies without end, but to no pul " “ Will you let me make you up a. mixture from a prescription of mv own? 1 have all the ma.- teriuls at hand. If I make it up, willyeu promise to trike it ? I don't say it will cure your headache, but I do believe that in will give you relief.” ’ Ho remembered nothing more till he awoke next morning. it was broad daylight; when he opened his oyas. Ho hull to gather his wits to‘ gather and to think for a minute or two before he could cull to mind how and why it was that; he found himself lying there, on his dressing room couch, instead of in‘hiE bed as usual. Then all the events of the evening flushed across his mind in a moment; the quarrel in the billiard room; the pistul shot: the pain in his head: the draught given him by his cousin, and the strange affect it had upon him. “ It must have been a very powerful ‘llle‘C()tiC,’: snid Lionel to him- There was a strange] y anxious, almost hgggm‘d look on his fuco us he spoke thus, and yet his eyes were never once bent on Lionel He had picked up one of the cues, and seemed to be busily ex- amining it. When he had done speaking, he waited for his cousin's answer with parted lips, in a, sort of breathless hush. Lionel laughed a rather dismal laugh. “ \Vell,if you have {my faith in your mixture, I don’t mind trying it," he said. “ It) can’t make the pain any worse, and there is just a faint ch:an that it may ease it; abit, or that I may funny it (100“, which is pretty much the same Five minutes passed away, and then Lionel awoke with u strut to find that he had unconâ€" sciously Inllen into 1L dose over the fire. The puinin his head certainly seemed a. little better already; but, when he rose to his feet, he found tlmt he could hardly stand. His limbs seemed too weak to support him, and he was overcome witha dull, heavy drowsiness such as he hlbd never felt before. The room and every- thing in it; began to rack slowly up mid down like the cabin of a. ship at sea. There were only two candles on the table, but Lionel seemed to see a. dozen. Sleepâ€"sleep of the deepest-seemed to be numbing both his hcm‘t‘. and his brain. Consciousness was fast leaving him. He staggered rather than walked to the couch on the opposite side of the menu He rechheqit. He had just sense enough to fling himself on it, and then he remembered nothing more. self mo. The one dropped from Kester', fingers and mt- t‘led to the floor. " \Vhat was that ?” he said suddenly. looking round with n. shiven "I could have sworn that somebody touched me on the sh oulder.” r A _ u “ Kestor recovered his equunimity after an im- patient “Fish” at his folly, uudxhe two man went slowly out of the billiard room together. Out- :ide the door Raster whispered in his cousin's ear, "I will go and fetch the mixture and be buck again in two minutes,"Lioucl nodded, and liester wm gone. y“. l. \ .. 1. m.,,.,u ,. .v , h “ Why need he have whispered to me?” asked Lionel of himself. “There was no one to over heurhun, There’s something queer about him tonight. A little touch of the blues, perhaps; and yet he never 5001135 to drink very hard ” Llonel went 011‘ to 1115 roomsâ€"{L bed room and drawing room an Sui-e, next to the rooms occupied by Osmond. He took off his coat and tie, and unbottoned his waistcoat. and then sat down wibh his feet on the fender waiting for lie-star, “ But you will see him in the morning, won’t you, and not us pencomuker bebwean us, if it be poasible to do so ‘2” " Certainly, if you wish i1.” “ I do wish it. The brawl was an utteriy dis~ reputable piece of business. I ought: not to have let my temper overmester me. I ought. under no circumstances. to have forgotten that Percy ()s and was my gngstj’ “ Well,nevor mind {L11 that now. We can dis- cuss tho affair fully in the morning. See, I have brought 3011 the mixturel spoke of for your head. Ithink sou will find thutit win do you {4091"} ‘ _ .. ‘ ‘ -Y. He held out the mnkm‘d as he spoke. Hie nude meg looked paler than ever to night~his black mustache blacker than ever ; but his restless eyes seemed to fix themselves anywhere rather than on his cousin’s face. Lionel took the tunkm‘d from Koster‘s hand, and dmnk ofitue contents at u draught. Then wiped his lips With his pocket; handkerchief, and having no coat on he stmfed the handkerchief carelessly under his braces for the time being. I “ And now 1’11 have you to sweet slumber and happy dreams,” mid Heater, as he tJOk back me 0111pr tunkard. “Your head will be better by morning, 1 do not. douby. _(_}(_)0<l pighb."_ Wixegter \i'éxit Vsoftiy out, and closed the door liglgtly bqhind him. than; “ There was no one here but ourselves," said Himsel lunguidly. The pain was almost more than he could hour 1113 qguinst. . Limch Daring had been troubled with occa- 5101) xii headaches of a very distressing kind ever i ace he could remember anything, and ha had quite made up his mind that 110 must ba 5) ti‘uubiel, till the and of the chapter. He had no faith in his cousin's proposed remedy, but he would take it simply to oblige Kester. lusts? \Hs 110? Tom: idw‘ziiri H6 éntered the room presently,carry1ngu small silver tank:er in his hand. “'71 cun’t {éll you how sorry I feel for this night’s work.” said Lionel. “ I ought to have left the billiard â€" room instead of flying at pox‘r lime Onnond in the brutal way I did. He was half drunk tomightfiud didn’t know what he was about. He would have apologised in the morning, and then everything would. have comeput all right.” Lonsnlermg the provocaxiou youreceivcd, I think you acted throughout with the greatest forbearance. Osmond, to any the least of ir,is not worthy of any 'erious} confident-ion." 77‘; Good night," responded Lionel linguidly from his chair by the £1110l VS mu have you done that you should feel son'yios?" asked Kester, as he put down the tumuer on the mble. Now that he looked at 'llimsclf more closely ‘But, at 0.11 events; it has cured my head- “ Oh, if you please, sirâ€"Mr Osmond~th6 gen~ tleumu in the next room 1” gasped Pearce the Miler, there were crimson streaks on the front of the shirt where the handkerchief had rested against it, and on his wristbands there were other streaks of the same ominous color. He had picked up the handkerchief, and was gazing at it in a sort of maze of dread and per- p1exity,when there came a sudden imperative knocking at his dressing room door. Next mo- ment the door was opened, and, lifting up his bewildered eyes, Lionel saw clustered in the doorwuythe frightened faces of five or six of his own servants. ;,“ What is the matter ‘2" he asked, and his voice sounded strangely unfamilmr both to himself and others. ‘\tht is the matter with Mr Osmond ‘2" “He has been murdered in the dead uf night I”_ iionel caught at the edge of a. table for sup. port His brain reclcdfiau the pulses of his being seemed to stand still with dread. “Murdered! Percy Osmond murdered!" He breathed the words rather than spoke them aloull. Then for the first time he saw that all those frightened eyes clustered in the doorway were fixed, not on him but on the terrible token which he was still holding in hislmud. He dropped it with a. shudder, and strode forward towardsthe door. They all shrank {rum him as though he we stricken withtuga plague. “ Experienco,vsir, i~x said to make fools wise. Let up hope that I shall have gathered a. little of the commodity by-aud-by." ‘ “Ah,you know the old