Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Feb 1883, p. 2

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Spring Goodsâ€"I. Crosby. Notice to Creditorsâ€"Francis & Wardrop‘ Medicalâ€"Dr George Langstnfl". Electors of West Yorkâ€"John Gray. No. 37: Whole No. 1285: Volume 25. The reason why the electors should vote for Mr. Meredith and_his supportâ€" an an many. Mr. Mowac’s friends. when fairly cornered, say that Mr. Meredith cannot do much better than the present Government, anyway, and it is a good plan to let well enough alone. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15.1883 If Mr Meredith is returned by a working majority. he will at once make areduotion in the expenditures. The Grins say a few thousands does not unloth to much. but the people of' this oounlry know that every few thousands count up. ‘ The electors udderstand too well, much better than believes, and the cry of will 1'16 more help him now ed Mr Blake last June It remains to be proven whether Mr Meredith cannot greatly improve on Mr Mowat. If his course in the last ses- sion may be taken as a faint indication of what he can do, and is desirous of doing, then be will be a vast. improveâ€" ment The policy of the Conservative party was announced and explained in the recent session in the clearest and most able and forcible manner. The debate showed that Mr Meredith and his supporters were possessed of more than ordinary ability, and were eminent ly qualified to manage the afl'airs of this country. Ifithe electors vote Conservative the Beundary Question will be immediately settled by referring it to the Privy Council. Ontario will get the large tract. of territory thnt she 18 entitled to, without any more quibbling or quarrel- lug. We should have had this territory long ago, but Mr Mowat would not 31-- low the matter to be settled. because he wished to help his friend, Mr Blake, at the June elections, and help himself in the coming contest, by the on of Onâ€" tario. With Mr Meredith in power, there would he no more waste of timber and crown lands, no recklese expenditure.- The system of centralizing all power and patronage in the hands 0." the Governâ€" ment, would receive an effectual Check. This evil is growing rapidly. The Li- cense Commissioners hold the liquor in- terest in their hands; the Division Court Clerks and Bailifl‘s exert their powerful influence for their masters. Even educational matters have been dragged into politics, and the teachers are becoming afraid to hold an unfavor- able opinion of the Government. If" such a state of affairs goes on our trus- tees, pathmasters. pound-keepers and other municipal oflicers will soon be under the control of the Government. Let the electors put a stop to this tyranny by voting for Mr Meredith’s supporters. ‘ The Markham Sun, in alluding to the coming; elections, says :â€"- Do not depend upon your neighbour but getto work yourself for the next few days. By the day of nomination every man will have decided as to how he will vote, and if you will have left undone that which lies in your powur to do, you will have just four years to scratch your head, bite your fingers, and repent. Now is the time you can do good if you tryâ€"in a few days this opportunitv will have passed. We have got in Mr Bain a good, honest. straightforward standardâ€"bearer, who has the interests of the country at heart, and as this gentleman spent his vounger days in the township of Scarlioro, it must necessarily ft-llow that he would HOW take a verv deep interest in the welfare ' ot the Hiding. He is a gentleman of sterling qualities in every respect. conâ€" trolling: one of the laigest and most re- spectable legal firms in the city of Torâ€" onto, and everv man in the Billing. let him be Conservative or Reformer. should ' put his shoulder to the wheel. of common decency, patriotism and good governâ€" ment. and thereby elect Mr. Rain by an overwhelming majority. In this gentleman’s address to the electors of East YOt-k, which may be seen in other columns, he faithfully promises to supâ€" po t all good measures, whether brouuht into the House by Conservatives or Reâ€" formersâ€"what fairer can he say ? The address throughout is one that should be admired by all true men who think more of their courtry than their party. and M r. Barn is a gentleman who would be useful as well as ornamental in the Local House, and a credit to the elecul tors of East York. who will no doubt“ place him there ; the-efore, we say. inl the language of the Editor of the Globe, “To Arms” at once. and have your can- vass thorougth made by the 16th of" February. If this is done and done; rightly. \lr. Bain will represent as for; the tie it- but as yet he had niit received an anSWer He preferred to meet Mr Patterson and discuss with him the issues before the; electors. Referring to a statement in the