\ ‘ hilnnthro lat, par excellence. But now we have , fessor ollowav, who, beneï¬ted by the long experience‘vof long experiments. and enlightened by deep study, has bestowed upon the world one of the greatest treasures. in the form to his cele- brated Pillsiqnd Ointment. By’their instrumen: tnlity health is placed within the reach of all that will uvuilï¬hemselves of than. They have recommended themselves eveÂ¥where by their beneï¬cial eflfects, and are now nown throughout me civilized world. We are glad to know that South and Central America, Mexico and Cuba, following the exam 1e of Spain, have become large consumers of t ese articles, and wherever the Spa M1 language is Epoken. they are now ex- tensiv used as a family medicine. No region a the earth nï¬ords such opportunities for test- ing the universality of a remedy as South Ameri- ca. From the enormous inequality of level be- tween its different portions, it coinprehends the climates ofall the zones. and all the diseases peculiar to the varieties of temperature known as frigid, temperate, and horrid are found among its inhabitants. A grander ï¬eld for the employ- ment of preparations adapted to the cure of every species of disorder, Internal or external, gannot he coneeivgd, and {is their success has Mr James, seconded by Mr Recsor. moved that the Treasurer retain $32.60, being expenses and mileage in taking seven indigent. persons to the House of Industry and Refuge. Mr Enkin tendered his resignation as Reeve. Mr Forster. seconded by Mr Lnndy. moved that the resignation tendered by Mr Enkiu as Reeve of this municipality be and is hereby ac- ,Rptcd. ' - Mr Beesor asked leave to irtrodnce a. Banw for holding municipal election for Ream. Leave given. On motion the ‘ By law wan read the Several times nnd_pnssqc_l. _. Mr Jamel. seconded by Mr Lundy, move that the Treasurer-pa Messrs Mmdonald. D3. (1301:, dz Pat ragga!!!»- tar. sprvices rendered in suit of Sni er ,vg. thin mumcxpnlity. ' On motipn the Council went into Committee of J‘th Wholevto ï¬nall audit the Treasurer's M:- counts lot, 1882 T 9 Committee rose and re- ported thoiaccounts as passed. ' Mr Jaméï¬j seconded hv Mr Rnnnnr mnvnfl that The Grand Trunk R. R. made their annual contracts for coal on Saturday. They use all told, 425,000 tons per year, about 50.000 tons of which is brought from Nov‘n Scotia. The duty paid to Go'verument amounts to $225, 000. When (he House of Assembly open-- ed, the personnel of the new Cabinet was annoï¬mced. The ex Premier Muted that Mr E L Welmore had been chosen leader ofthe Opposition. The Legis- lamre was prorogucd until the 12th of April. Free "of Charge. All persoliu suffering lrom Coughs Colds, Asthma Bronchitis Loss of Voice or any nï¬'eclion Bf'lhe Throat and Lungs, are re- quested to call at R. E Law’s Drug Slore nnd get a Trial Bottle of Dr King’s New Discovery tor Consumption free or . charge. which will convince lhem of its wonderful merits and show what A regular dollar-size youle will do. Cull eurly. ST. JOHN, N. B., March 3:d.