Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Dec 1882, p. 3

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The Buttonville Comedian Club’s enter-~ leinmenton Friday evening resulted in a grand success. The evening was beautiful, and a_ large number assembled to hear the talentof thie amateur Club. ‘The Ethiopi- an Colloquy’ was well received. The mus- ical performers, Mr Thomas Hood as violin- ist, and Mr and Miss Willmott, as pianists, are too well known as adeptfi in this highly leasing art to require any comment here ; &ce it to say (heir selections were render- n admirable style and were wellyreceived by the audience. Mr Charles E. Bell asâ€" :uqufihefiolcflf §render and recites, and his highly-humorous style drew forth well-mer- ited up lnuse. Miss Bell read aerexcellent piece‘n \ elest battle ofTel-el-Kebir The whole web interspersed with very humorous dialogues by the 01th After the concert, the performers and others were invited to an oyster supper at the house of the Presi» ‘ihm. ofthe Club. Mr Jas. Ellie”. In ad» , 'ilition lid-the oysterst an excellent spread '5” pyeptred. After‘the supper all depart- ed 'rodheh; homes fully satisfied with the fun of undermine. . CuchGo Dgc. 23.-Mrs Mom and _ Muss 11‘ ' .of this city have been placed in mm is for horsewhipping Dr Evelsky two wéeks p39. The women atlackéd the doc-- tor It) punish'hlm for an alleged Slander. Dr‘Evetsky accused his partner Ur Clay of inciting the women 10 attack him and killed Clay yesterday. Dr Evetskv has since com- mitted suicide. . Never Give Up. Ifyou are suffering with low and depressed Ipirila, loss of appetite, general dehility, dis- ordered blood. weak conslitution, headache. or any disease ofa bilious nature, by all means pmcure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid im- provemeni lhu wxll‘f’ollow ; you will be in- spired with new life ; strength and activity will rrlum ; pain and misery will cease, and honcoforlh you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold a: fifty cents in botâ€" tle by R, E. Law. L. 0. 'L.â€"-Tlle annual meeting of Loyal Omngelmdge N0 228 took place at Brown's comers on lhe l4lh December, when the following officers were duly elecled : \V M. Bro G A Brown, reelected ; l) M. Bro M Allan; Chaplain. llm 'l Itosebnrough; Secretary. Bro W Brown; 'I‘re-ns. l3:o .I. Sutton :- D of (' Bun A Dunn ; his: cum-- mntee-hBros J Bellv and 0 Scou. Second Umngnitleeâ€"Bros G Drury B Scott and G. lly. Auditorsâ€"Bros B Scott and c. A. OWn. Rousing speeches Were delivered 4‘ e W M, and olllér members of Ihe lodge, after which Ihe meeting adjuurned in the regular form, to meet every second Thursday in “ch mouth.~â€"-Sun. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tn: BEST SALYE in the World for Cu's, Bakes, Smea, ~“Ulcers. Salt Rho-um. Fever 80m. Tettér', Chapped Hands} Chilhlaius, Conn. and all Skin Eruptions, and positive- ly cn'rea Piles. his guaranteed to give Frfec! 'nmiafaclinn; qr money refunded. tice 25 cams pebbox. Sold by R. [5. Law Retribution. Wmvnnx Dak. Dec 24.â€"C. A. Now- !nn railway agent was Shut m We juslice cm'm yesterday by one Nash. He cannol autViVG. Nawlou was under urrvst uharged with ravishing Emma. Nash a girl of sum-m" who worked tor his fumiiy. Newton hnd 'pludod not. guilty when Nash snipped m from of him and fired. Nash surrendered. Mrs McArthur, ol‘ Hoppnlle, says regard» ing llagyard's Pectoml Balanm, that she vmuld not keep hmlse willmut it. She can not speak too hlghly ofils merits as a rem- Qdy for l‘olds, Coughs. Bronchnls. Asthma, mink lungs and all pulmonary troubles. A add may be cured In it in one day. Two of the murderers of Prof. Palmer have been cantured nndthe arrest of the remainder is not far distant. A vio‘entunli- English tone has been adopted by the Egyp- filn ress it is he‘ieved