Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 Feb 1883, p. 3

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Nor Turnâ€"The report circulated around Town on Tuesday morning that Mr Ember- ford. one of lhe buyers on Ilae Marketa was frozen to o'erth wlnle driving from Toronto h his home at Richmond Hill, the previous evening. is not lr_ue. One of our citizens saw him on Wednesday and he is aiiye and well. 1839:07an or rm: Fnu: D:tunrnr..vr.~ On Wednesday Messrs Savage and Eh-idge, 3st 5nd 2nd Engineers of the Newmnrliet Fire Brigade, made a thorough inspectinn of the fire protection apparatus. The official report will be presented at the next meeting oflho Council. We are glad to learn that everything was found Very antis- fnctm-y. Noel and 2 Fire Engines were both in good working order. No 3 Engine fleded some slight repairs and was left in [Itcpr'l' shape. The hose appeared in good q-ondrtian and mu found properly reeled on bmh reels with the rnpes In their proper places. The caretaker was highly com- mended for his Careful llientifltl and good keeping of the paraphernalia in every de 4 pertinent. The Engineers consider the en- tire equiptnent ready for any emergency. All the water tanks in town were also exam- ined, and with two exceptions were found full to the top. These two tunks were about lmlf full and both adjoin larger tanks, no that there is In abundant supply of water in case of necessity. Sl'DDRN Dunnâ€"We regret to leurn of lin- dealh of Mr Wm Pogue. of Richmond Hill, whose funeral look place on Monday last M, Ihm villnge Mr Vogue was ill but u short lune. his ailment being Inflammatory Hhuun‘lulism which finally reached his heart and caused death. He was a lrequent visiu for to Newmnr‘kel, and was well known among the. peop e here 118,8 uraighuorwald and energetic business mun. We regret also to learn [hut Mrs Pogue is also con-- fined‘lo her bed by the same disease. We offer our aympulhy lo the friends and relâ€"- wives of the deceased in their bereavement. â€"Bm'onnn cream nuns-vailing dressm'irnmed with lamaI and the second wns dress d in while muslin and lace. The groomnmen were Mesala Randolph and Edwin Morlley, brothers of the bride, who being \wll-known and lhor-- nhghly liked. a host of wellwirhers from Thorxuhill and Vicinily, nnd ollwr fri.-nds in the aim «Handed to witness the ca emony, and m congratulate Ihe happy couple a! the clash After breakfast a! the Russell House an enjoyable lime was ape"! hy the gursls ln Ihu drawmg room. the bridal couplé leav- ing for lhe weal bv the afternoon hain. True to Her Trust- Too much e'mmm be said of the ever fmth {til wife” and thotlibr. constantly watching and caring for her dear ones. never neglecâ€" ting asingle duty in their behalf‘ Wth they are assailed by disease. and the system should have a theraugh cleansing, the Stomach and bowels regulated, blood puri- fied. und malarial poison exterminated, she must know the! Electric Bitters are the only sure remedy. They are the best and purest medicine in the wm-ld and only cost fill! cents. Suld by R. E Law. CARPET Fw'rom' â€"â€"Mr Campbell intends having: it building some 26‘ feet by 60 feet, and 38 fret high with two storeys. n. portion hf it will be built on the site of the skating rink. When cmnpleted it is expectéd lhat about 20 hands Will be employed constantly. A pleasing event on New Year’s Day last was the marringe at ll 30 a. m.. in the Metropolitan Church, Toronto; of Miss Mary Adeline Mortley, only daughter of Mr John Mortlvy. ni'Thornbill, and Mr Gen. Batten, non of Mr John Button. cf Ciairviile. T3 a bride. who-was tastefully attired in white cashmere. trimmed with satin and lace, with lace \‘Ell and wreath, was escorted into the chut'ch by her father, the wedding procession being preceded by the officiating clergy and sexton. The bridesmaids were Miss Clara Millen. ni Tut‘OIIIQ. and Miss Jennie Button Clutrville. The first bridesm Lid wore a A FRAUD.