â€" The new Government was sworn in at Fre- dericton this morning as follows :-BlairI of York. Attorney-General and leader of the Government ; Elder. of St. John. Provincial Secretary ; Mitchell. of Char- lotte, Surveyor General ; Ritchie, Soâ€" licitor General ; Gillespie. of Northamâ€" berlund. President of Council ;' Vail, of Kings ; Turner, of Albert ; and Harriâ€" son. of the Legislative Council, memâ€" bers without (*ï¬ice. Do Not be Deceived. In these times of quack medicine adverâ€" liaemenls everywhere. it is truly gratifying to ï¬nd one remedy lhnl. is worlhy ol praise and which really does as recommended. Eleclric Bitters will do as recommended. 'l‘hey invariably cure Stomach and Liver Complaints. Dlseaaes nflhe Kidneys and Urinary diï¬icullies.’ We know whereof we speak, and can readily say, give‘them a prinl. Sold at fifty cams a. bottle, by R. E. Law, Dru’ggisl,‘ The world occadonallv‘wltneues the appear- ance of a. man late-eminent among his fellows, who leaves his mark upon the world either for good or for evil. 0111‘ century has been unusually fruitful in such man. We have ourmilitary hero, our philosopher,_our astronomer, our statesmen. pgï¬oxcglleujw; we haveLulso, on’r physicianl and been uniform in all parts of the aéuthéfï¬vétï¬mï¬ï¬h out. we may fairly re ard these medicines as speciï¬gs fur‘ ï¬hq‘mxyl‘ad es pflevery §oil ayd clime. We do not make these statements and express these opinions without having weighed them well. They are not founded merely upon common report, but upon the testimony of parties occu- pyin high positions in societyâ€"men oi’ unblem- ishe reputetinn’end matured judgment, that, likewise,is conï¬rmed by circumstances within our own immediate knowledge. Moreover, we have the less hesitation in declaring our predilections fox these remedies, inasmuch as it is shared by our brethren of the press in every awqu-r nf Hw Flnbn, Tun va'vsvmvnxnv not only unbounded fame; Em; nr coisidenï¬ï¬Ã© fortune, has rewarded Holloan for his philanâ€" thgopjg labpllrs. _ Tm: Bus'r SALVE in Ihe World for Cu's, Bruise-s. Soles. Ulcers. SMt leum. Fever Sorts. Tetter. Chapned Hands. Chilblains, (‘on-ns. and all Skin Eruptions, and positive- ly r-urea I‘ilvs. It is guaranteed to give pmbe Muisfhctinn. or mohey rvl'unded. Price 25 cenls Der box. Sold bv R. 11;. Law W6}; :notmï¬uta;.bgaï¬cï¬hdjourned “5 meet on Saturday, 1&1) dav of April next. Mr Lundy. seconded by Mr James, moved that the Treasurer pay 8 B Reesor $2, for burying a horse found dead on the highway, between Lots 10 and 11 in 81:): Con. -v mun. u u. Wu vuu. Mr Forster. seconded by Mr James. moved that the Treasurer uy Mu Page the sum of $3.50, being for board an attendance on Mt! Whalen, nu juiigent, far I Wgel‘Q Mr Fï¬'rstc'r, iecbnded by Mr Lumly. moved that $50 be granted t9 grpvel 10th (_)_on_. in Div _Iro 73: (the mic uyera hï¬'ving gruveilafl' VI; ipio'rtiloin 'oi ï¬flid 1’09_ by gpuguitoup {apogflhnva u,ske(1__thq Council forfssist them to ï¬nish tboworst pox-ï¬rm.) and that Mr Reese; and the mover be commiss- ioners r expending the same, nyuble on order of_the mx‘m’ssinne‘rsflhen wor is complefegl. ‘ Mr Jumrh, seconded by Mr Reesorfnioi'éd ihnt the Treasurer retain $7 for horse hire. die, to deliver ballot boxes for municipal elections for 1883. Mr Reesor, seconded by Mr Lundy, moved that the Treasurer Raï¬ . the following accounts for gravel. nafgort-i e by various road overseen, viz :â€"H Lhach, 307 yards at 100 per yard, $30.10, D Lynett. overseer ; Baht Cox, 