proverb, "a. rolling stone," etceteru. You should have stuck to your stool in the outer, (LS I advised van to do. You might, perhaps, have beonjunior partner by this time, andâ€"this in your oarâ€"the business gets more lucrative every year; it does, really. Ah Tom, Tom,yoummle a great mistake when you lefn Duxley ! Thought you were going to set. the Thu mes op fire, 1 know ypl} didf’ “ Great Heaven! théy cvmmob suspect that I have done the dead. I" he whipered to himself. “ We must see to this at once,” he said aloud. No 0110 spoke. There was a dead, ominous silence. The crimson stains on his shirt were visible, an 1. every eye was now fixed on Ihem. Lionel paused for a. moment at the threzhold tn guphqr nerve. As he stood thus, Pierre Junvard came quickly out of Osmond’s room, carrying some small urti- cle between the thumb and finger of his right hand. His fuse was paler than usual, and his half closed eyes had 11 sorb of feline axpressiou in thgy} which was not pleasant to look upon Mr Hoskyns was a frail-looking, spare-built man of some flftyfive or sixty years. He was rather short sighted. and wore gold-rimmed spectacles. He had grey hair, and grey whiskers that ended abruptly half Wily down his cheeks, I3 though too timid to venture farther. He was dressed with a certain old-fashioned precision that took little oriio heed of the variation. of fashion, but went on quietly repeating itself from one year's end to another. He was very fond of snuif. which he imbibed, not after the reckless and defiant manner-affected by some lovers of the powerful Weed, but in a. doierential half- apologetic kind of 11 way, as though he were ashamed of the practice, mud begged you would make a. point of forgetting his weakness as speedily as possible. He cariied an oldrfashioned silver snutfibox in his waistcoat pocket, and in another pocket 1L yellow silk hmnlkerehief of im- mense size, bordered with black. In short Mr Hoskyns was a. clearly individual figure, and one might safely say that, at least, he was known to every man, women, and child in Duxley. He was very pleased indeed to see his quondmn clerk. “Then you do still manage to keep your hand ndove water, eh ‘I " he said, as he bhuok Tom warygly by the hand. "Yes‘ Th'e fvnters of speculation have no» q1}j’_tg swznllo wed ll‘ne mg,” smd $011.11, dgmurely. ‘_‘ If you plegzse, s r,‘is Mm} your Vprop‘erby ?”_he smd, addressmghimself to Lionel, and dispmymg {L §u_1:Lll_jAe: spud set in filztgmqgold Lionel‘s fingers went, up instinctively to his shirt front in search uf the missing stud. “ Yes, that is my property.” he said, “Where did you find it ‘2" Nexi morning, at iiine 0'510!‘k,1\11‘ Tom Bristow, “tor & prPliminury knock, walked into the private office or MrTobius Hoskyns, of Duxlev, utcurney ab-law. “ f foundit just now, sir, clutched in the hand of Mr. Percy Osmond, who has murdered in the next room.” “ It is strange,” mused Tom, as he walked sadly back to the station, " that, in all our long couâ€" versations together Deriug shoulu never huvs mentioned that; he had an uncle living Within three miles of Duxley, and I should nevoi‘hnve spoken of the town by 111mm as the place where I was born and reared. And then to think that Tobias Hoskyns, my old governor, should be the man of all men into whose hands Daring has en- trusted his cuse ! But the whole affair is 1]. tissue of surprise 11:01:] beginning tofillq."_ CHAPTER XII. TOM Hms'row’s RETURN. “ What can be sweeter or more charming than an English May day ‘? I declare I’ve seen wiping in ghe East at 1111 comparable to‘it " The :spenkcr was Tom Bristow; the per- son thus addressed was 11. casual comâ€" pugnon de voyage,whose acquaintance he had made during the Channel )mswge; and the scene was u first class 001111m1‘tme11ti11 the mail train from Dover to London. st Bevis, coming back (dial: ii diiifiiter of an hour, found Mr Bristow buried deep in thought, Wigh‘filu pewlpmggn's lyingquhgeggd py his side “ Whatever friendship or money can do shall be done for him. That you may rely upon.” " Mr Daring saved your life, sin You will try and save his, won’t you ‘r" “ I will-sohelp mu heaven !” answered Tom, fen/Lent 1y, Tom Brusbow, who was very thorough in most of his undertakings, had remained abroadâ€"- extending his truvi-ls into Palestine and Egyptâ€" tlll his health was completely re established. But, as he said to himseli, he had now enough of sands and sunsets; of dirty Algerines and still (lirtier snubs ; 01' camel riding and mule-riding; of beggars and bucksheesh; and he was now coming back, with renewed zest, to the prosaic duties of everyday existence, as examplified in his case, in the rise and fall of public securities and the refined gambling of thb London Stock Egchgnggz She brought tha pmpl a 1 res:11t1y,xmdleft. Tom to himself While he read them. The case was as Mrs Bows had stated it. Lionel Daring stood committed to take his trial at the next; lLSSiZeS for the wilful murder of Percy Osmond. “ You don’t belieVe that he did it,do you, 511‘ ‘2; she asked with tom-£111 earnestness. “ 1 would stake my existence on Mr Dering’s inng‘ceygq I" said T2411 emphymtlcally. "‘ God bless you, air, for those words !” cried Mrs Bevis. “ There must surely be some way to help himâ€"some w Ly of proving {that he did not dolthis dreadful thin " " You wouldn’t be so ready to praise an Eng- lish M {Ly day if you had been here last x 'eek. as I was,” was the reply. " No sunshineâ€"110a aglemn ; but, in place of it, 1L confounded oust wind that was almost keeeu enough to shave you. Every second fellow you met spoke to you through his nose ; and when you did happen to get. near a fire, you were frozen through on one side before y were half warmed through on the ot] ‘ ” By the time he had been a weak in London he had made himself thoroughly max’cr of the situ» ution (again, and almost felt as if he hzul never been away, “ I have been so long used to an idle life,” he mid to himself, about a gwoek after his return, “ that very little work seems to knock me up. \Vhy not take the five o‘clock train this miternoon, and run down as far as Gatehouse Farm, and spend u, couple of days with 0141 Li Dering ‘H \Vhere in the world is there any air equal to that which blows acrwss the samlhills of the old firm '.’” That's he name, sifl Iri‘eizrolile’crt ‘th': Quite well, becmtseit put me in mind of St George and the Dagny. 1; qt] 1"}1 fetch you the ngwsptqjg ” ' 'h‘ \Vell,it-’_s pleasant enougfi now, in all con scgancel'f Stud Ton}, with n. smilg of eusycontent Between nine and ten o‘clock on Sunday 1110*11- ing Toni Bl‘iBtDW knocked at the well remember- ed door. After sleeping at the stzition hotel, he had walked leisurely across the fields, his heart beating high with the expuututiou of shortly being,’ able to grasp hi‘; i'i'iendbythe lmnd. Every- thing seamed. us if he had left the farm but yes- terday, except um than it was autumn and now it was spring. Mrs Bevis answered his knock. She started at the sight of him. and could not re- press an exclamation of surprise. “ Yes, here I am once more,” said T0111, with his pluusunt smile. “ Don’t tell me that Mr Dering is not at home.“ “Law, sir! I'd forgotten that you were a. stranger to the news. Master's a, rich man now, sir. His uncle died last autumn, and left him a. great :esmte c1059 by Duxley.