LAunroN.â€"â€"This village has been visited of late wilh typhoxd fever ofa rather viru- ' lent sort. Among: several who have been attacked during the lust Week or two ï¬ve have died ,, The inhabitants becoming rather alarmed deemed it advisable lust Week to send into the city for an inSpecmr. for the purpose of ascertaining the cause, and what should be done to stop its further prggrgss._ Uhder this title It great deal has been writtan. and yet the substance or the entire subject "lies in a nutshell," or rather in four worda‘imourity of the blood. This is is the source of debility or wankncns, Whatever may be the proximate of immollinte cause of the imniediutu cause of the misfortune, and they are numerous. When Pro- fessor Holloway directed his attention to this important and not unfrequant state of ailment. he found numerous theories existing ; but in-- stead of being lend away by vuin dinquinitions. be, restricted hin self to the consideration of ,what Nature requires ior the maintenance of health and strength in the human system. A: he suidmho stomach must- reduce food into a. wholesome pulp; which, in due course, is con» verted bv admixture with the bile secreted by the liver info a milky substance, from which the 'cutrious portion is tulien up by the absorbents d the bowels and conveyed through its appro- priate vessel (the thoracic duct] to the heart. through which it passes to the lungs and becomes lood. circulating through every part of the syn- Iom, whose wear and tear it repairs, renewzs and invigorates~if it be pure. If this be not the case, then the body wastesâ€"every part of it shrinks for want nf nutrimentâ€"the vital stamina failâ€"and there is general (lebility or Weakness. It was this accurate nnd simple view of the sub- ject which lend to the composition of those Pills which the World has gladly accepted from Pro» lessor Holloway. and found to be such it perfect reltomth‘e of broken and dilapidated constitu-- tinnyâ€"zfrom whatever cause proceedingâ€"whether the result of unbridled licentiousness and vice, or the consequence of exhausting and poiaonous mineral medicines. Fortunate for humanity was the day when Thomns Holloway inaugurated his new mode of treatment. How many loving pnrentyham since then blessed him for the pre- paratio ‘of a medicine which arrested the grip of Death when it was ï¬xing its inexomlrle talons in tin; hearts of their sons and daughters, which restored pristine'héulth and strength to worn organn, and, us it Worn, gave fl. new lease of life to bodies apparently doomed irrevocubly to ling- ering decay and piecemeal dissolution! For. if there be one class of diseases more than others in which Holloway'i-i Pills have been most sue-- ceasinl, it is General Debility.â€"Evnny MAN ms own Doc'ron. G. M. Everest, of Forest, states that Fing- yard'a Peclorul Balsam still holds its own among the many cough medicines in lhe market. He guys that he has sold it for Renyly sixteen years, and the sales are stead- ' Révivnl services have been held in the Methodist church during the past week, With very graxif‘ying results. Yesterday Rev J. Carroll, D. D, of Riverside preached Hy ill-creasing. ' Oné familyflhï¬zig punchnsed over {)0 bottles for ' various members and friends. ‘ A Secret. The Secret of beauty lies in pure blood and goodhenlth, without the one the other is impossible; Burdock Blood Bitters is the grand key that unlocks all the secrettons hnll open_s the avenue to health by purifying' and regulating all the organs to a proper action. ,»’It cures all Serofulous Liseases, bets on the Blood, Liver. thneys. Sktn 5nd Bowela, and brings the bloom of health to the pallid éheekt equal mi Eéneving gm. ,1 I ., “,m‘umn nun uu ‘r 56m iit‘etuul and ex- ternal. 