70 yards mt 10c per yard. $7, Wm Gohn, ovmfseer ; Jacob Heisey, 85 yurds'at 19¢ per yalid,_$_8.5(_),_ 690 Baker, ove_rs_eer. Mr Forster, seconded by Mr Roesor,moved that ï¬le Treasurer pay James Riddle $5, for keeping obt. Anthony 4 weeks after Jun. 15, also $5 for taking Robt. Anthony and Mrs Whalen to House of Indusnfy. ‘ aqsesged. ds’ testiï¬ed Epgler oath. Mr J ameg, seconded by Mr Lund , moved that the Treasurer pay J onnthun Bril inner IN), for board and attendance for .1. Usher; «In indigent. for three weeks after J 9.1m y 15. and $7 for the burial expenses of the said shot. Mr J ames, seconded bv Mr Lundy, moved that the Treasurer u'y J. D. BOWmnn, Insyector of Wuterbo Ends of Ihdh‘stfv and Refuge, for the board, lodging.,ahd mndlcnl attendance for Wm and J Carey, up to 15th J anuury, 1883. also fares at the above with keeper from Berlin to Newâ€"- market. amounting t_o the sum of 151101.15. Mr Forster. seconded by Mr James. moved, that the Trpasurer refund each 31 dog tax to Wm Bovd and France: Pike, they having been wrongfully assessed in 1882, than dogs having died or were @138in ignmeï¬ately after being ' Mr J améa,‘ geqonded by Mr Reesor ,moved that the auditqrs‘vreport at the Townshi accounts for1882,aaflnully audited by this ouncil, be accepted ï¬nd passed, and that the Clerk be authorized_to have 150 copies of mid accounts priptgu £917 djatribgtipy. Mr JameI, seconded iï¬y' iii-“Faster, moved that the Treasurer ha and is hereby authorised to retain the sum‘nf $22.40 for registration of births.mmxriwes and deaths as provided by statute. . ‘ From J. W..Collins, Clerk of Whitchurch; ra‘: lativ teal-9.1130135) on townlino. 12% Colin Shell, asking damages of $50 (or loss stained by having threshing machina in- jured through defect of road on 3rd Con. PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr Reesor, from W Tune and 15 bthera, nskxng compenajation for losses sustained bv Mrs Finnie ut- gm burning 0LT. McMackon’s barn in July gym; _‘ , - ' . Bv Mr Fois‘ter, from Mr Burundi: and ï¬ve others, asking to be detached from Union. School Section 23, Stoufl'vine,--and uttnch‘efl w School Sectiqn No 22 of thig n‘mpicigglitx The Markham Township Council met at Mrs. Pages‘shall. Uuionvills. on Saturday, “(11 um The members were all resent. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes 01 est meeting read and conï¬rmed. Markham TOWnship Council. The March of Intellect. New Brunswwk 011518 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. COMMUNICATIONS. Mnssns. R. S. W'ILLuMs & Sox's. , . . ‘ TORONTO, April 12th 1881. GENTLEMENâ€"I have much pleasure in testif ing to tho great excellence of your Pianés. I have put them severely to the test, and ï¬nd them 130 sessed of those qualities of tone and touch so 12.0-- ceptable to the true musician and lover of classical musicâ€"1L charming singing tone,' easily nriulua Med from the most delicate pianisdmo to every degree of loudness uud fulueés, and a. touch gvhich ansg‘ers rggdilx to eyery shade of feeling. ‘ " ‘ ' 11, ours vet trul CHAS. VV.EWING (Of London, England) I am, Gentleme y y y, Organisi’. of St Peter‘s Church. Cobur‘g, Ont: ans B. s. WILLIAMS &: Sovsâ€" V . TPRONTO, Nov. 46h, 1832. h ' MESGIstâ€"Having thoroughly examined the Workmansmp