Tm: llg'ts'r Suva in the World for Call, Bruises. Soxes, Ulcers. Stilt Rheum. Favor 30ml. Tgtter, Chopped Handl, Chilblaiï¬, Corns. Ind all Skin Eruptibns, and p‘onilivo- ly cures Piles. II. is guaranteed to givo orfcct unlisfaclian. or money refunded. rice 25 "cents per box. Sold by R. ls. Law A Wine Maxim. "A Mitch m 'ime saves nine," not only in making garment: but also in mending health if flngynrd'u Pectorhl Bale were used in the earlier stays of Colds and Coughs mtny n ‘nlitch in Ihe side’ and many u one of turn lungs might he avoided that, neglected npndly develop into xrreparable Consump- lion. A meeting of the above Club took place ii the Franklin House. Mmkhem. on Tues- dey, 2nd inst. The President, Mr Slater. in lhe chmr. The following were those present .- Messrs Slater. Pike. Finale. Gib- Ian. Cgptnine Keesor and Ralph. Mr Burgess read a lengthy and interest- ing paper on "the destruction of the thistle" He contended that the best way was one he hli thoroughly tried, and which had proved successful. He selected the worst part of his farm. and made the land rich enoth to yield two craps of clover the following your after urow‘ttg outs. The ï¬rst crop of alarm†Iran mown before the ï¬rst scared leef we: seen, but the second cut was left a little later. In the t'nllowmg spring, and when thistles were 6 inches high, he made public exhthition by it-Yliing critics and criticism. but not one thistle could be found. and lie avers that he never harmed, or caulk-d to he hmmed, athiatle by hoetttg or otherwise. A THIS? A? A (.‘Ansmn -â€"Somo Icema- drela attended the Farm"! held at Maluru. nu Chrimmas evening. and :“llulel (90d min hula. capl. cloakm. etc. In future a choc man will be provided. Mr and Mrs Cook, of Little Ridesu, sear Montreal, and their son George, and dauph- ter Emma, were murdered by a young ï¬end, nemed Menu, on Tuesday morning. an 2nd. The murderer has lived with the family for some months, as hired man. Thera,sre many motives assigned as the reeeon for. the crime. Some reports say Mann ï¬rstgsttacked Emma. in astewhmuo. adjoining the house. with the intention or anti-aging her. and being roused to fury by resistance, killed her. The struggle brought lief mother to the spot. where she shared the fate of‘her daughter. Mann that: attach ed the father in the barn yard, and, taking him by surprise, killed him instantly by a blow with an axe. He entered the room where the son George was asleep, and bvained him with the site. Another son. Willie. was next attacked He was serious- ly in'ured, but made a desperate struggle, and is sisters Maggie and Fannie, being awakened by the noise, ran to his assistance Maggie seized the axe, and after e terrible ï¬ght. wrested it. from the murderer. Both Fannie and Maggie were seriously woundâ€" ed. The assassin escaped, but was arrest-- tint Lschine. the next day, and; taken to L'Originel'for trial. ' Seventy-nine deaths from smallpox no reported v Baltimore III! week. VKeop it in yourfumily. The best remedy for accidems and emergencim. for Burns Scnldl Bruise Soreneu Sore ThroM, Cronp Rheumatism. Chilbhins and Pain or Sore» mu nfsll kinds. is that marvellous healing rem-dy Hazyard'l Yellow Uil. Whpeler’: Mills, in Slonflville, were harnpd on, Wednesday, 3rd, ius'. Lou about $3.000. Insurance $4.000 on bulld- inga, and $1.000 on stack. The ï¬re repent- edly thremened the whole village. Daughters, Wives, Mothers, look to your hullh l The many painful and weakening dikes!" from which you suffer despairing ofu core. can bu remedied by that unfailing regulumr 3nd purifying l‘onic Burdock Blood Bitten. Ask your Druggiat for proof. The Father a Son Chopped to Death. The Council met at the Town Hill. on fuel. d. .19“: Dec. 19th, 168‘], at 10 In In. ve in the chair. Members reunt, Meet" flock. Webster, Reumun and 1! 