Ind that. ‘Mr Elliott be re-cngaged at a salary $3550. twenty-ï¬ve of which to be pgid out of Mr McBride’s salary by his con- mmt ; Carried on the following vote :â€" Yaaa, Marph, James. Crosby and Savage. 43:â€. Campbell, Teefy and Boyle. Applications were read for Ihe position of Asaiqtnnt Teacher in the Public Schnol. Moved by Mrflninpbell. Iecondv-d by Mr Teefy. lhat‘Mius Dickie be engaged- Hucnwvm's â€"l~‘mme evil disposed per- Imm have been injuring shade trees by cut- ting them with an axe. We would remind Inch mm the penalty for n mtsdemeannr of this ltind is punishable with u very heavy inogwd if caught, they will be prosecuted with ,the utmost llgOI‘ of the law. It is only with the utmost pains that trtea on be per- Iunded tn grow. and it is annoyim! to see them dentroyod after they have taken root Ind ’nrc flourishing. We hope this warning will not be neglected. Miss Marsh applied for tentimonilla, which were granted. ' The Bnnrd then adjourned. NOTE- A1 the nhuve meeting, some of the SchonhBoatd.called in question the tepan ofnome of the pgoceedings of the meeting ofthe 22nd ult. We have since re- ferred to the re‘porl and fail to see wherein An, otfence can be taken. Tm: BEST SALVE in the World for Cum, Bruises. Smes. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fuver Sorts. Tetler. Chapned Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and 3H Skin Eruptions, and positive- ly cures Piles. It is gunruntped to uivn porfecl unlisfnclion. or mnney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by R. hi. Law elven Away. We cannot help noticing the liberal offer made to all invalid: and sufferers by Dr King's New Discovery for Connumphon. You are rrques'ed to Call at R. E. Law‘s Drug Slope; and get a Trial Botlle free of cost. if you aye suffering with Consumption. Severd'Co'uéhd, Coldn. Asthma. Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice. Hour-anus, or my affection ml the Throat or Lungs. II will pqsiliyely cure you. All of the pupils, except one. who Allend- rd lhe Yukallle and Newmurkel Mnde' Schooll. were successful in passing the Pm- fcssimuil Examinaiiuu for Ill Hutu Cuuuly Bonrdth-rnï¬vmi-s. â€"nnw l’rovincinl CH» nï¬cnloiéheld m the respeclive uchooll on line 8th and?)in nll Mum's Fatheringlmm and Dame isaiwd Ceniï¬cahs lo the follow- ing pupilx~ll 0 names are a‘ph ihmicv-l. no! in “(order n" merit :-Thu.n: l M Romy..- lor. Inuit-"Cole. Laura Currie. Ella var, Jennie Gray, Josephine Hams Amélin Ha:- rin. Hallie Holmes Malwl H Kvefler, Alice Kiik; (lharlnlle Malone Katie McLeod MM- gnrel Mchclisel Mary A Milloy Nina Eliz: Moore, Bvssia Dulum Owen Thmesa M. Rulh'erfotd. Eliza Sliuulewnrlh Marga"?! Smilhers Jvuul Wulkingion Emma Williams Lucr-Wnullcv. Wm l; “and 'l'lmmaa Kai».- or Thomas A Lane Thomaa McCurmack Geo sts Byron J Oliver Wm l‘ Pearson Frederick W Rulnmn Geo Rummy ngar Richardson (‘yrnn Styles W In Thumg-aon and JV}!!! “3130". Cholera in devnslM'u-g some of the inter; or provinces of China. 0273 Luca Mullahâ€"l rWiddiï¬eld M P P. "ho was conï¬ned to his house forpevvr- ll days past, us the result Ufa sevens colr’, hnl recovered. A man named Colt-a was run over nnd imtnmly killed in the car Ihopl M Pcrlh. on Suturdny morning. Mr! McArlhur, of Hopenlle, any: regard- iug liugynrd’n Peelers! Balznm, that. she would not keep huuse without it. She can not lp-nk loo highly of its merits as u remâ€" edy for Colds, Coughs. Brouchnis. Asthma, wank lungs and all pullnonnry troubles. A ctld my be cured b\' it in one day. .7 A motion was moved by ML. James. ucondedkyMr. Marsh. that Mr Smith’s rufzpaï¬Ã©gy bejgceplqd upon his ow!) terms [n'amendmeng Mr Swnzer," seconded by Mr Marsh. moved that Miss Hamilton be engaged.