1?. cures Pad u ‘5 P! e Baick or Bowels Bore ThrontiRheumahsï¬ji L‘bï¬tï¬ï¬‚f) 161 Lumbago, 'and any kind 0! a Pam or nc'he: f‘lt wlll most surely quicken the Blood Emil 115211. as its acting 'power is wonderiulz†“Brown'sliou Behold Pena.- bea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Ref- li ' r, nhd hf (lnnbln Lne Hli‘(%7)g’vh M {my other mm flï¬dc’giflfflff'jï¬â€˜tï¬d Summing Loxnox, Nov. l7.â€"A magnetic storm has been prevailing since Friday morning throughout Eugope. The greatest eï¬'ecls were experienced in England. where it in terrupled telegraph communication. Au’nJi-‘ule we do not recommend Patent Medi nea, but when we know of one that really :5 a public benefactor. and duct; posi- tively cure, then we consider it. our duty to impart that information to all. Electric Bitters are truly a most valuable medicine, and will surelv cure Biliousness, Fever and Ague, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Com-- plaints. even when all other remedies fail. We know whereof we speak. and can freely recommend them to all.â€"-Exch.â€"-Sold at ï¬fty cents a bottle by R. E. Law. Pigs me said to be cannble of almost anything. without il: be to travel in a required direction. as. Mosley has a litter of young porka'rs which have taken to drawing milk from one 01 his cuttla. She takes kindly to the young strangeâ€, ‘in {not allows her (liupproval of being separated Mm them. 7 Frank Button. came within an non of being flown to "kingdom come,†by a lamp explosion, a few {ï¬ghts ago. On being turned down, ï¬re got into the oil and made things lively for a time It‘h stated ‘tlmh our village fool~Joim Sloan-â€" has been sleeping in sheds and burns abbut town during the past cold nights. It is a anmc'md com- mentary on our present enlightened nineteenth enturv, if this be true. The unfortunate fellow 8 human. and shonld be cared for M such. G’oo. Andrews, sr., and his good Wife, celebrat- ed their ï¬ftieth or Golden Wedding on Tuesday last. in a right royal manner. Their children and grand-children from near and far,n569mblud to do honor to the occasion. You are requested to call at R E Law’s Drug Store. and get a Trial Bonle free of best, ifyou are suffering with Consumption Severe Coughs. Colds. Asthma. Bronchitis, Hay Fever. Loss of Voice, Hoarseness. or any affection ofthe Throat. or Lungs. It will positively cure you. FATAL Snor’vmm ACCIDENT.-â€"A young man hsmed Willie .McGill, of Markham, was out shoot- ‘ing on Thanksgiving Day. with a. number of com- panions. and after a. day's sport, carelessly plac- ed (he gun in a Waggon It was dischuged by the hammer striking against the side of the rig. and cGill was shot in the arm. The bone was brokâ€" Bn, and the arm badly mutilated. The young man died on the following: Saturday, modiï¬ca- tion bnving'set in. The funeral was a very large ‘ono. This should be a. solemn warning to be more careful with ï¬re arms. '. Given Away We cannot help noticing the liberal offer hmde In all, invalids and sufferers by Dr. Bing’s New Discoveryhfor gonqpmpticn. Mrs Shiver. of Buttonville, who died recently, Was born in 1802. She remembered when Mark- }mm Township was 2111' wilderness, not a. house between her own on the 4th concession and the [£11911 Little York. The lbl‘lilding _then pumps, .34.... H»... MAM“ ,. ,- "Hang the oldeisiiHucï¬gigdvi‘ékmaa'eiï¬ï¬g County of York (a. relic for the York Pioneers.) 8316 was thé mother of twelve children, four sons '0? which survive her. . It is ’66 be’ï¬Ã©pééi'éï¬it inns 31d" "esti‘iz‘ï¬z‘ï¬i‘é’g institution will receive a still larger share of public patronage in the future than it has in the past. FERGUSON LIBRARY.-â€"The annual meeting of the Ferguson Library was held in their rooms in the vestrv of St. John's Church, Millikan. on Mon- ‘urw, Nov. 6th. A large number of the members ‘wero present. The annual election of ofï¬cers was held when the following were declared elected :â€" Mr Adam Hood. President ; Mr Simon Miller, Vice-Pres. ; Miss Eleanor Hood, Sec»Treas; Mr Win Smith, Librarian. The Secretary‘s report lhowed the Library to be in a flourishing condi- tion, there being some twelve hundred volumes in t3 library. ' with ample funds_ go purchase YL :. 