~ He's been living there ever since. ” “ I know Huxley very well indeed; I was born and brought up there.” “ To think of that now ! " “ Then the name of Mr Doring‘s uncle must biggie bpsqmnde Mr {Arthur St George 1) ”_l " \Vlmt has happened, Mrs Bevis ?" criofl Tom, in alarm. “ Not~110tâ€"?” His looks finished the (1149511011.; “ And yet I’ve never heard. of it. But as I said before, I’ve only just got back from the must, where 1 was two months Wivhout seeing u. news- }.lpgr'" - ~ "I couldn’t bear to tell you about it, sir. My heart seems almost. broken as it is. But; I’ve got the newspapers here with all the account in. Pelrhaps you would like to read them for your 59 f. sir.” “You astomsh me, Mrs Bevis But What is the name of the estate ‘3 ” Mrs tem‘s “ 011. Mr Bris‘mw, haven’t you heard, sir ‘2” cried Mrs Bevis through her Bobs. “ I've heard nothing‘not a word. I have only just__1:e%gr11gd 1191119 from nbroml." “ I Say mum; to that,” i'elalied Tom, e‘m‘uestly‘ “ But 14101101 Daring committed for wilful mur- delr V ‘It squlgmyuttgr iylpossiigxlipv." “ I should indeed, Mrs Bovis. But did I under- stand you nnght when you said that Mr Daring was in Duxley goal ‘2" “ That’s the place, sir.” “ Duxlny in Midlandshire ‘.’ " “ The very same, sir." “ But What was Mr Daring doing so far away from home ‘2 ” “ Only too true, sirâ€"â€"only too true 1” moaned Mrs Bovis. “ But 1’11 never believe thus he did it â€"nr ver I" she added emphatically “ A kinder 11 a. truer gentleman, noyegdrew breath.” r “Why, all England’s be‘eu rifigilig with the stg ’ ‘nddgdflMrs Bevis. . “Park Né‘étbfiv.‘ VBut may I ask whether you k1},ng Duxloy, g‘ir ? " “ Mr Deringfiir, is lying in Duxley goal, waiting to mke his trial at the next assizos.” “ His trial I” echoed Tom in amazed perplexity “ Trial for Vtht ‘2" " Fm- Wi’fut murder, sir I" “ Can this be true ‘2” crin Tom, as he sum: back, with blmmhed face and staring eyes, on the old onyen seat in the porch. Bevis’s answer was a. sudden burst of “ To see the same man that you are going to visitâ€"to 369 my dear friend, Lio‘nel‘Dering.”_ “ Why,goodues§ gracious, y'ou don’t mam”) to say " and Mr Hoskyns too off Ins spec- tagles, alga stgu‘efl at: Tom in blank muzementa Then Tom 11ml to explain, in ths fewest; possi- ble words, haw it happened that 1.13 and Lionel Daring were such excellent friends. Five minutes latler tpey were on_§heir Way to‘the jni}. f' That’s the very place to which I want to go W1 you.” “Eh ‘2 Bless my heart, What do you want to go there for ‘2” “ Well you must come and dine with me th_il evenmg, Can’t; stay now. I'm due at theJail m fifteen minutes." As they passed through the lawyei’s outer of; fice, Tom glanced round. With one exception, the faces of all there were strangers to him. The exception was not a very invming person to 100k (Lt, but Tom went up and shook hands with him. He was a tall, big boned, loosely built man of five and forty. eiressed in rusty blackâ€"mm awk- ward shambling 5 art of fellow, unsluven and uncombed, with grubby hands and blamed eyes, and with a. Wild shaggy mop of him- which had once been jet black, but was now thzckly sprinkled with grey. The man’s features were wunting neither in power 11 >r intellect. but they were marred by an air of habitual dissipation-of sot- tisulness, evenâ€"Which he made no effort; to con~ can . Edith shuddored. “ You only supply me with one argument the more,” she answered. “ The deeper your troubleâ€"the greater your perilâ€"the closer must I cling to you. It is hard to see you here-hard to know of what you are accusedâ€"â€"but you will break my heart altogether, Lionel, if you drive 11_16 frogu your side." ‘ 7‘ But suppose the worst comes t6 the wor-t," saidLionel,vcrygrave1y, “ and Such a. result; is by ‘11}? {negnq‘ gmpgobqb‘lp." ‘ Jebez Creedc is still with you. I see,‘ said Toni, 2L5 he and the lawyer walked down the street. “ Yea, I still keep him on,” answered Hoakyns. “though if I have threatened once to turn him away, I have a hundred times. With his dirty, drunken ways, the 1mm, as {L man, is unbearable to me; but, us a. clerk, I don’t know Whabl should do without him. For engrossing or copying he is useless. his hand is for too shaky. Bub in one other respect; he is invaluable to me ; his mem- ory is like a. prodigious shre house, in which he csm lay his hand on any particular article at. a moment‘s notice. He knows how useful he is to me, and he presumes on that knowledzo to do things that. I WOllid submit to from no other clerk iurlny employ} _ “ Aunt. I know perfectly well what I am think- ing of. I have been Lionel’a pronbsed wife for some time. 1 am now going to be his wife in reality. I am only a weak woman, I know ; I cannot really help him ; I can only love him ; 1 can only love him, and watch him, and do my best to lighten the dark hours of his life in prison.” ” Yes ; in this place, and while you are a. pri- soner charged with wilful murder.” “ Mv darling child, whim are you thinking of ‘2” in, mild prfitest fromnMrg Gm‘gide: “ Whit, marry you here, Edith ! In this place, and while I am a prisoner charged with wilful murder 1" There was no difficulty in passing Tom into the jail. 1n the case of a. prisoner of such distinction as Mr Daring, some 01‘ the more strlugent of the prison regulations were to {L certain exicnt re~ laxed. Besides which Mr Hoskyns and the gov- ernor were bosom friends, playing Whist together two or three evenings at week the winter through, and wrangling (War the odd trick as only old companions can wrangle; so that the lawyer‘s word soon placed Tom inside the magic gates, and after he had Deon introduced to Mr Dux, 13hr: aforesaid governor, he might. be said to be dulv possessed of the Open Sesame of the grim 01d lgui‘ld'ing.‘ “ I cling to you because you me in trouble," said Edith. “Mv place is by your side. I have a. right to be here, and nothing shall keep me away. To-morrow, or next day at the latest, LiO e]. you must nmlfe me__yg_ur wifffl. _ The moment the door was opened Edith aprang to Lionel’s arms, utterly iudiiferent to the fact that Mrs Gm‘side and. the lawyer were lowking on from the background. “ My life I my love ! my husband 1" she murmured, between her tears. “At last. at last !-â€"my own. never to be lost ti) me again. And this is your homeâ€"this miseiu table cell ! It shall be my home too. If they will nut let me smy with you, my heart, at least, “7111 be with yog (193,: ahd nightâ€"ulwnyp." "Now‘l feel £11211; youv love mé,"wu.s all that Liogel_pou1d say fqr the moment. On the marrow they menundit was ameet- ing that made even I-Ioskyns, case hardened though he was. remember for {L moment that, many, many years ago, he himself had been YQRHg- .. . ______ “ Tuis is kind of you, Briatow, vorp kind l” ex- claimed Lionel, as he strode forward to greet his friend. “ \Nlien we parted last we little thought that ournexb meeting would be in these hulls of dazzling light.” He laughed a dismal laugh: and pressed Tom downflinto his gym gliaii‘.