Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 7 Sep 1882, p. 2

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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Music Teachingâ€"Miss Campbell. Property Stolenâ€"B. Langstatf. Health is Warningâ€"J. C. West d: Cg, few miles we noticed large tracts of land covered with wild‘grass which, apparently, had never been touched with a plow. There were some good fields of wheat and oats, hlit the prlncipal crop was corn. The farmers in Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois go in for boys and cattle, and raise lar e cm s , - PILE 0F BONES, Aug. 99th, ’82 of corn to feed the stock. The moEt pleziii- Eckardt’ a sale 0f farm stock’ Impleâ€" we arrived at “Regina city n the not feature that. caught our attention was ments) etc') mo“ Place Yeaterday' ’ the beautiful groves of trees around ever t!“ t , r ' i ' y icflpimi Offlie Pliovmce 0f Ass‘nflbmae farm house ill these States, and along the Th? $110018 were Opened laSt Monday RI h d Hm o l "8 morning‘ ve “0 now some 5 0 road sides in many sections. No one would ‘ morning. and a good turnout 0f the C "10" e nt- miles WESL 0i. Winnipeg. almost “ll-“def believe how pleasant these groves ’look, tolyoung folks was the result. the shadow of the Rocky Mountalus,” the traveller in a prairie country. Evident- LOCAL ITEMS. ._____. The Press Excursion. IN THE GREAT NORTH-WEST REGINA CITY. The usual monthly fair was held yes- terday, but was not very well attended. No. 1‘1: Whole No.1262; Volume 25-. and nearly 2,000 miles from Toronto. lly Illile people in these fStates art]: awakening nah: Picâ€"nip, whicp gas held W] m, 1 t' ' t d ' _ tot egreat necessity ortree-p outing. an at om a wee' ago 0- ay, was THURSDAY, SEPT. 7. 1882. cluzfizo ,Eewrzlogedg‘fvzlihgoggfnge; figv appreciate the-advantage derived from trees we“ attended_ Those present were we“ Wh N ? line, we will have ,ravelled some 5,000 If good authorities are to be believed the pleased with the dayls enjoyment y 0t miles,â€"a very fair stretch 0f country to . to go into tree-planting. somewhat exteu pass oven Civic holiday, whlch was proclaimed THE NEW CAPITAL for last Friday, was observed in a quiet' ' carcsoo. manner, many of our citizens going to Regina City contains several doze“ We arrived ill this city about 9 a. m, and T other part8 for recreation- DBXt Governor'Genemlv and Why “0t? tents: and a Populatw" 0f about two the first indications that we were arriving Who would be more fitting for the posiâ€" hundred. The country is a level stretch at a large citv were given by seeing a num- Complaints are frequently being made “on in every sense of the word It of prairie several miles on every side. her of men sleeping ill a plat'k. reclitrillgdon orthe bad language used by boys on the - I ' ‘ ' ,' benches. or lvinu' on on t le grass, on. er q ticul ,1 he“ would be a com “men, m the e0 18 ,0 lhere ls nclther wood or water. The . '7 ‘ street comer-M‘mme par 3 y w appoint him ,5 this worth, ppogifinm nearest fuel is the coal beds on the {hifihude :fa?,f'0‘::;l:{‘:r:eo‘r,dfl“fifxgsgdzige I ladies are passing. This should be put. \Ve believe all classes of the community Souris Rivera some seVCDW mllfm awaY- :19 $083,: men in we" prime and Md in,“ astop to Would be greatly pleased if the honored The nearest stream of water is called ’ " , , , on the brillk of the grave, have their coun- chief of a great party was favored with Pile 0f BOWR two ""193 0“ It 15 1* terparls in every city on the globe. Sad to As Hammad by programme! M" A‘ this mark of esteem at the hands of the mere creek. and "IDS dry seven years relate. the parkwas also the home ofa num- lonmst Of Thomhluv,he1d 3' ball 3‘ hl‘s Queen Out of eicht. Why such a sight has her of girls and women, whose countenance hfflel: 0“ llle (loneluswn. 0f the R- (2- . been selected for the capital of n. Prov- ‘ and air helokcned that they had lopg ago plc-nlc of that place, which was well at ince is hard to understand. There is lost all respect fortllenlselves orthelr fellow tended, Prof, Labor’s band furnished nothing m particular to recommend it creatures. and that vice of every description the musk. f. , . 1 f. . F , was familiar to them. This scene seemed or ' 18 SH" 0 a great c'ly' 0” Q "a- , to be a strong proof of the saying we had . . . . , We are informed that Mrs. S. Gamâ€" ppell": SlIXiV m'les cast Where there_ 15 so frequently heard. that Chicago was “the Me of mm village. intends removing he, Plenty Of WOOd and wafer, 0" M0058 Jaw. wicktvdl-st city in the world.” and before we . boo} and shoe store ,0 Toronto She twenty ulilcs West with an abundance of i left it. we- \Vt‘le convinced that lf it did not i ' water are in every way prefimbte, N0 fully merit lhnt name. the cities ihat sur- |WIll occupy a building on Yonge street. doubt a chime W,” be made and one i passed i, mus, be mm, bad, The mom... We Wish her success, at the ame tune . ._ ,, of the above places ultimately selected. est fuellng of a thoughtful observer of such regretting her removal from this place. “7e have had a splendid trip up here, scenes of vice ill cities, is that thousands of . ' D. Klerstead. of the Thornhlll hotel. and the chief difficulty in giving an acâ€" such creatures no down to eternal ruinl . _ _ through mere cowardice.