Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Mar 1883, p. 3

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Menu. 'Mnrr. Pike. SlnterJenninwnand "panic gnu-e :heir views on needs and seed-- . ivu. “k A ' 1')?th meeting M" ’hé ,Club- will be lot-Id um Vium'il Hull. Uninu’villo, on Tues- dny. 27th of March inst. Suhjnu . for dis- ruslilm "Cc-eunlov-ies.”‘Mr Mnrr to led in do rl‘im-uuiuu. The Foundry to Isl: the Guvernmenlfilovsendj ‘ecturer on the Ink-- 5*‘2'. ’ ' ‘ I I! .I.‘An I‘ll Thut Furmm-s’ ('Inh sun-d thaw hold at iho “'Q‘Hingll)" Hun-l. Murkh‘sm. on 'l'uen‘luy llw (iii In“ . was s‘mns'o-Iv ullmu‘oi-Ihv-e bring nnly uhum 35 ywrsnnl prelentâ€"Ind adv I3 ur-ien M- Srnip on Rem-m, of Minna-1. e-xhihiwd samples I t 6 rowed bar- Bucklon's Amlc- Salvo. Tm: Bra? SAL": in Ihe World l'nr Cull. Bruin-m Swen. Ulrers. Salt Rheum. Fever Suns. Tmtpr. Chum-ed Huuda. t‘biiblainn. all Skin Erupliunl. and positin- ly omen X’ilrs. [I is gumruntepd to gain po‘lfrcl mlinl'aciiun. or money refunded Prico 25 cent: per hux. Sold by R. hi. Law I'M. No I, 60 husheis at market mice; 6 imiv'vd h-Ir'Hy. N Q '2 5‘)" hu-hwa; «I nm- 1 at prime ; '2 n-wrd harlfl‘. 40’ bmhfls: at 90 [cams whuahel ; Lute Rosa potu10u;50 ban .1 market price : 'l‘nrmriun'nms. 400 I:th ch. 3! 5 cont: more-f1th market. price._ Fink-um were u yrominem foamré of the Bradford mch ' Representative» from Nevi- lnarke: u- d Ihe farmer plnce had a lively or: m. Vimnry in mid to hue poached on (he Newmurlu-me's bannor. An individual from war town Bllrmpled Io 'hllld up the pres:ng of the plnce, with u frllow from no where in particular. but Iilhmfl avsil, It was n cold day Ind be got. left. P W Buyumu, Dullar. uhibilod Wild Gonna Ipriug when, 100 bushels. M 81.00 a bushel. . Adam Hood, Millikan. showed Whim Rub aiun spring what, has 200 busheli, A! $1.15; BI-u-k Turmvian nuts, l.000 huahull. M. 50 «In-Is u hush-a] 'I'ruo to Her Trust. V "PM much unnot be aid of the ever Muh- M wfe and mother. constantly watching and caring: for her dear 'onu. nevor melee-- iu-g u nn-gle duty In 'their behalf. When they in: ublniltd by dise. In. and IhOJyw Ia llmultl Inn/0 n , thorough (-lmna‘iug.‘ thq mom .9}. and buwvln :egumlr-d. Man Inn-in find and nmlmml puia-Iu c-xlermiuiwd, she mun know Ibal Elucuig. Biuou are the .unlv sure uemedy. Tho": are the but and .I'pcom medicine in [hit w‘m-ld and only can 5(th canu. Sold by R; E. lam. ' 89m. sharpen fiat-cad a follow on! of.” whi!» unveiling on the Norlhern on Thurs- day hull. Conduct“! Pm). hcu‘rver. gelling wind bf‘lhe afi'uin- mpde them dingnp-ge under pain of urn-st. 'l‘héy .huuld be nut down. Jnu ‘ Tum. Belfind. o-xhihind n “mph- 01 6-mwed barley, has 350 bushels, a! 78 cent. a bushel. Thus. Hund, Millikan, exhibiled Mmmplo of Mac-k barley, has 100 bushels, «I 81.00 peg-A ht_l~hr!. Ml Bruck sold ‘25 bushels Rnssmn barley Mr A Hmd mld 100 bushels Turmrian Oats. flhd Mr "Hui! said a quantity of bark-y, out: and pnluloea. Mr L-wsnn objected (o the Club-muting: heir“: held in Funds. nu mnrc' alleulion wul paid to the bar Ihau m the romurki of the npuknn. and dumm-slrand by druwlng alt-- Inulion lo the fuel dumb“. I“ only shout lu m-rnom. than Ipnsem. Tho Spuight Manufactufing Co. have .do- filmed u dl.’idend nt' 8 per cent, with a hand- Iume hmnuul pm to refit. lI-nh ends hf tho buiiler in Haynfir'i mil], Su-ufl'villm were hluwn out last week. No one hurl. "A Widrmnn. i'hh Con“ em down a tree, the ulhr-r dnv. whlch panned out 25 lord: of 2-41")! slave wood . A bun-quot was given to Mr Eakin. exâ€" Rerve uf Markham. n1 thher’s Hotel. Uniunvilla. on W dnrldny night last. Mlh ind. An address was rend and I presenta- tiim made. 1 he :mvndunc» was gm'nd. A curling: match mu pinyud m Markhum on nw Isl inst. beIvan Ma khnln u’nd SN-ufl' ill». manning in fay-Ir uf lhu former (-Iuh ‘n H h as ()n Sum dm, 3 d ins! Iwn curling much- . Mm." lplzlkl‘J an '-Iu~l\hnn, I»: urn Ilu- !' (JIM-I ‘Vl :yjilu! :uu‘ lhu. .“urkh ll" CM”. how I) III“ in: wu-Ix (huh “.u‘khnm Wad hth {mm-s by 18 mud l3 dh'lla. "swungâ€"Mrs l‘hcn'he Grunt 'nf. Lo! 20 7=h ('nn Markham. passéd pray on Monday Hi 1|! Hue 26m February, aged 107 wars. lhia well known émnmariun hm hm." tho- hnmu- wife nl'fuur husband-I Hoer fist w a u M. Kr-udyick. second khenezer Cnn-L. whu di- F) Hi the age 0! 95 "ms ; Hm thixd was Mr “'uhlh and the f: llllh. who SlillMIIViVHI iiJ-Ihn Gram. Her seconi husband E: enezer Cuok wasuauldier um! I Gem-ml Wmhmgmmnd {mum in the Rev- 'o|un¢mnry War Deceased was in religion It mmh-udim Sho- leavos nix childroliâ€"‘f'our th Nr' Kendrick and mu by Mr Cook. with 'Mr John Grant m mnnrn har Ion. Tmnunms r'm'r Tms -â€".\Ir Jun-J: P"; h‘; .i. razl'tl 5m \‘y-J-Jlr- “unduly. «In Tu mug. For!) 20‘ 350 'uuslwls u" “back lunar Um» wuh ‘muw puwm- within tun thrills l'mlwn whu “‘l'l‘ lhvro- find the? \MH' IIII- (ah-anew. h-m-ko-ul and hail mm..- a >01_lhm Vrlliriv ul mus Ihry hnd weu‘ lhm 5n mm». This nnme‘vm'iI-h «If nuts ham bran grv-nu hv Mr liuynmn on his farm for the lusl I7 yams. LAnm'sss Hum-2M â€"The Lacrosse boys 0! Richinnhd Hull are mnkirx arrangement- for a grand cum-HI in he held in lhm vii- I g» on the- ezv nh-g of Good Fridav “r lhh it our Mm-k-mm lads and lasso: oil-mid lurn um 0" mass» [0 unto-Ind Ihh cun- cv-vl. 'nl'uar vhu Iihurul mm the Ru- hmund Hill lulks have pulmuized our link. elm, this «inler Equipping. Scrum! , Sal! Rheum. Emuâ€" Iiuns. and a“ duo-all»: o! Ihe Qkin and Hood are prumpl y cured by Ru duck Blond Bit- km. 1: pumps all fun! humor: from the gym-m. imparting strength and vigor at the same time. . ' Hounwn": PILL: â€"Tha Chang" of t mL-enmuce m-djgmher frvqnvmly none-t pnum a ‘who are most cimrm of tin n- h‘ealth. and mo»! particul-r m their diet . Thru- curreclive. purifying. and gomlo upon ion! PIHI are the but nmody for all defac» n" Ic'lions of the dizo’alivo organs ; the, an ment. the uppeme. strongman th- alomach. correct buliousneu. and carry 0Q all that is noxious from the system. Holl- owny'a Pill: are composed of rare kahuna, unmixed with buser manor. and on that ac- count are peculiarly wall adlpted for file young. dplicate. and aged. As this pearl-58 medicine has gained fame in the past, so. will il preserve n in the future by its you "- valiug and invigorating qualities, and i“ in- capaci!y of doing