‘ ‘ _ For a. moment or two T0111 would imt trust himâ€" self to speak. “ There's a bilver lining to every cloud, you know, old boy,” he stammered out at; last. “ You musu beu‘r up like a brick. Please heaven, we’ll soon have you out of this hole, and everything will come right in the long run, never team" He felt, that it WM not at all what; he had intended to say, but, somehow. his usual ready flow of Words seemed dried. up f0_r a. little While As‘ heady stated, Lionel‘s first not after his at- rest was to write a note to Edith West. Twelve hours later, Mrs Gm‘side and Miss \Vust stepped out of the train at) Duxley station. The news- papers had told them that Mr. Dering‘s case was in the hands of a certain Mr Huskyns, and the first person they accosted after leaving the am tion directed them to that; gentleman’s office. Fortunately, Mr Hoskyns was at; home. They told him who they were, and that their object in coming to Duxley was to see and be 110er Mr D9§ing~ .. “I shall see Mr Daring this evening,” said the lawyer. “ I W111 tell him that you are in Duxlev, and should he prove \Vllling to see youius I do not doubt that ho Will-you can accompany me to tl‘Je pgisou at tep o’c‘lolclg to-moyrow “morning.” Lion-e] was overjoyed to learn that Edith was so near him, and could not find in his heart to blame her for coming, however injudiciuus such a. step might have seemed to many people. But even he, as yet, had conceived but mvery vague idea. of the Infinite capabilities of a character such as hers. And that, to the public at large, seemed the strangest feature of the case : Mr Daring either could not or would not offer any explanation. If it seemed strange to the outside world that no explanation was forthcoming, how much strungâ€" erdid it seem to Lionel himself, that he was utterly unable to offer any! How and by what means had those terrible evidences of guilt. come there? Day and night, night and day. during his first week in prison, he kept on asking him- solfthe same question, only to acknowledge him- self utterly binned, and as far Iron) any setisfzw» tory nnswerthe last time he asked it as he was the first. All that he would say was, thuthe knew absolutely nothing ; that his mind was an utter blank from the moment he flung himself, hnlf stupifled, on his dressing room sofa, till the moment he woke next morning and found his handkerchief setumted with blood. Henrtsick and bruinweary, he at length gave up 8.11 elfort to solve a problem which, {L3 for us he WlLS concerned, seemed incapable of (my solution; and set himself to face the inevitable with what patience and resignation he could summon to his mid. He could only trust and hope that on the (luv of the trial, someâ€" thing would turn up, some proof be forthcoming, which would exculpitte him utterly and provo once more the milibity of even the strongest chain of oircumsiuntial evidence. It not â€"but theelternntive was note pleasant one ta con- templete Lionel. Daring ad been nearly a. month in mison: Confinement to it man of his motive, out door life was especially irksome, and Tom was not surprised to find him looking pale uud more cureworn than he had ever seen him look bowl‘o. He was exti’nordilizu'ily cheerful, however, and when Tom told him that it was his intention to stay at Duxley till the trial was over, be bright- ened up stillmore, and at once proposed that they two should hzwe a. game of chess, there and $9911, as in the old pleasant days at Gatehouse arm: ‘Mr Hoékyns was somewhat scandalized. “11 cannot get my client," he explained to Tom, "to evince that interest 1n his trial and the arrange “Duxis verygoodto me," he explainozl‘ " He comes‘co see me for an hour moshievenings. He and Ihuve had several games together. The turnkey will fetch his board and men in five minutes." ments for his defence that the importance of the occasion demands It really almost; seems as if Mr Darin-g looked upon the whole business as referring. not to himself, but to some stranger in whose affairs he took only the faintest possible interest.” My dear Hoskyns”; said Lionel, “you pumped me dry long ago of every morsel of informunion that I could give you respecting this wretched business; You can gen nothing more out of me and may as well leave me in peace. Employ whom you will to defend me-if defence I need. Tlth is your puqmcss: not mine.” So Tom and Lionel had there game of chess. audulong talk together EItBI‘WKI'dS, and when Tom Mlusn left the prison, it was with a. proâ€" mis'e [so be there again at an early hour next mglgmng.w L 01er Dering‘s first care after his arrest was to write to Edith \Vest, in order that she might learn the news direct from himself . and not thljoggh & newspap‘e or [my opher sourcg. ‘ “ My darling Edith," he wrote, “a terrible mis- fortune has befullen me. A gentleman, Mr Percy Osmond by name, one of my guests at Park Newton, has been foully murdered, and I 0.111 accused of the crime. That my innocence will be made clear to the world at my trial, I do not doubt. Till that day comes I must submit, with what patience I may, to be kept closely under lock and key in this grim building from which I write. You see thatI write quite calmly, and \Vithollt (my fear whatever as to the result. My greatest trouble in the matter is my enforced de- urimtion of your dear society for a. little While. I will write you fuller particulars tomorrow. I uni afraid that it will be necessary to fix the date of our marriage a month later than the time agreed upon, but certainly not more then LL month. That of itself is very annoying. I beg that you “ill not fret or worry on my account. This is but 21. little trial which will soon be over. and years hence it will shape itself into (I, son.- gonnble story to be told round the Christmas re. Lionel saw from the moment of his arrest that the evidence against: him was far too smong to allow him to hope for any other issue than u commitment for trial at the asszzes. And he was right. The imigistmte before whom he was taken could not do otherwise than commit, him for wilful murder. The jet stud found in the dead man’s hand, the saturated lmnkerchief, the streaks of blood on his shirtâ€"damning proofs all, which Lionel Dermg could neither explain nor cxbexmateâ€"left them no other alternative. Gently and gfavely Liénel argued with her, but to no purpose. It is possible that his arguments were not very powerful oues ; that: they were not very logically enforced. Who could have resisted her loving, passionate plea. Not Lionel, whose heart, despite his outward show of reaistnnce, went out half-way to meet hei‘s,usEdith‘s own in- pfinct too‘surely told her. Three days later they were married in the chapel. Mr Hoskvns made in. special journey to London and brought back the liscenae. One stipu- lation was made by Lionel, that the marriage should be kept a. profound secret, and a. profound secret it was kept. The witnesses were Mrs Gersifle, Hoakyns, M: Dux,the governor, and the chief ward“. Beyond these four, and the chaplain, the knowledge did not extend. Even the turn keys whose duty it was to attend to Lionel had ngfieuspicion of what haul taken place. Thrde weeks had come and AghiéV since the marriage of Lionel and Edith when Tom Bristow first set. foot inside the guol. “bh, I have often heard papa sfiéuk of you,rinrd wonder what had become of you.” arAmi heard him blame me, I doubt not, for “ Very little changed :indeed. These small countrv towns never do change, 01‘ only by such unperceptible degrees that one never notices the difference. But may I ask, Miss L‘ulpepper, how do you know tht'L‘t I 13111 mg: 21 strangel: t0_Duxloy ‘2" June spared him the trouble of finding a. tonic that would be likply to interest harby being the first to speak. “Do you find Duxley much changed 'nce you yexie heye Inst ‘2 ” she asked._ But Tom