of your Pmnos. I have no hesxtutlon m_ stating that, in my opinion, theyp‘re'equul to thg§e n_f_ar§.y othqrn pf thqbest Makers thnt I lmva seen "i331 lad to hear that the extensive sale‘of your iï¬sti-ï¬ménriéiéhaééifhéé '0qu .VW ' WW luccessgthut I think vou justly deserve. ' ' 3 are l-neetmg mm the I um, Gentlemen. Your Qbedient Servant, I consider Ehese insï¬-uments a grent‘kcquisition in musicial society, and am much ‘pleased at ï¬nding a piano which Icnu recommend With perfect conï¬dence. 7 7168.11 dulyrspeakuihfthe mime Eigh tefms regarding ï¬héf? xixusxcafï¬ilï¬iltles , 101 th’éir 11m; ing capability of tone. Eleasant touch, &c. are} such, that there seems to be no necqssit to purchase togeign ipsgxiulpentihw leg our ‘hom'e entgrprflxse cmyprpduce suck} Piano}, gmd at: (me: him less cost We make n. special style of Oman in large quantities. And are therefore able to offer them at ex- ceptionally low rates. Payments arranged to suit the convenience ef purchasers and spread over a. berm of years. For full particulars Write to ' v V _ ‘ A R. S. W ILLIAMS, I43 Yomze St. TOronto. - OR 226 Dundas St. London. See our reduced loan table For further infor‘ mation apply at. the ofï¬ces of the Company Western Canada. UPRIGHTAN‘D SQUARE Oflicesâ€"No TO, Chung-street, Torqnio ' HON GEO W ALLAN, Senator,President GEORGE GOODERHAM ..I ................. Vida-President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Flatt, M P,A1fred Geodet- hatheo W Lewis, Tho; H Lee, Hon D L Maqpherson,5enhtor ' ’ « Tota'l Ass’eté, $3,500,000 Money received on deposit, and interest payable hulfyenrly or compounded. SAVING’S ' BANK BRANCH Pianos Y P11331108 We are also offering Ladies’ Cloth Mantles at Fifty per cent. below Regular Price‘s, ‘ and Men’s and Boys: Clo-thing at Ridiculously Low Prices. 1 I. 7 A. call will convince the most sceptical of‘t‘he very low prices at Which Ihé 'ab‘dxfe. _ GOOdS are being: 80“; of the great‘difï¬culties under which 'we ar‘ef doing-3" Lb‘p'giné’g's‘ " at the ptes'e‘nt‘fltime‘; . . r " ‘v =1" " " v "V'.«u ‘Yfl‘ .“ f-.a i'. 'VINSPEOATION [IiJSTVI-rï¬b'. Petley &I.Petley‘, z::::::;s$ price for the same goods the City is $3, $3.50, and $4. ‘ V We are selling Fine All Wool Blankets at $1.40, $2.70 and per pgiirï¬l‘he regular We are selling 500. Tapestry Carpets for 35c: perf‘yardtand $1 Carpets "for" per yard, also best quality Brussels Carpets, worth $1.50 for $1, audlfine Wiltons zind minsters at $1.50, worth $2 25 ' ‘ On accb‘u'r'i't bf’t‘héyeï¬; limi‘tg‘d spagg left 1min which todo business, awe..a.pe Oflél‘w ingextniord‘ijhafy'value Airn ‘a‘ll‘thjeTDeï¬afit rynr‘en't‘é',‘ Iï¬Ã©ftictflarfl in" Bulky " if Carpets, . Blankets, Ladies" Cloth « Man-ties and Meï¬â€™Ã© 5:311: 136%" Ready-made Clothing. ' ‘ ‘ ' . " " - ' ' qujifal, 1mg}? (“Reserve Fund, $450,000 3 5““ $3 G Loan and Savings Company WALTER S LEE, Bi. wmmms. ï¬e saws: ' PIANOS ! TON E, TOUCH & DURABILI'I‘Y ! MONEY T0 LOAN. TESTIMONIALS. To the high priced 'zkihecicalx Instrume‘uts. Manny-r" NOW GOING ON. . ‘ . ,. . _‘ ~ '. - <. > v. . 1 , D11 13‘ C. VVCSVS‘NQI‘V' 11d 13er Z]: en enthu ' glxuijunteed speciï¬c f0} ysterfoi’,‘Di2§ing?s, Corr’ . i ' a ' ‘ ' ’vulsions, Fits, ‘Nervous Neugulgia‘, v.1iegtdaghq ‘ ' : Patent Rights disposed of ; | Nerzogs Proswmozfi .cnusgdby phelusiyoéalc‘ohol ‘ ~ . {or o acco, nke ulnes‘s‘. 