- The Bristol Piuno 00., alias the Union Or an Co., are sending circulaxa to pnrlies in this Village. offering to send a Parlor Cabinet Organ for $11 in cash and the names of 15 families having no organ or piano. Have nothing to do with them no they are frauds. Dr John C. Raymond, 164, Washington Street, Brooklyn. N. Y.. is also a huge fsaud Pisa them round.-Stoufl'ville Ad‘- vance. The first meeting in the interests of Mr. John Bain. Liberal-Conservative candidate for the Legislatuie in the ensuing general elections, was held at the Wellington hotel. Markham village, “Monday afternoon The meeting was well attended. and the ambit-- s‘iuflt manifested augurs well for Mr Bain’s success at the polls. The chair was occu- ted by Mr John Gibson, president of the, East Ymk Conservative Association, who introduced the candidate with‘s few well- chosen words. Mr Bsin, to coming for- ward was greeted with loud applause. The speaker at once plunged into a hearty dis-- cussion ofall the leading questions in pro- vincialpoliuos. Hedsalt with the Streams hill and the Boundary Award in a manner which showed his thorough familiarity with these subjects. and drew forth the unbound- ed plsudtts of the audience. He refer: ed to the Public Accoltnti, and dealt scalhingly with the presumption ofaGovet-oment which plumed itself on a financial condition than which one more unsatisfactory could scarce- ly be found. The speech throughout was s masterly efl‘ort. and one which must have highly pleased his many warm supp :rters present. Mr Bain is personally a most popular man. and the presence at yesteru dny’s mm-tihg ofa goodly number of Reform- ers showed that a good many votes which had hitherto gone the other way would this1 t'iitne be polled for the Conservative candi- ate. - t Tm: Bum Suva: in the World for Cafe, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Snlt Rheum, Fever Sores. ,Teuer, Chnpped Hands, Chilblainv, Corns, and all Skin Eruptionu, and positive- ly cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by R. 11;. Law (The weekly bullelin issued by the Pro-- vinéial Bound of Health, warns Ihe resi~ dams of Onmrio tha! varicella. the fore- mnner of smallpox. has maria its appear-- ance, and urges that vaccination be resort» ed to. lost and COmtort to «no antenna! “BROWN’S HOUSEHOLD PENAG "'has no onus.) for relievint vain. both mmfim nhd n. equal for relieving pain, both kiwi-ha. ahd ex- tornml. It cures Pain infihe Side, B k ‘Bm‘nels Sore Throutflheuih‘afism, Tooth ', tnbago, nnd _a.ny 319d can. light 91' aghe'i ‘f‘lfi 1011 most surely quicken the Blood and hem,- ugéygtfl Acting power is wonderful.” “Brown's Ho?) old Pena.- een," being acknowledged as the great Pain Re- )iever, and of double the qtrength of _ an; other Elixir or Liniment in the world, shun d be in every 1amin handy for use When Wail'fied, "as it wally is t-he bestremedv in the world for Crmnpé' I." in “'19 'l'o'n‘m'h; and Pains, and M R” ‘--:= BUcklen'o Arnlen Salve; Wedding Bells. STOUFFVILLE. EAST YORK. Newmarket. -â€"EEA I We maké‘ 8- 5633.173in m in» large quantities. and are therefore able to ofier them at ax- ’ débtioxiallii/ l'lfi‘v rites. l’aWflSh ..‘ fiitmnged to suit; the convenience at purchasers and spread over a term of years. For full ptix‘fié‘i mf§ Write to .. T1;â€" » a _§‘*‘»..FWITJLI A M3. ,,,.~A n; n Planos ? Pianos '3 PIANOS ! DRY GOODS, 190R THE 1’3»;st SEASON. SELLING .45.