0y. I The minutes of last meeting read Md approved Maven by Mr Cook, seconded by Mr Remnan. ‘hlt the Treasurer is herebv authorized to pay the undermentioned road accounts, the same hevlmz been certiï¬ed to as correct by the Com-. nag-sinners in their respective districts 35 at: ; Wm Rumble, cutting hill. $12 ; Andrew ewton,cnttmg nil]. $10135; Geo Prentice, re- §Iiring cutvert. $8 ; W- Rankin, work on old onge street. $20; WMellish, spikes for bridge and culvert. s3 50 ; Patterson dc Bro, work on bridge and road scraper, $20 50 : Henrv Rumble, {gr gravel, $24 50; John Martin, repairing bridge, ' mit No 2â€"John Snider, for lunk, an 40; D Elder, for work and lumber. s4 56 ; Jan Somer- vnle, work and material, 340 ; Chan McNeil, {or Work. 35 ; J as Marshall, bridge on Town Line for Hjï¬ouyyet s45. Dist No 3â€"To I Murray, for plank. 90 etc ; P McNaughton, for plank. $3 31 ; Robt Kinnee, bridge betwee. lots 30 & 31, $29 ; Robt Bolling:- hend, work and material, $37 75 ; ; John (lulliam, making culvert on 11th Con, $4; James Davina. making culvert and material on 10th Con. $12 76; 1! Kennedy, repairing scraper, $1 60 ; John Bull- 4rd, making culvert and ï¬lling washout, $560 ‘Cmied. Moved by Mr Mallov, seconded by Mr Bellman. that the Treasurer is hereby instructed to pay the Toronto General Hosuim. as per account rendered for maintenance and treatment of Mr Butler and J Bell. 571 60 ; H McElx‘oy. for Steph- en Stroud, G2 eta ; Mr Munroe, bread for D Mc- Mgllin. :84 6? â€"Cnrried. ' Mr Webster moved. seconded by Mr Malloy. Ihut the Treasurer is hereby authorized to re- fund Mr E Kaiser the sum of $2 50. for expenses incurred in suit as pathmnster in Div No bâ€"Car. Moved bv Mr Mnlloy. seconded by Mr- Webster, that the Collectors' R011 be amended by reducing the assessment of That; O'Heuru from $34 50 to an; 50 ; A McN eil redhced $5 65. the some being plid by Daniel Sullivan. Mrs Bissell, 6: cts ;Js.s Hdl. $1 02 ; Mrs Bishog. 130 the same being indi- gents. Also Mrs Eliza eth Downs. 930 ; S Stroud, 024: ; Mr Munroe. 40c ; .Geo Baxter, a! ; Geo Ben- 311,85 17, heing.non-residents, and to be re- urne'l as suchâ€"Curried. Nomad by Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Resmsn. tint the Treasurer is instructed to refund to the undemontioned persons, the amounts opposite their respective names :â€" To J Hrfloover. dOg destroyed. $1 ;Wm Kep y, 1 doK. $1;Jas Daizfel, 1 dog, 51 ; W R McCutc e- on. 1 bitch. $2 ; Geo Topper. 1 dog. $1 ; M Crotty, ‘1 dog. $1 ; Richard Meyers,] dog, $1 ;N McColly, 1 dog. $1 :Robt. Glen.) bitch, $2 ; W DunnChmor. 1 dog, :3! ; L Harrison, 1 dog, $1: Wm Mellish, 1 dog. Q1; Djvig‘plder, I. dqg. SLâ€"Cnyrieg: _ By-law No 441, appointing Deputy Returning 01110011 {or the several Polling Bub-divisions, wupusled. The Council then adjourned 51m: um. lent and OOmfort to the Bud-Hug “BROWN’S HOUSEHOLD 171323.503“ 1:99 no equal for relieving pain. both internal Ind exé tuna). It cures Pain in the Side Bwk or Bowel. Sore Throat.Bheuma.tism, Toocl'mche. Lumbngo 3nd any kind of a Pain or ache. “It; will mos aurer quicken Qbe Blood and heal, as its rusting paws!“ it} wongerml‘." ‘ "grow"?! How-Aenng Paga- ,- .-_ _ “-_-- w __, V.