“’urJ-n» 1... “ . ' «My. WOODBRIDGE. SLEIGH nuns. On Thursday the pupils and teachers of the Weston Public Schools had a Sleigh- ride to Woodbridge, and spent quite an en- joyable time. They had tea in the Orange Hall. 'A great-many of then: spent the afternoon in the Rink, cutting the ï¬gure 8. They left for home about 4.30, havin d pleasant day. The Band was at. the Rink in the evening and a large number of villagers enjoyed a Stock. _ good night's skating. ELECTIONEERKNG. On Saturday we were visited by Mr Wm. 0 Patterson and Major Gray. candidates for the coming elections. Both men are sure ofbeing elected, but we think the Major will be returned by a large majority. BEHIND Title. The trains on the T. G d: B R. R have been making very poor time of late, and the majority of our villagers have to drive into Toronto to do business. Mclntosh d3: Co have a new Engine and Boiler in the Woollen Factory. This looks like business. A Carnival is to come off soon Skating Rink. CCRLIXG MATCH . A Curling Match was played between the President, Mr Wm Mackie. and Mr H Abell Vice-president. the other day, in the Rink for an Oyster Supper. The pr: sident; won by 31 shots. The Supper took place on Monday evening. at the Robson House. A very enjoyable titne was spent, and the party broke up early in the morning. Crusoe. The Annual Orange Couritv . meetirm of West York was’held in the Orange Hall. on Tuesday, and representatives from all parts ‘of the County were present. The next l2ih ofJuly will be celebrated in Woodbridge. A large number of Lodges from a distance in the . , are expected. and the occusrcn one of the largest Orange Demonstrations ever held in West York. The following ofï¬cers were elected fur the ensuing venr :â€"-N C Wallace M P, C M ; Henry Welsh. D C M: James _ Gnrten, Chap; Robert l"lynn. Sect ; Robt. T Wallace, 'l‘i'eas ; John Wri !lll. D nfC ; Wm Douglass, Lecturer ; 'l‘ E Earls, D. L. Mr Thomas Hurstead. Prop of the lnker- man is seriously ill Wllll Congestion of the Lungs. . Dr McClean is able to make pills again. Woodbridge, Feb. 7th, 1883. ï¬ns WorthyofPretse. A a role we do not recommend Patent Medicines, biit when, we know of" one ill-‘lt' really is a public benefactor. and does poi-i itively cure, then we consider it our duty to impart that intormntion to all. Electric Hitters are truly a most valuable medicine. and will surely cure lliliousnrss, Fever and Ague, Stomach Liver and Kidney Com- plaints. even when all other remedies fail. We know whereof we speak and can freely [ recommend them to all â€"Exclt.â€"Sold at ï¬fty cents a bottle bv ll. E. an. p...4 ' East York County L. 0. L. THE LATEutltIM. POGUE. The annual meeting of the County Loyal Orange Lodge of East York took place on Tuesday. when the following ofï¬cers were elected for the ensuing year : â€" C. M. Bro. J. C. Steele; C D M, Bro J. Sutton; C. l, Bro. it. B Wallace ; C. S.. Bro. J. ll. Sanderson ; C. T, Bro. Charles Brown ; C. D C, Bro. Wm Brown ; C L, Bro. T Steele. After routine business, it Was moved bv Bro 1'» B Wallace. seconded by Bro H Perry. That a vote of condolence be tendered to ~the widow and family of our late County Master, Win Pogue. expressive oftbe high esteem in which our late Muster w 5 held by the brethren of this Lodge. and their deepest sympathy for the family who are left to mourn their iriepairuble loss. the Secretary to forward the same forthwith. r >04 EGLINTON. The annual meetingt oftlie Eglinton Y M C. A. Was held on Tuesday evening, 6th inst, The reports of the Association and ofthe Children’s