at. the msyirminn of the hedive‘s Gnvel'nment. Arahi is dec pounced for his Tel‘el-Kehir defeat, and, ac| Venus England ’0? renaming hifr') for advan- uges gninedfaom his treachery and nfwant f lnynlty nnd dishnnnsty. On the other and the fellaheen nnd sheiks and notables are indeep sympathy with the untnrtunnte rebel. ‘Mensles nr_e very/prevalent now in Vnion- fine, about a doten families being afflimed with them. George Kelcy of Dunchurch, Parry Sound for the lam six years suffered from Dyspep~ Q}. and had tried Dochs and Patent Medi- ines, an!!! out qf pazign'ce will) all treatâ€" ment. but man induced by a friend to try Burdock Blood‘Bluera, before finishing one Wattle he was astonished 3'! the result, and ‘ declares he never felt better in his life. and '1 could name,” siys be, 'half a dozen mixers who have derived great benefit, from the modiclm.‘ ’1' A Pleasant and El‘fectual Cough Remedy. If you will go to your nearest druugist and 13k lbr a ‘25 cent. bottle of Hagymd’n Pecâ€" mral Balsam you will possess thv best known cure for Coughs. Bronchitis. Astlmm. flouraen'css and all 'llmmt and lung troubles tht legmlnma m ConsUmptinn. A! IMPORTANT OFFICE --One nf the ’moat. important functions of the animal Economy is the depurlive action of the Kid- neys. if they are obstructed in lhelr \vovk gnu mining and dangerous disease ensues, luch‘ua Dropsy. Diab‘eles, Bright’s Disease 3nd mmy other painful affections. lln n01 suffer from Lame Black and inactive Kidneys ‘when Bmdock Blood Bitters act so prompt- ), upon the Kidneys, Liver, Bowels and all Two hmelikeepers wpre mtflcted in the County Court, a shm-t time ago, in a case thu do‘ea um often or‘cur Mrs. Clelnnd, of Thornhill, sued Mr DunChafer. and Mr Kkrslead, hotel-keepers of mm Vlllage. 3m damages fqr selling hquor to her hus-- .‘Ilnd after she had notified them not (0 do ’30. the prbcb‘edings being brought. under a notion of‘lhe Ii‘quor law. The jury as»- hand Kienléad for $25 and DunChafer for $50. , .1 Accmnm‘.â€"-Mk Adam Beta. of Mongclia, on Saturday last, while cutling horse feed to! his forefinger ot the left. hand taken off Ind his hand otbex‘wise considerably bruised iiiJQéhibnh and a’peedfly' restores health to the.pfiiic1ed. lost and uumton :9 ma gummy “BROWN'BHOUBEHOLD PENAUEA” has no land for running pain bath _iÂ¥lt9Â¥11911 and ex= . It. our-ea Puln méne Elan. Back at BoWels Ion Thmuo.Rheumumm, Tovthuche, Lumbago, am my kind of a. Pain 91' natal “It; wlll most h1ch rmcken the Blood and haul, as its acting yawn; wonderful." "Brown's Household Penm can.” being acknowledged as the great Pain Re; lie‘ml‘. @ud'oi double the strength of any other Elixir or inimant in the world, , should be in livery mm 1y handy for use when wanted, “as it finally is the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds‘ land is for sale bv all DruammSat 25 aunt»: nhghfln Interesting Items. Amazonian Horsewhlppers. A. w». Brown’s Corners. Buttonvflle. Economs'r. Xmas Presents! Goods for the Holidays Furniture At Toronto Prices 1 Groceries For Holiday Season. CHOICE CONFEOTIONARY ! GROCERIES OUR MOTTO IS-‘Small Profits & Quick Returns; Richmond Hill, Oct. 30m. 1882. J. BROWN, IPEOPLE’S Magi Pianos? 3 UPRIGHT AND SQUARE 5 Richmond Hill, Dec. 13th, 18% 31111334113. R. S. WILLIAMS & Son‘s. . TORONTO, April 12th, 1881. GENTLEMENâ€"I have much pleasure 1n testdying to the great excellence of your Pianos. I have put them severelv to the test, and find them possessed of those qualities of tone and touch so (LC-- cepmble to the true musician and lover of classncnl musicâ€"n charming singing tone“ easily gradu- ated from the most delicate piwuissimo to every degree of loudness and fulness, and a. touch which answers rgmdily to eyery shadg of faeli‘gg. chhsiéer Ehese; insfruments a greatumqquisition in musicial society,‘aud am much pleased ‘ at finding a. pumo wlnch I can recmnmend With perfect confidence, [51 n. 