Bristow had rather a weakness for ‘ red hairâ€"not perhaps for the deep, (lull fiery rod which we soniotinics s cc. Bo accepted it, as the old Yonetiuns accop‘ed it, as one 01' the rarest types of beauty, as sometimes fur superior to your commonplace browns and blacks. And then he did not object to frecklesâ€"«in madcmtion. He looked upon them as one of the signs of a sound country-bred constitution. As J {L116 ()ulpcppcr mt there at tho piano, in the sunny May even- tide, in her white dress. trimmed with pale green velvet, with her red hair coiled in grant bands round heriittle head ~With her frank smile. and hnr clear honest looking eyes, she filled. up in Tom’s mind his ideal picture of u. healthy, purer minded English country girl, and it struck him that he could have made 8. very pleasant water- color sketch of herself mu] her surroundings. CHAPTER XIII. A DiNNEq AT PINGDTE. Lionel Daring was blessed with one of those equabla dispositions which predispose their owner to 100k always at the sunny side at every thing ; and even now, in prison, and with such a terrible accusation hanging over him, no one over saw him downhearted or in any \vny distressed. There was about: him a serenity. a. quiet cheer~ fulnesg. wuich nothing seemed able to disturb ; and when in the company of others he was usually as gay and animated as if the four walls: of his 0611 had been those of his own study at Park Newton. The ordeal was. in any case a very trying one ; but it would have bean in- finitely iuore so but for fiLe sweet oflices of love and friendship which he owed. in one case to his Wife, and in the other to his friend. Either Edith or Tom saw him every day But when all his visitors had gone, and night and silence had settled down nu the grim 01d prisonâ€"dileuce so profound that but fur the recurring voice of a. distth clock, as it counted the hours slowly and solemnly, he could have fancied himself the lastman lei'tulivein the \vorldâ€"â€"tlien it was that he felt his situation the mesh. He had been so used to an zintive,out- (luor life that he could not new tire himsclf sufll» cigntly to sleek) well. Miss Cu‘peppor had sat down again (It the piano. and was striking a. few chords nownnd then, in nu absentvminded way. She was by no means avretty girl in the ordinmy accepmtion of the term. Her face was a. good one, without being strikingly handsome. b‘he haul smnethinq of her father’s shrewd, keen look, but with an underlying expression of goodness and kiudlincss, diflicult to define, but immismbubly there. She hml large blue gray eyes and magnificent teeth. Her complexion, lily-fair during the winter months, was iiiremiy frockiod by the warm May sunshine, and would be more so before the summer was over. FinaUy,her hair was 10d- not auburn, but. an unmistakable red. It was these hours of darkness, when the rest of the world was shed, and the long, long huuss of daylight in the early summer mornings before it was yet awake, which tired him more than anything else. At such times. when he was tired of readingâ€"{Luci he had never before read so much in so short 11 space of tiniowhe could do nothing but he back on his pallet, With his in ms curled under his headmind think. The mornings were balmy, salt and bright. Through the Gail casement, which he could open at will, he could hear the merry twittering of lnnumei'sbie spar- rOWS. He could see the slow shadows sliding. inch by inch. down the grey stone walls of the prison yard, as the sun rose higher in the sky. Now and then the sweet west wind bzought him mint watts of fragrance frein the hey slopes just outside the prison gates. Some- times hceould hear the barking of a dog on some far off farm, or the dull lowing of cattle ; sounds which reminded him that the great world, with its life, and hopes. and fears, lay close around him, though he himself might have no part therein At such moments he often felt that he would give hqu of all he was possessed of fur an hour's freedom outside these tomb like wwllsâ€"for one hour’s blessed heedom, with Edith by his side, to wander at their own sweet will through lane and coppica and by river’s brim, with the ii'ee air of heaven b‘owing si‘euud them, and nothing SJ bound their eyes but the dim horizou,lying like a purple ring on woods and meadows mi- away. _ Next evening Tom found himself at Planet». The squire introduced him in brief terms to his daughter, and then left the room for a. few min- utes, for which '1‘0111 did not thunk him. “What canI say to Miss Culpepper that will be likely t3 interest her?” he asked himself. “ Does she go in for private thentrlculs, or for ribualism and pet par-Vans ? Dues sho believe in soup kitchens and visiting the poor. or would she rather. talk about the new primm domm, or the lust new poem 3"; . " It would be worth something.” Sitill Toni to himself LLSllG want on 11' ‘ way, “ to know what my old friend the squii‘e’s opinion about me really is; to have a glimpse at the portm t of me in all its details which he has evoked from his own inner consciousne, ‘. Strange that in a little town like this, where everybody knows everybody else’s business better than his own, if it man vanturo to step 0111; of thebeaten track prescribed for him by custom and tradition, and is bold endugh to strike out a. path for himself, he is at once set down as being, of niecesaity, either a luimtic or a sczipcgmce â€" unless, indeed, his lunacy chance to win for him either 11 fol'luno or u, name. And then, how changed in tone !" Later on would come Hoskyns, and Edith, and Tom. It was impossible for Edith to vimt the prison, and the lawyer would often make u pro~ tence of having business with his client when he had none in reality, rather than Withstand the pitoous, pleading look whico would spring to Edith‘s eyes the moment he told her thwt there would be no occasion for him to visit the jail thth day. \Vliile he lives Hoskyns will never forgot the pretty pictures of the lover husband and his bride, us they sat together, hand in hand, in the grim old cell, comforting each other. strengthening each other,nud dmwing picmres of the happy future in store for them: deceiving each other With 1 make believe guiety ; and hid ing, with desperate earnestness, the terrible dread which luy lurking, like a. foul Witch in a. cavern, low down in the heart of eacliâ€"tlmt,tor them, the coming months might bring. not sunshine, flowers, and the joys of mutual love but life long sepimmtion and the unspeakable dm‘kililesa that broods beneath the awful wings 01‘ Dent . Little wonder that during these long, solitary hours usensa of depression, of melancholy even, would now and then take possession of him for :L little While ; that his mind was oppressed with vague forebodings of Whul} than future, which was now drawing near with sure but unhesitating footsteps, might possibly have in store for him. He had just won for himself the sweetest. prize which this world had in its power to ofler him, and his very soul shrank within him when he thought he had won it only, perhaps, to lose it forever iu a. few short Weeks. Bitter, very bit’or â€"desp&iring ahnosh~grew his though he uh such times; but he struggled bravely against them, and never let them master him for long. \Vhen the elm-k struck six, and the trump of heavy feet was heard along the corridors, and the jingling of huge keysâ€"when the wardcre were changed