harm. Farmers' Club Seed Show. Th! Club theuvnrljnurned. Markham; AVRORA Eu Nonnu- Furnituro,“ (At 4 Toronto Prices 7! FIFTY -( 50)â€" DOZENE ! Groceries For Holiday Season. "’ibfiorcm cowwmwmtpma GRO'CERIES 65 PROVISIONS =3! Farm I'm:an man at M m-ke‘ Prices. “Hi: MDT [‘0 lS-N‘mwll Pv Ofirs Sc Quit-k “mu: n:‘-'. On account of the Ver) limith space left us in which to do business, , wg} are oflér" ing‘ extraordinary i’alue in a'l the Departments, particularly in Bulky Goods’,'Suc‘h as Carpets; Blankets, Indies’ Cluth Mantlcs’ and _1Vlcll"s_ifiu(]l‘floysa “WNW-made Clothing. ' ' v - -. V. I We are selling Fine All Wool Blankets at $1.40, $2.70 and 33pm p‘flir‘iâ€"t-he re:gl1la'r price for the same gends injhe (‘ity is $3; $3.50, and $4. ' ~ ' " We; are selling 500. Tapestry Carpets for 35c. per yard, and $1 Carpets for 75'. per yard, also best quality Brussels Carpets, wqrth $1.50 for $1, and fine lVilton‘s, and Ax- minsters at $1.50, worth $2 25 l h ' ‘ BUILDING 2 We are also-offering Ladles’ Cloth Mamles at Fiftylperj cent, b’elmilr;i ng'g'la'r Prices, and Men’s and Boys" Cl-Otlling at HidiculouSljrfl LoWPritres. t I ‘ ~ My» '2' 1 V 5A (all will convinée' lhe”.mdst'sceptical ot the vel‘y low prldeé ‘fitlvlzliilglf‘ille fibove Goodsmfe being sold, land of the-great difficulties under which. We all: busi‘ué‘s‘s at the prescriptimg. ' v . v» . Z . - INSPECTION INVITED.- Pefley ‘83 Petley, 322222522 Pictures. and Picture Frames Of all kinds, Boots and shoes, Overshocs and Rubbers 2 Spring Styles ; English, American & Canadian make. Ch-“lcp Ten, 2" CM. per lb. Best Family F‘kmr nt Bottom Priébs. Lam], Bach mm Han ' JOHN ‘ Chroma Motto“ of :1 donignsffirnckets m'd Wall Pockets, A very fine selection of WCHEAP GOODS AT THE Jr. REYNOLDS‘ in connecfion. ‘In (Amt everything ynu now] you mm (rt ! A‘ Prion to unit overyono. A Fresh Inpply of Glul sud Crockory. Call and See Pricol. XI olefin; jug} now I vol! anon“ It“): at For CASH Only. in NOW GOING ON. FO'R A largo stock of l’. G. SAVAGE. J. BROWN. Gowns 128(01332.-Ki1ng SLEast. GRIFFIN TORNTO. ) WERE}. Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chuncery etc.. (H Adulaide street East, (opposite the Court House). Toronto. X . _ Bow/mam: 7 WM. Worms EVA-M. J as Bethune’Q C. C Moss, W C Falconbridge N W Hoylcs,’ “(Ban-wick, 'A'B Ayle‘swnrth ,W J F‘stsz TORONTO 3 VITALIZED AIR PARLWRS. ~,Wa will pay then’dove reward for any case of Liver Coumlwult Dygiyep_biu, Sick fiend-Laue, In- digestion. Uonstifmti‘r n ur Cosniveness we cannot cure with West’s Veggsmuie Liver Pills. when the directions are strictly oqmplied with. They are purely Vegetable, anduever mil to give SuDlefi/O' tion. Sugar Coated. L‘ rge Boxes, containing 30 Pills. 25 cents. "For ea 6 by all Druggiscs. Beâ€" ware of couuberfeita and imitutious. 'l‘lie gen uins mauufuczuredunly by JOHN C. WES)! (K: 00.,“The Pill Makers? 8] 5: 835 King St, East Toronto,0nt. tree trial package sent. by mail prepaid on receiut of {L d cunt stuuiu. NORTH OF SCOTLAND l‘flAMlH-ZRS. Is a.