-â€"C Irried by the casting vote of the chairman. The coroner's jury have returned 5 var» die! of wilful mmder against the fuur men implicated in lhe denlh of Hout, the Alba- bukh {IIIIIQL A Plenum)! and Efl'eclunl Cough Remedy. If yo'u will go to vuur nearest druggisl and Ink for I 25 cent bottle of Hagyard’s Pecâ€" lornl Balsnm you will possess lhe best known cure for Cunghï¬. Bronchitis. Asthma. Hoavseness and all lhront and lung troubles thu terminate m Consumpliun. Mr Crmbysuggesled that in case Miss Hamilton should not accept. Miss Dickie be nfTered [he position. On motion the migration was acted on. The above Board met in the Public School building, on Friday. _29|h' n11. R. Marsh. Esq, in the chair. Minutes of list meeting read and adopted. Mr. therihglmm, Public. School .In-- Ipecmr, ï¬r’olg‘ that he was unable to at» tnudnliqimoeï¬ng. de ï¬bcountd-wero read by the Secretary an? pusae‘rl: A letter from Mr Smith. lately appointâ€" ed Auiamnz‘High School Teacher, was read. asking that one month's salary be grurtedIb‘im if he resigned h_is position. DISTRESSIXG ACCIDENTâ€"Near Claremom a most painful accident occurred Sunday. A ‘humhor of men were working: on the On- tari‘o & Quebec Railway. taking dirt from a buirovnng pit, when a large lump of earth (aye way, killing Mr Im \Vocdruï¬' on ll'n2 1pm Sume ollers were nearly meeting I|.e lame fate. Mr John Uurril was caught, by lhe legs and had to be dug loose. The un- fortunn‘le man Wuodrufl' was about 40 yeala of age and leaves a widow and three children AN IMPORTANT ()rncr. â€"()ne of she most. important functions of the animal Economy is the depunive action of the Kid- neys. iflhey are obstructed in Ihelr work (In! suffering and dangerous diseme ensues, such as Dropsy. Dinbelefl, Bright's Disease Ind many nlher painful aï¬â€˜eclinns. Do not suffer from Lame Back and inactive Kidneys when Burdock Blood Bitters act. so prompt- ly, upon the Kidneys. Liver, Bosnia and all the aecrations, and speedily restores health to the afliicled. .quvn; “umâ€".m. "h, __V,‘ 7, ' pawn in wonderful." “Broiï¬â€™Ã©vflélisobold Pom; I m," being acknowledged as the out Pain Beâ€" liever. an of double the strengt of an other Elixir or yinlumut in the world, sbou d be in 1 every. family handy for use when wanted, "as it i runny is the beatremedy in the world {or Cramps * in theï¬tonmchxuzd ' Unwind; ‘ \S 012111 km , . . , Idle and 00mfofl to the Suffering “BROWN’S HOUSEHOLD PENACEA" has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and ex- ternal. It. cums Pain in the Side, Back 01- Bowels Sore Throacï¬heumntium, Toothache. Lumbago, 3nd any kind of a. Pain or ache. “It wlll most surely Quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting , 1,,J_In “n..-__.\1..u.......|.nlao-“- [u “AV v» and 18101‘ a \ uilDrugginmm Lou-cuts. about} Interesting Items. Bucklen's Arnlca Salvo. Board, of Education. New Teachers. N ewmarket. ~Byrom â€"Em§ $.26 CALL AND INSPECT THE STOCK ! Furniture At Toronto Prices 1 Goods for the Woiidays Groceries For Holiday Season. EARS m MILLHIN ! Foo Chan's Balsam of Shark’s Oil Positively Restores the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Dcufuesa Known. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of small White Shark. caught in the Yellow Sen, knuwn ns Carchm‘odun Rondeletii. Every Chiâ€" nese ï¬sherman knows it. Its virtues as u restor- ative of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist. Priest about the your 1410. 115 cures were so numerous and many l0 seemingly miracul- ous, that the remedy was ofï¬cially procluinmd over the entire Empire. Its use became so uni-- versal that, for over 300 years no Deafness has exilted Imong she Chinese people. Sent charges prepaid, to any any address at 5H a bottle TWEEDS, TWEEDS, Xmas Pregentsl It has performed a. miracle in my case, I have no unearthly noise in my head and hear much better. I have been greatly beneï¬ted, My deafness helped a. great dealâ€"think anoth. er bottle will cure me. My hearing is much beneï¬ted, I have received untold beuflt, My hearing is improving. It is giving good satisfaction, Have been greatly beneï¬ted, and um rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. "It: virtues are unquestionable and ihs curative character absolute, as the writer can persmmlly testify. both from experience and observation, Write at once to HAYLOCK & JENNEY, 7 Day St. New York, encloaiug $1, and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable yov to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be permanent, You will never regret doing so." â€"â€"Editor of Mergantiie vamjv." gig gééi‘d 11:31wa £136 ifMdils, please send money by Registered Letter. Only Imported by EAYLOCK k JENNEY, Hear What the IDeaf‘ Say DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST QUALXTY AT [PEOPLE’S STORE Richmond Hill, Doc. 13th, 1883. English, Scotch J; CLnadinn Tweeds, the Latest Patterns. A Correct Fit Guaranteed. Sole Agents for America. 7 Day St, N. Y Richmond Hill, Sept. 26th,‘8‘z. Pictures, and Picture Frames of all kinds, Excellent Teas, at Prices to Suit. Sugars, Raisins and other Fruits, Fresh 1 QUALXTY DRESS GOODS ! Every. kind and Variety. Chrome Mottoes of all designs, Brackets and Wall Pockets. A very ï¬ne selection of CHEAP GOODS AT THE T309 VTGHTWGAIAW'S My GROCERI ES ! Black and Colored Cashmeres, Silks,-a Special Lino. N ice ï¬uï¬t 2 This week. Now is the time to get Glass and Crockery. Call and See Pricea‘ A Splendid Stock. A Splendid Line of Tweeds at the ISAAC CROSBY. For CASH Only, in A large stock of J. REYNOLDS. mam CENTRAL WEI. This Hotel has been refurnished, renovated, and ï¬tted up in first-class style, and is now the lending Hotel north of 'l‘m'onm. The bar is sup- plied with ï¬rehcluss brand of liquors and cignm. Excellent accommodation for Commercial Travellers, and the General Public. Good Stabl- ing and an attentive Hostler. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN' POWELL, Prop This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First. Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers. Good Stubling and attentive hostlem. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 n, m., 11.40 a. 11)., 5.10 p m. and 6.20 n m. EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing ofl‘oe, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Ontario Terms of Subscriptions: $1 00 per annum in advance When not paid in advance $51 50 will be charged 'I‘mnsitory_advertisements, ï¬rst insertion. THE PALMER HOUSE: RICHMOND HILL. J Palmer. Prop. M. H. KEEFLER. vex" line...,.... .. 