__ REDUCTION. UPRIGâ€"HT AND SQUARE Mmms.R. fl. WILLIAMS & Sox‘s. TORONTO, A ril 12th 18 l GENTLEMENâ€"I have muéh plenéui‘e in testifying to the great excellence of yell)" Piands. 81' have put them severelv to the’tesfi, and find. them possessed of those qualities of tone and touch so 3.0â€". ceptable to the‘ (1119 musxcian and lover of classical musicâ€"a charming singing tone, easily gradu- ated from the most delicate pianissimo to every degree of loudness and tulness, and a. toush which answers rggdily to eyery shade Of feeling. .u.~._,. ... .. .4 .‘ . _ CALL AND'INsPEc'I‘ THE STOCK! EXCELLENT VALUE THIS WEEK! u...” w, -.y.‘, _._‘_..v V- _ "V. u...» u v“; | I consular these instruments 8. greatiqquisitfim in musicial society, and 11m much pleased at finding a. piano which I can recommend With perfect co’nfidence. 1 am, Gentlemen, yours very truly, CHAS. “KEWING, (Of London,» Ehg‘hde Organist of St Peter‘s Church. Coburg, Ont Mia‘s‘s‘tis R. S.WILLIAMS & So\‘Sâ€"â€" : . _ TpRoNTo; Nov. 4th. 1882. GENTSâ€"Having thoroughly examinpd the Workmanshxp of your Pmnos. I have no hesitation in stating that, in my ppinion, they nre-eqn‘ml to th "e of any the of the best Makers that Ihave seen , A , .‘._, I._:..I~ 4mm"... um... .u. LIAA.‘... 1 mu‘uun. . 5M. “‘4- A..- A," foreigfi ifistrfi ehfis, wfien our home enterprisé can produce such Pianos and. 8.6 ‘n 611‘ d ' I am glad couiiear that the extensive sale of our instrumdfifis ' 0 a. l-r has cost success that I t mg You jgmiidesene. Y shows that you are meetmg thh the infilfiififiéfifime. pleusantibvuéh; &c.'aré’9}wh,?hat there seeinfi to be it; nqéeési y £6 ~purclmg'e foreign instrurglehts, when our ho enterpnse ' produce such Pianos, and. t due-third less cost ~., , 1 LL; ".L, .n1‘ *9 . ._..‘.‘._.M.u.-L- 4.-...- 4.14.... .. -._» _~__.:_A __,‘u, f“! 1:“: LE ‘ TWEEDS,‘ TWEEDS, Mung Dunn, ux nu, uyuuvu I can only speak In the ......,x_ .1 A-..‘ .. , “4”, ...v v.1..." .v “u; u. V. .“V V v- a......,... u...“ -um-v saw“ me high terms regar g their 111' cal qualities ; for their fine full at 4......1. 1". .mm mm». that» nu...“ "mu". tm um. "I. “flammu... LA _ Parties wishing to expend Ihcir money to the best advantage, will consult their own interests by m "im; an ea‘l call, Are constructed from Ike very best Materials by experienced Workman, and are fully ‘ equal in point of English, Scotch a; Canadian Tweeda, the Latest Patterns. A Correct Fit Guaranteed Fresh Stock of Groceries. EX'ceUéni Teas, at Prices to Suit. Sugars; Raisins and olher Fruits, Fresh 1 DRESS - GOODS ! GROCERI ES 2 Black and Colored Caalnmerea, Silks,â€"a Special Lina. N Silit ‘2 hE,'GéHfiemen. Your Obedient Servant. C’i-uulmry, Hui-dw’u’re, ctEjCheafinm’CbTmlpfi TESTIMONIALS. To the high priced American Inslruments. This week. A’Bplendid Line of Tweeds at the ISAAC CROSBY. ls (FFERING Now is the time to get INA 13300?! A. : MOODIE. GEO. W. STRATHY. Mu! D60. rum mo- 3 Andy"; Western. Canada DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Flatt, M P;Alfred Gooder- ham, Geo W Lewis, T1103 H Lee, Hon D L Macpherson, Senator .. nwcekin' your - bwn town. $5 Outfit free. Noxisk. Everything new Capital not required We will Surnish‘ :you everything Many are making fortunes Lndiés make as much as men, and boys and girls‘ ‘make _ rent pay. Render} if you Wan a businesé‘nt whi b you can make great pay alltlxe time you xwoxk, write for miculars to H. HALLETT & COKBbxtland. Maine Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $450,000 Total Assets. $3,500,000 1) TEES, Attorneys, Solicitbrs-in-Chancery etc.. 64 Adelaide shreet East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. ' ALFRED BOUL'X‘BEE :WM. Won'rs DVA'L'T. Officesâ€"No 70, Church-street, Torouio HON GEO W ALme, Senator,Plesident GEORGE GooDnnnAM . 