4'- L_L._i.; n, f-Bl‘tgwy‘g; ï¬pusï¬gé ' riflgmï¬ï¬â€"hus n; . A GooD ORDER.-Messrs. Flam-y & Sons, of ‘this place, received an order from a. farmer near Brandon, Man, for over $1,000 worth of farm 1m- . laments to be shipped within a. few weeks. heir implements are giving good satisfaction and being sought, for at home and abroad. Reasonings of Debllity. A Big Investment. Wonhy of Praise. yagnetic Storm. Markham. AURORA est circulation, and is the Lu'ost influential news- paper of its kind published in the world The adylmbaves of such a notice every patentee un- ddtsmmfs This large and splendidly illustrated news- apet is published Weeldy at $3.20 a year, and E admitted to lie the best. paper devoted to sci- enc‘, mechanics}; inventions. engineering works, and Other de‘bmtmen‘ts‘ of industrial progress, published in any "country Single copies by mail, 10 pgnts sgld by all newsdealers Address, Mum} dz Co, pubiiéï¬ei‘s of Scientiï¬c Ageriggm, 261_Broadwny, New :9qu H XVa continue to net as solicitors for patents caveats, truce-marks, copyrights, etc, {or the United States, and to obtain patents in Canada, England, France, Gerumnv, and all other counv tries Th' t ' practice - »:»_. Jâ€- A‘. 1.“â€" No cï¬u‘fï¬Ã© {fir'éï¬lï¬i‘iï¬it‘i'onldfv is»; Advice by mail free stems obtained through us are noticed in the 6i odela or draw- in S '11:: American, whic‘y has. t‘he larg- LIFT & FORGE PUMP YET REVISED It has no suvei‘ior for either purpose. It is also fitted with my Patent. Ascending imd Non-wear- ing Unireezable Packing Box, and. the newly patented Air Case, which is superior to all other air chambers ; the pressure on this Chamber being the same on all its surfaces, inside and out, It cannot burst or give out. It is adapted to all the uses to which an ordinary Pump may be applied, besides being an always ready Fim Engine. It is allowed to be worth its cost for washing buggies alone, and as a ï¬re preventive has mwed many valuable properties. Muy ba used for watering gardens, courts, setting tires, and for many other purposes. The improve-- ments are the result of over twenty years experi- enco. We also manufacture a special pump for deep wells. Iron tubing, iron cylinders and iron buck- ets. OFFICE AND WORKS,â€"Yonge s}, Biohmoud Hill. October 6!]; 1882. E A w The undersigned is now prepared to supply all orders for Pumps, on the shortest notice, and to the entire satisfaction of All customers. His pump is conï¬dently recommended as the boat combined ehmond mu sun inc, 1332 PUMP WORKS CHEAP Wm J gckson. Profptï¬e’toy Room PATENTS! Flannels, Wmoeys, Furs, 8: Winter Clothing GENTS NECKEIES, SEARES AND GENERAL FURNISHINGS. Satin Finish Far 15 Cents. CHOICE CONFECTIONARY ' OUR MOTTO _ IS-Small Proï¬ts 62: Quick Returns Richmond Hill, Oct. 80gb, 1882. J. BROWN. GROCERIES Fall 29 Winter Goods! Handbobk about rputréh'té ï¬aifea iréé CALL AND INSPECT THE STOCK ! &_ Mice Suit 2 TWEEDS, TWEEDS, English, Scotch & Ctmadian Tweeds, the Latest Patterns. A Correct Fit Guaranteed. Boots and shoes, Overshoes and Rubbers ! _ RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill, Sept. mix,“ Choice Ten, New Patterns in Shirts 1 Excellent Teas, at Price: lo Suit. Sugars, Raisins and other Fruits, Fruh I DRESS GOODS ! JOHN BROWN CHEAP F O R Bakery in connection. In fact everything you need you mm get 20 Ctu. per 1b. Best Family Flour at Bottom Pricés. Lard. Bacon and Hams. GROCERIES ! Black Ind Colored Cnshmeres, Silks,â€"a Special Lino. 5 Cents Per Rollâ€"z At Prices to suit everyona A Fresh supply of Thin week. Now in the lime to get A