6 cents. Each subsequent insertion. per line“ H 3 cents. Contracts for time and space made on applica. tion. Arlverï¬uements witth mitf-on inatrnctipns rit, HEEL-HI ML 4 “5‘ n g The York Herald, ggjflï¬ï¬l @mflï¬. P. G. SAVA GE' PUBL [SHED BY J. BLLIBTI' LANESTAPF. M. B. R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. I’. S. Ontario. L S AL, England (Late Of London, England, Sgrgenn, Iggc. W ‘ V I SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a mann- er to suit each patient. 1"u'ticnlzu' nttentian given to the preservation mm regulation of the nntnrnl teeth, carefully avoiding all unnecess~ my pain. ()fline hnnrs from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Prith residence 9 Jarvis street. Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Thornhill, Dec, 5th. 1882. [Scoflicle Hours 8 to 9.30 11an and. 1 to 2.30 pm Thankful for the favors of the qmst yours n‘n._v still be consulted in any branch of the pro fessiou, as follows : ‘ Richmond IIilL.‘ . 9th 8: 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 10th, and 22nd Newmm'ket, ‘ , . . , . . . . . . . 2nd Stouffville..,,.. Markham ...... Victoria Square Thornhill ...... Maple . . ‘ ‘ . . . . . , . . Woodbridge ...... Kleiuburg .. Nobloton Member College of Physiciana & Surgeons. (LATE 01“ STOUI-‘FYILLEJ OFFICE HOURS;-~me 8 1010 a, m., 5 to 8 p. m. ‘ RESIDENCE Residence, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Richmond HiIT, May 23rd, 1882. 1y TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-inï¬llnncery etc.. 64 Adelaide street, East, (opposite the Com! House). Toronto. ALFRED BOUL’I‘BEE WM. 'WoR'rs DVATT. Stouffville..m. do Markham . dc Victoria Square . V do Thornhill ...... - do Maple . . ‘ ‘ . . . . . , . . d0 Woodbridge ...... do Kleiuburg .. 1 do Nobloton 30th do Annsthntics. res Nmï¬onfl Oxulo, etc.. (wed w} ordered mu] 11mm but the bag? mute 1 user] Dr. Geo. Langstaï¬â€œ, has removed from King, and commenced practice at Thomhill. Thornhill, Oct. 6th. 1882.. Capital not needed. We will start you 5512 a. day & upwards made at home by the industrious Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time You can work in spare time only or give your Whole time in the business. You can live at, home and do the work No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one can fail to nmke enormous pm by engag- ing at once. lastly nnH‘uf nyul Mr". . Mrmnv Jas Bethune. Q (l N W Hoylcs, Baï¬isters, A thorneyslut-Law, ‘4' Solicitbrsvg'n: Chancery. Convcvuncers, etc, Oï¬lccsâ€"‘Ixnperlul Bank Buildings. \Vcllington-streef}; Toronto HOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIN WM SETUN GORDON, GEO F SHIPLEY W. R0 G E‘RS, ERNEST F. .LANGSTAFF ! EVERSLEY. ‘P‘O. BEST Fgrggson, B_a_inv G‘Qrdpn 847 Sï¬jpley, NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, [8' a 20 King Street. WestyToronto‘ HR. JAHEES LANGSTAFF! AND DIR. W. J. WHï¬ON, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. mth furl? BOULTBEE & EVATT. HARRIS ’I‘ERS, A Hnrn 9v: ï¬anifnv-mh-J‘h nnnm-v w. rem ()VO Bethune, Moss, Falcmxbridge AND BOYLES, BARRESTERS’, &C And every specks ofdisn'~se ariumg from disordered UVER, (5'2. ‘53. STOMAVH, BOWELS CR BLOOD, ‘I'. MILBURN a“: 69.. P‘ ' ‘_ Highly recommended for Billousuess, “cad-Ache, Con- ' †slipuflonflndiges- tion, Dizziness, Heartburn, _. Bad Breath, Loss of Ap- ' petite, Jmmdlec, Loss of Memory, Sour Stomach. Liver ‘Com- Platinum any illness arising from the Stom- ach. Bowals or Kidneys. 'The are safe mild and thorough in their actlon.‘ Vrom ltoé plush“ dwe' PRICE 25c. PER Box.’ 