'ours var trul ’ CHAS. W.EWING, (Of London. England) I am’Gen eme y ‘ y 5’ Organist of St: Peter‘s Church. Cobm‘g, Om;l S - H. WILLIAMS & SONSâ€" TQRONTO, Nov. 4th, 1882. . MEEg‘IENEsâ€"~Having thoroughly examined the Workmanship of your l‘mnos, I have no hemmtlon in stating that, in m y Opinion, they_ure equal torthggie giggly othqu pf thgppst Mgk'e‘l‘fl‘thflt Il_1n_,ye seen Pictures, and Picture Frames of all kinds, 01:1: éhiy'sperlfi iu‘the Balms high tefins regarding theii‘ musical qualities‘jfo'r their mic; 11 5mg- ing capability of tone. Eleasant touch, (£0,919 such, that there seems to be no necessity to purchase fogeigu ipsyryugentsz‘w ‘63} our pomp exytgrpr‘xae cum_ prpduce 3.1101} I’inn‘o‘s, land at one-third les‘s_ cst "i331 glhd to henrr'thagtrthe extensive sale-0f our ifistruments shows thn'xt ' A 7 u ” success that I think vou justly deserve. y you me memmg with the I um, Gentlemen. Your Obedienfi Servant, We make a special style of Organs in large quantities, and are therefore able to offer them at; ex- ceptionally low rates. Payments arranged to suit the convenience of purchasers and spread over a. term 01‘ years. For full particulars Write to . Anhskwxppxa «a; Boots and shoes, Oven-shoes and Rubbers 2 Are constructed from the very best Materials by experienced Workman, and are fully ’ equal in point. of Choice Ten, 20 Ctn. per lb.‘ Best Family Flour at Bottonfl‘rices, Lard, Bacon mu] Hams. Every kind and. Variety. Chrome Mottoes of all designs. Brackets and Wall Pockets. A very fine selection of JOHN BROWN 3; wmmmg & SENS *mâ€"fl_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"fih_ EBRGANSFW CHEAP GOODS AT THE Bakery in connection. In fact everything you need you can get I43 Yn .A Sf. annntn, (‘5? At Prices to suit everyone. A Fresh supply of TESTIMONItlLS. To the high priced American Instruments. Glass and Crockery. Cull undSee Prices. Is offering just now a. well assorted stock of A Splendid Stock. Fm‘m Produce taken at Market Prices. PIANOS ! For CASH Only, in FOR A large stock of_ J. REYNOLS. l’. G. SAVAGE. GEO. \V. STRATHY. Mus D004 E’BLLInTT LANGSTAPF, M. n. Thornhill, Dec‘ bl‘. Geo. 'Léngstafi‘. has :remo‘ved from King, and commenced practice It Thomhill. Thomhiu, Oct. 6th. 1882. Member College o£.Phyaicians £2 Sufrgeons. (LATE 0F STOUFI-‘VILLEJ OFFICE HOURS.â€"â€"From 8 to 10 11.. 113,, 5 to 8p. :0. RESIDENCE , I Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond H111, Oct]. 12th, '82. , I Gr'mduute of Toronto University. and Member DR. W. J. WILSON, , MEDALISTHORON’I‘O UNIVERSITY. Residence, Yonge Street, Richmond.Hill. Richmond Hi11,May 23rd, 1882. ‘ 1y ERNEST F. LANGS'I‘AF‘F ! B. and First Silver Medalist, Uniiersity of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ongun’o. L. AL. Englgmd (Late of Londofi, gangland; Surgeon, Etc. liar‘OIfice Hours 8 ’90 9.80 a.m., and 1 to 2.30 p.m. W. ROGERS, BIL, JAMES LANGSTAFF 2 EVERSLEY. P.O. V V i SURGEON DENTIST, has ,‘ removed to 87 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a mannâ€" er to suit each patient. Pwrticulur- attentiau given to the preserVu-tlon and regulation of the nnvtuml teeth, carefully avoiding all unmet-ers- my pain. Ofijne hours from S u. m. to 6 1‘. 1n. Private residence 2% Jarvis street. Tlmiikfnl for the favors of the past years w my still be consulted in any branch. of the pro tension, as follows : ' Richmond. Hill .......... 9th & 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, 151:, 8th, 16th, and422nd- v do Newhmrket, ...... - 2n . V (-10 Stoufiville . . . . . . . . . . . . i do Miu'lihmn . .i . ‘ . > (It; Victoria Square ...... (10 Thm‘nhill ...... .. (10 Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . (10 Wmdhridge ...... (10 Kleinburg .. .