'Vioe»President BnFrisbers, Atharneysâ€"ub-Law, V iSoixcxtars-ig- Chancery. Convevaucers, etc, >01flcas‘â€"Imperial Bank Buildings. Wellingson-street, Toronto HOMAS FERGUSON, Q.G. ' JOHN BAIN \VM SETON Gonvox, , Gm) F SHIPLEY SAVING’S' BANK J as Bethune Q C. C Mossy Cjulcon'bridge N W Hayles, W Barwick, A B Aylegworth "W J. FXEANKE ' Fergqson, Balin, Gor§§n altsflhrlpley, Money received qn deposil, and interest payable half yearly or compounded. See our reduced loan ta.wa For further infor- mation apply at the omces of the Company Is a. 20â€"King afreétg'WGQdTbronto._ Graduate'of Toronto University, and Member 0f the College of Physicians and Surgeona. Thoruhill, De_c, 5th. 1382. Residence, Yonge Streehc'Riehmond Hill. Richmond Hill,May 23rd, 18.82. . ly' BARRISTEBS, ;&c R. B. Orr, B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Torontb,1}I. E. Ontario. L 8 AL, England _(Lgte 0f 16ndon, Englund) Surgeon, Etc. ‘ ” 30mm Hours 8 to 9.30 mm}, and lito 2.30 p.111; ERNEST LKRGSEE'AFF 2 Bethune, Moss, Fajcimbridge AND BOYLES, BEES â€"-.uuxuus u. ALl'vAvxaAAilAAU an“ x J» Lari“) avoid 1933 in the fiéilafpifipe send money by Registered Lettér; '“ ‘ ‘ Only Imported by nAYLocx a: J'ENNEY, Foo Chen‘s Balsam of Shark’s Oil Positively Restores the Healing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafneavanown. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar apeciea’of small White Shark. caught in the Yellow Sea, known as Curcharodon Rondeletii‘ Ev'ef'y Chi- nese fisherman knows it. It‘s virtues as a. restor- ative of hearing were discpvgred by a: Buddhist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and many so so‘e‘m’lngly mirlaculf. sun, that the remedy was otficinlly mbéluimed over the entire Empire. Its 13.88 became so uni-- versal that for over 300 years no Deafness has existed among she Oh n‘ese Wonk. Sept charges prepaid. to any any a. dress at $1 a. b‘otfle "Its virtues are unquestidnlble sfid its éurative character absolute, as mg writer-th panama-11y testify, both from expenqgce ,rm’d observation, Write at once to HAYLOCK' .Jm‘fx‘tcy, 7 Day St, New York, enclosing :51; and ybu'flill meivo by return a. reme'dy that willenable yth tohear like anybody else, and whose cmqtivé‘ effects will be permanent. You willv neVer - regret doing so.” â€"â€"Editor of Mprpantile REVIEW 7 ' Member Coile'ge of Physiolani a Buccan- (LATE 0F STdUFFVILLE,) ‘ OFFICE HOURs,â€"From Ste 10 a. m, 5 to s p. m ImsmEN‘c'E‘ Yonge Street, Richmond Hlll. Richmond H111, Oct. 12th;‘82. ' fii;:‘$;3;3 aég'l‘gbenefl ts"? m ,1me oiced that I saw the nofi of it? "(I '1‘ ej It has performed a. miracle izi -m'y cas’e, - I have no unearthly noise 113 my head and has: much better. ‘ I have been greatly benefited, - ' ‘1 My deafness helped a. ngeafi deadâ€"think anoth- er bottle will cure the. . ‘ Mv heariug‘is much benefitéd. , I have received unfiold ben' 05; , , My hearing is imprfiving, ~..’ .3 It is giying good sufiisfactiod‘ A. "Jug, ,.,,_As,od., a :33. JAMES .“Lflflsmw z, (M. Palmer House), 1» Aurora. lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Newmurket, ...... " 2nd Stouflville . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Markham ...... . Victoria Square ...... Thornhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . '- Maple ..... , ...... Woodbridg Kloinburg. . ...... ‘ . ' Nobloton ...... .~ ..... 0th , _ do Anastrhetlcs, as Nitrous Oxide, etc., wed when ordered and none but the‘best material used. Dr. Geo. Langsta‘fl“. .has removed from King, and commenced practice at Thornhfll. Thoruhill, Oct. 6th. 1882.9. ' Thankful tor the favors, of the 5191536 ‘ years tr my still be consulted in any branch of the!