Liber-1 al that the Major was opposed to manâ€" uf..ctories being established in Parltdale; he eliaracteriz- d it. as a downright false- hood. The only factory in that village is built on the M ajor’s property. and two other firms are now negotiating for a site. Mr Patterson had not, as yet, began to manufacture anything. He had talked about. buying: a site from the M aior but that was about all that was done There w: s not the slightest ground f0i such a falsehood, as the Muior'h‘cd always been an active and zealous promoter of man~ ufactories. The question oftemperance was taken up, and it, was clearly shown from statis- tics given that the course pursued by the Mnqu Government- had been prejudicial to the interests of temperance. Consid- erable amusement was created by the Major's criticisms of the trip of the cele brated corkscrew brigade. His whole speech showed that he pos- sessed considerable ability on the platâ€" form, and With very little practice, will make a forcible and effective speaker. Before the present campaign is over his superiority. in this particular. over his opponent will be manifest to the electors. A number of speeches were made by prominent supporter! of the Conservaâ€" tive candidate, and the meeting adjourn- ed. 1:: , The Dominion House was opened on Tueday last. The Hon. Kenneth Mackenaie. the senior judge of the County of Yurk. died on Wed- nesday afternoon. from apopl‘exy. The Royal Opera House, Toronto, was destroyed by fire on Thursday morning. Loss about 50,000, 8th,â€" ‘500 of which is covered by insurance. The fire is supposed to be the work of HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We $31111: 3mm. Mr. Baan’s Chances. Richmond Hill. Ont. Reagans Why. the situation Mr‘ Mowat On-tay-ree-o than it help Reception and Presentation, A HEARTY WELCOME, AND A BEAUTIâ€" FUL PRESENT. On Tuesday evening last, a large num- ber of the members of the Presbyterian Church, in this village, together with many of their friends, assembled in the Lecture Room ofthe Church, to welcome home their esteemed pastor and his charming young bride, on their return from a wedding trip to Rochester. Mr and Mrs Campbell were very agree- ably surprised at the unexpected warmth and heartiness of the greeting which met them on their arrival. The Leeâ€" ture Room was well filled with friends, and their happy faces and pleasant smiles evinced more strongly than mere words could do. their kindly feelings towards those whom they had assembled to honor The ludies,â€"-alwaya highly accom- plished and successft‘flfn providing re- freshments,-surprised even those who had been accustomed to partake of their repasts, by the choice and sumptuous spread which they placed on the {ably}. After ten had been partakeu of, Mr George Trench. on behalf of the congre- gation, read the following address, and presented the beautiful and elegant. gift of a silver tea service :â€" To the Rev. 1. Campbell :â€" Duu AND Esrarunn [heronâ€"It is with the greatest pleasure that we, pariahonern and friends. have met here this evening {or the purpose of welcoming you back after your short absence. and also for the pleat-- ure of greeting the one who has been the close of that. disallowâ€"your dear wife. We could not let this favorable opportunity pass, without giving tangible expansion to the pleasure we feel in extending.’ to your wi e a cordial welcome into our midst. and also of our appreciation of the kindly inter- est you take; not only in our spiritual, but also in our lemporul welfare. Allow me. than. on buhulf oflhe congre- galinn. to beg yuur acceptmue of this Tau Service. and~wilh Il' our best wishes lor ynur l'mure happiness and [troupe-i152 That God may ever bless you and ynurs, a-nd that you hmh my long be spared lo labour in our midst. is our sincere wish. Mr Campbell, in reply, alluded very t'eelingly to the heartv welcome and bean tiful present. which had met him and his wife on their arrival home Hewarmly thanked the congregation for this eviâ€" dence of their kindly sympathy and friend hip, not. only to him as their pusâ€" tor, but to his Wife who arrived amongst them a stranger. This feeling of friend- ship he knew would become stronger with time, and he trusted that if in the past his labots amongst them had been blessed, that in the future his interest in his people would be greater, and that he would labor more earnestly andstrong It for the advancement of the Church. The greeting this evening showed .that the bond of friendship was as strong, if not stronger, now between the pastor and people, than when he first came among~t them. After complimenting the ladies for their aburdant. and appetizing supper he again thanked the congregation for this manifesmtion of their kind hearts and good wishes. A meeting of the friends and support- ers of Major Gray Was held in the Com- miLtee