â€"simplv for want lheld a grand bop last Thursday evening count of it Wlll be to condense the matâ€" of spirit to do right They have no greater m the Victoria Hall, which was we“ ter. A person feels that they could till I trouble than thousands of other . men and patronized, the 'number present being “Ft-"k °*‘ “"de Paris in dis- stroller 2:: is..";:;::::.°till.‘.:mts: at about 35 couples. supper fgicizsfi,Ezc?nc?de:f:mry' and swung is against lll'em bccailse everything does not was P’QVlded Dy Ml." K' 7‘ . Work as they desire. and their Cowardly There is a long train of half breed , _ nature takes refuge in dissipation and vice, waders and squatters Stanmg 0H for until all semblance to man or woman is lost, 'sively too. The name ofSTrâ€"ghu Macdonald has people of Ontario will ere long be compelled I been mentioned time and again as our l Industrial Exhibition. This exhibition opened last Monday and promises to be the most successful and attractive yet held. The grounds never appeared in better form than the present year. The late rains have given the grass its deepest shade of green, while the velvet. closely shorn lawns are particularly pleasinw. The view of the lake from the balcony of the upper gallery of the main building would alone be worth the expense of a journey to the city. The Electric display wrll con- sist of 61 lights, all but one being of two thousand candle power, the excepâ€" tion being equal to six thousand can- 'dlcs. This magnificent white light will 'be placed on top of the main building, throwing its brilliant beams over the grounds, and sending a‘blaze of light :far out upon the lake. Another grand 'feature of the exhibition will be the v‘bombardment of the schooner “Stevens,” W3 feet in length, which will be rigged like a mau~of~~war, with dummy sailors and marines on board. She will bc ‘ anchored in the lake, 2,000 yards from the main building, and after having ‘been submitted to artillery practice, will “be blown up by a charge of dynamite, "which event Will occur next Mondav. .No doubt many of our citizens will take in the city on that day and witness the sight. On Saturday night .last our village was visited with a heavy thunder storm, an almost irresistible impulse to drop the human being. ever on Sunday morning old Sol made pencil, join the train, and spend several The “Cursmnlm PM “P Bl “18 Palmer llfl, appearance and we ha“) been enjov weeks in the free and joyous V life a,“ House, where they got first-class accummc- ing delightful weather 33mm - dation. The hotel is grand, gorgeous, such fellows lead. No doubt they have magnificeh,i_so meme prices, 3, km! their Sham 0f hard work: but there is a that. is what some ofthe party thought when charm to the llfe that counterbalances they game to pay their bi.l of $8 and $10 such. three meals. But - ALONG THE. LINE. there was no crumblin". No sir, the boys , _ just opened their eycsfiook a good look at \mner lmereflmgv and the “Mk. “he” We have received parts ll and 12 of Picturesque Canada, dealing with the upper Lakes and Manitoba. The plates in these works are splendid, the reading, l for a room and two or Them“ leuer closed With‘tnking lea the fresco work on the beautiful ceilings, comPlPl-ed. 'Wlll be We" “’0?th "f 3 at Si- Thoma5_ 0“ Tuesaay, evenina' and dipped duwu in their pockets tor the Pull After this very lmportant buslness had amouuh They all seemed to have lots of been settled, we struck off along the Can- wealth. but it would be safe to wager. all ads Southern for Detroit. The route the same. that a L'OMl many of the party lay through a beautiful country, and the W'” "0‘ 3'“! “l "‘8 P'flmerV law" ‘3'" a line was in splendid “Inning order. week on the return trlp. 'Ihls hotel ts sev~ en stories high, is built of iron and nimble, Some parts of the road we run at the supposed ,0 M, firepmof‘ and cos, me, We of a mile it} 63 §€0°Dd,5--'Pre“y $2,500.000, (two and a l»an millions of dol- gOOd time. VVlllle making this Fun > we lars). There were over 600 guests ill the had an opportunity of getting acquainted hotel on Wednesday night, and it yields a , . . . with each other. Among the excursicn- yearly pwlilofsome $300000- Every com- an only 42.3“; ‘0 the.r,‘fihlbm?n and ism are . fort and luxurv that the heart can deslre in e “5993 m cave mm at ' ‘ ' __ i rooms or fare is here proiided. Every kirld 7 30 ii In and "mm at 7 p m. 