‘ Pro. fession, as follows :' ‘ " - - Biphmond Hill 9th ,a 24th 01 each mdn‘tb DR. W. J. ‘_W[LSOI\', mums? Tonomwmsm. ‘ Héa‘r‘ ‘Vhat the _Deaf Say- m' '2‘. - 8&1th Dnmxsir, has removed -'to 187‘? ij'ge fittest East, Toronto. Best mineral bée‘thinsgzztedin a. mum}; to suit each. patigpt; Fargtqmgxr” ' __ L- LL, W, 7 wrh ~ - v râ€"- . m - via-“W " ""' V" given to the preservation and. i'egulagion of the natural teeth, "cm‘efully nvoiding 1g]! unnecess- ary ‘pain. oqme hours from 8 g. m. b. 6 n. In. Private residence 209 J aljyirstreét‘, ' f. ' EVERSEESR "P.0- , , flunkâ€"45w ‘ ,. . R s; {OULTBEE & EV‘ATT. BARRIS '. ELLIOTT LANGSTAPP. M. D. Loan and gévmgs Compafiy NORTH OF SCOTLAND,» flyiMux-fns, WALTER 3» LEE, BRANCH Rumovnug At Maple m1; fit every month "ilVJr'yA Roaiusoq; SURGEON DENTIST; Aimom M0]?EY7CT£0A N. DR. ORR, MAPLE, FOR THE P.- O. Box 2527. THORNHILL, ONT Eyed/ital. 3:529:11; AND-J GisiADKMS, L..D.'VS., MILLIW ! Manager Dr. E. Ci West's Nerve and Brain Trent merit, a. guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzinegs, Con- vulsions, Fits, Nervous Ncurnlgim, Headache. Nervous Prostmtion caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. \Vukefulness, Mental Depression. Softening of the Blnin resulting in Insanity and 1.9 ding to misery, decay and death, Premature 01% Age, liarrenness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermutorrncen, caused by overvexertion of the brain. self abuse or over- indulgence. One box “ill cure recent cases. Each box contains one month’s treatment. One dollar ahoxmr six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. \Ve guaran- tee six boxes to cure any case. With each order frceived by us for six boxes. accompanied with (We dollars. we will send the purchuser our writ ten guarantee to efimd [.116 money if the treat- ment dues not e cct n. cure, Guarantees issued only by '1‘. A. Hewitt & 00., sole authorized agents for Thornbill and Angus, Ont, John C West & 00., sole proprietors, Toronto. Ont. United Slates, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers shuuld therefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London the are, Spurihus. _ 'T (S Trnflé Marks of my said Medicines are re- giste‘fed m Ottawa, and also at Washington. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 53."! Oxford straet, London, We will pay the above reward for (my case of Liver Comuleint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In. digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we esmnut cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac- tion. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. Fat Stile by 1111 Druggiste. Be- ware of counterfeits and imitations: The gen uine manufactured only by JOHN 0. WEST & CO.,“ The Pill Makers," 81 & 83 King Sf... East Toronto, Ont; Free trial package sent; by mail prepaid on receivt of u 3 cont sbumn‘ and sold at is. 1m, 2a. 9a., 45. m, 113.. 22', and 335 each Box antifnt, and in Canada at 36 cents, 90 cents. and .fi ,50 cents, and the larger sizes in Drooortion. CAL'noxâ€"l have no Age"! in {He nited Slates, nor are mv Medicines sold Coughs, Sore Threats, Bronchitis. and all disord ,ers of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin diseases Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s' Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON. increase the secretory powers of the jvér.bruce the nervous system, and throw into he circula- tion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing thu frame‘ - Thousands of persons have testifiei that by theix use alone they haue been restored tn