2Monta ‘ '9 mission, SYNDICATES FORMED Soft‘ening of the Bmin.1je5u'1t1i1g;z ip Insqnityinnd For Manufacturing and other purposes. Spck leading to misery, decayilund death, Prénmtu‘re and Share Brokers, etc, etc. gm llageislsuriehness, 133% of POW: iweitnaer sang; uvopn any; osses an upermnto‘ 11mm cagse, , ,J- I'_ EVA-N's 6‘ CO9 by overâ€"exertion ofthe brain; soIf [I ma or‘over- Leader Lana, Tofohtm indulgence. One box;.wi11.'-_éure r cgakfomeqn , Each box contains one month’s trp‘a ment} One dollar nbox, or six boxes for ï¬ve dblmmw-s'b‘nf. _ ' v -by-m£rilpre1mid on receipt of‘price. . We {gimmiâ€" .. A ~ -‘ tee six-boxes to cure'ai'ny‘case} With‘each‘grd‘er v; i 7 - “ ’ ‘ ' ‘ 11:03.??? by us forï¬sixszyxgta; ac‘cgmpanied wit. 1 i , vs 0 (11's. W0 wi Vgpndt amuse uae’ “ml Writ: DRAIN T [LE’ OF THE r ten guarantee to refund thé money If‘5 he Ftr‘ent: ‘ QUALITY AT liltintSOB$11C21 efIerct atcgreb Guurlsmteesï¬issued i on y y . . ewit 0., 5'0 9 ant orized THOB NIGHTINGALE 9" agents for Thoruhiil and Angus, Ont, John C Yorkvxle Wont & Cni. snip. prrmrimora. Toronto. Ont‘ Toronto, J an 9th, 1883 i . Fax‘m & Other Property, Hotels, Taverns and Business; _. - GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY MGRTGAGES OBTAINED GEO. W.,ST_RA.THY. Mus Doc. M? w. um“ ._w_ T 3% fade I 1V? NEE, . r. ï¬g Gown ; “1.23 to 132‘King18L‘msL Coughs, Sore Throat/s: Bx‘buchitis. a;an ‘nll’ iliéord 61's ofthe Tl1x'ont_&ud Chest, as atlï¬q {Em matism. Scrofulu qudyother kind of skin th‘ increaso the secretory powers of'the Ijiver, brace the nervous system, and throw into the. Circula- fiou the purest Elements for éustnï¬ling 'and negating the fmme. ~ ' Thousands of persons lmveml‘eéliï¬odl {Imti bv their use Home Hwy lmue' hex-em» ~r'eslored tn health and strength, after every _,o_lher means bud proved‘unéucgeésful; ' . 4 r . w‘fl] b}: fauna invaluable {11 every‘ ï¬Ã©hgélio‘ld' in the cure of Open Sores;- Hu'rd Tunynurs. .‘ * ‘. ~ Manufactured only at ProfBSS- or‘Hollowav’s l Establishment. 53.3, OXFORD STREET yqï¬bdN. mid sold at ls. 115d.,2_s. 9a., 4s. 6d., 113., 22, and 335 each Box and Pot, and-in Ca'n‘a‘da "at "$W'eents,’ 90 cents, and $1.50 cents,,q1;d thq lgrgqr‘ sizes ,in m'opoxtion. ‘ " ' ' ' ' ’ . ’ -“ . .. ‘14:. '2.“ ' ‘ ï¬g? ‘1 CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Age _tw m (My Unith Stan‘s, nor are my Medieihé§ 56%} there. PurctmsurS‘ 5|)..uld Â¥ lhereforé-- look-- to lhelnheLothe Peanut Rama; , Mme: ï¬ddress‘is not 533, Oxford ï¬tlzeet, :Lpndpx). they 1am spurirvus, ‘.‘ We will pay the above reward for any cgmse of Liver Comnluint, Dyspepsia? Sick He'u'duche', Inv‘ digestion, Constipation; qr Cqstiveness we aanuut cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills. when the directions are strictly complied with. Tnhy Me purely Vegetuble, and never mil to give satisfac-i tinn. Sugar Coated. Lxu‘ge Boxes, captainng 30 Pills, 25 CClltS.x For sale by all Drllgfliflbs. Be- wa‘re of counterfeibs and imitations. The gen nine manufactured only"by JOHN C. WESi‘ &- C().,â€The PillMakei‘srf’ 81‘ & 83 King. $13., East Toronto, Ont. Free trial package sent b pi‘euaid on receivt 9f :1 3 cent swim). y mail T135 ’I‘md’e M arks‘of