__ can." be‘ acknowled ed as the eat Pain Re- liant. an of double 0 e atreng of M1 ‘viher Elixir or Liniment in the world. sho'u be in every family handy for use when wanted. "as ,it really is the beatremedv in the world for Cram 5 in the Stomach. and Pains and Auhee of all kin s' end in for sole bv u]! Drungista at. 25cents nbmtlo Interesting Itéms. A NOTE!!! AND DAI‘GITE‘ STRAXOLID. Buoklen'l Armcn Salvo. ’ Terrible 'Murdef. Vaughan Council. Farmers' Club. A Human cmh. MALVERN. DRY GOODS, EOR’THE‘PKESEM'VsIEAsom ‘~ ' o SELLING- ; '1: A REDUCTION. Crockery; Hut mgr», gut, Chedp and Colitplelb. ' A. MOODIE. CALL, AND INSPECT THE STOCK-! EXCELLENT" VALUE‘ THIS WEE CHOICE ' OONFEOTIONARY ! Farm Produce taken gt Market Prices. OUR MOTTO IS-Small Proï¬ts 66 Quick Returns. TWEEDS, TWEEDS, FIRE PROOF! GROCER‘IES 65 PROVISIONS 2'4! We have just openedvone ease of Ladles’ FUR CAPES, Which we are selling at the very low prices for which our house ls~faSt becoming famous. We are also showing a splendid lot of Ladies" and Children’s Ulsters at much below regular priees. UDIES’FUH BAPES : .Petley 61 Petley, { 233$} Gentlemen requiring Perfect Fitting and W'ell-g‘iiadeLO'ver-i coats will. save Time and Money by going direct to the Golden Grifï¬n. All 0111‘ Clothing is made on the premises by First-Class Competent Workmen, [and equal in every way to the best ordered Glotning. ‘ ' Petley & Petley, 3:122:33 OVERCOATS: anon-.0-IIO I... TORONTO VITALIZED AIR mamas. Believing; the peopIe will appreciate a. male of low prices or a. superior class of artiï¬cial teeth. I have debexmined on "timing the price at least 50 per car“, ‘ $001.!) num$ 6 - sec- 6 R U B B E R, 6 ï¬ecause out‘ prices are so low as a: seam won- derful when command with those of other ï¬rst.- clnis dentists. I do not wish you to infer that my establishment is conï¬ned to the manufacture of secs. 1 do eVery'thing or anything that any Toronto dentist W111 do, and do it on approved modern. scientiï¬c principles, guaranteemg satin- fuction in 11.11 ‘cases. No’ pain mnséd by the“ ex" traction 01 tooth LENNOX, D EN '1‘ A I. S- URGEON. U204 mm 512, Tnnum.†Parties wishing to expend lheir money to the best. advantage, will consult than o’wn interests by makingflgnï¬garly gall.“ A _ English, Scotch & Csnndinn Tweuda, the Lulu! Patterns. A Correct Fit Guaranteed. Boots and shoes, Overshoes and Rubbers 2 ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON Choice Tea, 20 Ctn. per lb. Best Family Flour at Bottom Prices. Lard, Bacon and Hams. Exullqm Teas, at Prices Io Suit. Sugars, Raisins and other Fruits, Frvsh ! Fresh Stock of GrOCeries. DRESS GOODS ! JOHN ' BROWN RUBBER MOODIE GROCERI ES ! ' TNiCe Suit 2 Bakery in connection. In {out everything you need you can get Black sud Colored Culxmoron, Silkyâ€"s Special Line. This week. At Price: to unit Everyone. A Fresh supply of In oflaflug just now a. well assorted stock bf A Splendid Line of 'Tweeds In the ISAAC CROSBY. FOR XI OFFERING Now in the time to get .n....-o-.---c nuuuuougoc-u INA Western. Canada Loan and Savings Company Ofï¬cesâ€"No 70, Church-street, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Senator,Pxesident Gmwn GOODEBEAM ..................... Vice-President DmEcTonsâ€"Smnuel Platt. M RAM-ed Gender- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thou H Lee, Ron D L Macpheraon, Senator V TJtB‘iKEibti, $3,6no,doo Money received on deposit, and interest payable half yearly or compounded. . See our reduced 1mm table ' For further infor- mation apyly at the amass of the Campany SAVING’S BANK BRANCH ' -uweskin your own town. 35 Outï¬t free. No risk. Everything ncw' Capital not required We will lutnish you everythiflg Many Ire mskiug fortunes Ladies make as much an met, and boys! and gun make great pay. Reader, if you wan a business at which you a make great pay a-llbhe time you work, write or 511M 50114 Hum“ 65 Co. Pdnbiand. Maine Capital, $1,990,000; Reserve Fund, $450,000 WALTER S LEE, MONEY T0 LOAN. J. BROWN. Manager. 