'l‘iCkcls Marmme Provmccs' W“). Elder' M of much lldise. and almost everything that \cn be obtained by applying to the Head place in any gentleman's library. lislling price, 60 cents per number. All pupils and exâ€"pupils ofthe High and Public Schools, under 16 years of age, wishing to secure a cheap trip to the Toronto Exhibition, can do so on Saturday next when 15 cents will be charged out to the station, 20 to the city and 5 to enter the grounds, making in The Mowat Administration. return. ‘We, the other day, came across in an exchange, something like the following in reference to the Mowat Administraâ€" tion, in which the writer attempted to set forth and show wherein he expected the Administration of Mowat would come short of being supported by the people of Ontario next general election. ‘Some of the reasons given read as follows: “Mr Mowot will confess that. he voted for the Orange Incorporation Bill and then had it. vetoed. Mr Treasurer Woods will acknowledge that the Trees- ury lost $43.60 for a little spree be inâ€" dulgcd in at Chicago. Mr. Fraser will confess that contrary to Reform doc- trine, he held briefs at the late assizes and allowed the business of this departâ€" ment, for which he is paid, to run lt- self. Mr. Hardy will come forward with a pair of scissors and acknowledged that with their aid. and a bottle of gum, he mutilated and falsified public docuâ€" ments. Mr. Pardee will admit that he so arranged the sale of timber limits that Mr. Cook and other good grit friends obtained an undue advantage over tory competitors, and Mr. Crooks will give out some somethlng about anâ€" other change of books for the public schools.” In our opinion not one of the abovu matters will have much effect upâ€" on the peoplc of Ontario. We take it, â€"â€"â€"we may be wrong in our opinionâ€" tbat the issue of the elections will turn P P. St Johns N B. ; J. McCrt-ady, . . . ' ‘ . . the. mlnd of man can conceive of. can be master of the H] h lschool, Monol‘mn' N' B' i W' Dmmst Hahf“xl procured without leaving the hoiel, (which ’ g N- 8- occupies a whole block.) if one only has Quebec â€"J. Tnssc, )1. 1’, Montreal; money enough. . J. ' ' Two or three of our party went up to the roof E 1 mm "d and. seven 01h“: Journalism of the hotel, and had a. splendid view of the city, from Quebec city ; J M asste, Cowans- which has over ahalf a-nlillion of a. poplulution ville, and others, As far asthe eye could see. in every d rectlon, (except outbe lake) there was a solid mass of Ontarioâ€"A ll the leading papers In of houses. and here and there, throughout the . . . . . mass, arose the dense smoke of some large foc- llle prmclpal towns alld Clues 0f Olltarlo tories, with its toiling hundreds of woman and ' l ' ‘ men. Down, down below, on the streetr, like are regresented‘ mc lidmg. the GIObP' .and swarms of flies, were crowds of little men and Mail. foronto ; Whtq. Kingston ; Times women.bustliug,hurryingrestless, toiling after , . _ ' . aliviug or nmussingu. fortune. In a few short Br‘lmpmn ’ Adveihsertl‘ondon t Herald' vcars all these busy workers will be grinning Guelph , and YORK HERALD, Richmond skeletons, and yet. the same scene will be visible - to a young man of that day and generation. H in. Life seems to be merely a troubled dream, from t ‘ which the awakening may be what we will. Our Trend] brethren are a very Bocmble All Wednesday and part of Thursday we rode, Mama: Du FLOT â€"A great deal has been said. pro and con in regard to this woman of milaolcs, now operating her business In Toronto. According to the dail press of‘that city she is proâ€" nounce n‘fraudf‘ffiile others from. this neighborhood. who have witness her operations, place faith in her. Report has it that she visits Ottawa after the, exhibition, when she’ will return to Toronto and reside in the city. SILVER “'EDDING.~â€"Mr.Wm.Trcnch, Reeve of the village, and his amiable lady, having reached the allotted time fixed for a silver wedding, celebrated the anniversary of the event last. Mon- day night. About 70 invitations were issued. A fine collection of silver ware. was presented tothe host. and hostess. The guests were invited to a sunlptcns and friendly lot of fellows ; in fact, so is through the city, taking in the sights and watch- . ' ing the people. The scarcity of policemen sur- the whole comp‘my' rhe young men drised us; we only seen half-u-dozou during the ' l ucbcc are a areutl more men visit- fum. pp -y - gv But, Chicago girls, we were really astonished to flll‘llllg than ille Omar“) JournahStsy at the lack of good-looking girls and women. ‘ ' ' ' ‘ Tliero were not half-a-dozcn beautiful women and fiom present mdwauons there will seen on the streets of Chicago :n a day and a- be an “engagement” sure, before the end (half. Take awalk 11 King street, Toronto, on a .‘ . ' ‘ - - fine da.y,and one wil meetdozeus. We inquired 0f ‘hc '“p i If Indeed! 8' fa” bride ls ofnChicngoan Where all the prettv girls were, not. taken down l0 Quebec But these and he said they had gone off to the sea-side and summer resorts. Maybe they have ; at loust it is Quebeccrs must "0‘ b0 all‘med ‘0 mon- to be hoped so, for the credit of the city. But if rcpast, and after some pleasant chit-chat, ' . there no pretty women seen, there were plenty ' . I . n , opolme'the gentler members‘of the party of “wishwflmssed “de. The An",er my retllcd at an early h. ur well plcused and It. ls l0 be hOpCd that Will] the did men certainly know 1(i‘ow tlo dries :0 advanttaie. Will) their evenan 5 enjoyment. ' .- n and they do it in goo sty e. air may no e Of 3 Willie Vest, _a Starla up ‘ Band of pretty,but it isa positive sin for her to dress R q rt t. collar, and a Whlte neckâ€"tie, and consul- carelessly and awarkedly. Any woman, no mat- OBBERY.