Home in connection with it were submitted and adOp'ed, after which a very pleasing and instructive address on "Success" was delivered by the Hon S. H. Blake. Music was rendered by the Toronto Y M C A. choir. Messrs. R. Kiluour, A. . Sundliam, and Mr Harvey, of the Toronto Association, were also present. The oili- cers of the year were elected as followsI :â€" Johit Gnrtshore. President ; Ambrose Kent and Gnome Ward. Vice-Presidents : S J. Douglas, Secretary ; and C. H. Kerswill, Treasurer. A lecture is to be delivered shortly by Rev. G. Milligun, of Toronto, entitled "Rerniniscnnces of a Trip through Italy." it was reported that the weekly gospel meetings held every Tuesday eveninig hand during the past year been fair y attend- e . 3.4 RIVERSIDE. "in city is now a ituting the people of Riverside. The majority of property own- ers sevrrr to be in favor of the scheme and are getting! up a petition to the city council to carry Aid. Pape's motion to annex the district. The principal inducements for annexation tire abolition of the toll gate and police protection. >o<-â€"â€".._._ The question of annexing Riverside to, Given Away. We cannot help noticing the liberal offer made to all invalids and sufferers by Dr. King's New liiscovery for Consumption. Albums, You are requested to call at R. E Law's Drug Store, and get a l‘i'ial Bottlefree of cast. ifyou are suffering wrth Consumption Severe Coughs. ( olrls. Asthma Bronchitis _ "Hay Fever Loss of Voice. Hearst-mess, or any affection of the Throat. or Lungs. It will positively cure you. â€"â€"â€"â€"-'-'->o« The Dubll_n fllurderers- DUBLIN Feb. 12 â€"--It is said the inform-- ers in the case of the Phoenix Park murders have given sufï¬cient evidence to secure the conviction of the assassins. The car in which the murderers of Lord Frederick Cavendish and Mr Burke rode has been iden- tified by Kuvnnagh and others, at the pawn- broker’s where it was pawned for 30 shill-- ings. The sword blades which Kuvanagh testiï¬edtlrat he and litady threw into the basin of the gas works after the attack upon Juror Field were discovered to-‘day in the basin. O’Connell writes, attacking the present organization of the Irish Parliamen- tary party, as chaotic, itna suggesting that it be divided into sections, each of which will watch abrunch‘ of the Government The police closely guard Kuvanagh. GALWAY. Feb 12.-Detective Huidoonv is charged with the murder of one Dohertv in 1881’. The documents found upon him prove that. he was cognizant. of the intended operations of the Moonlighters. Bucklen's‘ Arnlca Salvo. Tan Bas'r Suva in the World for Cats, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapned Hands, Ch‘ilbla‘ins, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive- ly cures Piles. It. is guaranteed to perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. . rice 25 costs per box. Sold by R. 15. Law limits 1 give hostlers. Y The Spring Will soon be here, and a large ‘stock of OFFICE HQURSFFYMSW'IOï¬lm'msnm g“Penll‘Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths, Blankets, Flannels and Other Winter Goods, must be sold to make room for New Spring. Choice Bargains offered. ' EENTLEMEN i Splendid Winter TWeeds selling at Cost. . Caps, Hats, ERNEST 'F. LANGSTAFF t etc., at astonishing reduction. variety, Very low. Fl RE PROBF = Gents’ Furnishings in great rates. ‘ I. CROSBY. CHEAP Goons AT THE [PEOPLE’S STORE Pictures, and Picture Frames of all kinds, Chrome Mottoes of a1 designs. Brackets and Well Pockets. A very ï¬ne selection of Furniture V. lit Toronto Erices ! . DR. ORd,.MAPLE, Fresh Supplies of Groceries, etc., at lhe VeTV 1mm“ “emu†A large stock of Iâ€"Ioliday Season. Call and See Prices. i Groceries Fat-1‘ Glass and Crockery. l). I G. SAVA G i}. ..