health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumnurs, ' This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishnble fan-10 throughout the W'orld for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. urifY. regulate and improye the quality of the mood. They assist: the digestive organs, cleanse BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS, Pills & flintment For Manufantgring and other purposes. S Oak and‘fihste Brokers; etc, etc. Toronto,‘sz 9th; 1883 Goodwills Bought and Sold ! ViFarnl 8c 'O’trlr‘xréi' Property, Hotels, Taverns and Business, Worth their “.Veig’ht in Gold I I ~ GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY SYNDICATES FORMED STOMACH AND BOWELS, Health IS Wealth. MORTflAfiES (Hi'l‘AINED Wc have just opened one Case of Ladies" FUR CAPES; which we are Selling at the very low prices for which our house is fast bcéoming famous‘ We are also showing a splendid lot of Ladies" and Children’s Ulsters at much lielow regular prices.- Petley & Petley, { I Gentlemen requiring Perfect Fittin'gfland “WEB-amide, pier; e‘oats Will save Time and Money-7b}; going“ direct to the Golden Griffin. All our Clothing is made on the premises by First-Class- Competent Workman, and equal in every way to the best Ordered} Clotning. Petley 8: Petley, $2253? $500 REWARD. OVERCOATS: Patent Rights disposed of ; J; I. EVANS & CO, Lender Lgne, bebném .ian. 5th 1881 \‘5 r. M? B’H’AI’IJ 1 Eur U115”. only, in ’ iiictures, and Picture Frames of all kinds, EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing cfiice, Yodge, Street, Richmond Hill. Ontario Terms of Subsc ‘iptions : $1 00 per annum in advance When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged . Transitory advertisements, first insertion. per line .......... 8 cents. Each subsequent insertion. per lino ...... 3 cenbsi Contracts for time and space made on applica- tier. Advei‘tiéemenis Without written instructions will be inserted until forbid 6; charged transient rates M. H. *KEEELER. FRESH Furniture At Toronto Prices I Groceries For Hfiii-daylfSeasonx O‘U‘R MOTTO IS-Small Profits 86 Quick Returns); CHOICE > ‘GONFEOTIONABY I GROCERn-zsigé & EEIPROVISIGNS , I‘REEMAN’S V WORM Pownnns.‘ Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgntive. Is a. safe, sure, and edectni! destroyer o! worms in Children or Adult; PEOPLE’SSTOREI The York Herald, Boots and shoes, Oversiwes and Rubhei‘: Choice Tea, 20 cm. per 113. Best Family Flour at Bottom Prices. Lard, Baéo‘a afidfiums. Chroma Mottaes of a] designs, Brackets and Wall Pockets. A very fine selection of OHMP‘ .F-OR -v ‘1. Selling Fast, PUBLISHED BY CHEAP GOODS AT THE Bakery in connection. In fact everything you negd you can get Gill-DEN GRIFFIN A Splendid Stock of At Prices to suit everyone A Ffe’sh su‘pply of Glass and Crockery. Can and See Prices‘ Farm Produce taken at Market‘Prices. Far CASH Only, in A large toék of J. REYNOLSa 1:28;: to 132 King Street, East. [)RAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST n rmv Am APPLIED EXTERNAL” m . RHEURIATISM, NEURALGIA, CHILI LAINS, CALLOUS LUMPS SIVELLINGS, snFF JOINTS, GALLS, FROST 121m; LAMENESS, CORXS, ' ' oonApz'IOJ-Js BRL'ISES, LUMBAGO, 12‘ch , DEAFNESS, ‘I’AININBA‘ CK, SPRAINS, PAIN 1'11 SIDE, &o. Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfac- tion or money refunded. meow, ORA RIPS, ASTHMA, TO‘DISEASBS, COMPLAINTS and ACCIDENTS whmh }{AGY:\RD'S YELLO‘V 01L is guaran- tecd to cure or relieve either in Mqu or BEAST. Call and $06. QUALITY AT TORONTO. P. G. SAVAGEo‘ INDEX TAKEN INTERNALLY rcn 0017mm, 5, . SORE THROAT, 4, COLDS, a. THOS NIGHTIN GALE'S, J. BROWN. Yorkvile

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