128 to 132 King Street! East. TORONTb;§_ Enumflmmrmâ€"m‘ "“Eim‘su‘ QUALITY AT LWO’tthihï¬yfï¬Weightianeom.H; Pills, & ointment This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for: itself an imperishabla fame throughoutthe World for‘the alleviation and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is hailf. Terms of Subscribflb per nnuum in advance When not paid in advance $51 50 will be charged Tran-Rory advoruumonu. ï¬rst insertion. ' per “new.†_8 cents. Each subsequent insanlc . per 1111 3 cents. A. Contracts for time and space made on applica- will bu found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumnurs. ":A'civertisomem: without wriflexi instructions will be inserted until forbid oz charged transient increase the secretory powers of the Liver, bmce the nervous system, and throw into the circula- tion, the purest. Elements for sustaining» and repairing the frame. , ., Coughs. Sore Threats, Bronchitis, and all disord on; of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout; Rheu- matism. Scrotula and other kind of skin diseases EVERY THURSDAY, Athisprinting ofl‘ce. Yonga Street, Richmond Hm. Ontario _ tiorni Thousands of'jaersb‘ns havS-téaliï¬ed that by their use alone they hauo‘lpeen restored 10 health and strength, after" every ather means had proved unsuccessful. and sold at 13. 1&d.,2s. 9a., 43. 6d,, 113., 22, and 835 such Box and Pot, and in Canada at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents. and the larger sizes in provok‘blch; CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in [he United States, nor are my Medicines sold them. Purchasers shuuld therefora iook to the label on the Pots andqfloxges . If the address is not 533. Oxford Sifee’ty' London they are spurious f ‘ u The Trade Marks of my said-Medians! are re- gistered m Ottawa, and also at «Waghington. Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishment. 533.0m‘0RD STREET LONDON. Signed T] 533 Oxford street. London_ M. H. KEEFLER. BAD LEGS. OLD w'OUNDs. CULDS, burg? regulate- and improye the qualify o! the 57 0 . ,They assist the digestive organs, cleanse bueï¬gesï¬awibetore the 12111219... You can make [money faster at werk for B E fls that at anything else Capital not needed; We will start you $12 a. day a: upwards made at, home‘bs the indt‘l‘lstious Men, women, boysur'ld girls Wanted everywh’ei‘e to work for us. Now is the time. You can work in spare time only or give yaur Woole time to the! bnsmess. You outlive at home md do the work Nu other business will pay you pearly as wen.- No one can fail (’4‘) make ennrmï¬us pay by engag. ing at once. Costly out-ï¬n and tens free. Money made last, easily and honorably, Addreï¬a. Tums 6; Go. Auauum.-Mu.iuo. ' STOMACE AND BOWELS. The York Herald, QUALITY THOS NIGHTI’NGALE'S, p ankvile PUBLISHED BY THOMAS HOLLOWAY Jan. 5th 1881 R; 13. Gram. B. and First Silver ï¬edhlist, University of'Toronto,-M. C. P. S. Ontarid; 11 S AL,Eng!a.nd (Late or London, England) surgeon, Etc. _ Eomce Houzja 8 to 9.30 a..m.. and 1 to 2.80 p.111; Residence.. Yonge Sires}, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, May 23rd,.,»18'8_2. 