Room of the Masonic Hall, in this village, on Friday evening last The hall was crowded, and all present seemed enthusiastic and earnest in their belief of victory for their cunt'idate. After roumine business, and several re- ports, Major Gray addressed the meeting at considerable length, on the queeti Ins of lhe day, He read a copy of a letter which he had sent to Mr. Patterson on the 51h inst., requesting him to hold joint meetings throughout the Riding, but as yet he had not received an enema- He preferred to meet Mr Patterson and discues with him the issues before the elecmrs. After the presentmion, a few hours were spent in canveraalion and the time passed away in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. The tea service is very beautlful, rich in design and chashly engraved. It. was purchased from Zimmerman McNaught & Co, Toronto, comprises six pieces, and cost over 860. Major Gray at Richmond Hill. Referring to a statement in the Liber- al that the Major was npposed to manâ€" uf..cturiefi being established in Paritdale. he characteriz- d it. as a downright falseâ€" hnnd. The only factory in that village is built on the M :tjnr’s property. and two other firms are now negotiating for a site. Mr Patterson had not, as vet, began to manufacture anything. He had talked abnut. buying: a site from the M aior but that was about all that. was done There w: s not the slightest ground {0| such a fulsxhnod, as the Muinr'h‘nd always been an active and zealous promoter of man~ u factories. The question oftemperance was taken up, and it, was cleztrlv shown from statis- tics given that the course pursued by the Mnqu Government. had been prejudicial to the interests of temperance. Consid- erable amusement was created by the Mujur's criticisms of the trip of the oele bruted corkscrew brigade. His whole. speech showed that he pos- sessed considerable ability on the platâ€" form, and mth very little pramice, will make a forcible and emotive speakr'r. Before the present. campaign in over his superiority, in this particular. over his opponent will he manifest to the elgctora. . IA number of speeches were made by pruminent suppnrters of the Conservaâ€" tive candidate, and the meeting adjourn- ed‘ To Rev. I. Campbell and Brido. Em'ron Humanâ€"It has been rumoured nround considerably, that the Reformer: re fused to pay their debts. l have made en- quiries and find that the rumour says they Ihave not paid the rent for the Masonic Hall. Surely-it. cunnot be true that .auch honourable men would attempt to defraud anyone in that way 7 But I give you the following items, which I am told is the cause oflhe rumours. If it is not true. it can easily be shown that such is the case. . Reform Party of West York Dr. to Masonic Hall Committee for Hull Rent. June,1879. Grand Banquet: in Honor of i Messrs. Patterson, Badgcrow, | and Widdifield, M. P. P's ...... s 8 00 'June, 1882, Hodgins Meeting 3 00 Mr. Patterson and Parkdale. Emma HERALD.â€"-May I trespass upon your space for u few words regarding the candidature of Mr. William C. Pat-- terlon for the West Riding of York. Mr P. dates a circular, he has issued from this villnge. and in doing Io. he not only gives a direct snub to all of those who may know him -in the Township. but. endeavour: to dupe and deceive the people in Iliis neighu boulhood, by lending them to believe [hm he is is resident of Pm-kdnle. This is so plainly a "put up job, and at the same time a direct insult to the men who might think of giving him their vote; Yours truly, P. S.-â€"The stun-mun made in the Liber- al as to Major Gray being adverse to file» Ion“. is Ihe most absurd thing possible The only factory m the village is on lhe Majors own ground. and two others are nagoliming,il'lhey have not already bought Major Gray has done everything in his power to get factories. CONSERVATIVE. Richmond Hill, Feb. 14th. 1883. Parkdale, Feb. 101h. 1883. I HOLLOWAY'S Plusâ€"Nervousness and l want, ol Energy'r When first the nerves feel I unstrungnand listlessness supplants energy, it, is the l‘lL'hl time to take some alterative as Holloway's Pills to prevent disorder run- ning into disease. These excellent Pills icorrect all irregularities and weaknesses. iThey act so kindly. yet so energetically on the functions of digestion and assimilation, that the whole body is revived the blood is irendewd richer and purer, the muscles be.