and the lituo wicket in his cell door was opened and a cheeiful voice said, " Good morninn sir. Hope you have slept well.” Lionel’s cheery response would ring out, clear and full, "Good morning, Jeuvons. I’ve had an excellent night, thank you." And Jeevons would go back to his mates and say, “ Mr Dering’s wonâ€" derful. Always jhe some Never oghp’ sorts: “ Glad you've come round to my thinking at last. Knew you would. \Vul], if 1 can do any» thing for you in the way of helping 3 011 to get 1L (incent livingY you may Command me fully. Think ovcr what I’ve said, and come and dine wit;le me at Pincote tovmon'mw.’ at save hau'p." On these occasions, Hoskyns never noglectefl to provide himself with a. newspaper, mud, buried behind the huge hroudsheet m’ the Times, with spectacles poised on nose, he went calmly on with his reading, leaving Lionel and Edith almost as much to themselves as though he had not been there. The sterling qualities of the 0141 lawyer, and the thorough sincerity of his character, gmduullyforced them- selves on the notice of Lionel and his wife both of whom cmne, after a time, to regard him ul most in the light of a. second father, and to treat him with an ufi'ectionute familiarity which he Wigs 113$ slog @o appreciate. “ Why~ châ€"sumly I must know that face.” said the S( mire. “It‘s young Tom Bristow, if I'm not mistu an.” “You are not mistaken, air," answered Tom. ” Then I‘m glad to see you, Tom, very,” said the squire, as he shook Tom warmly by the hand. " Yuur father was 21. man Whom I liked and re- spected immensely. I can never forget his Kind- ness; and attention to my poor dear wife during her last iilness-uover. He did all that mun could do to preserve harta Hieâ€"but it was not to be. For your father‘s sake, Tom, you will always find Titus Culpepper stand your friend. “ It is very kind of you to say 50, Sir.” “Not at all~uot at all. So you’re going back again to the 01d place, eh ? Going to stop with us this time, I hope. You ought never to have left us, young sir, but have settled down quietly in your father‘s shoes. Vugithondising’s in bad thing for any young mun.” “ quuito at}; be wiflx you, sir,” said Tom, in a ton of thsumed simphuwty. _ As Tom Bristow Was turning the corner of Duxley High Street, one afternoon about three day‘s after his arrival from London, he was met, face to face, by Squire Culpepper. The squire stopped and stared at Tum,but failed for the mpllmntg to recognize him. _ “ Good mornififisir,” said Tom heartily. “Glad to. ‘ qyou lgoking g0 \yell.” running away from the friends of my youth, and thefiown of my birth." “ Ah, well,” said the squire with a chuckle, “ if Sir Hurry’e Opposed to the line, we may make our minds easy that we shall hear very little more nbout it.“ “ I cannot sdy that yin m‘o alt “gather qung,” answered June vmh n 5111219. “ Plum IS a llttle nupulswe at tunes, {m I daresay you know, and jquos everyone from his own peculiar stund~ pomt.” “ I dare say I should. But. they are worthy of respect for LL11 that.” " [:4 not that sonmwhat of a numdnx 5’" “ Hardly 80,1 think, Men like Mr Cnlpeljrer, with their conservmivism, and theirtmditlmm of (L push-which, it should not In; forgotten, was not 1L past, but (I. present, {vhen they were young poo- plo, and is. consequently, Lot so very antiquated â€"with their faith in old institutions, old mules of thought, old friendshins, andâ€"mud old wine, are simply iuvuluuble in this shifty, restless, out of breath era in which we live. They are like the roots of gm ‘ and tangle which bind to- gethur the smudhills on uwm 1y show. They usum‘va for us the essence of an experience which dates from yes. S beme we were born; which will sweeten 0 '1' lives, if we know how tn use it; as yonder pot pom'l'i of faded rose leaves sweetons this: 1‘00111,unzl whispers to 1m lt‘hut, in summers long ago. flowers as SVVFBD bloomed and faded, as: those. which blossom for us tcmluy and will fade and leave us 120411012 row.” “Mr Cope staked at; Tom m though he could , ' be ' Ye t_h_e evidence cf his own senses “ Which 1119mm, in my case, I suupose, that be cause I was bum in Duxley. V ought to have earned 111ybrend there, died there, mld been buried there." “ Something of the kind. doubtless. 01d fash ioned prejudices, you would call them, Mr Bris- tow.” “ Because I had it from Sir Harry’s own lips,” answered T0111 simply. “We were talking to- gothor on this very subject, only a». few evenings ago. at Lord {Pyngdzblc’sfl' - “ And pray. sin" asked the bunker, with con- sfderable hunteur, “may I be allowed to ask how vou happen to know Sir Harry’s opinion on this important point ' “ Pardon me,” interruptea Tomy “but if Sir Harry Fulke’s word is worth anything ut {111,116 is as strongly opposed as Mr Culpopper himself to the line in question.” 7 ‘After ulittle time, the conversation turned on the probability of 21 mm line of railway being made before long to connect Dixxley with a. cer- tain nmuufacturing town about forty miles aw v. Mr Culpepper was strongly opposed to the suliame, but Mr. Cope was rather inclined to View it with favor. ” One thing is quite clear,” said the banker. “Sir Harry Fulko Will do his best to get the bill smuggled through l’arlimnent. The proposed lino would just cut through the edge of his 0mm, and the money he would get for tho swim of the land would be very useful to him jusfi now-ms I hammnfia knowt" V ” \Vhen you are as old as pupa, M1“ Bristow,” said Jane, with a laugh, “ I believe you will be just as conservative and full of prejudices as he V11 “1 hope 30,1111 sure," said ’l‘mn earnestly. “Only my prejudices will difler in some degree 1mm his, as his would doubtless differ in degree from those of his father. because I happen to have been born some thirty years later in the world’s history.” "‘1)mwup, boysâ€"d):le up closer," sfiid the squire. “Jenkins, bung in two bottles ,Qf the blue seal." Edmer drew his chair up closm‘ to the squire. who was totally unaware that: everything umong his guests \VflH not on thofplenszmtnst posssible footing. Both the banknr and his son had evidently determined to ignore Tom utterly, but T0111 accepted his fume with unbroken soren- ity. ' At this moment L110 servant ushered in Mr Cope the bunker, and Mr Edward Cope the lmnkar's son, June rose and introduced Tour] to them as “MrBristong friend of pupu’s.” The x ankor’s sun stared at Tom for u mummit, [Lllll ihaunmlded his bull hem], and then drawing a. chuil‘ up to the piano, proceeded to take posses- sion 01' Jane \viLh rm Mr 01' proprietorship which brought the color for a. moment into that young lady’s face. Jane brightened up in [L moment. Hora Wits a chance at, last of hearing; about something that would interest her. Questisn and answer fol- lowed each other in quick succession, and in lev than five minutes the conversation hull drifted away into regions far beyond the reach of Edward he Gros, whu sth gloworinu at them in u. snllw silence, whiCh remained unbroken tilltho cloth was t1rmvn,nnd Miss~ Culpcpper left: the gentlemen to [:hemselves. - The bunker himself was more :Lil'itblo in the pompoua way that was habitual with him. He never remembered tohuvc heard the name of Bristow Defers, but being a friend of the squire, be young man was I)l‘0b&h]V worth cultivating, and, in any case, there was nothing lost by U. little politeness. So Mr Copa- clem'ed his throat, und planting himself like a. COIOSE‘HS before the vacant grate, entered wit-h becoming seriousness upon the state of the weather and the prosponts of the crops. \Vhen the squire came in five min utesluter Toni and the lmnkot were chatting; together as if they had known ouch other for y'z- rs. They allwent in to dinner. Over the soup, said the Squire to Mr Cope : “ You were telling me, the other day, that 0110 of your fellows at the bunk died in week or two ago ?”