1,“ ‘ J. ELLIOTT LANESTAPP; Ma D; ERNEST F; LANGSTAFF ! 'Graduam of Toronto University, and Mamba!“ o' the Collagg of thsiciuns and Surgeons. Thornhill, Dec, 5th. 1882. DR, JAMES LANGSTAFF! AND Dr. Geo. Langstafl', has removed from King, and commenced practice at Thornhill. Thomhill, Oct. 6th, 1882. Member cbuege of Physician: & suigoom. V (LATE 0F STOUFFVILLE.) OFFICE HOURS,â€"From s to 10 a. m., 5 to s p. ‘m; RESIDENCE l) (DEBS, Attorneys, Solicitprsdn-Chancery etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Count House), Toronto. ’ ALFRED B'oULTBEE WM. Won'rs Dvm'r. Jns Bethune Q C N W Hoylos. Baï¬isters, Attorneys-ut-Law’, $011011:bean Chancery. Conveyancers, etc. omensâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings. Wellington-street Toronto noun FERGUSON, Q.C. A JOHN BAIN WM SETON Gonnox, I 1 (33120 F Summer GRAN]! EBNTML HHTEL This Hotel has been refumished, renovated,- nnd ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style; and in now the leading Hotel north of Toronto. The bar in sup-’ lied with ï¬rst-class brand of liquors and cigars. xcellent accommodation for Commercial Travellers, and the General Public. Good Stabl: ing and an attentive Hostler, Fgfgugon. Bï¬ln. Gorqpn dLhS‘jh'Ipleyg RICHMOND HILL. JOHN POWELL. Prop This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers. Good S’mbling and attentive hostlers. Terms, $1 new day. Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect wi h all the N R R Trains going North nnd South. at 8 a m., 11.40 a. =n., p.10 19 m. and 6.2017 m Foo Choo’s Balsam of shark’s 011' 4 Positively Restores the Hearing, and {s‘the 0111? Absolute Cure fer Deafness Known. This Oil is abstracted from 1‘ecu1iar species of small White shark, caught in the Yellow See" kpnwn nsOamhm‘odnn Randeletii“ Every Chiâ€" nese ï¬sherman knows jg: Its virtues as u restor- ative of hearingw‘ei‘e‘ dlscovered by a Buddhié‘fl Priest about the year 1410. PS cures were so numerous and many so seemingly miracul- ous, that the remedy was ofl‘icially proclaimed '0ver.bhe entire Empire. 1155 use beï¬ame so uni-- versul that, for over 360 y'earu no Deafneui’ has existed among‘ynhe Chinese people‘ Sent charges prepaid. to any any addrvss at. $1 a. b03616 l, We CIA W I MEDALIS’I‘ TORONTO UNIVERSITY. NORTH OF sponnn CHAMBERS, l8 8:, 2O Klng Street. West, Toronto BARMSTE RS, 650 THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. J, Palmer. Prep. EARS Bethune, Moss, Falconhridgc ‘ AND novws, It has performed a mimqle in my case, no unearthly noise in my head'and hen: much better, ’ I have bee’n‘ greatly beneï¬ted, My deafness helped a great dealâ€"think anothv er bottle will cure me. M7 naming ié‘muqh beneï¬ted; I have received untoid beuï¬t, Mv hearing is improving; It is giving" good satisfaction . . Have bgen gremly beneï¬ted, and sm’r‘ejdiaed that I saw we notice of it‘ ' ' BOULTIBEE"& mv ATT. B nuns ’BERR. Attorneva. galinifnmdn.nhn.nnnrv "Its virtueé are unquestianable and its curative character absolute, as the writer can personally testify, both from experience and observation, Write at. once to HAYLOCK & JENNEY, 7 Day St, Few York, enclosing 551', and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else. and whose curative effects will be permanent, Yoii will never regret doing so.†â€"â€"â€"Editor of Mercantile REVIEW. 131%: avoid loan in the Mails, please send money by Registered Latter. Only Imported by HAYLocx & anknzv, H ear What. the Deaf Say Y‘onge . Street, ï¬léhmond Hlll. Richmond H111,0ct.12bh,'82. I , PREEMAN’S ‘ WORM POWDERS.