- come firmer and stronger, and the nervous and absorbent. systems are invigorated. These Pills are suitable for all classes and all ages. They have a most marvellous effect on persons who are out of condition ; they soon rectify whatever is in fnult, restore strength to the body and confidence to the ' (l1 Messrs. Miller. Beanie and Miller on thP 17th all. held their great annual sale of short-horn and Gstllnwny cattle, Clydesdale hnrsvs. Oxford, Shraphire and Cotswold sheep and Berkshire swine, at the renowned Thistle Haw Fnrm. Pickering, and, although the day was very stormy. there were some five or six hundred present. The gathering was quite an aristocratic one. there being a large number of members of the Provin- ctal Parliament present. as well as gentleâ€" men of high Slfllldlng from all over the United States ttnd all the principal stock raiser-s. and a large number of the leading men in Canada. among whom were Mr. J. Drrden. M P P, of Whithy ; Mr_Mulo_ck._M P; Messrs R Gibson. J. Hope. Row Park ; J Russell, J 1 Davidson, ’t’hos MeRae. Esq, Guelph ; and Mr Murray. Messrs Dalton McCarthv. of Toronto. and V. Fuller. of Hemilton were represented there. Capt. Wm Rolph of Murkhum; Messrs Sanduslty, Sheldon. Murmr, and others from Illinots. and Mr hchutdy. of Kansas; Messrs S R. Streeter, Uhto : J. D Patterson, Postmaster Toronto ; und Several other gentlemen from the United States. as well as Eastern and Western Canada. Darkness had closed in upon the auctioneer just as the first. two stallions were sold. and a number of ani-- mals were not offered on that. account. The only two stallions offered sold at. good fig-- ures. however, both being one-year-old colts one of which was sold to Mr Sheldon, of Illinois. for the sum $l.600 and one to Mr. R B. Vurdon, of Whitevale. for $885. The Shropshire and Oxford Down sheep sold at from $40 to SGZencb. the purchasers being Messm Mulock. Streeter, Murray. Heron. Davidson, Russell ard Patterson. Cotswolds sold at. from $10 to $42, the chief buyers being Mr Thos McRue and Alex. Nelson. Esq. of Mulvern. The Galloway cattle sold very well. Calves under one. war sold for $250. Cows und heifers from $300 to $56 Thos Mcline. Esq. ‘oquelnh who hnd already had u large herd. bought ten bend. Mr Mrflardy. of Kansas. bought two head. being the entire lot offs-red for sule Calves. cons and bulls brought an average of$305 per head. Short horns were someth dull and bidding rather slow. but the animals sold realized very good fit: - urea and ware widelv distributed over Fun-- nda and the United States. Bulls selling fnirly wellâ€"under me your old to two' sold at from $l85 to $600 Heifers under One, year. up In cows, brought $2l5 to SbOt). There was also a fair demand for pigs and n large number sold at fair prices. 0n the whole the sale was a good one and good prices were realizedâ€"Sun. FARM SOLD â€"-Mr Tlms Lane sold a farm containing 107 acnes. being Lot 30. in rear of Is! Concession of Vaughan, for $11,500. The False Prophet has inflicled a serious defeat upon the Egyptian forces, nnd his rapid advance upon Khmtoun, to which Ihure in no serious obstacle. causes greut alarm at Cmro. Sn fur 280 Quarterly Boards of the Can-- adu Methodist Church hnve reported upon the basis of union. of these 257 are in favor of and 23 against the prnposed busts The aggregate vote is in favor 3,217. against 531. There appears to be no diminution in the flnuds in Ohio and neighboring: States. Furlher rainfall and lhnw has more than sluyed the receding waters. and lhe highvsr water mark known has heen mmined. The gravest. fears are entertained for the lawn of anrenceburg. which is entirely isolaled th-JIHGS. It is Iemnrkable to find a body represeming intelli, ent_pvop]e clinging to such an antiquated nuisance. Says the Montreal Witness :-â€"The Coun‘ ty Council of Yurk‘ Ontario. have voted. [hiltv to nine. in favor of the retention of SHOOTING Myrch-The pigeon shaming match beavveen H Megill of Markham and Jno Bell of East, York. for $200 a side. 50 birds each. came off at the TVulker Houseg Caslwl. on Thursday. Bell won lhe match. killing 26 birds out of 12. to Megill’s E7. The day was very stmmy, which partly acâ€" counts f0r the poor scores. GREAT BALE 0|" THOROUGHBRED STOCK At Thistle Haw Farm. Total IS IT TRUE ? A11 Canada’s Yours: etc., W. C. BEDDOME. $11 00 GOOD ACT.â€"Messra. Brown, Pugsley Sanderson. and Hopper, members of the village Council, were in Toronto last Fri- day inspecting Hook and Lodder appli- ances. ‘ They purchased a full outfit, for S: S. ANNIVERSARY.-â€"Tbe Presbyâ€" terian Sabbath School Anniversary will be held this (Thursday) evening, 15th inst. After ten the Rev H. Parsons will deliver an address. Mrs. W. Mc- Bride and Miss Florn Coulter will render choice musical selections. about $200. "We sell cheap at all times, but for the next thirty days, will sell cbeapcj~ than ever." That is what Reynoids says. He intends disposing of tha bal- ancc of the winter stock for cost. Read the advertisement, and then see whether it is a sham sale or nob. Musw AND COMMERCEâ€"The R. 0. Concert. and Dance in Markham on Mon- day, 5th inst, was a grand success. The musical part of the Concert was supplied from Toromo, and was of a first class order. Amongst those who took part we notice the name of Mr Petley, of the fii-m of Petley & Petley, Toronto, whose adverticement appears in another column Mr Petlev. it appears, is quite as great, a success in the musical as he is in the commercial line. LITERARY AND MUSICAL SOCIETYâ€"- A mee’ing of this Society will be held in the Lecture Room of the Presbyterian Church. on Thursday evening next, 22nd inst. The subject for debate is “Resolv- ed that. Oratory has more power and inâ€" fluence over humanity than Music.” Mr D. Boyle leadcr nflirmative ; Mr W. Harrison, leader negative. MAPLE ANNIVERSARY,â€"-Tlte servi- ces on Sunday evening last was well atâ€" tended. There was no service in the morning, the minister not arriving. On Monday evening the Church was crowd- ed. After tea, addresses were deliver- ed by Rev MeSSrs Curtis, Addison and Burkwell. Several selections were pleas- ingly rendered by the Richmond Hill C. M. Church Choir‘ There was a large number of visilors present from this and other neighbouring villages. SLEIGHING PARTY. â€"- A sleighing party. arranged by Mr \Vinclioster of Broukton, and numbering about forty young ladies and gentlemen ofBrockton, friends of the Rev. Mr Campbell, drove out to the manse in this village on Wed nesday evening of'last week. In the ab- sence of Mr Campbell. who was away on his wedding trip, the Misses Goulter hastily arranged a committee. and a large number of Richmond Hill ladies and gentlemen quickly gathered to meet’ them After ten, music and parlor games assist- ed in making the time enjoyable. ARRESTED FOB H onsn STEAI.ING.â€"-â€" On Saturday last Constable Bogart, of Newmarket, surprised some of his aoâ€" quaintances by driving up to the Palmer House with a somewhat strlish rig, aoâ€" companied by a young woman. Before any person could enquire whether the worthy constable was interested in an elopernent,â€"and in what way,â€"â€"be in- formed them that the young woman was Miss Barbara (alias Elizabeth) Miller. She had engagvd the rig at Newmarket to go to Bradford, and either lost. her way. or was striking lor Bradford, Pa, as she did not return The livery man advertised for infc-rmat-ion, and a tele- gram was received from Dundns, on Thursday, stating that Elizabeth ‘ with the identical horse and rig; was in that unromuntic western suburb. Constable Bogart immediately proceeded to Dundas and arrested Barbara. She says that it was her sister who obtained the rig, and pleads not guilty. CHORAL ENTERTAINMENT.â€"A grand choral entertainment. in aid of the High School Library of Reference and Reading Boom, will be held in the Masonic Hall. in this village. on Friday evening, ‘6th inst., by the University College Quintette Club, the Knox College Glee Club, and other Toronto celebrities. This Concert will be the best entortainment we have had for some time The programme consists of choru 565 from the Greek plays “Antigone” and “CEdipus,” (the rendering of which has been so highly lauded by American and English papers) ; selections from Gilbert and Sullivan's world-renowned “Pirates ot Penzance” ; College Quarâ€" tettes, Quintettes, Choruses. Medleys, and Comic Songs. The musical selec- tlons will be interspersed with imi‘ations of celebrated speakers and singers. mock oratory and amusing anecdotes by Merer Bengough. Elliot, Meldrum and Burgess. gentlemen who are well known For their ability to keep audiences in convulsions of laughter. The Clubs are highly spoken of by the press through- out the country. The chair will be taken by P. PatterSon, Esq., M. P P. Mr. McBride's efi‘orts to assist the High School Library, and provide an enterâ€" tainment of' more than ordinary excellâ€" ence should be appreciated by a crowd- ed house. CHICAGO SWINDLnus.â€"On the fourth page will be found an article referring to a number of swindlers in the States, who cheat unsuspecting persons on! of their money by means of the alluring visions of easily acquired wealth they present. Flemming & Merrimam, of Chicago, flooded the whole country. in- cluding this village and neighborhood. with their circulars, on several occasions, and, no doulvt. have taken a good deal of hard cash out of Canada. By promis- sing to pay enormous profits they gull people who ought, to have more sense than to believe such absurd and unre~ liable statements made by persons who are unknown and irresponsible. Flemm- ing and Merriman have been arrested, but the bail is only some few thousands, and they can eaSIly afford to pay that, or a fine, and start business again under another name. When so many thousâ€" ands of people are willing to place their money in the hands of swindlers, is it any wonder that these gentlemen do not refuse to accept such, instead of earning their bread in the oldâ€"fashioned but somewhat inconvenient manner describâ€" ed‘ M “by the sweat of their brow,” LOCAL ITEMS. A few Diaries for sale at the HERALD Store, at cogt price, for cash. Do you wish a good pen to write with ? Buy Esterbrook’a No 144 for sale n the HERALD Store. Weekly Globe and Mail for sale at the Hun!) Smre Partial; due for subscriplions, will oblige by remitting. Parties who have not renewed their subscriptions for the Mail and Globe, will do so. Richmond Lodge, A. F. 85 A. M. meets on Monday evening, 19th inst. The D. D. G. M. will be‘preseng. A sleighing party from Markham Village. visited V Dr. Geo. Langstafi', of Thornhill, one evening last waek, and bad a very pleasant time. Crosby has some interesting informaâ€" tion for the Ladies and Gentlemen this week. Don't, miss any good thing going There are not too many chances in this life Read the advt. S, S. SLEIGHING PARl‘Y.