\.....i..;. . v --..-.,.t...... .. ....-. . ., ,7“... ;_. .. v .. t . " ~ one At all times, but for the next thirty days wewill sell Cheaper than Ever. As we have determined not to carry any Winter Goods over, we will sell the balance of our stock of Furs, Wool Goods, Clothing, &c., AT COST. This is no sham sale, ill Mill] [‘1‘ " EVERY TIME! l.REYNOLDS “THE HERALD,†iii, l'l'lTlfllllY, frjlllfll iiiii iiiri. CIA LL AND SEE. Macpherson. Senator - The following are some of the aticles always kept in stock. Honiton Point Lace. inks of all kinds, Juvenile dz Toy Books. Jews Harps, Jewellery. Lead Pencils, Hymn Books, Music Paper, Music Books, Mirrors, Memorandum Books, Miscellaneous Becks, Nail Brushes, Note Paper. Novels, Prayer Books, Purses, Promissory Note and Receipt Books, Pens. Puss Books. Spectacles, Slates and Pencils, School Books. Sealing Wax, Tissue Paper, Violin Strings, Wools of all kinds. (he , &c. This is the place to buy. C heap for c ash. Bibles and Testaments. Blotting Papers, Brooches, iells, Braids, Balls. Baskets, Copy Books, combs. cards, chromns, Croquet Sets, checker Bonds, ClltSSmt-‘Il. Concertinas, Drawing Books, Drawing Paper, Dolls. Ear-rings, Envelopes. Elastic linnds. Fancy Boxes Foolscap. 5 Gold 86 Silver Pupesr, {lair Brushes, “summits. lllllllllll llllllTllll. HllTlll. RICHMOND HILL: JOHN POWELL, This Hotel has been refumished. renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, and is now the I leading Hotel north‘of Toronto. The bar is sup- ,lied with ï¬rst-class brand of liquors'and cigars. l glxoelleut accommodation for Commercial I Travellers, and the General Public. Good Stabl- ing and an attentive Hostler. ' .. To DISEASES, COMPLAINTS and AcctnaN-rs t, which HachRD’s YELLow On, isbfuaran- teed to cure or relieve either in AN or : BEAST. I TAKE“ INTERNALLY For COUGHS,= _ CRAMPS, some man; ASTHMA, COLDS, &‘c. ~. APPLIED :xfsini'ALLY son . RHEUMATISIK, NEURALGIA, ‘ CHILI LAINS, CALLOUS LUMPS a ’ SWELLmGS, ,STIFF JOINTS, , GALLs, FROST BITE, LAMENESS, oomvs, THE PALMER HOUSi; .eorvrngonwvs BRUISES, RIC TMOND HILL, I LUMBAGO’ "CH, l ‘ DEAFNESS, .PAIN IN BACK, 3' Palmer. Prop. ' SPRAle, PAINz'n SIDE, are. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be ,Evcry bottle found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stabling and attentive Terms, Sal per" day. Proctor’e Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N B R i Trains going North and South. at. B a 111., 12 at. 7 i ti:i., 6.10 ii iii. and 1301* no. i ’ moms, Prop ii taranteed to‘give satisfac- 7 tion or money re untied. ‘ , DIREIIIOIIB wmr mil some rats: 961: ; EMILBU'RN 86 00., Proprietors I; TORONTO, our. Edmund.) > nit. w. J. WILSON, MEï¬ALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Member-College of Physician! A7 Surgeons. ' than: on STOUFFVILLE.) "W. ROGERS, RESIDENCE Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Oct. 12th, '82, ' At Maple 18th of every month EVERSLEY; P.0- C.‘ ADAMS, .L.D.S., l .. ‘ "‘O " SURGEON‘“DENTTBT, has ‘ a . 't'einoved to 87 King street; East, Toronto. Best; mineral teethinserted in a. mann- er to suit. each patient. P'Lrticular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth,carefully avoiding all unnocess" BLB. 0min." B. and Fffsthllvor medalist. usit‘é‘r'sryommsnm,m. 0:1). s.- Ontario. L s A L,'England (Late 0: London," England) Surgeon, Etc. . 