'Richniona m1}, Oct. 12 Yonge Street, Richmond Hlil. ‘ FREEMAH’S WORM POWDER-s; Are pleasant to take. Contain than- own Purgative. Is a. safe, sure, and “Team! destroyer of worms in Children or Adults At Maple 18111 of every month R E.“ SW E D ! Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA DR. ORR, MAPLE, P. O. Box 2527. THORNHIL‘L, 0. ï¬lrdiwl. C. C Moss, \V O Fulconbridge W Burwipk, ,A B Ayleswm'th W J. FILANES ’ 9mm, ifsgal. G. ADAMS, L.D.S., business now before the public. You can make money faster {Lt war]: for us that at anything else THE 5705101313 or: Miss 0; runs HEART, £35352"? a: 0;7 THE mm, ~ riï¬ï¬ } SUGAR COATED. 1’73an VEGETABLE TQRGNTO. med when B'Ianufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON. will but found invaluable in every jltmschold in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tuumurs, Coughs, Sore Threats, Bronchitis, and MI disord 01's of the Throat and Chest, us also Goufy, Rheu- matism. Scrofulu and other kind of 511' 1 diseases and sold at ls. 111M.Y 2a 9a,, ds. 6d,, 118‘, 22, and 338 each Box and Pot, and in memm at 36 cents, 90 cc-nta, and 31.50 cents, and the larger Sizes in m‘onortion. CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in the Uniled Snnos, nor are my Modicinos sold there. Purchasers shuuld therefore look to the label on Ihe PMS and Boxes If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London they are spuriwns Thousands of' persons have testified that by their use alone they lmue been restored to health and sirenglh, after every olher means bud prnvud unsum-vssf’ul. increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brace the nervous system, and throw into the circula- tion the purest Elements for sustaining and tdpuiting the frame. BAD LEGS, OLD WUUNDS. CULDS, The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are re- gistered 1n Ottawa, and also at Washington. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 5% Oxford Street. London. purify, rs‘gulate am] _i_mpl_*pye the; quality 9f the n _,1 J WV Iaestuc moans, cleanse STOMACH AND BOWELS, Worth their ZVeight in Gold 1 I Pills & ï¬gment This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed fur itself an imperislmhle l'zumu througliouttlie W'orld fur the alleviation and cure of' lilOsc diSL‘uSCS to which humanity is heir. nwcokin your own tmvn. Outï¬t free. No risk. Everything new (la‘pitnlnot- required We will furnish you everything Many are making fortunes Ladies make as much nsnmn;und have and {:irls mu 0 grout. mm. mm“ 9 ~ \ w. -» 4'2 - THE “BREW SHIRT-U;.... Toronto, July 6th, 188x THE BEST IN THEVWORLD ‘ 'FOR _ $18.00,- $21.00, $24.00 Per 1302 Because our prices are so low as to seem qu~ deri’ul when compared with those of other first- cluss dentiszs, I do not Wish you to infer that my establishment is conï¬ned to the: manufacture of sets. I do everything or anything that (u 3; Toronto dentisL \\'1]1d0,11nd do it on approved modern. scientiï¬c principles, guarantwmg satisA faction in all cases. I\'o pain caused by the ex" tmction of teeth I c. v. LECNNOX, DENT A L SU RGEON, U204 YDNGB 51, T0RflNTB.U TORONTO VITALIZED All: l’ARLOL’RS. Best $8 Believing: the people will upprncinm {L scale pf» low prices for n superior class of artiï¬cial teeth, I lmve determined on reducing the price at lea-St 50))01' cont. - ' Lead er' ’Lane, Toronto. ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON Gentlemen requiring Perfect Filliewmnd ‘Vell-Ma‘de Dyer- eeats will save Time and Money by going direct to the Golden Grifï¬n. All our Clothing is made on the premises by First-Class Competent Workman, and equal in every way to the best ordered Clothing. Pe‘tley & Petley, 3:223:33 “7e have just opened one case of Ladies’ PETER GAPES, which we : re selling at the very low prices for which our house ' is fast becoming famous. We are also showing a splendid lot of Ladies’ and Children’s Ulsters at much below regular prices. " ' Petley 5: Petley, Or by the Single Shirt. ALUMINUM $15. CELLOLOID, $10. RUBBER REGISTERED Jan. 5th 1881 ATE, ER, l'vv J 2w ‘Mrsssns. R. S. WILLIAMS & SON'B‘ _ _ TORONTO, April 12th, 1881. GENTLEMENâ€"I have much 1~lon sure m tcstlfying to the great excellence of ycur Pianos. I" have put them severelv to the test, and ï¬nd than] pngsesscd of those quantities of tone and touch 80 acâ€" ceptable m the true musicimxlnnfl Ipvor 0f clussmul musicâ€"n. chm‘mmg singing tone, easily gradu- ated from the mostdolicntc pmnlssmm to every degree of loudness and fulness, and a. touch which answers readily to ev shade of feeling. ‘ 77777 I consider Lh 1.3L, insfhlmems u greu‘t‘inc‘qmisitinn in mnsicial society, and am much pleased at ï¬nding a, piano which I can recummend w1th perfect conï¬dence. t1 men. ours ver trul 'CHAS.W.EWING (Of London, England) I M“, Gen 6 y y Y, Organisi‘. of SD Peter’s Church. Coburg, One I “ï¬slm R. H. WILLIAMS & Sm's~â€" _ TpnoNTo, Nov. 4th, 188?. t i 1‘ LYGHNTsâ€"Having thoroughly examined the Workmunshm of your Pmnos, I have no hesxtatlon 1x_1 stating that), in my opiuimx,_lhoy_m~e equal to DhOiRC olf‘m‘ly otho 9 pf thg‘ppst hgxnkg‘rsï¬hjtf IhaVe span I am: billy'spexmï¬ in‘thu safme high tefms regarding theii‘ musical qualities ; for their ï¬neitull is‘ing- ing capability of tone, pleasant touch, ((30, arc; such. Vthut there seems to be no necessity to purchase foreign instruments. when our home enterprise (mu produce such Pianos, and at one-third 18 cost Ramos??? ' iï¬ï¬‚ï¬Â§ w ' 9 VI mm g to )exï¬â€˜ï¬‚thtttr xe extvnsive sule’of your iï¬strumexitérshmï¬thiu. on r ' success that I think vou justly deserve, y are mean“ I an), Gentlemen. Yuur obedient Servant, g thh 155 \Ve make a special style of Organs in large qunntities. and are tlmrofnrn able to off» optionally 10w 'ate‘ _Puvments nrrnlwou to suit the com-onieuco of purchasers and n w i I um * 'H h: UPRIGHT AND SQUARE Richmond Hill let, I897 Pen-lies wishing to expend their money to the best advamage, will consult llieu' own interests by making an early can, DRY GOODS, FOR THE PRESENT SEASON, . SELLING- VAT 45", REDIJ'CTI‘ON. CHOICE ' CONFE(§TIONA'§EÂ¥;Y GROC'ERIES £5 PROVISIONS I Farm Produce tukon at Market Prices. _ V V OUR. NIOTTO IS-tha‘ll Profits 6; Quick Regturnev- Richmond Hill,' Oct. 30th, 1882. J. EXCELLENT VALUE THIS VVEEIK E Are constructed from the very best Materials by experienced Workmen, and are fun] equal in point of ' @‘é Boots and Choice Ten, 20 Ctn. per 1b. Best; Family Flour at Bottom Prices. Lard,‘Bacou and Hams @RGANS Fresh Stock of Groceries. JOHNV BROWN Bakery in connection. In fact everything you need you. can get Li-ofléry, HArévin-e, elamhesfaadigfllel': TESTIMONIALE. GQLDEN 128 to 132 King Street, East. P. GRIFFIN ) TORONTO. To the high priced American Insn'uments. At Prices to suit everyone A Fresh supply of shoes, Overshocs and Rubbers Is offering just now a. well assorted stock of PIAI‘JOS ! FOR IS CFFERIAG INA A.. MOODIE GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. 1' them at ex- sm'end OVé‘Y' n,