Splendid Stock of II on'erlng just now a well assorted stock of Cnnmd Gnodn 3f inï¬ll, Kinds, A Splendid Line of Tweeda at the The Latost Styles In ISAAC CROSBY. A Large Stock of MUST BE SOLD. SEE THE J. REYNOLDS. NOTICE ! Dntod Oct. 25th; 1882: PROOF! In thc County of ank, Farmer, Deceased. an required to send in full particulars of such claims duly proved, to me the undersigned, on or‘ After which date I will distribute the assets of the (leceaserl amongst the parties entitled them- to, and for the said esfuto 50 applied, I will not be liable to any person of whose claim I shall not then have had notice. All persons indebted id‘the Estate are requirâ€" ed to make payment forthwith to me. WMx T. BOYD. Executor. 74 KING ST., TORONTO EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing oï¬â€˜ce, Yon‘ge Street, Richmond Hill. 'Qnturio Terms of SuMcï¬pti‘om‘ : ‘00 per anuum in advance When not paid in advance $1 50 will be engaged†Ad‘x‘rertisoments will be inserted at the follow- ing rates: Month Months Months Months Year. Column ...... $10 00 $15 00 $20 00 $35 00 $60 00 Half C01 3 00 I2 00 15 00 20 3:â€: 00 Quarter Col 5 00 8 00 10 00 160 20 00 Three inches 3 00 4 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 Two inches 2 50 3 00 3 50 5 00 8 00 One Dick... 1 60 1 75 2 00 3 00 5 09 Business Cards, one v6†. Do six month Do three months ... .. Transitory advertisemeflï¬s; met insertion, lwrir‘ch i. ,. ... Pursuant to the Revised Statues of Ontario, Chap. 107, notice is hereby given that 511 person: having Edward. Seager, M. H. KEEFLER. Hem-"e the lst nay orheéï¬m EDWARD SEAGER, RICHMOND HILL 3 GLAIMS UPON THE ESTATE The York Herald. PROVISIONS =I= ! I’. G. SAVAGE E. One Lately residing near Deceased. PUBLISHED BY Two Three Six One Bee on)“ reduced loan table For further infor- mation apply at the ofï¬ces of the Ccmpuny business now before the public. You can nmke money faster 4t werk for 11s that at anzthing 6189 Capital not needed. We will start In $12 a. day (55 upwards made at- hv‘me Ti‘y +he Hamstriona Men, women, boys and girl wanted werywhare to work for us. Now is the ,time. Ym cm) work in spare time only or givu "niur whole imr‘I tn thu bugmnqq, Vim I*-\y\ ‘xi-w u! numb and r1. hn Wm'k Money raceived on deposit, and interest payable haifyearly ox- compouxded. Dmnc'ronswï¬umuel Plath M P, Llfrod Gooder- 1mm, Geo \V Lewis, Thus H La), Hon 1) L Macpherson, Senator I‘m-1 kgé'eté, 7 $53,500,600 Omces~No 70, Churchâ€"«street, 1:01'01150 310K GEO W ALLAN, SenntorJresident GEORGE GooDEnHAM... Vice-President SAVINGS BANK Western Canada (at Palmer Houléi" Aurom, lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Newmm‘ket, . . . . . . . . ‘ . ‘ . 2nd Stoufl'ville., . ...... . 18th Markham ...... .. 20th Victoria Square Thornhill ...... Maple . . Wondbii ge .. ,. Kleinburg .. Noblcton a?) Annuthntiég, as Nitrous Oxide, etc., used when ordered and nono but the host material used Thankful for the favors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro religion, M! follows : Richmond Hill.. 9th & 24th of each month at to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation mm regulation of the natural Leetli,carcfully avoiding all unnecess- nry pain. Ofï¬ce hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. In. Private residence 209 Jarvis street. (1 ‘ ' ' V - SURGEON DE'NTIST, hm} m removed to 87 King street East, Toronto. †Besgnï¬neml teetyiuserted in u mann- EVERSLEY. U TERS, Attorneys, Salicitorsvin-Chuncery em; 31 Adeluidï¬heet East, (opposite the Court House), Toront . Amimm Bow/mm]; WM. Wo’wrs DVATT. ma Bethune; Q C. C Moss, W C Falconbridge N W Hoylcs, W‘ Bm‘wick, A B Aylesworth W J. anvxs Bar'risters, Attorneys-nt-Luw, Soilcxtors-i'ny- Chancery. Convevuncers, etc, Ofï¬cesâ€"Jmperiul Bank Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto Bonus FERGUSON, Q.C. Jomq BAIN WM SETON GORDON, GEO F SHIPLEY W31 rnmnvnfl Capital, $1,000,000 ‘Resetva Fwd, $450,050 Foi‘g‘qson, Bfin. Gordgn aahsrhipley, NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBEhS, l8 &. 