‘ 20 [([ng Street. West. Torgnto Believin the people \yill uppmcintn a. scale of low prices 01"»). Nberin'r élhsa of artificiu teeth, I have determined on rqducjng the price at least Myer cent. ' . ' Became but prices arexso lbw as to {mom wonâ€" derful when gomonrqd with'those of _’other fi ret- clnss dentists. I do nbt Wish you to, infer that my establishmemgmcqnfimd to the manufacture of sets. 1' do everything or anything that nny Toronto dentist W111 di’v, and do it on. approved modern. scientific principles. gunmntcemtz satis- faction in all cases. No pain caused by the ex-- traction of teeth“ ' v‘i ' figrgnson'.‘ Bain.£brd_ori at _ ismggggg‘ li‘cfifinefififlfiaw, irSoliéwbiaoi'n: Chanccryi Convey‘m‘me'rs, e’tc, omegaâ€"Imperial Bunk Buildings. IVellingtonâ€"straef», Torpnw Home Fanausm’v, 0.614 ; 1 x 3'63»; BAIN _ Wu SETON GORDON, 'Gno F'Snmtzi' B‘ARRIVS‘TE Rs,“&e '7 of PI. “I;ch NOX, D E N ’1‘ Al EU 1:. G-EON, ,, 15! Yum: 593., Tomlth 7 ALUM=I.:~-UM- ' u $15; ., pmifigdnom, Bethune:MuSS;'Falcmlbridgu AND 'j_,‘ndx‘m1«;s," ‘ ‘ 1,:tex'stx b x '3101‘, Y whim-fl. by as fun- fivs- dtfl‘mw We \\'i trm 'Jum'unfe A; .~ nwnt "0% I L MD nnh l)\' 'I‘. A. [E " ‘1'"3500‘fiEWARD. an a for 'I‘hurm. 1: J? (30.. F'JH )vr «9 mnTBmiu ’l‘rmat nenf. a 0 My EX 55min 7» in" ('0'! Dr. E C. ‘Vex 1 n} \"J 20UI.TBEIC ARTIFICIAL TE ON 1(HjfifiLllj’1iA'l‘lfldT) { DIREB‘I’INIS WU" BOTTLE; PRIDE 95o. g.xzm:}§t§59._; Pregnant: ‘ App-4:3 Egghhhuu‘m RHEUMTISM, ' NEURA LGIA. . CHILI LAINS, 'C'ALLOUS mums SWELLDVGS, 5111‘)? JOLYIS, (Lam, ' ., FROST‘BITE, » LAMENESS, . ,‘conxs, GONMACKONS BRUISES, LUMBAGO, ITCH‘,‘ ; DEAFNESS, 5,, PAININBACK;_ srmnvs, PAIN in SIDE, m. . Evm-y bottle guaranteed to give satisfac- tion or money refunded. . ..' (mow, ORA MP5, ASTHM4, To_stnAszs;‘ COMPLAst and AecmgN-rs which H,\,(;v.\xn'q muow 0,11. i; gumn‘ teed to cure or reueve' either in MAN 0; Bmw. 2'. w "" Healthy 1% Wealth. i) '1' .n urgu-a’ [13 R 530. R [711315 E I} um Igftfmmu m , \ 90mins, a, I 5033 1113041; 4, ' ' ~comm, fleck 19.49,. E59; 25271 icmpgbnom; - - ..m0.,; . 'fiibil'rbf 33:1: & EVL.'I"I‘. HARRIS J (.111: t ;ciul,'1‘uvclxur8. U ml smlgliug hustlers. Terms, SI nex‘ day.- leuves bkimHote] to conuecnwi 11 Twins gqi'hg-Ngrbh :Ludfiouth. u.t ‘ 1‘ Hm. mag! 7560 n m._"‘ Gimdwius Positively Rescues hue Hun-i115:,zuid is the Only Absuiute Cure for Deafness Known. This Oil is nbs‘ructed from y ecnliur species at Fmall White Shark. (much in the lelnw Sea, known as (I’chhin‘oilnn liondelutii, Evvry Chi nese fisherm m I mst it. In»: virtues us at restor- ntive 0f Deming ware dischvered by a Buddhist Priest about the your HI“. I 5 cures were no numerous and many so seemingly miracul- oui, that the ra‘nedy was officially proflnimed' over thd entire Empire. Its use became sin uni-- versal‘ than for over 300 years no Deafness has existed among shachinese peopla Sent charges prepaid. to any any uddia ssm $y a bobble For Manufacturing and other .pu‘rposesp S ock and Shun: Brokers, etc, etc. Toronto, Jam 9th, 1883 "Its virtues are unquesti mama and it: curmtive character absolute, us the writer can persvatu testify. both from experience and observation. Write at once to HAYLOCK & JENNEY, 7 Day St, New York, enclosing rip]. and y m will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to henrlike anybody else. and Whose curative effents will be permanent, Yoxi will nrver regret doing so." ~â€"Editor of Mercantile REVIEW. It has performed a. m imcld in m y case. _ _I have no unearthly noise In lixy‘ho‘u‘d and hear much better. I hxwa been grant-1y benefibod.