8 to 9.30 B..m., and 1 to 2.30 13,111. ISOflice Hours “ ' ~ $ry pginu ,(éfï¬ce 13851135 from i a. to 6 p. in. ‘ I'lV'P. e resr ence ‘ urvrs s roe . DR. JAMES _ LANGSTAFF !, ' AND Dr A ROBINSON. Residence, Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, May 23rd, 1882. 1y J. ELLIIJTT {turn-Arr, Thankful for the favors of the past years tinny still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as follows : . Richmond Hill.._ ....... , 9th dc 24th of each month (at Palmer House) M' D' Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do THORNHILL, oxT. é ‘ V Newmarket, . . . . . . . . . , . . 2nd do 0 ' : > '4 Stouï¬ville... ...... ...18th do . _ 3 Markham ...... , . . . . . . . . . . . . 20th dc Graduate of Toronto University, and Member yictoria Square ...... do or the College of Physiciansand Surgeons. """"""""""" a: Thornhill, Dec, 5th. 1882. Woodbrnlge do - I - . Kleinburg do ._. __ . Nobleton .. do Anesthetics, as N to, etc, used when ordered and none but the best material used $531.5 1. r i 8, Moss; Fidéphbritlgq - , - Aim some; BARRISTERS,“&C ‘ 7 NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBIQRB, I8 & 20 King Street. West. Toronto“ Jas Bethune Q C. C Moss, W C Falconbridge N W Hoylos, W Barwick, A B Ayleswortli W J. FirANKs , PREEMAN’S .WORM POWDERS.‘ Ferguson. Barn.'Gordon s. Shlpley, Barristers, Attorneys-atLaw‘,‘ SOIiCltOTS~l1h Chancery. Convevnncers, etc, Ofï¬cesâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto norms FERGUSON, Q.C. Joan Bars destroyer»! worms in Children orjAdults WM Smon GORDON, _ Gino]? SHIPLEY ._ , E ’ I ‘ P. O. Box,2527. " " I ' OULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS 1 TERS, Attorneys. Solicitors-in-Chancery etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite. the Court House), Toronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE i miiii Foo Choo's Balsam of Shark's Oil Positively Restores the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of small White Shark, caught in the Yellow Sen, known as (lurchai‘odon Rondeletii. Every Chi- nese ï¬ShCl‘llltlll knows it. Its virtues as a restor- ative of hearing were discovered by It Buddhist; Priest about the your 1410. Its cures were so numerous and many so seemingly miracul- ous, that. the remedy was (ifliciitlly proclaimed over the entire Ellipll‘O. Its t‘se became so uni-- VGl‘Stll that for over 300 years no Deafness has existed among she Chinese people. Sent charges prepaid. to any any utldrrss at $I a. bottle Hear What the Deaf Say; WM. Wears llvs'r‘T. HICIENERAL arm FINANCIAL. AGENCY ! lltlll'l‘tlAiiIlS airliner) 0,, ., Far-n1 &' Other». Property. Hotels, Taverns and Business. Goodwills Bought and Sold !. I'utent Rights disposed’of ; SYNDiCATES FORMED For Manufacturing and other purposes. S Oak and Share Brokers, etc, etc. J. I. EVANS s; 00, Leader Laney Toronto. __ _. , ¢-____ It has performed a miracle in my case; . ~ g - I have no unearthly noise in my head and hear much better. ‘ . I have been greatly beneï¬ted, My deafness helped a great deal~think anoth- or bottle will (hire me. Mv hearing is much beneï¬ted, I have received untold benï¬t, My hearing is improving, It: is giving good satisfaction. . . Have been greatly beneï¬ted, and am rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. Toronto, Jan 9th, 1888 ‘â€" Western Cdnada. Loan and Savings Corr-puny Officesâ€"No 70, Church-street, " Toronto ' HON Gno W ALLAN, SenatoriPx’esicleut Guano}: GOODERHAM .......,............Vicc-President “Its virtues are unquestionable audits curative character