-â€"Tbe Pres- byterian Sabbath School goes to Aurora on Saturday for a sleighride. After their return tea will be served in the lecture room. MONDAY, FEB. ‘26 â€"-â€"Auction Sale of farm stock, implements,‘ etc., at lot 29. lat Con. Markham, the property of Col. A. Arnold. Hay, pigs, and sums of'810 and under, Cash ; over that 8 momhs credit. Sale at 12 o’clock. S. Eckardt, Auoz. BAND CARNIVALâ€"The fourth fancy dress Carnival of the season Will be held on Saturday evening, 17th inst. This is the last Band Carnival this year, and a choice musical programme will be ren- dered by the Band. The ice reserved for skaters in costume from 7 to 8.30 o’clock. The ice promises to be in good condition. and there will be every chance in lots of fun. OPENING ANN]VF.RSARY.â€"On Sun- day. l81h inst, Mr J. McDonald, of To- ronto, will occupy the pulpit in the C M Church, at l0 30I n m, and the Rev. E. H Dewart, D. D. at 6.30 p. am. On Monday evening following tea will be served in the vestry, after which addiess- e: will be delivered by the Rev. J. E Howell and J. Pickering. The choir will render appropriate selection on Sun- day and Monday. LOTTERY TICKETs.â€"-Some of our citizens are a good deal poorer than they were this time last week. They felt sure their lottery ticket was good for a few thousand dollars. at any rate, if it, did not draw the $15,000. But. they have got left.â€"shook again. Its a cold world. TWO of our citizens were lucky. drawing $10 and $5 a piece, which is not so bad considering the large number of blanks. A BATCH or THIEVES.-â€"On Satur- day last, a 10:.d of thieves, some ten in number, was driven through here to Toronto. ’l‘hev hailed from Aurora, where they have been making ihiugs in tel-esting for the people for some time. Among the lot was a young man named Moore, who was caught. by Al. Proctor robbing the bar till in Waito’s hotel. INDIAN TIIIEVES.â€"â€"There are a num- ber of Indians rusticating around Thorn- hill, and a few nights since some ofthem were out on a marauding expedition. They attempted to steal a horse from Mr Laue, but that gentleman was aroused by the noise, and drove them away He went back to the house for a light, and on returning to the stables a short. time afterwards, lo, the poor Indian was there again. They will meet with a warm reception, if they are not careful. THE lNDIAN Honsr: THIEF.»The Indian Joe Green. who traded a span of stolen horses with Mr Hall, of Victoria Square, a short time since, was tried at Nupanee for stealing the horses, and sen- tenced to ten years in penitentiary He had been there before, and was in guol Several times. The sentence did not seem to ufi'eet him in the least. When he arrived at the penitentiary his old chums gave him a hearty greeting, and he said it‘the Judge had sentenced him to stand on his head for two years he would not have cared Joseph is inclined to exaggerate a little. ORGAN OPENING.â€"The .new organ of St. Luke’s Cliurch,'I'hornhill, will be opened on Sunduv. Feb 18th,:1t7 p m. Grand musical Vespers will be sung by a Choir composed of Sixteen of the most talented vocalists selected from the choirs of the Catholic Churches of' Toronto A lecture will be delivered by the RM. Father Tecfy, B. A, of St Michael’s College, after which a collection Will be taken up to defray the expenses of the new Organ. and the Organ gallery recent;- ly erected. The musical vespers will be grand. as the Catholic Churches have some of the finest singers in the city. Father Teef'y’s lectures are always inter- esting and instructive. There will be a urge attendance. ‘ “THAT BOY"â€" The Services of Dr J H. Vincent. of world-wide fame as a leader in Sabbath School work, have been secured for Monday evening. the l9rh inst. He will deliver his most nop- ular and interesting lecture, “That Boy” in the Canada Methodist Church, Auâ€" rora, beginning at 7.30, p m, under the auspices of the Union Bible Class, and as the inaugural address of the Chautau- qua Normal Class. to be organized that day at1030 a m It is felt that. in secur- ing his services the Union Bible Class are presenting a rare opportunity before the Sabbath School workers of Aurora and the surrounding country. Considering the reputation of the Lecturer. and the value of the Lecture- which deals with boy character, development and training in the home, the Sabbath School and the Church, the price of the tickets is set very lowâ€" 25. cents. It is the opportun- ity of a lifetime; do not fail to attend and bring your family. The young as well as the old will be spell-bound. Tickets for children under fifteen,- 15 cents. LOOAL ITEMS.