â€"- Lflme P8 7 0? par les - - ter how lain her features. if she is intelligent ~ , , S ' ‘ Braille Cheek On‘mv‘ree 0 W1“ llOId 1‘3 culturedpnnd gracefully dressed, becomes cheer: stole a dirk b‘y hm 8 “0m ’0‘ 36' :13! On the same evenlnc own or persist in the effort ing and beautiful, in the real sense of the word, Con . Vaughan. . . to her acquaintances. These italities,combined - - - - .We arrlvcd at Detroit about 9 p. m., with a. pretty face, and bewitcnmg eyes, are “me "llâ€"dismal Person “med ’0‘ LON ' ‘ hat lontl foolish young men to be.ieve in the 2nd 00m and [0t 41 rear of the 15', and crossed the rlver on a lame ferr W . - - l h _ t. . .. . y exrstence of angels on this ower sp ere. un 11 and took one set of sllver “mum , har- boal, the cars being run on the boat. in they have been married some years. sections, and steamed across. A num- {To an cox-risotto} "953 Md .1! be“! Willa". and 0‘18 one- horse Waggon. pnlnted brnwu A band ' ' i limbed at on dock in a 'tbu u the alto of Regina. City and more it on the opularlty of the canâ€" bel‘ 0f Press m9" 0 l . . It‘- On, Y Y P i ‘ ‘ . didfltespthan u OI; 5m],th else that ma and saw a lovely scene, The (my lay stutadfill) Paper. some reward has been ofi’cred tor the p ” y recovery of the steren property, but up be brought. to hear u on the co le. 1t "ll 31mm ll)“ Tl‘fel' from. and the brilllam . . thereforc is a most iriiportantP uihtter to and ‘Wlnklmg “gills Of all 00l0l‘3. kllm- The contracts have been signed for the '0 the mm M 30mg ‘0 press! "0 clue . . . ' n , . , see that the most, able and 0 “1,” men merlnw through the mlst resembled fulrv erection of James Waite» s new hotel on the , _ _ should be brounbt to this) pfront If land~ all did not require a very strong com" 0? "em 3‘” ‘Ve‘lm‘a'mr We”: "as we” WWW“ “h ‘l’e "ml" this is done we believe one great link in imagination to believe that we were actâ€" Wh‘Ci‘ w'” h" mm" for occul’mw" about homo“!- . . r the first of December. The Browning has the rillalfu thlll bc-acconiplllshcd pm] thef ually ln that wonderful country, when "hinge 0,. ‘he mummy. and Frank Ennis 0,- rcsu t o t e c cottons wr e in avor o a pm“? lime .Am‘iricm.‘ g”! came up the woodwork. Mr Waite is now inviting Mr. Meredith and his friends. ""d smlllnflly mqmred 1f there, “'35 all!" tenders for the outbuildings. thing in "Kanady” as beautltul. A petition against the return of]. J. Now. we yield to no one in our loyalty l th l d of our birtll, and enerall Hawkins as member for Bothwcll has been to c an a y filed at Osgoode Hall. Moos,“â€" At the Division Court yesterdin be fore Mr. O’Sullivau, in the absence of Judcc Boyd, the case of Mr. Potter, which has been pretty freely commented The Conservative meeting on Thursday on’ 3": opl'l'llé’n: exlngssed I“??? 00"; night has producod a good effect in Toronto was mun orw‘" 3" J“ -men The genernl impression is that while the give“ "l f‘lvor 0‘ ill“ Pll‘l'mfi- “Bless any become enthusiastic over Canadian " ' ' - - - l ' - terized h the ut- thing can be shown Within a “given time i he etltlon st' (cs that the l’eturnlnv '. . Proce‘-dl"‘~'s we'e Chm“ . y - . . ‘- . P a r a . Lind, thch 13 a llmlt to the average mos, dwqmm and 20,,d_fe,,l,,,,_.. ,be Niven whereby the Judgment can be 8c, amde. towns, etc , but on an occasion of this Officer neglected and refused to include ill fenow’s lo Yalt . and so we onl faint] ', ' * . ' ' ' ' his addition of the number of votes given .- d" y {1 in about, }ygr ckvi“): cm” 0f 'he Nu” "’81 PM!” prpsemedd H appears mm the pl‘xmnfl: hlred wnh . ‘ mill‘mll-e some 1 g 0' 9 better case, and the cause they espouse wnl ,l Trustees of School Secuon N0. 4 of those of two Deputy Returnlng Officers and the River S,‘ Lawrence and were , levewe a more bean-v supp”, “um ever. 1' le . . which would have qivell the Hon. Mr Mills -’ i. , d ,h-] R - Harl‘llam and Vauuhan. “fleeing ill“ a lnaiori' The fielurnin'r Oflicer is also men forced to frankly adml" that De" lls "0 59m“ 1h“ n gm) mimy .“ 10m ii the holidays should be until the 18th .1. I], d|yi ] ~ ,, ,h 11., b d trait. exceeded, from this view, any town ‘formers have made up their minds to castyn A n t_ f “_ 'l L “he w” ) OPPMHO e '1 0 0x65 an I t k in on, own land in int, their lot with the electors whose votes W1” “(4-, m '8 mean "me if “ mg 0" l ‘3 we new ‘ p0 ‘ takes place between the Trustees and allowing certain Deputy Returning officers . - . ,. . . I . r . go towards the retention ln power of the to all“ men-“Hun”. “m pmmm’alsnre- 0f beamy. LbUbsequenny we have present Administrulion. Mr Boultbee’s the School teacher, when the former gives the latter notice to quit: on the $138th lgroceedlllgs 1:le) b9f0rihlbe goélll' thought that we would like to discuss the ‘ Chane" were “we, bene, mm, a, presenp v r ~ - ' l1 ' . . > , . u be or a reulnn w releln e its subJect. .it Still greater length, and hope 318, July, refusmg‘ however to pay for the balance of the vacation, whereupon decided that Mr Mills had obtained a major- the Opportunhy mav yet be presented to this action is brought and decision given ity of votes and was therefore dilly elected, - . - I I , n 1 st nc ' - objecting to the return made by the lleturn- do 50’ W F” .bimlli)”, mica]; ,Zd est] “id Beware of upmes and powerful nsmn. An“ e‘mng e ml ’ 1 co"‘ in the case as quoted above. lug Othccr. , . , ,, . ent (lungs in the treatment of Bowel Corn- Cwble Slnfill'llll “G‘ld save the Queen- l plninrs, they