my' snifriiMédicixress‘ï¬re" '1"'e- gistered m Ottawn'ï¬and also 3g§ï¬Vns1§ipgtguI _‘ Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533 Oxford street, London. ' H ' Jan. - 5th 188lg~$~1 BAD LEGS. ()L-D‘ ’WOU‘ND‘S.. CULDS, This Tncompnlj'éble Mediérne llzki'seCdl': ed- for itself all impel-ishable. Turf-1e throughout lhe \Vorld for the alleviation and cure of most diseases [to which humanity is heir. ’ ' ' ' Pills 5L} 0mm filllfif‘f, regulate and imprqye the quality v.91 2th" Voo .. They assist the digestive orgums, cleanse Worth theirj;V,e'i;'gI}§-Ljijx1“ $514171; STOMACH u.-.A1\TD 130‘ng TORONT6;C Health IS-IW‘éélflir‘; $500 REWARDS :TH-‘E‘wfip’lNTJViEl N111 “I: is {:A'I N UH" h GEE-NI} EEI‘JTML WEI. ‘This House is gne of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed. in First Clgss Style. Simple Room for Commer- ’cial Travellers: Good Stabling and attentive hostlers. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North-andSouthr at 8 a. 111., 12 a. mu 5:101) 111. and 7.30 n m. _ 'RICHMOND‘HILL. _ JOHN POW.ELL,. Prbp 4 .Thiï¬_ Hotel .has been refurnished, renovated, and mte'd up in ï¬rst-class style, and is now the leading Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is sup- plied With ï¬rét-cla‘ss brand of liquors and cigars. Excellent accommodation for Com mercinl Trm'ellers,-zmd the General Public. Good Stabl- ing and an attentive Hustler. ' Because our prices we so low as to seem wo’nu der ul wheu‘cohmared with those of other ï¬rst; class dentists. .I do not wish you (:0 infer lthat my e‘Stublishment is conï¬ned to the manufacture of sets? I do everything or anything that any Toronto dentist w1]1 do, and do it on approved modern. scientiï¬c principles, guaranteelng autis- ftmctiou in all cases. No pain caused by the ex-â€"' traction of teeth ' ‘ - THE PALMER Housa R LC 11 M 0 ND HIL 11. {I ‘Paimer; Prop. Believing the people \\ ill appreciate n. scale of low prices for n. superior class of artiï¬cial teeth, I hams determined on reducing the price at least 50 per cent. . ‘ 0.1%le Wax, » DENT A L SU RGEON; , 151 'YNGE' 51, mama.†' ‘ ' ’1‘, ‘ ~ EVERY THURSDAY, Athls‘513rixltihg ofï¬ce, Yonge Street, Richmond 1 . . 2.: ' Hill. Ontario ' ' Teï¬n’s of Subscriptions : $1 00 per nnrnum in ud‘xï¬a‘n‘c’e When‘ not paid invadvance $1 50 will be gharged " ' ' Tran’sitory_{advertisementsg ï¬rst insertion)“ 'w:TQRONTQ VITALIZED AIR PARLOUBS. H. IKEEFLER. : «perjliï¬m........ “ Each sflbsequyn’g 'use'f tiCQnt‘mcté ‘fdfttiime alt-(llâ€"spzice wide on applical on: . ’ *w ,, ‘-, . . "GOLD PLATE, ‘3 - $30. 6 R UB B E R, 6 , 6 Advertispmcnis without written inshtuctions will be-inge‘ftg‘d vuntil forbidï¬phprged transient rates, , ' "" " ' ‘ ' v ' Mpmber College of Physicianï¬ & Surgeoï¬s. I (LATE 0F STOUFFVILLE.) HOURS,â€"â€"me 8 to 10 a. m., 5 to S p.1rv _ _ i _ maggmxcn fol'n’geH Street, Aï¬ighmond Hill. A few ‘Diar'iéé For salt at the HERALD Shwe. at cost price. for cash. U ‘TERS, r Attorneys. Solicitors-jn-Chnncery etc.. 64 Adelaide street. East, (opposite the Court. House). Toronto. ' ‘ ALII'BED-BDULTBEE WM. WORTS DVATT.’ ERNEST F. L‘ANGSTA'FF" . Residence, Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Bicl‘lrfloudHilLMEy 23m, 1882. 