~ ..... do Noble-toll (lo W. remove Aurora, 151:, 8th, 16th, and422nd- v do Newhmrket, ...... - 2nd . V (-10 Stoufiville... do Miu'khmn .. dc Victoria Square . do Thm‘nhill ...... . .. do Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . . v 1 do Wmdhridge ...... do Kleinburg .. . .~ .. .. , H do Noble-ton ...... ' 0th (10 AluLsiHmb‘i-égfis Nitgous Oxide, ctc.‘, used when ordered and none but the best: nmbet‘ml used Jug Bethune. Q Q. 0 Moss,- W C Falconbridge N W Hoylcs, W Btu‘Wick, A‘ B”Ayleswnrt,h W J . Fxmxxs Bethune, Moss, Falconbridge AND HOYLES, BARRISTERS} 650 NORTH 01" SUO'I‘LANU CHAMBERS, [8 a. 20 King Street. West. Toronto Bnfijsters, Atmrneysm-Luw, ‘ ,Solicitbrsau- Chancery. Convevxmcerfi, etc, Ofllcosélmpcrml Bunk Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto mums FERGUSON, Q.C. ‘ JOHN RAIN Wm SETUN Gannon", . - GEO F SHIPLEY . TERS, Attorneys, Solicito‘rs-ifi-Chnncery etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the 001116 House}, Toronto. ’ ALFRED BOULTBEE WM. WonTs EVATT. Ferguson, Bain. Gordpn &H3~_hiple_y, BOULTBE‘E & EVAI‘T. BARRIS TERS. Attornevs. Solicitors-ili-Ch nucery We will pay the above reward Idr any case of Liver Coumlaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, 1n- digcstion, Constipation or Costivoness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver' Pills; when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail on give satisfac- tion. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes, cnutufning '30 Pills, 25 cents. Fur Sula by all Draggists. Be- wure of counterfeits and imimtions. The gun nineiuanufachu‘ed only by JOHN -C. WESL‘ cl: C().,“Tne l’ilerLkers," S] & 83 King St, Dust Toronto, Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receive of IL 3 cenh stumu. of the College of thsiciuns anfl Surgeons. Di‘. E. C. West’s Nerve and Brain Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzinegsy Ion vulsions, Fibs, Nervous Neumlgio, Hendrick", Nervous Prosbmtion nausea by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental Depression, Sofcening of the Biniii resulting in Insunity and lending to misery, decay and Prenmture Old Age, Burrenuese, Loss of Power in sinner sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrnmn, caused by over-exertion of the brain‘, Hell ulvnse or river- indulgence. Ono box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month’s' treatment. On (a doler abox, or six boxes for five dollars;- sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. *We guaran- _tee six boxes to cure any easel With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars. we will Send tbe'purchhser bur writ- ten guarantee to refund the money if the treat.- meht, does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by T‘ A. Hewitt & 00;, sole authorized agents for Thornhill mid Angus, Out. John C. West & 00., solo proprietors. Toronto. Ont. aweekin your own town. $5 Outfit free. No risk. Everything new Capital not required We will furnish you everything Many are making fortuneq Ladies make as much as men, rmd bbys and guls‘ make great pay. Reader, if you ‘1' bummes‘; "t which YO‘,‘ "93) v \ _ WV ,, H ‘ ‘ '09? 17019 nwn'J €91:anng ‘HOVII x1 mm ‘sszzmrmr V - 210.21 (0‘9 UIIIZIITI ‘sa‘sm 11:: 9410110 rznmoo 'sxz‘ioo ' ‘smA‘rmrcr ‘mmr Isa 2m ' ‘srrl r9 'saxzor Jam 9 ‘sam'rmms sum” $110 'Hm ‘SNIV'I [71110 ‘P’ID’IV'EI‘QEIM ‘Imunmana BOA mvuuux: sand." “0-? ‘50109 ‘I’HIIISV firrozzzm mros ‘saurnm ‘SH‘OH 09 ‘(mouo N01 ATWNHZLNI NET-fl. . ‘stng JO NV tr! lemma snags: JO ama 0: p091 «chm s; 110 A\O'I'IEA S'ava‘an ‘43ng S-LNIGIDDV PUB SLNIV’ldNOO ‘SESVSSIQ 0L 9 RM if" Health IS Wealth. REMOVE]! 3H: Maple 18th of every ‘m'dnfh $500 REWARD, 93 EWEN szf§ DR. ORR, MAPLE, Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON’ DENTIST, AURORA KEGNI 5th. 1882. THORNEXLL, ONT. annual. P. 0. BOX 2527. 