may lull lhc pain and check “One More River,” “Hold the Fort,” l “whoa”, em, but are liable to producr . and a number of such selections, in ,l inflammation Dr Fowler's Extract or Wild tario, Government House expenses root up ' which ,he Whole company joined. A, ! Snuwberry ,8 guarameed safe ,md rehab)“ to the nice little sum of $5,000 for the lung”, the hour came for wooing the god even fer infants and is a specific for Chol.. ' l - Morhus Dysenterv, Colic, Acute or 59'" 1881' “‘8 Very “"3" “mom” 0f 9‘” of slee , and the berths were made up. i 8‘”! , ,i -, , fifth is paid out for gas, garden sundries After faking a last look through the on”, (thOll‘lC Dlalbma and bummer Commplalnts such as flower pots &c. take up about nnoth- . . , t er tenth part. There is besides,ovel- $3,000 Shem?! [hat everybOdy was ed _ With a berth, and that everything was club were 0,, the Journey to Aurora. for office ex enses. At thls rate, what with l the salary 3le other expenses, the people safe, “'0 lOldlh‘f Porter $010le the doors: ANOTHER SwlNDLEâ€"The farmer is they, received a telegram from the Brad and awake” us if the cars tumbled over 5 a victim to number swindle which some fed boys to the effect that. they could . A Word of Oautlon. THAT LAcaossa Muca on CIVIC HOLIDAY.â€"â€"A game being arranged to rake place between the Bradford and our village club last Friday, at Aurora, preliminary arrangements were made by the home team to meet their opponents at that place. A short time before this According to the public accounts for On.- 1 generally. ~_.__..- are called upon to provide over $18.000 for . abieutenanl-Governor. A clever man with a bridge or ran off the track. He splâ€" . of our exchanges have nneanhed A no, ,, face the musw.” As might we“ the who accomm'in his’ hands mum" at emnly promised to do 50’ and after fellow comes along driving a shining rig. he expected our boys were sadly disap- l’flm m some congllwenges’ make lhlillgs Smoking a hm Cigar‘ we also bundled iu' and sells carpet by the sample He ot'f- pointed. However. after some discus- idkeitlyofilhrlkléei‘oriftméldgcrn{EZiixtnninlrg' pull: . M ayb.“ somefeople can sleep the“ a ers three ply ingrain at. thirty-seven and sion. they decided uPPn going to Aurora, themselves on their economy and of study" " Will" 15 Tush”?! 1‘10“? some ‘in m1]??? 1?“ |one half cents per yard and genuine and succeeded to hitting a game among mg “"3 PUbllClmereS‘s- Pem’l‘m’g at 19”“ I‘Our' pufiingl marmg’ an W m ing Brussels at fortyâ€"three and one-fourth themsalves. Bradford tea“: has,“ l‘ffitr some of the items that appear in the public loud enouin to rouse a mummy to llfe, cwts The farmer selects the ppm-om, shown the Mme feather. [hey clam], accounts is perfecny ridiculous. we but we “firm on the honor Of our be“ he wants ‘ the avent writes out the num- according to the press of that Place, that mink it WEE) aliainSthihe [late tHOH' l’lub' 1"” “1‘” if “’9 “199' {,‘ny .lhm FightT‘ie 1 O they Were “slaughtered ” by the Hill, b'alldlicld Me OH“ 1 at its cnttrgc ,d m, verv dislinclrecu ectlono it. c . h . was brought. by the Hon. Mr lllnkc :I,‘,,,.,,,,,,, “(me a, 135,, and wuh ,, came sums 3m order (1’), and the nextweek he goys. It”thirihzl’lgraafiyrdslpgffil:tcggg of payinu seven dollars and it half for a Clucauo has his note in the bank to pay , and he one, W6 .1131 I i a ‘ H a - ' ' ' ~ tlve art. We would advrse i'Ul‘e‘“ W hi” “001d he “0‘” 5,“? l9 “‘9 lho country ll‘. lllchigan State seemed to never sees or hears of the carpet man a very ac . p _ h f I laying, of lhirtl-rcven dollars “if “WWW be null sctllud by prOElMWH lame”: but any more. Discard all these sharpers them to dispense wrt the game 0 laâ€" m'd filmy-{our donars for flower lmm' It l‘w‘ll‘e’e did me houses or farms possess and deal with reliable business men who crease and try “ shinncy on your own makes all the dim-relics. apparently, whose (side... i . .42; is gored. ber of yards and the price ; the farmer the neat. comfortable and cosy appearance aid to advertise ,.f It... {nuns nnd houses in Ontarlo. Every "re “0‘ "fr British Columbia just now, and one feels ,and Death reaps ill a hideous mockery of a "‘0 fall! 00‘3ng down very heavy. HOW' ' Personals. Miss Godfrey, of Markham village. is visiting her friends at. Mrs. Hewison's, of this place. 8. S. Scarle, of this office, left here last Wednes- day morning on a two weeks sojourn to Toronto Miss Sarah and Flora. Coultevr left; here last Wednesday morning to spend a few weeks with friends in Toronto. Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Miller, of Woodstock, are visiting their friends and relatives in this village and are the guests of Mr. Thus. Reddltt, Headmaster of St. Cath- arines Collegiate, left here last week to resume lic School, arrived home, after his holidays on Saturday lust, and resumed duties on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman, miller of Woodstock, are visiting their friends and relations in this village, and are the guests of Mrs. William Proctor. Mr. Armand Teefv. son of our respected towns- man, M. Teefy, Esq,, left this place last Saturda morning for Bay City, Michigan, to fill the pos - tiou of teacher at; a salary of of $700 per annum. v.4 AURORA Geo. Phillips is now engaged enlarging Graham Bros'. storehouse. C. C. Robinson and family returned home for New York to undergb an operation on his eyes. -.