20 King Street. West, Toronto BARRISTERS, &c BOULTBEE & EVATT, BARRTS WWW-LR Atfnrnnvu Qm‘h'm‘hwajn n’\nv\nl\vv’ WILL CURE 0R RELIEVE salami-$33, leg/Mm ’ DYSPEPSIA, MGPSY, V IND/358710â€, FLUTTERING , eM (IND/CE. OF THE HE EMS/FEMS, MID/75’ 0F SALT Bhutan, THE sum IIEAnTnum, c.7m595‘ HEADACHE, OF THE s and every species of 62532507 arising AL, England (Late 01' Landau, England) SurgvgnJggc. _ V V lS’fflhc'e Hours 8 to 9.30 a.m., and 1 to 2.30 p.m Bethune, Moss, Falconbridge AND HOYLVES, disordere'd Isl/Sn} V IKEESN:Y:§VTIS roinix‘é’ï¬; SOWELS 0R BLoco. Resid‘éxi‘c’o. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond‘Hill, May 23rd, 1882. 1y ‘ Are pleasant to inks: Containahexr owï¬ Purgative. In a. safe, sure, and eflectu! demoyer at worms in Children): Adults. ERNEST F. LANGSTAF'F ! L PREEMAN’S .WORM POWDERS.‘ Member College of Physicians 35 Surgeons; (LATE 0F STOUFFVILLR.) OFFICE HOURS,â€"From 8 to 10 a. m., 5 to 8 p. m‘. RESIDENCE Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond [1111, Oct. 12th, ’82. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF! AND R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C.1’. S. Ontario. L. S DR. W. :3. WILSON, 'i'. MEBURN Ct 65%.. Dr. Geo. Langstaï¬'. has removed from King, and commenced practice atThornhilL Thornhill, Oct. 6th, 1882. Loan and Savirggs Company WALTER S LEE, MEDALIS’I‘ TORONTO UNIVERSITY. BRANCH MONEY T0 L 011 JV. Or A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA REM®VE§1 DR. ORR, MAPLE, P. 0. Box 2527. ROGERS, fltninl, gnaw. Egrgul. 9th & 24th of each month THE srom‘c’fl, mmsss OF THE SKIN, OF THE HEART, [cw/75’ 0F r. ADAMS, L.D.S. Propriei 3m, TORONTO. Manager Tï¬e Trade Marks of my said Ma'dic’fï¬Ã©i Page re- gistered 1'11 Ottawa, and also I“? VVILï¬hing'tuu. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533 Oxford street, London. Great chance to make money. Those who :11» ways take advantage of the good chances of mak- ing money that are offered, generally become Wealfliy,while those who do nqp improve such chances rémnin in poverty. ‘70 want 111tu men Women, lioys mm girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one on; do the work properlyfrom the ï¬rst; start; The business will pay more thxmten times m'dimlry vyngeï¬. lx nnd sold at M. 15d.,23. 9(1.,4s.6d., 115.. 22,1md 338 each Box and Pot, and in Canada (Lt 36 cents, 90 Cents, and 31.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. {ti} CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in die United Sgums. nor are my Medit’ines} sold there. l’urclmsms shuuld tH‘erefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533. Oxford Streét, London they nréâ€"i Spurious. Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON; Coughs, Sore Thtouts, Bronchitis, am all dism’d ers of the Throat and Chest, {15 also Gout, Rheu: matism. Scrotum and otIier kind of skin diseases will be found invaluable in every Household the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours. increase the secretory powers of the Liver, bmce the liefvcius system, and throw into the circula- tion the purest Elements tor sustaining and repairing the frame.- Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that by their use alone they huue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. COLDS. th purify, regulate and improye the quality of mi"3 2? God. They assist the digestive organs, cleanse This Incomparable Medicine has se‘éur- ed for itself an imperishable fame tlxroughoutthe World for the alleviation and cure of' most diseases to which humanity is heir. Pills 81 Gintment nwepkin your own town. 535 Outï¬t, free. No risk. Everything new Cn‘pitahiot required We will furnish you everything Many are making fortunes Ladies make as much as men, and boys and girls make great pair; Reader, if you ivnn a business at which you can make great pay ulltha time You work, write for urticulars to II. HALLETT & Co. Portland. Maine, Worth their W'eight in Gold ! ! Because our prices am So low as to seem won-- (lerful when comvm‘ed with those of other ï¬rst- class dBntiï¬tfl. I do not wish you to infer that my establishmentis conï¬ned to the manufacture of sets. I do everything or anything that any Toronto dentist Will do, and do it on approved modern. scientiï¬c principles, guaranteeing: satis- faction in all cases. No pain caused by the ex-- t‘mction of tooth C. P. ITENNOX, DENTAL SU RGEON; #204 YONGE ST., TflRflNTfl.†7 .UL‘HH "in, ‘U§\I 7 ALUMINUM, $15. CEELLOLOID, .4111 n Best. $8 Believing the people will appreciate a scale of low prices for a, superior class of artiï¬cial teeth, I have determined on reducing the; bi’icb at least 501392‘ cent. _ TORONTO V VITALIZED AIR PARLGURSs STOMACEI AND BOWELS. PETLEY&P, : ° ‘ Eflry Goods, Millineryg ï¬arpet & Glothingsi Ha‘ving pui‘chas’ea ftd‘rï¬ Més’Ers. important We RUBBER order l0 clear out the stock to make ro‘éhl for our New Fall importatiolï¬; Hdii§é4 keepers will do well to attend this Great Sale, as Tremendous Bargains may be expected: AMOUNTING T0 $88,590:; Will offer the same for sale on the premises, King street east, commencing ihi'sé Jan. 5th 1881 ’e’d frd‘r'ri Més’Ers. HUGHES BROS, at a very I‘ow Elie, the Sioék 6f PETLEY 8:. COMPANY, Golden Grifï¬n, Consisting of 128 mu‘ 132 King Siréet Tomnto. WWW!) .. rm 7 ~ . A _ .~ . . ‘ ‘ . W 'a Icnn only speak “ache same lugh terms regm‘dmg theu‘ musxcnl qualxtxes ; forthexf {me full 5mg- ing capability of tpno, pleasant touch, &c, are such, that there seemts to be no necessxty to purchngn foreign instruments, when our home enterpx '0 can produce such I’mnos, and at oneâ€"third. less cost; - L. A _A.,. n, L LL» A n1â€; . numb“ “mu .V 7' n r N W I tun "1nd to hear thmt the nxten 0 su e 0 your iï¬struments 511077551 ' , “5 "V 7" "‘1" "'°“ successhthnt I think you justly deserve. I w mt you me meemng Wlth the I um, Gentlemen. Your Obedient Servant, ‘ . , H ‘ _ Tonnan April 12th, lSS‘l. ‘ z. ng to the grant any T‘ane o V'curPiunos. I have put them severely to the test, and ï¬nd them p eased of those qunlnhos of (10130 rmcl touch so at): ceptable to the true musician and lover of clns '11 musinva, charming: singing tone easily grudu; Med from the mostdelicum p‘umissimo tn every degree of loudness and ful‘nes‘s and’u. touch Which' answers readily to ovary slmde of feeling. ’ Â¥ Mnssns. R. S. WiLLIAMé £3 Son's. . GENTLEMEN~I have much pleasure in tostif I am, Gentlemen. yours very ï¬rmly, CHAS. WHEWING, (Of London, England I Organist of St Peter‘s Church, Co’bui'g, Ontl‘ ' v A TORONTO. Nov.'4th, 1882. ' =mned tho "W orknmnshlp of your Pianos, 1 have no hesitmflon in It ) ‘ of x 11 ~ ‘of thgb st, Makers t Ihu‘ve seen; ~41» ‘ crunug MEssus R.S.VViLLM1§Is & Sox's“ . GENTSâ€"H 1wng tllmtoughly ex stgting thftt, in m inéon, th ' I consider theserinsh'nnlpnis 1L grenï¬nqquisitiou in musicial society, and am much pleased at ï¬nding a pumo Which I mm recommend W161! perfect conï¬dence. UPMGHT AND SQUARE! .‘_â€"â€"_â€"â€"‘ ‘â€" *.â€" .a. , y _ y ‘i Crockery, Hardware, ego†Richmoaamn. Sept. 2m, 1882. EXCELLENT VALUE This (CV/1 AflUEfln ; D.‘ TONE, TQUCH 4&5 DURABELITY ! @323; :27 ’ D Parties wishing to expand their money to the best advantage, will consult their low} interests by making an early call, DRY GOODS, FOR THE PRESENT SEASON; ‘ Fresh Stock of Graceries. ./ \U V 3%â€. /Yj TEN O’CLOCK, TESTIIWONIALS . " "g! 23‘ S /§‘t 473 £293? :2 To {be high priced American Instruments; PIANOS 2 INA Eheaï¬EdTmleTg GEO. w. STRATHY. nius Doc. A.‘ MOODIE