‘ My deufneés helped a, great dealâ€"think erhott‘ie will cure me.’ My heuring in much benefited, I have received untold benfir, My bemiug is improving. It is giving good anthficlinn, anoth- Have been grew 13! befieflted, and ‘um rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. THE A PALMER. .HOUS -:-:RICHMGND HILL. .i' Palmer, ‘PI‘OE ‘This Housois one oftbe,‘ Bést' Hotels t6 he found north of 'l‘ofontn. Everything is managed. in Eig‘st Cl} ,8 thlc.‘ :Sump} Imumflqr Column" HAN]! 'EEETBAI.‘ HHTEL RECHMOND HILL. JO YIN POVV IL‘LL. Prop This Hotel lms been refnrnished, renovated. and fitted up in first-011st style, and is now '118 leading Hotel north of Toronto. The but is sup plied with first-class brand of liquors and cigars. Excellent-1 urtemmnoduiioh for Comn'ierciul Travellers, and the General Public. Good Stub!- iug and an attentive Hustler. EMS IS'TO amid loss in the Mails, piease send money by Registered Letter. Only Imported by HAYLOCK £1 JENNEY. Farm & theg‘ Property. GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY ! MPH.“ w Wu. , _. 7 . They ussxst the dxgestn'e organs, cleuu S'I'Oi‘vfiACH AND. BO_WEI.:3. increase the Renrebory powers hi the Liver, hr‘tce the nervous s 'stem. und thrinv int'o tin ‘cirmtlu- timl til-3. Erna-Ht Elements fur sustaining and rclmiriug the frauue. Onwgiw, Sore Throats. Brmm‘ni'is, MM 'IIH disdrrl .ers of the Throat and Chest. as also Gout, Rheuâ€" matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin diseases and sold. at 15,. 1441.. 2’s. 90., '5. Baum. 21mm 33:: eachBox gntl Pot, and in memm at 36 can R. 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger ‘sizes in Dronortion. Worth their ZVeight in Gold I ! Pills & Gintmefii This Tncmnpurablé Medicine has recur ed for ila-‘FH' nu impnrislmiiic fume thrnuu-hnurlhe \Vm-id fur the nilcviminn mid cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir. Rur'afy, regulate mu} finpy vc file quality 'l h-msnnfls nl phrsnns hm‘u H‘slifi!‘ hv lht-iv USI' ulmw xhv} hnlw luwn w M hl‘nllh um] sfl'mxglll. nl'h'r «very means lmd pruvml ‘ unsuoovsslnl will be found invalimblu in uvm'v Household in the cure of Open Sores, Hard me-nrs. Manufactured on'ly at Profi‘ss- or Hullmvny’x.I‘lsmhliahmvnt. 533. OXFORD , STREET ‘ LONDON. (‘M'Tlnxâ€"l have nn‘ A39”! in lhp UllilPd Stan‘s. nor ark nn' Nedicim-s Suld Iherl‘. Pin-c'nxwrs sh-Hum lhvrofm‘a‘ Innk to the label on uh» Puts and Huxés H' lha address is nm 533. Oxl'urd Street. Landau thPy are spuri us The Trade Marks of my‘said Medicines are re~ gistered 1n Ottawai and also at Washington. Signed T1 533 Oxford street, London_ H ea;- \Vh'ut the I)e:1t' Say HAD LEG-530M) \\‘()LTNI)S. .HHJN SYNI)ICA'1‘E-$- F() RBI ifll.‘ Sole Agents for America. 7 Dev St, N. Y WORM POW'DERS; > Arq plenggnt to chke.