____.... We had occasion to drive past the new county poor house. situated north of this place. on Monday, and were somewhat sur- prised at the advanced state of things in general. The brickwork is finlshed. and the carpenters have put on the rough beards on the roof It in tour storeys high, built of red brick. with stone tacinus, and is one at the finest buildings ln t'nls vicinity. .___. Last Saturday a game of baseball was played on the grounds here between, as they very appropriately styled themselves, the "sand artists” and tho “greasers” of the Aurora Agrlcultnral works. The most prominent features ofthc cattle were the heavy slugging and poor lioldiug. At the close of the ninth innings the score stood 25 runs each. The game was decided on the truth innings. the "greasers" winning by one run. ’1 he return match will be played to-day (Friday). after which the blacksmiths Will play the winners. -Bounu.xs- ._.â€"â€"â€".»o<a.â€"â€"... Newmarket. \strrn A "PARSE "â€"A thorough lrish- man. apparently well-(lasted, who said he was neither a trump not an emigrant and came from Barrie, was booting up the unâ€" tllorities on Wednesday evenlng to get a pass to Toronto or a night's lodgings. He got neither. Tull: Sl'srmwnn CnAZE.-â€" This ludicrous evidence of illcrpterlt insanity has struck Barrie badly, says the Gazetlc The major- ity of lhtIRP who alfrct thls {lower its an out- ward and visible sign of all 'nnnld love of the beautiful an- bemdless boys and «impelâ€" ing girl with an eye for the beautiful in an inverse proportion to the size of the sun - flower they are afflicted with. Ur [toilsâ€"At the interim Sessions in oronto. on 'l'ucsdlty last, that young ras- cal Charle Jarvis was broung before Jud; Boyd on it charge of stealing tomatoes from Mr J. G Partridge and pleaded guilty. Hi.- was released on his own bail to appear when called. The fruniiarity of his face ill (Inuit ought to have been sufficient to sentence him at once. New Posr Ounceâ€"Tho Minister of Public Wolks has asked for a plan of the town of Buy-Se mm‘meTiFtt'po‘sF'mTe-wt‘m new Post Ufl‘it-cplmt he may direct the Co:‘ ernmt-nt tll‘Chllv'Cl to prepare the plans I: r the huildiln.r at once how would it be it Ncwmulket asked the Government for aid in erecting our new Market and Town Hall and have a comnrodious apartment therein for the Post Office service in this Town 7 â€"EM Markham. Uxt'srn. Tllnrssnlkoâ€"«We agam chronâ€" icle an unusual day's threshing. Mr John Miller informs us that Mr Simon Ravnler, with one of his steam maclll' es. thrashed 1.100 bushels of barley and 2 loads of fall wheat in 10 hours on his farm. but id lOtll Con , on the ‘llsl inst. Our information is reliable and the work- marvellous. -...__.__. Anastasiaâ€"At the R. l'. Picnlc on ll on day last. J Hastings, fireman, Toronto. while Ctltl'lllelllll: in the threw-legged race. fell. breaking his collar-brine. Dr Dough- erty was lnlnlrdirttelv summoned. and in (pitch tlme had the bone set, and the young lllutl ill a condition to be removed home. Rnronrrnns AT VICTORIA PARK.-â€" The Reform Plcnic hvld at. Victoria Park on Wednesdav last is caid to have been a coin- pleie failure. preparations having been made at the letlcshmcnt l'OJmS for two thousand gas been obmined. Evident” me thief _ willle only two hundred exclusive ofthe av- erage number of extt-ut'sioliisls. v/ere present Special rates Were offered along the Midland iailway to conva pHTlll'S to the picâ€"llit‘, and as a positive fact, only fifteen embraced that chance of reaching the pic-nic grounds. C -â€"â€"E eonomist rats ll lingual. RHEUMATISM, Nauru/gin, Sciatica, lumbaga, I'ackacho, Sore/loss a! the chest, Gout, Quins}, Sore Throat, Swoll- ings and Sprain, Burn: and Scolds, General Bodily Pains, Toot/I, E or and Headache, Frosted Fast and Ears, and all other Pains and deltas. No Preparation on earth equals 81-. Juan 0n. as a safe, sure, aim to and cheap External Remedy. A trial entail but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents. and every one Infieflng ill-lib pain can have cheap and positive proof of its 0 ml. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIBTB AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER 6c 00., Baltimore. 11¢. U. I. 1. duties. Mr. Thos. McMahon, Headmaster of our Pub- on Tuesday, having spent their vacation at Orillia. Thellf'loflt'" .' Dr Rutherford left tow” on Saturday last of the flaii‘hum 23:50::in Riga a??? u r. u 5 5t01 It. Ontario. 