9mm, gflrgal. C. ADAMS, L.D.S., fsxn'zms' ‘sszrmma r {0‘9 Ijrumrt ammo mnwoo ' ‘smA‘rmrcr ‘s'rz r9 ‘sam'nrums ‘SNIV'I [71110 ‘IYS‘IJJ mm {1112! Wo'tth their Weight in ‘Gold ! ! fills & ' flintment humanity is heir. This Incomparable Medicine has‘ seem- ed for V itself an impe’x‘ishable Tame throughout the “Torld for the alléfiatiou and cure of most; diseases to which ’fiiey 3.55155 {liédstn'b Lrgmis, cleanse STOMACH ’ AND BOWELS, gurify, rggumto up :1 impyguye the quality of the increase the secretory powers of the Livenbmce the nervous system. mud throw into the cireu‘la- tiou the purcxt Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. ‘ tlon, Dizzlncs Bad 15mm h, “mun: ,Ioun; Thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they Imue been resmred to health and strength. after every, olhc‘t~ means had proved unsuccessful. . will 1):: found invaluable in (wm'y Household: in the cure of Open Sores. Hurd Tumours. Coughs, Sore Thrnuts, Bronchitiw. and .4111 distort] crs of the Threat; and Chest, ms 21.180 Gout, lihvu- mutism. Scrofulu and other kind of skin diseases Manufactured only at Profess- 01' Hollowav’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON. BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS, COLDS, and sold at 13. 1.114,, ‘29. 9d,, 49;. Gd‘, 115.. ‘22, and 333 each Box and 1’0t,uudin ( at 36 con 5:, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, und the larger sizes in proportion. [fife CAL'Tonâ€"l have no Arjpnt in the Unhetl Slates, nor aremy Medicines sold there. Purchasers shuuld therefore look to the label on 1119 Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London they are spurinns. The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are re- gistered 1n Ottawa, and also at Washingtnu. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533 Oxford street, London. RICHMOND H 5 LL, JOHN POVV’XELL. Prop This Hotel has been raflll‘lllPllQJ, renovated, mul fitted up in first-alum style, uml is now the lending Howl north of ’l'oruntn. The bur is; sup- plier] with; first-class hnmul of liquors zmd cigar . Excellent uccommudution fur (‘omz'nercinl Travellers, and tho (imwrnl Public. Good Stabl- iug and an attentive Hustler. ' THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HELL. J Palmer, .Prop. This Hnnsn is one of the Beat Hotels to be ffiund north of Toronto. l‘lx'ervthing is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Sum]ng and uttentive hustlers. Temm, 1m? day. Pructox’ Bun ‘u-n'ua Huh: Hum] to connect with all the N R R ALUDuAuAn. ;v.... ., leaves this Hum} myuéon'rleot wiih Trains going Noth and Suuth. at 1114, 5.101) m. and (3,20 17in. At his printing ofl‘uo, Yollfzo St Hi1]. ()111~1'i<) Terms of Subscriptions : r-a'l 00 pm‘ mmum in advance When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged Transitory advertisements, first insertion. , Iichmoud M. H. KEEE‘LER. rprer y 11 119 Each subsequen insnrtiun. perlino uuu. gavettisem ems without written instructions will be inserth until forbid & churged transient ‘ Contracts for t1017 . rate 3 Highly recommended for Biliausnoss, Head-Ache, (70n- ; ‘ ‘ ' stipufioandiges- - tlon, Dizziness, Heartburn, I V Bad Breath, Loss of Ap- petite, Jaumuon. Loss of Memory, Smu- Stomach. Liver Com- Plalnt.or any illness arising from the Stom- ach. Bowels or Kidneys. They are safe, mudfind‘thomugh in their action. From 1to31 infii§ié§iib§é The York Herald, We have just opened one case of Ladies’ 1“ U K citrus,- wmen W: are selling at the very low prices for Which our house is fast becoming famous. ' We are also showing a Splendid lot of Ladies’ and Children’s Ulsters at much below regular prices. Pefley 51:: MM. Gcnfiemen requiring Perfect Fitting and W'ellaMadc Over-i coats will save Time and Money by going direct to the lGolden Griffin. All our Clothing is made on the premises by'First-Class @flmfi fWestern Canada PRICE 25c. Pm: Box. [{Yfl‘IIIIIiSl ‘ Scents. :1tn (.1 tum. 1161 1110 ...... 