- Meetings will be held in West York as follows :â€" Thursday, Feb. 15,â€"-Wilson’s Hotel,- Fairbank. Friday, 16th,â€"Edgely Monday, 19th,-â€",-Teston. Tuesday, 20(hâ€"Nomination Day,â€" Eagle’s Hotel, Weston. Th'ursday, 22nd,â€" Slattery’s Hotel, Brockton. Wedneszlaj, 215t,â€"â€"Cherry’s Hotel, York, Major Gray will be present at these meetings and address the electors. His friends should endeavor to turn out in full force to meet him. ST Lotus. Feb 8â€" Dreea killed his Wife and then himself. by cutting his throat. ,The body ufthe man was found on the floor and the body of his wife on the bed the covering of which was soaked in blood. Five litth children slept 1'!) the room An infant. wua in bed with the couple. One ol'the children took the baby out of the dead mother’s bed to his own, changed 1m dress and then went to sleep. fawnâ€"At Thornhill, on the 13th inst.,Mrs Lydia. Paul. in the 56th year of her nge~ A native of St. Andrews, New Brunswick. Funeral on Thursday, 15th inst, at 1 o’clock. Barley 0 55 Oats, 45 Pens . 73 Rye do .. 59 Dressed Hemmer 100 lbs. .. . a 00 Beef,hind qllarters,per 11.0 lbs 0 00 Mutton. by the carcase per 100 1'03... 0 00 Chickens, per pair 60 Ducks, per brace 90 Geese. each ........ 90 Turkeys. men 1 25 Butter, 1b rolls .. 2‘ largo rolls.. 00 tub dairy“ 17 Eggs, fresh, dnz .‘ 30 Potatoes, per bag . 0 70 A r-ples per barrel 'I 50 Onions, per bug ] 0) Cnbbngo,por (102... 0 3o Celery. per doz ..... . u 40 Turnips, per [mg 0 35 Carrots, per do Do Beeta,per bng H 50 Purunips, per bag 60 Hay ponton... ll 00 Straw per. ton 6 00 W00] Der lb... ‘3' CAMPBELLâ€"THOMâ€"In (he Methodist parsonage. Newtonbrook. on the 7th inst. by the father of the bride, the Rev. Isaac Cam bell, Pros- byterinn ministerw! Richmond 811L190 Flora, eldest daughter of the Rev. James Thom, B. A.,minister of the Methodist Church of Canada. THE MARKETS TOR ON’1‘(),- THUBEDLY. Feb; 15, 1883; mucus m “mun-33‘ \uuGuNs Wheat full, new, per bush . . . . . . . . . s 1 02 1 Spring do . . 1 03 Barley do ..... . 0 55 o WEST WRK THORNKILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University, M. C. P. d: 8.. Out, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital, Best 38 Believing the people will appreciate a scale of low Drioes for a superior class of artificial teeth, I have determined on reducing the price at least 50 per cent. H r“ V,, Because our prices are so low as to seem won-â€" derful when comnargd with those of other first- cluss dentists. I do not wish you to infer that my establishment is confined to the manufacture of sets. I do everything or anything that any Toronto dentist will do, and do it on approved modern. scientific principles, guaranteeing satia- fuction in all cases. No pain caused by the sit-- traction of tooth "‘"C‘."P. LENNOX, DEN TAL SU RGEON. ,,2o4 YflNflE 51, Taxman Office and Residence,â€"Oue door south of P. 0‘ OFFICE HOURS-8 to 10 n. m, A): 12 to 2p m. Thornhill. Feb 14th, 1883. Richard Coupland ! DECE ASE D in the County of York, Labourer, who died on or about the 76h day of May, 1882, are hereby re- quired to send. {it by post pre-paid,) to Messrs their christian and surnames. nddre’sses and. des- criptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts,and the nature of the hecm‘ities (if uny)hel(>1 by til‘lem: As your Represenmlive in the Leginlunve Assembly ofUnlariu. No. 30 Toronto street. Toronto, Solicitors for David Duncnm, Administrator of the personal estate and effects of fill; said deceased, on or be are THE [ST DAY 0F JUNE, 1883. And take notice that immedlntelv after the said last mentioned date. the assets of the mid deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to claims of which notice shall heve been then received. D r. G Gorge Langs tafl", FRANCIS & VVARI) BOP, Francis & Wardron, Solicitors for the Administrator, DAVID DUNCAN. Dated at Toronto, this 12th day of Feb., 1883‘ VITALIZED AIR l’ARLoURS. CREDITORS ! BLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE $00”) num$ 6 $80. 6 B. U B B E R, R John‘ Gray Your Vole and Influence are respectfully requested for TOWNSHIP OF YORK. ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N gicw gavzrtisrmntz. Major Gray’s MeethS; Alla-editors and other persons having Wife Murder and Suicide. Ti] THE BLEBTIIRS I)?I of Richard Coupland, late of the NOTICE TO A L U M I NU M . $15- CELLOLOID, $10~ RUBBER MARRIED. TORONTO IN THE GOODS OF DEATH $102 1 103 .055 o .. 