‘ Cpgtain ghoxr own Puégntix-ig. is a. safe, sure,“nud effectual leatmyeho! warms i'u CLildmn or Adulti. MORTGA it ES 0 “TA 1 X E D @m’flg. Foo Choq’s Balsam of Shark's Oil Hotels, Taverns {ind Busines’s‘ iilsf'lmiugin‘and SM! 1‘ ateuifii grhts'd‘isrosézd of '; ‘ FREEMAII’S FOR THE J. I. EVANS &'CO,' Leader Lime, Toronto. 'JVZVHOVAVIIASV 71717635. L0 WAY Jam, 5th 1831 , Wan win. MILLEE f 8am -. .1: zind xtfite‘zitive Puget ' Hus ull 'mo N u 1: ‘slifivfl' llml -|| H’s“. ml very ulher (1p. of the cleanse l' H; ah‘flj‘e'l’agon 818011 8 ’ F'plpndifl Wintvr T‘veods sellihg hf Cost; Caps, HMS, 010.. at :mhmishiug reduction. (ieuts’ Furnishings in great varietytvery low. - ‘ Theflpring will soon bwh’géfrég"filffid’fiw firge stock of Drvss'Gumi's;:Mnnlli-W‘Imh's, I Blaliké‘foFliim and other "\ intvr Goods, mun l)"t§‘Suld to mu‘ké ifme "fq‘f’fflNew Spring 51:,ck.- Choice'Bargains offered. ' ‘ ‘ " r11 ‘93; us: _..--â€"~ _â€"â€"--â€"â€"a-* â€"â€"â€"-‘ «~â€" We umke a special style of Dramas in lame qu . cepflonully lbw mte‘s. Payments mw'nnced to suit the convemunc term of years. For full particulars Write to _ a. $.,.WILE+IA_MSo nntities. and art; tlrirerrefnre able to 03 ‘1‘ them at 0x. 0 e! purchasers and spread over :1, ‘UPRIGHTAND SQUARE: Hrzssns' R. q. WILLth & Sox's Tnn'm'ro. April 12m, 1551. GHNTLEMEN â€"I have much pleasure in testi’ying tn the great exnrlfenee of yuir Pianos. I have mt chem tn the test, and find hem possessed ()i thuse qualities of tone and. tune!) so me» cuptublta to the hr 13 musician 1nd lover of (Austen 1:] Hieâ€"n on unni‘xg singin; tone, 9 Lsily yuan- MM m- u chm mosuleliuute Maui»! i no to every degr :e of loudness and unless, and a. touch which answers I'mulily to every shade of ineling. _ '» â€" _ ‘ I mm m the a instrumuu s a. 2mm; ucq'nsibion in‘ m-isi‘izd sociefiy, and am much pieas'ad at finding, 12 plnnn which I can recommend wan perfr ch confidence. , I ,G flex :1. ours ver trul , ' CHAS.W.EWING, (Of Lmdén, England,) am an ne y y y . Organist of St Peter’s Ghurch.0uhnrg, 0m: Musmw R, s \VILLIAMS & Sn 6â€" ' . - Tpnom‘o. N9v.4th, 1832. . . G NTsâ€"H mng thorougth examinvd the Workmtmslnp of y‘nplr PMLDOL I luvs uu nus”, man 111 st ting mm, in mx ogiui‘ ~11. they are eq ml to 1511059m)f¢1}y<)'h.;rso.,bhe_lpst§4 mar [thnu II) we sgen 1‘0 111 nnlv sycak in the s um 411191 bur m regxu'd‘mg c‘a nr m Hum] q: ullpws : tor (many fine i111 5mg- iim c:x;.-ubl i y uf one.g10ns mt: t0 no.1, &- ' Icu. “me share as 2mg; 6 ) JG 1ny uecessrv p0 much-mg fore-hm instruments, \y en‘uur ho‘nu eute. ) cm! produce C mh P} wont. Lula-at glne- Lulu-d lea.» cost I 'r . "I .n m hguv'rh‘n the exteu=ive axle of your mstqugnts shows tint you are meetmg wxeh the ma ~ HILL, ONT. wmmm & SW’S Axe constructed from the Very first Mnier'mls hv experienced Workman: and are Q‘Jfi')’ ¢3£,:EqL CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, rt] Fresh Supplies vfGrocerié-s; etc., at the ‘verv loxxe-st .RG .1 143 Yonze St. TOrohto. TEETI MO BJIA.L!§. l'ulhe high priced Ann-mum lnslrulnvuflg. .21. .xzmfiuxi 2' PIANOS ! pquul it. paint 1» oi" '22?) 'Dfifi’é’élfidfii I. CROSBY, GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc‘ dynamo: Agiriuzc‘h, 133T f i111} J

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