1y Din George Langstng ‘ , THORNHILL, ONT. ‘. Graduate: 6f,'T01‘onto U‘niveréity, .A 6518.. Our; Twp Years Resident, Assistgnï¬-ï¬qrgeon t6 [I‘pronto General Hospital, B. 053M. B. and First Silver Medalist, pniversityvof Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L 8' AL. England (Late 'Of London, England) Surgeon,Etc. > , ., ._ r , ._ ; la‘Oiï¬'beyHours 8 to 9.30 51311., and 1 kg) 230 p.113“ DIE; J. I [‘SON, "MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. ‘ Qiflqe flllld Resideucgg-One (Icon-smith of-P. 0‘ OFFICE HOU.Rs+a to 19 a. m, A} )2 to s p m. Thomth Feb 14$h,1§83. it x. I'Fergason, Bailphéondon, 6?. Shlpley’, :- Bnï¬xisters, Attér‘ne‘y's-atfmw, ‘ senators-in- ‘Chpngcx‘y. Convevnncers, etc, Ofï¬cesâ€"Imperial B‘amk Buildings. \Vellington-streot, Toronto ‘fiQLiA‘s FERGUSON, Q.C.‘ ‘ ‘ JO'HM BAIN ‘W‘M‘SETON GORDON, GEO F SHIPLEY Jas‘Bethune Q 0‘ N \VHbyges, ‘ I ,Nomu 50F =‘sco1'LAxn CHAMBERS, [3131.30 King Street; West, Toronto JAMES ' “Luann ‘: AND BARRIS’I‘ERS, 8&6 Bethune, .Bl'oss, Falconbrillge AND HOYLES, BQULTBEE "& EVATT‘ BARRIS ‘TERS. r Attornevs. Sn]initm‘sdn-Chnnnerv sz-L CURE OR RELIEVE Bil/053M583, DIZZ/NESS, 10193:} ,‘ ‘ x‘?-1}P8Y,_ , .gxsiagsmfl, FLQTTERING ' :I‘flUI'JDICE. " OF THE HE CRJ’SIPEï¬/{S 8.4:] [35551.7 L’Emrsym; HEADACHE, And-every épgclcs of disease ‘arlslng frorh disordered LIVER, 'KiDNEYS, STOMAOH. 'BOVVELS OF} BLOOD, “Ham! Riéï¬'uâ€"und Hm, Oct'. 12th, '52. '1'. EELBURN 81%.. ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON .‘lT-he York Herald; '0’ gmï¬ieflmmflg. Best DR. ORR, MAPLE, RUVBI; E R ALUMINUM '« :CELLOL‘OID‘ ' -' $10. : P»; 0. Box 2527. PUBLISHED BY gil'ezlical. O. '0 Moss, W C Fulconbridge W Bmtwick, A’ B AylesWorth 'W J. FRANKS r ’ Sy’r'gai'; . THE sromofl, Dams-33‘ OF THE SKI/V, '0F THE HEM“, 0mm 0F Proprlgtgfs) TQRéNTO. Furniture - At Toronto v....,Pric.es ~.! The Spring will soon be here, and a‘ large stock of“ Dress G00dx<. Mantle Cloths, Blankets, Flannels/ and other Winter'Goods; must be'sold to make room. foi’ New Spring Stuck. Choice Bargains offered. etc., rates. OUR -» IMOTToï¬-IJS-smaljl P1 aï¬cs- & Quick Returns CIâ€"IOIOE .. CONFECTIONARY I GROCERIES & PROVISIONS =3! As We have determined‘not to carry anY'Winter Goods over, we will sell the balance of our stock of PEOPL E’S STO RE Cheaper than Ever! Splendid Winter Tweeds selling at Costa Caps,- Hats, tc., atastonishingfreduction. Gents’ Furnishings in: great ariety, Very low. a ' ( ' ' ‘ Furs, ‘Wool Goods, Cthï¬'flgï¬Ã©LtL, AT 005T. Piatures, and Picture Frames of all kinds, Boots and shoes, Overshoc‘s and Rubbers 2 Choice Tea, 20 Ch}. per lb. Best Family Fiour at_Botto‘m Prices. LafiBacon and Haml. I ‘ Alarge 56062ka I . . ooeries For Haliday ‘ Season. Chromd Mottaes of 111 designs, Brackets and Wall Pockets. 'A very ï¬rm selection of At'azll‘ times, butifor the next-thirty days we wiH sell JOHN * * O‘KW'P ‘F’ OR" Fresh S'upplfi'gsnof Groceries, etc., at the Vervxlmxest CHEAP GOODS AT THE Bakery WE MEAN IT my ; mm zw Cl‘REYNbLD& in connection. In fact everything you need you mm get At Prices to suit our-yous. A Fresbj‘aupply of Glass ’and Crockery. Can and See Price's. Ia oï¬erjng jugs now a. well assorwd'stock o‘f * 3V: 7. T mm†Farm Produce taken at Marketl’nwm This is'no Asham'sale, For CASH Only, in *9 ’ E. 24 CROSBY. l" G. J. BROWN. a.......--aod