45 ()0 CO 50 60 60 7-5 'll 00 H 50 6 00 8 00 ‘3' '10 £25 anâ€" on: (so 32 0 75 ELECTOR‘S EAST YORK. x,“ Having been honored with the nomin- ation to contest your Riding as the Liberalâ€"Conservative candidate at the approaching Election for the ProvinciaL,e Legialaturo, I venture to ask your sup-- port and your influence on my behalf. In doing so let me say shortly, that. I am adverse to any policy injurious to the prosperity and welfare of the Province, and. in my opinion, any action that is calculated to arouse and maintain. hos- tile feelings between the Dominion. and the Province cannot but be injurious to the best interests of both ; that pro:â€" perity for the Dominion and therefore for the Province can best be attained by harmonious action on the part of the two Governments. I deprecate the action of the Prom-b cits} Government in thrice carrying thron’gh the Legislature the Streams Bill, soieiy for the purpose of creating and keeping alive ilH‘eeliug between the Dominion and the Province. 1 am actâ€"r verse to the policy of the GOVe-mment in passing unnecessary retrospective legis lution, and especially when the rights and property of the people are taken from them wikhout fair compensation. Dr. E. C. West’s Nerve and Brain Treatment. 1 guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzinegs‘, Con. vulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache Nervous Prostmtion caused by the use of alldohof or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental Depression Softening of the B1 aiu resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Pram aturo Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in eitnc'f'sex, Involuntary Losses null Spermatorrnasa, amused by over-exertion of the brain, self abuse or over- indulgence. One box will cure recent easel. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar abox, or six boxes for five dollars ;;sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guaranâ€" tee six boxes to cure any case. With each order rcceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars. we Will send the purchaser our-Writ- ten guarantee to refund the money if the treatâ€". ment does not effect a cure, Guarantees issued only by T. A. Hewitt & 00., sole authqrized agents for ’i‘hornhill and Au us, Out. John 0' west & (10.. sole proprietors, crouto. Ont‘ I am desirous of seeing the Boundary Awnid question settled at the earliest possible period, and this cannot be done if the Government is permitted to purl.“ sue its present policy. I am in favor of Ontario obtaining all the territory award- ed and any more to which she 18 (amidâ€"â€" ed. I desire that the Liquor Laws be made more effective By taking the authâ€" ority to grant Licenses from n partizan License-Board and placing it. in the hands of a nonâ€"political one. We will pay the above reward for any case 55 Live: Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Isn- digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West’s Vegetable Liver Pills. when the directions me strictly complied with. They um purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfieâ€" tion. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes, containing 30 Pills, '15 cents. For sale uy all Drugzists. Be- ware of counterfeits and imitations. The gun nine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEBSJ.‘ & 00.,“ The Pill Makers," 81 6x 83 King St, East Toronto, Ont. Free trial package sent by nadir! prenaid on receiuc of a. 3 cent ammo. The C. M. Church sheds having been crushed down by snow, the public are hereby notified that the Hotel-keepers of the village have kindly invited all persons requiring shed room for chair horsos or sleighs,while attending chub Church, to make use 01' the hotel sheds. W. ATKINSOI‘. Richmond Hill, Fob. 8th,’82‘ I wish to see the powers of the M uni- cipul Councils maintained unimpaired. “successful in becoming your repro~ sentative, my endeavor will be to serve the interests of my constituents whether Conservatives or Reformcrs‘, and in the Legislature to support good measures, irrespective of the party introducing them into the House. Soliciting your vow and influence, I am, Yours Respectfully, I desire to see a more economical adâ€" ministration of' the Provincial finances. I am in favor of a liberal extension of the franchise, for I cannot see the justiâ€" fication of' givmg the right to. vote to the sons of a particular class in the cum- munity and withholding it from the soul of other equally intelligent classes. Above all I desire to see the Govern- ment of the Province carried on for the people, and not in the selfish interes! of any Government party or clique. GHURGH SEEDS. it;va N E NT} ‘TREATM Health 13 Wealth, $500 REWARD. TO THE JOHN BAIN.

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