absolute, as the writer can personally testify, both from experience and observation, Write at once to HAYLOCK 6: JENNEY, 7 Boy St, New York, enclosing 51', and ym will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and whose curative e'ffects will be permanent, You will never regret doing so." ~Etlitor of Mercantile REVIEW. IS’TO avoid loss in the Mails, p‘easo send money by Registered Letter, Only Imported by HAYLOCK 85 JENNEY, Dntnc'ronsâ€"Funiuel Flatt, M P,Alfrer1 Goocler- hum, Geo W Lewis, Thus H. Im..Hon D L ' Capital, $1,000,000; Total Assets, $3.500,t.00 SAVING-E BANK BRANCH Money received on deposit, and interest payable liulf yearly or compounded. MONEY T0 LOAN. See our reduced loan table For further infor- mation apply at the emcee of the Company WALTER S LEE, Manager Reserve 'Fund. $450,006 Sole Agents for America. Worth their “Weight in Gold l ! I The York Herald. PUBLISHED BY M. .H. KEEFLER. EVERY THURSDAY, ‘ Athis printing office, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario Terms of Subscriptions 2 $1 00 per annurn in .. advance When not paid in advance $51 50 Will be '. . charged ill " sans This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishable fame througlioutthe World for the alleviation and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir. Transitory advertisements, first insertion. per line ..... .. . . . 8 cents. Each subsequent SCI‘LlOll. per 3 cents. Contractsfor time and space made on applica- tion. Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid & charged transient: rates . 7. . purify, regulate and improye the Quality of the Fhood. They assist the digestive organs, cleanse STOMACH AND BOWELS: increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brace the nervous system, and throw into the circula- tion the purest; Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. v becoming famous. Thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they lraue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. P will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours. BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. COLDS, Coughs. Sore Throats, Bronchitis, and all disord ers of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, 'Rheu- matism. Scrofula and other kind of skin diseases Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STRssT "LONDON. and sold at: 1s. 1&d.,2s. 9a., 43.6w, 113.. 22,3,nr1 333 each Box and Pot, and in Oanada at 36‘ cents, 90 cents, and $.50 cents, and the large? srzes in proportion. Grifï¬n. CAUTIONâ€":1 have no Agent in the United States, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers should therefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London they are spurious. The Trade Marks of my Said Medicines are re- gistered in Ottawa, and also at \V aslungtou. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY Clotning. , l l : , ‘ Petley.& 533 ford street, London. OX Jan: 5th 1881 , 7 51:3. ‘ï¬xaw‘s @ SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA» , Are pleasant to take. Contain their own' ' Purgative. Is a. safe, sure, and ‘efl'ectual ‘ ï¬ts. .. :EfflléiiN Is offering just; new a well assorted stock of Roots and shoes, Oversliocs and Rubbers 2 At: Prices to suit everyone A Fresh supply of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS 111? Choice Tea, 20 Cts. per lb. Best Family Floor" of Bottom Prices, Lard, Bacon and Hams. CHOICE CONFEOTIONARY 1 Bakery in‘ connection. In fact everything you need you can get; CELP F" O‘ R CZEH. .. Farm Produce taken at Market Prices. ‘ OUR MOTTO IS-Sm-allProï¬ts & Quick Returns. J. BROWN.