_ “ Well, if you have not 1111011 up the place, it might, perhaps, Suit our young friend hem," in- dicating Tom, " if you like to take him on my reconunenrmtion. I don’t: know Whether Jenny introduced him, properly, but he’s the 5011 of Dr Bi'istow, who attended my wire in her 1:st i11- uess. I respected his futhc ‘ and I like the lad, and would gladly do smuething for him." v “ Three months; sincé Irvms 11v1ijg:r fife 'ilesea't as fhe guest, of an Arab sheik." ‘ - “ Yes; young Musgmvd). Clover young 111an Greut loss to the firm.” The bunker was sunndnllzed. 1t 1111; It: almost be said that he was honifimL To think that he had been invited to meet, and, worm than that, had tullr‘cd on terms of perfect 'cquulity with a young mun who was in want 91‘ m1 ordinary clerkshipâ€"who would doubtless be glad of a stool in the bunk oflice of his bank I It was monstrous â€"â€"it was disgusting I But it was just the sort of inconsiderate conduct that might be expected from u man like Culpepper. Hismnnnel‘ towards Tom froze in u. moment. " A11»right I'll call. But you women‘ do malm such {L jolly fuss about nothing." “ Whth AL beautiful sunset, is it not, Mr Bris- tow ‘2” said June turning: to Tom. “ Beautiful, indeedâ€"ffir Eligirx-Lml; but tin’ 11‘ wine comparable, in pmut of sheer splendor, t‘ the sunsets of the East.” “From which, I masumegve .nmy infer that yo re not unfquugnnch with the Em “ Vths say you ‘2 Can you do anything for hi} ‘J” urgpdtlxo ' uil‘e. ” Ah, well,” Said mm squire, “I‘ll see McKennu, the olectioneering agent, to-morrow. I dare my he‘ll know of something that will suit our young friend.” " Pardon me, Mr Culpepper,” said Tom quiatly. ‘ but I’m szuLidthem‘s a. slight; nlismke some- where. lam not aware that. I ever exp“ sscd : as being in “unt of u situmion, either in My Cape’s bank, 01‘ elsewhere. My business. such us it is, lies in Londun, I have only come dow to Duxley to see a. few old friends.” “ A misundersmfiding, I assure you, sir Many th'zluyks‘bo you 911 tip sumo.” -“‘A‘A»\V11y:£:ll~â€"1m1~13, “you knowishould he mast l‘lappy t0 obliga 3 011, to serve M1‘â€", Mr “ Bristow,” said the squire. “ lirisfow 411mm yu11~but you seevahâ€" young Musgmvu‘s berth was filled up u week ago and I'm sorry that; l’ve nothing else just now at all likely to suit the requirements of your #uhâ€" protege. I’ll Luke {mower spoonful of clear soup if you plei .” Tgmisface wasq studv 1111 thiq time. “I’m in for 11; now,” he mud to himself. “The banker will never Spe k_to {up mguiu.‘j “ Why, bless “my heart,” mic hie?) ré‘qm't‘e, ” I thought you told me yesterday that you W are in wgqt 01: something _t_o do)” “Andwf1szthe (16m: 15. your business, if I may make hold to ask 2” mad the squire, tes- my. Tum ligsitated for u moment. ” I believe, Sir. I might describe myself as an individual who lives by his witswsuch as they Me,” 115 said. at last , " You may call for me, if_you like, but only’on one condition; fibula you drive me overto see how pony fierr' s ggttlggpu.” “0h,we got‘some brmfly into him, and ha (2111130 nrouudmll right in about ten minutes. ]‘111 going to try Beauty toâ€"morrow intue new dog- czut. You might let me call for you falaout; eleven." » ' “And can you 1nmmge'_to make money by your \‘lltS '2" asked the Mluu'e, WIth illvco'ncenlod corptegnpt. ,.. “ She didn't at {L11 like having them put on, and kicked out furiously. Ferris: did not half like the job, 1 can tell you ; espeqiully after She sent him sprawling into a corner of his own smithy. 1 never laughed so‘ Jx‘luch if; my- lifo before.” ' “I cnn‘b see what then; Was to laugh at, i7d\=.'zu'd. I hope the poor 1mm was nobmuuh hurt.” ‘ “ A lifitw, sir,” answerodTom. “ Enough‘to find me in food and clothes. Enough to satlsfy my few and simplu needs ” - The squire gave :1 grunt of 'Riscontent, and turned towards the bunker, who, ignoring any further notice of Tom, at once broached the in- terminable subject of lncft‘, politicsnu subject that had a. fuseumtimi for the squire which he WM never able to resist. T9111 mvenged himself by turning his attention to the opposite and of tho tublo, where sat Miss Culpeppor, with her faithful squire, Mr Edward Cope, in close prox- iiuitytvo her. “ They are engaged, I sunpnse,” said Tom to himself, “ 01' else she wouldn’t let him sit s9 nosir hominid glare at her so with those pig’s eyes of his. Bin: I'll never believe that she can cure for a fellow like that. She’s just the kix l of girl,”_ he wanton mentally, 4LL1_ A :Av_ “ that, it I were u marrying man, I should like to Win for myselfâ€"and, by Jova, he‘s just, the sort of follow that I should glory in cutting out. Has he a word of any kind tu say for himself, I Wonder ‘2 At present his whole soul seems given uy to the ph- qurcs of the tghble." I Certainly. Mr Edward Cope was no Adonis; but he might have been, accepted as a. very tolerable representation of a youthful Bacchus clothed. in modern evening dress. For ayouug 111311.119 was abnormally stout. Already, at three and twenty, he had r0 waist worth speaking of. WI] at he would be ten years hence was mys tei'y. dress was nsmihy (L conipromiselbe- tween that of a horse imian and [L gentleman. He turned his toes in when he. wulked, ,liml he haul in. fut, vacuous 1":LC0,Whi'chiL1 his case, was a fth‘ index to the vacuous mind within. He was a. crack whip, and a tolerable sliot-pigoonshootâ€" ing was his favorite pastimeâ€"but much l'mther than that his intellect did not carry him. 1 Hudid venture on a romxu‘k (Lt last. “I gave uty {L 119w sag f ‘11908 this nmrniug," 116' said. -~An air tight clock is being made for Wesleyan University. It winds isfuli by means of an electml appsratus, and as the air is exhausted from the case when it is started, atmospheric disturbsmces are avoided. ument. ‘ Fifty cents each,‘ said the keeper. He paid it. Then up to the Burning Spring we went. ' One dollar each.’ said the man at the door. He paid it. Then to the mug seem, it took ‘fifty cents each.’ Oh. how‘ the fellow kicked. Then ' my dear,’ he said, to his wife. ‘ go inside, I’ll be in seon.’ But‘i he comes to me an’ he says, ‘ Ole chap, how. ‘many more places are there?’ ‘ A dozen or filtecn,’ Buys I. ‘ Well, her'o,’ he says, .I’ll make a deal with you. When my wife comes out tell her there are no more places to visit an’ I’ll give you $5! He did, an’ I lied to his wife an’ drove ’em heme. They took the train that night, 1111’ I missed ’em. Bill Johnson carted ’em down to the depot an’ charged ’em two dollars each.” " As you seen; sir, to be on such intimate terms with Lord Tynedale,” said the bunker with a. sneer, “you can, perhaps, tell us the real ins and outs of that strange gambling transaction with which his lordship’s ypuugest >011 was so recently mixed up.“ . “I cannot tell you the real facts of the case," answered Tom. “ l I‘rcsume that they are known only to the parfiea most concerned. But this I can tell you, that I .uml Mr Cecil Drake, the young gentleman in question, lived together for three months in Algeria. 