15 to 30 ll 20: -â€"- DOSEâ€"Adults, . â€" - - 30 to 60 drops. the cure of Dysentery,Diarrhcea,Gholera Morbus, SUMMER. COMPLAINTS, Pain: in stomach or Bowen. PREPARED ONLY BY H. SAMEBSUN 8. SEN , 15. to 2'3 years, 5m 10 Under '5 CHEMISTS dz DRUGGIsTs. NEURALGIA 0R TOOTH-ACRE . A Sure and Efiectual Remedy for Richmond Hill, J. R. Bond, Drucsist, &c., Schomberg’. writes, “l have sold medicines for over twenty years. and no medicine could give better satisfaction than your Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry.” This medi-- cine is the old reliable cure for Cholera Morhus, Dysentery, and all Summer Com-- plaints. â€"- venture last nlght. He made an at- tempt to board the Midland railway train, passing the foot of Yonge street, when he was thrown to the ground with considerable violence. to an adjacent hotel. He was assisted; . Kldney Complaint. The secretion from the Kidneys- is often loaded with foreign and poisonous matter, a thick brickdust like sediment or a mucuous ‘ collection forms. lnflntned and congested. causing pain and weakness in the buck and many distressing symptoms Diabetic. Brights Disease, Drop- sy. and all Urinary Complaints are pl'ompt-. ly cured by that grand combination of diuâ€" retics. alterative tonics, die. Burdock Blood Bitters. ' -.-â€".â€".â€"â€"â€" MOTHERS ! MOTHER l !‘ MOTHERS Are you disturbed ntuight and broken of your , rest; by a sick child suffering and Crying with tho excruciating pain ofcutting teeth ? If so, go at once and go»! a.- hottle of use. wrNsLow's BOOTH- txo ovum», It will relieve the poor little suffer- eriimmcdintelyâ€"depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a. mother on earth who has ever used it. who will not tell you at once that it: Wll] regulate the bowels, rtan give rest to tha-rvtothor,,nml'relief and health to tho child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all crtses,.nnd pleasant to the taste, and female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold cvervwhero at 25 cents a bottle. HonrRWorks. The purifying and healing properties of Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strttwbt'tl‘y impart a healthy tone to the diseased muc- unlls surfaces of the stomach and bowels. its cooling. soothing properties counteract pain. its antiseptic plopertit-s correct calrkur and foul humor, nudi its tonic astringent nature corrects all exhaustive dischargesâ€" Such as Dysrâ€"ntery, Dial'hma, (‘llolern Mul- bus, and Summer Complaints generally. is the IVNBcl‘iprDXLOLOlJe of the oldest and host = DEATLI . STEELE.~â€"On Thursdnv, 24th Aug , Mllcah Browr. wife of the late Thus. Steals, aged 84 years, 1 month and lit days. The funeral took placofroul her late rcsidcncc‘ near ’l‘liouiltill. on Sunday, the 27th ult Duutorl, of York Township. The funeral took Lines on Sunday, the remains being lutcrt‘ed at Bidimond‘ilfilli W slit to. il-t A mourns TORDN'1‘()7 Tmmsbltv, Sept... 7, I882, JEHflLlilll SPlllillllL' The Kldneys are oftent DUNTox.-â€"At Yorkville. on Friday. Snpq. lat-,Jnne t Diluton, aged 81 years, relict of the lule James V , Repeat every 15 minutes, if necessary. l ., glut: gttvettiatmtttta. A New Arrival t ()F TEA ck: BOOKS ! 3 At Mrs. Harrison's tNEW TEA STORE ! IRichmond Hill. Ten oftali kinds, and such def Will compare in i QUALITY AND PRICE With any in Town. Sold in bulk or in hermctl-w crtlly sealed packages, as may be required. BOOKSl Splendid Volumes from i $1 T0 $2.. , Your own choice presented to each purohuacn of '5'an of Tort. Call and sec for yourselves.» MRS.- HABRISON, opposite the Masonic Hall, Rich- mond Hill. Richmond Hill, May 17th 1882. illllil it ill fill Still. vâ€"â€"-â€"â€"_> o «Wâ€" The Propertybclongilm to the late Thoma; Stoclulalc, oil l'ollgc Street, « herbivorous) MILL: , . Consisting of n good, colllfortnlzle Frame Dwell- ing‘Hnuso, with Wootlslrctl litter-trod, and n Quar- tor of on Acre. of Land. TCYUJS Ellsv. For purâ€" ticulllt's apply to - nouns-rocaoALE OR I. cnosav' Richmond Hill, August 17th, use; I rural-kill your mvn town. $5” 1, Outfit free No risk. Everything: new .Cttp nl not required We; will furnish you everything ‘ Murry are making fortunes Ladies makeos much as men, and buys and girls make great pay; ltclulcr, if you won lL business at: which you can: make great puv rtlltllo time you work. w its for‘ ‘ particulars to H. HALLETT 8.: Co. Pond, Iaino l .tltllltltttlllltttfi r l RE G IS'l‘l-l RED. lrlts BEST it ran would“ i FOR . ,$18.00, $21.00,$24.00 Per D024 3 Or by the Single Shirt. i Lead e 1' I .ane, Toronto July 6th, 1881 Tor-onto.” lv-52w l . watt-“,5 . is. _ i ” ' ‘ ' ' ' 5 INDEX l, » D’SP-;-¢, (3.....- an»- uâ€"fi» '«l u» n... . , tfixrucvaxn’s YELLOW OIL is uanm I, teed to cure or relieve either in 1‘ AN or : BEAST. TAKEN lilTEllNALLY FOR muons AT FARMEBS' wauooxs ‘ GROUP, COUGHS’ Wheat frtll, new,peli bush .......... $ 1 07 $1 15 . CRAM'PS, SORE‘ THROAT, Sprint; t o ..... . l 17 l 22 7‘ A 1' . " unrloy no . u 4:. o as S HMA’ COLDS’ ‘QC’ . 0M5. at ~- 42 45 . APPLIED EXTERNALLY ma = Peas do . 75 00 . “ Rye do 63 65 t RHEUJIATISJI, NELIL’AEGIA, Dressed Hummer 100 lbsi . ,. 10 (10 0 (lo ':;' CHILI Lrlst, CALLOUS LUIIEPS Beef, hind quarters, per to r 7 00 8 l 0 ,‘ SWELLINGS STIFF JOIVTS Mutton, by the antenna per 100 lbs... 0 00 00 no i , ’ ‘ ‘ ’ Chickens, pezvpnir 40 60 ll G‘lLLVS’, FROST BITE, Ducks, per brace 60 70 it LAMLA'ESS; CORNS, Geono,cu.cli ......... 00 00 '1. CONTRACHONS BRUISES Turkeys, each 1 rm 1 .50 "I ' . ’ Butter, lb rolls .. 22 25 r LUM’fAGO’ I T ('1’: large re] 5.. oo 00 5 DEAI’NESS, PAIN LVBACK, tub dairy... 18 20 SPPAINS I ‘ Eggs, fresh, doc . 18 20 U ’ PAIN m SIDE’ *“ i Potatoes, per lib] 0 75 o 35 . Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfac- ’ (gr-pies per barrel l 37 2 75 tion or money refunded. é nlons, pcr doz .. .. l5 2!) Cabbage, per (lot... . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 30 0 60 .' “unions WIT" no" Boms‘ Pm“: 95‘5- Celery, per doz .. . 00 00 I & OO_ Proprietors Turntps, per (£02 0 2o 20 , TORONTO 5N1. Carrots, per (lo: 15 25 ’ ‘ Beets, per doz ..... 15 17.5 manaamasvnw Pursnips, por bog . . 00 no Hay pet-Jon...“ . 13 00 l5 00 ‘ Rtraw per, ton. 12 00 13 00' Wool ner 1b. . 18 20 “glut: gtlvtttisuumts. MISS CAMPBELL ILL resume her classes in Music after the . Holimavs. Richmond Hill, Sept. 1, '82. sro'iEN" ROM Lot 39, 1st Con. Vaughan, during the night of Sunday lost, one dark Bay Horse, nged,ltght mane, and heavy tail, and no white, stands about fifteen hands. Also from Lot 13, 2nd (3011.. one set silvr-r mounted Harness and a. heavy Collar. Also from Lot 41, rear of the lst., one one-horse Waggon painted brown. Informa- tion whereby the recovery of the above can be obtained will be handsomely rewarded by B. LYONS, Sept. 3, ma: LangstnffI’. 0. “olivine; OF THE BEST QUALITY AT TEOB NTGHTINGALE'S, Yorkvile $500 REWARD. We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia: Sick Headache, In- digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West’s Vegetable Liver Pills. when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac- tion. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. For sale by all Drugnists. Be- ware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen- uine manufactured only by JOHN C. WESl‘ dz 00.,“Thc Pill Malsrs," 81 & 88 King St... East Toronto, Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of n. 3 cont stamp; Health 1s Warning. razrv. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, a. guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzmegs, Con- vulsions, Fits, Nervous thlmlgia, Headache". Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wukefulness. Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age. Barreuuess, Loss of Power in eituer sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrnosn, caused by over'exertion of the brain, self abuse or over- indulgenco. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a. box, or six boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guaran- tee six boxes to cure any case. With each order I ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied With five dollars. we Will send the purchaser our Writâ€" ten guarantee to refund the money if the trout-- latent. does not effect a cure, Guarantees issued * only by T. A. Hewitt do 00., 5010 authorized Iritzeuts for Thornhill and Angus, Out... John C. West Gr Co.. sole proprietors, Toronto, Ont. business now before then pilbl'c. You can make: money faster at work for" ‘. its that at anything else i Capital not needed. \Ve will start; you $12 a, day & upwards made at. home by the industriousi Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere, ‘ to work for us. Now is the time. You can "* l in spare time only or give your whole tim ‘ business. You can live at home and do i No other business will pay you nearly a. No one can fail to make enormous pay by on log at once. )ostly outfit and terms free. Money. , made first, easily and honorably, Address, TRUE‘ 1 65 Co. Augusta. Maine. Highly recommended E for Billousuess, “cud-Ache. (2011- f ' ‘ stipatloandlges- , tlon, Dizziness, Heartburn, ' ,. Bad Breath, Loss of Ap- - petite, Jainidiw, Loss 0! Memory, Sour stomach, Liver Com- plalnt.0r any illness arising from the Stom- ach. llowels or Kidneys. .The are safe mild and thorough in their actlon. rom1tod 11 pmslsadoae' Pinon 5250. FEB Box. # Ways take advantage of G v the good chances of look» ing money that; are olforcd, generally beeping: wettlthynvhile those who do not: improve but: chances remain in poverty. We \vnnttnnuy men wonlen,lloys and girls to work for us right. in their own localities. Any one can do the work Iiroporly from the first, stars The business gill pay more thnnten times ot‘tlltlilry pages. .xâ€" pensive outfit furnished frog. no ore woo engages fails to illnke ll‘lUllUy rapidly. You can t.e\ oto your a hole time to the work, or only your spat; moments. Full information and all that, is nee ed sent free. Address STlnsoN d: (10., Portland Maine. Great chance to make money. Those who all The York Herald; ‘ PUBLISHED BY - M. H. KEEFLER. EVERY TllUltb‘DAsit', t R. k a " tin ofiice, Yonge .‘ rec, to man At ms pun g Hill. ()lltrlliitloo i T mm; of Subscriptions; par itnuur'n n advance When not paid in ndvnncoWO will be ‘h 1‘ ed _ b :gdiertisements will be inserted at the followâ€" mg rates; Ono Two 'J'Tllrchc M Bligh Y Y! nth Mouths Mont s A on. 8 "our. 1 3filo 00 .4515 00 320 on first. 00 $0900 8 0U 12 00 lb 00 20 00 So 00 500 800 1000 1500 2000 ‘ "riches 3 00 4 00 b 00 8 00 12 00 %{l/Il)efl,lllcll65 2 50 3 (l0 3 50 .5 00 8 00 One Inch... 1 50 175 2 00 300 500 Business Cards, one vertr ............ 00 Do six months . 2 go Do three months at) Transitory advertisements, f1 T l per ilioh ..................... 20 Each subsequent lHSPI‘flt 11. p .. . All inch comprises twelve lines of Nonpltreil ‘ Advertisements without written instructions, will a inserted until forbid & charged transicnu. r , rate ' 1 (me .l “ y r

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