‘ Are pleasant t6 take. Contain than own Purgntive. Is a. safe, sure, and eflecml damn:- or worms in Children or Adult-5 Sale Agents for Rmericm 7 Day st, N. Y; imam a: Goggroprietors APPLIED EXTERNAL†Foa RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, 01111;) LAINS, CALLOUS LUMPS SWELLINGS, STIFE JOINTS, GALLS, FROST 1311171, LAMENESS, comvs, CONTRACHONS BR UISES’; LUMBAGO, ITCH, V DEAFNESS, PAININBA cm spams, PAIN in SIDE, to. Evary bottIe marantced to give satisfac- tion or money re?unded. mow, mums, ASTHMA, To DISEASES, COMPLAINTS and Accmxm which HAGVARD’S YELLOW 011. is mn- tecd to cure or relieve either in Au or BEAST- DIREDTIUHS WITH EACH BOTTLE. PRIDE 95o. LREMOVED! ï¬wfel @Mflï¬. DR. ORR.,*MAP1;E5 FOR IHE P. oi Box 25272 INDEX um! INTERNAL†m 00176115, 3, 501m THROAT, 4, GOLDS, &c. THO RNHILL, ONT. Tittmmk 1f TORONTO, 6NT. C. C Moss, W C Falconbridge W Btu-wick, A B Aylesworth W J. FRANRB Ejmal. MILLHW ! Furniture At Toronto Brice: Xmas . Present-S Mums. R. H, WILLIAMS & SON'S.I " _ . ' TORONTO. April Ith;1881. GENTLEMENâ€"I have muchplensure 1n testifying to the great excellence of ynur_ Pianos. I have' put them severelv to the test, and ï¬nd them possessed of those qualities of tandem] (much $0 8.0" cents,er to the true musicith and lover of classical musicâ€"a. charming singing tone, easily nl'ndu- ated from the most delicate pimissim‘owto every :degree of loudness and fatness; and a. touch which answers reqdilx to eyery shade of feeling". ' ~ _ ,' Mum.» gm...†w 9...“, um.“ V. mama. . . H 1 _ _ , 1 _ , I consxqer then} mstmmenis a great aqqqxsxtion in mum'ch society, and am much pl'e'riised ‘nt ï¬nding a plane whlch I can recommend Wlth perfecf- conï¬dence. ‘ I‘am,vGentlemen, yours very truly, CHASâ€, W.EWING, (Of London, England,) , ' . Organist of St Peter’s Church. Coburg, Ont Magus R. S. WILLIAMS & Sox'sâ€" - T‘oizox'ro,-N'ov. 4th, 1882; (arm‘sâ€"Having thoroughly examined the Workmanship of your Pianos. I have no hesitatifm' in 3173.1:ng thgt, in n‘ly‘ogi‘nion, thqy'a‘relequnl to th9§e olf‘argy othqrs pf thgï¬est Malian-ï¬th Ilmve sp‘en Goods for the Holidays: Pianos ? mnos mmms 8% mm [ » UPRIGHT AND SQUARE 31;): oï¬iyspeuk' in‘the (~1de ï¬igh teï¬ns regarding thei? nitisiénl qualities ; .fdrrtherir ï¬m; Fail « émvg‘: ing capability of tone, pleasant touch, 5w, am Such. that there seems to be no necessity to purchmse fogeign ipsgr'mpentihwlieg oï¬'r .hom'e edtgrprise cahjp‘rpduce we); Fixings, land at one-third lens; cqst “Vi-inn; [aid to hearrihut the extensive aale‘of oin' msérxiï¬iént’érsihi 7 ï¬rth" fl 7 V . "7' V success that I think vou justly deserve. y ' . W at you are meeting Wlth the 1‘ am, Gentlemen. Your Obedient Servant, We make a. special style 6f Organs in large quantities, and are therefore able to oï¬er thm ‘ at ex- ceptionally low rates. Payments arranged to suit. the convenience of purchasers and "swam owi a term 01 yams. Fur full putiqulm‘s write to V S S A V . , {U ,. 5 . U U ’ l I43 Yéhge se. TOFo‘ï¬to. on 25.9.6 Dundas St. London. 9 IPEO‘P s STO HORGANSL Are constructed from the {my best M‘aiérinlé fay experienced Workmen, and aée {any equal in point of Pictures, and Picture Frames of all kind Chto’iiio Moï¬ttqqsbt all designs. Brackets and Wall Pockets. A very ï¬ne_ sélepeion of Every kind and; Variety, ,f CHEAP GOODS AT THE iiiEs'rIMb'NiALs; To the high priced Amér'icanrlnsnuments. Glass and Cr‘oc’kery. Call and See A splendid Stock; PIANOS I For CASH Only, in A large atock of a. REYNOLDge "o Gd Pricey. GEO. W.'STRATHY.vMus Do‘c.