3 cents. time and space made on applica- PUBLISHED BY Jan. 5th 1881 SUGAR COATED. h 8 u. m., 11.40 m , Iichmoud ' Puniifir’ VEGETABLE Riéiimon'a Hill S'é‘fat. Parties wishing to expend their money to the best advantage, will consult- thexr own ‘ interests by making an earlv call, I _ _ DRY GOODS, FOP. THE'PRESENT SEASON, 7 V H rA'Ifl 7‘15. REDUCTION.' nL-A' ,,,.] IVAK_NI...- EXCELLENT VALE E TWEEDS, TWEEDS, CALL AND INSPECT THE STOCK Z Loan and Savings Company Officesâ€"N0 70, Church-street, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Selmtor,Prer;i(1011t 0120mm GOODERHAM . ...Vice-1’resident DIIchrms~Smeuel Plums, M P, Alfred Gender- 1mm,(ieo W Lewis, Thos H Lee, Hon D L Mucpherson, Selmto’r T6551 Aéébfé, $3,5d0.000 SAVINGS BANK BRANCH Money receiVed on deposit, and interest payable half yearly or compounded, See our reduced loan table For further infor: mation apply at the oflices of the Company TEE PEMW SWAN THE BEST IN THE WORLD FOR $18.00, $21.oo,$24.oo Per Doz Lead er Lane, Toronto. Tbronto, Ju‘XV 6111,1881 lv-52W Capital, ,000.Q[‘":__Resm‘ve Fund, $450,000 English; Scotch & Canadiah TWeeds,‘ the Lafiesf Patferns. A Correct Fit Gu‘ardnt‘eed. fifchnfond Hill, Sept. 2601,82 Fresh Stock of Graceries. EX'ceUent Teas, WALTER 8 LEE, DRESS GQODS ! MONEY T0 LOAN. Or by the Single Shirt GROCERIES I Mice @3111”: 27 Bzfack and Celofed Cnshmeres, Sitingâ€"a Special Line; REGISTERED 56m}; HZEW-ETG, etc., CheaEadefiCéimipIefe 21517. 1882. at Prices‘ 10 Su'rt. Sugars, Raisins and othér Fruifs, Fresh f This week. Now is the time to get GOLDEN GRIFFIN A Splendid Lin’e‘ of Tweeds at the of Ladics’ FUR CAPES, which ISAAC CROSBY‘ Manager IS CFFERING 128 to 132 King Street, Easkta Positively Restores the Hearing, and is‘ the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. This Oil is ulisirncfed from peculiar species of snmll White Shark, caught in the Yellow Sen; known as (hu‘churodon Rondeletii. Every Chi- nese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as firestor- "the of hearing were discovered by a. Buddhist, Priest uhout the your 1410. Its cures . were» 50' numerous and many so seemingly miraculd cus, that the remedy was ofiiciwlly proclaimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so uni--' versul that fur over 300 years, no‘ Deafness has existed among she Chinese people. Sent charges prepaid, to any any address at $1 a bottle EARS It has performed a. mimcle in my case, . _ I have no uimnrth‘ly noise in my head and hear much better, - .- I have been greatly benefited, My deafness helped 1L great dealâ€"think anoth~ 61' bottle will cure me. Mv hearing is much benefited, I have received untold benfit, My hearing is improving“ It is giving good satisfaction, ‘ . i Have been greatly bnncfltcd, and am rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. Héa-b "What the Deaf Say- "Its virtues are unquestionable and its curative character absolute, as the writer can persnritilly testify, both from experience and observation; Write at; once to HAYLOCK & JENNEY,‘ 7 Dey St, New York, enclosing: $1, mid you will receive by’ return :1. remedy that will enable you to hear lika anybody else, and whose curative effects will be; ponnunent, You will never regret doing so." â€"Editor of Mercantile REVIEW. A J 3;;3i‘?) loss in The firiils, please ‘Send money by Registered Letter. _ ‘ ‘ Only Imported by HAYLOCK 33' JENNEY. DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST ATVAYT'Y‘V Am S010 Agents for Amoricuh 7 Dev St, N. QUALITY AT Poo Choo’s Baisém of Sharks 011- THIS WEEK 2 TORONTO. ATWMOODIE FOR THE THOS NIGHTINGALE’S, Yorkvild MILLIIIN‘ '1 Only

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