- l l l l l u m ' n i . u: - tâ€"jg E I §:::§ z j Eh o '3' r: g = d I I-â€"-n= 2 BE 8°‘°‘°° mart: ‘ ‘Gâ€"D†at v "H r as 6: a gear 23235“ s" i an; .35“: c’mmfl.:m¢cflj flâ€"s "" 405‘ "H “3: go . °m306§g°lw gzzsel ‘0 s§§§°“azԤ=.a°=s= . a: gasogsm. gsmssl - tit ¢§Joï¬m°¢|£gonnimmv.. . ‘3 “disses swswflsn 2 rt: 95†goo-.3me o I a: -51 5 “GMâ€: sag ~ .4 .<’ 5 guns... <-o“" 3:. ma w ï¬g 'ï¬mup L" to l r: "t r -v a - "5 n “:3- { + l Pianos Pianos ! 7Dev St,N.Y1 t ceptable t; a. s. isthmus it suits PIANOS !- UPRIGHT AND SQUAREE Are constructed from the very best Materials by experienced Workmen, and are fullyV ’ equal in point of , 7350' . . W . . . as} ergo \ V 3. :4, (.5 c; V. r “N, e kids} (Pt, $ng “(S/Q VÃ©ï¬ â€˜3 Ln a§<\5‘»3’ .§‘5)M§\;Y 5\,y/‘C____ . 2x \b/ . .. . 1 «new EQQQ g, ., . 3a.. , , g, €\- (l m it 9%: l '}\r 9% 4 ‘ngb/J‘SET’I) my \49/ .3“ \{9/3 ï¬shy/ed unsafe; Sire asabsbdgomésé i To the high priced American Instruments. TESTIMCSNIALS. . . ' 6; SoN’s. , TonoNiro, April I2bh,183!. _ IIERETTZTRCFETITT‘IETTTXX'SB much pleasure in testifying to the great excellence of your Pianos. I haw ~ 2 ~ \ t the test. and find- them possessed of those qualities_of tone and touch so acu' Put 1mamTit‘ifieCinitsicimi and lover of classical muSicâ€"a charming Singing tone, easin gradu- ated from the niosbdelicate pittnissitno to every degree of loudness and fulness, and a. touch which ~ ,' irdil to ever shade of feeling. ' I V . V . _ MET :bsifs‘ider fliese lllStTulIleDlS a great acquisition in inusrciul society, and am much pleased at ï¬nding a. piano which I can recommend with perfect conï¬dence. CHAS. W.EWIN G, (Of London, England) , Organist of St Peter’s Church, Coburg, Ont ~ ~ TORONTO Nov. 4th 1882. v ‘ . - ' ‘ 3‘ . . t ' . . Maséigifléï¬ggï¬Ã©â€˜gï¬:52.3.13. examined the \Vorkmnmshrp of your Pianos, I have no hesitation in t. 5,1,; timg‘ {11' mv opinion, they are‘erfnal to those of any others of tbebest Makera’tlmt Iliave seen 6 in no 1 Via ealfiu the stone high terms regarding their iitusrcal qualities ; for their fine full 3mg- 1 cm) on 5 p ‘ &c, are such, that there seems to be no necessnzv to purchase ’ ' ' f tone ileasuiit touch _ i . . iggeigiiTgbltlddiiicnts, when our home enterprise can produce such Pimos, and at one-third less cost: I am, Gentlemen. yours very truly, i am glad to hear that the extensive sale of your instruments shows that you are meeting with the - k u ‘uzti deserve. . success that I mm lth,JGeiit3.leriten. Your Obediont; Servant, GEO. w. STRATHY. Mus Doc. _-â€"eâ€"-â€":â€"i=: W Netti .â€" mpflmwm# C G F l ‘ ll == ' ‘ t. to of Or one in large quantities. and are therefore able to offer them at ex- We make “ spew“ S T’EVHIODES arranged to suit; the convenience of purchasers and spread over a. R. 53. .W ILLIAMS; ceptionally low rates. ‘ ' term of years. For full particulars write to We have just opened on We are selling at the very OR 226 Dundas St. London. I48 Yonae 8t. TOronto. 6 case of Ladios’ FUR CAPES, which low prices for Which our house is fast We are also showing a splendid lot 01 Ladies’ t; and Children’s Ulstcrs at much below regular prices. etley N & Pelley. EBLBEN 128 to 182 King Street, East. GRIFFIN TORONTO. OVERCOATS: . Gentlemen requiring Perfect Fitting and VVell-Made Over... coats will save Time and" Money by going direct to the Golden A11 0111' Clothing is made on the premises by First-Class Competent: Workmen, and equal. in every way to the best Ordered GOLDEN - 128 to 132 King St. East. mm TORONTO. Policy,