011 the most inti- mate terms; 11111, from my knowledge of him, I feel perfectly sure that his sham of the transac- tion you allude to wst that of a. strictly honorable mm H ” I’m not so sure on that point,” answered Tom ” 1 know for a. fact that Bloggs and Hayling, the great engineers, are verv much interested in get- ting the scheme pushed forward, and they are generally credioed with knov. ing 1): etty well What they are about." ‘ J VHVLumuw man." The bunker blew his nose Violently. This Mr Bristow was a. very strange young man, he said to himself. There was evidvntw n. mistake some- where. Probably the squir 1 had blundered as usual. 111 the meantime it might be just aswell to be decently (-ivil to him, When the evening came to an end, and the banker was putting on his overcoat in the hall, he whispered in the sqire’s ear: ' I suppose yuu know that your balance is seventy pounds overdruwn ‘9" The Squire's face for [L moment turned quite ghastly, and he clutched at a, clmir for support. He recoveru’l himself with u. laugh. "Iknew it \Vus verv low, but I didn’t know it was over- rlmwn,” he whispered back. “ But I know that I'm about, never fem. Just mark my words; before you are two months older. you‘ll have abig- gar huhmce to the credit of Titus Culpepper than you’ve ever had yet. “ Oh, yes, I know perfectly Well what I’m about," “I'm very glad to hear it, I’m sure.” said the banker with a dubious cough. “ I think we 5118.11 have some rain before morning. Goodnight, Mr Bristow. Very pleased to have made your ac- quaintance. Hopq we shullrmoet again." ‘ The banker 13- 0k counsel with himself as he was living driven home by his sum. “ I think it will be advisable to send’ Edward to New York for n couple of months,” he thought. “ In case the worst 001m 5 to the worst, the ufl‘air can then be broken off without; scandal. The squire’s play- ing some underground game which Will bring him to grief ifhe‘s not very, very careful. Meunwhile, all can do is to wait and watch.” Strange to say, 'l‘om Brzstow‘s dreams that; night; were or Jane Culpepner. “ I wonder whether F110 dreamed about me," he murmured to himself next morning as he was strapping his razor, “ Not likely. And I :wm nobctler thana fool to dream nhout her.” Yesterday a man came into the office with the 1111' of a man who is tired of this earth and wants to wing his way to aland of for- getfulnese and plunge into the Iethean depths of oblivion. After he had taken a Boat on the tote-a-tete and hung his hat on the eecritoire, he said : “ There was a party, just married, came here from Chicago last week. I hooked ’em. ‘ I want to see the Falls,’ said the husband, ‘ an’ I want to be driven all over ; how much will it cost ?’ I sized him up an’ says: ‘ Ten dollars, sir, an’ I’ll give you my best team.’ His wife said she would like it, an’ in they got. I drove ’91): over 1-0 the park, got ’em inside, and the gatekeeper says, ‘ 91.50, please.’ The man paid it. I took ’em over to the shaft to go down, my the keeper says 81 each, please.’ He paiii it. Down stairs the man said ‘ $1 each to go under the 13118.‘ He paid it. Then over the Suspension bridge, $1.75] said the man in charge. He paid it. Down to the whirlpool. ‘fiity cants each" said the keeper. He paid it. Then around to the place where you can see Brook's mon- “ The next week I Wrote up a. little social party and gave the name ofa young man who was (hunk and frolicsome and ahot out all the lighta. He als'» shot mi old man who was ‘ calling off ” the dance. 4‘ I‘m 9. newspaper man myself. Didn’t know but you might want a good man on the stuff, somebody to write up the and features of life and furnish the tearful wail, as it were. Life is full of woe, and in my estimation every paper should have n was editor. I am well fitted for that position, as you will see if I may he allowed to go on and detail my own expefienco yo you. “ I went down into Kansas and started a. paper in a. small town on the Santa Fe Road, with the assurance that I would meet wi:h the cordial aid and sympathy of the people there. Idldn‘t expects to do a; big business, but I just wanted to run a little médest paper with patent telegraph news and electrotype edito- riala in it. The first week my patent inside, did not get there. and I had to print that is“ on some paper bags that I got from out let ing grocer. This was an advantage because‘ his ad. was already printed on the first page and i: sand the wear and tear of display type. Still the paper looked meagre and did not; auract the attention that I had hoped for it. It did not influence the administration nor boom up the town as I had anticipated. ~ How He Swindled 9. Married Couple A Niagara Falls hackman told the follow- ing gory: " I thought the press ought to be fearless and outspoken if the occasion required, and I wrote it. up carefully, and, as I thought, fairly, but the young man came round next day and convinced me that I was wrong. I was writing a scathing article on ngnosticism when he came in and knocked me under the job press with a. chair. I didn't know him at all, and I though: it was rather eccentiic for a total stranger, so when I got up again I told him so. Then he jammed me mm the wood-box and poured a keg of ink and a. can of coal oil on me before I could have any un~ derstanu‘ing with him, “ Then he want away. “ That evening he came with some friends and bought the good will of the establish- ment, and the Whole office and subscription list of me. He had the advantage of me. and bright in low. I felt that I was making 9. sacrifice, but I was afraid I might not have another opportunity to Poll, so I sold. The price, of couree, was nominal. but. the induce- ments hell out were not to be ignored. The manager 501)de a few times and then paid, while his voice was choked with emotion, that the opaque gloom department was a.ny filled 9.: present, and the stranger went ,out into the cold, hard, unsy‘mpathizing outer world. taking with him hia lenden burden of Wm and a silk umbrella. that stood in the hgl],â€"~Boomerang. “ Since then I have starth three papers and had three large and hotly contested fights. My collar bone has been broken in two places, and my doctor’s bills have alwayl been higgst than the other expenses of the office. The dentist has been pulling teeth out. of my palate ever .since I entered the newspaper business. As soon as Igot so I could see with both eyes one of ahem as been closed "up on me. and my nose has at diiferont times pointed around all over my tube. ‘ ‘. I willbe by. myself. 1 can take most any cur- rent event and tinge it with sadness. I can give an air of hopeleas melancholy to the oc- cmonces of everyday life that will make your paper knowh all over the world. I will admit that this is an innovation in journalism, per- haps, but it will take, I think. and I know that Lean mmceed in imhuing into my work that aestlvd air of gloom that I feel. Your paper wxll win for itself in a short time the name of_ being the moat ghastly record of dis- appointment and, grief stricken, horror soaked remorse in the known world.” ‘- What I'want how is a chance to work on some paper incog., as I might} Easy, and where A CHANCE TO WORK "INGOG,’ A SCRE W" HACKMAN. [1071»: CONTINUED] By Bill Nye

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